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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 41

Other Religions (Listings)

1. "'Heralds of the Saviour'." World Peace Through Spiritual Regeneration 2 (16-17 Jan. 1, 16, 1937): 314-17. Collins 11.481

2. "'The Baha'i Faith and the New Age'." Chimo 7 (12 1981): 6-11.Collins 11.93.

3. Adamson, Hugh Carswell. 'The Concept of Revelation as Found in Islam and the Baha'i Faith', M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1975, vii, 191 leaves.

4. An Adventure in Interfaith Understanding. 6. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Baha'i Community, 1967. Collins 11.32.

5. Andree, George. "'The Bahai Teachings in Relation to Theosophy'." The International Psychic Gazette (11 June 1913): 325. Collins 11.52.

6. Arjumand, Haji Mahdi . Gulshan-i haqa'iq (The garden of realities). On Jewish and Christian prophecies c/r Baha'ism & Christianity, apologetics.

7. Association for Baha'i Studies. First International Symposium on the Baha'i Faith and Islam: March 23-25, 1984, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [8]. Ottowa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, 1984. For the proceedings of this symposium, see item xCollins 7.76.

8. Avarigan, Husayn. Bunyan-i 'aqa'id-i Ithna' 'Ashariyya (The basis of Twelver Shi'ite belief). 2nd. ed., 76. Tehran: Baha'i Publications Committee, 119 B.E./1962-63.

9. Avery, Dorothy Genevieve. 'Bahaism and its Relation to other Mahdi Movements in Islam', M.A., Drew University, 1924.

10. Baha'u'llah and Shri Krishna. 8. Egerton, England: The Peregrine Press, 1959. Collins 7.497.

11. Balise, David. "'The Baha'i Faith and the Divine Principle'." The Way of the World 9/10 (Sept./Oct. 1974): 35-45.Collins 11.175 Written from the perspective of the Unification Church, claiming the fulfilment of Baha'ism in the person of Sun Myung Moon.

12. Bean, Jack. Baha'u'llah: 'The Divine Youth', 'Chief of the Monarchs of Love': A Comparison and Contrast of Theosophy with the Baha'i Faith. 122 leaves. Brisbane, Qld.: Bean, 1949. Collins 7.540.

13. Beecher, Ellen V. Copy of a Letter Answering the Question: What is the Difference Between the Metaphysical Teachings of the Present Day, and that of the Bahai Revelation? 8. n.p.: n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.544.

14. Brown, Vinson. The return of the Indian Spirit. Naturegraph, Excerpted from Warriors of the Rainbow (item x).

15. Brown, Vinson. They Shall Drown Themselves in the Sea. Naturegraph, On a Tlingit Indian prophecy.

16. Bushrui, Suheil. The Spiritual Heritage of the Human Race. An Introduction. 240. Oxford: Oneworld.

17. Campbell, Myrtle W. The Continuity of the Prophets. 169. New York: The Pageant Press, 1952. Collins 7.613.

18. Claus, Ted. New Light on the Spirit Path. iv, 57. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1966. Collins 7.693.

19. Cole, Juan Ricardo. "Rashid Rida on the Baha'i Faith: A Utilitarian Theory of the Spread of Religions'." Arab Studies Quarterly 5 (3 Summer 1983): 276-91. Collins 11.277 Rida (1864-1935) was the leading disciple of the Islamic reformer Muhammad 'Abduh, and himself an important influence on the exponents of radical Islam in Egypt and elsewhere.

20. Cortazzi, Theodore. Reincarnation. 39. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.753 An attempt to reinterpret Hindu and Buddhist doctrine in the light of Baha'i teaching. 'In spite of more or less correct teaching by some Brahmans and some Buddhist "clergy", reincarnation and rebirth as applied to man is [sic] grossly misunderstood' (p.16).

21. Faizi, Abu'l-Qasim. The Prince of Martyrs: A Brief Account of the Imam Husayn. [6], 68. Oxford: George Ronald, 1977. Collins 7.921 A hagiographic version of the life and death of the third Shi'ite Imam, produced for a Western Baha'i audience.

