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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 44


1. '22 Bahai warten in Schiraz auf ihre Hinrichtung.' Frankfurter Allgemeine (Frankfurt) (16 Feb. 1983):

2. 'A Challenge to the Bahais.' The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.) 15 (2 Apr. 1925): 191-92.11.259.

3. 'Adherents of Baha'i Faith in Iran.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (19 Aug. 1981): 411-20.

4. 'Attacks on Freedom of Religion: Baha'is and Muslim Fundamentalists.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D.C.) 10 (1-2 Sept.-Dec. 1984a): 168-9.

5. 'Ausrottungs-Kampagne gegen die Baha'i-Religion.' CSI Informationen und Appelle (Zurich) (Oct.-Nov. 1982):

6. 'Baha'i Community, Iran.' New Zealand Parliament Debates (Wellington, NZ) (14 Oct. 1981): 4106-7.

7. 'Baha'i Community, Notice of Motion.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (11 Sept. 1980): 1154.

8. 'Baha'i Leaders Are Executed.' Amnesty International Newsletter (London) 12 (2 Feb. 1982): 6.11.111.

9. 'Baha'i Members of the Espionage Network Executed.' Imam (London) (11 Feb. 1982): 22. Justification for Baha'i executions by an organ of the Islamic Republic.

10. 'Baha'i Persecutions in Persia.' The Near East (London) 30 (807 Nov. 4, 1926): 517.11.126.

11. 'Baha'i Religion Out.' The Church Around the World (Wheaton, Ill.) 12 (7 June 1982): [2].11.127.

12. 'Baha'i Women Murdered in Iran.' Women's International Network News (Lexington, Mass.) 9 (4 Autumn, 1983): 42.11.141.

13. 'Baha'i-Verfolgung im Iran.' Christ in der Gegenwart (Freiburg) 33 (36 6 Sept. 1981): 290.

14. 'Baha'is Accuse Iran of Campaigning to Uproot Their Faith.' The International Herald Tribune (Paris) (15 July 1981):

15. 'Baha'is Appeal to Christians.' Church and Community News (Abingdon, U.K.) (July 1983)): 9.11.145.

16. 'Baha'is Die for Beliefs.' The United Church Observer (Toronto) (Oct. 1983)): 40-41.11.148.

17. 'Baha'is Fear Extermination by Iran.' The New York Times (3 May 1981):

18. 'Baha'is in Iran.' Dialog (Aarhus, Denmark) 7 (2 1983): 30.11.153.

19. 'Baha'is Persecuted in Iran: Some Flee to Other Lands.' In World Refugee Survey, 1982, 17. New York: ACNS, 1982.

20. 'Baha'is Still persecuted by Iran regime.' The Citizen (Ottawa) (26 May 1983): 45.

21. 'Baha'is, a Model of Private Sponsorship: from an Interview with Carolyne Dowdell.' Refuge (Downsville, Ont.) 2 (1 Sept.-Oct. 1982): 1, 3.

22. 'Baha'is, the "Untouchables" of Iran.' The Illustrated Weekly of India (Bombay) 104 (16 May 8-14, 1983): 16-17.11.164.

23. 'Bahai Members Executed.' The Forum (Wichita, Kan.) (June 1981): 1.11.112.

24. 'Bahais executed in Iran.' The Times (London) (9 Jan. 1982):

25. 'Bahais Hanged in Iran.' One World (Geneva) (19 May-6 July 1983)): 6.11.150.

26. 'Bahais: The Persecution Continues.' The Economist (London) (Oct. 26, 1985): 52.11.162-3 Reprinted in Le Nouvel Economiste (Paris), 26 Nov. 1985.

27. 'Captives in Iran.' Life and Work (Edinburgh) (Dec. 1980): 6.11.251.

28. 'Condemning Iranian Persecution of the Baha'i Community.' Congressional Record (Washington DC) 128 (133 pt.II 30 Sept. 1982): H8229-H8232.

29. 'De Baha'is.' Kerkleven (Doetinchem, Netherlands) 40 (16 29 April 1982):

30. 'Egyptian Court Rules Baha'i Marriages Invalid.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D.C.) 10 (3-4 Jan.-Apr. 1985): 406.11.365.

31. 'Embassy Defends Baha'i Terror.' International Newsletter (London) (Oct./Nov. 1983): 30.11.370.

32. 'Erneut 22 Baha'i zum Tode verurteilt.' Vierte Welt Aktuell (Gottingen) (March 1983):

33. 'Foreign Ministry Denounces Reagan Call on Baha'is.' Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports (Washington, D. C.) (section viii 26 May 1983): 12.11.404.

34. 'Geheime Hinrichtungen der Baha'i in Iran.' Der Aufbau (Zurich) (6 Feb. 1982):

35. 'Grim Toll of Executions in Iran.' Canadian Churchman (Toronto) 107 (8 Oct. 1981): 11.448.

36. 'Hanging Heretics.' The Economist (London) (June 25, 1983): 51.11.459.

37. 'Has Iran Moderated Its Treatment of Baha'is?.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 10 (5 May-Aug. 1985): 714.11.466.

38. 'Heretics in Islam.' Time (New York) 65 (June 6, 1955): 40-41 (European ed.?); 68 (US ed.).11.482-3.

39. 'Holier Than Khomeini.' The Economist (London) 286 (7277 Feb. 19, 1983): 50, 53.11.493.

40. 'How Profuse the Blood...'. [14]. Guam: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Mariana Islands, n.d. [1984?]. Collins 7.1238.

41. 'If Iran Is Really Listening.' The New York Times (18 Jan. 1982): 20.

42. 'Immigration of Baha'is.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (24 March 1982): 1316.

43. 'In Iran, New Threats to the Baha'i.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) (122 Sept.-Nov. 1983): 247.11.519.

44. 'In Our Country, These Women Would Have Been Honoured for Their Contribution to Society...: In Their Country, They Were Killed.' Time (Montreal) (18 July 1983): 11.522.

45. 'Intolerance for the Tolerant.' The Economist (London) (Sept. 13, 1980): 11.530.

46. 'Iran Declares War on Infidels.' The Forthright Review (Toronto) 1 (Apr. 1984): 4.11.540.

47. 'Iran Seeks to Suppress Baha'i Faith.' The Christian Century (Chicago) 72 (June 8, 1955): 677.11.550.

48. 'Iran's Holy War on Bahais.' Congressional Record, House (Washington DC) (4 March 1982): H693.

49. 'Iran's newest victims.' The New York Times (27 Apr. 1981): A22.

50. 'Iran, Baha'i Persecution Continues.' Amnesty Action (New York) (Apr. 1984): 8.11.538.

51. 'Iran, Baha'i Persecution.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 7 (2 Nov.-Dec. 1981): 423.

52. 'Iran, Baha'i Persecution.' Human Rights Internet Reporter 7 (2 Nov./Dec. 1981): 423.

53. 'Iran, Execution of Baha'i Members.' Human Rights Perspective (New York) (Spring, 1983): 4.11.542.

54. 'Iran, Religious Persecution.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (28 Oct. 1981): 2569.

55. 'Iran: Executions of Baha'is Continue, Another 22 Executed.' Amnesty (London) (June-July 1983): 29.11.543.

56. 'Iran: Kurds, Baha'is Hanged.' Amnesty International Newsletter (London) 13 (8 Aug. 1983): 1, 6.11.546.

57. 'Iranian Authorities Are Continuing a Drive to Decimate Bahais.' Christianity Today (Carol Stream, Ill.) (June 17, 1983): 11.552.

58. 'Iranian Baha'is in the U. S. Fear Persecution in Their Homeland.' The New York Times (28 Jan. 1980):

59. 'Iranian Bahais face execution.' The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver) (16 Feb. 1983): A16.

