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Tablet of the Bell (Lawh-i-Naqus)

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Title of item
Tablet of the Bell (Lawh-i-Naqus)
Parent publication   Rituals in Babism and Bahá'ísm
Editor, translator, etc.  
Denis MacEoin, trans
Publisher of this ed.
London: British Academic Press
Date of this edition 1994
Date of first ed.
Permission translator
Posted 1999 by Jonah Winters
Formatted 1998 by Juan Cole
Classified in Provisional translations
Abstract Translation of a tablet written in Istanbul in fall, 1863 in honor of the Bab's birthday. Also known as Subhánáka-Yá-Hú, or "Praised be Thou, O He!"
Notes Text from A di'a, pp. 141-53; Ayyam-i tis'a, pp. 100-6.
Tags Days of Remembrance (book); Lawh-i-Naqus (Tablet of the Bell)
Cross-referencesSee also autorized translation in Days of Remembrance (2017), and Tablet of the Bell (Khan and Gail), and Tablet of the Bell (Lambden).
Page views 16422 hits since 1999
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
Phelps inventoryPartial Inventory catalog ID no: BH00759, see
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2022-07-01 08:54 EDT. See previous versions [].

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