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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 22

Compilations (Listings)

1. 'Abd al-Baha' and Shoghi Effendi. Equality of Men and Women. Auckland: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, n.d. [1985] 7 p. Quotations from 'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi. n.d. [1985].4.122.

2. "'Gemas de Sabiduria de las Escrituras Baha'i/Gems of Wisdom from the Baha'i Writings'." Alma Tica (San Jose, Costa Rica) 10 (50 March 1942): 18-20.11.424 Text in Spanish and English.

3. 4.ZII. idem. 3rd ed. New York lishing Committee, 1926. 32 p. ed., 32. Translated by Shoghi Effendi. Boston: 1923.One of the earliest published editions of translations by Shoghi Effendi. 4.209-211.

4. Peace. comp . Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. n.p. [Manila: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Philippines], 1985. 34 p.; Peace. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. 98 p.; 4.195. Peace. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, Baha'i World Centre. Oakham, Leics.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. V, 46 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no.17); Peace. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur]: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1985. [2], 33 p. 1985. 4.192 -

5. Adhkar al-muqarribi n. Tehran: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 106/1950.

6. Baha Allah, etc. The Most Great Peace. New York: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the City of New York, n.d. [193-?] 16 p. n.d. [193-?].4.176.

7. Baha' Allah and 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablet of Ahmad. Prayer for Canada. n.p. [Canada], n.d. [197-] 6 p. n.d. [197-].4.276.

8. Baha' Allah and 'Abd al-Baha'. [selections from the Kitab-i 'ahd (i.e. Kitab 'ahdi , the book of the covenant) and Alwah-i wasaya, the will and testament (of 'Abd al-Baha')]. [2]. n.p. [Ashkhabad or Cairo?]: n.d. [191- or 192-?].c/r covenant.

9. Baha' Allah and Abd al-Baha'. The Marriage Tablet. [6 pp.]. Roswell, N.M.: The Orthodox Baha'i Faith, 1984.Inside cover title reads: Marriage Tablet by 'Abdu'l-Baha, Marriage Prayers by Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha

10. Baha' Allah and Enoch N. (comp.) Tanyi. The Covenant. Daily Readings from the Baha'i Teachings. Oxford: George Ronald, 1989, 245 pp.. c/r covenant.

11. Baha' Allah and Wendi (comp.) Momen. Family Worship. A Selection of Baha'i Prayers. 90. Oxford: George Ronald, c/r family development.

12. Baha' Allah and >=Abd al-Baha'. Kompilajo [add circumflex over j]. 16. Wansbek, Germany: Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, n.d.BW IV, p. 298.

13. Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha', and Isabel Fraser-Chamberlain (comp.). From the World's Greatest Prisoner to His Prison Friends (Cover title Divine Common Sense). 1st. Reissued as From the World's Greatest Prisoner to His Prison Friends: Prophecies and Precepts from the Utterances of Baha'o'llah and Abdul Baha, n.d. [between 1916 and 1921], New York, Fellowship Press Service, 32 pp.; idem 1921, Boston, Tudor Press ed., 22. Boston: Tudor Press, 1916.

14. Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Islands: Excerpts from Baha'i Writings on the Significance of Islands. [4]. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1980?]. Shoghi Effendi in particular placed considerable emphasis on the virtues of sending Baha'i missionaries to islands. Collins 7.1312.

15. Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Sacred Writings: Prayers & Selections from the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, Prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith. n.p. [Kingston, Jamaica: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica], n.d. [1985] [2] p. Words of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. n.d. [1985]. C. 4.70.

16. Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha'. The Bahai Movement and Esperanto. Schaller, Iowa: United States Esperanto Association, n.d. [after 1913] (New York: Hanover Press).[4]P-. n.d. [after 1913].C. 4.21.

17. Baha' Allah, et al; comp. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice. Preserving Baha'i Marriages, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1991, v, 34 pp.

18. Baha' Allah, etc. 'Hidden Words', and Communes from the Pens of Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha. n.p., n.d. [190-?] 23 p. n.d. [190-?].C. 4.142. c/reference to Hidden Words.

19. Baha' Allah, etc. (Tushih Rahmani: Majmu'ih az Athar-i Mubarakih ba Tarjumih Inglisi = Selections of Original Tablets and Prayers with Approved Translations in English. comp. Fattaneh Assassi Scott. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: Persian Affairs Committee], n.d. [1980] [203] p. n.d. [1980].4.286.

20. Baha' Allah, etc. 0 God, My God . . .: Baha'i Prayers and Tablets for Children and Youth. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1984. [93] p. Text in English and Persian. 1984. 4.184 c/r children.

21. Baha' Allah, etc. 4.49. Baha'i Prayers: A Selection. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1945. 95 p. Contains only the first section of 4.45-4.48. rev. ed. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1951. 107 p. rev. ed. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975. 108 p. 4.49-51.

22. Baha' Allah, etc. A Baha'i Perspective on Peace and Disarmament: A Compilation from the Baha'i Writings. n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada], n.d. (1983?]30 p. n.d. [1983?].C. 4.22.

23. Baha' Allah, etc. A Chaste and Holy Life, ed. and comp. by the Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988, v, 22 pp.

24. Baha' Allah, etc. A Compilation of Baha'i Writings for Deepening: Prayer and Meditation, Baha'i Consultation, the Hidden Words, the Baha'i Community. Kenya, 1973. 53 P-. 1973. C. 4.94.

25. Baha' Allah, etc. A Compilation on Baha'i Education. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1976. 83 p. See 4.12. idem. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. vi, 83 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 7). Also issued as Baha'i Education: A Compilation, 1977, 1978, Wilmette, Ill., BPT, xi, 77 pp.; c. 1977, n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.], Baha'i Community of Canada; 1st. Indian ed., 1984, New Delhi, BPT, xii, 129 pp. ed., 1976.C. 4.99-100, 4.12-14 c/r Education.

26. Baha' Allah, etc. A Compilation on the Importance of Deepening Our Understanding and Knowledge of the Faith. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Oakham; London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983. iv, 44 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 15). Cover title: Deepening. Also issued as 4.147. The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1983.ii, 44 p.; See 4.159 4.185, 4-197--4-198; 4.148. idem. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Community of Canada, 1983. iii, 53 p.; 4.148a. idem. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983. iii, 53 p.; 4.149. idem. Lagos: Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1983. 36 p. And as 4.159. Keys to Success: The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge Understanding of the Faith. comp. Universal House of Justice. Auckland: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1983. 36 p.; And as 4. 185. The Ocean of My Words: The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith. Extracts from the Writings of Bahfi'u'llah, the Writings and Utterances of 'Abdu'l-Baha, the Letters of Shoghi Effendi and Letters Written on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi. comp. The Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1983. 52 p. And as 4. 197. Pearls of Wisdom: A Compilation on Deepening. [comp.] by the Universal House of Justice. [Karachi]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983. 1 18 p.; See 4.147--4.149, 4.159, 4-185, 4 198-

27. Baha' Allah, etc. A Compilation on the Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981 . 20 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. II). Cover title: The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude. Also issued as 4.150. The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude. comp. Universal House of Justice. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980. 46 p. See 4.102, 4.208, 4.269-4.270.; 4.151. idem. [Kingston]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, I980. 29 p.; 4.152. idem. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1980.; as 4.208. Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude. comp. the Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, .s.w.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1980. 27 p. And as 4.269. Spiritual Foundations: Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980.; idem. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Community of Canada, 1980. iii, 20 p ed., 1981. C. 4. 102, 150-52, 208, 269-70.

28. Baha' Allah, etc. A Compilation, Extracts from the Baha'i Teachings Discouraging Divorce. n.p. [Lagos, Nigeria: Baha'i Publishing Trust], n.d. [1984] 15 p. Cover title: Extracts from the Baha'i Teachings Discouraging Divorce. See 4.103, 4-119-; [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1980. 14 p. Also issued as 4.103. Concord. [Kingston]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, 1980. 13 p.; And as 4.119. Divorce: A Compilation Dealing with the Baha'i Attitude Towards the Subject of Divorce. comp. Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1985-14 p; Divorce, compilation 18, London, BPT ed., n.d. [1984]. C. 4.92. -93, 103, 119.

29. Baha' Allah, etc. A Guide to Parents in the Education and Training of Children. Scarborough, Ont.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [196-] 19 p. n.d. [196-].C. 4.140. c/r children.

30. Baha' Allah, etc. A New Kind of People. comp. Continental Board of Counsellors of the Baha'i Faith in ~, Africa. [Nairobi]: Continental Board of Counsellors of the Baha'i Faith in Africa, May 1984. 63p. 1984. 4.179.

31. Baha' Allah, etc. A Prayer Book for Children. Sydney: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia and New Zealand, n.d. [195- or 196-] 9 pp. n.d. [195- or 196-].4.207.

