1898 c. 20 Dec 189- |
The second group of Western pilgrims arrived in `Akká, and stayed three days before returning to Cairo to resume their plan for a six-week trip up the Nile which began soon after New Year's Day. [BFA1:145]
Included in this group were Phoebe Hearst, Amalie Bachrodt, Mrs Thornburg and possibly Robert Turner.
The Hearst group arrived incognito and in the dark to protect her reputation and that of her son . In spite of these precautions the authorities became aware that visitors had come to see the Prisoner of Akka and limitations upon Him were increased. [BFA1:145]
This group remained for three days and were back in Cairo for Christmas. [BFA1p145] |
Pilgrimage; First pilgrims; Pilgrims; Phoebe Hearst; Amalie Bachrodt; Thornburg, Mrs; Robert Turner; Akka, Israel |