Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Farsakhfar-sack3 to 4 miles; i.e., distance laden mule walks in 1 hour.
Fatḥ-‘Alí-Sháhfat-alley-shawQájár Sháh who reigned 1798–1834. Notorious among other things for wives, concubines, and “incalculable progeny.” (PDC 68).
Fáṭimihfaw-teh-mehDaughter of Muḥammad, consort of ‘Alí, ancestress of the Báb, known among other titles as “The Chaste One” and “The Lady of Light.” To Muslims, one of the four perfect women.
Fáṭimih, Book ofWords of consolation addressed by Gabriel to Fátimih, grieving for her departed Father. Dictated to ‘Alí, this “Hidden Book of Fáṭimih” was believed by Shí‘ah Islám to be in the possession of the promised Qá’im (GPB 140)
Fatváfat-vawSentence or judgment by Muslim muftí.
FínfeenPalace near Káshán, where the minister responsible for the death-sentence of the Báb was killed by royal order.
Fírúz-Kúhfee-ruse-coohPersian town east of Ṭihrán.
Fírúz Mírzáfee-ruse-mere-sawGovernor of Shíráz in 1850.
Friend of GodAbraham.
Fuqaháfo-ka-hawMuslim jurists, sg. faqíh. Cf. Spanish alfaqui.
Futúḥát-i-Makíyyihfo-too-hot-eh-mack-ee-yehCelebrated work by Shaykh Ibnu’l-‘Arabí, containing Muḥammad’s prediction that all the Qá’im’s companions would be slain, except one who would reach the plain of ‘Akká.
Gílángie-lawnPersian province on Caspian Sea.
Great AnnouncementSee Qur’án 78:1–2, a’n-naba’u’l-‘Azím. This refers to the advent of the Day of the Lord. (SW 143).
GuardianSee Shoghi Effendi.
Gurgín Khángore-geen-conRuthless deputy governor of Iṣfáhán in the days of the Mu‘tamidu’d-Dawlih.