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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 49

Schismatic Groups

1. "'The New History Society'." More Light [1?] ([1?] [Jan. 1930?]): 32-33. Collins 11.737.

2. A Baha'i Study on Individual Investigation, Unity and the Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, the Guardianship. 6. Florence, Italy: Supporters of the 2nd Guardianship, 1963. Collins 12.6.

3. A New Day Comes. 7. Las Vegas: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. Bjorling p. 153.

4. A New Day Comes. [8]. Las Vegas, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. [1984]. Collins 12.73.

5. A Statement to All Baha'is on the Living Hereditary Guardianship. [2]. Santa Fe, N.M.: The Baha'is of Santa Fe, n.d. [1964?]. Collins 12.124.

6. al-Qawl al-fasl fi ma'rifat al-amr wa 'l-asl [The authoritative statement concerning what is known about the cause and its origin]. 32. n.p. [Cairo?]: Muharram 1320/April 1902. A brief account of Babism and Baha'ism, written in support of the claims of 'Abbas Effendi's rival, Mirza Muhammad 'Ali.

7. "An Appeal to the Heterodox Baha'is." The Guardian, 27 April 1990, Advertisement. An advertisement written by 'The Third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith' (Joel Marangella) and placed by the Orthodox Baha'is of the United States based in Roswell, New Mexico. Marangella calls on the main body of the Baha'is to acknowledge that Mason Remey was Shoghi Effendi's true successor.

8. Apsey, Lawrence S. I Resign. 6. New York: New History Foundation, 1932. Bjorland p. 151.

9. Badi'Ullah, Mirza [Mirza Badi' Allah]. Epistle to the Bahai World. 28. Translated by Dr. Ameen'Ullah Fareed. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1907. This is a translation of a Persian letter [item xx] originally published without title, possibly in Palestine around 1903. The author, a son of Baha' Allah by Mahd-i Ulya, here recounts his disillusionment with his brother Mirza Muhammad 'Ali and his return to the allegiance of 'Abd al-Baha'. He again defected from the latter at a later date. Collins 7.106.

10. Baha'i Teachings. 9 sheets in folder. Las Vegas, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. [19484]. Collins 12.7.

11. Baha'i Teachings. Las Vegas, NM: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. Bjorland p. 153.

12. Bahai Cause Is a Call to Spiritually Mature Men and Women, The. 4. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1941]. Collins 12.5.

13. Bahai Cause, Founded by Baha-o-llah, Is a Call to Spiritually Mature Men and Women, The. 4. New York: Caravan of the East and West, n.d. [194-?]. Collins 12.4.

14. Balch, Robert W., G. Farnsworth, and S. Wilkins. "When the Bombs Drop: Reactions to Disconfirmed Prophecy in a Millenial Sect." Sociological Perspectives 26 (2 1982): 137-58. Listed Bjorland p. 157 as 24 pp., published in Missoula MT, University of Montana, only Balch listed.

15. Behai, Kamar. A Statement on the Dispute Between the Bahai Family. 6 circulars (12 leaves). n.p. [Haifa]: Privately published, n.d. [1953]. Collins 12.8.

16. Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Today. [3], 14. Roswell, N.M.: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1979. Bjorling p.156.

17. Biographical Sketch of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Director of the Caravan of East and West, Inc. 3. n.p. [New York?]: n.d. [1954]. Collins 12.10.

18. Bjorling, Joel. "'Leland Jensen, the Prophet Who Cried Wolf'." Understanding Cults and Spiritual Movements 1 (3 1985): 6-9. Collins 11.206 [Note on Jensen].

19. Brand, Max and Mirza Ahmad Sohrab [libretto Max Brand, and Julie Chandler; Music Max Brand]. The Gate: Scenic Oratorio for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra in Two Parts (19 Scenes). 61. New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1944. Collins 12.11 [cross-reference to music].

20. Caravan of East and West, The. A Code of Civilization. Resolutions presented by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab and passed unanimously by the members of the Caravan on Saturday afternoon, April 10th, 1954. New York: Caravan of East and West, 1954. Collins 12.12a.

21. Caravan of East and West, The. Call to a World Conference in Jerusalem, 1957. 4. New York: The Caravan of East and West, n.d. [1955?]. Collins 12.12.

22. Caravan of East and West, The. One Hundred Years, 1844-1944. 24 leaves. New York: Caravan of East and West, 1944. Collins 12.13 (Also a version with 46 pages).

23. Caravan of East and West, The. The Plan of the Caravan for the Republic of Mankind. [4]. New York: Caravan of East and West, n.d. [195-?]. Collins 12.15.

24. Carre, John. A Gate -- Thoughts About Life and Man. 6 leaves. Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Syed Zafar Imam, 1970. Collins 12.18a.

25. Carre, John. A New Race of Men: The Day of the End. [10] leaves. Julian, Calif.: Information-World Order, n.d. [between 1963 and 1970]. Collins 12.19a.

26. Carre, John. An Island of Hope. 24. Mariposa, Ca.: House of Light, 1975. Bjorland p. 158.

27. Carre, John. Confirmation Through Prophecy. 16. Lahore, Pakistan: M. Aslan Bajwa (Ilmi Printing Press), 1971. Collins 12.16a.

