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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 13

Bahá'í History (Listings)

1. "'In the Hands of the Hands'." Time (New York) 70 (24 9 Dec. 1957): 87-88.11.523 Brief account of events in the movement following the death of Shoghi Effendi.

2. "'The Bahai Movement'." The Inquirer and Christian Life (4588 7 June 1938): 275-6. Collins 11.116.

3. "'An American Babist and Her Fate'." Current Literature (London) 31 (July 1901): 105-106.11.47 Check details.

4. "'Babism in New York'." The Missionary Review of the World (Princeton, N.J.) 29 (May 1906): 391.11.63.

5. "'Babism in Persia'." The Missionary Review of the World (Princeton, N. J.) 11 n.s. (1898): 55.11.64

6. 'Ghilan' [Nicolas, A.-L.-M.]. "'Abdoul-Beha et la situation'." Revue du Monde Musulman (Paris) 14 (1912): 357-63.Translation of an article from the Persian journal Fikr, containing letters supposedly exchanged between 'Abbas Effendi and Mirza Ghaffar Zanuzi, relating to the current political situation in Iran.

7. "'Miss Farmer and Greenacre'." The Open Court (Chicago) 29 (Sept. 1915): 572.11.698 For much fuller accounts of the relationship between Farmer and Greenacre, see items xx etc.

8. "'Tempest in a Temple'." Newsweek (New York) 45 (June 6, 1955): 50.11.988

9. "'The Bahá'í Dispensation: The Coming of the Son of Man'." The Super-Man 3 (5 June 1922): 62.Collins 11.83b.

10. "'The Phenomenal Spread of Bahaism'." Current Literature (USA) 51 (September, 1911): 298-300.

11. "'Towards Spiritual Unity: An Interview with Abdul Baha: Dialogue Between Abbas Effendi and Rev. R. J. Campbell, M.A.'." The Christian Commonwealth (London) 31 (1561 Sept. 13, 1911): 849-50.11.1012.

12. Eighty Golden Years: the Bahá'í Faith in Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, NSA of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian Islands, 1981, 20 pp.

13. ???? Bahá'u'lláh and the Holy Bible. Kingston, Jamaica: ????

14. ???? Understanding the Bible. Kingston, Jamaica: ?????

15. ?????? Christ's Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies. 13. Roswell, NM: Mother Bahá'í Council of the United States, 1979. A publication of the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith (Remeyites).

16. Alexander, Agnes Baldwin. History of the Bahá'í Faith in Japan 1914-1938. Japan: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1977. An account of Bahá'ísm in Japan until just before World War II, written by an early American convert and later 'Hand of the Cause'. Agnes Alexander (1875-1971) introduced the movement to Japan in 1914 from Hawaii, and made her own base there until 1938, when the present account ends. (For details of the author, see Bahá'í World, Vol.15 (item xx), pp.423-30.) c/r area studies.

17. Armstrong-Ingram, R. Jackson. "'American Bahá'í Women and the Education of Girls in Tehran, 1909-1934'." In In Iran, ed. Peter Smith. 181-210. 3. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1986. A short study of the missionary, medical and educational work of four American Bahá'í women, Dr. Susan Moody (d.1934), Elizabeth Stewart (d.1926), Dr. Sarah Clock, and Lillian Kappes, who worked with the Bahá'í community in Tehran from 1909 to the mid-1920s. The article, based on the author's doctoral work, utilizes much manuscript material from the US National Bahá'í Archives. Thin on analysis.

18. Assad'Ullah, Mirza. Explanations Concerning Sacred Mysteries. 159. Translated by Dr. Fareed. Chicago: Behais Supply and Publishing Board, 1902. Collins 7.70 Something on Assadullah Cover title: Sacred Mysteries.

19. Assad'Ullah, Mirza. Instructions Concerning Genesis and the Mystery of Baptism. 32. Translated by Alla [sic] Khuli [sic] Khan [i.e. Ali Kuli Khan]. n.p. [Chicago?]: n.d. [190-]-a. Collins 7.72.

20. Assad'Ullah, Mirza. The Mystery of Baptism. 4. n.p. [Chicago?]: n.d. [190-]-b.Collins 7.73.

21. Backwell, Richard. The Christianity of Jesus. Reprinted 1973, Peterhead, Scotland, Volturna Press; 1977, Hythe Kent, Volturna Press ed., 128. Portlaw, Ireland: Volturna Press, 1972. Collins 7.101-3. An intelligent presentation of what Jesus (as distinct from the Christian churches) may have taught, informed by Bahá'í theory and culminating in the announcement of the Bab and Baha' Allah as the fulfillment of Gospel prophecies.

22. Bahá'í References to Bible Verses. 24. n.p. [USA]: National [Bahá'í] Reference Library Committee, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.385.

23. Bahá'í Teachings Concerning Christ. n.p. [USA]: Outline Bureau of the National [Bahá'í] Teaching Committee, 1928-1929. Bjorling 217 Mimeographed.

