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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 46


1. "'A New World Order'." The Illustrated Weekly of India 56 (52 Dec. 29, 1935): 25, 54. Collins 11.742.

2. "'Baha'i International Community Recently Forwarded $5000.00 to UNDRO'." The Diplomatic World Bulletin (4 Dec. 1978): Collins 11.109.

3. "'Baha'is See H Bomb Threat as World Spiritual Crisis'." Wilmette Life (July 1, 1954): 32. Collins 11.161a.

4. "'Bahai Movement and the W. R. I.'." The War Resister (16 May 1927): 8. Collins 11.116 (War Resisters International) was a leading pacifist organization between the wars.

5. "'In 1907, Long Before the Birth of Communism, a Holy Seer Abdul Baha Talked About the Payment of Bonus, the Establishment of Industrial Courts and Insurance for the Worker'." The Bitter Humour Fortnightly 1 (1 Oct. 20, 1953): 4, 6.Collins 11.521 In 1907, Long Before the Birth of Communism...' . No comment.

6. "'The Baha'i Movement: Official Statement'." The Occult Digest (Sept. 1927): 11, 30. Includes a statement on the Baha'i position regarding capital punishment.

7. A New World Order. West Englewood, N.J.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, n.d. [1930s]. Collins 7.2016 A series of leaflets, 2 pp. each through 1936, 4 pp. from 1937.

8. A Pattern for Future Society. 6. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.2103.

9. After Communism: What Next? The Baha'i Faith, [Warwick, England], Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Warwick, 1991, [6] pp.

10. Baha'i Faith and Marxism, The. 52. Ottawa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, 1987. Proceedings of a conference held January 1986. Three articles from a Baha'i perspective: 'The Process of Social Transformation' (Farzam Arbab), 'Human Nature and Human Society: A Baha'i Viewpoint' (William Hatcher), 'A Just System of Government: The Third Dimension to World Peace' (John Huddleston); three articles from a Marxist viewpoint: 'Marxism, Human Nature and Society' (Laurie Adkin), 'Strategies and Processes of Social Change' (Howard Buchbinder), 'Marxism Yesterday and Today' (Clin Leys).

11. Baha'i International Community. A Pattern for Justice. Reprinted, 1974, New Delhi, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India, 10 pp. ed., 13. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1974. Collins 7.304-5.

12. Baha'i International Community. Baha'i International Community Statements at the 39th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, January-March 1983. 28. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1983. Collins 7.285.

13. Baha'i International Community. Baha'i International Community: Relationship with the United Nations. 4. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1977. Bjorling 612.

14. Baha'i International Community. Building a Unified Community. Rev. ed., 1980, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 6 pp.; reissued n.d. [1983?], Bangor [Wales], Copycat, for the Audio Visual Centre, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Arfon ed., 6. Thornhill, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1976. Collins 7.288-90.

15. Baha'i International Community. Divine Law, Source of Human Rights. 8. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1973. Collins 7.292.

16. Baha'i International Community. Eighth Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Settlements: Kingston, Jamaica, 19 April-10 May 1985. 3. n.p. [New York]: Baha'i International Community, 1985. Collins 7.292a.

17. Baha'i International Community. Global Cooperation and the Environment. 3. n.p. [New York]: Baha'i International Community, 1977. Collins 7.297.

18. Baha'i International Community. Oral Statement Presented to the Second Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament, 24 June 1982. 3. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1982. Collins 7.303.

19. Baha'i International Community. Proposals for Charter Revision Submitted to the United Nations by the Baha'i International Community. Reprinted n.d. [after 1955?], 15 pp ed., 14. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [1955?]. Collins 7.312.

20. Baha'i International Community. Science and Technology for Human Advancement. 4. n.p. [New York]: [Baha'i International Community], 1979. Collins 7.313.

21. Baha'i International Community. Second World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, United Nations, Geneva, 1-12 August 19483; Statement Submitted by the Baha'i International Community. 5. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1983. Collins 7.314 c/r Principles.