28. Carre, John. Copy of the Letter Sent to Pope Paul VI. 1 leaf. n.p. [Mariposa, Calif.?]: John Carre, 1969. Collins 12.16b.

29. Carre, John. Dies Irae: Day of Wrath, Day of God. 47. Mariposa, Ca.: House of Mankind, 1977. Bjorland p. 158.

30. Carre, John. Spiritual Evolution and the New Age. Another ed., Lahore, Pakistan, M. Aslan Bajwa, n.d., 7, [1] p ed., 8. Mariposa, Calif.: Privately published, n.d. [197-?]. Bjorland p. 158 (Collins 12.20 says 8pp, B. has 7).

31. Carre, John. Spiritual Purity. 2. n.p.: Privately published, n.d. [197-?] Bjorland p.158.

32. Carre, John. The Appointed Interpreters of the Word of God. Privately published, n.d. [197-?]. Bjorland p. 158.

33. Carre, John. The Covenant of God Under Attack. n.p.: Privately published, n.d. [197-?]. Bjorland p.158.

34. Carre, John. The Violation of the Baha'i Faith. n.p.: Carre, n.d. [197-?] Bjorland p. 158.

35. Carre, John. Universal Man. [2] leaves. Mariposa, Calif.: John Carre, n.d. [1969]. Collins 12.21a.

36. Caryl, Roger. Principles of Faith for a New Era of Mankind: The Twelve Fundamental Principles of the Baha'i Faith. [2}, 25, [1]. Missoula, Mont.: Baha'i Center Under the Provisions of the Covenant, May, 1985. Collins 12:22a.

37. Chanler, Julie Olin. From Gaslight to Dawn: An Autobiography. 413. New York: New History Foundation, 1956. Bjorland p. 151; Collins 12:23.

38. Chanler, Julie Olin. The Great Book. 1 leaf. New York: New History Society, n.d. [193-]. Collins 12.24.

39. Chanler, Julie Olin. The Green International. 1 leaf. New York: Green International, n.d. Collins 12.25.

40. Chanler, Julie. His Messengers Went Forth. 64. New York: Coward-McCann, 1948. Bjorland p. 151.

41. Chanler, Julie. The Return of Light. New York: 193? Bjorland p. 151 (no further info).

42. Charles Mason Remey: Taken from Who's Who in America (with a Few Added Explanations). [2]. Florence, Italy: 1964. Collins 12.26.

43. Christ's Fulfilment of Old Testament Prophecies. 10. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1941. Bjorling p. 156.

44. Christ's Fulfilment of Old Testament Prophecies. [3], 13. Roswell, N.M.: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1981. Collins 12.27.

45. DeHainaut, LaVonne (comp. and annotated). References to the Guardianship. [1], 11 leaves. [Las Vegas, N.M.]: National Teaching Institute of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith in the United States, 1972. Collins 12.79a.

46. Ewing, Galen W. "The Orthodox Baha'i Faith." Unpublished paper, 1982. Bjorling, p. 153 (put under 'Unpublished papers').

47. Ewing, Galen. The Orthodox Baha'i Faith. 13 leaves. n.p. [New Mexico]: Ewing, 1982. Collins 12.27a.

48. Gaines, Charles H. The Guardianship and Administration. 32 cyclostyled sheets. Lancaster, PA: [Orthodox] Baha'is of Lancaster, July 1960.

49. Gaines, Charles H. The Guardianship and the Hands of the Cause of God. 6 cyclostyled sheets. Lancaster, PA: [Orthodox Baha'is of Lancaster], 24 August 1960.

50. Gaines, Charles H. The Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice. v, 14 cyclostyled sheets. Lancaster, PA: [Orthodox Baha'is of Lancaster], 1 September 1960.

51. Gazvini, M. J. A Brief History of Beha U'llah, the Founder of the Behai Religion. Acre, Palestine: M. J. Gazvini [San Diego: G.E. Traub], 1914, 91 pp.. An English version of Qazvini's 'Epitome of Babi and Baha'i History' several years before Browne's Collins 12.29. c/r biography

52. God Wants You to Know the Truth. 4 leaves. n.p.: n.d. [1961?]. Collins 12.30.

53. Guardianship, The. [4]. Santa Fe, N.M.: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Santa Fe, Under the Hereditary Guardianship, n.d. [1963?]. Includes a letter from Samuel Smart. Collins 12.31.

54. Hamilton, Joseph George and assisted by Frederick O. Pease. The New Religion. 23. Chicago: N.A.U.R. Publishing Society, 1926. Collins 12.34.

55. Hamilton, Joseph George. 'The Days of Noah': Recensions. 19. Chicago: The Hamilton Press, 1933. Collins 12.32.

56. Hamilton, Joseph George. No More Darkness!: Short Sermons. 19. Chicago: The Hamilton Press, 1934. Collins 12.35.

57. Hamilton, Joseph George. Some Seemly Explanations of Symbolism and Formalism: Short Sermons No. 3. 24. Chicago: The Hamilton Press, 1940. Collins 12.36 If 'No More Darkness' is vol.1, there should be a 'Short Sermons 2'

58. Hamilton, Joseph George. Symbols and Signs. 22. Chicago: Joseph G. Hamilton, 1932. Collins 12.37.

59. Hamilton, Joseph George. The Millenium is Possible. 28. Chicago: I.V. Martesson, 1918. Collins 12.33.

60. Human Charter, The: Principles of Baha-o-llah and Abdul Baha for the Founding of a World Society. 85. New York: New History Foundation, 1945.

