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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 47


1. 'Ala'i, Sitarih and Colleen Dawes, ed. The Role of Women in an Advancing Civilization. Association for Baha'i Studies, Australia, Monograph No. 2. n.p. [Australia]: 1989. Based on papers presented at a conference of the Association for Baha'i Studies, Australia, held at Flinders University, 26 March 1989.

2. "'An Eastern Prophet's Message: Abdul Baha Says, "There Is No Distinction: Men and Women Are Equal"'." The Vote 7 (168 Jan. 10, 1913): 181-82. Collins 11.356a.

3. "'Discovering Unity in Religion: Theme of the World Religion Day Meet in Saigon'." The Times of Viet-Nam Magazine 5 (5 Feb 3, 196-): 13-16. Collins 11.335 c/r Memorials.

4. "'The Bahai Movement and World Peace' by a British Bahai." The People's Weekly (Sept. 27, 1930): 5. Collins 11.117.

5. "'Union of Nations'." The Dawn 8 (10 15 Sept. 1942): 3. Collins 11.1029.

6. "'Unity of Mankind'." Hindu Vishwa (Nov. 1925): 25. Collins 11.1029a.

7. "'We Love All Religions'." Time 81 (Apr. 26, 1963): 69. Collins 11.1064.

8. "'The Teaching of the Babi'." The Book Buyer 22 (June 1901): 416. Collins 11.986.

9. A World Faith: Studies in the Teachings of Baha'u'llah. 67. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1936. Collins 7.2779.

10. Abadi, Behnaz. (1981). The World Into One Nation: World Peace and the Baha'i Faith. M.A., Kyung Hee University. I60 P. and Introduction to Baha'i peace concepts. :13.1. c/r peace.

11. Adamson, Hugh. (1974). The Concept of Revelation as Found in Islam and Baha'i. M.A., Concordia University, Montreal. vii, 191 p. and therefore 'Some attempt is made to explore the claims of both Muhammad and Baha'u'llah that their respective Revelations come from a single Source and are, a progressive continuation of previous Revelations. ' Discusses also the 'crisis of continuation' that arises after the death of the Messenger of God. :13.2.

12. America's Challenge: World Peace Through Racial Unity. [8]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: NTC [National (Baha'i) Teaching Committee], 1985. Collins 7.53.

13. Anon. Never Tell a Bad Thing. n.p. [Port of Spain: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Trinidad and Tobago], [8] leaves. n.d. [1979].7.1997.

14. Ayman, Irqaj. Significance of Sacrifice. [4], 25. Setapak, Malaysia: Baha'i Publishing Trust Committee, 1985. Collins 7.88.

15. Baha'i Faith, Ten Basic Teachings, The. 8 (folder). Bombay: Baha'i Centre, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.223.

16. Baha'i International Community. Equality of Men and Women: A New Reality. Reissued c. 1975, n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.], National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, [12] pp. [Indian printing] ed., 8. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975. Collins 7.296-296a.

17. Baha'i International Community. One World, One People: A Baha'i View. Rev. ed., 1976, 6 pp.; 1980, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust ed., [6] folder. New York: Baha'i International Community, c. 1974. Collins 7.300-302.

18. Baha'i Peace Program, The. Reissued 1960, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1975, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 21pp. ed., 16. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, 1945. Collins 7.367.

19. Baha'i Teachings for a World Faith. Reissued c1943 [after 1943] (aquamarine cover with green lettering); c1943 [195-?] (blue cover with dark blue lettering); Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, c1943 [195-], 22 pp.; n.d. [196-?], n.d. [197-?], 22 pp.; 1972, 1976, 1978, 1982, 24pp.; New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [195- or 196-] (blue cover), n.d. [196-] (green cover), 16pp. ed., 16. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, 1943. Collins 7.424.

20. Baha'i Teachings. 7. n.p. [Freetown, Sierra Leone]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone], n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.423.

21. Baha'i Unites Mankind. reprinted Mona Vale, N.S.W., Baha'i Publications Australia, n.d. [1985], [10] pp. ed., 5. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, n.d. [between 1965 and 1975]. Collins 7.440-1.

22. Baha'i Women's Committee of the NSA of the Baha'is of New Zealand (comp.), ed. "The Wings of a Bird", a Compilation of Baha'i Quotations on the Equality of Men and Women and the distinct role of Women. Auckland, New Zealand: NSA of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1986.c/r compilations.

