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TAGS: - Báb, The; - Bahá'u'lláh; Abraham; Afnan; Aghsan; Báb, Family of; Bahá'u'lláh, Family of; Genealogy; Interfaith dialogue; Muhammad (Prophet); Shoghi Effendi, Family of; Shoghi Effendi, Life of (documents); Zoroaster (Zarathustra)
A hand-drawn chart of Shoghi Effendi's family history.

Genealogy of Shoghi Effendi

Grover Gonzales


Note: I received this chart in two parts, which were apparently two scans of the same long original. The scans split around the middle where there's an entry for "Yazdigird III". Note there is a bit of overlap between the two images at this point. Click on the images below to see the full-size versions, as I received them. They are minimal-quality, having been saved as bitmapped (pixellated) gifs. I do not have higher-quality versions. [-J.W.]
      (...) = wives
      [...] = families or tribes

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