61. Impending World Catastrophe, The. 12. Rawalpindi, Pakistan: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Pakistan Under the Hereditary Guardianship, 1965. Collins 12.39.

62. Investigation, Bahai Committee of. Report of the Bahai Committee of Investigation, 1917-1918. 51 leaves. n.p. [Washington, D. C.?]: Committee of Investigation, [1918]. See also item x and notes there. Collins 7.153.

63. Investigation, Bahai Committee off. General Letters, Kirchner Affair. 1917-1918. 13 leaves. n.p. [Washington, D. C.]: Committee of Investigation, [1918]. Letters relating to the 'Chicago Reading Room Affair' (see also item x). Luella Kirchner was at the centre of a dispute concerning the dissemination of the ideas of W. W. Harmon, a Boston metaphysician, through a Baha'i Reading Room established by her in Chicago. Between 1917 and 1918, a 'Committee of Investigation' declared the Harmonite group heretics. The event is important for its promotion of a 'Covenant-centred' mentality within the American Baha'i community. For details, see Smith, 'American Baha'i Community' [section x, item xx], pp. 189 ff. Collins 7.152.

64. Ioas, Leroy, Mrs Lewis Stuyvesant [Julie Chanler] Chanler, and Ahmad Sohrab. Three Letters. [11] leaves. New York: Caravan of East and West, 1954. Collins 12.40.

65. Ityan al-dalil li-man yuridu 'l-iqbal ila sawa' al-sabil [presentation of the evidence for those who wish to travel on the straight path]. 112. Egypt: Safar 1318/June 1900. Written in support of Mirza Muhammad 'Ali, the half-brother and rival of 'Abbas Effendi.

66. Jensen, Leland. Dear Joseph Pepe Remey, Aghsan. 45, [1]+ Introduction (9 leaves). n.p. [Missoula, Mont.]: Jensen, n.d. [1979?]. Collins 12.42a (with details).

67. Jensen, Leland. The Antichrist. 11. [Missoula, Mont?]: Privately published, n.d. [197-?]. Bjorling p.157; Collins 12.41.

68. Jensen, Leland. The Beast. 18. [Missoula, Mont.?]: Privately published, n.d. [197-?]. Bjorland p.157; Collins 12.42.

69. Jensen, Leland. The Most Mighty Document. 14, viii, 70. Missoula, Mont.: Joshua, n.d. [1980]. Bjorland p.157; Collins 12.44 Could be 2 eds.: Bjorling has only 69 pp.and np.

70. Jensen, Leland. The Seventh Angel Sounded: Jeane Dixon Was Right. vi, 130. Missoula, Mont.: Jensen, 1980. Bjorland p.157; Collins 12.43 eds.? Bjorland has 128 pp and n.p.

71. Jensen.

72. Khadim-i Abha, [Kashani, Mirza Aqa Jan]. Risala'i ka jinab-i Khadim-i Abha... dar jawab-i sammi-yi Jahrumi marqum dashta [An epistle which the most glorious servant wrote in reply to a certain Jahrumi]. 223. ed. `. Cairo: 29 Dhu 'l-H|ijja 1319/8 April 1902. A treatise in support of the claims of Mirza Muhammad 'Ali, 'Abbas Effendi's half-brother and rival. The author was the long-serving private secretary to Baha' Allah, and the recorder of his revelations.

73. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. An Epistle of Peace. 12. Chicago: National Association of the Universal Religion, 1918. Bjorling has 1912.

74. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. and Howard McNutt. Beha'U'llah (The Glory of God). 1 ed., Vol. 2. 545. Chicago: I. G. Kheiralla Publisher, 1900.2nd. ed. Chicago, Goodspeed Press, 1915, 545.

75. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. and Howard McNutt. Beha'U'llah (The Glory of God). 1st ed., Vol. 1. 545. Chicago: Privately published, 1899. Reprinted 1915; see Collins 12.45 and 12.46 for details of editions

76. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. and Rosamond Templeton. Facts for Behaists. 64. Translated by Ed. and trans. Ibrahim G. Kheiralla. Chicago: I. G. Kheiralla, 1901.

77. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Bab-ed-Din: The Door of True Religion -- Revelation from the East. 84pp. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Company, 1897.

78. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. "Behaism: In Reply to the Attacks of Robert P. Richardson." Open Court 29 (October 1915): 633-40.

79. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Immortality Scientifically Demonstrated. 16. Evanston, Ill.: Kheiralla, 1914. Collins 12.50.

80. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Immortality: Hereafter of Man's Soul and Mind: Man Never Dies. 32. New York: Syrian-American Press, 1928. Collins 12.49.

81. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Miracles. 24. Newark, N.J.: W. E. Dreyer, 1943. Collins 12.51.

82. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. O Christians! Why do you believe not in Christ? 192. Chicago: Goodspeed Press, 1917. Collins 12.53. Kheirallah's first book following his defection to Mirza Muhammad 'Ali, 'Abbas Effendi's half-brother, to whom it is dedicated. The last chapter is an autobiography. [c/r biography]

83. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Proof of the Existence and Immortality of the Soul from a Scientific and Logical Standpoint: The Mind, As Taught by the Society of Behaists. 34. Newark, N.J.: W. E. Dreyer, 1943. Collins 12.54.

84. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Reincarnation: The Return of the Soul. 24. Newark, N.J.: W. E. Dreyer, 1944. This appears differently in Collins 12.80, where it is anon., but notes that it 'includes an essay by I.G. Kheiralla'. He has 1943 and 23 pp. Title as 'Reincarnation, or the Return of the Soul'.

85. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. The Creator and What it Takes to Win the Peace. Newark, N.J.: W. E. Dreyer, 1943.

86. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. The Three Questions. 26 + 15. n.p. [Chicago]: n.d. [after 1901?]. Collins 12.55. Includes fifteen pages of Arabic quotations.

87. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Universal Peace and Its Sole Solution. 18. n.p. [Evanston, Ill.]: n.d. [1914]. Collins 12.56.

88. Kheiralla, Ibrahim G. Za-ti-et Al-lah: The Identity and Personality of God. Chicago: 1896.

89. Kheiralla, Ibrahim George. Ninetey-Five Questions and Answers Concerning the Teachings of the Behai Religion, Which Is Organized as the Universal Religion of the World. 14. Kenosha, Wis.: Dr. Ibrahim G. Kheiralla, 1925. Collins 12.52.

90. Khoreshi. The Riddle of One Thousand Years. 11. n.p. [Pakistan]: S.H. Khoreshi, 1969. Collins 12.56a.

91. King, Reginald (Rex). The Birth of World Religion. [8]. Las Vegas, N.M.: The National Publishing Institute of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith in the United States, 1976. Bjorling, p. 153; Collins 12.57.

92. King, Reginald (Rex). The Mutilation of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha. [8]. Las Vegas, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. [1976]. Bjorling, p. 153; Collins 12.58.

93. Kirchner, Mrs Albert. "'A Bahaist Protest'." The Open Court (Nov. 1915): 702-03. Collins 11.612.

94. Kirmani, Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi and Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani. Hasht Bihisht. Tehran: n.d. [listed elsewhere].

95. Man, The and [Jamshid Ma'ani]. 'God'. [12]. Translated by Trans. Taj-ud-Din, S. H. Khoreshi, and John Carre. Mariposa, Calif.: (Chowchilla Calif,: Bass Printing & Litho), n.d. [197-]. Collins 12.59.

96. Man, The and [Jamshid Ma'ani]. Heaven. 7. Mariposa, Ca.: Privately published, n.d.Bjorland p. 158.

97. Man, The and [Jamshid Ma'ani]. The Reason of Man's Creation. 5. Mariposa, Ca.: Privately published, 1971. Bjorland p. 158.

98. Man, The and [Jamshid Ma'ani]. The Sun of the Word of the Man. 5. Mariposa, Ca.: Privately published, 1971. Bjorland p. 158.

99. Man, The and [Jamshid Ma'ani]. Universal Order. 9. Mariposa, Ca.: Privately published, 1971. Bjorland, p. 158.

100. Man, The [Jamshid Ma'ani]. To the Baha'i Community Throughout the World. 4, [1] pp. Sedona, Ariz.: Vagabond House, 1967. 12.61a.

101. Man, The, [Jamshid Ma'ani], and Comp. J. Carre. Prayers of the Man for All Mankind. 15, [1]. Translated by Trans. Ch. Taj-ud-Din. Lahore, Pakistan: Maj. Aslam Bajwa, 1970. Collins 12.59b.

102. Maraneglla, Joel B. A Statement from The Guardian Concerning the Provisions Of The Will and Trestament of Abdu'l-Baha With Regard to the Matter of Successorship. Separately issued cyclostyled sheets, originally pages 27-28 of a longer document. ed., 2. n.p.: 1971. Written some three years before Mason Remey's death.

103. Marangella, Joel B. A Brief History of the Violation of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah at the World Center of the Baha'i Faith Following the Passing of the First Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. 35. n.p.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, 1975. Collins 12.64 (adds at end ref. to Herald of the Covenant, no.2)

104. Marangella, Joel B. Proclamation of the Third Guardian, Nov. 12, 1969. Another ed.? Germany, Pub. Joel B. Marangella, 6, [2] pp. (Collins) ed., 8. n.p.: 1969. Bjorling p. 157; Collins 12.65 Written some four years before Mason Remey's death, Marangella makes public his own claim to the Guardianship and reveals a breach between Remey and himself.

105. Marangella, Joel B. The Baha'i Guardians: A Brief History from the Writings of the Third Guardian. 5. New York: National Bureau of the Orthodox Bah'i Faith of the United States and Canada, 1972. Collins 12.63.

106. Marangella, Joel B. The Baha'i World Faith -- A Summary of Its Aims, Teachings and History. c. 1966.

107. Marangella, Joel B. What is the Meaning of Loyalty to the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and Who Are the Present-Day Covenant-Breakers? 43. Española, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, 1977. Collins 12.66 (adds ref. to Herald of the Covenant no. 5).

