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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 2


1. 'Abd al-Baha' and (Abdul Baha Abbas). "'America and World Peace'." The Independent Vol.73 (September 5, 1912): pp.606-609.

2. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. Albert R. Windust. Tablets of Abdul Baha Abbas. 1st. Vol. 1 reprinted 1912, 1919 and reissued 1930, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee; Vol. 2 reprinted 1919, and reissued 1940, NY, BPC; Vol. 3 reprinted 1919, and reissued 1930, NY, BPC ed., Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1909 (vol. 1); 1915 (vol. 2); 1916 (vol. 3).C. 3.151-52 The largest collection of Abd al-Baha's writings available in translation, including letters to believers and bodies in the West.

3. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. Frances Esty. The Garden of the Heart. East Aurora, N.Y.: The Roycroft Press, 1930.

4. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. Josephine D. Storey. Divine Secret for Human Civilization. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1928.

5. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. L.A.C.B. [Laura Clifford Barney]. The True Gardener, A Talk Given by Abdul Baha. 3.Igo. idem. London: The Unity Press, n.d. 3.19I. idem. n.p. [Washington, D.C.], n.d. [19I--?] 7 p. 3.Ig2. idem. from notes by L.A.C.B. [Laura Clifford Barney]. n.p. [United States?], n.d. [19I--?] [8] p. ed., Rangoon, Burma: Rangoon Standard Press, 1903.C. 3.189-92

6. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. Mary Rumsey Movius. Life Eternal. East Aurora, N.Y.: The Roycroft Shops, 1936, 1937.

7. 'Abd al-Baha' and Comp. Soraya Chamberlain. Abdul-Baha on Divine Philosophy. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1928.Check against same title compiled by EF Chamberlain

8. 'Abd al-Baha' and Compiled by Eric Hammond. Abdul-Baha in London. 1st. East Sheen, England, The Unity Press, 1912; Chicago, Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1921; London, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982, 127 pp. ed., London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1912.Collins 3.3-6 A collection of public lectures, mainly delivered in London, records of conversations, and general accounts of 'Abd al-Baha's second visit to England in 1913. The original texts are no longer extant.

9. 'Abd al-Baha' and Compiled by Howard MacNutt. The Promulgation of Universal Peace. 1st. reprinted 1922 [i.e. 1939], 2 vols. in 1, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, vii, 1-232, xiii, 233-467 pp.; same ed. without Persian intro., 1943, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee, vii, 1-232, xiii, 233-467 pp.; 2nd. ed. with index, 1 vol., 1982, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, xx, 513 pp. ed., Vol. 1, Chicago; vol. 2, New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1922, 1922 [i.e.1925].Collins 3.98-101 Talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' during his 1912 tour of the United States and Canada.

10. 'Abd al-Baha' and Compiled by Mahmud Zarqani. Khitabat Hadrat 'Abd al-Baha' fi Urubba wa Amrika. 1st Photomechanic reprint, n.p. [Tehran], n.d.; photomechanic reprint in compilation volume [item 97], Hofheim-Langenhain, 1984. ed., Vol. 1. Cairo: Faraj Allah Zaki, 1340/1922 [title page incorrectly reads 1921].A collection of talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' in the course of his first visit to Europe in 1912, compiled by his secretary, Mahmud Zarqani and approved by himself for publication. A detailed index gives details of places and dates.

11. 'Abd al-Baha' and Compiled Isabel Fraser Chamberlain. Abdul-Baha on Divine Philosophy. Reissued c. 1917, c. 1918, 184 pp.; c. 1918, 189 pp.; new ed., comp. Soraya Chamberlain, New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, c. 1918 [i.e. 1928?] 189 pp. ed., Boston: Tudor Press, 1916.Collins 3.9 A collection mostly without sources, of questionable authenticity but considerable influence in its day.

12. 'Abd al-Baha' and Compiled Mary M. Rabb. The Divine Art of Living. 1st. New ed., 1926, New York, Brentano's, xv, 191 pp. ed., Chicago: Bahai News Service, 1924.Selection of passages from 'Abd al-Baha's writings and utterances originally published in issues of Star of the West, 7:16 Dec. 31, 1916) -- 8:13 (Nov. 4, 1917). Not to be confused with the later compilation of the same name by Mabel Paine (item x).

13. 'Abd al-Baha' and Ed. Laura Clifford Barney. Strikes. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1918.A supplement to Some Answered Questions (item x)

14. 'Abd al-Baha' and M. Blomfield Comp. B. Platt, R. Blomfield, S. Blomfield. Talks by Abdul Baha Given in Paris (= Paris Talks). 1st. Reissued 1912, Chicago, Bahá'í Publishing Society; 2nd. ed., 1915, London, G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 171 pp.; 3rd. ed., 1916, (same) ; 4th. ed., 1920 (same); 5th. ed., 1923 (same); same ed. reissued 1936 with supplementary historical note and introduction [by Helen Pilkington Bishop], London, G. Bell & Sons, xii, 171 pp.; reissued1924 as The Wisdom of Abdul Baha, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee and Paulton, Somserset, Eng., Purnell & Sons; n.d., Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Committee; 9th ed. as Paris Talks: Addresses Given by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912, London, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1951, 184 pp.; 10th ed. London,1961; 11th. ed., London, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1979; 1st. Indian ed., New Delhi, BPT, 1971, 184 pp.; French trans. by Elisabeth Hesse, as Entretiens donnes par'Abdu'l-Bahá a` Paris, 1911-1912, [Monnetier, 1930]; Italian trans. as Discorsi di 'Abdu'l-Bahá ed., East Sheen, Surrey: The Unity Press, 1912.A collection of talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' during his stay in Paris from October to December 1912, together with a few talks given in London and a letter written in 1913.

15. 'Abd al-Baha' and [Comp. Agnes Alexander]. Tablets to Japan. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1928.C. 3.160

16. 'Abd al-Baha' and [Comp. Horace Holley]. Foundations of World Unity. 1st. Reissued New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1936; Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1945, 178 pp.; Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1955, 1968, 1971, 1979, 112 pp. ed., New York: World Unity Publishing Corp., 1927.Collins 3.40-52 A popular collection from letters and talks delivered in America and Europe, taken from The Promulgation of Universal Peace. No details of provenance of texts, no dates or locations, and no index.

17. 'Abd al-Baha' and [Comp. R. Backwell]. Faith for Every Man. London: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1972.Collins 3.47 Passages from writings and talks by 'Abd al-Baha' on religious topics.

18. 'Abd al-Baha' [as Abd oul-Beha]. Trois Lettres a` des Persans [Three letters to some Persians). n.p. [Paris?]: n.d. [June-July 1907].

19. 'Abd al-Baha' [as Abd-oul-Beha and Abdou'l-Baha], Collected Laura Clifford Barney; trans. Hippolyte Dreyfus. Les Lecons de St Jean d'Acre, recueillies par Laura Clifford Barney: traduit du persan par Hippolyte Dreyfus. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1908.French translation of item x [Some Answered Questions], published simultaneously with the first Persian and English eds.