60. 'Iranian Lawyers Linked to Baha'i Community.' American Bar Association Network for Concerned Correspondents (Washington, D. C.) (Nov. 1983): 1-2.11.554.

61. 'Irao, Terror em Nome de Deus.' Tempo Magazine (Portugal) (9 July 1981): 3.

62. 'IRNA Criticizes U.S. "Propganda Tirade" on Baha'i.' Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports (Washington, D. C.) (section viii 27 May 1983): 11-12.11.556.

63. 'Kurds and Baha'is Executed.' Amnesty (London) (Aug.-Sept. 1983): 3.11.614.

64. 'Le Drame des Baha'is.' Pourquoi Pas? (Brussels) (29 Jan. 1981): 42-44.

65. 'Le Massacre des Innocents.' Pourquoi Pas? (Brussels) (21 Jan. 1982): 38-40.

66. 'Les Bahais, l'Eternel Bouc Emissaire de l'Irak.' France-Israel Information (Nov-Dec 1981): 25.

67. 'Local Woman Testifies.' Montezuma Valley Journal (Cortez, Colo.) (May 9, 1984): 13B.11.635.

68. 'Local Woman Touched by Executions in Iran.' Montezuma Valley Journal (Cortez, Colo.) (24 Aug., 1983): 13A.11.636.

69. 'Luxembourg Opens Doors to Baha'is.' Luxembourg News Monthly (Luxembourg) (Feb. 1985): 21.11.642.

70. 'Misr: al-mutashaddidun al-Muslimun yaqdamun al-sulta shay'an fa-shay'an' [Egypt: Muslim extremists are eroding government power little by little]." al-Watan (Kuwait) (24 June 1985): 15. Reprint of an article from Le Nouvel Observateur (Paris). Includes comment on the arrest of Baha'is in Egypt, arguing that the government allowed this as a sop to radical Muslim opinion.

71. 'Moqtada'i Denies Baha'i Persecution in Iran: LD311233 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1030 GMT 31 Jan 85.' Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports (Washington, D. C.) (Feb.1, 1985): 13.11.710.

72. 'Morocco, a Question of Faith.' The Economist (London) 206 (Jan. 5, 1963): 26.11.716.

73. 'New Repressive Measure Against Baha'is.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 10 (3-4 Jan.-Apr. 1985): 408.11.741.

74. 'Nuove vittime tra i Baha'i iraniani.' (New victims among the Iranian Baha'is) La Stampa (Turin) (13 Mar. 1983):

75. 'Other Worldly.' The Economist (London) (July 24, 1982): 43.11.773.

76. 'People Are Asking: The Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.' Zhong Guo Bao DaoÅ (Taiwan) (933 63-32.11.791 Chinese and English text.

77. 'Persecucion a los Bahai.' Ercilla (Santiago, Chile) (10 March 1982): 53.

78. 'Persecution des Membres de la communaute Baha'i en Iran.' Journal Officiel des Communautes Europeennes: Debats du P.E. [Brussels ?????] 1-260 (Sept. 1980): 388-92.

79. 'Persecution of Bah'is [sic] in Iran.' Goa Today (Panjim, Goa) 16 (7 Feb. 1982): 21.11.794.

80. 'Persecution of Baha'i Faith, Notice of Motion.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (4 Dec. 1980): 372.

81. 'Persecution of Baha'i in Iran.' Official Journal of the European Communities: Debates of the EP [Brussels ?????] 1-260 (Sept. 1980): 331-34. In French, see item 286.

82. 'Persecution of Baha'is.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 10 (1-2 Sept.-Dec. 1984): 147-48.11.793.

83. 'Plight of Iranian Baha'is.' Gist (Washington, D.C.) (Oct. 18, 1984): 1-2.11.811.

84. 'Recant or Else.' The Economist (London) (Jan. 23, 1982): 11.838.

85. 'Religious Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 10 (1-2 Sept.-Dec. 1984): 148-49.11.853.

86. 'Report from Iran.' UN Chronicle (New York) 19 (8 Sept. 1982): 52-58.

87. 'Repression et persecution en Iran.' Le Monde (Paris) (30 Dec. 1981): 1.

88. 'Repression of Religious Minorities: The Baha'is.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 9 (7 Dec. 1983- Jan. 1984): 376.11.858.

89. 'Resumption of Debate on the Persecution of Baha'i Faith in Iran.' Parliament of Fiji, Parliamentary Debates, the Senate, Daily Hansard (Fiji) (17 March 1982): 52-55.

90. 'Senate condemns persecution of Baha'is.' News World (New York) (1 July 1982):

91. 'Severe Persecution of Iranian Bahais Reported.' Daily Bulletin (Bern, Switzerland) (213 Nov. 13, 1984): 1, 2, cover.11.906.

92. 'Summary Executions Still Widespread, Commission's Special Rapporteur Reports.' UN Chronicle (New York) 22 (Mar. 1985): 39-40.11.973.

93. 'Tag der Menschenrechte: Hofheimer Baha'i bagen um Mitglabige im Iran.' Hofheimer Zeitung (Hofheim) (11 Dec. 1982): 11.

94. 'Tehran Radio Comments on Human Rights Criticism.' Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports (Washington, D. C.) (section viii 9 Dec. 1985): 15-16.11.987.

95. 'Tehran, Vernichtungsstrategie gegen religiose Minderheit.' PPP (Bonn) 34 (7 30 March 1983): 4-6.

96. 'Terror in Iran.' Peace by Peace (Northern Ireland) (Sept. 18, 1981): 6.11.997.

97. 'Terror in Iran.' Voice of the Martyrs (Auckland, N. Z.) (Oct. 1981): [4].11.998.

98. 'The Baha'is in Iran.' Imam (London) 2 (5-6 June-July 1982): 20-21.The official Islamic Republic viewpoint.

99. 'The Baha'is in Iran.' L'Echo des Iles (Seychelles) (9 15 June-1 July 1984): 19-20.11.154.

100. 'The Baha'is of Iran.' Outsider (London) (22 Dec. 1985): 4.11.156.

101. 'The Baha'is, Iranian Persecution.' Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords, Official Report (London) 427 (38 10 Feb. 1982): 244-57.

102. 'The Bahai's [sic] Horror in Iran: Is This the Brotherhood of Man?.' She (Pakistan) (July 1984): 20-21.11.151.

103. 'The Besieged Bahais of Iran.' Asiaweek (Hong Kong) (3 Apr. 3, 1981): 46.11.197.

104. 'The Message of a Martyr.' East and West Series (Poona, India) (66 (special number) Apr./June 1961): 73-74.11.687.

105. 'The Nonagon.' The Nation (New York) 196 (Feb. 16, 1963): 130-31.11.750 On persecutions in Morocco.

106. 'The Refugees It Doesn't Talk About.' The Economist (London) (Feb. 13, 1982): 50-51.11.844.

107. 'The Talk of the Town: Notes and Comments.' The New Yorker (New York) (Feb. 4, 1985): 31-32.11.982.

108. 'The Week: Indonesia.' Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong) (14 Mar. 1985): 11.11.1066 On banning of Baha'ism in Indonesia.

109. 'Time to Speak Up.' Canadian Jewish News (Toronto) (Nov. 19, 1981): 11.1006.

110. 'Tribunal Considers Baha'i Protest.' Iranian Assets Litigation Reporter (Edgemont, Pa.) (Aug. 19, 1983): 11.1014.

111. 'U. N. slows executions of Bahais.' Washington Times (22 Oct. 1982):

112. 'UN Action Said to Slow Killing of Iran Baha'is.' The International Herald Tribune (Paris) (20 Oct. 1982): 5.

113. 'US Public Delegate to UN Reports Executions of Baha'is in Iran.' Human Rights Internet Reporter (Washington, D. C.) 9 (7 Dec. 1983-Jan. 1984): 376.11.1034.

