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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 26


1. al-'Ahd al-awfa (The perfect covenant). Listed UK BPT ARA90

2. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', Shoghi Effendi, and et al. The Covenant of Baha'u'llah -- see section x, item xx (scripture, compilation).

3. Compilation of Excerpts on the Covenant and Administration for Use in Conference Institutes. 90 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1950.

4. Covenant and Administration, The -- see section x, item xx [scripture, compilation].

5. Covenant and the Universal House of Justice, The. 11. n.p. [Lome, Togo]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Togo], n.d. [1977?]. Collins 7.760.

6. Covenant, Part One, The. [3]. n.p. [Lagos, Nigeria]: [Baha'i Publishing Trust], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.761.

7. Covenant, Part Two, The. [3]. n.p. [Lagos, Nigeria]: [Baha'i Publishing Trust], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.762.

8. Covenant, The: Its Meaning and Origin and Our Attitude Toward It. Wilmette, Ill.: National Teaching Committee of the NSA of the Baha'is of the United States, 1988.

9. Covenants of God, The. 28. n.p. [Kingston, Jamaica]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica], n.d. [196-?].Collins 7.763.

10. Crist, Mrs Gene. God's Everlasting Covenant. [8] leaves. n.p. [USA]: n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.777.

11. Grossmann, Hermann. Des Bundnis Gottes in der Offenbarungsreligion (God's covenant in revealed religion). 3rd. ed., 1981 ed., 119. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1956.

12. Hofman, David. A Commentary on the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha -- see section x, item xx [exegesis].

13. Johnson, Lowell. The Eternal Covenant, 2nd. ed., 1989, Johannesburg, NSA of the Baha'is of South Africa, 262 pp.

14. Khumbula Isivumelwano/Remember the Covenant. 16. n.p. [Mbabane, Swaziland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Swaziland, 1978. Collins 7.1369.

15. Marangella, Joel Bray. "'A brief history of the violation of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah at the World Center of the Baha'i Faith following the passing of the first Guardian of the Baha'i Faith'." Herald of the Covenant 1 (2 January 1975): 4-35. Aside from some quotations, this article takes up the entire issue, published as a 'special edition'.

16. Marangella, Joel Bray. "'What is the Meaning of Loyalty to the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and Who Are the Present Day Covenant-Breakers?'." Herald of the Covenant 1 (5 November 1977): 1-43. This article takes up the whole of this 'special edition'.

17. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. Statement on the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Charter of a Divine Civilization. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, 1942-7 p. 1942.7.1966 c/r commentaries/index.

18. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. The Meaning of Covenant-Breaking. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Spiritual Assembly, 1958. 4 leaves. 1958.7.1863.

19. NSA of the US. Study Aids Committee. The Covenant: An Outline for Study. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1948. 28 leaves. 1948.7.1945 .

20. Power of the Covenant, The: Part I Baha'u'llah's Covenant with Mankind. Reprinted 1977, 1982. Also published New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1979 (as this) ed., Vol. 1. iii, 37 pp. Canada: Baha'i Distribution Canada, 1976. First volume of a projected 4-part series on the principle of 'covenant' ('ahd/mithaq), derived from a Shi'ite concept.

21. Power of the Covenant, The: Part II The Problem of Covenant-Breaking. Reprinted 1982. Also published New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1979 (as this) ed., Vol. 2. iv, 48. Canada: Baha'i Distribution Canada, 1976. This volume examines the dilemma of heresy and methods for its control.

22. Power of the Covenant, The: Part III The Face of Opposition. Also published New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1979 (as this) ed., Vol. 3. iv, 72. Canada: Baha'i Distribution Canada, 1977. A fundamentalist approach to a problem with which the Canadian Baha'i community seems to have particularly concerned itself.

23. Reed, Betty. The Eternal Covenant. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973. 4 p. 1973.7.2210.

24. Remey, Charles Mason, H. Emogene Hoagg, George O. Latimer, and Louis Gregory. Report of the Committee of Investigation Appointed by Visiting Bahais at the Centenary Celebration of Baha'o'llah in Chicago, November 12, 1917 to Make an Examination, and to Report to the Friends of America Their Findings Relative to the Alleged Center of Violation of the Covenant of Abha in Chicago. n.p.: [mimeographed], 1917. A report concerning the earliest case of alleged 'covenant-breaking' in the United States, centered on the activities of a group of metaphysically-oriented Baha'is who ran a reading room in Chicago. For fuller details of the incident and this report, see Peter Smith, 'The American Baha'i Community 1894-1917' (section x, item xx), pp.189-194) [For alternative title (?) see Collins biblio, BW 17, 'Report of....'

25. Remey, Charles Mason. An Open Letter to the Bahais in America. n.p. [Washington, D.C.], 1918. 8 leaves. 1918.7.2256.

26. Remey, Charles Mason. Firmness in the Covenant. 1918.

27. Remey, Charles Mason. Firmness in the Covenant. n.p. [Washington, D.C.: Remey], 1918. 5 leaves. 1918.7.2243.

28. Remey, Charles Mason. The Covenant. Washington, D.C.: Bahai Assembly of Washington, D.C., 1912. 32 p. LC card 19-5548 rev. 1912.7.2240.

29. Remey, Charles Mason. The Covenant. Washington, D.C.: The Baha'i Assembly of Washington, 1912.

30. Remey, Charles Mason. The Protection of the Cause of God. 1918.

31. Remey, Charles Mason. The Protection of the Cause of God. n.p., 1918. 28 leaves. 1918.7.2259.

32. Reports of Proceedings of Meetings in New York City and Chicago, Illinois. Chicago: Press of Hollister Bros., 1900. 16 p. Reports of meetings in which 'Abdu'l-Karim Tihrani confronted Ibrahim Kheiralla over Kheiralla's renunciation of 'Abdu'l-Baha and defection to Muhammad-'Ali ('Abdu'l-Baha's half-brother who opposed the written will of Baha'u'llah). 1900.7.2278.

33. Stebbins, May P. Reading List for Study of the Covenant. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1948. 4 leaves. 1948.7.2472. c/r bibliography.

34. Suggestions for the Conduct of Institutes on the Covenant and Administration. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1969. [4] p. 1969.7.2503 c/r administration.

35. Taherzadeh, Adib. The Covenant of Baha'u'llah, Oxford, George Ronald, 1992, xii, 473 pp.

36. Tanyi, Enoch. The Covenant: An Introduction for Young People. Oxford: George Ronald, 1991, [48] pp..

37. Townshend, George. The Covenant -- An Analysis. 15. Manchester, Eng.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1950. A short guide to the different types of covenant between God and man, consisting mainly of quotations and extensive scriptural references. The text is interesting for its ignorance of the Shi'ite roots of the Baha'i covenant system, while providing inapposite references to 'biblical covenants'.7.2578.

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