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December, 2000

A monthly newsletter dedicated to serving the principles of

physical and spiritual health envisioned in the Baha'i Teachings.

Volume 4, Issue #4




- Stories of 'Abdu'l-Baha
- Lifestyles and Aging
- Receiving the Gift of Health
- Tai Chi For Older People Reduces Falls, May Help Maintain Strength
- The Exchange
- Resources
- Responses from the Readers about Treating Growths and Tumors
- Baha'i Medical Association of Canada 
- Report on 4th Annual Conference
- Baha'i Conference on Health and Healing 2001
- Letters
- Question of the Month
- Website
- Purpose of the Newsletter




Lady Blomfield cited another instance of His delightful humour: 'One day after a meeting when, as usual, many people had crowded round Him, 'Abdu'l-Baha arrived home very tired. We were sad at heart that He should be so fatigued, and bewailed the many steps to be ascended to the flat. Suddenly, to our amazement, the Master ran up the stairs to the top very quickly without stopping. 'He looked down at us as we walked up after Him, saying with a bright smile, from which all traces of fatigue had vanished: "You are all very old! I am very young!"' He added, '"Through the power of Baha'u'llah all things can be done. I have just used that power.'" 
Blomfield, The Chosen Highway, p. 169)


"He used to take a walk in the park along Riverside Drive. Often He went alone, and, knowing that the friends would like to accompany Him, He said, 'I sleep on the grass. I come out of fatigue. My mind rests. But when I am not alone, surely I talk, and rest of body and mind cannot be gained.'"
(Quoted in 339 Days: 'Abdu'l-Baha's Journey in America, Allan Ward, p. 70),

The original source is "'Abdu'l-Baha in America" by Zia Bagdadi, published in Star of the West, 19, no. 6 (Sept. 1928), p 182.




By Shirlee Smith, Ontario, Canada

The number of individuals who are now surviving into old age is increasing. There is often an assumption that as people grow older, they experience poorer health and more disabilities. While research shows that older people are healthier than stereotypes suggest, it is nonetheless a fact that an overall decline in health and rise in rates of disability do accompany aging. Mobility difficulties, loss of vision and/or hearing late in life will tax an individual's ability to cope with day to day tasks that are usually taken for granted. It is a challenge that some will meet head on and that others will struggle with.

The World Health Organization (1981) uses the notion of "handicap" to refer to a situation where an individual with a disability is disadvantaged relative to others in society. According to their definition, an individual experiences a handicap when he or she is prevented, as a result of a disability, from fulfilling the roles that would be considered normal for someone of comparable age and gender in that society.

Adopting a "Positive Lifestyle" can help us to develop and maintain our physical and spiritual well-being as we grow older. 

How might one define a "Positive Lifestyle?" What are some of the elements?


This is a flexible term, which is used in many ways. It is used here to include our religious beliefs, practices and activity, time spent alone, being with nature, meditating, praying and reflecting. 

"All is in the hands of God, and without Him there can be no health in us!"

('Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p.19)

"When a man turns his face to God he finds sunshine everywhere." 
(‘Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 15)

"Happy the days that have been consecrated to the remembrance of God, and blessed the hours which have been spent in praise of Him Who is the All-Wise." 
( Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 138)


Are there people you like to be with? Is there, at least, one person that knows enough and cares enough to respond to what you want to say? Is there someone with whom you can have a conversation and walk away feeling better? Can they also count on you to be there for them?

"Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship." 
(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p.14)

"Treat all thy friends and relatives, even strangers, with a spirit of utmost love and kindliness" 
(‘Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i National Review, July 1982, No. 120, p.3)


To what extent are you utilizing community resources to expand your life? This includes work, community service and being out and about in the world around you. Do you attend community events? Keep in touch with people? Doing work as a volunteer or as a paid employee adds to your well being.

"Think ye at all times of rendering some service to every member of the human race." (‘Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha, p.3)

"…when occupied with work one is less likely to dwell on the unpleasant aspects of life." (Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p.175)


Evaluate your use of leisure time. It is easy to drift into sitting alone, watching television, overeating, not exercising and reading uninteresting materials. Consider hobbies, art, music, creativity and other satisfying activities. There is no question that exposing oneself to a new experience is the most important pathway to a steady growth of lifestyle. Have you learned any new skills recently?

"It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One." 
(Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 175)


Some energy should be directed to keeping fit. Attention to diet and nutrition is essential. Get some exercise on a regular basis. Are you learning what you need to know to work with your illness or disability for independent living? Are you learning techniques to deal with stress? Are you doing all you need to do to stay fit?