114. 7.I732. An Open Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran About the Banning of the Baha'i Administration. n.p. [Freetown: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1983] 13 p.

115. 7.I834. --idem. rev. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1980. [31] leaves. 1980.7.1833-34.

116. Voice of a Persecuted People: An Open Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'ts of Iran. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1984] 12 p. 1983.7.1730-33.

117. Anon, [NSA of Canada?]. New Attacks on the Baha'is in Iran: Canada Responds = Nouvelles Attaques contre les Baha'is en Iran: le Canada Repond. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1980. 8 p. Number two in a series entitled: Update on Iran. 1980.7.1998.

118. Apple, R. W. 'Religios grupp forfoljs i Iran." (Religious group persecuted in Iran.) Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm) (11 Mar. 1983): 4.

119. Apple, R. W. Jr. 'Iran's Baha'is: Some Call It Genocide.' The New York Times (New York) (27 Feb. 1983):

120. Attacks on Baha'is in Iran. 2. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: U. S. Baha'i Information Office, 1979. Collins 7.79.

121. Australia, Parliament. Legislative Research Service. Foreign Affairs Group. Notes on the Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran. 10. n.p. [Canberra, A. C. T.]: Legislative Research Service, 1984. Collins 7.86.

122. Australia, Parliament. Persecution of Members of the Baha'i Faith in Iran: Extracts from the Proceedings of the Australian Federal Parliament. 18. n.p. [Mona Vale, N. S. W.]: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1981. Collins 7.85.

123. Baettig, Michel. 'Les Nouveaux Martyrs: les Baha'is Decimes en Iran.' L'Hebdo (Lausanne) 2 (15 Jan. 1982): 16-17.

124. "Baha'i Appeal for Religious Freedom in Iran." (Wilmette, Ill. 1956): Baha'i International Community.

125. Baha'i Faith, Persecution in Iran, The. Reissued 25 November 1981, 5 leaves ed., 4 leaves. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 8 July 1981. Collins 7.129.

126. Baha'i International Community. Appeal to the United Nations by the Baha'i International Community. 4. New Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India, Pakistan, and Burma, 1955. Collins 7.281.

127. Baha'i International Community. Baha'i Appeal for Religious Freedom in Iran. Reissued 1956 ed., 21. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i International Community, 1955. Collins 7.282-83.

128. Baha'i International Community. Chronological Summary of Individual Acts of Persecution Against Baha'is in Iran (from August 1978). 34. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1981. Collins 7.291.

129. Baha'i International Community. Chronological Summary of Individual Acts of Persecution against Baha'is in Iran. New York: Baha'i International Community, June 1981.

130. Baha'i International Community. Imposition by Iranian Government of Legal Ban on Baha'i Activities in Iran. 8 leaves. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1983. Collins 7.298.

131. Baha'i International Community. Major Developments, July 1982-July 1983: The Baha'is in Iran, a Report on the Persecution of a Religious Minority. 32. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1983. Collins 7.299.

132. Baha'i International Community. Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran, 1979-1985: A 6-Year Campaign to Eliminate a Religious Minority. 10. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1985. Collins 7.306. Short account of persecutions under the first six years of the Islamic Republic.

133. Baha'i International Community. Systematic Torture of Baha'is in Iranian Prisons. 15. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1984. Collins 7.317.

134. Baha'i International Community. The Baha'is in Iran: A Report on the Persecution of a Religious Minority. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1981, [68] pp.. Supplement issued September 1981; rev. ed., 1982, 86 pp. A lengthy account of the pogrom then in progress, prepared by the Baha'i organization attached to the United Nations through the UN Dept. of Public Information and other bodies. Collins 7.286-87.

135. Baha'i International Community. Update, the Baha'is in Iran: A Report on the Persecution of a Religious Minority. i, 18. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1981. Collins 7.320.

136. Baha'i Persecutions in Persia. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1926. Reprints of letters to Reza Shah in July 1926 by the NSA of the Baha'is of the US and Canada.

137. Bahareh. 'The Conversion: A Short Story About a Baha'i Family Which First Appeared in an Underground Paper in Iran.' Index on Censorship (London) (May 1983): 22.11.170.

138. Bahareh. 'The Day Light Came to Our House.' Liberty (Washington, D.C.) 79 (2 Mar.-Apr. 1984): 3-4.11.171.

139. Bailey, Dennis. 'Iran and the Baha'is.' The Bulletin (Sydney) (Nov. 18, 1980): 6.11.173.

140. Bailey, Kathleen. 'Iran reported waging genocide on Baha'i.' The Washington Times (1 June 1982): 3A.

141. Beint, Mina. 'A Persian Martyr.' NHR National Newsletter (Solihull, West Midlands, U.K.) (Autumn 1984): 29.11.189.

142. Beliveau, Jules. 'Les baha'is celèbrent leurs martyrs dans la joie.' La Presse (Montreal) (4 Sept. 1982):

143. Berget, Ottar. 'Jeg ber hver dag for minmanns morder.' Hjemmet (Oslo) (25 1982): 110ff.

144. Bethel, Fereshteh Taheri. (1984). A Psychological Theory of Martyrdom: A Content Analysis of Personal Documents of Baha'i Martyrs of Iran Written Between 1979 and 1982. Ph.D., 'The purpose of this study was the formulation of a psychological theory of martyrdom based upon a content analysis of the last personal documents of Baha'i martyrs in Iran. This investigation and proposed theory tested the premise that the response of Baha'i martyrs to severe social stressors (persecution and execution between 1979 and 1982) differed from the typical psychological explanations of response to high stressors.' [Abstract] Curiously, comparison is made with works dealing largely with Christian views of martyrdom rather than with Shi'i and Islamic views. :13.13.

145. Bigelow, Katharine R. 'The Baha'i Experience', in Genocide Watch, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1992, x, 204 pp. Paper delivered at Genocide Watch conference May 22-23 1989, New York, initiated by the Institute for the Study of Genocide.

146. Bordewich, Fergus M. 'The Baha'is, Their "Crime" Is Faith.' Reader's Digest (Pleasantville, N.Y.) (Dec. 1984): 61-68.11.216-18; Reprinted as 'Their Crime is Faith', in Reader's Digest (Surrey Hills, N.S.W.), v.126, no.757, pp.61-65 (May 1985); Reader's Digest (Hong Kong), Asia ed., v.44, no.263 (Feb. 1985), pp. 92-96; as 'Torture of a Peaceful People: Refusing to Renounce Their Faith, the Baha'is in Iran Suffer Ruthless Cruelty', Reader's Digest (London), v.126, no.753 (Jan. 1985), pp.97-100.

147. Bordewich, Fergus M. Their 'Crime' is Faith. Reprinted from Reader's Digest, Dec. 1984 ed., 6. Pleasantville, N. Y.: Reader's Digest Association, 1984'' Collins 7.560.

148. Brière, Claire. 'Les Damnes de l'Islam.' Le Nouvel Observateur (Paris) (16-22 Jan. 1982): 31.

149. Browne, E. G. Daily News (London) (30 October 1891): 5. Account of the 'Seven Martyrs of Yazd'.

150. Browne, E. G. Pall Mall Gazette (London) (26 November 1891): 3. Account of the 'Seven Martyrs of Yazd'.

151. Brune, Tom. 'Baha'is in Iran: Do they face extermination?.' Boston Sunday Globe (16 Jan. 1983): A23.

152. Buob, Jacques. 'Iran, les Martyrs de Dieu.' L'Express (Paris) (22-28 Jan 1982): 76-77.

153. Butler, Sharon. 'Religious Persecution in Iran Touches Baha'is in Chicago.' The Chicago Journal (29 July 1981): 2, 3, 5.

