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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 10

The Bab

1. Bab. Der Bab: Kleine Auswahl aus Seinen Schriften (The Bab, a short selection from his writings). Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1980.

2. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi ]. Mukhtasari az dasturat-i Bayan (A summary of the laws of the Bayan). Tehran: n.d.

3. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi] [as Seyye`d Ali Mohgammed dit le Bab]. Le Livre de Sept Preuves de la Mission du Bab. Translated by A.-L.-M. Nicolas. Paris: J. Maisonneuve, 1902. French Trans. of the Dala'il-i sab'a (item x)

4. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi] [On title page: Nuqta-yi Ula jalla sha'nuhu]. Dala'il-i sab'a ('Arabi  wa Farsi ). n.p. [Iran]: [Azali Community of Iran], n.d. Two late works of the Bab, both written during his captivity in Adharbayjan (see MacEoin Survey The Persian work, although relatively short, is of considerable importance in providing a reasoned justification of the prophet's developed claims. It includes numerous interesting references to what are deemed prophetic texts foretelling his appearance.

5. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi] [on title page: Seyye`d Ali Mohammed dit le Bab]. Le Beyan arabe. Le livre sacre du Babysme. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1905. French trans. of al-Bayan al-'Arabi (item x).

6. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi] [Title-page reads: Nuqta-yi Ula] and Aqa Sayyid Husayn Yazdi . Qismati  az alwah-i khatt-i Nuqta-yi Ula wa Aqa Sayyid Husayn-i Katib. [Iran]: [Privately published by the Azali Babis], n.d. A valuable compilation of 20 letters and other pieces written by the Bab and his chief secretary, Sayyid Husayn Yazdi . The printed texts are accompanied by facsimiles of the autograph originals. A useful introduction gives summaries of the contents of each item. Several talismanic devices (hayakil and dawa'ir) are included.

7. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi] [Title-page reads: Seyyed Ali Mohammed dit le Bab]. Le Beyan Persan. Translated by A.-L.-M. Nicolas. Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner, 1911-1914. An annotated translation of the central Babi text (see item xx). Nicolas' version is surprisingly accurate, frequently serving as a useful commentary on the original.

8. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. "'Ketab-e`-Hukkam (Le Livre des Preceptes)'." In appendix to Gobineau, Religions et philosophies dans l'Asie Centrale [item XX], For other eds. see Gobineau, Religions et philosophies [item XX] ed., Vol. Paris: Perrin, 1865. Ostensibly an independent work by the Bab, this is, in fact, merely a poor translation of the Bayan al-'Arabi  (minus the eleventh and last section), preceded by a letter of the Bab's to Mulla 'Abd al-Kari m Qazvi ni .

9. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. A Compilation of Passages from the Writings of the Bab. Also 1980, [Manila, Philippines], BPT of the Philippines ed., ed. comp. Universal House of Justice. New Delhi: BPT, 1980. Collins, 2.5-6

10. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Bayan-i Farsi  [Title-page reads: Inna 'l-bayan mi zan min 'inda 'llah ila yawmi man yuzhiruhu 'llah. Man ittaba'ahu nur wa man yanharifu 'anhu nar: The Bayan shall be a balance on God's part until the day of him whom God shall manifest. Whoso follows him is a light, whoso abandons him is a fire.]. n.p. [Iran]: [Azali Community of Iran], n.d. [1946?], 328, 16 pp.

11. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Bayan-i Farsi. The central book of the Babi canon (see MacEoin, Survey, pp.xx-xx). Divided into nine sections (out of an intended nineteen), it covers a wide range of legal and ritual rulings, and expounds the Bab's mature philosophy in depth. The style is difficult, the thought processes often opaque; but the originality of some of the ideas fully compensates for the effort needed. A faithful French translation exists (item xxx). The present text is based on a wide range of MSS.

12. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Ed. Muhammad 'Abd al-Kari m Isfahani  Na'i m. Nati jat al-Bayan. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 105 B.E./1947-48. A tendentiously-arranged collection of passages from the Persian Bayan compiled by a leading Bahá'í poet and missionary for the purpose of demonstrating how the Bab foretold the appearance of Baha' Allah.

13. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Inspiring the Heart, London, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1981, 200 pp.

14. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Lawh-i haykal al-din (see under Bayan-i 'Arabi).

15. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. O My Beloved Friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day. n.p. [United States]: n.d. [197-].Collins 2.6a The so-called 'Address to the Letters of the Living' (see item x)

16. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Selections from the Writings of the Bab. Reprinted 1978; corrected lightweight ed. (with index), 1982, vii, 235 pp.; German trans. as Der Bab: Eine Auswahl aus Seinen Schriften, 1991, Hofheim-Langenhain, Bahá'í-Verlag ed., Translated by Habib Taherzadeh and 'a Committee'. ed. comp. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice. Haifa, Israel: Bahá'í World Centre, 1976. Collins 2.7-8. A selective and generally unrepresentative compilation of writings by the Bab, designed to promote the Bahá'í interpretation of Babi doctrine. The style, perversely, is modelled strongly on that used by Shoghi Effendi for translations of works by Baha' Allah. Sources are not provided for excerpts translated in the last two sections. The original texts have been published in a single volume, Muntakhabat-i ayat (item x).

17. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. Some Prayers of the Bab. n.p. [London]: Bahá'í Education Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the UK, n.d. [1981?].Collins 2.9

18. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. The Bab's Address to the Letters of the Living. Also as The Bab's Instructions to the Letters of the Living, 1944, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee; reprinted 1949, 1953 (4 pp.); n.d. [196-?] Wilmette, Ill., BPT, 6 pp. also n.p., n.d.; also as O My Beloved Friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day (item x) ed., Translated by Shoghi Effendi. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, n.d. [193-]. Collins 2.1-4 The text of an address supposedly delivered by the Bab to his chief disciples. In fact, the only source for this sermon is the history of Nabil-i Zarandi [The Dawn-Breakers, Section x, item XXX, pp. ]; no Persian or Arabic original is known to exist, nor is the style consistent with the Bab's work of that period.

19. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [No name on title page]. Bayan-i 'Arabi  [= alBayan al-'Arabi ] with the Lawh-i Haykal al-Di n. n.p. [Iran]: [Azali Community of Iran], n.d.The shorter of the two Bayans, the other being in Persian (item xxx) (see MacEoin, Survey, pp.xx-xx). Less substantial than its Persian equivalent, this is essentially a highly-compressed summary of Babi law. The text is followed by a facsimile of the original in the Bab's hand. This ed. is followed by a similar Arabic work, the Haykal al-di n and a commentary (tafsi r) on two verses of the latter. Another published text of the Arabic Bayan may be found in item XXXX.

20. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [On title page: Hadrat-i Nuqta-yi Ula]. Muntakhabat-i ayat az athar-i Hadrat-i Nuqta-yi Ula. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 134 B.E./1977-78. The original texts used as the basis for the English compilation Selections from the Writings of the Bab (Section x, item x). Unfortunately, this edition is no more helpful about the provenance of texts than the English version. The Arabic texts are unpointed.

21. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [On title page: Nuqta-yi Ula jalla sha'nuhu]. [Kitab-i] panj sh'an: qismat-i Farsi . n.p. [Iran]: [Azali community of Iran], n.d.-b. The twelve Persian sections of the Bab's predominantly Arabic work, the Kitab-i panj sha'n (item 183).

22. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [On title page: Nuqta-yi Ula]. Sahi fa-yi 'adliyya. n.p. [Iran]: [Azali Community of Iran], n.d. The first substantial Persian-language work of the Bab (see MacEoin, Survey, pp. xx-xx). Although divided into five chapters, the development of ideas is random. As a summary of the Bab's thought at a very early stage, when his links with Islam were still dominant, this is invaluable.

23. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [On title-page: Hadrat-i Nuqta-yi Ula]. Majmu'a-yi munajat. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 126 B.E.1969-70. A collection of 32 Arabic prayers of the Bab. No details of provenance are given.

24. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [On title-page: Nuqta-yi Ula jalla sha'nuhu]. [Kitab-i] panj sha'n. n.p. [Iran]: [Azali community of Iran], n.d.-a. An important late work of the Bab's, written in captivity in Adharbayjan, the Panj sha'n provides a developed picture of his mature thought, particularly with regard to the nature of religious revelation.

25. Bab, The, [Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi]. [Title-page has: Nuqta-yi Ula] and [Mi rza Yahya Nuri ] Subh-i Azal. Majmu'a'i  az athar-i Nuqta-yi Ula wa Subh-i Azal. n.p. [Iran]: [Azali Community of Iran], n.d. Although his name is given first, works of the Bab figure only marginally in this collection. The majority of items are prayers of visitation (ziyaratnama) and general devotional pieces. The first item is a pentagram (haykal) reproduced from the Bab's hand.

26. Bouvat, L. "Review of Nicolas' translation of Le Beyan persan, vols. 2-4 (item x)." Revue du Monde Musulman (Paris) 27 (1914): 439-441.

27. Bush, Richard C. "Review of Selections from the Writings of the Bab." New York Review of Books and Religion (New York) 2 (9 May 1978): Collins 2.7.

28. Huart, Clement. "Review of Nicolas' translation of Le Beyan arabe (item x)." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 53 (1906): 384-92.

29. Huart, Clement. "Review of Nicolas' translation of Le Beyan persan, vol. 1 (item x)." Journal Asiatique (Paris) 2 (11e`me serie 1913): 697-99.

30. Huart, Clement. "Review of Nicolas' translation of Le Beyan persan, vols. 2-4 (item x)." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 71 (1915): 275-277.

31. Lawson, B. Todd. "'Interpretation as Revelation: The Qur'an Commentary of Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad Shi razi, the Bab (1819-1850)'." In [check], ed. Andrew Rippin.

32. Loisy, Alfred. "Review of Nicolas' translation of Le Beyan persan, vol. 1 (item x)." Revue d'Histoire et de Litterature Religieuses (Paris) 3 (1912): 484.

33. Na'i m, [Mi rza Muhammad Sidihi Isfahani ] (comp.). Nati jat al-Bayan fi man yuzhiruhu 'llah (The result of the Bayan, concerning him whom God shall manifest). Tehran: 1332/1913-14. A compilation of writings of the Bab concerning the appearance of the next prophet, understood by Bahá'ís to be Baha' Allah.

34. Wilson, Samuel Graham. "'The Bayan of the Bab'." Princeton Theological Review (Princeton, N. J.) 13 (4 Oct. 1915): 633-54.11.1102 Review of Nicolas' French translation of the Bayan-i-Farsi  (item xx).

35. Zwemer, Samuel M. "Review of A. L. M. Nicolas (trans.), Le Beyan Persan (item xx)." The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.) 2 (2 Apr. 1912): 202.11.1127.

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