22. Baha'i International Community. Statement Submitted by the Baha'i International Community to the Sixth Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Settlements, 26 April 1983, Helsinki, Finland. [6]. n.p. [New York]: [Baha'i International Community], 1983. Collins 7.316.

23. Baha'i International Community. Statements to United Nations Regional Preparatory Meetings for the 1985 World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, Arusha, Tanzania, 8-12 October 1984, Havana Cuba, 19-23 November 1984. [12]. n.p. [New York]: Baha'i International Community, 1984. Collins 7.316a.

24. Baha'i International Community. The Baha'i International Community and the United Nations. 10. New York: Baha'i International Community, Sept. 1985. Collins 7.284.

25. Baha'i International Community. The Environment and Human Values: A Baha'i View. Rev. ed., 1977, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust; 2nd. rev. ed., [6] pp. ed., 6. New York: Baha'i International Community, n.d. [before 1974]. Collins 7.293-5.

26. Baha'i International Community. The Spiritual Basis of Equality. Reissued same year, [4] pp. ed., 3 leaves. New York: Baha'i International Community, 1985. Collins 7.315-315a.

27. Baha'i International Community. The Work of Baha'is in Promotion of Human Rights: A Statement Prepared for the United Nations Conference on Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, May 19-20, 1948. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i International Community, 1948. Collins 7.321.

28. Baha'i International Community. Universal Values for the Advancement of Women. Reissued n.d. [1985] ed., 5. n.p. [New York]: [Baha'i International Community], n.d. [1980]. Collins 7.319.

29. Baha'i Plan for World Order. [4]. New York: New York Baha'i Community, 1946. Collins 7.371.

30. Bausani, Alessandro. La crise Religieuse du Monde Moderne et la Foi Baha'ie (The religious crisis of the modern world and the Baha'i faith). 16. Brussels: Maison d'Editions Baha'ie.

31. Beyond National Sovereignty. [8]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: NTC [National (Baha'i) Teaching Committee], 1985. Collins 7.548.

32. Bharati, Agehananda. "'Baha'i Statistics and Self-Fulfilling Design: Comment on James J. Keene's "Redefinition of Religion"'." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (Jamaica, N.Y.) (Fall 1968): 281.11.198 An intelligent dissection of serious flaws in the methodology of Keene's study (item xx).

33. Boktrykkeri, Petlitz. Verdens-Sivilisasjonens Morgengry [?]. Oslo: 1948. BW XII, p. 813.

34. Braun, Eunice. Baha'u'llah, His Call to the Nations: A Summons to World Order. 19. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1967. Collins 7.576.

35. Building the Kingdom of God. 18. n.p. [Kingston, Jamaica]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, n.d. [1974?]. Collins 7.597.

36. Bujold, Paul M. (1983). The Development of Community through the Religious Covenant: A Baha'i Case History. M.A., University of Alberta. xii, 189 p. and because religions have covenants that have been given to the community by its God 'This thesis is an examination of religious covenants as community development tools. It proposes that, it has a greater likelihood of being successful in the development of a community than a secular development plan would have.' [Abstract]. Collins 13.17.

37. Campbell, Helen. Bahaism in Its Social-Economic Aspect. 2nd. ed., 1915, Chicago, Bahai Publishing Society, as The Bahai Movement in Its Social-Economic Aspect ed., 22. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1910. Collins 7.611-12.

38. Cobb, Stanwood. Security for a Failing World. Reprinted 1934, New York, Baha'i Publishing Committee, xvi, 140 pp.; Indian ed., 1971, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 202 pp.; 2nd. Indian ed., 1977, xvi, 205 pp. ed., xviii, 202. Washington, D.C.: Avalon Press, 1934. Collins 7.701-4 A general survey of the issue of the relationship between religion and socio-political concerns.

39. Cobb, Stanwood. Security for a Failing World: A Condensation. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1934b.Collins 7.705 A much condensed selection from the author's Security for a Failing World (item xxx).