24. Bahá'ísm and Christianity

25. Bahá'u'lláh and the Holy Bible. 31. Kingston, Jamaica: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Jamaica, n.d. [1980]. Collins 7.498.

26. Beckwith, Francis J. (I984). Bahá'ísm: A Presentation and Critique of Its Theological Tenets and Apologetic Use of the Christian Scriptures. M.A., Simon Greenleaf School of Law. vii, 126 p. and The intent is to critique Bahá'í missionary efforts among Christians from an evangelical viewpoint. The conclusions are based on a priori theological assumptions that the Bahá'í religion is inferior. :13.10.

27. Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Today. 14. Roswell, NM: Mother Bahá'í Council of the United States, 1979. A publication of the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith (Remeyites). The text reiterates standard Bahá'í arguments on the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

28. Bowes, Eric. Great Themes of Life. Reissued as The New Gospel (item x) ed., xii, 83. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1958.

29. Bowes, Eric. The Gospels and the Christs. Mona Vale, NSW: Australia Bahá'í Publication, 1988.

30. Bowes, Eric. The New Gospel: Good News for Christians. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, New edition of Great Themes of Life.

31. Bramson, Loni. (1980). The Bahá'í Faith and Its Evolution in the United States and Canada from 1922 to 1936. Ph.D., Universite Catholique de Louvain. v, 430 p. and as well as Shoghi Effendi's establishment as Guardian and his acceptance by the Bahá'í community. This will be followed by a discussion of the major points of doctrine synthesized by Shoghi Effendi that played a role in the evolution of the Bahá'í communi '. . . The state of the pre-Guardian American community will be briefly sketched. :13.16. c/r Area Studies.

32. Bramson-Lerche, Loni. "'Some Aspects of the Development of the Bahá'í Administrative Order in America, 1922-1936'." In Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History (section x, item xx), ed. M. Momen. 255-300, 321-24. 1. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1982. A useful article somewhat marred by a historicist tendency that sees crises as part of a a broad, progressive development guided by Shoghi Effendi. What analysis there is tends to be internalist rather than strictly academic in approach.

33. Braun, Eunice. From Strength to Strength: The First Half Century of the Formative Age of the Bahá'í Era. Reissued Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1978; also published in The Bahá'í World, vol.16 (section x, item xx), pp.63-100. ed., Bombay: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1978. An internalist history of the movement from the death of 'Abd al-Baha' in 1921 to the early years of the Universal House of Justice, with an emphasis on the development of institutions and 'teaching plans'.

34. Brittingham, Isabella D. The Proof of the Manifestation of God in Baha'Ullah, from the Prophecies of Jesus Christ. 5 leaves. n.p. [U.S.A.]: Brittingham, 1904. Collins 7.586.

35. Brown, Vinson. The Incredible Paradox/La Nekredebla Paradokso. 64. Happy Camp: Naturegraph,

36. Brown, Vinson. Tracking the Glorious Lord. 128. Happy Camp, Cal.: Naturegraph, On science and religion and Biblical prophecy.

37. Browne, E. G. "'The Assassination of Nasiru'd-DÈån Shah'." New Review (London) 14 (June 1896): 651-9.Argues that the assassin of Nasir al-Din Shah was not a Babi.

38. Browne, E. G. Daily News (London) (12 May 1896): 5. Letter pointing out that the assassin of Nasir al-Din Shah was not a Babi.

39. Browne, E. G. The Times (London) (6 May 1896): 4. Letter pointing out that the assassin of Nasir al-Din Shah was not a Babi.

40. Cali, Grace. "'Paul Tillich's Concept of Revelation in Relation to the Bahá'í Faith'." The Journal of Faith and Thought 3 (2 Fall 1985): 3-11.Collins 11.245.

41. Campbell, E.S. The Books of God Are Open. 1953, 24 pp. ed., 13 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1950. Collins 7.609-10.

42. Chase, Thornton. Before Abraham Was I Am. Reissued n.d. [1912?], n.p. [British Isles?], 12 pp. as Extract from a Letter ; and n.d. [195-?], Toronto, Ont., Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 10 pp., as The Reality of the Return of Christ ed., 16. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1902 [i.e. 1903]. Collins 7.631, 631a, 632.

43. Cheney, Elizabeth H. Prophecy Fulfilled. Numerous reprints: after 1955 by Bahá'í Publishing Trust (21, 22, and 23 pp.); reprinted n.d. [1978?], n.p. [Rarotonga, Cook Islands], [National (Bahá'í) Teaching Committee of the Cook Islands, 11 pp. ed., 32. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1944.Collins 7.637-9.

44. Cole , Juan R. "'Bahau'llah and the NaqshbandÈå Sufis in Iraq, 1854-1856'." In From Iran East and West, ed. J.R. Cole and Moojan Momen. 1-28. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. A study of relations between Baha' Allah and groups of Muslim mystics during his two-year sojourn in Kurdistan. Much of the text is devoted to an analysis of Baha' Allah's important mystical poem of the period, al-Qasida al-warqa'iyya (for original text, see section x, item xx; for translation, see section x, item xx). Many useful points are made, but there is perhaps a tendency to read back into the poem much of Baha' Allah's later claims.