108. Meghnot, Jamshid. The News of the Holy Land -- Appendix to Baha'i News no.327. 5 leaves. Lahore, Pakistan: National House of Pakistan, 1972. Collins 12.67.

109. Meghnot, Jamshid. The Time for the Establishment of Baha'u'llah's Kingdom Has Come. 64. Wayne, Mich.: The Servant of the Word of God, n.d. [197-]. Collins 12.67a.

110. Meyer, Marilyn. Why I LIke Being a Baha'i. 7. Roswell, N.M.: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1979. Collins 12.68.

111. Meyer, Marilyn. Why I Like Being a Baha'i. 7. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1979. Bjorling, p. 157.

112. Mother, Baha'i Council of the United States. Articles of Incorporation of the Mother Baha'i Council of the United States. 5. Roswell, N.M.: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1978. Bjorling p. 156.

113. Mother, Baha'i Council of the United States. By-Laws of the Local Baha'i Council. 4. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, n.d.Bjorling p. 156.

114. Mother, Baha'i Council of the United States. By-Laws of the Mother Baha'i Council of the United States. 13. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1979. Bjorling p.156.

115. Muffick, Karen. "Is the World Coming to an End? A Chiropractor has a Vision." Montan Kaimin (University of Montana Student Newspaper (n.d.): 5. Bjorland p.157.

116. National Association for the Universal Religion. The Guide for the National Association of the Universal Religion and Its Branches. 20. Chicago: National Association for the Universal Religion, n.d. [1914?]. Collins 12.72.

117. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. The Baha'i Case Against Mrs Lewis Stuyyvesant Chanler and Mirza Ahmad Sohrab: A Statement Prepared for the Members of the American Baha'i Community. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, I94I. 22 p. 1941.7.I949 (Provide details)

118. New History Society. "'The New History Society'." World Peace Through Spiritual Regeneration 2 (18 Feb. 1, 1937): [348]. Collins 11.736.

119. New History Society. The Plan of the New History Society for the Reconstruction of the Human Commonwealth. [4]. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1939?]. 12.74.

120. New History Society. The Plan of the New History Society for the Reconstruction of the Human Commonwealth. [4]. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1939?]. Collins 12.74.

121. NSA of the US & Canada. The Basis of the Baha'i Community: A Statement Concerning the New History Society. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, 1941 5 leaves. 1941.7.1959 (Give details)

122. One People, One World, One God: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith. 31. Las Vegas, N.M.: National House of Justice, Orthodox Baha'i Community of the United States and Canada, 1984. Collins 12.75.

123. Opening of Bahai Library. [2] leaves. New York: Caravan of East & West, 1953. Collins 12.76.

124. Orthodox Baha'i Faith, The. An Introduction. 10. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1981. Inside cover title reads: The Orthodox Baha'i Faith. The Cause for Universal Religion, Brotherhood, and Peace. A Sketch of Its History and Teachiugs 'Based upon the pamphlet "The Baha'i Movement", printed in 1912 by Charles Mason Remey, and the writings of Joel B. Marangella'. (Also Bjorling p. 157, as An Introduction to the Orthodox Baha'i Faith).

125. Orthodox Baha'i Faith, The: The Cause for Universal Religion, Brotherhood and Peace: A Sketch of Its History and Teachings. 10. Roswell, N.M.: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1981. Collins 12.76a Cover title: The Orthodox Baha'i Faith: An Introduction.

126. Pease, Leslie A. A Short History of Religion. 13. Appleton, Wis.: Leslie A. Pease, n.d. [193-?]. Collins 12.77.

127. Pleasure of Your Company Is Requested at the Opening of Bahai Library at 132 East 65th Street, New York 21, N.Y., Tuesday Evening, April 21st, 1953 at Eight O'Clock, The. [6] folder. New York: Caravan [of East and West], 1953. Collins 12.78.

128. Project for the Celebration of the Bahai Centennial in May, 1944, the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Bahai Cause. [4]. New York: Caravan of East and West, 1944. Collins 12.79.

129. Religious Doctrines of the Church of World Peace. 7. Denver, Colorado: Church of World Peace, n.d. Bjorland p.159.

130. Remey , Charles Mason. A Last Appeal to the Hands of the Faith. n.p.: 1960.

131. Remey , Charles Mason. III Encyclical Letter to the Baha'i World. Washington, D.C.: n.d.

132. Remey , Charles Mason. The Question of the Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith -- Several Letters Received by the Hands of the Faith. n.p.: 1960.

133. Remey, Charles Mason. 'Preliminary Steps toward the Election of the New N.S.A's'. n.p.: 30 November, 1962.

134. Remey, Charles Mason. "'The Great Global Catastrophe'." Search (Amherest, Mass.) 50 (34-40 Dec. 1962): 11.854.

135. Remey, Charles Mason. A Last Appeal to the Hands of the Baha'i Faith: A Private and Secret Document to Be Read Only by the Hands of the Faith. 2nd. ed., [2], 52. [Santa Fe, N.M.]: Baha'is of Santa Fe, Under the Hereditary Guardianship, 1960 [i.e. 196-?]. Bjorling p.154. Collins 12.92. This is printed version of typescript (item 149) Cover title: A Last Appeal to the Hands of the Faith. Much of the text appears to have been written during a sea journey from Naples to New York in 1959.

