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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 34

History (Listings)

1. "'The Babs and their Prophet'." The Sun (New York City) (10 December 1883):

2. A Brief History of the Baha'i Faith. 3. n.p. [Freetown, Sierra Leone]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1984?]. Collins 7.584.

3. A Summary of Baha'i History. Anchorage: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska, 1980. 16 p. 1980.7.2506.

4. al-Hasani , 'Abd al-Razzaq. al-Babi yun wa 'l-Baha'i yun fi hadirihim wa madi him [The Babis and Baha'is in their present and past]. check no. Sidon: 1376/1957.

5. An Outline of Baha'i History. n.p. [Kampala, Uganda]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Central and East Africa, n.d. [195--] 20 p.; Kampala, Uganda: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-] 24 p.; n.p. [Kampala, Uganda]: Approved by National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Uganda and Central Africa, n.d. [between 1964 and 1970?] 22 pp; n.p. [Salisbury, Rhodesia]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South Central Africa, n.d. [between 1964 and 1970] 22. pp. n.p. [Salisbury, Rhodesia]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South Central Africa, 1969. 21 p.; n.p., n.d. [1978?] 23 p.; n.p. [Harare]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zimbabwe, 1982. 16 p. n.d.7.2084-2090.

6. Atrpet, [Sargis Mubagajian]. Imamat: Strana Poklonnikov Imamov (Persidskoe Dukhovenstvo) [Imamate: The Country of the Worshippers of the Imams]. 208. Alexandropol,: 1909. The author was an Armenian who wrote several books on Iran in Russian and Armenian. The second half of the present work (pp. 87-208), entitled 'Babity i Bekhaity', contains numerous photographs of early Babis, none of which appear to be in the least authentic.

7. Avara, 'Abd al-Husayn. Al-kawakib al-durriyya fi ma'athir al-Baha'iyya. Cairo: Sa'ada Press, 1923, 1924.

8. Avara, Mirza 'Abd al-Husayn. Al-kawakib al-durriyya fi ta'rikh zuhur al-babiyya wa 'l-baha'iyya. Translated by Ahmad Fa'iq Rushd. Cairo: al-'Arabiyya Press, 1343/1924. The Arabic translation of Avara's Al-kawakib al-durriyya [item xx].

9. Baha'i Youth in Baha'i History. 9. n.p. [Gaborone, Botswana]: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Botswana, 1973. Collins 7.482.

10. Blomfield, Lady [Sara Louisa]. The Chosen Highway. Reissued n.d. [1940], London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, and Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Committee; n.d. [194-?], Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Committee, x, 264 pp.; n.d. [1956], 1967, 1970, 1975, Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, x, 260 pp. (without pp. 261-65 from 1940 editions) ed., x, 265. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1940]. A not wholly systematic collections of pieces on Babi and Baha'i history, characterized more by enthusiasm than erudition. Parts 1 to 3 deal with the Bab, Baha' Allah, and 'Abd al-Baha' (whom the author knew), while Part 4 contains assorted notes and documents. The section on Baha' Allah consists of spoken chronicles by one of his daughters, the wife of 'Abd al-Baha', and a daughter of the latter, together with three shorter narratives.

11. Braun, Eunice. From Strength to Strength: The First Half Century of the Formative Age of the Baha'i Era. Reissued, 1979, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., viii, 74. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1978. Collins 7.579.

12. Browne, E. G. (ed.). Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion. Reprinted 1961 ed., xxiv, 380. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1918. The title is misleading. The vast majority of materials presented here deal with what is strictly Baha'ism. Several items are of considerable interest, including Mi rza Javad Qazvi ni 's historical epitome, various Iranian state papers, Browne's own notes on Babi , Azali and Baha'i literature, an account of early Baha'i propaganda in America, and selected poems by Qurrat al-'Ayn and Nabi l Zarandi . There are a number of unusual illustrations.

13. Cameron, Kenneth Walter. Transcendentalists in Transition: Popularization of Emerson, Thoreau and the Concord School of Philosophy in the Greenacre Conferences and the Montsalvat School (1894-1909): The Role of Charles Malloy and Franklin Benjamin Sanborn Before the Triumph of the Baha'i Movement in Eliot, Maine. 263 leaves. Hartford, Conn.: Transcendental Books, 1980. A detailed survey of a still-controversial episode in early American Baha'i history, focussing on events at the eclectic conferences at Sarah Farmer's house at Greenacre. Farmer, it has been alleged, was placed under pressure after her conversion to Baha'ism, with the result that the school was made over to the Baha'is and the programme there rendered excusively Baha'i. For a good general introduction, see XXXX. For a Baha'i account, see Martin XXXX. Collins 7.607.