45. Cole, Juan R. and Moojan Momen. From Iran East and West. Vol. 2. Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. Although part of a series ostensibly devoted to both Babi and Bahá'í history, this volume is taken up entirely with articles on Bahá'ísm. There is one piece on episodes in the life of Baha' Allah, two on Bahá'ísm in 19th-century Iran, two on the United States, and one on modern India. For details, see items xx, xxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx.

46. Collins, William P. "'Kenosha, 1893-1912: History of an Early Bahá'í Community in the United States'." In Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History (section x, item xx), ed. M. Momen. 225-53, 320-21. 1. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1982. A short but well-researched article detailing the early missionary activities of Ibrahim Kheirallah, the first Christian attacks on Bahá'ísm in the US, the effect of Kheirallah's rift with 'Abd al-Baha', and the latter's visit to Kenosha in 1912.

47. Collins, William P. "'Thoughts on the Mormon Scriptures: An Outsider's View of the Inspiration of Joseph Smith'." Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 15 (3 Autumn 1982): 49-59. Collins 11.282.

48. Collins, William P. 'Ye are the Angels': the History of the Kenosha Wisconsin Bahá'í Community, 1977, Madison, Wis., Collins, i, 39 leaves, [13] leaves of ill.

49. Cowan, Frances. Headlines and prophecies. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990.

50. Crist, Mrs Gene. Prophecy. [9] leaves. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: [Bahá'í National Reference Library Committee?], n.d. [196-?].Collins 7.779.

51. Crist, Mrs Gene. The Return of Christ. 9 leaves. n.p. [U.S.A.]: n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.780.

52. Dawn of a New Age: An Illustrated History of the Bahá'í Faith. Rev. ed. ed., Suva, Fiji: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1981. A popular illustrated history derived from an earlier film strip entitled Out of God's Eternal Ocean.

53. Dealy, Paul Kingston. The Dawn of Knowledge and the Most Great Peace. 2nd. ed., n.d. [between 1903 and 1908], n.p. [New York?], [Bahai Board of Counsel?], iv, 58 pp.; 3rd. ed., 1908, Chicago, Bahai Publishing Society, 60 pp. ed., 40. New York: Bahai Board of Counsel, 1903. Collins 7.804. An introduction to Bahá'ísm in relation to biblical prophecy.

54. Dodge, Arthur Pillsbury. Whence? Why? Whither? Man! Things! Other Things! 269. Westwood, Mass.: The Ariel Press, G. E. Littlefield, 1907.Collins 7.821.

55. Edwards, John. Christ Has Returned. [8]. Arfon, Wales: Audio Visual Centre of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Arfon, n.d. [1983?]. Collins 7.838.

56. Edwards, John. Seek and Ye Shall Find: A Bahá'í View of the Return of Christ. [12]. Poole, England: Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Poole, n.d. [1980?]. Collins 7.839.

57. Egea MartÈånez, Emilio. La Gran promesa (The great promise). Reissued, 1972, Tarrasa, Editorial Bahá'í de Espana, 129 pp. ed., 88. [Madrid]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Spain, 125 B.E./1968-69.

58. Entzminger, Albert P. The Manifestation. Reprinted c. 1937, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee; reissued as Manifestation, Not Incarnation: The Reality of Christ, 1968, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 21 pp; 1974, 19 pp.; reissued as The Reality of Christ, n.d. [1980], Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 19 pp. ed., 32. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1937.Collins 7.847-50.

59. Erlandson, Seth. "'How Bahá'í Interprets the Bible and the Last Times'." The Discerner 10 (12 Oct./Dec. 1982): 10-12.Collins 11.373/Bjorling 835.

60. Faizi, A[bu'l]. Q[asim]. From Adrianople to 'Akka. London: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, n.d. [1969]. A short account of Baha' Allah's exile from Adrianople (Edirne) to 'Akka (Acre), transcribed from a talk given by Faizi (a Hand of the Cause) at a Bahá'í conference held in Palermo in August 1968.

61. Finke, Olga. The Chief Shepherd. 92. Lakemont, Ga.: Tarnhelm Press, 1973. Collins 7.967 Discusses the fulfillment of Christian prophecy in the appearance of Baha' Allah.

62. Food for Thinking Christians. 11. Washington, D.C.: Bahai Assembly [of Washington], n.d. [191-].Collins 7.980.

63. Ford, Mary Hanford. "'The Bahai Movement: Baha Ollah's Exile and Stay in Akka'." The Prompter (New York) (Dec. 1920): 213-14.11.400.

64. Further references. "Lorri MacGregor, The BF & Christianity, Collins 7.1482 parts 3 and 4." :

65. Garlington, William. "'Bahá'í Conversions in Malwa, Central India'." In From Iran East and West, ed. Juan R. Cole and Moojan Momen. 157-85, 196-98. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. A short but useful summary of research carried out by Garlington for his doctoral thesis (item xx; see also items xxx and xxxx) on an area of some importance in modern Indian Bahá'í history. The article summarizes early conversion attempts in India before detailing the mass conversions of the 1960s and later. Garlington's analysis of these conversions is somewhat weak but contains interesting and potentially controversial features. Move to area studies.