"Think not of your own limitations, dwell only on the welfare of the Kingdom of Glory." ('Abdu'l-Baha. Paris Talks, p.166)

Growing older does not have to mean loss of independence. If one has a disability, it does not have to mean that the quality of life is reduced. It can mean change and challenge. Independence is based upon the ability to make choices and information about alternatives. Family, friends and professional caregivers must be careful not to take the right of choice from older adults who may be experiencing sensory or physical disabilities.

"Be fair to yourselves and to others, that the evidences of justice may be revealed, through your deeds, among Our faithful servants." 
(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 278)




By Bill and Phoebe Anne Lemmon, Quebec, Canada

“Although ill health is one of the unavoidable conditions of man, truly it is hard to bear. The bounty of good health is the greatest of all gifts.”
('Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, #132, p. 151)


As we age we can certainly understand and agree with these two statements (see above) of ‘Abdu’l-Baha . We live one day, one moment at a time, scarcely noticing the passing years until that morning when we roll out of bed instead of bouncing out with energy and our body says, “I don’t care what you want to do; I’ve been around for 60 (or 50 or 70) years and I’m slowing down”. Unless we’ve been motivated to do so earlier in life - and hopefully we have been by something other than illness - this is the time to listen to our body, be kind to it, and work with it.

Today’s environment is not conducive to maintaining or achieving good health. We really have to work at being healthy! This takes expenditures of time, energy, and money. How do we justify such expenditures when the needs of the Faith are so great? ‘Abdu’l-Baha tells us, “Make ye then a mighty effort ... that for purity, immaculacy, refinement, and the preservation of health, they (Baha’is) shall be leaders in the vanguard of those who know.”
(Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, #129, p. 150) From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, October 25, 1949, quoted in Lights of Guidance, we learn that “The Baha’is ... must guard against utterly depleting their forces and having breakdowns”. We are, then, encouraged to look after our health.

Although we are instructed to consult a competent physician when we are ill, there are four important aspects of preventive care that we can handle ourselves. You can remember them as RREN - Rest, Recreation, Exercise, and Nutrition.
* Rest: Listen to your body for this one. You’ll soon be able to recognize its messages. Don’t wait for the collapse that will surely come if you ignore early signs. Even on a busy day, try to take at least fifteen minutes to lie on your back with your feet elevated. The blood-flow reversal does wonders! 
* Recreation: This is rest for the brain, so choose something that is a refreshing change from routine, a real re-creation. That could be anything from a good book to a round of golf. 
* Exercise: No, not the round of golf again. Exercise should be purposeful, disciplined, regular. Brisk walking is the original do-it-yourself exercise and heads the list. The cost is a pair of good walking shoes; the benefits are bestowed on the entire body. Two excellent forms of class exercises for seniors are tai chi and stretching. 
* Nutrition: Last but most important. If we are feeding our body impure food, it won’t run any better than an automobile with impure gasoline. The extra dollars we spend for food that is as natural as possible come back to us in reduced medical bills. Read labels and remember the current nutritional advice: cut down on meat and dairy, increase fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Receiving the gift of good health is well worth the effort required for change. In this passage from Baha’i World Faith, p. 176, ‘Abdu’l-Baha gives us further incentive: “If thou are desirous of health, wish thou health for serving the Kingdom. I hope thou mayest attain a perfect insight, an inflexible resolution, a complete health and spiritual and physical strength in order that thou mayest drink from the fountain of eternal life and be assisted by the spirit of divine confirmation.”





Submitted by Bill and Phoebe Anne Lemmon (Taken from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) website: The NIA, part of the National Institutes of Health, leads the Federal effort conducting and supporting research on the aging process and the diseases and disabilities that accompany advancing age. The Institute's program focuses on biomedical, clinical, and social and behavioral research, and supports the Claude D. Pepper Older American Independence Centers at medical centres across the U.S., whose research is aimed at maintaining healthy function well into old age.)

Tai Chi, a martial arts form that enhances balance and body awareness through slow, graceful, and precise body movements, can significantly cut the risk of falls among older people and may be beneficial in maintaining gains made by people age 70 and older who undergo other types of balance and strength training. The news comes in two reports appearing in the May 1996 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

The two studies are the first involving Tai Chi to be reported by scientists in a special frailty reduction program sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

In the first study, Steven L. Wolf, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga., found that older people taking part in a 15-week Tai Chi program reduced their risk of falling by 47.5 percent. A second study, by Leslie Wolfson, M.D., and  colleagues at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, found that several interventions to improve balance and strength among older people were effective. These improvements, particularly in strength, were preserved over a 6-month period while participants did Tai Chi exercises. 