136. Remey, Charles Mason. A Last Appeal to the Hands of the Faith. Washington, D.C.: 1960.

137. Remey, Charles Mason. A Naw Ruz Greeting Message to the Baha'i World. 2. Florence, Italy: Remey, 120 B.E. [1963]. Collins 12.96.

138. Remey, Charles Mason. A Statement by the Second Guardian of the Baha'i World Faith. 6 pp. Santa Fe, N.M.: Baha'is of Santa Fe Under the Hereditary Guardianship, n.d. [1960?]. Collins 12.101 A brief account of Remey's thoughts following the death of Shoghi Effendi and the subsequent conclaves of the Hands, leading up to his decision to proclaim himself Guardian.

139. Remey, Charles Mason. A Statement by the Second Guardian of the Baha'i World Faith. Santa Fe, N.M.: Baha'is of Santa Fe under the Hereditary Guardianship, n.d.

140. Remey, Charles Mason. An Appeal to the Hands of the Faith. 7, [1], 2, [2] leaves. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.83.

141. Remey, Charles Mason. Announcement to the Hands of the Faith from Mason Remey, the Second Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, of His Appointment of Guardianship by the First Guardian of the Faith. 65 leaves. Florence, Italy; Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.81.

142. Remey, Charles Mason. Another Appeal to the Hands of the Faith. 39, 2, [2] leaves. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.82.

143. Remey, Charles Mason. Appeals Made to the Hands of the Faith. 7, 28, 62 leaves. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.84 (incorporates Collins 12.81-83, 12.93).

144. Remey, Charles Mason. Baha'i Proclamation to the Government of Israel. [124]. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.85.

145. Remey, Charles Mason. Daily Observations of the Baha'i Faith Made to the Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land. 4 v. n.p.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.86.

146. Remey, Charles Mason. Extracts from Daily Observations on the Baha'i Faith Made to the Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land. 114. Roswell, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, n.d. [c. 1959]. A lengthy series of comments on the situation following the death of Shoghi Effendi, mostly written around 1959, immediately prior to Remey's own claim to the Guardianship. This edition appears to be a reproduction of Remey's own typescript with printed notes added later by someone else.

147. Remey, Charles Mason. Greetings to the Baha'is of the Occident and the Orient from the Guardian of the Faith. 4. Florence, Italy: Remey, 1964. Collins 12.92.

148. Remey, Charles Mason. I Encyclical to the Baha'i World from Mason Remey, Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. [3]. Washington, D.C.: Remey, n.d. [1960]. Collins 12.87.

149. Remey, Charles Mason. II Encyclical Letter to the Baha'i World. Washington, D.C: n.d. There was, presumably, a first encyclical, but I have no record of it.

150. Remey, Charles Mason. II Encyclical to the Baha'i World from Mason Remey, Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. 3. Washington, D.C.: Remey, n.d. [1960]. Collins 12.88.

151. Remey, Charles Mason. III Encyclical to the Baha'i World from Mason Remey, Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. 10. Washington, D.C.: Remey, n.d. [1960]. Collins 12.89.

152. Remey, Charles Mason. Letter from the Guardian. [2], 3 leaves. Florence, Italy: Remey, Jan., 1967. Collins 12.95.

153. Remey, Charles Mason. Open Letter to the 'Custodian Hands' in Haifa. [4]. Floreence, Italy: Mason Remey, n.d. [1963]. Collins 12.97.

154. Remey, Charles Mason. Proclamation to the Baha'is of the World Through the Annual Convention of the Baha'is of the United States of America Assembled at Wilmette, Illinois. 5. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 117 B. [1960]. Collins 12.99.

155. Remey, Charles Mason. Proclamation to the Baha'is of the World through the Annual Convention of the Baha'is of the United States of America Assembled at Wilmette, Illinois, Ridvan 117 Baha'i Era. Pages numbered A-E. Washington, D.C.: 1960.

156. Remey, Charles Mason. Proclamation to the Baha'is of the World. [50] leaves. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1960. Collins 12.94 Includes Collins 12.87, 12.88.

157. Remey, Charles Mason. Statement by the Guardian on the Infallibility of the Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith'. n.p.: 9 August, 1964.

158. Remey, Charles Mason. The End of the World of Man and the Coming of God's Kingdom Upon Earth. [2]. Santa Fe, N.M.: Baha'is of Santa Fe, 1962. Collins 12.90.

159. Remey, Charles Mason. The Great Global Catastrophe. 6. Santa Fe, N.M.: Baha'is of Santa Fe Under the Hereditary Guardianship, n.d. [after 1961]. Collins 12.91.

160. Remey, Charles Mason. The Great Global Catastrophe. Santa Fe, N.M.: Baha'is of Santa Fe under the Hereditary Guardianship, 1958 [check].

161. Remey, Charles Mason. The Last Message from the Guardian of the Faith to the Former Hands of the Faith. [2]. Washington, D.C.: Remey, 1962. Collins 12.94.