66. Garlington, William. "'The Bahá'í Faith in India: An Historical Overview'." Bahá'í News (March and April 1975): The first attempt to write a researched history of Bahá'ísm in this region. The author completed a doctoral study of Bahá'ísm in one part of India in the same year (item xx).Move to area studies

67. Garlington, William. "'The Bahá'í Faith in Malwa'." In Religion in South Asia, ed. G.A. Oddie. 101-117. New Delhi: Manohar, 1977. The first of two short articles summarizing the author's field work in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh (see also items xx and xxx, and see item xxxx), where mass conversions to Bahá'ísm took place from the early 1960s. Move to area studies.

68. Garlington, William. "The Bahá'í Faith in Malwa: The Study of a Contemporary Religious Movement." Ph. D., Australian National University, Canberra, 1975. One of two doctoral dissertations (see also item xx) completed in the same year on the theme of masss conversions to Bahá'ísm in a region of India from the early 1960s. Move to area studies.

69. Garrigues, Steven. "The Bahá'í Faith in Malwa: Identity and Change Among the Urban Bahá'í of Central India." Ph.D., University of Lucknow, 1975. Not to be confused with Garlington's thesis of almost the same title and the same year (item xx), this is also a study of the movement in a mass conversion area. Move to area studies

70. Ghadirian, A.M. "'Count Leo Tolstoy and his Appreciation of the Bahá'í Faith'." In The Bahá'í Faith in Russia: Two Early Instances, 5. Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1979. One of a number of pieces written to show how highly Tolstoy thought of the movement. Leaves his more critical judgements unnoted. (see also items xx, xxx).

71. Gordon, T. Crouther. "'Bahaism and Christianity'." Expository Times (Apr. 1927): 325-28.Collins 11.439.

72. Green Acre on the Piscataqua: a Centennial Celebration, Eliot, Maine, Green Acre Bahá'í School Council, 1991, xii, 132 pp.

73. Hall, E.T. Meditations of a Bahai Christian. Manchester, U.K.: C. E. Bennet and Company, 1912. Collins 7.1124.

74. Hanna, Nabil. Bible Proofs: A Fireside Aid for Teaching Christians. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1988, xii, 161 pp. c/r prozelytization

75. Harris, W. Hooper. Lessons on the Beha Revelation. 67. Bayonne, N.J.: Charles E. Sprague, n.d. [1901]. Collins 7.1136. An early introductory book using material from Christian prophecy.

76. Have They Been Fulfilled? [4]. New York: David, n.d. [190-]-a.Collins 7.1145.

77. Heard, Geoffrey N. The Kingdom Comes. 19. Lae, Papua New Guinea: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Papua New Guinea, n.d. [1975?].Collins 7.1152.

78. Hebrew Assembly of Bahais. Translation of a Letter Written by the Hebrew Assembly of Bahais in Tehran, Persia to the House of Spirituality, Chicago, Ill. for the Perusal of All American Friends. Also published as 'Translation of a Letter from Israelitish Assembly of Bahá'ís of Tihran, Persia', The Bahá'í World, vol. 2 (1928), pp. 275-279, and in later eds. ed., [6]. New York: Bahai Board of Counsel, n.d. [1904?].Collins 7.1154 The 'Hebrew Assembly' was a separate body made up of Jewish converts. This letter deals mainly with Biblical prophecy foretelling the advent of the Bahá'í religion.

79. Herrick, Elizabeth. "'The Bahai Dispensation and the Coming of the Kingdom of God'." The Super-Man 3 (3 Apr. 1922): 31-32.Collins 11.485

80. Historical Records Survey (New Jersey). Inventory of the Church Archives of New Jersey: Bahá'í Assemblies. Newark, N. J.: Historical Records Survey, 1940. Collins 7.1176.

81. Hollinger, Richard (ed.). Community Histories. Studies in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press.

82. Hollinger, Richard. "'Ibrahim George Kheiralla and the Bahá'í Faith In America'." In From Iran East and West, ed. J.R. Cole and M. Momen. 95-133. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. The first detailed study of the role and activities of Kheirallah, the first Bahá'í missionary in the US, up to and including his historic split with 'Abd al-Baha'. Hollinger's article provides much fresh material, mainly from published sources, but is weak on analysis. c/r biography

83. Jasion, Jan. "'"A.J." and the Introduction of the Bahá'í Faith into Poland'." In Three Studies on Bahá'í History, 4. Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1978.

84. Jeffery, Arthur. "Review of Sydney Sprague, Geschichte der Behai-Bewegung." The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.) 13 (1 Jan. 1923): 107.11. 5 Review of German translation of Sprague's The Story of the Bahai Movement (item x).