20. 'Abd al-Baha', Leslie Lundberg (comp.), and Terry Ostovar (ill.). Tablet of the Heart: God and Me: memory verses selected from the writings and talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1987 56 pp. Quotations on diversity of races and cultures. c/r children

21. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'A Letter from Abdul Baha'." Theosophy in Scotland 4 (6 Oct. 1913): 82-84.11.11

22. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'A New Year's Greeting from Abdul Baha: Abdul Baha's Message to the Readers of the "Vahan"'." The Vahan (London) 22 (6 Jan. 1913): 118-19.11.12a

23. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'A Short Summary of the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh'." Contemporary Review (London) (101 Mar. 1912): 401-402.11.16

24. 'Abd al-Baha'. 'Abdu'l-Bahá' in Canada. ed. comp. National Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada. [Toronto, Ont.]: National Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, 1962.Collins 3.1 Talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' in Montreal in 1912, taken from The Promulgation of Universal Peace (item 99); also contains a talk delivered in Coronation Hall.

25. 'Abd al-Baha'. 'Abdu'l-Bahá' in Edinburgh. ed. comp.National Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. London: National Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles, 1963.Collins 3.2 Transcripts of talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' during his visit to Edinburgh in 1913.

26. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Abdul Baha on Universal Peace'." The International Psychic Gazette 13 (Aug. 1913): 5.11.3

27. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Abdul Baha on Universal Peace: Address Given to the Alliance Spiritualiste, Paris'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (10 May 1913): 299-300.11.4

28. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Abdul Baha's Address to Cosmos Club, as Reported by Three Lady Disciples'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (8 Mar. 1913): 220.11.5

29. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'America and World Peace'." The Independent (New York) (73 Sept. 12, 1912): 606-609.11.7

30. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'On the Importance of Divine Civilization'." The Asiatic Quarterly Review (London) new series 1 (2 Apr. 1913): 224-37.11.13 Trans. from Persian by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab

31. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'One of the Meanings of Sacrifice: Talk by Abdul Baha to One of His Friends'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (19 Feb. 1914): 202.11.14

32. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Survival and Salvation'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (24 July 1914): 341-2.11.17

33. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'The Bahá'í Attitude Toward Mohammad'." In The Bahá'í World, pp.251-2. Vol.2 (Section x, item xx). New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1928a.

34. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'The Bahá'í Faith, the True Modernism'." Woman (St Vincent) (Sept.-Oct. 1982): 22.11.9 Extract from Foundations of World Unity

35. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'The Brotherhood of Man'." The Crisis (New York) 4 (2 June 1912): 88-89.11.10

36. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'The Lofty Summit of Unchanging Purpose: Words of Abdul Baha to Lua Getsinger, Ramleh, Egypt, Aug. 19, 1913: From the Diary of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (18 Jan. 1914): 18.11.12 See also Abdul Baha in Egypt?

37. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'The Three Realities'." The Path (London) 3 (8 Feb. 1913): 285-90.11.18

38. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Universal Peace'." The Christian Commonwealth (London) 33 (1664 Sept. 3, 1913)): 838.11.19

39. 'Abd al-Baha'. "'Unpublished Talks by 'Abdu'l-Bahá'." The Sufi Quarterly (Geneva) 3 (1928b): 227-31.11.20

40. 'Abd al-Baha'. 0 Pure Friends of God. n.p. [New York or Chicago?], n.d. [1907?] [4] p. n.d. [1907?]-a.C. 3.84.

41. 'Abd al-Baha'. 3.62. The Image of God: Address Delivered at the Fourth Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Chicago, April 30, 1912. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, Ig3g. 4 p~ (Bahá'í Reprint; no. I). 3.63. idem. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, Ig40~ Ig43. 4 p~ (Bahá'í Reprint; no. I). ed., 1939a.C. 3.62-63

42. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Bahá'í Child's Illustrated Prayerbook. arranged by the Child Education Committee; il. Mervyn Jones. Sydney, N.S.W.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand, Ig52. 8 leaves. 1952.Collins 3. 19.

43. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Compilation of Passagesfrom the Words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [Manila]: Bahai Publishing Trust of the Philippines, Ig80. 38 p. idem. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1980- 58 p-. 1980.Collins 3.32. -33

44. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Compilation of Tablets and Words Pertaining to the Center of the Covenant of God on Violation. comp. Mrs H. Emogene Hoagg. n.p., n.d. [19I-] 26 leaves. n.d. [191-].Collins 3.34.

45. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Heavenly Feast: Some Utterances of Abdul-Baha to Two American Pilgrims, in Acca, Syria, February Igog. interpreter Dr Ameen U. Fareed (taken verbatim stenographically by M. H.). n.p. [United States], IgI0 [see note at foot of title page] 36 pp. Talks to Charles and Mariam Haney. 1910a.C. 3.6I.

46. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Letter from St. Jean d'Acre. n.p., [London], T. and A. Constable, 1906, [1], 7, [1] pp.; London, The Bahá'í Press [check source for this ed.] ed., East Sheen, Eng.: Unity Press, 1906c.C. 3.70-70a

47. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Prayer for Canada. The Twelve Basic Bahá'í Principles. Thornhill, Ont.: Bahá'í National Office, n.d. [197-?] [2] p. n.d. [197-?].C. 3.93.

48. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Prayer for the Confirmation of the American Government. n.p. [United States], n.d. [19I--?] I p. n.d. [191-?]-g.C. 3.94.

49. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Tablet Concerning the Building of the Mashrak-El-Azkar to the Friends and Maid-Servants of the Merciful in America. Translated by Ameen U. Fareed. Haifa: 1908a.

50. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Tablet Concerning the Building of the Mashrak-el-Azkar, To the Friends and Maidservants of the Merciful in America. n.p., n.d. [1908?] 7 p. n.d. [1908].C. 3.140.

51. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Talk Given by Abdul-Baha, from Notes Taken by L.A.C.B. [Laura Clifford Barney]. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, n.d. [19I-?] 4 P. n.d. [191-?]-j.C. 3.16I.

52. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Talk Given by the Master in Acca. from notes taken by L.A.C.B. Rangoon, Burma, n.d. [IgI-?] (Rangoon: St Joseph's Press). [2] p. 3.164. A Talk Given by the Master in Acca. n.p., n.d. [192-?]. [2] p. 3.165. idem. n.p.: Howard Pr., n.d. [before Ig40?] 3 P. [191-?].C. 3.163-65

53. 'Abd al-Baha'. A Visiting Tablet Revealed for the Maidservant of God, Mrs. Amalie Knobloch, Who Has Ascended to the Kingdom of the Almighty. n.p., n.d. [IgIo?] 3 pp. 3.196. idem. n.p. [Washington, D.c.?], n.d. [19IO?] I sheet (pp. 39--40). n.d. [1910?].CX. 3.195-196

54. 'Abd al-Baha'. Abdul Baha in New York, the City of the Covenant, April-December 1912. 1st. 2nd. ed., 1931, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, x, 77 pp. ed., New York: Local Bahá'í Assembly of New York City, 1922.Collins 3.7-8 Collected talks delivered in New York in 1912.

