Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Tabríztab-reezCity in Northwest Persia, where the Báb was martyred July 9, 1850.
Ṭaffr.w. raffStands for the lands about Karbilá.
Tafsá’r-i-Hútaf-seer-eh-hooWriting of Bahá’u’lláh (‘Iráq).
Ṭághúttaw-gootAn idol mentioned in Qur’án 2:257, etc. Also the devil. Stigma wrongfully applied by Mírzá Yaḥyá to the distinguished Dayyán, whom he caused to be murdered.
Ṭáhirihtaw-hair-eh“The Pure One,” so named by the “Tongue of Glory,” noblest of her sex in, and outstanding heroine of, the Bábí Dispensation; only woman among the Letters of the Living, and the first woman suffrage martyr. Born Qazvín, 1817–1818, put to death Ṭihrán, August, 1852. (GPB 7, 33, 75; DB 628).
TájtawjTall felt headdress adopted by Bahá’u’lláh in 1863, on the day of His departure from His Most Holy House. Crown. (GPB 152).
Tajallí, pl. Tajallíyátta-jal-lee-yawtEffulgence(s), Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land).
Tákurtaw-coreVillage in the district of Núr, Mázindarán, where the stately ancestral home of Mírzá Buzurg and Bahá’u’lláh was located.
Takyihtack-yehMonastery or religious establishment. Religious theatre.
Takyiy-i-Mawláná Khálidtack-yeh-yeh-mo-lawn-
Theological seminary “of our Master, Khálid,” in a room of which Bahá’u’lláh resided in Sulaymáníyyih.
Takyiy-i-Mawlavítack-yeh-yeh-mo-la-veeSeminary of the Mawlaví dervishes.
Taqíyyihtack-ee-yehLip-denial of one’s faith, sanctioned by Shí‘ah Islám in times of peril.
(ar as in Harry)
Ornaments. Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh(Holy Land)
(ar as in Harry)
Training. Name of two Bahá’í Schools in Ṭihrán for boys and girls respectively.
(ar as in Harry)
Path of mystic wayfarer. Way.
Ta‘zíyihta...zee-yehConsolation. Muslim passion play.
Thábitsaw-betSteadfast. Name given to Thornton Chase, “the first American believer” (converted 1894), by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. (GPB 257).
Thamúdsa-moodAncient Arabian tribe, the “successors...of the ‘Ádites” (Qur’án 7:74). They moved from the country of the ‘Ádites to al-Ḥijr where they lived in habitations cut in the rocks. (Qur’án 15:80). This people hamstrung the she-camel miraculously produced as a sign of His mission by their Prophet, Ṣáliḥ, and were destroyed by a “terrible noise from heaven.” (Qur’án 54:31).