154. California, Legislature, Senate. 'Resolution of the Senate Rules Committee by Senator Dan O'Keefe Relative to Members of the Bahai Faith.' The Senate [Sacramento] (1982):

155. Canada, Parliament, House of Commons. 'Condemnation of Persecution of Religious Minorities in Iran.' Debates (Ottowa, Canada) (16 July 1980): 2953.

156. Chedaille, Jean. 'Le genocide des Baha'is en Iran.' La Nouvelle Republique de Centre-Ouest (Tours) (4 Nov. 1982):

157. Clawson, Patrick. 'The Bahais.' The New York Review of Books 29 (14 Sept. 23, 1982): 11.273.

158. Clines, Francis X.; Weaver, Warren, Jr. 'Plea for Bahai in Iran.' The New York Times (1 July 1982):

159. Coleman, Michael. 'Eleven vanish into unknown jail.' The Times (London) (24 Oct. 1981):

160. Collins, William P., assisted by Janet H. Beavers. 'Persecution of the Baha'i Faith in Iran: A Partial Bibliography of References from Books and Pamphlets, Journals, Newspaper Articles and Official Documents in Some European Languages.' In Baha'i World, vol. 18, pp.369-79. Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1986. A useful if unselective bibliography of assorted references (some very slight) to persecutions in Iran between 1979 and 1983. The materials included are taken from holdings at the Baha'i World Centre Library in Haifa. Many of the entries are general works on the Islamic revolution or Iran. c/r Bibliography.

161. Conspiracy to Destroy the Baha'i Community in Iran, The. 1. n.p. [Port-of-Spain, Trinidad]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.733.

162. Cooper, Margaret. "'Mission to Iran: A Refugee from the Revolution Talks to Margaret Cooper'." Homoeopathy Today (London) 1 (16 Summer 1984): 9-10.11.293.

163. Cooper, Roger. The Baha'is of Iran. Rev. and updated ed., 1985 ed., 16. Minority Rights Group Report 51, London: Minority Rights Group, 1982. An objective account of persecutions under the Islamic Republic by an informed observer familiar with the social and political background.

164. Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Commission on Political Questions. Projet de Rapport sur les Persecutions en Iran. Vol. Document AS/Pol (33) 21. Brussels ????: 12 Nov. 1981.

165. Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Motion for a Resolution on the Persecution of Members of the Baha'i Community in Iran... Vol. Document 4749. [Brussells ???]: 30 June 1981.

166. Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Report on Persecution in Iran. Vol. Document 4835. Brussels ????: 18 Jan. 1982.

167. Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Written Question No.244 by Mr Hardy and Others, on Persecution of the Members of the Baha'i Faith in Iran. Vol. Document 4798. Brussels: 6 Oct. 1981.

168. Crosby, Louise. 'Being Baha'i invites death in Iran: refugee.' The Citizen (Ottowa) (3 Dec. 1982): 52.

169. Crosby, Louise. 'Grateful Baha'is thank Canada for action on Iranian persecution.' The Citizen (Ottawa) (9 Sept. 1982): 48.

170. Crossette, Barbara. 'U.S. Baha'is Assail Iran's Crackdown.' The New York Times (18 Oct. 1981):

171. Crowther, Hal. 'A Cruel Fate for a Gentle People.' Spectator Magazine (Raleigh, N. C.) 4 (15 Feb. 25-Mar. 3, 1982): 1, 5.11.304.

172. De Lugo, Ron. 'Plight of Members of the Baha'i Faith.' Congressional Record: Extension of Remarks (Washington DC) (29 Sept. 1981): E4470.

173. Delloff, Linda. 'Religious Repression in Khomeini's Iran.' Christian Century 97 (Aug. 13-20, 1980): 786-90.

174. Derwinski, Edward J. 'For Baha'is in Iran, a Threat of Extinction.' Congressional Record: Extension of Remarks (Washington DC) (15 Sept. 1981): E4201.

175. Derwinski, Edward. 'Baha'i tragedy goes on in Iran.' Chicago Tribune (18 Jan. 1983): 10.

176. Devine, Jim. "Persecution of Religious Minority: Baha'is Deprived of Their Basic Human Rights.' Sun Magazine (Brisbane, Qld.) (Nov. 20, 1983): 865.11.327

177. Die Baha'i im Iran: Dokumentation der Verfolgung einer religiosen Minderheit (The Baha'is in Iran: the persecution of a religious minority), 1985, Hofheim-Langenhain, Baha'i-Verlag, 164 pp.

178. Djazayeri, Ezzatollah. Strangers in their Native Land. 189. Stockholm: Baha'iforlaget, 1987. Examines the situation in Iran since 1978; details reports of persecutions in the Iranian press; the attitude of the Islamic republic towards human rights, etc.

179. Dole, Robert. 'Murder in Iran.' Congressional Record, Senate (Washington DC) (21 May 1979): S6282-3.

180. Dole, Robert. 'Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.' Congressional Record, Senate (Washington DC) (23 March 1983): S3895-S3896.

181. Dollabella, Pierre. 'Le Calvaire des Baha'is.' Le Spectacle du Monde (233 Aug. 1981): 45-47.

182. Drazen, Daniel. 'The Bahais, Iran's Supreme Heretics.' Liberty (Washington, D. C.) 76 (6 Nov.-Dec. 1981): 16-18.11.347.

183. Drecksler, Addie. 'The Baha'is: Now Classed As Criminals in Iran, This Community with Century-Old Strong Ties to Israel Faces a Threat of Annihilation Which, for All the Obvious Reasons, Evokes Strong Feelings of Sympathy Among Jews.' Newsview (Tel Aviv) 4 (32 Nov.1, 1983): 18-27.11.348.

184. Dwyer, Cynthia. 'A Plea for the Baha'is: Former Prisoner Reports Iran Persecution.' The Episcopalian (Philadelphia, Pa.) (Apr. 1982): 11.350.

185. Ertugrul, Irene. 'The Plight of a Troubled Minority.' The Middle East (London) (April 1983): 35-37.

186. Federation of Protestant Churches in Switzerland, Human Rights Commission. Declaration on the State of Religious Minorities in Iran. Republished World Order magazine, 13:4, Summer 1979, pp.15-20 ed., Zurich: 1979. The document includes a 'Confidential Report on the State of the Bahai Community in Iran', with several important details about the early phase of the anti-Baha'i pogrom under the Islamic Republic.

187. Ferdowsi, Faran. "In Iran, a Campaign of Terror Against Baha'is.' Matchbox (New York) (Oct. 1983): 11-12.11.388.

188. Forel, Auguste. 'Nouvelles persecutions et Martyres des BahaÈ s.' Le Droit du Peuple (15 May 1926):

189. Freedom of Religion on Trial in Morocco: The Nador Case. 32. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1963. [Give Details of Nador Case] Collins 7.1006.

190. Geraci, Francine. 'An Iranian Purge of a Divergent Faith.' Maclean's (Toronto) 94 (July 13, 1981): 47.11.425.

191. Geyelin, Philip. 'What Can Be Done to Help Baha'is?.' The International Herald Tribune (Paris) (17 Sept. 1982): 4.

192. Ghosh, Tirthankar. 'Persecuted for Their Faith?.' Sunday (Calcutta) 9 (10 Aug. 23, 1981): 43.11.428

193. Ghyson, F. 'Le Drame des Baha'is d'Iran.' Femmes d'Aujourd'hui (Brussels) (29 March 1983):

194. Giles, Diane. 'Keeping the Faith: A Historical Perspective.' The Midweek Bulletin (Kenosha, Wis.) (July 31, Aug. 7, 1984): 11.429

195. Giorda, Gian Luca. 'L'Ordine è Bruciate Tutti i Baha'i.' Il Settimenale (Italy) (Dec. 1980):

196. Gittings, James A. 'It's Still Dangerous to Believe.' A.D. (New York) 11 (4 Apr. 1982): 14.

197. Goering, Curt. 'The Baha'is of Iran: Persecution Is Government Policy.' Matchbox (New York) (Nov. 1981): 1, 5.11.435

198. Goff, Victoria. 'Persecution in Iran.' Worldview (New York) 25 (3 Mar. 1982): 11-12.11.436

199. Gross, Jonathan. 'Meaningful Video.' Starweek (Toronto) (July 20, 1985): 11.449

200. Haji Mirza Haydar Ali. Bahai Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 A.D. Rev. ed. 1917 ed., Translated by Dr. Youness Khan. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1904.