55. 'Abd al-Baha'. Abdul Baha's Words to His Loved Ones in London, in Regard to the War Raging in Tripoli Between Italy and Turkey. London: Unity Press, n.d. [19I--?] 4 p-. n.d. [191-?]-a.Collins 3.12a

56. 'Abd al-Baha'. Address by Abdul-Baha at the Bowery Mission, 227 Bowery, New York City, Friday Evening, April 19th, 1912. New York: Andrew Hutchinson, n.d. [1913?] 5 p. n.d. [1913?].Collins 3.14.

57. 'Abd al-Baha'. Address by Abdul-Baha delivered at New York City, ~uly 5, 1912. New York; Washington; Chicago: Bahai Assembly, n.d. [Ig12?] 8 p. n.d. [1912?].Collins 3.13

58. 'Abd al-Baha'. Address of Abdul Baha on the International Language, Esperanto, Delivered in Edinburgh. Schaller, Iowa: United States Esperanto Association n.d. [after 1913] [4] p. n.d. [after 1913]-a.Collins 3.15

59. 'Abd al-Baha'. America's Spiritual Mission [= Tablets of the Divine Plan]. 1st. Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1948; reissued as The Tablets of the Divine Plan (item x) ed., Translated by Ahmad Sohrab. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1936.Collins 3.160-17

60. 'Abd al-Baha'. Ansprachen uber die Bahá'ílehre. Translated by W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag des deutschen Bahá'í-Bundes, [before 1925]-a.From Paris Talks.

61. 'Abd al-Baha'. Appendix to London 1908 Edition, Some Answered Questions, Collected and Translated from the Persian by Laura Clifford Barney: Subject, Strikes. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1918. pp. 313--318 See 3. 117 -3. 129. Collins 3.18.

62. 'Abd al-Baha'. "Aspects of Natural and Divine Philosophy'." The Christian Commonwealth (London) (Jan. 22, 1913): i-ii.11.8

63. 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha Pleads for Nations League: Leader of Cult Founded on Brotherhood of Man Writes from Syria to Ex-Governor Su12er. trans. Dr Zia M. Bagdadi. n.p. [United States], 1919. [I] p. Reprinted from: New York World (Oct. 6, 1919). 1919a.Collins 3.18a.

64. 'Abd al-Baha'. Bahá'í Faith, the Circle of Unity. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of New Zealand, 1969. [2] p. 1969.Collins 3.20

65. 'Abd al-Baha'. Baho'~ Peace Programme: Addresses Given by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris in 1912. Karachi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Pakistan, n.d. [after 1965] 36 p. n.d. [after 1965].Collins 3.22.

66. 'Abd al-Baha'. Blessed Is He Who Is Charitable . . . n.p., n.d. [193--?] I p. n.d. [193-?]-a.Collins 3.23.

67. 'Abd al-Baha'. Christ's Promise Fulfilled. Reissued Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1959, 1963, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981 ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1954.Collins, 3.26-27 Selections from Some Answered Questions on Christians topics.

68. 'Abd al-Baha'. Christians, Jews and Muhammadans. Reissued 1940, 1945, Wilmette, Ill., BPC ed., New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1939b.Collins 3.24-25

69. 'Abd al-Baha'. Collected and trans. Laura Clifford Barney. Some Answered Questions. 1st. Also issued 1908, Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.; 2nd. ed., 1918, Chicago, Bahá'í Publishing Society, xiv, 350 pp.; 3rd. ed., 1930, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee; 4th. ed., 1937, New York, BPC; 5th. ed.,1943, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee; 6th ed, 1947, Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Trust; 7th. ed., Wilmette, BPT, 1954, xxv, 350 pp.; reprinted1957; new ed. 1964, 1968, 1970, 1971, xxi, 350 pp.; new ed. with added notes and passages from Baha' Allah, 1981, xviii, 324 pp.; reprinted 1982; pocket-size ed., 1981; reprinted 1984, 1985; n.d. [196-], 1973, London, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, xii, 292 pp.; 1973, New Delhi, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, xxi, 350 pp.; French translation by Hippolyte Dreyfus, as Les lecons de Saint-Jean-d'Acre, Paris, Librairie Ernest Leroux, 1908; 2nd. ed.1927, 1929; German trans., Beantwortete Fragen, between 1928 and 1929, Stuttgart, Verlag des deutschen Bahá'í-Bundes See also item xx 3.18. Appendix to London 1908 Edition, Some Answered Questions, Collected and Translated from the Persian by Laura Clifford Barney: Subject, Strikes. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1918. pp. 313--318. See 3 . 117--3. 129 ed., Translated by Laura Clifford Barney. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1908a.C. 3.117-129 English translation of item x. Although based only on table talks, this work has exercised an immense influence on Western views of Bahá'í doctrine.

70. 'Abd al-Baha'. Collected by Laura Clifford Barney. Al-nur al-abha fi  mufawadat 'Abd al-Baha' [English title page reads: An-Nuru'l-Abha fi Mufawadat 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Table Talks]. 1st. Photomechanic reprint n.p. [Tehran], n.d. Arabic trans., Mufawadat 'Abd al-Baha', 1928, Cairo, Bahá'í Committee for Translation and Publication ed., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1908b.Collected table talks, in reply to questions put to an American Bahá'í pilgrim, Laura Clifford Barney, during her stay in Haifa from 1904 to 1906. This work acquired particular importance in its French and English translations (see items 92, 93). It covers a wide range of topics, including prophetology, cosmology, and Biblical interpretations.

71. 'Abd al-Baha'. Commune Revealed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, February 3, 1917: From Tablet to the Believers of God and the Maidservants of the Merciful of the Southern States. n.p., n.d. [193-?] I p.idem. trans. March 27, 1919, Ahmad Sohrab. Washington, D.C., 1919. [3] p. n.d. [193-?]-b.Collins 3.29-30

72. 'Abd al-Baha'. Commune Revealed February 8,1917: From Tablet to the Believers and the Maid-servants of God in the Central States. trans. Ahmad Sohrab. n.p., n.d. [1919?] 3 p. n.d. [1919?].Collins 3.3I.

73. 'Abd al-Baha'. Compilation of Utterances from the Pen of Abdul Baha Regarding His Station. n.p. [USA]: 1906a.Collins, 3.35

74. 'Abd al-Baha'. Conversation, February 26, 1899, at Acca: Answers in Reply to Various Questions. n.p., I 899 [possibly Igoo?] [3] p. 1899.Collins 3.36.

75. 'Abd al-Baha'. Definition of Love by Abdul Baha. New York: 1902a.Collins 3.37

76. 'Abd al-Baha'. Der Strom gottlicher Fuhrung. Bahá'í Gebete und Briefe fur Kinder (The stream of divine guidance. Bahá'í prayers and letters for children). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1978a.c/r children

77. 'Abd al-Baha'. Die Einheit der Offenbarer Gottes (The oneness of the manifestations of God). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1984a.

78. 'Abd al-Baha'. Ditemana tse di Tswang mo Mekwalong ya seBahá'í ka ga Tekatekano ya Banna le Basadi = Selectionsfrom the Bahá'í Writings on the Equality of Men and Women. Ganorone [i.e. Gaborone]: Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Botswana, 1975. 14 p. Tswana and English text. 1975a.Collins 3.38.