23. Baha'i World Faith: Divine Revelation is Progressive. [2]. New Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's [sic] [sc. of India], n.d. [197-?]. Collins 7.471.

24. Baha'i, the Harmony of Science, Faith and Reason. [6]. Kumasi, Ghana: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Kumasi, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.438.

25. Baha'iyan va Iran: jahangara'i va mihanparasti dar din-i Baha'i (The Baha'is and Iran: universalism and patriotism in the Baha'i religion), Luxemburg, Payam-i Dusti, 1986, 144 pp., ill.

26. Bahai Precepts. 1. n.p. [London]: The Selkirk Press, n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.374.

27. Basic Baha'i Beliefs. 3. Orange [N.S.W.]: Baha'i Assembly [of Orange], n.d. [1972?]. Collins 7.531.

28. Biven, Evelyn Lackey. "'The Baha'i World Faith and the International Language'." International Language Review 5 (July-Dec. 1959): unpaged. Collins 11.203.

29. Bowes, Eric. These Things Shall Be. viii, 151. Sydney, N.S.W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1980. Collins 7.571 On twelve social principles.

30. Boyles, Ann. "'Women and the Baha'i Faith: The Religious Principle of Equality'." Canadian Women Studies 5 (2 Winter 1983): 16-18. Collins 11.222.

31. Bureau International Baha'i. Programme de Paix Baha'i [the Baha'i peace programme]. Geneva: 1945. BW XI, p. 605.

32. Cannon, Manigeh and Sunni (comps.) DaVar. The Role of Women in the New World Order. 9 leaves. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Mayaguez, 1975. Collins 7.2302 c/r administration?

33. Caton, Peggy (ed.). Equal Circles: Women and Men in the Baha'i Community. 226. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, Ten authors (list contributions).

34. Celebrating Diversity. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of the USA, US BPT list.

35. Chambala, H. Kalebe. "'Baha'i Faith: Each Individual Must Investigate the Truth Himself'." This is Malawi 13 (2 Feb. 1983): 22-4. Collins 11.260.

36. Cobb, Stanwood. The Brotherhood of the East and the West. 15. Washington, D. C.: Orient-Occident Unity, 1912. Bjorling 245.

37. Comments and Excerpts: More than Twenty-Five Years of War, Revolution and Social Upheaval. 4. n.p.: n.d. [c.1950?]. Collins 7.721 The rear cover carries a list of Baha'i social and spiritual principles.

38. Concert of Man: In Tribute to the Oneness of Mankind/Concert des Hommes: En Hommage a' l'Unicite de l'Humanite. 8. n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, n.d. [1978?]. Collins 7.726.

39. Conrader, Constance. Women, Attaining Their Birthright. Reprinted from World Order magazine, 6:4 (summer 1972), pp. 43-59 ed., 36. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975. Collins 7.732.

40. Cooper, Ella Goodall. "'Universal Peace: Apex Toward Which the Bahai Movement Is Progressing'." Everywoman 10 (2 May1915): 4, 16. Collins 11.292 [move to peace].

41. Country is the World of the Soul, The. [6] pp.. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i National Centre, n.d. [1977]. And[2] pp., n.d. [1984?]. Supplied with seeds in a plastic bag Collins 7.755-756

42. Crist, Mrs Gene. Progressive Revelation. [9] leaves. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: [Baha'i National Reference Library Committee?], n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.778 c/r other religions.

43. Dale, John. Unity and a Universal Language: World Means to World Peace. 30. Ceara Brazil: Eldono de Bahaa Esperanto-Ligo, 1976. Collins 7.787 c/r peace.

44. Demas, Kathleen J. From Behind the Veil. US PT list.

45. Denkschrift fur den Weltfrieden [A memorandum on world peace]. 10. [Germany]: [before 1950]. BW XII, p. 807.

46. DiBuono, Natalie M. "'One God, One Mankind, One Religion: Precepts of the Baha'i Faith'." The Register-Leader of the Unitarian Universalist Association 149 (9 Nov. 1967): 11-14. Collins 11.329 Reprinted 1967, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 4 pp.

47. Dodge, Arthur Pillsbury. The Truth of It: The Inseparable Oneness of Common Sense, Science, Religion. 155. New York: Mutual Publishing, 1901. Collins 7.820.