22. Faizi, Gloria. Baha'i Dharma. 6. New Delhi: Baha'i Centre, 1975. Collins 7.924.

23. Faizi, Gloria. The Manifestations of God. 29. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975. Collins 7.933.

24. Faizi, Gloria. The Promise of Lord Krishna. 22. Bangalore: Baha'i Centre, 1975. Collins 7.935.

25. Fischel, Walter. "'The Bahai Movement and Persian Jewry'." India and Israel 4 (5 Nov. 1951): 27.Collins 11.395a See also item XX (same author/title).

26. Fischel, Walter. "'The Bahai Movement and Persian Jewry'." The Jewish Review (Mar. 1934): 47-55.Collins 11.395.

27. Fozdar, Jamshid. Buddha Maitreya Amitabha Has Appeared. 591. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1976. Collins 7.994 A lengthy, quasi-scholarly study in two parts, the first devoted to Gautama Buddha, and the second to his re-appearance in the person of Baha' Allah. The Bab is identified with the Boddhisatva Avalokitesvara.

28. Fozdar, Jamshid. Karma and the Fallacy of Reincarnation. 115. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, 1977. Collins 7.996.

29. Fozdar, Jamshid. The Fallacy of Ancestor Worship. 64. Bombay: 1965. Collins 7.995.

30. Fozdar, Jamshid. The God of Buddha. 184. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1973. A Baha'i attempt to demonstrate that the Buddha preached belief in a personal God.

31. Fozdar, Shirin. Buddha and Amitabha. Reprinted, n.d. [197-], n.p. [New Delhi?] ed., 34. Calcutta, India: Daw Sen & Co. Private Ltd., n.d. [between 1957 and 1964]. Collins 7.997 The first five chapters are devoted to the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, the rest to an account of the Bab and Baha' Allah as fulfilments of Buddhist prophecy.

32. Fozdar, Shirin. Lord Buddha and Amitabha. 48. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [195-?]. Collins 7.1000.

33. Fozdar, Shirin. Reincarnation Explained. 27. Ahmedabad, India: Sastu Sahitya Mudranalaya, n.d. [194-?]. Collins 7.1001.

34. Gail, Marzieh. Six Lessons on Islam. Issued 1969 by Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., 34. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1953. Collins 7.1034-5 A popular, semi-scholarly introduction by one of the few Western Baha'is familiar with an Islamic language.

35. Ghadimi, Sh. Les Revelations du Qur'an (The revelations of the Qur'an). Brussels: Maison d'Editions Baha'ies, 1970 (?), 1979, 27 pp..

36. Giachery, Ugo. One God, One Truth, One People: Some Thoughts on the Peace Encyclical of Pope John XXIII. Reissued 1967, 22 pp. ed., 23. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1965. Collins 1046 Giachery was an Italian Hand of the Cause.

37. God, His Mediator and Man: A Study of Comparative Religion. 39. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1958. Collins 7.1056 Contains two sections: 'The Scriptures of Different Faiths' by Pritam Singh; and 'The Oneness of Religion' by Doris McKay.

38. Gregory, Louis. Baha'i to Jew. 4. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [194-?]. Collins 7.1093.

39. Heggie, James. Muhammad and Islam: A Baha'i Qur'anic Study: Rodwell's Translation. 84. n.p. [Australia]: Heggie, 1972. Collins 7.1160.

40. Heggie, James. Qur'anic Study Index: Rodwell's Translation. xi, 63 leaves. Paddington, N.S.W.: Authorized by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, 1957. Collins1160a.

41. Hunt, Ethel M. M. A Journey from Judaism to the Baha'i Faith, with a statement on the spread of the Baha'i teachings among the Jews in Persia, by A.J. Weinburg. [8]. n.p.: n.d. [1941?]. Collins 7.1249.