79. 'Abd al-Baha'. Divine Pearls from the Tablets of Abdul Baha. 2nd. ed., n.d. [possibly 1916], 33 pp. ed., Montclair, N.J.: The Mission Press, n.d. [between 1909 and 1916?].Collins 3.41-42

80. 'Abd al-Baha'. Eine Botschaft an die Juden. Translated by Wilhelm Herrigel. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag des deutschen Bahá'í-Bundes, [before 1925]-b.In BW I, p. 109

81. 'Abd al-Baha'. Excerpts from Mysterious Forces of Civili2ation, Written by an Eminent Bahai Philosopher in 1875: Excerpts from A Traveler's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab. n.p. [USA?]: n.d. [191-?]-c.Collins 3.43.

82. 'Abd al-Baha'. Excerpts from the Will & Testament of Abdu'l Baha. Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of India & Burma, n.d. [195-?] (New Delhi: Bahai Publishing Committee). 13 p~. n.d. [195-?]-a.Collins 3.45

83. 'Abd al-Baha'. "Excerpts from the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baháá. comp and ed. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. Manchester, U.K.: Baha'l Publishing Trust,. 27 pp. Cover title: The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá." (1950): Collins 3.44.

84. 'Abd al-Baha'. Exhortation: Words of the Master AbdulBahaAbbas. n.p. [Washington, D.c.?: Remey?], n.d. [19I--?] [3] p. n.d. [191-?]-d.Collins 3.46.

85. 'Abd al-Baha'. "Farewell Message. n.p. [United States]: Curtis D. Kelsey, n.d. [193-?] [4] p~." (n.d. [193-?]-c): C. 3.48.

86. 'Abd al-Baha'. From Abbas Effendi to a Lady who Visited Acre in Feb., 1906. 1st. ed.; Reissued as From Abdul Baha to a Lady who Visited Acre in February, 1906, London, The Unity Press, 1907, 7 pp. ed., Translated by [Monever Khanum]. Edinburgh: T & A Constable, 1907a.Collins, 3.53-54

87. 'Abd al-Baha'. From the Divine Art of Living. n.p., n.d. [193--or 194--?] [6] p~. n.d. [193- or 194-?].C. 3.55.

88. 'Abd al-Baha'. Gott wunscht Einheit und Liebe (God desires unity and love). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1985.

89. 'Abd al-Baha'. He Is a True Bahá'í. . . n.p., n.d. [195-?] [4] p. Quotation is said to be from 'Tablet of East and West'. n.d. [195-?]-b.C. 3.56.

90. 'Abd al-Baha'. He Is God! O Ye Children of the Kingdom! n.p., n.d. [IgI--?] [4] p Greatest Name on cover; Naw-Ruz Tablet and talk given at Ramleh, with photograph of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. n.d. [191-?]-e.C. 3.59.

91. 'Abd al-Baha'. He Is God: O Lord My God! O Thou Helper of the Feeble . . . n.p. [Mona Vale, N.S.W.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia], I p.

92. 'Abd al-Baha'. He Is the All-Glorious! calligraphy by J. Randall Dighton. n.p. [United States: Dighton], n.d. [197--] I p. Tablet of Visitation executed in a calligraphic design in the shape of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's face. n.d. [197-].C. 3.60.[Check authorship of Tablet of Visitation]

93. 'Abd al-Baha'. He is God. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1913.Collins 3.57 (gives: n.p. [Chicago?: Bahai Publishing Society?], n.d. [19I-?]

94. 'Abd al-Baha'. Hu Allah [He is God], 1984, Los Angeles.

95. 'Abd al-Baha'. I Principii Bahá'í. Florence, Italy: 1925.Listed BW IV, p. 292 Contains material from Paris Talks etc.

96. 'Abd al-Baha'. In Commemoration of the Declaration of His Holiness theBab, 1844-1920: Tablet Revealed by Abdul Baha. Washington, D.C., 1920. [4] p~. 1920a.C. 3.64.

97. 'Abd al-Baha'. In the Name of the Lord! O Lord My God and My Haven in My Distress. n.p., n.d. [before 1950?] 2 p~. n.d. [before 1950?].C. 3.65.

98. 'Abd al-Baha'. Industrial Justice. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, Ig40. 7 p~ (Bahá'í Reprint; no. 3). idem. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, Ig4I~ Ig46. 7 p~ (Bahá'í Reprint; no. 3). 1940.C. 3.66-67

99. 'Abd al-Baha'. Japan Will Turn Ablaze. Japan: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1974.Letters from 'Abd al-Baha' relating to Japan. Includes letters from Shoghi Effendi and historical notes.

100. 'Abd al-Baha'. Jos. der Schaferknabe [John the shepherdboy]. Rosengartlein-Jugendbucher No. 1, Wansbek, Germany: Weltgemeinschaft (?), 1924.c/r children/educational

101. 'Abd al-Baha'. Khitabat (Talks). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1984b.A compilation volume containing the material from items x-xx.

102. 'Abd al-Baha'. Khitabat-i Hadrat-i 'Abd al-Baha'. 1st. Photomechanic reprint in compilation volume [item 97], Hofheim-Langenhain, 1984. ed., Vol. 3. Cairo: 99 B.E./1942-43.A collection of talks delivered by 'Abd al-Baha' in Palestine and during journeys to Europe, North America, and Egypt. This volume also includes a number of letters.

103. 'Abd al-Baha'. Khitabat-i Hadrat-i 'Abd al-Baha'. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 127/1971.A collection of talks by 'Abd al-Baha', compiled from various sources. This volume lacks an introduction or index, and no details are given as to the provenance of the texts.

104. 'Abd al-Baha'. Khitabat-i mubaraka-yi Hadrat-i 'Abd al-Baha'. Photomechanic reprint in compilation volume [item ??], Hofheim-Langenhain, 1984. ed., Vol. 2. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 127/1970/71.This volume, consisting of talks delivered in the course of 'Abd al-Baha's journey to America, was issued as a second volume following that published in Cairo in 1921 [item x]. It has an index with details of dates and places.

105. 'Abd al-Baha'. Lawh-i Laha [Jawab-i nama-yi jami'at-i Lahay dar bara-yi ijra-iy sulh-i 'umumi]. n.p. [Iran]: n.d.-a.Original text of the letter generally known as the 'Tablet to the Hague', written to the Organization for a Durable Peace at the Hague, December 1919 [see item x].

106. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letter and Tablet from Abdul Baha to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague. 1st. As Translation of Abdul-Baha's Letter to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace at the Hague, 1.d. [1920 or 1921], 24 pp.; as Tablet to the Hague, London, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles, n.d. [195- or 196-], 12 pp. ed., Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1920b.C. 3.68; 3.145; 3.180 Translation of the Lawh-i Laha (item x), a letter addressed to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace at the Hague, dated 17 December 1919.

107. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letter from Abdul-Baha Abbas to the Friends in Persia. Translated by Ameen 'Ullah Fareed. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1906b.C. 3.69

108. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letter from the Master. n.p., n.d. [Igoo?] [4] pp..C. 3.7I.

109. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letter of 'Love' from ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS to the 'beloved' in America, Received by Mr. George E. Witte at New York, December 7, 1902. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1902b.C. 3.72

110. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letters of Abdul Baha to the Children: Presented by Roshan on His First Birthday, December 29, 1909. n.p. [Washington, D.c.?: Aseyeh Allen?], 1909. 16 p. 1909.C. 3.73.

111. 'Abd al-Baha'. Letters to the Friends in Persia. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1906d.

112. 'Abd al-Baha'. Majmu'a-yi Khitabat-i Hadrat-i 'Abd al-Baha' [English title page reads: Khitabat. Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá]. Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1984.A photomechanic reprint of three volumes of talks by 'Abd al-Baha' published separately in Cairo (1921, 1942/43) and Tehran (1970/71) [items 94, 96, 98], bound in a single volume with both original and fresh pagination.

113. 'Abd al-Baha'. Majmu'a-yi munajat. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 129/1972-73.A collection of Arabic and Persian prayers designed for personal devotion. The spine carries the figure '1', but the title-page gives no indication that this was ever intended as the first volume of a series.

114. 'Abd al-Baha'. Majmu'a-yi munajatha/Majmu'iyyih Munajatha -- Prayers of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany: Bahá'í-Verlag, 148/1992.Contains a large number of prayers not previously published.

115. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. 1st. Photomechanical reprint with additional index, n.p. [Tehran], n.d. ed., Vol. 2. Cairo: Kurdistan al-'Ilmiyya, 1330/1912.

116. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. 1st.; Photomechanic reprint with added index (45 pp.), n.p. [Tehran], n.d.; A jellygraph ed. issued n.p. [Tehran?], n.d. [1930?], 286 pp. ed., Vol. Vol.1. Cairo: Kurdistan al-'Ilmiyya, 1328/1910.First volume of an important collection of 'Abd al-Baha's letters.

117. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 133 B.E./1977.A collection of 212 short letters and prayers, mainly in Persian.

118. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. Vol. 3. Obtain details

119. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. Vol. 5. n.p. [Tehran] Bahá'í Publishing Committee: 132 B.E./1975.A collection of 212 short letters and prayers, mainly in Persian, to Bahá'ís resident in Iran.

120. 'Abd al-Baha'. Makatib 'Abd al-Baha'. Vol. 7. n.p. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 134 B.E./1978.A collection of 318 short letters addressed to female believers, both individually and collectively.

121. 'Abd al-Baha'. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar: Quotations from Tablets and Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. n.p., n.d. [192-?] [3] P. n.d. [192-?]-a.C. 3.74.

122. 'Abd al-Baha'. Memorials of the Faithful. Translated by Trans. and annotated Marzieh Gail. Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1971.C. 3.75 English translation of Tadhkirat al-Wafa'' (item x).

123. 'Abd al-Baha'. Mesago de 'Abdu'l-Bah' de la 17-a de decembro 1919 al la Centra Organizo por Daura Paco Den Haag, Nederlando. Frankfurt: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1964.Esperanto translation of 'Abd al-Baha's letter to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace in the Hague (item x).

124. 'Abd al-Baha'. Message of Abdul Baha to the Honolulu Assembly. Honolulu: Advertiser Publisher Co., 1924a.Is this the same as Messages from Abdu'l-Bahá to the Honolulu Bahá'ís????

125. 'Abd al-Baha'. Messages from 'Abdu'l-Bahá to the Honolulu Bahá'ís. Hawaii: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1975b.A short (16pp) collection. Includes an interview given by 'Abd al-Baha' in San Francisco in 1912.

126. 'Abd al-Baha'. Messages from Abdul Baha to the Honolulu Bahá'ís. Reprinted in two variants, n.d. [196-], n.d. [197-], Honolulu, NSA of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian Islands ed., Honolulu: Advance Press, 1924b.C. 3.76-77

127. 'Abd al-Baha'. Munajatha-yi Hadrat-i 'Abd al-Baha'. Reprint of an earlier ed., date not known. ed., New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1946a.A collection of Arabic and Persian prayers, together with two poems.

128. 'Abd al-Baha'. Nahr al-hayat. London: 1914.Listed by Linard

129. 'Abd al-Baha'. New Year Greeting from Abdul Baha to the American Believers. n.p. [USA]: Privately printed, n.d.-b.

130. 'Abd al-Baha'. New Year's Greeting. n.p. [Tokyo: Agnes Baldwin Alexander], n.d. [Ig2-?] [4] p. Text in English and Japanese. n.d. [192-?]-b.C. 3.83.

131. 'Abd al-Baha'. On Industrial Justice: A Basis of World Economy. Reissued Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Committee/Bahá'í Public Relations, 1941, 1946 ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Public Relations, 1946b.C. 3.85, elsewhere (check)

132. 'Abd al-Baha'. Paris Talks [See Talks by Abdul Baha Given in Paris: item x].

133. 'Abd al-Baha'. Payam-i sulh (The message of peace).

134. 'Abd al-Baha'. Portion of 'Letter of Love'. n.p. [United States], n.d. [19I--?] 4] p. n.d. [191-?]-f.C. 3.9I. For the 'Letter of Love', see item xx [C. 3.72]

135. 'Abd al-Baha'. Portion of a Tablet Explaining the Inscription upon the Ring-Stone. n.p., n.d. [after 1913] 5 leaves. Dittoed compilation of Tablets regarding the Greatest Name and the ringstone symbol. Includes an essay by Thornton Chase entitled 'Greatest Name'. n.d. [after 1913]-b.C. 3.90.

136. 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayer for America. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States], n.d. [196-] [4] p. n.d. [196-].C. 3.92.

137. 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayer, He Is God!. n.p. [Washington, D.c.?], n.d. [Igos?] 18 p. n.d. [1905?].C. 3.95.

138. 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers and Tablets -- Abdul-Baha Abbas. n.p.: 1906e.C. 3.96

139. 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers and Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Translated by Collected and trans. Shoghi Effendi. Listed Bahá'í World I

140. 'Abd al-Baha'. Religious and Political Peace. by Abdul Baha Abbas. The New Thought and the New Age. by Ellis B. Guild. New York: Roger Bros. 1912. 13 p. 1912a.C. 3.Io4.

141. 'Abd al-Baha'. Revealed by theMaster. n.p., n.d. [19I-?] Ip. Text begins: 'O ye real friends who long for the beauty of God!'. n.d. [191-?]-h.C. 3.105

142. 'Abd al-Baha'. Risala-yi siyasiyya. [Bombay?]: 1311/1893-94.(For date, see AB, M.A. 5, p. 197) Written in the previous year, this is a short discussion of political options within an Iranian context. (More)

143. 'Abd al-Baha'. Sacred Tablet to Miss Fanny Knobloch, Washington, D.C. n.p., n.d. [1920?] 3 p. n.d. [1920?].C. 3.Io6.

144. 'Abd al-Baha'. Selected Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Reprinted, n.d. [197-], n.p., [Suva, Fiji Islands], National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Fiji Islands, 20 pp. ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1942.C. 3.111-12

145. 'Abd al-Baha'. Selections from the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá -- see item xx [The Will & Testament of AB]. 1948a.C. 3.I13.

146. 'Abd al-Baha'. Selections from the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. 1st. Reprinted 1940, Wilmette, Ill. Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1944, 1948 ed., New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1935a.See item 155.