48. Earl, David M. "'The Baha'i Faith and World Government'." Common Cause: A Journal of One World 4 (2 Sept. 1950): 92-99. Collins 11.352 c/r Politics.

49. Earth Is But One Country and Mankind Its Citizen, The [sic]. [3]. Apia, Samoa: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Samoa, 1985. Collins 7.834.

50. Earth Is But One Country and Mankind Its Citizens, The. 6. Seattle, Wash.: Baha'i Public Affairs Committee, n.d. [1983]. Collins 7.835.

51. Elimination of Prejudice: The Baha'i Attack. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [195-?]. Collins 7.1859.

52. Equal Rights for Women and Men. [6]. n.p. [Limbe, Cameroon]: National Women's Committee of the Baha'is of Cameroon, 1985. Collins 7.851.

53. Equality of the Sexes, A Baha'i Principle, The. n.p. [Dublin?]: National Baha'i Women's Group for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Republic of Ireland, n.d. [1989?].

54. Esslemont, J. E. Religio kaj Scienco lau la lumo de la Bahaja rivelajo. 28. London: Brita Esperantista Asocio, 1919. BW IV, p. 298.

55. Esslemont, John Ebenezer. "'Is Religious Unity Impossible? A Plea for More Tolerance in the East'." The Illustrated Weekly of India 55 (51 Dec. 23, 1934): 87. Collins 11.376.

56. Faizi, Gloria. Flowers of One Garden. 56. India [Poona]: Faizi [Kirloskar Press], 1977. Collins 7.931.

57. Ferraby, John. Progressive Revelation. Reprinted, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [between 1954 and 1966]; rev. ed., London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1966, 16 pp. ed., 23. Manchester, U.K.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1954]. Collins 7.957-9.

58. Fozdar, Shirin. "'The Bahai's [sic] Faith and World Peace'." Sarawak Gazette 93 (1309 Mar 31, 1967): 56-7. Collins 11.412 [move to peace].

59. Fozdar, Shirin. The Way to Peace. Reprinted, Singapore, Fozdar, 1976, 28 pp. ed., 27. Ahmedabad, India: Local Spiritual Assembly [of the Baha'is of Ahmedabad], 1948. Collins 7.1002-3 [move to peace].

60. Further references. "Collins 7.375: Baha'i Principles: A Course for the Child of Intermediate Age; Numerous items in children's section; World Unity Conferences (Collins: 2797-2799c); Collins 7.2629 (children's); Bahai Congress (Collins 7.157); Shirazi, 'Bahai Movement and Its Principles', Collins 11.920." :

61. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Raising the Tent of Unity. 12. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [before 1972]. Collins 7.1017.

62. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Science and Religion. Reprinted n.d. [after 1970] (Skylark Printers) ed., 25. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust (Everest Press), 1970. Collins 7.1018-9.

63. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Tawafuq-i 'ilm wa din (The harmony of science and religion). 34. [Tehran]: [1327 Sh./1948-49.

64. Gidden, Helen M. (comp.). The Principle of Truthfulness. [4]. n.p.: Gidden, 1966. Collins 7.2144.

65. Glaube zur Freiheit [Belief in freedom]. [before 1946]. Pamphlet BW XI, p. 609.

66. Gopaul, V. S. "'The Earth Is But One Country and Mankind Its Citizens'." Journal of the University of Mauritius (10 & 11 July-Dec. 1981): 1-4. Collins 11.438.

67. Gregory, Louis. The Races of Men: Many or One. 40. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1929. Collins 7.1095 On Gregory, a leading black American Baha'i, see Section x, items xx-xx

68. Grossmann, Hermann. Das Wesen der Baha'i-Lehre [the nature of the Baha'i teaching]. 8. n.p. [Germany]: n.d.BW IV, p. 301.

69. Grossmann, Hermann. Umbruch zur Einheit [landslide to unity]. 85. Stuttgart: A. Schroder, 1947.BW XII, p. 807

70. [Herrigel, Wilhelm]. Universaler Friede, universale Religion. Die Baha'i-Bewegung, ihr Zweck und Ziel [Universal peace, universal religion. The aim and purpose of the Baha'i movement]. 30. Stuttgart: Selbstverlag der Baha'i-Vereinigung, 1915. BW IV, p. 301.

71. Haddad, Anton. Divine Revelation the Basis of All Civilization. 24. New York: Board of Counsel, 1902. Collins 7.1112.