201. Halliday, Fred. 'The Bahais of Iran.' BBC World Service Radio Script, 1600 05/03, Eastern Topical Unit :

202. Hanley, Charles J. 'Charging Persecution in Iran, Bahais Again Ask U.N. For Help.' The Washington Post (20 Feb. 1982): B6.

203. Hardcastle, Bruce. 'A Death in Tehran: More Adventures in Iranian Diplomacy.' The New Republic (Washington, D. C.) (Dec. 29, 1979): 10-12.11.463

204. Harpur, Tom. 'Let's have no tie with Iran that kills Baha'is.' Saturday Star (Toronto) (20 Feb. 1982):

205. Hassall, Graham. 'Persecution of a Minority in Iran.' Union Recorder (Sydney) 62 (9 28 June 1982): 11, 14.11.470

206. Haught, James A. Holy Horrors: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and Madness, Buffalo, N. Y., Prometheus Books, 233 pp. A secularist critique of religious persecution, including a section on Baha'is.

207. Haydar-Ali, Haji Mirza. Baha'i Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 A.D. 2nd. ed. 1917 (trans. Dr. Youness Khan [Afrukhtih]; 1985, n.p. [Mishawaka, Ind.], Aubade, 27 pp. ed., 28. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1904.Collins 7.1147-49

208. Hayes, Thomas. '2,500 in Los Angeles Mourn Deaths in Iran of 15 Bahais.' The New York Times (14 Jan. 1982):

209. Henry, White. 'How Babis Died for Their Faith in Persia.' Mercy and Truth (London) (1903): 275-76.11.1082 On persecutions in Yazd, 1903.

210. Hofmann, Tess. 'Die Baha'i im Iran: als grusste religiose Minderheit seit ber 130 Jahren verfolgt.' Pogrom (Gottingen) (Aug-Sept. 1982):

211. Hollingsworth, Kim. 'My Calamity Is My Providence: The Faith and Sufferings of Iran's Baha'is.' Fellowship in Prayer (Lawrenceville, Kan.) 36 (4 Aug./Sept. 1985): 3-7.11.500.

212. Homayun, Sirus. 'The Baha'i Faith in Iran.' Mini-World (Paramaribo) (Nov-Dec. 1981): 17.

213. Howard, Mike. 'The Tears of the Bahais.' The Plain Dealer Magazine (Cleveland, Ohio) (25 Aug. 1985): 6-8, 11-12, 21, 23.11.506.

214. Huddleston, John. 'Pebble to Start a Landslide?.' Development/International Development Review 22 (1 Feb. 1980): By a well-known Baha'i writer professionally involved in development.

215. Hyer, Marjorie. 'Baha'i Community Worries About Members Still in Iran.' The Washington Post (6 Apr. 1979): C14.

216. Hyer, Marjorie. 'Baha'i Leaders Accuse Iranians of Mass Killings.' The Washington Post (26 May 1982):

217. Iran, the Facts. [4]. Mona Vale, N. S. W.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, 1981. Collins 7.1307.

218. Iranian Martyrs Project: Phase 2. 1. n.p. [Johannesburg, S. A.]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.1308.

219. Iranian Refugees in America. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of the US, US BPT list.

220. Jahanpour, Ruhiyyih. 'Refusal to Give Up Her Faith Led to Imprisonment, Torture and Exile for an Iranian Baha'i.' People Weekly (New York) 23 (11 Sept. 1985): 99-100, 102, 104.11.566

221. Johnson, Pat O'Malley. 'More Tragedies for Iran Baha'is.' The Forum (Wichita, Kan.) (Sept. 1981): 11.577

222. Kale, Bhanu. 'Baha'is in Iran Face Persecution.' Himmat (Bombay) (8 Aug. 1980): 11.583

223. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'Attack on the Baha'is: The Persecution of the "Infidels" .' The New Republic (Washington, D. C.) (June 16, 1982): 16-18.11.587.

224. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'Attack on the Bahais: the Persecution of the "Infidels".' The New Republic (Washington D.C.) 186 (16 June 1982): 16-18. Short account by a professor of history at Yale who also happens to be Chairman of the US National Baha'i Assembly.

225. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'For Baha'is in Iran, A Threat of Extinction.' The New York Times (6 Aug. 1981):

226. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'Morocco's Little Inquisition: The Campaign Against Bahai.' New Leader (New York) 46 (29 Apr. 1963): 11-12.11.588.

227. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'Plight of the Baha'is.' Freedom at Issue (New York) (78 May/June 1984): 30, back cover.11.589.

228. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'The Terror Facing the Bahais.' The New York Review of Books (New York) 29 (8 13 May 1982): pp.43-44. Account of contemporary persecutions by the Chairman of the US National Baha'i Assembly.

229. Kazemzadeh, Firuz. 'The Terror Facing the Bahais.' The New York Review of Books 29 (8 May 13, 1982): 43-44.11.590 [double listing].

230. Kravetz, Marc. 'Iran, les Persecutes.' Tele Moustique (Belgium) (12 March 1982): 38-44.

231. Labib, Muhammad. The Seven Martyrs of Hurmuzak. 63. Translated by Moojan Momen. Oxford: George Ronald, 1981. An account of the deaths of seven Baha'i villagers from Hurmuzak, near Yazd in central Iran, on 28 July 1955, at a period of wider national violence against Baha'is and their property. Momen's translation is fully illustrated and contains a short introduction and an appendix citing two Iranian newspaper accounts of the trial that followed. The style is hagiographic.

232. LaChance, Paul. 'La persecution des baha'is.' Le Soleil (Quebec City) (1 Apr. 1983):

233. Leach, Jim. Death Sentences of Baha'is in Iran Must Be Commuted. 1. Congressman's Press Release, [Washington, D.C.]: Jim Leach, 1983. Collins 7.1387.

234. Leach, Jim. "More Baha'is Sentenced to Death.' Congressional Record (Washington DC) 129 (19 23 Feb. 1983): E593.

235. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Bombay (India). Genocide: Final Phase in the Conspiracy to Destroy the Baha'i Community in Iran. 25 leaves. Bombay: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Bombay, 1981. Collins 7.1421.

236. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Calabar (Nigeria). The Baha'is in Iran: A Report on the Persecution of a Religious Minority. 8. Calabar, Nigeria: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Calabar, 1981. Collins 7.1426.

237. MacEoin, Denis M. 'Baha'i Persecutions.' In Encyclopaedia Iranica, 461-64. 3:5. London etc.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. A straightforward account of the major anti-Baha'i pogroms in Iran from the late 19th century. Avoids the common problem of conflating Babi and Baha'i persecutions in a single account, while relating them historically and causally.

238. MacEoin, Denis M. 'Iran's Troubled Minority.' Gazelle Review of Literature on the Middle East (London) 11 (1985): 44-49. A review of seven books on the Baha'i persecutions in Iran.

239. MacEoin, Denis M. 'The Baha'is of Iran: The Roots of Controversy.' In International Conference on Middle Eastern Studies in London, British Society for Middle East Studies (Oxford), 207-215, Year. An attempt to analyse the persecution of Baha'is in modern Iran by examining the relationship of the movement with Iranian government and society since the late 19th century. Utilizes perspectives from the study of new religious movements.Reproduced in The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin (item xx).