The projects are among several in the NIA's Frailty and Injuries:
Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques, or FICSIT, initiative, launched in 1990 to improve physical function in old age.

Research from these and other FICSIT trials has demonstrated the benefits of strength training for older people and the value and cost-effectiveness of targeted, fall prevention programs for the elderly. It is estimated that each year falls are responsible for costs of over $12 billion in the U.S., and the costs due to physical frailty are much higher. 

The news on Tai Chi is a reminder that relatively "low tech" approaches should not be overlooked in the search for ways to prevent disability and maintain physical performance in late life. "The FICSIT studies have shown that a range of techniques, from the most sophisticated medical interventions to more 'low tech' methods, can help older people avoid frailty and falling," says Chhanda Dutta, Ph.D., Director of Musculoskeletal Research in the NIA's Geriatrics Program. "We must make sure that we look at every approach, especially relatively inexpensive ones like Tai Chi," says Dutta. "People can do this at home and with friends once they have had the proper training...."





What kind of lifestyles are healthy for seniors? Many seniors develop hearing, visual and mobility limitations and what coping skills can be learned? How can we be sensitive to their needs and to assist them in appropriate ways? Also, this is a special time for seniors to be grandparents and how can family members develop a loving relationship with them?


I am 68 and now fully retired. My hearing started to decline many years ago. The doctor told me it would get worse as I got older and it has. His advice was to confront the issue and let people know so they can help. I am very independent and do not like to be singled out. It was strange to be presented with this problem. But it really wasn't fair to all of my friends to let them think I was being aloof or didn't want to be around them. Some of them did not realize my problem. The doctor helped me to learn to lip read which helped until people turned away from me. It was a miserable situation at times. So I is my right to attend Feasts and my right to attend functions so there was no choice. Gradually, I told each person who would turn away that I could not hear them unless I could see them. Although I joked about it, their help was priceless. They will never know how much they helped me to deal with my hearing loss. After a while just about every one was careful not to cover their mouth or turn away. At Feasts, the Feast Letter was passed to me while the tape was playing. Everyone seemed to do this automatically as if this was an everyday happening. Volumes were turned up just a bit and just about everyone including the children made sure I understood what was going on. The children were particularly good at this in ways that were so much more mature for their ages. 

When I moved to my new community in Princeton, West Virgina, U.S., the response was equally pleasant. Because my hearing was poor, I sometimes talked over the other person. (I was not aware they were talking until it was too late) They understood and did not make a thing of it.

I now wear hearing aids and although I hear much better there are still times when I misinterpret what is being said. Yet, I have never felt left out or misunderstood. I know they repeat things ever so gently if it is important.

- Dolores Kalisty, West Virgina, U.S.A





Practical Lipreading and Communication Exercises for Everyone The Canadian Hearing  Society - Peel Region, Ontario, Canada produced a publication 'Lipreading Naturally', 1993, written by Shirlee Smith and Frances Mezei. The book is written for people with hearing losses, family members, friends and professionals. It contains a series of exercises in what amounts to a course in coping with hearing loss in everyday situations while improving speechreading and communication skills. An introduction provides clear communication rules for group facilitators and speechreaders (lipreaders), plus excellent guidelines on how to start a self-help group. The exercises are grouped into seven categories and include such topics as relationships, family involvement, personal support systems and daily interaction situations. Each lesson has a game or quiz material for group discussion. The complete 143-page publication with pre-and post-tests, notes and bibliography can be used for class study, seminars/workshops or individual lesson plans.

Retail Price: Canada: $16.00 including GST+ $5.00 postage and handling charges (Cdn Funds)
United States: $11.95 + $5.00 shipping (U.S. Funds)
Other countries: $14.95 + shipping (U.S. Funds)
It is available through: The Canadian Hearing Society, Peel Regional Office, 2227 South Millway, Suite 300, Mississauga, ON L5L 3R6, e-mail:



Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc, is a volunteer, international organization of hard of hearing people, their relatives and friends. SHHH publication "Hearing Loss: The Journal of Self Help for Hard of Hearing People" is full of information on the latest assistive listening technology, research, what's going on in the local chapters and at a national level, and articles about how you can live well with hearing loss. An annual conference is organized each year. To become a member of SHHH, you can write to: Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc. 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200, Bethesda, Maryland, 20814, United States. You can visit their website:



The services are available to those individuals whose handicaps prevent them from using normal print so this could apply to others than those who have a visual handicap. They provide materials in braille, large print and on cassette tape. They maintain a lending library (for US & Canadian residents only) of the braille and tapes. They also make available on tape the issues of 'The American Baha'i' -- United States newspaper. Bill Peary, who is the secretary of Baha'i Service for the Blind, advises that you contact them first to see if the tapes or materials already exist before doing them yourself. For more information and assistance, you can contact Bill Peary at:



The Service for the Visually Impaired Committee (SVIC) is a committee appointed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom and is here to help anyone with a visual impairment who is already a Baha'i or interested in learning more about the Baha'i Faith. 

The services offered by the SVIC are as follows:

* Baha'i books and other literature in braille
* Baha'i books and other literature on tape
* The UK Baha'i Journal on tape and on-line
* Liaison services for the friends for all their concerns relating to their
   visual impairment and Baha'i activities.

Please visit their website at for full details.

For more information about visual impairment, what services and equipment are available, please contact the Royal National Institute for the Blind's website at:

To contact the SVIC, please email Robin Christopherson at:





I have a growth (non-malignant tumor) inside my skull on the nerve going to my ear. It is not inside the brain but if it grows can affect the brain. Is there anyone who has successfully treated this condition without surgery? For the time being, I have decided against surgery, but would appreciate any helpful suggestions anyone might have. 
- Anonymous


I would like to offer a suggestion to the anonymous person asking for assistance with the non-malignant tumor on the nerve to their ear. I am a chiropractic student in Lombard, Illinois. There is a doctor, nearby that I, myself, go to that has had success with reducing tumors and cancers non invasively. He primarily uses acupuncture. Please pass this e-mail on to our friend requesting assistance, and I would be more than happy to give them his information. Karen Bent - email: 
- Karen Bent, Illinois, U.S.A


I recently read an article in the Harvard Magazine (latest issue) which explains a new technique for treatment of tumors without conventional surgery. The article explains that Doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have developed a way to use an MRI machine to not only diagnose, but to treat. It is bloodless surgery, not invasive. I don't fully understand it but I think they can see the exact parameters of the tumor and send energy to heat the tumor - and destroy it - without affecting any healthy tissue. Perhaps this person could contact Brigham and Women's Hospital, refer to the magazine article and get some information. This is very new - and requires a herculean team approach, because it is so complex, but very encouraging for those facing conventional surgery. 
- Carol Rutstein, U.S.A


In response to - anonymous - regarding a growth (non-malignant tumor) inside on the nerve going to the ear. This describes an acoustic neuroma. I had such a tumor in 1992 on the right side. It was discovered because I complained about my hearing. It was removed surgically in May 1992, both doctors telling me as it grows it could endanger my brain. The only negative result of this surgery is that I am totally deaf in my right ear, but they told me that would happen before the surgery. This person is welcome to contact me if they have other questions. But, I would highly recommend the "Acoustic Neuroma Association" website as well. The address is The best thing about having this surgery was the response of the Baha'is in the community. I was out of work for 8 weeks and in the beginning a different Baha'i came over with food or prepared my dinner and visited me. I think the love and prayers of the Baha'is had a lot to do with the  healing process. 
- Irene Bush, New York, U.S.A - email:


The article that I am submitting is a testimonial that was written up in a newsletter entitled "ESSENTIAL OILS ONLINE" in June 2000,

Lung Cancer Healed

15 months ago, my wife, Linda, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The x-ray showed a near lemon-size tumor with tufts of finger-like growths extending all around the tumor located in the upper right lobe of the lung. To make certain the growth wasn't a fungus, her surgeon ordered a blood test, which came back negative as a fungus. Doctors were then 98% certain the tumor was malignant.

Linda was then scheduled for lung surgery the following week. Her surgeon told us he would remove the upper half of her right lung and that of her lymph glands. I remember we drove home scared to death of what was happening. We were confident the surgeon could do his job okay, but had serious doubts about Linda not catching a lethal staph infection while recovering in the ICU.

Staph infections are common occurrences in ICU's, and have proved lethal for many people recovering from surgery. When we shared this concern with our surgeon, he told us the odds of Linda's recovery were 50/50. This was not acceptable.

We are both believers and have faith that God heals, so we immediately gave her cancer over to Him for healing. We prayed fervently with conviction, and applied a blend of healing oils known as Raven over her chest and upper back. We also used other oils, but Raven was the oil Linda wanted, so we followed her intuition staying with the Raven blend.