72. Hatcher John. The Science of Religion. 2nd. ed., 1980 ed., 45. Baha'i Studies 2, Thornhill: Canadian Association for Studies on the Baha'i Faith, 1977. Collins 7.1141-2.

73. Hatcher, William S. "'Science and the Baha'i Faith'." Zygon: A Journal of Religion and Science 14 (3 Sept. 1979): 229-53.Collins 11.472.

74. Hatcher, William S. Logic and Logos, Essays on Science, Religon and Philosophy. 160 pp. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990. Five essays: 'Platonism and Pragmatism', 'Myths, Models and Mysticism', 'From Metaphysics to Logic -- A Modern Formulation of Avicenna's Cosmological Proof of the Existence of God', 'A Logical Solution to the Problem of Evil', 'Science and the Baha'i Faith'.

75. Hatcher, William S. The Unity of Religion and Science. 16. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1975. Reprinted from World Order magazine.

76. Holley, Horace. "'The World Issue of Race'." The Crisis 43 (7 July 1936): 204. Collins 11.499.

77. Holley, Marion. The Most Great Peace: A New Phase of Human Thought. Two variants, one with 'printed in U.S.A.' ed., 23. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [193-]. Collins 7.1234 [move to peace].

78. Hopson, Eliane A. Creation and Evolution: A Baha'i Perspective. ii, 38. New York: Newscope Productions, 1982. Collins 7.1235.

79. Hughes, Emma. Unity of Mankind. 15. n.p.: n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.1242.

80. Human Relations for World Unity. 8. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [between 1947 and 1955]. Collins 7.1243.

81. Humanity Has Two Wings. Reprinted, New Delhi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [1981], [4] pp. ed., [2]. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7. 1246-7.

82. International Year of Peace: The Baha'i Faith. [6]. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i National Center, n.d. [1985]. Collins 7.1294 Green cover: extremes of wealth and poverty.

83. Irady, Jeanne. "'Le Bahaisme et le mouvement feminin -- Bahaismo kaj la virina movado'." Le Phare de l'Esperanto (Sisteron, France) 7 (71 March 1937): 25-38.

84. Khursheed, Anjam. Science and Religion: Towards the Restoration of an Ancient Harmony. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 1987, 133 pp..

85. Khursheed, Anjam. The Seven Candles of Unity, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1991, xv, 270 pp.

86. Let Us Strive with Heart and Soul that Unity May Dwell in the World. 4. n.p.: n.d. [190- or 191-?]. Collins 7.1395.

87. Loehle, Craig. On the Shoulders of Giants, Oxford, George Ronald, 1994, v, 201 pp. On science.

88. Loyalty to Government. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.1457.

89. Loyalty to Government. [2]. New Delhi: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India, n.d. [197-?]. Collins 7.1458.

90. Loyalty to Government. [3]. Freetown, Sierra Leone: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Sierra Leone, n.d. [1984?]. Collins 7.1460.

91. Loyalty to Government. [3]. n.p. [Tunis, Tunisia]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Northwest Africa, n.d. [196-]. Collins 1457a.

92. Loyalty to Government. [4]. n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya]: National Education Committee of the Baha'is of Kenya, 1973. Collins 7.1459.

93. Loyalty to Government/Getrouheid aan Regering. 6. Johannesburg, S.A.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, 1979. Collins 7.1461.

94. Loyalty to Government/Loaloapwoat ong Government: En Baha'i Ire. [2]. Agana, Guam: Mwomwohdishon Baha'i/National Baha'i Public Information Office, n.d. [1980?]. Collins 7.1462.

95. Loyalty to Government/UkuThobela uMbuso. 6. Johannesburg, S.A.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, 1979. Collins 7.1469.

96. Loyalty to Government/Ukwethembeka Embusweni. [8]. n.p. [Johannesburg]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.1470.

97. Loyalty to Government/Vhuluvha kha Muvhuso. [10]. Johannesburg, S.A.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa, 1983. Collins 7.1471.

98. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint. 1. Dar es Salaam: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tanzania, n.d. [1976]. Collins 7.1464.

99. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint. 1. Mona Vale, N.S.W.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, n.d. [1983?]. Collins 7.1465.

100. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint. 1. Tsimshatsui,: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Hong Kong, n.d. [1985]. Collins 7.1466.

101. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [197-?]. Collins 7.1463.

102. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint/Ko e Vakai 'a e Tui Baha'i: Talangofua Kakato ki he Pule' anga. [2]. Nuku'alofa, Tonga: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tonga, n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.1467.

103. Loyalty to Government: The Baha'i Viewpoint/Kumvera Boma: Mfundo za ChiBaha'i. [2]. Limbe, Malawi: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is in Malawi, n.d. [1982]. Collins 7.1468.

104. Man One Family. Reissued, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1957, 1967, 22 pp.; 1970, 1976, 20 pp. ed., 8. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1943. Collins 7.1494-5.

105. Manji, H. M. "'Birth of a Golden Age: The Principles of the Baha'i Movement'." Kaiser-i-Hind (Jan. 2, 1938): 54, 56. Collins 11.664.

106. Mankind is One/La Humanidad Es Una. [12]. n.p. [Malabo, Equatorial Guinea]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Equatorial Guinea, n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.1497.

107. May, Dann J. The Baha'i Principle of Religious Unity and the Challenge of Radical Pluralism, 1993, iv, 103 leaves

108. Mitchell, Glenford E. and Daniel C. Jordan. What Is Race? Questions and Answers on the Most Challenging Issue. 22. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1967. Collins 7.1573.

109. Most Challenging Issue, The: The Baha'i Community and Racial Prejudice: A Compilation. 41, [3], [1]. Wilmette, Ill.: Most Challenging Issue Seminar Committee, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Wilmette, Illinois, 1982. Collins 7.1590.

110. Munje, H.M. The Whole World Is But One Family. Reissued as The World Is But One Family, n.p. [Kuala Lumpur], Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, n.d. [1983], 55, iii pp. ed., 55, iv. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.1597-8.

111. Nakhjavani, Bahiyyih. Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990, 190 pp..

112. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Cameroon. Declaration of Loyalty to Government. 5. n.p. [Victoria, Cameroon]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Cameroon Republic, n.d. [1968?]. Collins 7.1664.

113. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South Africa. Overcoming Racial Prejudice: South Africa's Most Challenging Issue: A Statement, 1994, Houghton, NSA of the Baha'is of South Africa, 22 pp.

114. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. The Baha'i Teachings on Universal Peace. 11. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1939. Collins 7.1958 [move to peace].

115. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Interracial Teaching Committee. Baha'i Inter-Racial Teaching Program, 195~I957. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Inter-Racial Teaching Committee], 1956. 13 [i.e. 14] leaves. 1956.7.1883.

116. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Interracial Teaching Committee. Baha'i Inter-Racial Teaching Program, 1957-1958. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i InterRacial Teaching Committee, 1957. 7 leaves. 1957.7.1884.

117. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Religious Liberty, Basis of World Peace. 1. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, n.d. [195-?]. Collins 7.1871 c/r peace.

118. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. The Vision of Race Unity: America's Most Challenging Issue: A Statement, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1991, 13 pp.

119. Norris, Daniel. Igualdad del Hombre y la Mujer/Equality of Man and Woman. [53] leaves. n.p. [Sendoi City, Japan]: Daniel Norris, n.d. [1983]. Collins 7.2033.

120. One Common Faith: World Peace Through the Oneness of Religion. [8]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: N.T.C. [National (Baha'i) Teaching Committee], 1985. Collins 7.2058.

121. Oneness of Mankind, The: Basic Principle of the Baha'i Faith. [2]. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.2071.

122. Patton, Derek W. "'Mankind Is One: Where We Stand from an Historical Perspective'." Club Bulletin, Rotary Club of Taoyuan West, Taiwan, China 7 (June 8, 1983): 1-5.11.786.

123. Political Non-Involvement. Mona Vale, NSW: Baha'i Australia Publications, US BPT list.

124. Prejudice. 4, 4, [1]. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia?], n.d. [1973]. Collins 7.2139.

125. Principles of the Baha'i Faith, The. Reissued, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1941 ed., 16. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [193-?]. Collins 7.2146-7.

126. Principles of the Baha'i Faith, [New York City], Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d., 16 pp.

127. Pritam Singh. "'The Place of the Bab in Bahaism'." The Hindustan Review (Patna, India) (Sept.-Oct. 1919): 245-48.11.822.

128. Progressive Revelation. 8. n.p.: n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.2153.

129. Punta Arenas, LSA of the Baha'is of. Los Baha'is Persiguen la Unidad Mundial [the Baha'is seek world unity]. Punta Arenas, Chile: [before 1944].BW X, p. 611.