85. Kahn, Sandra Santolucito. (1977). Encounter of Two Myths: Bahá'í and Christian in the Rural American South - A Study in Transmythicization. Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara. 465 p. and Pannikar's term referring to the meeting of two "myths" The problem addressed is that of ' "transmythicization", resulting in a third, new myth. The two myths in this case are the Bahá'í and Southern Christian myths'. 1Abstractl. :13.33.

86. Kern, Margaret. The Rustle of His Robe: A Vision of the New Day. 94. Akron, Ohio: Sun Publishing Co., 1901.Collins 7.1361.

87. Lane, Byron S. A Key to the Important Things in the Bible. 87. Kenosha, Wis.: B. S. Lane, 1900. Collins 7.1380.

88. Lauchner, Aden J. Development of the Springfield Bahá'í Community: 1919-1963, [Springfield, Ill.?], privately published, 1991, 30, 271, 36 pp. c/r area studies

89. Lee, A[nthony]. A. "'The Rise of the Bahá'í Community of Ishqabad'." In The Bahá'í Faith in Russia: Two Early Instances, 5. Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1979. A short account of the first important Bahá'í community outside Iran. Established in the late Czarist period by Iranian Bahá'ís, the Ishqabad (Ashkhabad) community became large and prosperous, with a large degree of religious freedom. The first Bahá'í temple was built there, but the community went into terminal decline after the Russian revolution.

90. Letters to Christians. 15. Toronto, Ont.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, n.d. [between 1957 and 1963].Collins 7.1397.

91. Loeppert, Theodor A. Die Fortentwicklung der Babi-Bahá'í im Westen (The development of the Babi-Bahá'ís in the West), Wurzburg, K. Trilsch, 1933, v, 146 pp. Inaugural dissertation, Leipzig University.

92. MacEoin, Denis. A People Apart: The Bahá'í Community of Iran in the Twentieth Century. Occasional Paper 4, London: Centre of Near and Middle East Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, April/July 1989. An attempt to provide explanations for the unpopularity of Bahá'ísm in contemporary Iran by examining the development of the community there from the late 19th century. Draws on similar issues to the author's earlier 'The Bahá'ís of Iran: The Roots of Controversy' (section x, item xx). Move to area studies, & c/r persecutions

93. Martin, Douglas. "'The Bahá'ís of Iran under the Pahlavi Regime, 1921-1979'." Middle East Focus (Toronto) 4 (6 March 1982): 7-17.c/r area studies.

94. Martin, Douglas. "'The Missionary as Historian'." In Three Studies on Bahá'í History, 4. Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1978. A study of the anti-Bahá'í writing of Wm. McE. Miller (see also item xx).

95. Mash, S. David (1985). An Examination of Bahá'í Christology. M.Th., Dallas Theological Seminary. 100 p. and 'Examines the teachings of the Bahá'í religion with respect to the person and work of Jesus Christ for the purpose of appraising Bahá'í Christology according to the criteria of. 13.40.

96. Masson, Jean. "'The Bahá'í Revelation: Its Western Advance'." The American Review of Reviews 39 (February, 1909): 214-16.A very brief account of the spread of Bahá'ísm in the West.

97. Mazzaoui, Michel M. "Review of David Ruhe, Door of Hope (item xx)." Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven, Conn.) 105 (2 1985): 360-62.7.2317.

98. Mehrabkhani, R. Las Noches naviden~as. Reissued as Noches naviden~as, 1969, Madrid, Editorial Bahá'í, 126 pp.; 2nd. ed., 1971, Madrid, Tarrasa, Editorial Bahá'í ed., 18, 28. [Madrid]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Spain, n.d. [196-].

99. Miller, William McElwee. "Review of Vail, The Glorious Kingdom of the Father Foretold (item xxx)." The Moslem World 31 (1 Jan. 1941): 90-91.Collins 7.2646.

100. Moffett, Ruth. New Keys to the Book of Revelation. 2nd. ed., 1980, xxi, 199 pp. ed., 199. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1977.Collins 7.1578.

101. Morris, Bruce B. 'A Comparative Study of Certain Doctrinal Beliefs of the Bahá'í Faith and Lutheran Christianity', M. Div. thesis, 1981, Concordia Theological Seminary, 76 leaves.

102. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia, National Teaching Committee. The Bahá'í Faith and Christendom. 7. n.p. [Sydney]: National Teaching Committee of the Bahá'ís of Australia, 1963.Collins 7.1646.

103. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Bahá'í Literature for More Effective Teaching Among Christians. [3]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, 1957. Collins 7.1850.

104. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. The Bahá'í Revelation and Christendom. [4]. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, 1959. Collins 7.1853.

105. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Virgin Islands. The Wine of Astonishment: A Study Course on Christian Doctrines. 12 leaves. n.p. [Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Virgin Islands, n.d. [1985]. Collins 7.1987.

106. Nicolas, A.-L.-M. "'Le Club de la fraternite'." Revue du Monde Musulman (Paris) 13 (1911): 180-84.Translation of an article by Atrpet in an Armenian periodical, denying the supposed role of the Bahá'ís in the Iranian constitutional revolution.