240. MacEoin, Denis M. 'The Baha'is of Iran: the Roots of Controversy.' British Society for Middle East Studies Bulletin (Oxford) 14 (1 1988): 75-83. Identical to item xx.

241. MacEoin, Denis. "Review of Olya Roohizadegan, Olya's Story (item x)." Times Literary Supplement (London) (3 September 1993): 8.

242. Malmiri, Haji Muhammad Tahir. Tarikh-i shuhada-yi Yazd. Photographic reproduction, [Tehran], [Baha'i Publishing Committee], n.d. ed., 612. Cairo: Faraj Allah Zaki al-Kurdi, 1342/1923. A lengthy and detailed account of martyrdoms in Yazd (central Iran) and surrounding villages from the Babi period to the pogrom of 1904. The author was the father of the Baha'i writer Adib Taherzadeh.

243. Mann, James. 'Iran's "Holy War" Against the Bahais.' U.S. News & World Report (Washington, D. C.) (Aug. 29, 1983): 40.11.665.

244. Mannoni, Eugene. 'Persecutions, les Baha'is Aussi.' Le Point (Paris) (365 17 Sept. 1979):

245. Manshadi, Sayyid Muhammad Habib. Sharh-i shahadat-i shuhada-yi Manshad. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 127 B.E./1970-71. A largely eye-witness account of the massacres of Baha'is in Manshad, near Yazd in central Iran, in 1321/1904, with shorter accounts of related incidents. The author (d.1336/1918) was one of the few Baha'is to survive the killings.

246. Manuchehri, Rokhsan. 'Religious Minorities, No Joy Ride.' The Iranian (Tehran) 1 (16 Oct. 17, 1979): 6-7.11.667.

247. Martin, Douglas. 'The Baha'is of Iran Under the Islamic Republic, 1979-1983.' Middle East Focus (Toronto) 6 (4 Nov. 1983): 17-27, 30-31.11.669a.

248. Martin, Douglas. 'The Baha'is of Iran Under the Pahlavi Regime, 1921-1979.' Middle East Focus (Toronto) 4 (6 Mar. 1982): 7-17.11.670.

249. Martin, Douglas. 'The Baha'is of Iran Under the Revolutionary Regime, 1979-1982.' In Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Papers Presented at the Convention on Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Iran: Chicago, May 22, 1982, 33-49. Flossmoor, Ill.: Iran Comittee for Democratic Action and Human Rights, 1982.

250. Martin, Douglas. 'The Baha'is of Iran.' Cultural Survival Quarterly (Cambridge, Mass.) 7 (3 Fall 1983): 3.11.669.

251. Martin, Douglas. 'The Uses and Abuses of Power: A Case Study.' The High School Journal (Chapel Hill, N. C.) 68 (4 Apr.-May 1985): 316-26.11.670a

252. Martin, Douglas. The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran, 1844-1984. Vol. 12/13. v, 86. Baha'i Studies/Etudes Baha'is, Ottawa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, 1984. The title is a sufficient indicator of the author's slant: there were no Baha'is in Iran (or anywhere else) in 1844.7.1512.

253. Masse, Henri. "Review of Nicolas, Massacres de Babis en Perse." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 116 (1937): 237-38.

254. McCormick, Jim. "[Baha'is in Iran, Letter to the Editor]." Update (Aarhus, Denmark) 7 (4 Dec. 1983): 76-77.11.646.

255. McDowell, Michael. 'Baha'i died for his faith, brother says.' The Globe and Mail (Toronto) (2 Sept. 1982): 14.

256. Menon, Shashi. 'Baha'is Are Being Made Scapegoats by Khomeini: Dr. Marco G. Kappenberger.' Onlooker (Bombay) 44 (4 Feb. 16-28, 1982): 17.11.684.

257. Menon, Shashi. 'Mullahs Exterminate the Bahais.' Onlooker (Bombay) 43 (16 Sept. 1-15, 1981): 41.11.685.

258. Mirza 'Abdu'l-Husayn. Letter Written on Behalf of the Friends of Isfahan Persia to the American Belivers. 4. Translated by Mirza Ameen 'Ullah. n.p. [USA]: n.d.

259. Moramarco, Michele. 'Una Curiosa Incompatibilita.' Hiram (Rome) (4 Aug. 1980): 125.

260. Morillon, Jean Louis. 'Khomeiny laisse le choix à ses 450 000 Bahaïs: L'Islam ou la mort.' France-Soir (Paris) (11 Nov. 1981): 1.

261. Morisette, Rodolphe. 'Khomeiny continue de persecuter la minorite religieuse baha'ie.' Le Devoir (Montreal) (22 Mar. 1982): 14.

262. Mortimer, Edward. 'A people in the shadow of extinction.' The Times (London) (30 Mar. 1982):

263. Moshrefzadeh, M. Prejudice in Iran. [Peoria], Arizona: Moshrefzadeh, . [2], 55 leaves. 1984.7.1588.

264. Mu'ayyad, H|abib. Kitab-i sharh-i shahadat-i Jinab-i MÈ urza Ya'qub Muttahida (The book of the account of the martyrdom of Mirza Ya'qub Muttahida). 78. [Tehran]: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 105 B.E./1948-49.c/r biography On the circumstances of Muttahida's death (1921), see Momen, Babi and Baha'i Religions (section x, item xx), pp. 446-50.

265. Nash, Geoffrey. Iran's Secret Pogrom: The Conspiracy to Wipe out the Baha'is. 156. Sudbury, Suffolk: Neville Spearman Ltd., 1982. A detailed account of the first wave of persecution of Baha'is under the Islamic Republic in Iran between 1979 and 1981. Some useful information and documentation, but the text is badly flawed by a poor knowledge of Iranian and Babi/Baha'i history, and the analysis of events is simplistic.7.1625.

266. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iceland. Information Bulletin: Update on the Persecutions of the Baha'ts in Iran, March/June 1982. Reykjavik: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iceland, 1982. 3 leaves. 1982.7.1717.

267. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran. The Banning of Baha'i Religious Institutions in Iran: An Open Letter. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1983. 8 p. Also issued as: 7.1731. --For the Crime of Belief: A Reprint of an Open Letter Sent to the Officials of the Islamic Revolutionary Government Following the Banning of the Baha'i Administration in Iran in I983. Auckland: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1984. [8] p.

268. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Liberia & Guinea. The Plight of the Baha'i Faith in Iran: A Religious Community Under Threat of Extermination. Monrovia: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Liberia & Guinea, 14 p. n.d. [1981].7.1748.

269. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand. Miss Shahin Delvand Hanged in Shiraz, Iran, 18 gune I983: Crime - Being a Baha'i. n.p. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, [4]p. n.d. [1983].7.1778.

270. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. Baha'i. London: NSA of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. (c.1979). A short general introduction to the movement issued after the start of persecutions under the Islamic Republic in order to clarify the history and teachings of the Baha'is. Contains a brief summary of the current situation in Iran. c/r introductions.

271. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. Iran, Persecution of the Baha'i Faith. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1980. [27] leaves.

272. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. New Shock for Baha'is As House of Commons Considers Issue 'Matter of Deep Concern'. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1985. 2 leaves. 1985.71836.

273. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. Voice of Protest: An Open Letter to the Iranian Embassy. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 12 p. n.d. [1984].7.1841.

274. Nicolas, A.-L.-M. Massacres de Babis en Perse. 42. Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient, Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1936. In spite of the title, the massacres dealt with are those almost all of Baha'is. The text treats chiefly of incidents in Isfahan, with a short account of killings in Rasht and a letter dated 1903 begging royal intervention on behalf of the Baha'is of Yazd. The final piece (on Tehran, 1852) is taken from a MS of the fictitious correspondence of Prince Kamal al-Din (or Dawla) and Jalal al-Dawla, which Nicolas takes to be genuine.