14. Dawn of a New Age: An Illustrated History of the Baha'i Faith. Rev. ed. ed., 50. Suva, Fiji: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1981. Collins 7.793.

15. Die Geschichte der Baha'i-Religion [the history of the Baha'i religion]. 110. [Germany]: [before 1950].BW XII, p. 807.

16. Effendi, Shoghi. God Passes By -- see under Shoghi Effendi, item xx.

17. Hall, E. T. Continuation of 'The Baha'i Dawn: Manchester'. 8 leaves. n.p. [Manchester, U. K.?]: 1933. Continuation of item xCollins 7.1122.

18. Hall, E. T. The Beginning of the Baha'i Cause in Manchester (Cover title: The Baha'i Dawn, Manchester ). 37. Manchester, U. K.: Manchester Baha'i Assembly, 1925. Continued in item xCollins 7.1121.

19. Heroic Age of the Baha'i Faith. 21. Study Guide No. 1, n.p. [Nuku'alofa, Tonga]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tonga and the Cook Islands, 1973. Collins 7.1169.

20. Holley, Horace. God Passes By: Study Guide. Reissued 1977, 21 pp. ed., 5 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1961. Guide to Shoghi Effendi's history of the movement from 1844 to 1944 (section x, item x)Collins 7.1209-10.

21. Holley, Horace. Study Outline, God Passes By. 4 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1945. A guide to Shoghi Effendi's history of Babism and Baha'ism (item x), published in the previous year.Collins 7.1230.

22. Huart, Clement. "Review of Browne, Materials (item x)." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 79 (1919): 113-15.

23. Ishraq Khavari, 'Abd al-Hamid. Taqvim-i tarikh-i amr, havi-yi vaqayi'-i muhimma-yi qarn-i avval-i badi'. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 126 B.E./1969-70. A year-by-year record of 'important events' in Babi and Baha'i history, with a statement of the bare facts in each instance. A set of 27 appendices provide fuller details of specific topics. In keeping with his approach in other works, the author has not seen fit to include sources for his information. The book is, nevertheless, useful as a first attempt to establish a broad chronology for these events.

24. Isles], [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the British. The Centenary of a World Faith. The History of the Bahaa'i Faith and its Development in the British Isles. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1944.A history of the movement from 1844 to 1944. Only one chapter is devoted to the Bab, the rest dealing with Baha'ism proper. There is little original about the text, but the last chapter ('The Growth of the Cause in the British Isles') does provide some interesting information not readily available elsewhere.

25. Lawson, B. Todd. "Review of Momen (ed.), Studies in Babi and Baha'i History (item x)." Religious Studies Review (Macon, Ga.) II (no.2 (Apr. 1985)): p. 206.7.2491

26. Loeppert, Theodor A. "Die Fortentwicklung der Babi-Baha'i im Westen (The further development of the Babi-Baha'i [movement] in the West)." Doctorate, Leipzig University, 1933. Published Wurzburg, K. Triltsch.

27. MacEoin, Denis M. "'A Note on the Numbers of Babi and Baha'i Martyrs'." Baha'i Studies Bulletin 2 (3 1983): 68-72. An attempt to produce some realistic figures for the numbers of Babis and Baha'is killed individually or in pogroms in Iran up to the present time. Reduces the popular estimates of 20,000 and more to somewhere between two and three thousand.

28. MacEoin, Denis M. "'Baha'i and Babi Schisms'." In Encyclopaedia Iranica, 447-49. 3:4. London etc: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. c/r schismatic.

29. MacEoin, Denis M. "Review of M. Momen, The Babi and Baha'i Religions." Religion Vol.12 (1982): pp.405-8. A critical assessment of Momen's compilation of western materials on Babism and Baha'ism from 1844 to 1944. Raises the issue of the compiler's selectivity.7.1581.

30. Malik Khusravi , Muhammad 'Ali . Iqli m-i Nur [The region of Nur]. Tehran: 118 badi '/1962.An account of Babi and Baha'i history relating to the region of Nur in Mazandaran, the ancestral home of Baha' Allah.

31. Mazzaoui, Michel M. "Review of Momen, Studies in Babi and Baha'i History (item x)." Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven, Conn.), 105 (2 1985): pp. 360--362.7.2491.