107. Outline Bureau of the [US] National Bahá'í Teaching Committee. Outlines of Study of Christ. [USA]: Listed BW IV, p. 291.

108. Pellegrino, R. A. Bahá'u'lláh and the Holy Bible. 13. End Times/Open Book; Series 1, St. Vincent: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'í's [sic] of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, n.d. [1985]. Collins 7.2105.

109. Pemebrton-Pigott, Andrew. The Bahá'í Faith in Alberta, 1942-1992: the Ethic of Dispersion, Ottawa, Ont., National Library of Canada, 1993.

110. Penfold, Saxby Vouler. Mrs Eddy's Successor: An Analysis of the Causes of the Discovery of Christian Science with an Authentic Forecast of the Future of the Christian Science Movement. 17. New Canaan, Conn.: New Canaan Publications, 1938. Collins 7.2106 The author sees Christian Science fulfilled in Bahá'ísm.

111. Perry, Mark Lloyd. 'The Chicago Bahá'í Community, 1921-1939', Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1986, vi, 387 leaves. c/r area studies.

112. Power to Renew the World: A Challenge to Christians. 24. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1965. Collins 7.2136.

113. Pritam Singh. "'The Rise of the Bahá'í Faith in Iran'." The Visva-Bharati Quarterly (Calcutta) (Feb. 1939): 333-38.11.824.

114. Prophecies, Signs of the Coming of the 'Son of Man'. 4. New York: David, n.d. [190-]-b. Collins 7.2159.

115. Pucelik, T. M. "Review of Stockman, The Bahá'í Faith in America (item xx)." Choice (Middletown, Conn.) 23 (4 Dec. 1985): 619.7.2479.

116. Return of Christ, The. 23. Suva, Fiji: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1978. Collins 7.2280.

117. "Review of Stockman, The Bahá'í Faith in America (item xx)." The Christian Century (Chicago) (Sept. 25, 1985): 843.7.2479.

118. Richardson, Robert P. "'The Rise and Fall of the Parliament of Religion at Greenacre'." The Open Court (USA) 46 (3 March, 1931): 129-66. An extremely interesting and important article chronicling the development of the 'Parliament of Religions' concept after the Columbian Exposition of 1892, showing how Sarah Farmer's Green Acre school (and Farmer) herself were gradually taken over by the Bahá'í organization.

119. Riggs, Robert F. The Apocalypse Unsealed. xvi, 312. New York: Philosophical Library, 1981. Collins 7.2293 A study of the Book of Revelation as prophetic of Bahá'ísm, with contributions from a variety of occult disciplines.

120. Root , Martha L. Bahá'í Letter about India and Burma. Calcutta: The Rangoon Standard Press, n.d.A short (20pp.) early account of Bahá'ísm in this region. c/r area studies.

121. Ruhe, David S. Door of Hope. A Century of the Bahá'í Faith in the Holy Land. 1st. Rev. ed., Oxford, George Ronald, 1986 ed., Oxford: George Ronald, 1983. A well-researched and finely-illustrated survey of events relating to Bahá'ísm in Palestine/Israel. Three principal areas are covered: Acre, the Acre region, and Haifa. In spite of the title, the text concentrates on the periods of Bah' Allah and 'Abd al-Baha', but also includes passsing references to events after 1968. c/r area studies 7.2317.

122. Sacy, Gabriel. Du Regne de Dieu et de le'Agneau connu sous le nom de Babysme [Concerning the reign of God and the Lamb, known under the name of Babism]. 35. Cairo: Sacy, June 12 1902. An interpretation of Biblical prophecies, chiefly from Daniel and Revelation, in support of the claims of Babism and Bahá'ísm. The author, a Syrian Christian, died not long after, on 21 March 1903. For some details, see Browne, Materials (section x, item x), pp. 185-6.

123. Samandari Jensen, Mehri. "'Religion and Family Planning in Contemporary Iran'." In In Iran, ed. Peter Smith. 213-37. 3. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1986. A paper based on the author's doctoral dissertation (item xx) and on field-work carried out in Iran in the early 1970s. The study, which analyses Bahá'í attitudes to family issues, utilizes intreview material drawn from four Bahá'í locations in northern Iran, one rural, one semiurban, and two urban. The study concludes that Iranian Bahá'ís are better educated than their Muslim counterparts. c/r area studies

124. Savitt, George. The Bible Revisited: Collected Essays. Happy Camp, CA.: Naturegraph Press, 1990, 199 pp. Made up of pieces originally published in the Miami Times.

125. Schaefer, Jur. U. Die Bahá'í Religion im Spiegel Christlicher Betrachtung [The Bahá'í religion in the mirror of Christian contemplation]. Mimeograph ed., [Germany]: [before 1954].BW XIII, p. 1071.

126. Sears, William. Prince of Peace. 336. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publshing Trust, 1987 (?). Mainly on the prophecy of Isaiah supposedly concerning the birth of Christ.

127. Sears, William. Study Course on Prophecies Fulfilled by the Coming of Bahá'u'lláh. Palm Springs, Calif.: Sears, 1971. Script to accompany tape recordings. 1971.7.2372.