162. Remey, Charles Mason. The Question of the Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith -- Several Letters Received by the Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land Relative to the Continuation of the Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith. 136. Washington, D.C.: Remey, [1960]. Bjorling p. 155; Collins 12.100 Bjorling gives only 17 pp.

163. "Review of Ahmad Sohrab, 'Living Pictures' [item xxx]." New York Times Book Review (Jan 14, 1934): 12.Collins 12.108 note

164. "Review of Ahmad Sohrab, 'The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha'." Christian Century 61 (August 16, 1944): 951. Collins 12.119 note.

165. "Review of Ruth White, 'Bahai Leads Out of the Labyrinth'." Christian Century 61 (July 26, 1944): 878-9. Collins 12.133 note.

166. Revolt of Youth, The: Prize Papers in Five Competitions Offered by the New History Society to the Youth of the United States, Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. 32 pp. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1931]. 12.102.

167. Revolt of Youth, The: Prize Papers in Five Competitions Offered by the New History Society to the Youth of the United States, Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. 32. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1931?]. Collins 12.102.

168. Rhodes, Marion B. The Power of the Covenant! 13. n.p.: n.d.Cyclostyled sheets.

169. Schlatter, Frank and Carole. Partial Update on Abdul-Baha's Visit to This Country. 11. Roswell, NM: Mother Baha'i Council of the United States, 1982. Bjorling p. 157.

170. Schlatter, Franklin D. "'Baha'i Rift'." Ebony (May 1965): Collins 11.897 Letter to the editor. Schlatter is currently secretary of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith.

171. Schlatter, Franklin D. The Real Heresy within the Baha'i Faith Today. 27 cyclostyled sheets. n.p.: n.d. [198-?]. Starts with a discussion of the persecution of Iranian Baha'is as heretics and proceeds to the internal schism within Baha'ism itself.

172. Schmiedeskamp, Karl W. (1982). How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: An Ethnography of Speaking of a Millenarian Movement. M.A., University of Montana. vii, 245 p T' and followers of Leland Jensen Description of the 'Joshuans', a former Baha'i who broke the Covenant and then created his own following based on apocalyptic prophecies. 13.55.

173. "Sect Moves into Shelters to Await Atom War Today." New York Times, April 29 1980, A20. Bjorland p.158 (not in Collins).

174. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad and Ill. Leiton Haring. The New Eden. 181. New York: New History Society, 1957. Bjorland p. 152; Collins 12.111.

175. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad and Julie Chandler. Living Pictures in the Great Drama of the 19th Century. 95. New York: New History Foundation, 1933. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.18; lists review.

176. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad and Julie Chandler. Silver Sun. New York: Universal Publishing Co., 1939. Bjorland p. 152.

177. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. A Persian Rosary of Nineteen Pearls. 2nd. ed. New York, Caravan of East & West, n.d. [194-?] 3rd. ed. New York, Caravan of East & West, n.d. [195-?] ed., [4]. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1939]. Collins 12.112 (also 113, 114).

178. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Abdul Baha's Grandson: Story of a Twentieth Century Excommunication. 178. New York: Universal Publishing Co. for the New History Foundation, 1943. An account of Ruhi Afnan and his excommunication by Shoghi EffendiBjorland p.151 Collins 12.104: lists review.

179. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Baha-o-llah: An Address by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. 11 leaves. New York: Caravan of East and West, 1947. Collins 12.105.

180. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Broken Silence: The Story of Today's Struggle for Religious Freedom. 608. New York: Universal Publishing Co. for the New History Society, 1942. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.106: lists review.

181. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Heart Phantasies. 121. Los Angeles: Persian-American Publishing Co., 1924. Bjorland p. 152 (remove from here to theology or whatever).

182. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. I Heard Him Say: Words of Abdul Baha as Recorded by His Secretary Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. x, 126. New York: New History Foundation, 1937. Collins 12.107.

183. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. My Bahai Pilgrimage: Autobiography from Childhood to Middle Life. 131. New York: Universal Publishing Company, 1959. Collins 12.110.

184. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. My Faith. [4]. New York: Caravan of East and West, n.d. [195-?]. Collins 12.110a.

185. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Renaissance. 26. New York: New History Foundation, 1930. Collins 12.115.

186. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. Second Bahai Pilgrimage from July 7th to August 8th, 1954: Diary Letter. 59 leaves. New York: Caravan of East & West, 1954. Collins 12.116 Has notes on other deviant Baha'is met in Palestine.

187. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Message of the New History Society to the Youth of Europe. 24. New York: New History Society, n.d. [193-]. Bjorland p. 152.

188. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The New Humanity. 38. New York: J. H. Sears and Company, Inc., 1927. Bjorland, p.152 (place elsewhere).

189. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Song of the Caravan. Another ed. also 1930, New York, The Grayzel Press ed., xii, 410. New York: George Dobsevage for the New History Foundation, 1930. Bjorland p. 152; Collins 12.117 and 117a.

190. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Story of the Divine Plan Taking Place During and Immediately Following World War I. 120. New York: New History Foundation, 1947. Bjorland p. 152; Collins 12.118.

191. Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, An Analysis. 125. New York: Universal Publishing Co. for the New History Foundation, 1944. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.119; lists 2 reviews.