42. Introduction to the Study of the Qur'an. Reprinted 1956, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, as Introduction to a Study of the Qur'an: With Additional References from Several Baha'i Texts, 21 pp. ed., 25 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1942. Collins 7.1299, 1303.

43. Islam, a Pathway to the Baha'i Faith. 12. n.p. [Bathurst, Gambia]: Baha'i Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Upper West Africa, 1972. Collins 7.1311.

44. Jaggi, Christian J. Zum interreligiosen Dialog zwischen Christentum, Islam und Bahaitum (Towards an inter-religious dialogue between Christianity, Islam, and Baha'ism), Frankfurt am Main, Haag und Herschen, 1987, 225 pp. Originally written as the author's doctoral thesis, University of Zurich, 1986-87.

45. Kahn, Annie, Olin Karch, and Blu Mundy. Four Remarkable Indian Prophecies. Naturegraph, Discusses North and South American Indian prophecies, deemed to foretell the advent of the Baha'i revelation.

46. Khoreshi, S. H. The Baha'i Faith and Islam. 49. New Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India and Burmh [sic], 1946. Collins 7.1368.

47. Koreski, S. H. The Baha'i Faith and Judaism. 34. ed. New Delhi: NSA of the Baha'is of India and Burma, 1945. Bjorling.

48. Littlefield, David W. "Review of Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (item xx)." Library Journal (Oct. 1, 1978): 1993. Collins 7.2347.

49. Mahmoudi, Jalil. The Story As Told. Rev. ed., 1979, Los Angeles, Kalimat Press (ill. Russell Roberts), 80 pp. ed., 63. Healdsburg, Calif.: Naturegraph, 1973. Collins 7.1488-9 A simplistic presentation of the concept of 'progressive revelation'.

50. Masujima, Rokuichiro. "'Bahaism and Buddhism: The Zeu [sic] Sect's Mission in This Mudnane World: Story of Baha Orah, the Persian Prophet: Discrimination Must Go'." The Trans-Pacific 13 (July 3, 1926): 3. Collins 11.676.

51. Mathews, Loulie A., et al. Studies in Jewish Mysticism. 41. n.p. [USA]: n.d. [1952]. Collins 7.1527.

52. Misra, Prakasa Narayana. Kalk avatara [The Kalki Avatar ], 1977, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 2, 172 pp. The Kalki Avatar is an incarnation of Krishna identified by Baha'is as Baha' Allah.

53. Momen, Moojan. Hinduism and the Baha'i Faith. Oxford: George Ronald, The author is by no means an authority on Hinduism, and the book seems to be aimed more at explaining Baha'ism to Hindus than anything.

54. Motlagh, Hushidar. I Shall Come Again, Mount Pleasant, Mich., Global Perspective, 1992. On prophecy.

55. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. Study Outline Committee. Muhammad and the Founding of Islam: A Study Outline Based on Baha'i Literature. 53 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1942. Collins 7.1980.

56. Nuqaba'i , Hussam. Bisharat-i kutub-i asamani [The prophecies of the heavenly books]. [Tehran?]: n.d.

57. On the Bab and Baha' Allah as heralds of the Hindu teacher Dayananda (1824-83), the founder of the Arya Samaj and leading modern exponent of exclusivist Hinduism.

58. Perker, L.E. "'Baha'u'llah and Ramakrishna: A Comparative Study'." The Aryan Path 8 (12 Dec. 1937): 540-43.Collins 11.784.

59. Popoff, Eli. "'Journey to the Holy Land'." Mir (15 May1977): 38-59. Collins 11.817 Includes (pp.39-40) a discussion of Baha'i relations with the Russian Doukhobor sect.

60. Raman, S. P. My Quest for the Fulfillment of Hinduism. Republished 1985, Kuala Lumpur, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, and reprinted n.d., Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., 22. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974. Collins 7.2205-2205a.

61. Remey, Charles Mason. The Relation of the Bahai Movement to the Religions of the Past. First published in The New Era, Riverton, N.J., August 29, 1919 ed., [4]. n.p.: n.d. [1919?]. Collins 7.2260.

