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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 33

Hands (Listings)

1. Hands of the Cause. "'The Intercontinental Conferences of 1958'." In The Baha'i World An International Record, 372-76. 13 (Section x, item xx). Haifa: The Universal House of Justice, 1970. The full texts of messages sent by the nine Hands residing in Haifa to five intercontinental Baha'i conferences held in 1958.

2. [Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land]. Message to the Annual Conventions of the Baha'i World, 1959, from the Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land, n.p., n.d. [1959], [7] pp.

3. Hands of the Cause of God. A Message from the Hands of the Cause to the Baha'i World. Reprinted in The Baha'i World XIII (1970), pp. 357-62 (item x) ed., 6. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1961. Message from the conclave of October-November 1961, dated 5 November 1961 Collins 7.1128.

4. Hands of the Cause. "'Messages to the Baha'i World from the Body of the Hands of the Cause 1958-1963'." In The Baha'i World An International Record, 347-63. 13 (Section x, item xx). Haifa: The Universal House of Justice, 1970. Five collective messages prepared on the occasion of the second and subseq-uent conclaves of the 'Hands of the Cause' in Israel (November 1958; October-November 1959; October-November 1960; October-November 1961; April 1963). The 1959 message announces the plan of establishing the Universal House of Justice in 1963. The general theme is the pursuance of Shoghi Effendi's 10-year missionary plan. Item five consists of two cables.

5. Hands of the Cause. "'Proclamation by the Hands of the Cause to the Baha'is of East and West'." In The Baha'i World An International Record, ed. The Universal House of Justice (supervised). 341-45. 13 (Section x, item xx). Haifa: The Universal House of Justice, 1970. The first collective message (dated 25 November 1957) from the body of the 'Hands of the Cause', following their first conclave in Israel after the death of Shoghi Effendi. The text contains the historic announcement that Shoghi Effendi left no will or successor, declares that a body of nine Hands will assume temporary custodianship of the world centre in Haifa, and forecasts the establishment of the Universal House of Justice.

6. Hands of the Cause. "'Resolution dated 25 November 1957'." In The Baha'i World An International Record, 345-6. 13 (Section x, item xx). Haifa: The Universal House of Justice, 1970. A short resolution supplementary to the first collective message of the Hands (item xx), dated on the same day. This statement declares that the Hands, following the death of Shoghi Effendi, now constitute 'the Supreme Body of the Baha'i World Community' and appoints nine named Hands as 'Custodians of the Baha'i World Faith' until the election of the Universal House of Justice.

7. Hands of the Cause. "'Unfoldment of the World Crusade as Reflected in the Ridvan Messages and other communications from the Hands in the Holy Land'." In The Baha'i World An International Record, 363-72. 13 (Section x, item xx). Haifa: The Universal House of Justice, 1970. Synopses of and quotations from messages written by the nine Hands resident in Haifa to annual national Baha'i conventions between 1958 and 1962, with references to supplementary messages.

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