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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 16

Bibliographies (Listings)

1. Bahá'í World. Vol. 3 (p. 241) contains a list of (untitled) articles in German-language and Esperanto newspapers and journals published between 1928 and 1929.

2. Afsharian, Payam. Directory of Bahá'í Book Collectors, Bibliophiles, & Rseearchers. 48. Los Angeles: [Afsharian], 1984. Collins 7.35.

3. Afsharian, Payam. Directory of Collectors, Bahá'í Books and References, January 1981. 6. [Los Angeles]: Afsharian, 1981.Collins 7.36.

4. Audio-Visual Library. [6] (folder). Wilmette, Ill.: National [Bahá'í] Teaching Committee, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.80.

5. Bab -- Bibliothe'que Nicolas. Voyages en Orient & Geographie; Histoire et Islam; Religions et Islam; Les Behahis et le Bab; Manuscrits illustres. Paris: 12 December 1969. Catalogue for the sale of the books and manuscripts of A.-L.-M. Nicolas.

6. Bahá'í Public Relations: Reference Material in Chronological Order. 30. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1980]. Collins 7.376.

7. Bahá'í Publishing Trust of the United States. A Handbook for Bahá'í Librarians. 21. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1978.Collins 7.380.

8. Bahá'í Publishing Trust of the United States. Rhythm of Growth, 1, 5, 9, 15, 30+: Catalog. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1981. Collins 7.381.

9. "Bahai Books." The Theosophist (Jan. 1935): 407-8. Collins 11.78 Review of publications of the schismatic Bahá'í organization, the New History Society.

10. Bahai Publishing Society (Chicago). Price List of the Bahai Publications. 60. Chicago, Ill.: Bahai Publishing Society, n.d. [between 1902 and 1924]. Collins 7.378 In fact, only page 1 lists publications. The remainder is an introduction to Bahá'í teachings on various topics c/r Introductions.

11. Bahai Publishing Society (Rangoon, Burma). Publications of the Bahai Revelation. [8]. Rangoon, Burma: Bahai Publishing Society, n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.379.

12. Bjorling, Joel. The Bahá'í Faith: A Historical Bibliography. xi, 168. Sects and Cults in America: Bibliographical Guides, v.6. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, v.223, New & London: Garland Publishing, 1985. Collins 7.552 Add comments.

13. Braun, Eunice. Know Your Bahá'í Literature: A Study Course. 37. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1959. Collins 7.581 Concise information about a range of basic Bahá'í publications.

14. Browne, E. G. "'Catalogue and Description of 27 Babi Manuscripts'." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (London) 24 (1892): 433-99, 637-710. Also in 'Babi History -- decide where and c/r

15. Browne, E.G. and R. A. Nicholson. "'Shaykhi and Babi Manuscripts'." In A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts belonging to the Late E. Browne, 1932. A record of the Babi and Bahá'í texts in Browne's possession; this needs to be supplemented by the listing provided in Momen's 'Papers and Manuscripts' (item x)

16. Cadwalader, Robert E. A Bibliography of Some Bahai Books and Booklets Needed by the Bosch Bahai School Library, January 1981. 11. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Bosch Bahá'í School, 1981. Collins 7.600a.

17. Christian, William Kenneth. Classification of Bahá'í Study Sources: A Selected Bibliography for the Student of the Bahá'í Faith. Reissued 1947, 8 pp. ed., 7. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1941.Collins 7.686.

18. Collins, William P. "'A Short Bibliographic History of Bahá'í Periodicals'." Collector's Network News 1 (2 Mar.-Apr. 1977): 10-12.Collins 11.281.

19. Collins, William P. A Classification for the Bahá'í Faith, Haifa, Bahá'í World Centre Library, 1988, 64 pp.

20. Collins, William P. Large biblio.

21. Easton, Peter Z. "'Wahabiism and Babism: Bibliography'." The Missionary Review of the World 17 (July 1894): 529-30.Collins 11.358.

22. Fagnan, M. E. "Review of Rosen, Manuscrits Persans (item x)." Revue Critique d'Histoire et de Litterature (Paris) (18 April 1887): 297-8.Contains remarks both on the Babi mss. described by Rosen and on the five brought to Paris by Gobineau and subsequently deposited in the Bibliothe'que Nationale.

23. Hollinger, Richard Vernon. 'The Arrangement and Description of the Kheiralla/Saleeby Family Papers', M.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1993, v, 33, 36, [15] leaves. A description relating to the family of Ibrahim Kheiralla, the first Bahá'í missionary to America, founder of the heterodox Society of Behaists.