32. Baha' Allah, etc. Allah'u'abha!: A Selection of Baha'i Prayers. comp. Kate Ball. San Diego, Calif.: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of San Diego, 1980 24 p. 1980. C. 4.1.

33. Baha' Allah, etc. America's God-Given Mission: A Compilation for Round-Table Study. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1952. 49 p. 1952.C. 4.2.

34. Baha' Allah, etc. and Hermann Grossmann (comp.). Der Baha'i-Glaubige und die Baha'i Gemeinschaft (The Baha'i believer and the Baha'i community). 2nd. ed., 129/1973, Oberkalbach, Baha'i-Verlag, 120 pp. ed., 119. Frankfurt-am-Main: Baha'i-Verlag, 123 B.E./1966.c/r community development.

35. Baha' Allah, etc. and Universal House of Justice (comp.). Crisis and Victory. 62. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988. On themes of 'opposition', 'progress', and 'security'. On themes of 'opposition', 'progress', and 'security'.

36. Baha' Allah, etc. and Universal House of Justice (comp.). The Covenant. 23. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988. c/r covenant.

37. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Code of Conduct: Selections from the Sacred Writings: Guidance Two, Proclamation. 2nd ed. Kuala Lumpur: National Baha'i Information Service, 1967. 40 p. 1967. C. 4.8.

38. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Consultation. comp. Universal House of Justice. [Auckland] National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1978. See 4. 10, 4.104--4.105, 4.141, 4-267- See 4.9, 4.104--4.105, 4.141, 4-267-. Also issued as 4.104. Consultation: A Compilation. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980- 23 pp.; 4. 10. Baha'i Consultation: TheLamp of Guidance. comp. Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1978. 20p. 4.10s. Consultation: A Compilation = Filifliga Faatasi: Tuufaatasia. ~Apia: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, 1978?] 5 leaves. English and Samoan text; 4.141. The Heaven of Divine Wisdom. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978; rev. ed., 1990, iii, 23 pp. 16 p (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 10) ed., 1978. C. 4.9-10, 104-5, 141, 267.

39. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Family Life. Umtata: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Transkei, 1984. 15 leaves. 15 leaves. 1984. C. 4.15, c/r family development.

40. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Marriage and Family Life: Selections from the Writings of the Baha'i Faith. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Canada Publications, 1983. 82 p. (See under Laws for guide to this vol.). 82. 1983. C. 4.18.

41. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers for Children = Sala za KiBaha'i kwa Watoto. Nairobi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983 (Nairobi: Acme Press). 11, 10 pp., English and Swahili text. 1983. C. 4.61.

42. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers for Children. n.p, n.d. [1929 or later] (Prayers from 1929 prayerbook). n.d. [1929 or later].C. 4.58.

43. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers for Children. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust of Malaysia, n.d. [1984?] 37 p. n.d. [1984?]. C. 4.60. c/r children.

44. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers for Special Occasions. rev. ed. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1951. 62 p. 1951.C. 4.62.

45. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Baker Lake, N.W.T.: Baker Lake Baha'i Group, 1964, 13 p. 1964.C.4.36.

46. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Lagos, Nigeria: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1984. xvi, 109 p. 1984. C 4.40.

47. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. London: Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly, 1927. 16 p. 1927.C. 4.43.

48. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Lusaka: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia, 1979. 13 p. 1979. C. 4.44.

49. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Manila: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Philippines, 1976.23 p. 1976. C. 4.41.

50. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1982. xvi, 141 p. 1982. C. 4.33.

51. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. n.p. [Canada?], n.d. [1972?] [2] p. Mimeograph. n.d. [1972?].C. 4.35.

52. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. n.p. [Port-of-Spain]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago, n.d. [1976]. 16 p. n.d. [1976].C. 4.42.

53. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Suva, Fiji: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. 18 p. idem. rev. [ed.] Suva, Fiji: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. [1], 16 p. 1978. C. 4.37-37a.

54. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers. Tallahassee, Fl.: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tallahassee, n.d. [1970 or 1971] [8] p. n.d. [1970 or 1971].C. 4.38.

55. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers: A Selection for All Occasions. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1981. [2], 78 p. 1981. C. 4.53.

56. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Prayers: An Introductory Selection. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, Malaysia, 1973. 1973. C. 4.54.

57. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Quotations on Education. comp. National Child Education Committee. Honolulu: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, 1971. 47 p.; 1974. p. 1971. C. 4.63.-64.

58. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i References on Education. ed. Advisory Committee on Education. Wilmette: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1966, 1970. 102 p. (Baha'i Teacher's Handbook; v. 1). 1966. C. 4.67.

59. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Teachers. London: Baha'i Education Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1980?] [4] p. n.d. [1980?].C. 4.73.

60. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'i Teachings on Economics: A Compilation. prepared by Baha'i Teaching Committee from material gathered by Committee on Economics, 1933-34. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1934. 15 leaves. Two variants, one having large lettering on cover with double underlining; the second has '10cents per copy net'. 1934.C. 4.74.

61. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'iPrayers for Children. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956. 53 p. LC card. 1956.C. 4.59.

62. Baha' Allah, etc. Baha'u'llah's Message. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1967. 24 p. 1967. C. 4.81.

63. Baha' Allah, etc. Bahai Prayers. n.p. [Canada?], n.d. [196-?] 16 p. n.d. [196-?]-b.C. 4.34.

64. Baha' Allah, etc. Bisharat al-nur (Glad tidings of light). 3rd. impression 1987 ed., 576. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1981. Prayers for the dead.

65. Baha' Allah, etc. Children's Teaching: A Compilation of Quotes Pertaining to the Education of Children. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i National Office [i.e. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada], n.d. [ca. 1970]. n.d. [c. 1970].C. 4.87. c/r children.

66. Baha' Allah, etc. Death, theMessenger of Joy. comp. Madeleine [sic] Hellaby. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980. 9, 34 p. 1980. C. 4.110. c/r life after death.

67. Baha' Allah, etc. Declaration of the Bab: a compilation, Los Angeles, Kalimat Press, 1992, xiv, 82 pp., ill. [c/r memorials]

68. Baha' Allah, etc. Deepening the Spiritual Life. [Santurce]: Puerto Rico Baha'i Teaching Committee, 1976. 41 p. 1976. C. 4.111.

69. Baha' Allah, etc. Distinctive Characteristics of a Baha'i Life: A Compilation. n.p.: Continental Board of Counsellors in Southern Africa, 1974. 25 p. 1974. C. 4.112.

70. Baha' Allah, etc. Dithapelo tsa Bana ba Baha'i = Baha'i Children's Prayer Book. Gaborone: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Botswana, 1975. 35 p. English and Tswana text. 1975. C. 4.113.

71. Baha' Allah, etc. Dokumente des Bundnisses: Baha'u'llah, Das Buch des Bundes -- Kitab-i-'Ahd und 'Abdu'l-Baha, Testament (Documents on the Covenant: Baha'u'llah, The Book of the Covenant, Kitab-i-'Ahd, and 'Abdu'l-Baha, [Will and] Testament. 119. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1989. c/r covenant.

72. Baha' Allah, etc. Education: Compilation Including Tablets, Prayers and Stories Taken from the Utterances of Baha'Ullah and Abdul Baha. comp. Children's Educational Work Committee. [Chicago?]: Children's Educational Work Committee, 1923. 22 leaves. 1923.C. 4.120. c/r education.

73. Baha' Allah, etc. Enkindle the Souls: Raising the Quality of Teaching. [Nairobi]: Continental Board of Counsell~rs in Africa, [1982] 36 p. n.d. [1982].4.121.

74. Baha' Allah, etc. Family Life. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1982. 36 p.; New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1982, 67 p; [Kuala Lumpur], Malaysia: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1982. [4], 28 p; Auckland: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1982, 25 p; Lagos: Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1982, 51 p; Oakham; London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1982. 34 p (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 14). 1982. C. 4.128-132. c/r family development.

75. Baha' Allah, etc. Fasting. Auckland: National Spiritual . ~Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1983. ~, Cover title: The Fast. 1983. C. 4.132a.

76. Baha' Allah, etc. Follow in Their Footsteps: Compilations of Texts About General Guidelines for Baha'is Engaged in the Teaching Work. [St. Thomas]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Leeward and Virgin Islands, 1977. 24 leaves. Also as The Gift of Teaching. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977. 36 p (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 9).; 4.154. The Individual and Teaching: Raising the Divine Call. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977, June 1977. 40 p. LC card; 4.155. idem. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Community of Canada, 1977. 40 p.; 4.280. Teaching, the Greatest Gift of God. comp. The Universal House of Justice. [Mona Vale, N.S.W.]: Baha'i Publications Australia, 134, See 4.134 4.136, 4-154; 4.281. idem. n.p. [Lusaka: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia], n.d. 1978?]19 p ed., 1977. C. 4.134, 154-155, 280-281.

