Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Amín-i-Iláhíam-meen-eh-el-awe-heeTrusted one of God; first Persian pilgrim to penetrate into ‘Akká and glimpse the imprisoned Bahá’u’lláh. (GPB 187).
Amín’l-Bayánam-een-ol-by-awnSurname of Ḥájí Sháh Muḥammad-i-Manshádí, one of the Persian believers who guarded the remains of the Báb. (GPB 274).
Amíram-eerPrince, governor, lord, commander, etc.
Amír-Nizám, Mírzá Taqí KhánAm-eer-nez-awm, mere-zaw-tackee-conGrand Vizier and “prime mover of the forces that precipitated the Báb’s martyrdom.” (DB 526). Murdered by order of Náṣiri’d-Dín Sháh.
AmríkáAmericaThe United States, visited by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in 1912. Cradle of Bahá’í Administrative Order (GPB 329; 269).
Amru’lláham-rol-láhThe Cause of God; also the Command of God.
Ámulawe-molPersian town near Caspian, where Bahá’u’lláh was bastinodoed in the presence of the assembled ‘ulamás (Nov-Dec. 1848), when He had attempted to join the besieged at Ṭabarsí. (DB 372).
Anas, Son of Malika-nass; maw-leckOne of the most prolific traditionists, from the age of ten a servant of Muḥammad.
Anísa-neessSurname of the disciple who died with the Báb; Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí
Anísáa-nee-sawTree of Life; associated with the new Covenant (GPB 238).
Anṣárann-sawr“Helpers.” Title of those Medinites who rallied around Muḥammad after His flight from Mecca to Medina; often coupled with al-Muhájirún, the emigrants, title of those Muslims who migrated from Mecca to Medina.
Áqáaw-cawMaster; title given by Bahá’u’lláh to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Also means mulla or sir.
Áqá Buzurg of Khurásánawe-caw-bo-zorg;
Badí‘ (wonderful); Bahá’u’lláh’s martyred messenger to the Sháh of Persia.
Áqá Ján-i-Khamsihawe-caw-John-eh-cam-sehColonel who carried out the execution of the Báb.
Áqá Riḍáawe-caw-rezz-aweSupporter of Bahá’u’lláh, exiled with Him all the way from Baghdad to ‘Akká.
Áqáy-i-Kalímawe-caw-yeh-cal-eemNoble brother of Bahá’u’lláh. See Mírzá Músá.