128. Sears, William. The Prisoner and the Kings. Toronto, Ont.: General Publishing Company, Ltd., 1971. 240 p. LC card 72--184434. A dramatic and popular recounting of Bahá'u'lláh's proclamation of his mission to the kings and leaders of his day and the results of their unwillingness to heed. 1971.7.2367.

129. Sears, William. The Prisoner and the Kings. Toronto: General Publishing Co. Ltd., 1971. A popular account by an American 'Hand of the Cause', detailing Baha' Allah's letters to various kings and rulers in the late 1860s.

130. Sears, William. The Wine of Astonishment. Numerous reprints ed., 194. London (later, Oxford): George Ronald, 1963. Collins 7.2376 A popular exposition of the Bahá'í interpretation of Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, resurrection, baptism, etc.

131. Sears, William. Thief in the Night. Several reprints; Reissued 1976, Oxford, George Ronald; 1st. hardback ed. 1980 ed., xiv, 304. Talisman Books No.5, London: George Ronald, 1961. Collins 7.2373-5 A very popular exposition of the fulfilment of (mainly) Biblical prophecy in the advents of the Bab and Baha' Allah.

132. Sharpe, G. Coverdale. "'The Bahai Movement -- Where Unitarians Are at One with It: For a Better Understanding'." Inquirer & Christian Life (4584 May 10, 1930): 222-23.Collins 11.912a.

133. Smith, Peter. "'Reality Magazine: Editorship and Ownership of an American Bahá'í Periodical'." In From Iran and West (item x), ed. Juan Ricardo Cole and Moojan Momen. 135-55, 194-96. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. A useful summary of a periodical initially (1919-22) under Bahá'í control, then for a short period (1923-26) carrying articles critical of the emerging Bahá'í administration, and finally (1926-29) as a general magazine. Smith intelligently relates the material appearing in the journal to central issues in early American Bahá'ísm (e.g. metaphysical esotericism, and social reconstruction. Includes details of H.G. Dyar (d.1929), Reality's editor.

134. Smith, Peter. "'The American Bahá'í Community, 1894-1917: A Preliminary Survey'." In Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History (section x, item xx), ed. Moojan Momen. 85-223, 310-320. 1. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1982. A lengthy and well-researched article detailing and analysing the history of Bahá'ísm in the United States from the beginnings to the Chicago Reading Room affair (which led to an important split in the community). Smith's sociological expertise makes this an indispensable contribution to western Bahá'í history. It is thankfully free of hagiography and covers several topics previously regarded as taboo. The bibliography is useful.

135. Some Notes on Bahá'í Proofs Based on the Bible. Reprinted 1963, Kampala, Uganda, Bahá'í Publishing Trust of the Bahá'ís of Central and East Africa, 16 pp; 1966, Bahá'í Publishing Trust of Uganda and Central Africa; n.d. [1977?], Bangalore, India, Bahá'í Centre, 47 pp. ed., 12. n.p.: n.d. [196-?].Collins 7.2436-39.

136. Sours, Michael W. A Study of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the Christians. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, c/r commentaries

137. Sours, Michael W. The Prophecies of Jesus. Oxford: Oneworld Publications,

138. Sours, Michael W. Understanding Christian Beliefs: Preparing for a Bahá'í/Christian Dialogue. Vol. 2. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, Vol. 1 as 'Understanding Biblical Evidence'.

139. Sours, Michael W. Understanding Christian Evidence: Preparing for a Bahá'í/Christian Dialogue. Vol. 1. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, Vol. 2 as 'Understanding Christian Beliefs'.

140. Stephens, Kenneth D. So Great a Cause. Naturegraph.

141. Stephens, Kenneth D. So Great a Cause: A Surprising New Look at the Latter Day Saints. 215. Healdsburg, Calif.: Naturegraph Publishers, 1973. Collins 7.2475 The author argues for Bahá'ísm as the fulfillment of Mormon prophecy, supported by Biblical and Mormon texts.

142. Stileman, Charles Harvey. "'A Week with the Babis'." The Church Missionary Intelligencer (London) (July 1893): 512-16.11.964.

143. Stiles, Susan. "'Early Zoroastrian Conversions to the Bahá'í Faith in Yazd, Iran'." In From Iran East and West (item x), ed. J.R. Cole and M. Momen. 67-93. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. A pioneering study of conversions to Bahá'ísm in one of the two principal centres of Zoroastrianism in Iran, between 1880 and 1921. Zoroastrian Bahá'ís represent the first major examples of non-Muslim entry to the movement, and the circumstances of their conversion (set here against wider developments in the Zoroastrian community) are of considerable sociological significance.

144. Stockman, Robert H. 'The Bahá'í Faith and American Protestantism', Th.D., Harvard, 1990, 306 leaves.

145. Stockman, Robert H. The Bahá'í Faith in America. Origins 1892-1900. Vol. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1985. An intelligent and well-researched semi-official history of the early years of Bahá'ísm in the United States. The sources include numerous unpublished letters and archival materials, including collections in the US National Bahá'í Archives at Wilmette, the Washington DC Bahá'í archives, the Phoebe Hearst papers at the University of California, and the Portland, Oregon Bahá'í archives. Illustrated and well annotated.