77. Baha' Allah, etc. God's Eternal ~legacy. comp. Della Emery [et. al.]. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1949. 97 leaves. 1949.C. 4.139

78. Baha' Allah, etc. Huququ'llah . comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Auckland, New Zealand: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1985. 39 p Cover title: Huququ'llah, 'the Right of God'; as Huququ'llah . n.p. [Kuala Lumpur]: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1985. [2] 27 pp., 1985. C. 4. 145-145a For difference in title, see Collins.

79. Baha' Allah, etc. Imithandazo Yebantf~vana = Children's Prayer Book. [Mbabane]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Swaziland, 1982. 16 p. English and Swati text. 1982.4.146. c/r children.

80. Baha' Allah, etc. In Praise of God: Prayers for Baha'is. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974, 1978. 1 p. 1974. 4.153.

81. Baha' Allah, etc. Inspiring the Heart: Selections from the Writings of the Bab, Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l Baha. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1981] 200 p. n.d. [1981].4.156.

82. Baha' Allah, etc. Investing in the Children's Future: What Parents and Assemblies Can Do: Excerpts from the Baha'i Writings from the Compilation on Baha'i Education by the Universal House of Justice. comp. Chellie Sundram. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur: Baha'i Publishing Trust, Malaysia], n.d. [1983] pp. n.d. [1983]. 4.157. c/r children.

83. Baha' Allah, etc. Justice Peace: A Compendium of Quotations from the Baha'i Writings. n.p. [Paddington?, N.S.W.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, n.d. [1968] 6 leaves. n.d. [1968]. .158.

84. Baha' Allah, etc. Kitab-i munajat. Listed UK BPT FAR750 (Persian and English, for children).

85. Baha' Allah, etc. Kukambirana kwa Baha'i = Baha'i Consultation. Limbe: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is in Malawi, 1978. 14 p. 1978. 4.160.

86. Baha' Allah, etc. Kuphunzitsa, Udindo Wathu Wokakamizidwa = Teaching, Our Sacred Obligation. comp. Shidan Fathe-Aazam. Limbe: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is in Malawi, n.d. [1977] 23 p. Chichewa and English text. n.d. [1977].4.161.

87. Baha' Allah, etc. Let Thy Breeze Refresh Them: Baha'i Prayers and Tablets for Children. Oakham, England: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. 46 p. 1976. 4.162. c/r children.

88. Baha' Allah, etc. Lights of Guidance: A Baha'i Reference File. comp. Helen Hornby. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983. IVii, 547 p. Collection of passages from Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice on many topics. An excellent reference source arranged by topic, with each quote numbered. With an index. 1983. 4.165.

89. Baha' Allah, etc. Martyrdom of the Bab: a compilation. Los Angeles, Kalimat Press, 1992, xii, 110 pp., ill. [c/r memorials]

90. Baha' Allah, etc. Meditation. n.p. [Freetown: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1984] 4 p. n.d. [1984]-b.4.171.

91. Baha' Allah, etc. Nar wa nur (Fire and light). 138. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1982. Listed by UK BPT.

92. Baha' Allah, etc. Nasa'im al-Rahman (Breezes of the All-Merciful). Selected prayers Listed UK BPT ARA100

93. Baha' Allah, etc. Ngaahi Lotu Ma'ae Fanau = Prayers for.~ Children: in Tongan and English. Auckland: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1985. 15 [i.e. 30] p. 1985.4.180.

94. Baha' Allah, etc. Nineteen Programmes of Worship for Daily Devotions and Readings at 19 Day Feasts. prepared by Irene Bennett, v.2. Kampala, Uganda: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1975] [44] p. n.d. [1975].4.182.

95. Baha' Allah, etc. Peace, More than an End to War. 312. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, Foreword by Peter Kahn, appendix by Firuz Kazemzadeh.

96. Baha' Allah, etc. Peace. extracts from the writings and utterances of Baha'u'llah, the writings and utterances of 'Abdu'l-Baha, the writings of Shoghi Effendi and letters written on his behalf, letters of the Universal House of Justice and letters written on its behalf; comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1985. 63 P-

97. Baha' Allah, etc. Peace. extracts from the writings of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. n.p. [Banjul: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Gambia], n.d. [1985] 2 p. n.d. [1985]. 4.191.

98. Baha' Allah, etc. Pearls of Wisdom: The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983. 124 p. ed., 1983. C. 4.101, 4. 147-49, 4. 197-98.

99. Baha' Allah, etc. Pioneering and Travel Teaching. [Santurce]: Puerto Rico Baha'i Teaching Committee, 1975. 14 leaves. 1975. 4.199.

100. Baha' Allah, etc. Pioneers and Pioneering. [Karachi]: National Youth Committee of the Baha'is of Pakistan, 142 B.E. [1985] 12 p. 142 B.E. [1985].4.200.

101. Baha' Allah, etc. Prayers for Children. Nuku'alofa: Nation~l. Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tonga and' the Cook Islands, n.d. [1973?] 19 p. n.d. [1973?].4.216. c/r children.

102. Baha' Allah, etc. Prayers for Morning, Noon and Night. A [Victoria]: National Teaching Committee of the , National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Cameroon, n.d. [1981]. 13 p. n.d. [1981].4.218.

103. Baha' Allah, etc. Prayers of the Bab, Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l Baha. n.p. [Davison, Mich.: Louhelen Ranch?], n.d. [[[section]]93-?]. 3[[section]] p. Cover title: Bahai Prayers and Meditations. Inside front and back covers are photos of Louhelen Ranch. n.d. [193-?].4.2[[section]]9.

104. Baha' Allah, etc. Prayers. n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada], n.d. [1984] [4] P- Three prayers, one each by Baha'u'llah, the~ Bab and 'Abdu'l-Baha. In English and Inuit. n.d. [1984]. 4.213.

105. Baha' Allah, etc. Proclaiming the Faith: A Compilation of Quotations from the Baha'i Writings. comp. Office of Public Affairs. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of Public Affairs, Baha'i National Center, [2], 24 p. 1982. 4.223a.

106. Baha' Allah, etc. Prohibition of Intoxicating Drinks. Lagos: Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1982. 21 p.; Nairobi: Baha'i Publishing Agency, [1985] 21 pp. 1982. 4.224.

107. Baha' Allah, etc. Purify My Heart: Baha'i Prayers for Children. [Taiwan]: Baha'i Publishing Trust of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Taiwan, 1983. 14 [i.e. 28] p. (Chinese and English). 19839.4.226.

108. Baha' Allah, etc. Quotations from the Baha'i Writings on Prayer. comp. Jenabe Caldwell. [Anchorage]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska, 1973. 28 p. 1973. 4.228.

109. Baha' Allah, etc. Rays from the Sun of Truth. prepared by Ida A. Finch. Riverton, N.J.: New Era, 71 B.E.[1920--21] 16 p. 71 B.E.[1920--21].4.230.

110. Baha' Allah, etc. Reference File for Baha'i Spiritual Assemblies, Pioneers and Teachers. comp. Helen Hornby. Quito: Approved by National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ecuador, 1973. 181, 7 P Quito: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ecuador, 1977. 479 p. 1973. 4.242-243.

111. Baha' Allah, etc. Reference File. comp. Helen Hornby. Quito: Approved by National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ecuador, 1981. iviii, 445, [2] p. 1981. 4.241.

112. Baha' Allah, etc. Revealed at Akka by the Blessed Perfection A Tablet from Our Lord, Abbas Effendi. presented by Abdel Karim Effendi to the American Beloved. n.p. [United States 3, n.d. [190-] [2] p. n.d. [190-].4.248.

113. Baha' Allah, etc. Selected Baha'i Prayers. [London]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1974] 18 p. n.d. [1974].4.251.

114. Baha' Allah, etc. Selected Writings on Baha'i Administration (Nepali). n.p. [Kathmandu: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nepal], n.d. [1984?] 98 p. Parallel English and Nepali texts. Quotations from the works of Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice, with a few from Baha'u'llah. n.d. [1984?]. 4.252.

115. Baha' Allah, etc. Selections from Baha'i Holy Writings. Limbe: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i in Malawi, 1982. 13 p. 1982. 4.256.

116. Baha' Allah, etc. Selections from Baha'i Writings for Use at Declarations. comp. National Teaching Committee. n.p. [Africa?], n.d. [196-?] 9 p. n.d. [196-?]-c.4.258.

117. Baha' Allah, etc. Some Marriage Prayers and Readings from the Writings of the Baha'i Faith: In English and Zulu. n.p. [Mbabane: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Swaziland], n.d. [197-] [12] p. n.d. [197-].4.261.

118. Baha' Allah, etc. Some Prayers for Children. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1979]. 4 p. n.d. [1979].4.262.

119. Baha' Allah, etc. Some Quotations from the Baha'i Writings Relating to Socio-Economic Development and Human Progress. n.p. [Banjul: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Gambia], 1984. 8 p~. 1984. 4.263. c/r political.