Within a day or two, we called the surgeon's office to decline the surgery. Needless to say, the surgeon's nurse did all she could to persuade us to re-consider. Two months after the first x-ray was taken to the day, Linda had another chest x-ray taken. To the doctor's amazement, the tumor had shrunk to the size of a walnut, He was dumbfounded, because he said, "This doesn't happen."

We continued in prayer and anointing with Raven. Two months later, another x-ray revealed the tumor had shrunk to the size of a pea. The entire floor of the clinic, housing many doctor's and their staff, by now had heard of  the "miracle girl", as they called her. One nurse wept openly as she hugged Linda. No one in this clinic had ever heard of a lung tumor going into remission without medical intervention.

Today, March 22, 2000, a new x-ray showed no visible sign of the tumor, her lungs are absolutely clear. Linda's surgeon, who never operated on her, told us this is the first time he had ever witnessed such a healing. He could not give any medical reason for what his eyes clearly told him had happened. He just kept looking at all her x-rays and shaking his head as in disbelief. 

We give God praise, for we owe Linda's life to His love and will to heal her. We also attribute the therapeutic potion of the Raven blend of healing oil. Not only did it have a direct effect on the cancer, it allowed Linda to breathe much easier. Used together as a healing modality, we believe prayer and healing oils are without equal. 

Linda's healing from lung cancer is a matter of pictorial, tested and written record. Her medical records, including the x-rays, are on file at Rockford Health Clinic in Rockford, Illinois. Her doctors are Dr. Rogers, Dr. Mellies and Dr. William Sacksteder, her would be surgeon, who I am certain must be sharing Linda's story with his Fellows this day. Written by Jim Lynn

Raven is a blend of oils containing Ravensara, Birch, Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint and other proprietary blends of essential oils. 
- Submitted by Diana Tufts, U.S.A


A year ago, I had a lump in my breast almost one inch in diameter. I refused any medical treatment even taking a single pill and I always research on natural medications like herbs and eat natural foods that would help heal the cause of my illness. This idea is being inspired by the Baha'i Teachings where it was mentioned: "When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fruits, and vegetables..." (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions. pp. 266-8). Also, it was said: "... our natural diet is that which grows out of the ground. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of this natural food." 
(Abdu'l-Baha: Ten Days in the Light of Akka, 1979 ed, pp. 8-9).

As for my lump, I heard that raw vegetarian food can cure cancer, diabetes, and virtually every disease. One time, I went to a health store and saw an ad about a seminar on a Raw Food Diet. I attended the seminar and right after that I started the journey to a healthy diet, the Living Vegetarian Food, which has the enzymes and life force that would energize and enliven every cells in the body. After two months on raw food, I checked my breast and the lump was about half the size. Then, after four months, it was totally gone. 

I've been on this diet (95% raw) for a year now and I feel good with bursting energy and mental clarity. However, for those who want to start this diet, they should do some research and preparation as there is the so called symptoms of the healing process. There are several books and websites that could be of help. Please e-mail me if you need some assistance:
- Gilda Laroya, Nevada, U.S.A.



Editor's note: The following Baha'i Writings supports the concept of developing new form of treatments, new doctors and that medical science is progressing. In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 18 December 1945, the Guardian says "Baha'u'llah has recommended that people seek the help and advice of experts and doctors; He does not say which school they should belong to." In another reference he stated " Every day medical  science is progressing, and it is quite possible that some new form of treatment or some new doctor may be able to get you on your feet. He will certainly pray that this may be so", from letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 24 February 1952.





By Meryl Cook, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Recently I had the privilege to attend the 4th annual conference of the Canadian Baha'i Medical Association in Toronto, Canada. As a Bowen practitioner and third year student of homeopathy, it was very exciting to take part in a forum connecting my faith to my profession.

The conference was called an Evidence and Scripture-Based Conference on Health, and included sessions on: Inspirations; Bridging the Old and the New; Perfecting and Preserving the Art of Medicine, Nutrition, as well as the keynote speaker Dr. Michael Penn who gave an eloquent talk entitled "Mind, Medicine and Metaphysics: A Union of Science and the Sacred, of the Contingent and the Eternal", which traced the evolution in thinking about the relationship between the mind, body and the soul, up to and including Abdu'l-Baha's comments on this matter.