130. Qadimi, Riad. Gulzar-i ta'alim-i Baha'i (The garden of Baha'i teachings). 158. Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany: Baha'i-Verlag, 142/1985.

131. Rabbani, Hussein. The Oneness of Mankind. Reprinted, 1944, Wilmette, Ill., Baha'i Publishing Committee, 22 pp. ed., 23. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, n.d. [193-]. Collins 7.2170-1 The author was a brother of Shoghi Effendi. He was excommunicated by him in the 1940s and later condemned for his marriage to a 'lowborn Christian girl' (see Shoghi Efendi, Citadel of Faith (item xxxx), pp.78-79.

132. Remey, Charles Mason. A Prospectus: A Series of Five Lectures Upon the Universal Religious and Social Principles of the Bahai Movement. 8. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1919. Collins 7.2258.

133. Remey, Charles Mason. Bahai Teaching: Quotations from the Bahai Sacred Writings and Several Articles upon the History and Aims of the Teachings. [c. 100]. Washington, D.C.: J.D. Milans and Sons, 1917. Collins 7.2237 Seven pamphlets bound in a single volume.

134. Remey, Charles Mason. Constructive Principles of the Bahai Movement. 63. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1917. Collins 7.2239.

135. Remey, Charles Mason. Some Tenets Taught by the Bahai Religion. Reprinted from The New Era (Riverton, N.J.), August 15, 1919 ed., [4]. n.p.: n.d. [1919?]. Collins 7.2270.

136. Remey, Charles Mason. The Bahai Religion and World Peace. First published in The New Era (Riverton, N.J.), August 22, 1919 ed., [4]. n.p. [U.S.A.]: n.d. [1919?]. Collins 7.2233.

137. Remey, Charles Mason. The Bahai Religion and World Unity. First published in The New Era (Riverton, N.J.), September 5, 1919 ed., [4]. n.p. [U.S.A.]: n.d. [1919]. Collins 7.2234.

138. Remey, Charles Mason. The Peace of the World. Chicago: Baha'i Publishing Society, 1919. Appears with this title in BW IV, p. 284. [move to peace]

139. Romer, Annie B. "'A Call from the East to Women'." Speaking of Women 1 (1 July 1936): 26. Collins 11.874.

140. Rosenberg, Ethel. "'Bahaism, Its Ethical and Social Teachings'." International Congress for the History of Religions (3rd). Transactions 1 (1908): 321-25. Collins 11.877 German trans. by Fr. Schweizer as Die Baha'i-Lehre, deren ethische und soziale Begriffe, 1908, Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Baha'i-Vereinigung, 8 pp.

141. Rost, H. T. D. The Golden Rule: A Universal Ethic. 208. Oxford: George Ronald.

142. Rumi, Sayyid Mustafa. Usul-i Baha'i (Baha'i principles). 32. [Delhi]: Jami'a Milliyya Press, [193-?].

143. Rutstein, Nathan. To Be One: A Battle against Racism. 160. Global Transformation (vol. 2), Oxford: George Ronald, 1988.

144. Seto, Mamie. Spiritual and Social Teachings for a New Age. Reprinted 1962, 1966, 23 pp. ed., 14 leaves. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1960. Collins 7.2392.

145. Shapiro, David. For Unity of Mankind. 2nd. ed., New York, Skilprint, 1943; 4th. ed., Brooklyn, N.Y., Shapiro, 1944 ed., 24. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Shapiro, 1942. Collins 7.2398-2400.

146. Simple, Peter and John Kolstoe. Light for All Regions. Zimbabwean ed. as Baha'i Teachings, Light for All Regions ed., 24. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1969. Collins 7.2414 & 2413 Cover title: Baha'i Teachings, Light for All Regions.

147. Simple, Peter. Baha'i Teachings. 12. Wilmette, Ill.: [Baha'i] American Indian Service Committee, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.2412.

148. Smith, Maxine. "'No Colour Prejudice'." India and Israel 4 (6 Dec. 1951): 40. Collins 11.939a.

149. Sohrab, Ahmad. "'Abdul Baha on the Value of a Universal Language'." The International Psychic Gazette (Apr. 1913): 250-1. Collins 11.949.

150. Some Principles of the Baha'i Faith. 16. New York; Singapore: Baha'i Publishing Committee; P.O. Box 551, Shanghai, n.d. [192- or 193-]. Collins 7.2444.