120. Baha' Allah, etc. Spirit Lifters: Selected from the Writings of the Baha'i Faith. n.p. [Toronto, Ont.: Vera Raginsky], n.d. [195-?] 6 p; idem. n.p. [United States], n.d. [195- or 196-]. 20 p. n.d. [195-?].4.265-266

121. Baha' Allah, etc. Spiritual Assemblies and Consultation. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. I36 p. Includes compilations of the Universal House of Justice on Local Spiritual Assemblies, National Sniritual Assemblies and consultation. See 4.9--4.10, 4.104--4.105 4-141, 4-166-- 4.168 5.103-5.104. 1978. 4.267.

122. Baha' Allah, etc. Spiritual Enrichment. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia], n.d. [1983] 19 p. n.d. [1983].4.268.

123. Baha' Allah, etc. Spiritual Sustenance: Baha'i Prayers. Kampala, Uganda: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1972. 27 p. 1972.4.271.

124. Baha' Allah, etc. Tablets, Communes and Holy Utterances. n.p., n.d. [1897]- 23 p. n.d. [1897]. 4.277.

125. Baha' Allah, etc. The Establishment of the Universal House of Justice. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Oakham, Leics.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1984. 60 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 16). Cover title: The Universal House of ~Justice. 1984. 4.123.

126. Baha' Allah, etc. The Fire Tablet; and, Prayer Revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha in Which Mention Is Made of Persecutions, the Martyred Friends and Their Relatives. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1983, 17p. 1983. C. 4.133. Make c/references (see Collins).

127. Baha' Allah, etc. The Glorious Journey to God: Selections from sacred scriptures on the afterlife, ed. Hushidar Motlagh, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Global Perspective, 1994, 258 pp. [c/r life after death]

128. Baha' Allah, etc. The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah and Selected Holy Writings. Kuala Lumpur: Bahai' [sic] Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's [sic] of Malaysia, 1985 (Penang: Ganesh Printing Works). 116 p~. 1985. C. 4.143. c/reference Hidden Words.

129. Baha' Allah, etc. The Institution of the Hands of the Cause of God: Its Origin and Unfoldment, Auxiliary Boards, Relation to National Spiritual Assemblies. n.p. [United States], n.d. [1957?] 9 leaves. n.d. [1957?].4.156a.

130. Baha' Allah, etc. The Mention of God: A Selection of Baha'i Prayers. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1971. 11 p. [Kingston]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, n.d. [1980?] 25p. 1971. 4.172.

131. Baha' Allah, etc. The Power of Divine Assistance. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1981. 27 p. See 4.288, 4.290. idem. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981. 48 p. idem. Oakham; London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981. iii, 24 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 12). idem. [Thornhill, Ont.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1982. iv, 82 p. Also includes selected prayers. Also as 4.288. Ultimate and Complete Victory: The Power of Divine Assistance: A Compilation. comp. Research Department of the Universal House of ~ Justice. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1981. 16 p. And as 4.290. The Unseen Divine Assistance. comp. Universal House of Justice. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1977. 22 p. ed., 1981. 4.201-204.

132. Baha' Allah, etc. The Principle of Knowledge. comp.and duplicated by Helen M. Gidden. n.p. [United States]: Helen M. Gidden, 1966. 4 p. 1966. 4.223.

133. Baha' Allah, etc. The Purpose of Man's Creation. Port-ofSpain: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago, 1980. 5 leaves. 1980. 4.227.

134. Baha' Allah, etc. The Reality of Brotherhood: Excerpts from the Baha'i Writings: The New Principle of Human Relations. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Public Relations, 1946. [3] p-. 1946.4. 231.

135. Baha' Allah, etc. The Reality of Man. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1931. viii, 61 p. A popular compilation from Baha'i scripture on the subject of man's spiritual reality and his relation to the universe. idem. 2nd ed. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1935. viii, 6I p. idem. 3rd ed. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1939. viii, 61 p. 4th ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1942. viii, 61 p. 5th ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Pub~ishing Committee, 1945. viii, 6I p. 6th ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Pub- lishing Committee, 1947. viii, 61p. 7th ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956. viii, 61 p. 1962 ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1962, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1979. viii, 61 p. LC card 62--52261. Indian ed. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1971. viii, 61 p. 1931.4.232.

136. Baha' Allah, etc. The Straight Path: Dedicated to Shoghi Effendi, First Guardian of the Baha'i Faith on the Occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Inception of the Guardianship. comp. Mary Magdalene Wilkin. n.p. [United States]: Wilkin, 1947. 32 leaves. 1947.4.274.

137. Baha' Allah, etc. The Supreme Gift of God to Man: Selections from the Baha'i Writings on the Value, Development and Use of the Intellect. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973, 1973, 1977, 1980. ix, 21 p. (Baha'i Comprehensive Deepening Program). 1973. 4.275.

138. Baha' Allah, etc. The Throne of the Inner Temple. comp. Elias Zohoori. Kingston, Jamaica; approved by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, 1985 (Kingston: University Printery and School of Printing, University of the West Indies). 97 p. A compilation on the interrelationship of spiritual and physical health. 1985. 4.282.

139. Baha' Allah, etc. The Training and Education of Children. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1976. v, 78 p. 1976. 4.284. c/r children.

140. Baha' Allah, etc. The True Nobility of Man. n.p., n.d. [1924 or later] [2] p. n.d. [1924 or later].4.285.

141. Baha' Allah, etc. To Know Thee and to Worship Thee. n.p. [Ponape: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of North West Pacific Ocean], n.d., 6 p. n.d. [1977]-b.4.283.

142. Baha' Allah, etc. Tusha-yi Rahmani . Listed UK BPT.

143. Baha' Allah, etc. Tusi Tatalo Baha'i mo Tamaiti = Baha'i Prayers for Children. [Apia]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, 1971, 1978. p. English and Samoan text. 1971. 4.287. c/r children.

144. Baha' Allah, etc. Unto Him Shall We Return: Selections from,. theBaha'i Writings on the Reality and Immortality of the Human Soul. comp. Hushidar Motlagh. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985, Xiii, 143 p. 1985. 4.291.

145. Baha' Allah, etc. Why Our Cities Burn: Views on the Racial Crisis in the United States from the Writings of the Baha'i Faith. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1968] 24 p. n.d. [1968]. 4.295.

146. Baha' Allah, etc. Woorde om te Onthou = Words to Remember = Amazwi Okukhunjulwa = Mafoko a go Gopolwa. n.p. [Johannesburg?: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa?], n.d. [197-] [4] p. English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Sesotho text. n.d. [197-]. 4.296.

147. Baha' Allah, etc. Words about the Word: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'llah about His Word: His Guidance in Our Study: Together with passages from the Writings of Muhammad, the Bab, 'Abdu'l Baha, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice. n.p., 1977. ii, 45 leaves. 1977.4.297.

148. Baha' Allah, etc. Words of God: A Compilation of Prayers and Tablets from the Baha'i Writings. [Haifa]: Baha'i World Centre, 1981. 34 p. n.p. [Charlotte Amalie: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Virgin Islands], n.d. [1981] 34 p. idem. n.p. [Seoul: Baha'i Publishing Trust of Korea], n.d. [1981] 34 p.; 4.301. idem. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1982. 34 p.; n.p. [Nairobi: Baha'i Publishing Trust], n.d. [1982?] 34 p.; n.p. [St. John's, Antigua: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Leeward Islands], 1981 [i.e. 1982?] 34 p.; n.p. [Lagos]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1982. 34 p.; n.p. [Georgetown: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Guyana], 1981 1983] 34 p; n.p. [Harare: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zimbabwe], 1981 1983] 34 p.; idem. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust], 1981 [i.e. 1984] 34 p; n.p. [Haifa]: Baha'i World Centre [i.e. Port of Spain: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago], 1981 [i.e. 1985?] 34 P. 1981. 4.298-308. Over 50 translations.

149. Baha' Allah, etc. World Commonzvealth of Baha'u'llah. Kuala Lumpur: Malaya Baha'i Society, n.d. [196--?] [12] p. 4.31O. idem. New Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India, 1968. 14 p.; 4.311. idem. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [197--] 16 p. n.d. [196-?]-d.4.309-311.

150. Baha' Allah, etc. [Prayers]. n.p., n.d. [between 1899 and 1901?]. [14] P-Prayers and a note on the Ascension of Baha'u'llah. Untitled. n.d. [between 1899 and 1901.4.212.

151. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. A Child's Prayer Book. Reprinted 1943 ed., 15 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1942.c/r children 4.88.

152. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. A Selection of Baha'i Prayers and Holy Writings. enl. ed. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust Cornmittee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1983. 119 p. 4th ed. Kuala Lumpur: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1984. 119 p.; rev. ed. Kuala Lumpur: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia,1985. (Penang: Ganesh Printing Works). I28 p. Malaysia: NSA of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1983.I ncludes information on the Baha'i calendar, celebrations, feasts, and holy days.4.253-255 Includes information on the Baha'i calendar, celebrations, feasts, and holy days. c/r calendar, commemorations.

153. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Arise to Serve: A Compilation. 22 pp. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1971.C. 4.3 A compilation of scriptural writings on propagation and missionary work, with material on LSAs and Baha'i funds. 463. 4.3 c/r proselytization, admin, financial.

154. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Institutions: A Compilation. 140. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973.C. 4.17.

155. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Prayers and Tablets for Children. 40 pp. Lusaka, Zambia: NSA of the Baha'is of Zambia, 1979. c/r children 4.55.

156. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Prayers and Tablets for the Young. 30. Wilmette, Il.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. c/r children.

157. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Prayers for Children. Reissued n.d. [1980?] ed., 33. Karachi, Pakistan: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1976?].C. 4.57.

158. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i Prayers. Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1954; reprinted 1962, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1979 ed., 112. Translated by [Shoghi Effendi et al]. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1954. A variant on the larger ed. (item xxx) published in the same year, this does not contain the second, more specialized section, 'Occasional Prayers'. Popularly known as the 'White Prayer Book' (because of the colour of its binding), this is often presented to non-Baha'is and is sometimes carried at Baha'i weddings (as surrogate white Bibles?). C. 4.31-32.

159. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Baha'i World Faith. 1st.; Special centennial ed., inscribed '1844-1944', 500 copies, Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1943; 2nd. ed., Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956 and reprints (1966, 1969, 1971, 1976), vi, 465 pp. ed., 465. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1943. A popular compilation of Baha'i scripture originally published to replace Baha'i Scriptures (1923, see item XXX). Passages are taken from a wide variety of translated sources, mainly versions by Shoghi Effendi, but also include earlier materials and numerous excerpts from unpublished letters ('Tablets') of 'Abd al-Baha' in the American National Baha'i Archives. A list of sources is appended.C. 4.75-77

160. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Book of Prayers n.p., n.d. [191-?] (Newark: Brant & Borden). 107 p.; n.p., n.d. [191--?] 107 p. Hard cover variant, no printer listed.; n.p., n.d. [191--?] 107 p. Title on cover, printed on bible paper. n.p.: n.d. [190?].C. 4.82-85.

161. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Compilation No.9 Concerning the Most Great Peace. Boston: The Tudor Press, 1918.[Bjorling gives what seems to be the same text (Boston, Tudor Press, 1918) as: Nine Compilation of the Holy Utterances of Baha'u'llah and Abdul Baha].

162. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Compilation of the Holy Utterances of Baha'o'llah and Abdul Baha Concerning the Most Great Peace, War and Duty of the Bahais Toward Their Government. 1st.; 2nd. ed. also 1918, Boston, The Tudor Press ed., 200 pp. Chicago: Authorized by the 10th Annual Convention of the Bahais of America, 1918. C. 4.97-98

163. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Daily Prayers -- Prayers and Meditations. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1931.

164. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Holy Utterances Revealed by Bah'Ullah and the Master, Abdul Baha Regarding the Necessity for Steadfastness and Effort in the Present Time, That Thereby the Believers May Be Strengthened and Made Ready Under All Conditions, to Stand Firm in the Covenant, Compiled 1905. 10 leaves. n.p. [Washington, DC]: Remey, [1905].C. 4.144

165. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Let Thy Breeze Refresh Them. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. Prayers and other texts intended for children. c/r children.

166. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Magnified Be Thy Name: Prayers and Thoughts for Children from the Baha'i Holy Writings. comp. Child Education Committee of the National Spiritual Assemblv of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956, 1976. 58 p. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956.Prayers and other texts intended for children, selected from general scriptural materials. c/r children 4.170.

167. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. O God My God. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. Aimed at children, this collection of prayers is also intended to help Iranian Baha'is in learning English. c/r children.

168. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayer of Baha'u'llah. Prayers and Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha. 4.210. idem. 2nd ed. New York: Baha'i Pub-~ lishing Committee, 1924. 31 p.

169. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers and Thoughts for Peace. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1986. c/r peace.

170. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers for Children. 19. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1985].c/r children 4.217.

171. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers Revealed by Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1929.

172. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prayers, Tablets, Instructions, and Miscellany Gathered by American Visitors to the Holy City During the Summer of 1900. 91 pp. Chicago: The Adair Press, 1900.C. 4.221

173. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Remembrance of God. [23]. n. p. [Thornhill, Ont.]: NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, 1979. Contains the same passages as the US compilation Communion with God (item x), with the addition of a prayer for Canada. A different compilation with the same title exists (item x).

174. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Remembrance of God: A Short Selection of Baha'i Prayers. 4.245. idem. 3rd rev. ed. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1979. 56 p. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980. 39 p. ed., 28. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-]. A different compilation with the same title exists (item x).C.4244-246.

175. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Selected Writings of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha, 1943, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Committee, 465 pp.

176. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Selections from the Holy Utterances on the Subject of Unity from Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. 8 leaves. n.p. [Washington, D.C.]: [Remey?], n.d. [191-?].4.259.

177. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Some Special Baha'i Prayers and Tablets. 1st.; Rev. ed. as Baha'i Prayers for Special Occasions, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1951; 3rd. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1954; new ed., bound in one vol. with Baha'i Prayers (item xxx), London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1967 ed., Translated by [Shoghi Effendi]. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1945. An important collection of liturgical materials, including the three 'obligatory prayers' (salat), prayers for the fast, prayers for the dead (salat al-mayyit), marriage prayers, the Tablet of Ahmad, and Tablet of the Holy Mariner.C. 264.

178. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Revealed by the Blessed Perfection and Abdul Beha Abbas Brought to this Country by Haji Mirza Hassan, Mirza Assad'Ullah and Mirza Hussein. 13. New York: [Baha'i] Board of Counsel, 1900. 4.278

179. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Tablets Revealed in Honor of the Greatest Holy Leaf. 9 pp. New York: J.J. Little and Ives Company [NSA of the Baha'is of the US & Canada], 1933.4.279.

180. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Taiwan: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. A collection of prayers for children. c/r children.

181. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. The Baha'i Community. 1st. Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1963; New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1964 ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1947.

182. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. The Baha'i Message: From the Creative Words of Baha'o'llah and Abdul Baha. 20. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1920. C. 4.20 According to BW IV, p. 292, this was compiled by Horace Holley.

183. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. The Most Great Peace. 46. Boston: The Tudor Press, 1916.C. 4.175

184. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. The Open Door. Rev. ed. 1979 ed., Wilmette: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1945. A short booklet dealing with life after death. c/r life after death.

185. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Twelve Basic Baha'i Principles. Same title, New York, 1936, 16 pp. ed., 3. New York: Baha'is Assembly, n.d. c/r principles.

186. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Universal Principles of the Baha'i Movement, Social, Economic, Governmental. 60. Washington D.C.: The Persian-American Bulletin, 1912.4.289

187. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'. Victory Promises. 30 pp. Honolulu: NSA of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, 1978. C. 4.292 c/r proselytization.

188. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha'the Bab. Baha'i Daybook: Passages for Deepening and Meditation. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. Daily scriptural readings, with additional information on holy days etc. Also includes passages from the Bible and Qur'an. Collins 4.11 c/r calendar/holy days.

189. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and 'Abd al-Baha. Assurance of Immortality: Excerpts from the Words of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. 2nd. ed., Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1942, 4 pp. ed., [2]. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1939.Collins 4.4, 4.5. Bjorling also lists 1946 printing. c/r life after death.

190. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri and the Bab 'Abd al-Baha'. 0 God, Guide Me!: A Selection of the Prayers Revealed by Baha'u'llah, the Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974, 1976. v, 38 p.; 1978, 1980. v, 39 p. Expanded ed., 1986 ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974.4.183. Prayers intended for small children, selected from general scriptural texts. c/r children.

191. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and 'Abd al-Hami d (Comp.) Ishraq-Khavari . Payam-i malakut. Reprinted 130 B.E./1973-74 ed., [497]. n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 104 B.E./1947-48. A collection of scriptural passages together with connecting commentary divided into sections, each dealing with a separate Baha'i 'Principle' (e.g. Independent Investigation of Truth).

192. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Abd al-Hamid (Comp.) Ishraq Khavari. Risala-yi tasbih wa tahlil. Reissued 129 B.E./1972-73, 323 pp. ed., 204. n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 105 B.E./1948-49. A valuable compilation of prayers and other devotional materials for a wide range of occasions, including: daily obligatory prayer (salat), fasting, pilgrimage (hajj), religious festivals, marriage, healing, and talismanic protection.

193. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Baha'i Memorials Committee (Comp.). Muntakhabati az alwah wa athar-i mubaraka. 1st. ed., n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 130 B.E./1973-74. A collection of prayers and other scriptural readings designed for use at memorial gatherings.

194. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Amelia Collins and Alice S. Cox [Bjorling says co-compiler is Florence R. Morton]. Baha'i Writings: Prayers Revealed by Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha, also excerpts from Baha'i Writings. Reissued 1947 ed., 56 pp. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1942. C. 4.78.

195. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. at the request of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. Prayers and Meditations. 2nd. ed., 1931, 37 pp. ed., ix, 210. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1929. (Cover title: Baha'i Prayers) Collins 4.214-215.

196. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Audrie Reynolds. A Mighty River. Reprinted 1980 ed., 53. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977. C. 4.174.

197. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Baha'i NSA of Malaysia. Baha'i Prayers. 62. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970. C. 4.39.

198. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Baha'i NSA of Malaysia. Baha'i Prayers: An Introductory Selection. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973.

199. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Barbara Mason. Life After Death. ii, 34 pp. Honolulu: Hawaii Baha'i Press, 1976. 4.163 c/r life after death.

200. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. by Eric Hammond. The Splendour of God: Being Extracts from the Sacred Writings of the Bahais, with Introduction by E. H. 1st. New York, E.P. Dutton, 1910; reprinted London, 1910, 1911 ed., 124. The Wisdom of the East, London: John Murray, 1909. A collection of mainly short pieces from early translations of Baha'i texts, preceded by an account of Babi and Baha'i history by Hammond. Texts include Baha' Allah's Seven Valleys (Haft Vadi) and Hidden Words (Kalimat-i maknuna). Unfortunately, none of the passages is sourced.C. 4.272-273.

201. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. by the National Baha'i Assembly of the US and Canada. Baha'i Prayers. 1st. Reprinted 1929; New ed. (with newer translations), Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1929 [1936] ed., 16 pp. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1927. C. 4.23.

202. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. by the Universal House of Justice. Baha'i Meetings: The Nineteen Day Feast. Also issued as: The Nineteen Day Feast, a Compilation, 1977, Lusaka, NSA of the Baha'is of Zambia, 22 pp.; Seeking the Light of the Kingdom: Compilations Issued by the Universal House of Justice on the Nineteen-Day Feast and Baha'i Meetings, 1977, London, BPT, 32 pp ed., 111, 33. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. C. 4.19, 181, 150.

203. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Dr. Jane Faily et al. The Power of the Covenant Part One, Baha'u'llah's Covenant With Mankind. Vol. 1. n.p. [Canada], NSA of the Baha'is of Canada: 1976. The first vol. in a series on the Baha'i Covenant: see also items xxx, xxx. Not to be confused with item xxx. c/r covenant.

204. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Dr. Jane Faily et al. The Power of the Covenant Part Two, The Problem of Covenant-Breaking. Vol. 2. n.p. [Canada]: NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, 1976. c/r covenant.

205. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Dr. Jane Faily. The Power of the Covenant Part Three, The Face of Opposition. Vol. 3. n.p. [Canada]: NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, 1977.

206. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Frances Esty. The Garden of the Heart. 82. East Aurora, NY: The Roycrofters, 1930. C. 4.135.

207. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. George Townshend. The Glad Tidings of Baha'u'llah. 1st.; Reprinted 1956; rev. ed., Oxford, George Ronald, 1975, 1978, vi, 116 pp. ed., vi, 111. Wisdom of the East, London: John Murray, 1949.C. 4.137-138.

208. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Horace Holley. Baha'i Scriptures. 2nd. ed., 1928, New York, Baha'i Publishing Committee ed., xii, 576. New York: Brentano's, 1923.The largest and most comprehensive compilation of the most important Baha'i texts available in English prior to the appearance of Shoghi Effendi's series of official translations. Replaced in 1943 by Baha'i World Faith (item xxx). Contains, inter alia, [continue]C. 4.71-72

209. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Hushidar Mutlagh. The Chalice of Immortality. xv, 118. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. C. 4.86 c/r life after death.

210. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Isabel F. Chamberlain. New Day: Prophecies and Precepts from the Utterances of Bah'o'llah and Abdul Baha. New York: The Fellowship Press Service, 191-.4.178.

211. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Johanna Dawud. The River of Life, A Selection from the Teachings of Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha with Explanation and Preface by Johanna Dawud. [preface], 62 pp. London: Cope & Fenwick, 1914.C. 4.24 4.249.

212. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. M.H. [Mariam Haney] and M.M. [Mountfort Mills]. Racial Amity. 20 pp. n.p. [USA]: 1924. C. 4.229.

213. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Mabel Hyde Paine. The Divine Art of Living. 1st. Reprinted 1946, 1949, 1953; reissued Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956; Rev. ed., 1956, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 130 pp.; 4th rev. ed., 1979, Wilmette, Ill., BPT ed., 132. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1944. Based on a compilation with the same title which originally appeared in successive issues of World Order magazine from April 1940 to September 1941. Passages are arranged thematically on a range of essentially spiritual topics, most of which show traces of American New Thought concerns. Not to be confused with an earlier compilation by Mary Rabb (item xxx).C. 4.114-117.

214. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Mary R. Movius. Life Eternal: Extracts from the Writings of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. Reprinted 1937 ed., 178 pp. East Aurora, N. Y.: Roycroft Shops, 1936. 4.164 c/r life after death.

215. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Maye Harvey Gift. God and His Manifestations. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1925.

216. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of the British Isles. Divine Wisdom: Brief Excerpts from the Writings of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha. ix, 63 pp. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1946. C. 4.118.

217. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of the USA and Canada. The Spiritual Opportunity of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1926.

218. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of the USA. The Power of the Covenant. rev. ed., 1972, 22 pp. ed., 14 pp. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956.C. 4.205-206.

219. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of USA and Canada. Baha'i Prayers. 1st.; Reprinted 1942, 1944, 1945, 1947; 1949, 1952, 121 pp.; 1954, 189 pp.; BPT 1957, 1962, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1981; New, expanded, rev. ed., 1982, Wilmette, BPT, 1982 [i.e. 1983], ix, 276 pp.; new ed. 1985, ix, 277 pp. ed., 72 pp. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1941. The standard English-language collection of devotional materials, this volume is divided from 1954 into two parts, the first containing prayers for general use (cf. item xxx), the second (Baha'i Occasional Prayers) for particular occasions (cf. ite, 178), including the 'obligatory prayers' (salat) and prayers for New Year, marriage, and the Fast.C. 4.25-30.

220. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of USA and Canada. Baha'i Prayers. Reissued 1935, 1938, 40 pp. ed., 34 pp. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1933. C. 4.24.

221. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Olivia Kelsey. Baha'i Answers: A Compilation. 1st.; Rev. 2nd. ed., same place, same publisher, c.1947 ed., 258 pp. Independence, Mo.: Lambert Moon Printers and Publishers, 1947.C. 4.6-7.

222. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. Victoria Bedikian. Divine Pearls. n.p.: n.d.-b.

223. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Mirza Asad Allah (Comp.) Fadil-i Mazandarani. Amr wa khalq. 1st.; For subsequent ed., see item xxx ed., n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 111 B.E./1954-55. An important compilation of scriptural passages on theology, cosmology, human nature, prophethood, religion, scriptural interpretation, and prophecy. The original one-volume ed. was later re-issued as two vols., with the subsequent addition of two further vols. (see items xx, xxx, xxxx).

224. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Mirza Asad Allah (Comp.) Fadil-i Mazandarani. Amr wa khalq. 2nd.; Photomechanic reprint with second part of first ed. (Section 4) as 2 vols. in 1, Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany, Baha'i-Verlag, 1985 ed., Vol. 1. n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 122 B.E./1965-66. This vol. represents the first three sections of the compilation (item xxx) originally published in Tehran in 1954/55. The German ed. reprints it with section 4, which was originally supposed to have been issued as vol.2 but did not appear. For vols. 3 and 4, see items xx, xxx.

225. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Mirza Asad Allah (Comp.) Fadil-i Mazandarani. Amr wa khalq. 1st. ed., Vol. 3. n.p. [Tehran], Baha'i Publishing Committee: 128 B.E./1971-72. The third volume in this series, of which sections 1 to 4 were originally issued as a single vol. (see item 163). This vol. contains the whole of section 5, dealing with health, education, manners, and ethics.

226. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Amr wa khalq Vol. 4 (give details) Note German edition (vols 1&2 in one, 637 PP., 1985; 3&4 in one, 1036 PP., 1986).

227. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Convention: A Compilation -- see section x, item xx [Yearbooks etc,, administration].

228. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Ma'ida-yi asmani. 1st. ed., 104 B.E./1947 ed., ed. 'Abd al-Hamid Ishraq Khavari. n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 128 B.E./1971 - 129 B.E./1972. A very badly edited but nonetheless invaluable collection of works and pieces from works by both Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha' and Shoghi Effendi. The volumes are divided as follows: Baha' Allah: vols. 1, 4, 7, 8; 'Abd al-Baha': vols. 2, 5, 9; Shoghi Effendi: vols. 3, 6. Vol. 4 is particularly valuable, containing several important works, including early poetry. The texts are badly transcribed and should be used with caution.

229. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Peace: A Divine Creation. 26 pp. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of US & Canada, 1943. C. 4.196 c/r peace.

230. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Peter Smith, The Baha'i Religion: A Short Introduction to its History and Teaching -- the appendix (pp.55-105) contains lengthy extracts from sacred texts.

231. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Quickeners of Mankind: Pioneering in a World Community -- see section x, item xx [Yearbooks etc, teaching] -- includes extracts from scripture on missionary work. c/r proselytization.

232. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Seeking the Light of the Kingdom: Compilations Issued by the Universal House of Justice on the Nineteen-Day Feast and Baha'1 Meetings. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, I977. 32 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no. 8). Published as: The Nineteen Day Feast, a Compilation, Lusaka, Zambia, 1977, 22 pp.; Baha'i Meetings: The Nineteen Day Feast Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976 ed., No.8 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977. C. 4. 250; also 4. 19, 4. 181 A collections of passages from Baha'i writings in two sections: 1) The Nineteen Day Feast and 2) Baha'i Meetings. Contains numerous unpublished materials. Materials under the heading 'Shoghi Effendi' include letters written on his behalf by secretaries.

233. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Some Aspects of Health and Healing: Selections from the Baha'i Writings. comp. the Universal House of Justice. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1981. I8 p. New Zealand: NSA of the Baha'is of NZ, 1981. On spiritual and material healing.4.260.

234. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. The Dawn of World Civilization. Reissued 1945, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Committee ed., 8 pp. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: World Order Magazine, 1945.C. 4.108-9.

235. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. The Gift of Teaching. Published as Teaching, the Greatest Gift of God, Australia, Baha'i Publications Australia, 1977; as The Individual and Teaching: Raising the Divine Call, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977; as Unseen Divine Assistance, New Zealand, NSA of the Baha'is of NZ, 1977. ed., No.9 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977. A collection of passages, many previously unpublished, on the topic of 'teaching' (Ar./Pers. tabligh), the Baha'i term for propagation and missionary effort. c/r proselytization

236. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. "The Individual and Teaching, Raising the Divine Call." (Wilmette, Ill. 1977): Baha'i Publishing Trust. c/r proselytization.

237. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Waging Peace: Selections from the Baha'i Writings on Universal Peace. ix, 96 pp. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1985. Scriptural texts on the theme of world peace.4.293 c/r peace.

238. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Baha'i Prayers and Meditations -- the Bab, Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha. n.p. [USA?]: n.d.-a.

239. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Baha'i Prayers: A Selection of Prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah, the Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha. Australia: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1982. With illustrations of Baha'i holy places.

240. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Baha'i Prayers: A Selection. 1st.; Rev. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1951, 107, 62 pp. (bound in a single vol. with Baha'i Prayers for Special Occasions, item xxx); New ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1967, 107, 58 pp.; rev. ed., 1975, 10-8, 58 pp.; 1967 ed. issued 1970, 1976, New Delhi, BPT ed., 110 pp. Translated by [Shoghi Effendi et al]. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1939]. A standard collection of prayers, classified under general headings, for everyday use. This is the British equivalent of the popular American publication Baha'i Prayers (item xxx).C. 4.45-48, 4.52.

241. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Baha'i Readings: Selections from the Writings of the Bab, Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha for Daily Meditation. 2nd. ed., 1985, 390 pp. ed., 390. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Canada Publications, 1984. Scriptural readings for each day of the year. c/r holy days, calendar, Collins 4.65-66.

242. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Communion with God. Reprinted 1945, 1947; reissued 1950, 1951, 1953, 23 pp.; BPT, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1982, 24 pp.; 1971, Monrovia, Liberia, NSA of the Baha'is of Liberia, 31 pp. ed., 22 pp. Wilmette: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1943. C. 4.89-91.

243. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Daily Prayers -- Baha'u'llah, Bab, 'Abdu'l-Baha. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [Bjorling has 1931].

244. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Majmu'a-yi muntakhabat-i athar-i muqaddasa: bara-yi tilavat dar ihtifalati  ki bi-munasabat-i inqida-yi yaksad sal-i shamsi  az zuhur-i khafi ...., [Tehran], NSA of the Baha'is of Iran, 1960?, 85 pp. A collection of texts for use in meetings held to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Baha' Allah's 'hidden manifestation'.

245. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. Prayers Revealed by Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha. 24. Translated by Shoghi Effendi. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1939. C. 4.220.

246. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and the Bab. The Love of God: An Introductory Selection of Baha'i Prayers. Also issued The Love of God: An Introductory Selection of Baha'i Prayers. Manchester, U.K.: Baha'i Faith Manchester Centre, n.d. [198-] [12] p. ed., 24 pp. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1972.C. 4.169-4.169a. A very short collection (24 small pp.) of prayers for different purposes.

247. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and [Comp. John Ferraby]. The Baha'i Revelation: A Selection from The Baha'i Holy Writings and Talks by 'Abdu'l-Baha. 1st.; Rev. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970 ed., xi, 339. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1955. A collection of scriptural passages somewhat similar in scope to the American Baha'i World Faith (item xxx). This volume contains some complete short works (e.g. Tarazat, Tajalliyat, Ishraqat, Tablet to the Hague, Tablet to Dr. Forel). The sources are referenced.C. 4.68-69.

248. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and [compiled by Louis G. Gregory and Miriam Haney]. The Oneness of Mankind. v, 58. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1927. C. 4.186.

249. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, , and comp. Research Dept. of the UHJ. Excellence in all Things. Also Charlotte Amalie: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Virgin Islands, n.d. [1982] 11 p.; New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1982. 34 p; Mona Vale, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1982, 1983, 1984. 21 p; 1st ed. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur]: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1982. [4], 28 p. ed., 18 pp. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981.

250. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and 'Abd al-Hamid (Comp.) Ishraq Khavari. Ganjina-yi hudud wa ahkam. 3rd. printing ed., n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 128 B.E./1971-72. An immensely useful collection of scriptural passages together with statements by Shoghi Effendi on all aspects of Baha'i law. In the absence of an accessible edition of the Kitab al-aqdas and its appendages, this volume provides the most comprehensive source for Baha'i legislative theory.

251. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. NSA of the Baha'is of the British Isles. The Pattern of Baha'i Life. 1st. 2nd. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1953, 64 pp.; 3rd. ed.,1963, 1968, 1970, 1973, 1983, 63 pp. ed., 55 pp. Manchester: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1948.C. 4.188-190.

252. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. The Research Department of The Universal House of Justice. Spiritual Foundations: Prayer, Meditation, and the Devotional Attitude. As A Compilation on the Importance of Prayer, Meditation, and the Devotional Attitude, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980 ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980.

253. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. The Universal House of Justice. Baha'i Writings on Music. Also issued 141 B. E. [1985], n.p. [Karachi], National Youth Committee of the Baha'is of Pakistan; 2nd. ed. 1983 as A Compilation of Baha'i Writings on Music, Oakham/London, BPT, v, 13 pp.; also 1972 as Compilation of Extracts from the Baha'i Writings on Music, n.p. [Johannesburg], [NSA of the Baha'is of South and West Africa], 6 leaves ed., 11. No.4 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1973]. Selected statements from scripture on music, intended to clarify the role of musical performance in Baha'i missionary work. A introduction emphasizes that all works by Baha'is, including songs, must be vetted before publication.C. 4.79-80, 4.95-96 c/r music.

254. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. The Universal House of Justice. Teaching the Cause: Cornerstone of the Foundation of All Baha'i Activity. 189. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1977. Passages on the propagation of the Baha'i cause, many of them from unpublished sources.C. 4.279a.

255. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. The Universal House of Justice. The Local Spiritual Assembly. As The Local Spiritual Assembly: An Institution of the Baha'i Administrative Order, Canada, Baha'i Distribution, 1970; Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970. As Spiritual Assemblies and Consultation (combining this, Baha'i Consultation (item x) and The National Spiritual Assembly (item xx), New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust. Supplemented by Local Spiritual Assemblies: Further Extracts issued with the Naw-Ruz Message 1979, n.p., n.d. ed., No.1 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, [1970]. Passages, mainly from the writings of Shoghi Effendi, on the functions of local Baha'i assemblies. From both published and unpublished sources. c/r alternative titles.

256. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Comp. The Universal House of Justice. The Onward March of the Faith. 15. No. 6 in a series of compilations issued by the UHJ, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975.A collection of texts, mostly taken from standard sourcres, on the theme of opposition to the Baha'i cause and its ultimate triumph. The last section contains extracts from letters written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi by secretaries. Preceded by letters from the British National Baha'i Assembly and the Universal House of Justice. 4.187.

257. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Mirza Asad Allah (Comp.) Fadil-i Mazandarani. Amr wa khalq. 1st. ed., Vol. 4. n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 131 B.E./1974-75. The 4th. vol., completing this series. Contains sections 6 to 9, dealing with: the Baha'i calendar, worship, marriage, funerary customs, inheritance, economic and fiscal subjects, the Baha'i covenant, Baha'i administration, and Baha'i prophecy. This vol. contains passages from writings of Shoghi Effendi on administrative topics.

258. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and the Bab. Mountain of the Lord, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1993, [12] pp., ill.

259. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and the Bab. The Importance of Prayer, Meditation, and the Devotional Attitude. Published as Spiritual Foundations: Prayer, Meditation, and the Devotional Attitude, Australia, Baha'i Publications Australia, 1980; New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980; Jamaica, Baha'i Literature Committee, 1980; New Zealand, National Assembly of the Baha'is of NZ, 1980; Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980 ed., No.11 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981. Selections from published sources, together with a small number of previously unpublished/untranslated passages. The materials relating to Shoghi Effendi are almost exclusively from letters written on his behalf by secretaries. c/r alternative title.

260. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and [Comp. The Universal House of Justice]. Baha'i Holy Places at the World Centre. Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1968. Selections from sacred texts, mainly by Shoghi Effendi and 'Abd al-Baha', designed to iliustrate the history and significance of the principal Baha'i sacred sites in Israel. There are also sections on the banishments of Baha' Allah, the significance of pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and the Holy Land itself. There are a number of anonymous explanatory passages and several illustrations. Developed from a mimeograph guide for pilgrims.

261. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, et al, and Abd al-Hamid (Comp.) Ishraq Khavari. Ayyam-i tis'a. 1st.; Reissued, Los Angeles, Kalimat Press, 1981 ed., n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 103 B.E. 1946-47. A comprehensive collection of devotional and historical materials relating to the nine principal Baha'i holy days. c/r calendar/festivals.

262. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, Ruhiyyih Rabbani, and Muhammad 'Ali Faydi (Comp.). Risala-yi rahnama-yi tabligh. 3rd. printing ed., n.p. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 128 B.E./1971-72. A collection of scriptural passages on the theme of propagation of the Baha'i cause. The final section contains a translation of part of an article by Ruhiyyih Rabbani, the widow of Shoghi Effendi.

263. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice, Comp. The Universal House of Justice. The Heaven of Divine Wisdom. As Baha'i Consultation: The Lamp of Guidance, Australia, Baha'i Publications, 1978; as Consultation: A Compilation, Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1980; as Spiritual Assemblies and Consultation (item x), New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., No.10 in a series of compilations issued by the Universal House of Justice, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, [1978]. Extracts from scripture on the theme of 'consultation', regarded as 'basic to our Faith and fundamental to all our work'. Includes both published and unpublished materials. c/r alternative titles.

264. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, the Bab 'Abd al-Baha', and Comp. & ed. David Hofman. Selections from Baha'i Scripture. 334 pp. Manchester, U.K.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1941.4.257

265. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, the Bab, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, et. al., , and [Comp. Richard Backwell]. The Covenant of Baha'u'llah. 1st.; Rev. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1963, xxiv, 154 pp. ed., xxi, 155 pp. Manchester: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1950. A collection of passages from the Bible, Qur'an, Babi, and Baha'i scriptures on the theme of God's greater and lesser covenants. This volume includes Baha' Allah's Kitab 'ahdi and the full text of 'Abd al-Baha's Will and Testament.C. 4.106-7.

266. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, the Bab, and 'Abd al-Baha'. The Hidden Words and Selected Holy Writings. Malaysia: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. Selected readings, including the complete text of Baha' Allah's Hidden Words (Section x, item xx), the Words of Wisdom, the Bab's supposed address to the Letters of the Living (Section xx, item xxx), and various pieces by 'Abd al-Baha'.

267. Baha' Allah, the Bab, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice. Proofs of Baha'u'llah's Mission: Selections from theWritings of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, 'Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice, 2nd. ed., 1994, Riviera Beach, Fla., Palabra Publications, xx, 234 pp.

268. Baha' Allah, the Bab, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice. The Pupil of the Eye: African Americans in the World Order of Baha'u'llah: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, Abdul'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice, Riviera Beach, Fla., Palabra Publications, 1995, vi, 194 pp.

269. Baha' Allah. Baha'i Family Life: A Compilation. comp. Mary K. Radpour. n.p., n.d. [196-?] 38, [3] p. n.d. [196-?]. C. 4.16.

270. Baha' Allah. My Prayer Book. [Mbabane]: National Children's Committee of the Bahais of Swaziland, Lesotho, Mocambique. n.d. [before 1974]

271. Baha' Alllah, etc. What Modern Man Must Know A bout Religion: Selected Baha'i Teachings. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1948. 29 leaves. 1948.4.294.

272. Effendi, Shoghi, the Bab, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri Baha' Allah, and 'Abd al-Baha'. Prescription for Teaching. [8]. Peterborough, Eng.: n.d. [197-?].Short (8 unnumbered pp.) selection of passages, mainly from Shoghi Effendi, on the propagation of the faith. 4.222.

273. Gift, Maye Harvey and Alice Simmons (comps.) Cox. Race and Man: A Compilation. Expanded version as The Power of Unity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism, 1986, Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 142 pp. 1st ed., Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1943, xx, 134 pp. Collins 7.2196 c/r principles.

274. Heggie, James (comp.). Baha'i References to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 272. Oxfordq: George Ronald, Over 2000 quotations. c/r other religions.

275. Hein, Delane (comp.). The Gift of Life. 24. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, On education, parenting, marriage, and prayers for children. c/r childen.

276. Honnold, Annamarie (comp.). Divine Therapy: Peals of Wisdom from the Baha'i Writings. 228. Oxford: George Ronald, Quotations offering help for emotional and spiritual healing, in three sections: 'Coping with Stress', 'Orientation to the Divine', and 'Developing Helpful Attitudes'.

277. Local Spiritual Assemblies. comp. the Universal House of Justice. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [197-] 20 p. (Baha'i Publishing Trust Compilation Series; no.l]. Also published as: 4.167. The Local Spiritual Assembly. comp. the Universal House of Justice. n.p. [Toronto, Ont.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1970. 24 p. 4.168. The Local Spiritual Assembly: An Institution of the Baha'i Administrative Order. comp. . Universal House of Justice. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1970] 29 p. [And included in 4.267. Spiritual Assemblies and Consultation. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. 136p. Includes compilations of the Universal House of Justice on Local Spiritual Assemblies, National Sniritual Assemblies and consultation.] ed., 4.166.

278. Nearness to God: Readings for Morn and Eve, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1991.

279. Prayers for Young Baha'is, Los Angeles, Kalimat Press, 1993. c/r children

280. Reflections: Verses from the Baha'i Teachings, Oxford, George Ronald, 1994, vi, 120 pp.

281. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice (comp.). Huququ'llah. Also published Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 19 in series of compilations from UHJ. c/r laws.

282. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice (comp.). Women. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, Compilation 20. c/r principles

283. Rowhani, Marzia. Handmaidens of God. 48. Oxford: George Ronald, Prayers for use by women.

284. Sleachta as scribhinn dhiaga Bhahai, Dublin, NSA of the Baha'is of Ireland, 1972, 61 pp.

285. Tataro ni Baha'i: ake a kaonotaki n anaaki mai ibuakon tataro ake a oteaki/Selection of Baha'i preyers in Gilbertese, 1972, Tarawa, NSA of the Baha'is of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 25 pp.

286. Trustworthiness: A Compilation of Extracts from the Baha'i Writings. Also issued as Trustworthiness, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust. Also Persian ed., Mona Vale, NSW, Baha'i Australia Publications (listed US BPT) ed., 36. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, UHJ compilation 21.

287. Unrestrained as the Wind -- compilation, see Collins (cannot find). :

288. Vickers, Ann (comp). Prayers and Thoughts for Peace. 64. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, c/r peace.

289. Zohoori, Elias [ed.]. The Throne of the Inner Temple. 112. n.p. [Kingston, Jamaica]: Baha'i Literature Committee, n.d. [198-?]. A compilation of writings on the human body, health and healing. [already listed?]

290. [Baha' Allah, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and Baha'iyya Khanum]. Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf: A Compilation from Baha'i Sacred Texts and Writings of the Guardian of the Faith and Bahiyyih Khanum's Own Letters. xix, 252. Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1982. A collection of texts, mainly by Bahiyyih Khanum herself, giving circumstantial information about this important figure. Collins 7.513.

291. [Baha' Allah,], ['Abd al-Baha'], and [Shoghi Effendi]. Compilation of Excerpts on the Covenant and Administration for Use in Conference Institutes. Reissued as The Covenant and Administration. A Compilation of Excerpts for Use in Conference Institutes, 1950, 90 pp.; n.d. [after 1954], Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust; 1969, 93 pp. ed., 90 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1950. Collins 7.725, 7.758-59 c/r Covenant; Administration.

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