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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 31


1. Badi'i, Hooshmand. The Baha'i Fund: A Time for Sacrifice. 43. Dhaka: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Bangladesh, 1984. Collins 7.105.

2. Baha'i Fund, an Orientation for Newly Enrolled Baha'is, The. [4]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: [(Baha'i) Office of the Treasurer], n.d. [1981?]. Collins 7.244.

3. Baha'i Fund, The. 2. n.p. [Freetown, Sierra Leone]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.243.

4. Baha'i Fund, The. 4. n.p. [Apia, Samoa]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.241.

5. Baha'i Fund, The. 5 2-page leaflets. n.p. [Bhubaneswar, India]: [Baha'i] State Teaching Committee [of Orissa], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.242.

6. Baha'i Fund, The. [4]. n.p. [Lagos, Nigeria]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1982. Collins 7.239.

7. Baha'i Funds and Contributions. Canada: NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, US BPT list.

8. Baha'i Funds Practical Guide, The: Where to Send Donations, What to Send Donations for. 9. n.p. [London]: National Spiritual Assembly [of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom], n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.245.

9. Baha'iFund, The. [4]. n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya]: National [Baha'i] Education Committee of Kenya, n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.240.

10. Connecting the Hearts to the Fund. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of the USA, US BPT list.

11. Economics of the Future. New Delhi: BPT, US BPT list.

12. Faizi, Gloria. Stories about Baha'i Funds, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1993, 117 pp.

13. Growing Towards 20,000. [4]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: [(Baha'i) Office of the Treasurer], n.d. [1982]. Collins 7.1098.

14. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Do You Need Financial Planning? 16. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.1104.

15. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Estate Planning in the 80s. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, 1980. Collins 7.1105.

16. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Gifts of Appreciated Property. 15. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981?]. Collins 7.1106.

17. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Investments and Taxes. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.1107.

18. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Minimizing Your Income Taxes. 15. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.1108.

19. Guidelines to Planned Giving: Tax Planning Ideas for Executives and Professionals. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981?]. Collins 7.1109.

20. Guidelines to Planned Giving: The Pooled Income Fund. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Office of the Treasurer, n.d. [1981?]. Collins 7.1110.

21. Lifeblood of the Cause, , The -- see section x, item xx [scripture, compilations]. :

22. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia. Baha'i Treasurer's Manual -- see Administration. 130 B.E. [1973-74].

23. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. National Treasury. Baha'i Fund Education Resource Book. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1979. 1 vol. (loose-leaf). 1 7. 1693.

24. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. National Treasury. The Baha'i Fund in the Five Year Plan, 1974-1978: A Progress Report. n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.]: National Treasury, 1978. 12 p. 1 7.1694.

25. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. National Treasury. The Fund: Local, National, Continental, International. n.p. [Thornhill: National Treasury], n.d. [1977] [8] p. n.d. [1977]. 7.1695.

26. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. National Treasury. Treasurer's Handbook. Thornhill Ont.: National Treasury, 1974. 1974. 7.1696 c/r administration.

27. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1983. 16 p. Report to the national convention on the financial condition of the American Baha'i community. 1983.7.1865.

28. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Accounting Procedures for Baha'i Treasurers. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1976. 38. 1976. 7.1921.

29. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Accounting Records for Local Treasurers. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer], 21 leaves (portfolio ring binder). Binder title: Treasurer, Local Spiritual Assembly. n.d. [196-?].7.1922.

30. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Local Baha'i Fund Audit Procedure. rev. ed. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, Mar. 1983. 8 p. 1983. 7. 1931.

31. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Questions and Answers for Baha'i Treasurers. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, 37 p. n.d. [197-].7.1934.

32. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Task Force Reports: Seventh National Treasurer's Representatives Training Institute. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, 1984. [8] p. 1984.7.1937.

33. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Fund: Treasurer's Report National Baha'i Convention, 1975. Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer, 1975. 13 p. 1975.7.1925.

34. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Fund: Treasurer's Report, National Baha'i Convention, 1976. Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer, 1976. 12 p. 1976. 7. 1926.

35. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Fund: Treasurer's Report, National Baha'i Convention, 1979. Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer, 1979. 8 p. 1979.7.1927.

36. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Fund: Treasurer's Report, National Baha'i Convention, 1982. Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer, 1982. 8 p. 1982. 7.1928.

37. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Generating Impulse: A Community Enrichment Program on the Baha'i Fund. Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer, 1973. 12 p. 1973.7.1929.

38. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Individual Believer and the Rhythm of Growth. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, 1982. v, 83 p. 1982.7.1930.

39. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The National Baha'i Fund. Wilmette, Ill.: National Baha'i Fund, [12] p. n.d. [1985].7.1933.

40. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. The Surest Way. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, 1978. v, 76 p. 1978.7.1936.

41. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Training Manual for National Treasurer's Representatives. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1976. 40, [26] p. 1976.7.1938.

42. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Treasurer's Report, St Louis Baha'i Conference, 1974. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: Office of the Treasurer], 1974. [12] p. 1974.7.1939.

43. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Office of the Treasurer. Where There's a Will . . . n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Office of the Treasurer, 1983. 29 p. 1983.7.1940.

44. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia. A Guide to Establishing Local Endowments. Lusaka: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia, 1977. 4 p. 1977.7.1989 c/r administration.

45. Sundram, Chellie J. The Baha'i Fund and the Individual. n.p.: Continental Board of Counsellors, Southeastern Asia, 28, 10 p. (No. 7 in a series). n.d. [1978?].7.2510.

46. Thoughts on the Baha'i Fund. Oxford: Holywell Press, 1960. [4] p. 1960.7.2556a.

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