147. 'Abd al-Baha'. Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Lightweight ed., 1982, vi, 345 (with index) ed., Translated by 'A Committee' and Marzieh Gail. Haifa, Israel: Bahá'í World Centre, 1978b.A collection of passages, mainly from letters, selected from 'Abd al-Baha's writings. In common with other Bahá'í compilations, no attempt has been made to indicate the provenance of the pieces.

148. 'Abd al-Baha'. Soldiers of the World! Strike!. [Attributed to 'Abdu'l-Bahá by Ahmad Sohrab]. New York: New History Society, n.d. [193-] [4] p. n.d. [193-].C. 3.I16.

149. 'Abd al-Baha'. Some Christian Subjects. London: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1946d.Selections from Some Answered Questions [item]

150. 'Abd al-Baha'. Some Prayers of 'Abdu'l-Baho. [London]: Bahá'í Education Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, n.d. [198I] [4] p. n.d. [1981].C. 3.13I.

151. 'Abd al-Baha'. Some Vital Bahai Principles Compiled from the Words of Abdul-Baha. Washington, D.C., n.d. [Igo-?] 8 p. 3.133. idem. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, n.d. [19I-?] and n.d. [Ig20?] 8 p. n.d. [190-?]-a.C, 3.132-33

152. 'Abd al-Baha'. Soul, Spirit and Mind. Oconomowoc, Wis.: National Committee on Bahá'í Questionnaires, n.d. [193-?] [I] leaf. n.d. [193-?]-d.C. 3.133a.

153. 'Abd al-Baha'. Supplication: To the Believers of God and the Maid-Servants of the Merciful, Portland, Oregon. Portland, Ore., n.d. [19I-?] I p. n.d. [191-?]-i.C. 3.136.

154. 'Abd al-Baha'. Table Talks at Acca by Abdul Baha Abbas. as expressed by Mirza Moneer and Mirza Nured-Din, interpreters; notes taken stenographically, transcribed and revised by Arthur S. Agnew. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1907. 23 P-. 1907b.C. 3 . 137 .

155. 'Abd al-Baha'. "Table Talks by Abdul Baha Taken Down in Persian by Mirza Hadi at Acca, Feb. 1907. Notes Taken by Corinne True. trans. A.U. Fareed. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, Ig07. 32 p. Cover title: Notes Taken at Acca." (1907c): C. 3.138.

156. 'Abd al-Baha'. Table Talks with Abdul-Baha-Abbas Regarding Reincarnation, Mystery of Self-Sacrifice, and Other Subjects. n.p. [USA]: Privately printed, n.d. [1900?]-b.C. 3.139

157. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet on Universal Peace. n.p. [USA]: 1919b.

158. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet Revealed to Louise Hopkins, gohn Alexander Hopkins, Elinore Hiscock [et. al.]. n.p. [Washington, D.c.?: Remey?], n.d. [Igo6?] [2] leaves. n.d. [1906?].C. 3.14I.

159. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet Through the Mediation of His Honor Mirza Assad'ullah to the House of gustice, Chicago. n.p., n.d. [1902?] [4] p. n.d. [1902].C. 3.142.

160. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet to Dr. Forel. separate eds. Also in Bahá'í World Faith (item x), pp.; The Bahá'í Revelation (item xx), pp. , and Vader, For the Good of Mankind (item xxx), pp. ed.,

161. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet to the Beloved of God in America. Translated by Ali Kuli Khan. Cambridge, Mass.: 1906f.C. 3.143

162. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet to the Beloved of God of the Occident. German trans. by Fanny A. Knobloch, Tablette an die Geliebten Gottes des Abendlandes, 1906 ed., Translated by Ahmad Esphahani (Sohrab). Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1906g.C. 144 (gives this as n.p.)

163. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet, Translation: To the Bahais of God and the Maid-Servants of the Merciful, Upon Them Be Baha-ollah El Abha. trans. Lotfullah S. Hakim. London, 1914. [4] p. Includes, pp. [2]-[4], translation of Tablet entided The Voice of Universal Peace. 1914a.c. 3.146.

164. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Communes and Holy Utterances. n.p. [USA?]: [1897].

165. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Containing General Instructions. German trans. by Fanny A. Knobloch, Tablette allgemeiner Belehrung, 1906 ed., Translated by M.A.E. [Mirza Ahmad Esphahani Sohrab]. Washington: Bahá'í Assn. of Washington D.C., 1907d.C. 3.147 (gives publisher as Bahai Assembly)

166. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Containing Instructions. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Esphahani [Sohrab], Ali Kuli Khan. Washington: Bahá'í Assn. of Washington D.C., 1906h.C. 3.148

167. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets from Abdul Baha Abbas to Some American Believers in the Year l900 The Truth ConcerningA. Reincarnation, B. VicariousAtonement, C. The Trinity, D. Real Christianity. New York: Board of Counsel, 19OI. 14 p. 1901a.C. 3.150.

168. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets from Abdul Baha to E. E. Wrestling Brewer. Chicago: Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1902c.

169. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets from Abdul Baha to E.E. Wrestling Brewster. Washington, D.C., Ig07. [8] p. 1907e.C. 3.149.

170. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá to Dr. Clement Woolson. n.p. [United States?], n.d. [194-?] 3, 5, [I] leaves. Privately produced collection, probably by the Woolson family. n.d. [194-?].C. 3.153a.

171. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets of Abdul Baha Received by the Persian American Educational Society and the Orient-Occident Unity. trans. Mirza Ahmad E~ Sohrab. Washington, D.C.: Persian American Educational Society, 1914. 8 p. 1914b.C. 3.153.

172. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets of Abdul Baha Received by the Persian-American Educational Society and the Orient-Occident Unity. Translated by Ahmad Sohrab. Washington DC: n.d.-c.Notes on Persian-American Educational Society and the Orient-Occident Unity

173. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets of Abdul Beha Abbas to Some American Believers in the Year 1900. New York: [Bahá'í] Board of Counsel, April 1901.

174. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Revealed by Abdul Baha Abbas to the East and the West. Translated by Ahmad Esphahani [Ahmad Sohrab]. Washington: Bahá'í Assembly of Washington, 1908b.C. 3.157

175. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Revealed by Abdul-Baha in Reference to the Erection of the Mashrek-el-Azkar (the Bahai Temple of Worship). Translated by Ameen U. Fareed. Chicago: 1903.C. 3.158 (gives n.p., date as n.d. [after 1906], and [4] pp.

176. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Revealed by the Master Abdul Beha Abbas to the House of Justice at Chicago, to the Ladies' Assembly of Teaching, to Mirza Assad 'Ullah and to Other Individuals, also One to the Believers in Persia. Chicago: Press of the Hollister Bros., 1901b.C. 3.159

177. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets to Some American Believers in the Year 1900. New York: Bahá'í Board of Counsel, 1901c.

178. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets, Instructions and Words of Explanation Revealed by Abdul Baha Abbas for the Assemblies and Meetings of the Bahais of the United States and Canada. New York, 1919. 81 p. Cover title: Unveiling of the Divine Plan. See 3.16, 3-154--3-156 Proceedings of several meetings at which the Tablets of the Divine Plan were read for the first time to the American believers. There is considerable commentary and introductory material by Sohrab. 1919c.7.2432.