151. Some Teachings and Laws of Baha'u'llah. Republished, n.d. [between 1964 and 1972], n.p. [Port Louis, Mauritius], National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Indian Ocean, 22 pp. ed., 19. n.p. [Kampala, Uganda]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Central and East Africa, n.d. [between 1956 and 1964]. Collins 7.2441-2.

152. Some Teachings We Should Know. 6, 7. Nairobi, Kenya: National [Baha'i] Community Development Committee, n.d. [1983]. Collins 7.2445.

153. That the East and West May Embrace. Wilmette, Ill.: NSA of the Baha'is of the USA, US BPT list.

154. Tsao, Y. S. "'The Unity of Civilization and the Universality of Religion'." The Chinese Social and Political Science Review (Peiping) (1927): 610-25.11.1017a.

155. Tu'itahi, Sione H. "'Women's Status Cited by Baha'i in Tonga Meet'." Pacific Magazine (Dec. 1985): Collins 11.1018.

156. Twelve Baha'i Teachings/Koyeruwa Baha'i. English/Efik ed., Twelve Baha'i Teachings/Ukpep nükpo Baha'i duopeba, n.p. [Lagos], [Baha'i Publishing Trust], n.d. [1985?], 2 pp.; English and Yoruba ed., Twelwe [sic] Baha'i Teachings/Awon Eko Baha'i, n.p. [Lagos], [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria], n.d. [1981], 2 pp. ed., 2. Lagos, Nigeria: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Nigeria, n.d. [1981]. Collins 7.2615-7.

157. Unity from Diversity. 4. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, n.d. [before 1972]. Collins 7.2627.

158. Universal Peace: More than an End to War. Reissued 1985, Santa Cruz, Calif., Bosch Baha'i School ed., [8]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: NTC [National (Baha'i) Teaching Committee, 1985. Collins 7.2635-6.

159. Universal Principles of the Baha'i Movement, Social, Economic, Governmental. 60. Washington, D.C.: 1912.

160. Universality, Human Rights, Peace: The Baha'i Faith. [6] folder. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, n.d. [c.1980]. Collins 7.2639 c/r peace.

161. Vail, Albert. "'Making Brotherhood a Reality'." Abbott's Monthly (Chicago) (Jan. 1931): 27-28, 67, 71-72.11.1039.

162. Wade, John. World Unity. 8. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the British Isles, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.2662.

163. Warburg, Margit. "'Talsymbolik og 19-tallet i Babi- og Baha'i-religionen' (Number symbolism and the number 19 in the Babi and Baha'i religions)." Chaos (4 1985): 71-81.

164. Warburg, Margit. "'Talsymbolik og det hellige 19-tal' (Number symbiolism and the holy number 19)." Naturens Verden (2 1986): 57-64.

165. Watkins, Bob. "'World Unity Is Baha'i Vision'." Voice (Jan. 1984): 2, 26. Collins 11.1063.

166. Way to Universal Brotherhood. 24. Bombay, India: Bahai Spiritual Assembly, n.d. [c. 1920]. Collins 7.2678.

167. What Are the Principles of the Baha'i Faith? Reissued, n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya], [National (Baha'i) Education Committee of Kenya], n.d. [1973] ed., 8. n.p.: n.d. [197-]. Collins 7.2694-5.

168. What Baha'is Believe. [4]. Windhoek, Namibia: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South West Africa/Namibia, n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.2696.

169. World Order (Wilmette, Ill.). Women: Striking the Balance. Reprinted Bangor, Wales, Copycat, n.d. [1983?] ed., 1. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974. Collins 7.2787-8.

170. World Unity, the Paramount Need: Essays, Today's Youth Write for Peace. 60. Lucknow, India: Baha'i Proclamation Committee, n.d. [1982]. Collins 7.2800 An essay competition organized by the local Baha'i Youth Committee of Baroda c/r children.

171. World Unity. [4]. n.p. [Nairobi, Kenya]: National Education Committee of the Baha'is of Kenya, 1973. Collins 7.2796.

172. [Gash, Andrew]. Baha'i Teachings. Rev. ed., Baha'i Publications Australia, 1985 ed., 20. n.p. [Mona Vale, N.S.W.]: Baha'i Publishing Trust Australia, 134 B.E. [1977]. Collins 7.421 Ill. Tushar Kanti-Paul.

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