62. Revelation progressive: Dieu, Abraham, Krishna, Moise, Zoroastre, Bouddha, Jesus, Mahomet, le bab, Baha'u'llah, Thornhill, Ont., Publications Baha'i Canada/Baha'i Canada Publications, 1982, [23] pp. [French]

63. "Review of Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness." Theology Digest 27 (1 Spring 1979):

64. "Review of Udo Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (item xx)." Choice (Oct. 1978): 378-9. Collins 7.2347.

65. Reyna, Ruth. "Review of Fozdar, Buddha Maitreya Amitabha Has Appeared [item xxx]." Journal of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha (84 Spring 1979): 30-32.Collins 7.994.

66. Robiati, Augusto. L'Islam e il Corano (Islam and the Qur'an). Rome: Casa Editrice Baha'i.

67. Ross-Enfield, Louis. How a Member of the Jewish Faith Became a Baha'i. 1. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [between 1970 and 1977]. Collins 7.2314.

68. Sabet, Huschmand. The Heavens Are Cleft Asunder. 153. Oxford, England: George Ronald, 1975. Collins 7.2333 Translation of Der Gespaltene Himmel [details, and put notes under original].

69. Schaefer, Udo. The Light Shineth in Darkness. 2nd. ed., 1980 ed., viii, 195. Translated by Helène Momtaz Neri, Oliver Coburn. Oxford: George Ronald, 1977. Collins 7.2347 Includes essays on Islam.

70. Scholl, Steven (ed.). The Peace Bible: Words from the Great Traditions. 136. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, Foreword by Hans Kung. A compilation of quotations on peace from all major religious traditions.

71. Scholl, Steven D. (1980). Imami  Shi 'ism and the Baha'i  Faith: A Preliminary Study. B.A., University of Oregon. 76, 25 p. The author suggests that Baha'is uncritically accept the theological and historical assertions of Shi'ism with regard to the twelve Imams, whereas the Baha'i writings may suggest a more critical stance. :13.56.

72. Singh, Prof. Pritam. The Second Coming of Shri Krishna. 16. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [195-/196-]. Collins 7.2148 Identifies Baha' Allah as the tenth avatara of Krishna. Contains numerous quotations from Baha'i scripture.

73. Some Baha'i Proofs Based on the Holy Qur'an. Another printing n.p., n.d. [196-], 25 leaves ed., 25. n.p. [Port-of-Spain, Trinidad]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago, n.d. [1979?]. Collins 7.2435 and 2440.

74. Tag, Abd el-Rahman. "See under Babi History, item x." :

75. Tari kh-i adyan (History of religions). Listed UK BPT FAR690.

76. The Drama of Salvation: Days of Judgment and Redemption: Institute-Study. 134. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1951. Collins 7.823 Examines the theme of the present age as that of the Day of Judgement.

77. The Eternal Covenant of God. 9. n.p. [Bogota, Colombia]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Colombia, 1982. Collins 7.888.

78. The Eternal Covenant of God: Theme 1, Level 1. 14. n.p. [Bogota]: National Teaching Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Colombia, 1983. Collins 7.889.

79. The Oath of the Prophet Mohammed to the Followers of the Nazarene. 7. Translated by Anton F. Haddad. New York: [Baha'i] Board of Counsel, 1902. Collins 7.2050.

80. Walsh, Walter. Living Religions and the Bahai Movement. 15. Free Religious Addresses, no.236, London: Free Religious Movement Towards World-Religion and World-Brotherhood, 1924. Collins 7.2671.

81. Witzel, Donald R. Budha, Krishna, Zoroaster. [42] leaves. n.p. [Maracaibo?]: [Witzel], n.d. [197-?]. Collins 7.2766.

82. Woolson, Gayle. Divine Symphony. Rev. ed., 1976, 138 pp.; 1977, 132 pp. ed., 120. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1971. Collins 7.2771 Accounts of the founders of the world's main religions.

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