275. NSA of Baha'is of USA. Baha'i Appeal for Religious Freedom in Iran. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956.

276. NSA of the Baha'is of Iran. The Banning of Baha'i Religious Institutions: An Open Letter. Toronto: NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, Sept. 3, 1983. English translation of a Persian original.

277. NSA of the Baha'is of USA and Canada, (Comp.). Baha'i Persecutions in Persia. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1926.

278. NSA of the US and Canada. Baho'i Persecutions in Persia: An Appeal Addressed to His Imperial Majesty Reza Shah Pahlavi. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1926. 31 p. 1926.7.1954.

279. Official Documentation Testifying to Discrimination Against the Baha'i Community Since the Creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1981. [53] leaves. 1981.7.2051.

280. Ostling, Richard N. 'Slow Death for Iran's Baha'is.' Time (New York) 123 (8 Feb. 20, 1984): 55.11.772.

281. Pagliari, Ovidio. 'Continua a Teheran la repressione religiosa dei Baha'i.' Il Messagero (Rome) (8 Mar. 1983):

282. Palin, Elizabeth. 'Modern Martyrs.' NHR National Newsletter (Solihull, W. Midlands, U.K.) (38 Spring 1985): 17.11.777.

283. Palin, Iain. 'Bahais.' The Economist (London) 288 (7300 30 July 1983): 6.11.779.

284. Palin, Iain. 'Lifting the Sanctions.' Now! (London) (Feb.6, 1981): 30.11.782.

285. Palin, Iain. 'The Baha'is.' The Economist (London) (Feb. 13, 1982): 11.778.

286. Pearce, Chris. 'In the Name of God: Apostasy or Death for Iran Baha'is.' East-West Photo Journal 2 (6 Winter 1981): 20-23.

287. Peju, Marcel. 'La Solution Finale.' Jeune Afrique (Paris) (No.1098 20 Jan 1982): 58-59.

288. People Are Asking . . .: The Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Canada Publications, 8 p.; idem. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.p. [1981] 6 p; idem. Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Baha'i Community, n.d. [1985?] [8] p. n.d. [1980]. 7.2107-09.

289. Pereira, Godfrey. 'Khomeini, the Baha'i Butcher.' Celebrity (Bombay) 3 (4 Feb. 1984): 63-65.11.792.

290. Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran: People Are Asking. Gangtok: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sikkim, 8 p. n.d. [1983]. 7.2114 Probably reprint of People Are Asking...: The Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.

291. Peters, Jan. 'De Vervolging van de Baha'is in Iran.' De Bazuin (Netherlands) 65 (12 19 March 1982): 4.

292. Petrossian, Vahe. 'Iran Takes a First Step Towards Solving "Baha'i Problem"." Middle East Economic Digest (London) (9 Sept. 1983): 30.11.802.

293. Petrossian, Vahe. "Middle East Economic Digest (London), v.26, no.30, p. 47." :7.1625.

294. Petterson, Jorn. 'Hun dode for sin Gud.' N (Oslo) (14 Oct. 1981): 34-35.

295. Pitts, Brendan. 'Death in the Clinic.' AMA Gazette (Glebe, N.S.W.) (May 1981): 4-5.11.807 On the murder of Baha'i doctor, Manuchihr Hakim.

296. Pitts, Brendan. 'Manuchir Hakim Murdered in Iran.' Medical Journal of Australia (Glebe, N.S.W.) (May 16, 1981): 540.11.808.

297. Propper, Michael. 'Campaign Protests Murdered Iranian MDs.' American Medical News (Chicago) (May 3, 1985): 11.828.

298. Proxmire, William. 'Iranian Bahais in Danger.' Congressional Record, Senate (Washington DC) (9 Sept. 1981): S9296.

299. Proxmire, William. 'Victims of Religious Persecution: Bahais of Iran.' Congressional Record, Senate (Washington DC) (22 Feb. 1982): S904.

300. Pugh, Jeanne. 'Iran's Persecution of the Bahais.' Crossroads (St Petersburg, Fla.) (Sept. 10, 1983): 1, 4-5, 7, 10.11.831.

301. Qasim, Seeme. 'A Young Indian Baha'i Speaks Out.' Eve's Weekly (Bombay) (Oct. 17-23, 1981): 13.11.832.

302. Reimeir, Bernhard. 'Golgotha heute: bahais, die duldsamen Martyrer.' Die neue Hoffnung (2/3 1982): 18-19.

303. Renner, John. 'Explosive Act of Desperation.' Maclean's (Toronto) 94 (28 July 13, 1981): 23.11.855.

304. Righter, Rosemary. 'Iran plans a final solution for 300,000 "rebels": death if they don't recant faith.' The Sunday Times (London) (20 Sept. 1981): 1.

305. Righter, Rosemary. 'Of these Iran leaders, only one still lives.' The Sunday Times (London) (21 Mar. 1982): 8.

306. Righter, Rosemary. "Pogrom in Iran.' Education (West Perth, W. A.) (May 24, 1982): 19.11.865.

307. Robertson, Lloyd. 'Hard Eyed Hatred in Iran.' The Presbyterian Record (Don Mills, Ont.) (Sept. 1983): 12.11.869.

308. Robinson, Catherine. 'The Baha'is in Iran.' The Friend (London) (Feb. 19, 1982): 214.11.870.

309. Robinson, Davis R. 'Baha'i.' Iranian Assets Litigation Reporter (Edgemont, Pa.) (Aug. 5, 1983): 11.871.

310. Roohizadegan, Olya. Olya's Story. A Survivor's Dramatic Account of the Persecution of Baha'is in Revolutionary Iran. 238. Oxford: Oneworld, 1993. A harrowing account of conditions for Baha'is in Iranian jails, with details of the executions of several Baha'i teenagers. Sadly, the impact of Roohizadegan's narrative is lessened by an insistence on faith over common humanity (see review by MacEoin, item x).

311. Saeedi, Meade Goodenow, The politics of religious persecution: Can tolerance occur within certain Islamic states for the Ahmadi and Baha'i faiths?, PhD thesis, 1994, University of Maryland at College Park, iv, 179 leaves. A remarkably weak study based on secondary materials, using a total of eight titles on Baha'ism.

312. Samandar, A. 'Iran, Vers la Persecution Generalisee des Baha'is.' Esprit (Paris) (9-10 Sept.-Oct 1979): 280-286.

313. Samandari, Anita. 'Death in Tabriz.' The Green and White: University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association Magazine (Winter 1980-81): 12-14.11.894.

314. Sanandaji, S. H. V. 'The Attack on Baha'i.' The Spectator (London) 195 (6627 Jul 1, 1955): 15.11.895.

315. Sears, William. A Cry from the Heart: The Baha'is in Iran. 219. Oxford: George Ronald, 1982. A thoroughly saccharine account of persecutions under the Islamic Republic. Short on facts, heavy on emotion.

316. Shah, Ramnik. 'The Baha'is Protest.' New Delhi 2 (3 30 April 1979): 5.11.909.

317. Sheridan, Greg. 'Baha'is Victims of the Ayatollah's Drive.' The Bulletin (Sydney) (May 26, 1981): 32.11.919.

318. Silgardo, Melanie. 'Recant or Die.' Imprint (Bombay) 21 (6 Sept. 1981): 35-36, 41.11.930.

319. Singer, Henry A. "[Letter to the editor]." The New York Times Magazine (29 June 1981): 62.11.930.

320. Slykhuis, John. 'Bahais Escape Terror in Iran.' Topic Newsmagazine (Bradford, Ont.) (Aug. 7, 1984): [1-2].11.936.

321. Smith, Colin. 'The Ayatollah's "Holy " War on Bahai Religion.' The Bulletin (Sydney) (July 12, 1983): 101-02.11.937.