40. Cobb, Stanwood. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Reprinted, 1951, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Company, 82 pp.; c. 1951, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Committee; c. 1952, n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.], [Baha'i Publishing Committee], 103 pp.; 1960, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 82 pp.; 1970, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 82 pp. (three variants with differently coloured covers) ed., 103. Washington, D.C.: Avalon Press, c. 1951. Collins 7.706-11 A Baha'i view of international affairs in the wake of the Second World War.

41. Community, Baha'i International. Towards Universal Tolerance in Matters Relating to Religion or Belief: Submission by the Baha'i International Community to the Seminar on the Encouragement of Understanding, Tolerance and Respect in Matters Relating to Freedom of Religion or Belief. ii, 27. Geneva, Switzerland: Baha'i International Community, 1984. Collins 7.318.

42. Community., Baha'i International. "'Baha'is Give U.N. a Message'." World Peace News 9 (7 Oct. 1978): Collins 11.108.

43. Danesh, Hossain B. The Violence-Free Society: A Gift for Our Children. 2nd. ed., 1979, Ottawa, Ont., Canadian Association for Studies on the Baha'i Faith, 40 pp. ed., 44. Baha'i Studies 6, Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Association for Studies on the Baha'i Faith, 1979. Collins 7.788-9 A Baha'i-inspired study by a psychologist.

44. Das Bild der zukunftigen Gesellschaftsordnung [the picture of the future social order]. [Germany]: [before 1954].BW XIII, p. 1071.

45. Dawn of World Civilization. Reprinted n.d. [195-] ed., 16. Geneva, Switzerland: Baha'i International Bureau, n.d. [after 1945]. Collins 7.796.

46. Die neue Weltordnung [The new world order]. Switzerland: Schweitzer Baha'i Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 1941.BW XI, p. 609.

47. Die neuen Zeitalter entgegen [Towards the new age]. Switzerland: Schweitzer Baha'i Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 1940. BW XI, p. 609.

48. Divine Secret for Human Civilization, The. Reprinted 1928, 96 pp. ed., 30. Geneva, Switzerland: Quo Vadis?, n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.815.

49. Dyar, Aseyeh Allen and Harrison G. Dyar. Short Talks on the Practical Application of the Bahai Revelation. 104. Washington, D.C.: 1922. Collins 7.829.

50. Faith in Action: A Compilation for Bettering Human Relations. 36. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1954. Collins 7.907.

51. Farmer Comes First, The. Reissued n.d. [1984?] as The Farmer Comes First: The Destiny of the Farmer in the Unfoldment of God's Plan for Today ed., [4]. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i National Centre, n.d. [1977]. Collins 7.937-8.

52. Fazel, Mirza Jenabe [Jinab-i Fadil-i Mazandarani]. Lectures Giving the Solution of the World's Problems from a Universal Standpoint. Series 1-5. Series 1, 63 pp; Series 2-5, 64 pp. each. Seattle, Wash.: Bahai Literature Center, n.d. [1921]. Collins 7.949 Five pamphlets on social issues. Title page reads: Lectures Delivered Under Auspices of Seattle Bahai Assembly.

53. Ferraby, John. Baha'i Teachings on Economics. Reprinted n.d. [1966], n.d. [1970], 1979, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., 16. Manchester, U.K.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1954]. Collins 7.955-6.

54. Ford, Mary Hanford. The World of Abdul Baha. 2nd. ed., 1921; 3rd. ed., n.p., n.d. [after 1921], 64 pp.; 4th. ed., New York, J.J. Little & Ives, n.d. [193-?] ed., 46. New York: Reality Publishing Company, 1921. Collins 7.985-88 A general account of Baha'i teaching according to 'Abd al-Baha', emphasizing his views on socialism.

55. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Diyanat wa madaniyyat (Religion and civilization). 30. Tehran: Chapkhana-yi Azurdigan, 1327 Sh./1948-49.

56. Gealltanas na siochana domhanda (Pledge for world civilization), Lar Domhanda Baha'i, [Ireland], 1985, 25 pp. Irish.

57. Ghadirian, Abdu'l-Missagh. In Search of Nirvana: A New Perspective on Alcohol and Drug Dependency. 77. Oxford: George Ronald, 1985. Collins 7.1045 The author is a Baha'i psychiatrist.