24. Inventory of the Church Archives of New Jersey Bahá'í Assemblies, Newark, N.J., Historical Records Survey, 1940, 26 pp.

25. Linard, Thomas. Bibliographie des ouvrages de langue francaise mentionnant les religions babie ou baha'ie (1844-1944). 43. Paris: Librairie Bahá'íe, 1995. Revised ed. 1996. Lists published works, some mss, articles in non-Bahá'í periodicals, diplomatic correspondance, including material in France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Russia, and contains a supplement of mss and printed works in Persian and Arabic held in French libraries. With indexes.

26. Momen, Moojan. "'The Papers and Manuscripts of E. G. Browne relating to the Bahá'í Faith'." In Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, ed. M. Momen. 482-499. Oxford: George Ronald, 1987.

27. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada. Bahá'í Publishing Committee. Bahá'í Sacred Writings and Literature of the Bahá'í Cause. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1929. Collins 7.1968.

28. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada. Bahá'í Publishing Committee. Literature of the Bahá'í Religion, Published by the Bahá'í Publishing Committee, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 15. Poona, India: Bahá'í Book Stall, n.d. [1932]. Collins 7.1969.

29. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. National Archives Committee. Guide to the Holdings of the National Bahá'í Archives, Bahá'í National Center, Wilmette, Illinois. 19. Wilmette, Ill.: National Bahá'í Archives, 1983. Collins 7.1885.

30. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. National Archives Committee. Guidelines for Bahá'í Archives. v, 59. Wilmette, Ill.: National Bahá'í Archives, 1983. Collins 7.1886.

31. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. The Published Works of the Guardian. 1. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, n.d. [1954?]. Collins 7.1869.

32. Nicolas, A.-L.-M. "'A propos de deux manuscrits "Babis" de la Bibliothe'que Nationale'." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 47 (1903): 58-73. [Identify the 2 MSS]

33. Remey, Charles Mason. Bahai Manuscripts: Suggestions for Their Preservation and Arrangement. 20. Newport, R.I.: Remey, 1923. Collins 7.2224.

34. Remey, Charles Mason. Suggestions for the Arrangement of a Bibliography and Reference Indexes to the Bahá'í Teachings, with Practical Explanations of How to Build up Bahá'í Index Systems. 16. n.p. [U.S.A.]: 1923. Collins 7.2271 Cover title: Bahá'í Indexes.

35. Rosen, Baron Victor. Les manuscrits arabes (non compris dans le No. 1): karchounis, grecs, coptes, ethiopiens, armeniens, georgiens et babys de l'Institut des Langues Orientales, decrits par MM. D. Gunzburg, V. Rosen [et al.]. Reissued, 1971, Amsterdam, Celibus ed., Vol. 6. Collections Scientifiques de l'Institut des Langues Orientales du Ministe're des Affaires Etrange'res, St. Petersburg: Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1891. Babi MSS pp. 141-255.

36. Rosen, Baron Victor. Les manuscrits arabes de l'Institut des Langues Orientales decrits par le baron Victor Rosen. Reissued 1971, Amsterdam, Celibus ed., Vol. 1. Collections Scientifiques de l'Institut des Langues Orientales du Ministe're des Affaires Etrange'res, St. Petersburg: Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1877. List of Babi MSS pp. 179-212 For remarks on this collection, see Browne, Materials (section x, item x), p. 184; A Traveller's Narrative (section x, item x), pp. 208-9, 211; 'The Babis of Persia' (section x, item x), pp. 886, 905-909, 954-60).

37. Rosen, Baron Victor. Les manuscrits persans de l'Institut des Langues Orientales decrits par le baron Victor Rosen. Reissued, 1971, Amsterdam, Celibus ed., Vol. 3. Collections Scientifiques de l'Institut des Langues Orientales du Ministe're des Affaires Etrange'res, St. Petersburg: Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1886. Babi MSS pp. 1-50.

38. Smith, Peter. "'Additional Doctoral and Masters' Theses Relating to Babi and Bahá'í Subjects'." Bulletin of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (Oxford) 9 (1 1982): 3-7.11.941.

39. Smith, Peter. "Doctoral and Masters' Theses on Bahá'í Subjects (1923-1977)'." Bulletin of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (Oxford) 6 (2 1979): 129-30.11.942a.

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