146. Story of Ridvan, The. n.p. [Port-of-Spain: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Trinidad and Tobago],[7] p. n.d. [1981].7.2485.

147. Summary of Bahá'í History. Anchorage, Alaska: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Alaska, 1980.

148. Taherzadeh, Adib. The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (vols 1-4, see section x, item xx).

149. Taherzadeh, Habib. The Coming of the Lord. 26. Porto Alegre, Brazil: 1967. Collins 7.2526.

150. Tai-Seale, Thomas. Thy Kingdom Come. A Biblical Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1993. A study of Biblical prophecy, intended to demonstrate that the Bible foretells the coming of Muhammad, the Bab, and Baha' Allah.

151. Tammik, Heidi. "'Green Acre Bahá'í School: A History of an Eliot, Maine Tradition'." Showcase: Foster's Weekly Feature Magazine (Dover, N. H.) (Apr. 20, 1984): 2-4, 20.11.983 On Green Acre, see also

152. "The Third Reich and the Bahá'ís'." AJR Information (London) (Jan. 1984): 3.11.1001.

153. Three Studies on Bahá'í History. Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith, 1978. 43 p. (Bahá'í Essays on the writings of William McE. Miller (inveterate opponent of the Bahá'ís), introduction of the Bahá'í Faith into Poland, and Auguste Forel. 1978.7 2559.

154. Townshend, George. Christ and Bahá'u'lláh. 1966, Wilmette, Ill.; rev. ed., 1966, London, George Ronald (Talisman Books 11); reprinted 1971, Oxford, George Ronald; rev. Talisman ed., 1976; rev. ed., 1977, Oxford, George Ronald; reprinted 134 B.E. [1977-78], n.p. [Missoula, Mont.]. This Stone with Seven Eyes ed., 116. London: George Ronald, 1957. Collins 7.2571-77 An important presentation of this topic by a former Church of Ireland canon.

155. Townshend, George. I'tinaq Mari Malika Rumaniya al-diyana al-Bahá'íyya (Queen Marie of Romania and her conversion to the Bahá'í religion). Translated by Trans. Nur al-Din 'Abbas. Baghdad: al-Ma'arif, 1946.Details in Murad, al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya. The identity of the original on which this translation is based is not known to the present author.

156. Townshend, George. Questions About the Second Coming Asked by Bahá'ís of Kampala, Uganda, Africa: Answers by George Townshend. 10. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1953.C.7.2599.

157. Townshend, George. Questions and Answers on Christian Subjects. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1953. Bjorling 437.

158. Townshend, George. The Heart of the Gospel: Being a Restatement of the Teaching of the Bible in Terms of Modern Thought and Modern Needs. 1940, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, vii, 184 pp.; rev. ed. as The Heart of the Gospel: or, The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith, 1951, Oxford, George Ronald, 164 pp; 1955, London/Cardiff, George Ronald; 1960, London, George Ronald (Talisman Books 2), 158 pp.; 1972, Oxford, George Ronald, [ix], 150 pp.; 1972, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust ed., 188. London: Lindsay Drummond, 1939. Collins 7.2579-85 An intelligent and literate approach to the issue of how modern Christians ought to understand the role of Christ, based on Bahá'í doctrine, but making little direct reference to Bahá'ísm.

159. Townshend, George. The Old Churches and the New World-Faith. 19. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles, n.d. [1949?]. Collins 7.2591 Originally written as a letter to Christian clergy from the author, after the abandonment of his orders in the Church of Ireland.

160. Vail, Virgie V. The Glorious Kingdom of the Father Foretold. xii, 262. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1940.Collins 7.2646 The fulfilment of Biblical prophecy in Bahá'ísm.

161. Vodden, Lori L. 'Development of the Bahá'í Faith in Central Illinois, 1898-1957', M.S., Illinois State University, 1992, iv, 109 leaves. c/r area studies.

162. Walker, John W. "'Epilogue Page'." Newcastle College Advanced Education (Nov. 1984): Collins 11.1058.

163. Ward , Allen L. The Ten Year Crusade: Seven Thousand Years in Retrospect. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1960. A brief account of the last of Shoghi Effendi's propagation plans (1953-63).

164. Whitmore, The Dawning Place: see architecture. :

165. Williams, Paula C. Candles of Guidance: the History of the early Halifax Bahá'í Community, [Halifax, N.S.], [Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Halifax], 1995, 23, [14] leaves.

166. Yazdi, Marion Carpenter. Youth in the Vanguard: Memoirs and Letters Collected by the First Bahá'í Student at Berkeley and at Stanford University. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982. 267pp. LC card 82793. These memoirs include considerable historical information on other early Bahá'ís in California, and on the development of the religion in that state. Illustrated with index. 19 7.2801 c/r biog.

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