179. 'Abd al-Baha'. Tadhkirat al-wafa' fi tarjumati hayati qudama'i 'l-ahibba' [With an English title-page reading 'Memorials of the Faithful']. Photomechanic reprint, n.p. [Tehran], n.d. ed., Haifa: 'Abbasiyya Press, 1342/1924 [with 1343 also on title page].Short biographies of 70 'believers' (including a number of Babis) who died during the lifetime of 'Abd al-Baha', recorded from his oral statements in 1915. The style is intensely hagiographical, very few of the entries containing much solid historical information.

180. 'Abd al-Baha'. Talk Given by the Master at the Home of Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper. September 13, 1911. n.p.: Printed in Memory of the Wedding of Ursula Newman and Mehdi Samandari, 195I. 4 p. 1951.C. 3.162.

181. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Bahá'í Peace Program. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1930.Collins 3.21

182. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Commands of Our Blessed Master Abdul-Baha, as Revealed in Tablets and Instructions for the Beloved in America. Rangoon, Burma: Bahai Assembly, n.d. [19I-?] [4]. n.d. [191-?]-b.Collins 3.28.

183. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Dawn of the New Day, [New York], NSA of the Bahá'ís of the United States, 1926, 16 pp.

184. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Most Great Peace. London: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, n.d. [1985] [4] p. n.d. [1985].C. 3.78.

185. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Mysterious Forces of Civilization, written in Persian by an eminent Bahá'í philosopher, and now first put into English by J.D. Chicago, Bahá'í Publishing Society, 1910, 1918, 131 pp. ed., Translated by Trans. Johanna Dawud. London: Cope and Fenwick, 1910b.First English translation of the Kitab asrar al-ghaybiyya li-asbab al-madaniyya [item x], later replaced by the version of Marzieh Gail (item x).

186. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Principle of Religious Unity: For the Promotion of the Oneness of Mankind. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Public Relations, 1946. [7] p. 1946c.C. 3.97.

187. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Reality of Man. comp. Horace Holley. New York [intro.]: Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, 193I. viii, 5I p. 1931.C. 3.Io2.

188. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Secret of Divine Civilization. 2nd. ed., 1970, Wilmette, Ill., BPT, xi, 126 pp. (also 1975 with ix-page introduction); 3rd. ed., 1979, 1983 (states that 1975 printing was 3rd. ed., of which these are reprints) ed., Translated by Trans. Marzieh Gail. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1957.C. 3.107-10 A modern translation of the Kitab asrar al-ghaybiyya li-asbab al-madaniyya (item x), replacing that of Johanna Dawud (item x).

189. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Spirit of World Unity: From the Addresses and Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1926 C. 3.134

190. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Spiritual Opportunity of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, Ig26. 19 p. 1926 C. 3.135.

191. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Tablets of the Divine Plan. 3rd. ed., 1962, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1976; rev. ed., 1977, 1980, xii, 107 pp. Originally published as America's Spiritual Mission (item x) ed., Translated by Ahmad Sohrab. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1959.C. 3.154-56 A series of 14 letters written between 1916 and 1917 to the Bahá'ís in different parts of North America and later taken collectively as a sort of charter for the international propagation of the Bahá'í cause (the 'Divine Plan').

192. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Tablets of the Divine Plan. New ed. ed., Translated by 'Various Scholars'. Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1977 [and 1980?].

193. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Unveiling of the Divine Plan. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. New York: 1919d.

194. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Voice of Universal Peace. trans. by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. n.p., n.d. [Ig14?] [4] p. [also in C. 3.146]. n.d. [1914?].C. 3.198.

195. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. 1st. Reprinted 1940, 1944; 1942, Wilmette, Ill., NSA of the Bahá'ís of the US and Canada, 17 leaves; 1944, c 1944 [before 1954], Wilmette, Ill., BPC, 26 pp.; c. 1946, Wilmette, Ill., NSA of the Bahá'ís of the US, 26 pp.; [after 1954], Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust; reprinted 1968, 1971; London, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1950 3.I13. Selections from the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1948. 20 p. This is the 1948 printing of items 3.199 and 3 20I. The title has been changed to reflect the fact that the publication was not the full text of the Will and Testament. Check if there is a 1925 ed. ed., New York: BPC, 1935b.C. 3.199-204The original text of this work actually consists of three separate documents, collectively known as the Alwah-i wasaya (published in Ishraq Khavari, Ayyam-i tis'a [item xx], pp.456-79). Regarded as a crucial text in the establishment of the Bahá'í 'Covenant' and the formation of the movement's administrative order, it holds a central position in the scriptural canon. [See also Hofman x, Townshend, xx, Zimmer xxx, White xxxx]

196. 'Abd al-Baha'. The Wisdom of 'Abdul Baha [See Talks by Abdul Baha Given in Paris: item x].

197. 'Abd al-Baha'. This Radiant Age. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-?] 4I p Excerpts from 'Abdu'l-Bahá's talks in America. n.d. [196-?].C. 3.173.

198. 'Abd al-Baha'. Through His Honor Mirza Ahmad Esphahani and Mr. Chas. T. Jones, to the Board of Counsel, New York City. n.p. [Washington, D.C.?], n.d. [1907?] [3] p-. n.d. [1907?]-b.C. 3 174.

199. 'Abd al-Baha'. To Aga Ahmad Yazdi (Upon Him Be the Glory of Abha). n.p. [Washington, D.c.?: Remey?], n.d. [Igo-?] I p. n.d. [190-?]-b.C. 3.175.

200. 'Abd al-Baha'. To Live the Life. n.p. [Malaysia?], n.d. [197-?] [4] P Back cover shows 'Ganesh 1594G.' 3.176a. idem. n.p. [Seoul, Korea?], n.d. [197-?] [4] P. n.d. [197-?].C. 3.176-176a

201. 'Abd al-Baha'. To the Bahais in Persia, India, Turkey and Other Parts of the East. trans. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Chicago, n.d. [1909?] 3 p. n.d. [1909?].C. 3.177.

202. 'Abd al-Baha'. To the Beloved of God in General in America (Upon Them Be Baha Ullah). n.p., n.d. [Igo6?] [8] p. n.d. [Igo6?].C. 3.178.

203. 'Abd al-Baha'. To the Chicago Assembly: To the Kenosha Assembly. Chicago: Hollister Bros., n.d. [Igo-?] 14 p. n/d/ [190?].C. 3.179.

204. 'Abd al-Baha'. True Belief -- Abdul Baha Abbas. 3.186. idem. n.p. [United States?]: Press of Geo. E. Howard, [IgI-?] [4] p. 3.187. idem. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, n.d. [19I--?] [4] pp. 3.188. idem. Rangoon, Burma, n.d. [19I-?] (Rangoon: St Joseph's Press). [4] p. ed., n.p.: n.d. [191-?]-k.C. 3.185-88

205. 'Abd al-Baha'. Twelve Basic Teachings Compiled from the Words of Abdul Baha. New York: 1926c.

