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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:

An Annotated Bibliography

Denis MacEoin


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Chapter 35

Laws (Listings)

1. "'Baha'i Funerals Follow No Formal Ritual'." The American Funeral Director (New York) (May 1968): 49-50.11.102.

2. A Fortress for Well-Being: Baha'i Teachings on Marriage. Reprinted 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1984 ed., xi, 86. Baha'i Comprehensive Deepening Program, Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973. Collins 7.991.

3. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Amr wa khalq Vol.4 -- see section xx, item xx.

4. Baha' Allah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri, 'Abd al-Baha', and Shoghi Effendi. Ganjina-yi hudud wa ahkam -- see section x, item xx.

5. Baha'i Burial. Republished n.d. [1982?], n.p. [Mbabane, Swaziland, 19, 20 pp. [English and Swati texts] ed., 9. n.p. [Johannesburg]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, n.d. [1962?]. Collins 7.132-33.

6. Baha'i Fast, The. 4. n.p. [Apia, Samoa]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.237.

7. Baha'i Fast, The. 7.236. n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya]: National Education Committee of the Baha'is of Kenya, 1973. Collins 7.236.

8. Baha'i Funeral Practices. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of the USA, US BPT list.

9. Baha'i Laws and Obligations. [2]. n.p. [Freetown, Sierra Leone]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1983?]. Collins 7.333 Alternative title on p. 2: What Baha'is Believe.

10. Baha'i Laws and Teachings. [19] leaves. Lagos, Nigeria: Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, 1983. Collins 7.334.

11. Baha'i Laws. 14. n.p. [Lusaka, Zambia]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia, n.d. [1980?]. Collins 7.332a.

12. Baha'i Laws. v, 17. Star Study Program, Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. Collins 7.332.

13. Baha'i Marriage and Family Life Study Guide. 64. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Canada Publications, 1987. A companion to the Baha'i Marriage and Family Life compilation (section x [compilations], item xx).

14. Baha'i Marriage. 12. n.p. [Johannesburg, S. A.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, n.d. [1962?]. Collins 7.349.

15. Baha'i Marriage. 15. Lae, Papua New Guinea: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Papua and New Guinea, 1983. Collins 7.350.

16. Baha'i Marriage. [4]. n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya]: National Education Committee of the Baha'is of Kenya, 1973. Collins 7.348.

17. Divine Institution of Marriage, The. 153. Pottawa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, Nine articles by different authors.

18. Fast, The. [5]. n.p. [Lusaka, Zambia]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Zambia], n.d. [1971]. Collins 7.939.

19. Ha'i . Harche kunad, u kunad (He does whatever he pleases). Listed UK BPT On laws and principles.

20. Herrmann, Duane L. (comp.). Fasting: A Baha'i Handbook. 121. Oxford: George Ronald, 1988.

21. Justice, Universal House of. A Synopsis and Codification of the Laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas -- see Section x, item xx.

22. Laws and Teachings of Baha'u'llah/Ezinye Zezi Fundiso Nemithetho ka Baha'u'llah. 39. n.p. [Mbabane, Swaziland]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Swaziland], n.d. [1982?].Collins 7.1384

23. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Kenya. Death and Burial. Nairobi: Baha'i Publishing Agency, 21 p. n.d. [1985].7.1741.

24. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa. Falelauasiga Baha'i = Baha'i Burial. Apia: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, 1977. 12 p. English and Samoan text. 1977.7.1806.

25. Nushabadi , Hasan Rahmani . Fara'id al-di niyya (Religious obligations). 4th. ed., 129 B.E./1972-73, 61 pp. ed., 61. Tehran: Baha'i Publications Committee, 119 B.E./1962-63. This appears to be a separate work from Nushabadi's similarly-titled Fara'id al-di niyya (section x, item xx (apologetics)).

26. Pilgrimage, The. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Distribution Service, [4] p. n.d. [1980].7.2123.

27. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice (comp.). Huququ'llah, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1989, 16 pp. Huquq Allah ('the rights of God') refers to a voluntary tithe levied on adult believers, amounting to one-nineteenth of the value of the individual's possessions.

28. Rinde, Beatrice and John Cornell. Six Lessons on Baha'i Law. Hawaii: Hawaiian National Baha'i Library, 1976.

29. Rinde, Beatrice C. (comp.). Supplementary Material to Support a Course on Baha'i Law: An Advanced Class for Baha'is.. n.p., 1967. ii, 59 P See 7.331, 7-2418. 1967.7.2515.

30. Rinde, Beatrice C. and John B. (comp.) Cornell. Baha'i Law: A Deepening Course for Baha'is. Rev. ed. as Six Lessons on Baha'i Law: A Deepening Course for Baha'is, 1976 ed., ii, 80. n.p. [Honolulu, Hawaii]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, n.d. [1974]. See also Rinde, Supplementary Material [item x] Collins 7.331.

31. Some Baha'i Principles ~ Procedures Concerning Marriage, Birth & Death. Accra, Ghana: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahfi'is of Ghana, 1983. 16 p. 1983. 7.2434.

32. Stirrat, Charlotte. Baha'i Marriage, Naming the Baby, Making a will, Baha'i Burial: A Manual for Local Spiritual Assemblies. Windhoek: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of swA/Namibia, 25 p. n.d. [1984?].7.2478.

33. Umngczvabo Wesi Baha'i = Baha'i Burial: Imithandazo, Nezifundo. n.p. [Mbabane: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Swaziland], 7, 6 p. Zulu and English text. n.d. [197-?]. 7.2622.

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