322. Sorabjee, Zena. 'Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.' Freedom First (Bombay) (Aug. 1981): 7. By a leading Indian Baha'i.

323. Sorabjee, Zena. 'Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran.' Freedom First (Bombay) (Aug. 1981): 7.11.953.

324. Sorani, Aldo. 'I Baha'i, una Drammatica Attualita." Hiram (Rome) (4 Aug. 1980): 124-25.

325. Story of Mona, 1965-1983, The. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i Canada Publications, 1985. 38 p. The story of Mona Mahmudnizhad and those who were martyred with her given as background for the video 'Mona with the Children'. 1985.7.2484.

326. Suter, Keith. 'Baha'is in Iran.' National Outlook (Australia) (May 1982): 25.11.975.

327. Tana, Fabio. 'Le Vittime Dimenticate di Khomeini.' Il Globo (Rome) (1 Aug. 1982): 16.

328. Thoraval, Yves. 'Quand l'Imam Joue au Shah: la Minoritie Baha'ie en Iran.' Differences (Paris) (Feb. 1983):

329. Tisdall, Simon. 'Baha'is persecution warning.' The Guardian (London) (20 Mar. 1982):

330. Torture: The Anguish of the Baha'is in Iran. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom, [8] p. n.d. [1984]. 7.2569.

331. Tosatti, Marco. 'L'Iran massacra gli inoffensivi Baha'i.' La Stampa (Turin) (5 Jan. 1982):

332. Truelove, Adrienne. 'Fanaticism in Iran.' Education: Journal of the New South Wales Teachers' Federation 63 (11 July 5, 1982): 9.11.1016.

333. Ullman, Christian. 'Khomeini vs. the Bahais: "Official" Persecution Stalks Iran's "Heretics" .' World Press Review (New York) 29 (11 Nov., 1982): 61.11.1023

334. Ullmann, Christian. 'Khomeini vs. the Bahais: "Official" Persecution Stalks Iran's "Heretics".' World Press Review (New York) 29 (11 Nov. 1982): 61.

335. United Nations, Commission on Human Rights. Treatment of the Baha'is in Iran: Note by the Secretary-General. Vol. Document E/CN.4/1517. New York: 31 Dec. 1981.

336. Update on Iran [no.3]. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1981. [6] p. 1981. 7.2642.

337. Update on Iran, no.1. Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Association for Studies on the Baha'i Faith, 4 p. n.d. [1979?]. 7.2641.

338. Update on Iran, vol. 4. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, Apr. 1983. [6] p. 1983.7.2643.

339. Vader, John Paul. 'August Forel Defends the Persecuted Persian Baha'is, 1925-27." Gesnerus (Aarau, Switzerland) (41 1984): 53-60.11.1035.

340. Vallette, Mireille. 'Les Baha'is, ou l'Ecrasement d'un Espoir Universel.' Radio-TV (Lausanne) (5 Feb. 1982): 48-49.

341. Van den Hoonaard, Will C. 'Emerging from Obscurity: the Response of the Iranian Baha'i Community to Persecution.' Conflict Quarterly (Fredericton, N.B.) 3 (1 Fall 1982a): 5-16. A detailed account by a member of the Baha'i office at the United Nations.

342. Verma, Prakash. 'Iran's Persecuted Baha'is.' Sunday (Calcutta) 11 (3 7-13 Aug. 1983): 38-39.11.1048.

343. Villard, Henry S. 'Murder in Tehran.' Foreign Service Journal (Washington, D. C.) (June 1982): 24-27.11.1050 On the murder of US diplomat Robert Imbrie in the 1920s (see Momen, xxxxx).

344. Vocke, Harald. 'Systematischer Volkermord an den Bahai in Iran.' Die Welt (Bonn) (1 Dec. 1982): 7.

345. Walton, Pauline. 'Fear Grips Bahai Doctors.' Doctor (Surrey, U. K.) (Apr. 23, 1981): 11.1060.

346. Warburg, Margit (with David Piff). 'Enemies of the Faith: Rumours and Anecdotes as Self-Definition in the Baha'i Religion.' In New Religions and New Religiosity, ed. Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg. [Not yet published].

347. Warburg, Margit. 'De forfulgte Baha'i i Iran.' Dansk Missionsblad (Hellerup) 149 (8 and 9 Aug. and Sept. 1982): 3-6, 3-8. A short account by a Danish sociologist familiar both with Baha'ism in general and with the Iranian situation in particular (see also item xx).

348. Warburg, Margit. Iranske Dokumenter. Copenhagen: Rhodos, 1985. A collection of 40 letters, other official documents, and newspaper articles issued under the Islamic Republic of Iran with respect to Baha'is. The originals are reproduced (not always clearly) and translated into Danish. Warburg (a non-Baha'i sociologist at Copenhagen University) provides a straightforward introduction.

349. Wessels, Anton. 'Bahais worden wreed vervolgd omdat het ketters zijn: executies in Iran zonder vorm van proces.' Hervormd Nederland (Netherlands) (20 Feb. 1982): 10.

350. What Is Iran Afraid Of? n.p. [London]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1983. 15 p. Dublin: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Republic of Ireland. n.d. [1983?] 16 p-. 1983.7.2701-02.

351. White , Roger. The Shell and the Pearl: An Account of the Martyrdom of 'Ali-Asghar of Yazd. 26. Oxford: George Ronald, 1985. Account of a young Baha'i martyred in Yazd in 1891, along with six others.

352. White, Dr. Henry. 'How Babis Died for Their Faith in Persia.' Mercy and Truth (1903): 275-76. A brief account of the Yazd persecution (of Baha'is) of 1903, witnessed by the author.

353. Whiteside, Eddie. 'Persecuted for Their Beliefs.' The Presbyterian Herald (Belfast) (484 June 1985): 21.11.1087.

354. Whittle, Margaret. Report on Iran and the Bahais. Geneva, Switzerland: Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quaker United Nations Office, Nov. 1982. 3 p. 1982.7.2742.

355. Winger-Bearskin, Michael. 'Baha'is in Iran Persecuted.' Tulsa Jewish Review (Tulsa, Okla.) (Sept. 1983): 27-28, 46.

356. Woodward, Kenneth L. 'Iran's Holy War on Baha'is.' Newsweek (New York) (Jan. 25, 1982): 63 (European ed.); 73 (US ed.).11.1112-13

357. Woodward, Kenneth L. 'The Minority that Iran Persecutes.' Newsweek (New York) (Mar. 24, 1980): 53 (US ed.); 61 (European ed.).11.1114-5

358. Woodward, Kenneth L., , 'The Minority that Iran Persecutes', 24 March 1980. Newsweek (New York) 95 :53.

359. Youngjohn, Lee. 'Baha'i's [sic] Persecuted and Martyred in Iran.' Das Tor (Glendale, Ariz.) 20 (7 Oct. 22, 1984): 4, 8.11.1123.

360. Zeine, Zeine N. 'The Attack on Baha'i.' The Spectator (London) 194 (6623 June 3, 1955): 705-06.11.1126.

361. Zhukovskii, Valentin A. 'Nedavnya kazni babidov v gorode Ezde' [Recent executions of Babis in Yazd]." Zapiski Vostochnago Otdeleniya Imperatorskago Russkago Arkheologicheskago Obshestva (St. Petersburg) 6 (1891): 321-7.

362. Zhukovskii, Valentin A. 'Razjasnenya k zametke Nedavnya kazni v gorode Ezde' [translate]." Zapiski Vostochnago Otdeleniya Imperatorskago Russkago Arkheologicheskago Obshestva (St. Petersburg) 7 (1892): 327.

363. "[Title not recorded]" Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, Daily Hansard (Canberra, Australia) (11 Sept. 1980): 1137-38.

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