58. Goal Is World Civilization, The. 4 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Committee on Public Relations, n.d. [194-?]. Collins 7.1055.

59. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann. Die Soziale Frage und ihre Losung im Sinne der Baha'ilehre [The social question and its solution according to the Baha'i teachings]. Stuttgart: Verlag des deutschen Baha'i-Bundes, [before 1925].

60. Hainsworth, Philip. Baha'i Focus on Human Rights. viii, 64. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985. Collins 7.1117.

61. Hakim, Christine. "Naissance de la foi Baha'ie, et son processus social." M.A., Universite de Nanterre, 1971.

62. Harper, Orrol L. A Bird's Eye View of the World in the Year 2000. 8. n.p. [US]: n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.1135.

63. Holley, Horace. Economics as Social Creation. 30. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1937. Collins 7.1208.

64. Holley, Horace. The Baha'i Principle of Civilization. 32. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1943. Collins 7.1200.

65. Holley, Horace. The Social Principle. New York: L. J. Gomme, 1915. Collins 7.1229.

66. Holley, Horace. The World Economy of Baha'u'llah. German trans. as Die Weltwirtschaft von Baha'u'llah, 1934, Geneva, 30 pp. ed., 28. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1931. Collins 7.1231.

67. Huddleston, John. "'Pebble to Start a Landslide'." Development/International Development Review (Rome) 22 (1 Feb. 1980): 11.509.

68. Huddleston, John. The Search for a Just Society. 528 pp. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990.

69. Human Rights are God-Given Rights. Republished, 1976, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., [2]. Addis Ababa: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of North East Africa, 1976. Collins 7.1244, 1245.

70. Humble Fellowship -- Loving Consultation. [1]. Service Leaflet No. 2, Montclair, N. J.: World Fellowship Gardens, n.d. [192-]. Collins 7.1247a.

71. Is Democracy a Failure: The Causes and Cure of Human Exploitation. 8. Washington, D.C.: Baha'i Magazine, 1933. Collins 7.1310.

72. Khazei, S. "Finanzpolitische Probleme in der "Neuen Weltordnung" auf Grund der Baha'i-Lehre (Finance-political problems in the "New World Order" on the basis of the Baha'i treachings)." Doctorate, Innsbruck University, '1963.

73. Kliemke, Dr. Ernst. Bahaismo kaj politiko, la stata idealo lau la instruoj de Baha'u'llah. German edition as Baha'i-Lehre und Politik. Das Staatsideal nach den Lehren Baha'u'llahs, n.d., n.p. [Germany], 8 pp. ed., 8. Wansbek, Germany: Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1929.BW IV, p. 298.

74. Law-Barrar, Roberta L. "'The Baha'i Call for a World Constitution'." Disarmament Campaigns (50 Dec. 1985): 24. Collins 11.625.

75. Lee, Anthony A. Circle of Unity: Baha'i Approaches to Current Social Issues. xviii, 258. Los Angeles, Calif.: Kalimat Press, 1984. Collins 7.692 A collection of essays produced in response to anxiety among many younger Baha'is that the movement was not responding to contemporary issues of social and political concern. Baha'i conservatives in America found the volume disturbing, but it had a significant impact on those wishing to bring the religion closer to modern life.

76. Lerche, Charles. (1973). A Religious Movement for World Order: The Baha'i Faith. M.A., American University. ii, 47 p. and The Baha'l Faith is studied from the perspective of international relations as an element in the transition to global awareness of interdependence. The thesis is that the Baha'i Faith. 13.35.

77. Lewis, Craig Donald. 'Empowering Communities: a Model and Curriculum for Planned Social Change', Ed. D., University of New Mexico, 1990, xi, 146 leaves. c/r community development.

78. Lincoln, A. L. Politik des Glaubens. Eine neue politische Kultur (The politics of belief. A new political culture). 39. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1973.

79. Longyear, Marion H. The Goal is World Order. 13 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] Visual Education Committee, 1948. Collins 7.1436.