206. 'Abd al-Baha'. Unity of Conscience: The Basis of Universal Peace. Geneva: Bahá'í International Bureau, 1948b.C. 3.193 Excerpts from Tablet to the Hague (item xx)

207. 'Abd al-Baha'. Utterances of Abdul Beha Abbas to Two Young Men, American Pilgrims to Acre, 1901. New York: [Bahá'í] Board of Counsel, 1901d.C. 194

208. 'Abd al-Baha'. Visiting Tablets for Our Recent Martyrs Who Suffered in Persia in 1901 with some Tablets and Prayers for the American Behais. New York: Behais Board of Counsel, 1902d.C. 3.197

209. 'Abd al-Baha'. Wisdom Talks of Abdul-Baha (Abbas Effendi) at Chicago, Illinois, April 30th to May 5th, 1912. Chicago: [Bahá'í] Publishing Committee (Press of Bahai News Service), 1912b.C. 3.207

210. 'Abd al-Baha'. Woman's Great Station in the Bahai Dispensation. n.p.: n.d. [1913].C.3.208

211. 'Abd al-Baha'. Words of Abdul Baha. n.p., n.d. [19I-?] I p. n.d. [191-?]-l.C. 3.209.

212. 'Abd al-Baha'. Words of Abdul Baha. n.p., n.d. [before 194o?] 3 P. n.d. [before 1940?].C. 3.2IO.

213. 'Abd al-Baha'. Words of Abdul-Baha Concerning the Mashrak-el-Azkar. n.p., n.d. [19I-?] I p. n.d. [191-?]-m.C. 3.2II.

214. 'Abd al-Baha'. Words of Abdul-Baha in Tablets Recently Received Concerning the Laying of the Foundation of the Mashrekol-Azkar in America. n.p., n.d.[1918?] [2] p. n.d. [1918?].C. 3.212.

215. 'Abd al-Baha'. Words of Abdul-Baha' in Regard to the Mashrak-el-Azkar in Chicago. n.p. [USA]: n.d.-d.

216. 'Abd al-Baha'. World Order Through World Faith. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1946e.C. 3.213

217. 'Abd al-Baha'. "['The Secret of Divine Civilization, Selections']." Education Today (Taipei) (2 17 Aug. 1984): 1.11.15

218. Abdu'l-Bahá. "'Abdul Baha on Reincarnation'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) 1 (7 Feb. 1913): 197.C. 11.2

219. al-Baha', Collins 3.103'Abd. The Reality of Religion -- Tablet of Abdul Baha. Also issued as The Reality of Religion -- Words of Abdul Baha, same place and date. ed., New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1924c.

220. al-Baha'], ['Abd and Ed. and trans. E.G. Browne. A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab [Maqala-yi shakhsi sayyah ]. 1st. Photomechanic reprint in 1 vol., 1975, Amsterdam, Philo Press; Browne's English translation, without accompanying notes, was issued in New York by the Bahá'í Publishing Committee in 1930 and again, without introduction or notes in Wilmette by the Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1980, v, 110 pp. ed., Vol. 2 vols. Translated by E. G. Browne. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1891.This work, a rather jejune history of Babism and early Bahá'ísm, was written about 1886 and originally distributed anonymously. Vol.1 of Browne's ed. is a facsimile of his own copy of the Persian text. The English translation (vol. 2) is accompanied by copious notes of considerably greater substance and usefulness than the history itself.

221. al-Baha'], ['Abd. Kitab asrar ghaybiyya li-asbab al-madaniyya. 1st. 2nd. ed. as Al-risala al-madaniyya, Cairo, Kurdistan al-'Ilmiyya Press, 1329/1911, 141 pp.; Cairo ed. photo-mechanically reprinted n.p. [Tehran], n.d.; new ed., 1984, Hofheim-Langenhain, Bahá'í-Verlag, 171 pp. ed., Bombay: 1310/1892-93.Written in 1875, when the author was aged about 31, this medium-length treatise represents one of the few Bahá'í contributions to the debate then taking place in Iran concerning social and political reform. It contains no direct references to the Bahá'í cause and gives the impression of having been penned by a liberal Muslim reformer.

222. al-Baha, 'Abd. "'Abdul Baha's Thanks for New Year's Greeting'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (23 June 1914): 315.11.6

223. Anon. 'Review', The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.), v.6 no.I (Jan. 1916), p.105: C. 3.166. Review of Talks Given by Abdul-Baha in Paris (item x)

224. Anon. "'The Episode of the Bab,' The Spectator (London), v.68 (Apr. 23, 1892), pp. 560--561 (review of TN)." (1892c): C. 3.181

225. Anon. "Asiatic Quarterly Review (London), v.3 no.6 (review of Traveller's Narrative) (1892), pp- 502--503." (1892a): C. 3.181

226. Anon. "Athenaeum (London), v.99 no.3370 (May 28, 1892), pp. 690--69I. Review of TN." (1892, May 28): C. 3.181

227. Anon. "Nation (New York), v.54 no.14o3 (May 18, 1892), p. 380 (review of TN)." (1892d): C. 3.181

228. Anon. "Review of 'Abd al-Baha', Memorials of the Faithful (item xx)." Theology Digest 20 (4 Winter 1972): 349.C. 3.75

229. Anon. "The Calcutta Review, no. 189 (July 1892), p. xxxvi. review of Traveller's Narrative." (1892b): C. 3.181

230. From the original translation by Johanna Dawud (item x).

231. Huart, Clement. "Review of 'Abd al-Baha', Les lecons de Saint-Jean d'Acre trans. H. Dreyfus, 1st. ed.,1908 (item xx)." Revue du Monde Musulman (Paris) 4 (1908): 647-49.

232. Masse, Henri. "Review of 'Abd al-Baha', Les lecons de Saint-Jean d'Acre trans. H. Dreyfus, 2nd. ed., 1927 (item xx)." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 102 (1930): 142-143.

233. Montet, Eduoard. "Review of 'Abd al-Baha', Les lecons de Saint-Jean d'Acre trans. H. Dreyfus, 1st. ed., 1908 (item xx)." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 59 (1909): 361-64.

234. Prayer for the martyrs and their relatives. n.d. [1983].C. 3.58.

235. Vambery, Arminius. "The Academy (Syracuse, N.Y.), no. 1036 (Mar. 12, 1892), pp. 245--6 (review of TN)." (1892): C. 3.181

236. ['Abd al-Baha']. "'Le mouvement bahai'." In Memoires sur le contact des races. Communiques au 1er congre`s universal des races tenu a` l'Universite de Londres, du 26 au 29 juillet 1911, ed. G. Spiller. Paris: G. Roustan, 1912.Trans. from English version (item x)

237. ['Abd al-Baha']. "'The Bahai Movement'." In Papers on Inter-Racial Problems, ed. G. Spiller. 154-7. London: 1911.Also published in French.

238. ['Abd al-Baha']. Maqala-yi shakhsi  sayyah ka dar qadiyya-yi Bab nivishta-ast. Arabic trans. as Maqala sa'ih fi 'l-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya, trans. Muhammad Husayn Bi chara (? Avara), Cairo, 1923 ed., Bombay: 1890.The first Persian edition of the work published and translated by Browne in the following year as A Traveller's Narrative (item x)

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