32. Momen, Moojan (ed.). Studies in Babi and Baha'i History. Vol. 1. x, 337. Studies in Babi and Baha'i History, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1982. The first volume in a series devoted to Babi and Baha'i history, containing articles mainly by young Baha'i academics. This volume contains five essays, of which the most important is Smith's lengthy study of the early American Baha'i community. For details of the articles, see separate entries as follows:

33. Momen, Moojan (ed.). The Babi and Baha'i Religions, 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts. xxx, 572. Oxford: George Ronald, 1981. A comprehensive collection of original materials (mainly from diplomatic archives and early publications in European languages) relating to events in Babi and Baha'i history to 1944. The editor provides an informative linking narrative and helpful appendices. For its length and apparent detail, the book is surprisingly unrevealing, since the writers of the materials cited were all outsiders to the events. A few nuggets among the dross, however.7.1581.

34. Musacchia, Evelyn (designed by). Time Line of the Heroic Age and the Formative Age of the Baha'i Faith. based on an idea of Michael Woodward; . Honolulu: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, 1975. [4 p.] Pages may be put together to form 1 sheet. 1975.7.2561.

35. Nuqaba'i, Hussam. Manabi'-i tarikh-i amr-i Baha'i (The Sources for Baha'i History). [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 123 B.E./1966-67. A working bibliography of mainly Persian histories of Babism, Baha'ism and the two combined. Both published and unpublished works are included, although no proper bibliographical details are given, nor are the provenance or location of manuscripts supplied. The works cited are exclusively by Baha'i authors. The section on local histories, which includes references to several manuscript narratives, is of some interest. c/r Bibliographies.

36. Perraud, Raymond. "'Le Babisme et la Perse constitutionelle'." L'Opinion (Paris) (28 November 1908):

37. "Review of Momen (ed.), Studies in Babi and Baha'i History (item x)." The Middle East Journal (Washington, D.C.) 27 (Autumn 1983): p. 721.7.2491.

38. Ritter, Hermann. "Review of Browne, Materials (item x)." Der Islam (Berlin) 13 (1923): 134-8.

39. Samandar, Shaykh Kazim, 'Abd al-Husayn Samandari, Qazvini Mulla Ja'far, Qazvini Hajj Nasir, , and Ed. 'Abd al-'Ali 'Ala'i. Tarikh-i Samandar wa mulhaqat (Samandar's History, together with appendices). [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 131 B.E./1974-75. A collection of four histories (bowdlerized in some copies to the first two only) centred mainly on Qazvin. The first and longest, by a leading late 19th-C. Baha'i (see Balyuzi, item xx, ch.16), is an invaluable record of Babis and Baha'is associated with the town (including many prominent figures) from the earliest period to the time of completion (1333/1915). The account of Qurrat al-'Ayn (pp.343-68) is valuable. See also items xx, xxx, xxxx.

40. Samandari, Aqa Mirza 'Abd al-Husayn. "'Tarikh-i mutasa'id ila 'llah Aqa Mirza 'Abd al-Husayn Samandar-zada... dar dhikr-i vaqayi'-i Islambul'." In Tarikh-i Samandar (item x), pp.373-445. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 131 B.E./1974-75. An account by the son of Shaykh Kazim Samandar (see item xx) of his uncle Hajj Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Qazvini, Nabil ibn Nabil (1266/1850-1307/1890), a leading exponent of Baha'ism who was for a time the chief Baha'i agent in Istanbul, where he acted as intermediary between Baha' Allah and the Iranian Baha'is. Samandari's narrative deals chiefly with the last seven years of Nabil's life in Istanbul. [Move this item under History: Baha'ism]

41. Smith, Peter (Ed.). In Iran. Vol. 3. Studies in Babi and Baha'i History, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1986.A collection of six articles on aspects of Babi and Baha'i history and doctrine. The articles are separately indexed as follows:

42. Smith, Peter. A Short History of the Baha'i Faith. 168. Oxford: Oneworld, 1996. An intelligent if brief survey of Baha'i (inclusing Babi) history to the modern period.

43. Stories from Star of the West. Mona Vale, NSW: Baha'i Australia Publications, US BPT list.

44. Supplementary Stories to Accompany 'An Outline of Baha'i History'. n.p. [Kampala, Uganda]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Central and East Africa, 13 p.; n-d- [197--?] 14p Zambia ed. Lusaka: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia, 1981-24 P-. n.d. [between 1959 and 1964].7.2516-17.

45. Zohoori, Elias. Names and Numbers. n.p. [Kingston, Jamaica]: Zohoori, n.d. [198-?]. A Baha'i history reference guide.

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