I was impressed with the incorporation of the arts into the devotions and the presentations. I was also greatly uplifted by the continuous reference to the Baha'i Writings as they applied to each topic discussed. Many speakers touched on the purpose of physical health, which is to allow the soul to express itself (health as a means to an end, not a goal in itself), and on the relationships between spiritual health and physical health. One of the speakers reminded us that the Baha'i Teachings have provided us with the gift of a clear definition of the role of physicians, as well as a universal code of moral and ethical values. Also emphasized was the opportunity we as physicians and other health professionals have in bringing the spirit of the Faith and our expertise to humanity, including underserviced populations in our own country, as well as overseas. 

The conference was attended by allopathic physicians from many specialties, as well as by Baha'is in the fields of naturopathy, nursing, homeopathy, holistic health and psychotherapy. As well, there were several individuals with an interest in the health professions. I look forward to further opportunities to work with Baha'is from all of the health disciplines, using the Baha'i Writings as our point of unity.




You are invited to attend the 2nd annual Baha'i Health and Healing Conference at Desert Rose Baha'i Institute, February 9-11, 2001. At last year's conference, 30+ participants shared from a variety of healthcare disciplines and from our experience applying Baha'i teachings on health. The 200l conference promises more sharing, more learning, and more public outreach. If you want further information as it becomes available, or you'd like to be a presenter, or wish to register, please contact us. 


Talks, presentations, and workshops from Baha'i health practitioners from various disciplines, who have implemented Baha'i teachings on health and healing

Kenneth Proefrock, N.D. (confirmed speaker)
Bill Saunders, M.D. and Judy Petersen, N.D. (tentative speakers)
Health Fair -- of diverse healing practices, open to the public, Sunday afternoon
Riaz & Bronwyn Castillo, Jin Shin Jyutsu (confirmed Health Fair service)

Where: Desert Rose Baha'i Institute, Eloy, AZ -- midway between Phoenix and Tucson

Cost: $40 conference fee, plus meals. Choices offered include foods mentioned in Baha'i teachings on nutrition

For more information, please contact one of the following:
BCHH, Desert Rose Baha'i Institute, 5688 Tweedy Rd, Eloy, AZ 8523l-9611
Hannah Rishel, 520-524-2095, email:
Randy Robinson, 480-461-1255




November's Newsletter is so absolutely wonderful. I can't thank you enough. So many topics that are so pertinent at this time were addressed. The articles about marriage and relationships are so timely for all of us and gives me so much insight and guidance on how to maintain a healthy relationship. The love and support of all of us must be obvious in our communities for those who are dealing with some of the addiction issues. Love  and acceptance is a large factor in their healing and we must be sensitive to these problems and get out of the judge's seat. Love is the greatest healer of all. When I became a Baha'i 30 years ago I brought with me all the disorders of a crumbling society. The love and acceptance of the Baha'i community which I was born into saved my soul and nurtured me to spiritual health. Let's all do the same for every afflicted soul we encounter in our wonderful, glorious faith. 
- Anonymous


I just have to tell you that this is an excellent newsletter and it is very inspiring when I receive it! I am greatly appreciative concerning the tact and wisdom about the articles presented concerning issues I have read about. The Baha'i community has needed such a newsletter in a very long time. Do you have an article that deals with the Baha'i standards on dress? I would be interested and could use such an article for a project. 
- Ruby Edgar

(Editor's note: If anyone has an article on this subject, it would be good to hear from you.)




The January issue will focus on the subject of healing of racism. Does the principle of the oneness of humankind have a role to play in healing racism? If so, how? What, if any, is the relationship of the principle of the oneness and wholeness of the human family to concept of unity in diversity? What contribution can these two make toward healing racism in human communities at the individual, institutional and societal levels?




You can visit the website, obtain back issues and the Healing Through Unity Course at:




"Healing Through Unity" is published for the purpose of sharing thoughts, comments and experiences on how the teachings of the Baha'i Faith are being applied to physical and spiritual health. Other than the quoted Holy Writings, the material in this newsletter represents the thoughts and opinions of the writers and has no authority. You are free to copy articles, provided you indicate the source of the article. There are 10 issues per year; it is not published during July and August. The newsletter is produced in Ontario, Canada. 

Please send your stories, comments, suggestions or "Question for the Month" ideas to Frances Mezei by e-mail: -- .


Many thanks to all of you who sent such wonderful contributions for "Healing Through Unity" Newsletter. The decision to select and edit material submitted for publication is determined by the editor. If you have a change of e-mail address, please inform me with your old and new email address. To cancel the subscription, please inform me.

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