80. Manocha, Kishan. A Commentary on the Declaration of Human Rights. 29. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1984. Collins 7.1499 Part of a Baha'i International Youth Year Project.

81. Material and Spiritual Civilization. 10 leaves. Geneva, N.Y.: Outline Bureau of the National Teaching Committee of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, 1930. Collins 7.1523.

82. Mitchell, Bahia Deloomy. Alcohol and Alcoholism: An Overview. Originally published in World Order magazine, 8:3 ed., 27-47. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1975.

83. Momen, Moojan. Baha'i Focus on Development. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988, vi, 77 pp.

84. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. A presentation by the Canadian Baha'i Community to the Participating Organizations of the Candaian Conference on Human Rights, Ottawa, December 1-3, 1968. 3, 32 leaves. Toronto, Ont.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 1968. Collins 7.1680.

85. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. The Future of Canada: A Baha'1 Perspective: see under Area Studies. 1984.7.1677.

86. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa. The Baha'i Faith and Political Parties. 1. Johannesburg, S.A.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, 1983. Collins 7.1813 A card.

87. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. A Baha'i Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights. Reprinted n.d. [1947?], n.p. [Alexandria, Egypt], with Arabic translation, 14, 12 pp. ed., 8. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Public Relations, 1947. Collins 7.1952-53 Not to be confused with Collins 7.1973a.

88. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. Public Relations Committee. A Baha'i Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights. First published in The Manitoban, Winnipeg, 33:40, Mar. 7, 1947 ed., 1 leaf. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Public Relations, 1947.Collins 7.1973a Not to be confused with Collins 7.1952.

89. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. A Baha'i Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights. 8. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.1848 Two variants.

90. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Baha'i Committee for the United Nations. Human Rights, Basis for World Peace. [12]. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1968. Collins 7.1878.

91. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Committee for the United Nations. Baha'is at the United Nations. 4. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.1881.

92. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. National Teaching Committee. A New World Order. 48. Deepening Portfolio 1, Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970. Collins 7.1911.

93. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. NationalTeaching Committee. A New Race of Men. 29. Deepening Portfolio 2, Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970. Collins 7.1910.

94. Non-Political Character of the Baha'i Faith, The. 6 leaves. Lagos, Nigeria; Accra, Ghana; Lome, Togo: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of West Central Africa, n.d. [between 1967 and 1970]. Collins 7.2029.

95. North American Baha'i Office for Human Rights. Human Rights Are God-Given Rights: Report of Activities in Observance of International Human Rights Year, 1968. 102. Wilmette, Ill.: North American Baha'i Office for Human Rights, 1968. Collins 7.2036.

96. Palin, Iain S. "Review of Hainsworth, Baha'i Focus on Human Rights (Collins 7.1117)." World Federalist Newsletter (2 1985): 5, 21. Collins 7.1117.

97. Pattern for a New World Order: Its Individual Ethics, Its New Democracy, Its World Federalism. 12. New Delhi: Baha'i Jubilee Celebrations Committee, n.d. [1953]. Collins 7.2102.

98. Poostchi, Iraj. Agriculture beyond 2000: a Baha'i Perspective, n.p., Poostchi Publishing, 1991, 199 pp.

99. Price, Ron. "'The World Order of Baha'u'llah'." Cosmos 9 (2 Sept. 1981): 3, 13. Collins 11.821.

100. Questions and Answers on the Attitude of Baha'is to Government and Politics. 4. Suva, Fiji: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Fiji Islands, n.d. [between 1970 and 1975]. Collins 7.2165.

101. Rajah, K. Poverty to Plenty. 20. Seremban, Malaysia: K. Rajah, 1975. Collins 7.2204.

102. Remey, Charles Mason. The Bahai Library of Constructive Religion: The Peace of the World. 46. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1919. Collins 7.2223 Cover title: The Peace of the World.

103. Remey, Charles Mason. The Bahai Religion and Reconstruction. 88. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society (distributors), 1919. Collins 7.2236 Seeks to apply Baha'i social and economic principles to the task of rebuilding after the First World War.

104. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice. Conservation of the Earth's Resources, a Compilation of Extracts from the Baha'i Sacred Writings, London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1990, iv, 26 pp.. c/r compilations.

105. Robiati, Giuseppe. Dio ed Economia, un Connubio Possibile (God and economics, a possible conjunction), Milan, Nuovi Autori, 1988, 113 pp.

106. Root, Martha. What the Baha'i Faith Can Do for Poverty. 15. n.p. [Indore, India]: Private [printed at the Holkar Govt. Press], 1938. Collins 7.2310.

107. Rutstein, Nathan. The Invisible Hand: Shaping the New World Order, Springfield, MA., Whitcomb Publishing, 1992, 114 pp.

108. Sabet, Huschmand. Der Ubergang vom "global crash' zur Weltidentitat (The transition from global crash to world identity), Stuttgart, Horizonte, 1994, 160 pp.

109. Schaefer, Udo. The Imperishable Dominion: The Baha'i Faith and the Future of Mankind. xvii, 301. Translated by Janet Rawling-Keitel, David Hopper, Patricia Crampton. Oxford: George Ronald, 1983.Collins 7.2346 Details under German original (The author analyses social, political, and legal developments from a Baha'i perspective)

110. Scharf, Betty. "Review of Hainsworth, Baha'i Focus on Human Rights (Collins 7.1117)." New World (Sept./Oct. 1985): Collins 7.1117

111. Schulte, Patricia Moum. 'Economics: a Baha'i Perspective', M. A., University of North Dakota, 1988, vii, 105 leaves.

112. Shafa, Mohiman. Politica -- Uma Perspectiva Baha'i [Politics -- a Baha'i perspective]. 62 pp. Sao Paolo, Brazil: Editora Baha'i do Brasil/Association of Baha'i Studies, Brazil.

113. Shams, Badi. The Economics of the Future: a Compilation from the Baha'i Writings, 2nd. ed., New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1991, 74 pp.

114. Social and Economic Development: the Baha'i Approach, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988, 12 pp.

115. Sohrab, Ahmad. The New Humanity: A Compendium of the Ideals of Universal Civilization. xvi, 308. Los Angeles: Persian American Publishing Co., 1927. Collins 7.2431.

116. To the Peoples of the World: A Baha'i Staterment on Peace. 91. Ottawa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, Includes the Peace Statement of the Universal House of Justice (section x, item xx), with annotations. Foreword by Dr. Ervin Laszlo of the Club of Rome, commentaries by Dr. Rodrigo Carazo of the UN University for Peace and Dr. Johan Galtung of the Dept. of War and Politics, Princeton University. c/r UHJ [Move to peace]

117. Today's Dilemma: More Law, Less Order. [6]. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974. Collins 7.2565.

118. Ulster Problem, The: A New Approach. 10. Londonderry, Northern Ireland: N[orthern] I[reland] Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.2620.

119. Umwelt und Wertordnung (Environment and the organization of value). Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1975.

120. Unless and Until: Baha'i Focus on the Environment. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, US BPT list.

121. Vick, Holly Hanson. Social and Economic Development, a Baha'i Approach. 145pp. Oxford: George Ronald, 1989, [160] pp.

122. White, Robert A. Spiritual Foundations for an Ecologically Sustainable Society, Ottawa, Ass. for Baha'i Studies, 1989, [24] pp. With abstracts in English, French, and Spanish.

123. Zabih, Manoutchehr. Die Losung der sozialen Fragen auf Grund der Baha'i-Lehren [the scolution of the social problem according to the Baha'i teachings]. Stuttgart: A. Schroder; Ph. D., University of Tubingen, 1949, 190 pp.

124. [Hall, E. T.]. Manchester Baha'i Assembly, 16 Lily Street, Hr. Crumpsall. [4]. Manchester, England: Manchester Baha'i Assembly, 1930-1931. Inside title reads: A Course of Six Addresses by E. T. Hall on the Baha'i Teaching for the Individual and the Community.

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