192. Spataro, Francis C. A Journey Godward, or Notes on the Life of Charles Mason Remey (1874-1974). 70. Jamaica, NY: 1981. Bjorland p. 159.

193. Spataro, Francis C. Charles Masopn Remey and the Baha'i faith, New York, Carlton Press, 1987, 40 pp.

194. Spataro, Francis C. From Christ to Baha'u'llah. Collins gives an ed. for the same year as n.p. [Bellerose, N.Y.?], Francis Cajetan Sparato ed., 28. Jamaica, NY: Charles Mason Remey Society, 1983. Bjorland p.158 Collins 12.120.

195. Spataro, Francis C. "God Makes a New Covenant With Mankind." S.W. Magazine 2 (February 1977): 33-34.Bjorland p.158 (connected to C M Remey Society).

196. Spataro, Francis C. "On Becoming a Baha'i: The Seed Sank Deeply." S.W. Magazine (July-August 1977): 87-88.Bjorland p.159.

197. Spataro, Francis C. Seder, Eucharist, and Nineteen Day Feast. 8. Jamaica, NY: Charles Mason Remey Society, 1984. Bjorland p.159 c/r other religions.

198. Spataro, Francis C. The Lion of God: The Death of Charles Mason Remey. Collins lists this as Bellrose, N.Y.; Remey Society, [24] leaves ed., 31. Jamaica, NY: Charles Mason Remey Society, 1981. Bjorland, p. 159 Collins 12.121.

199. Spataro, Francis C. The Remeum: Place of Commemoration and Sepulcre of the Family of Rear Admiral George Collier Remey. Collins lists this as n.p. [Bellerose, N.Y.], F.C. Spataro, [20] leaves ed., 21. Jamaica, NY: Charles Mason Remey Society, 1980. Bjorland p. 159 Collins 12.122.

200. Stenstrand, August J. A Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America. 36. Napierville, Ill.: Stenstrand, 1907. The first of a number of works arguing for the right of Subh-i Azal to be regarded as head of the Babi religion. Collins 12.125.

201. Stenstrand, August J. An Open Letter to the Babi World, or an Answer to a Letter of one of my Baha'i Friends. 1 sheet, printed on both sides. Chicago: January 6, 1911.

202. Stenstrand, August J. Key to the Heaven of The Beyan , or A Third Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America. With: An Open Letter to the Babi World, or, A Second Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America, dated 1911. 34. Chicago: Stenstrand, 1913. Collins 12.127.

203. Stenstrand, August J. The Fifth Call to Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America. 2. Chicago: Stenstrand, 1917. Collins 12.126. The 'third Call of Attention' is item x; Browne (Materials p. 186) mentions having been sent in April 1917 a four-page 'fourth Call of Attention', without details of title etc.

204. Stenstrand, August J. The Sixth Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America. [2]. Chicago: Strenstrand, 1924. Collins 12.127a.

205. This Stone with Seven Eyes. [3] leaves. Deer Lodge, Mont.: Baha'i, n.d. [197-?]. Collins 12.127b.

206. Tobler, Emile. "'A Protest from the Bahaists'." The Open Court 30 (8 Aug. 1916): 505-8. Collins 11.1010.

207. Torchbearers. 32. New York: New History Foundation, 1931. Collins 12.128.

208. Voice of Youth, The. [4]. New York: New History Society, n.d. [1939]. Collins 12.129.

209. Waqi'a-yi ha'ila-yi Khadim-i Abha dar rawda-yi mubaraka-yi ulya' [The terrible incident of the servant of the Most Glorious in the blessed and supreme shrine]. 16. n.p.: [1897?]. An account of the maltreatment of Baha' Allah's amanuensis Mirza Aqa Jan Kashani by adherents of 'Abbas Effendi, while in the garden at Bahji in May 1897.

210. White, Ruth. Abdul Baha and the Promised Age. xv, 224. New York: Ruth White (Also New York: J. J. Little and Ives), 1927. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.130.

211. White, Ruth. Abdul Baha's Alleged Will is Fraudulent: An Appendix to The Bahai Religion and Its Enemy, the Bahai Organization. 21. Rutland, Vt.: The Tuttle Co., 1930. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.131.

212. White, Ruth. Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament. 129. Beverly Hills: White, 1946. Bjorland p.152 Collins 12.132.

213. White, Ruth. Bahai Leads Out of the Labyrinth. 259. New York: Universal Publishing Co., 1944. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.133.

214. White, Ruth. Correspondence Between the High Commissioner of Palestine and Ruth White, Concerning the Alleged Will and Testament of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas. 11. Los Angeles, Calif.: White, 1932. Bjorland, p.153 Collins 12.135.

215. White, Ruth. Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?: An Appendix to Abdul Baha and the Promised Age. 22. New York: White, 1929. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.136.

216. White, Ruth. The Bahai Religion and Its Enemy, the Bahai Organization. 233. Rutland, Vt.: The Tuttle Co., 1929. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.134.

217. Wilkin, Mary Magdalene. God's Promised Word and Plan, or the Baha'i Succession and Its Impact Upon the Safety and Peace of All Mankind. 17. n.p.: 1962. Collins 12.138.

218. Wilkin, Mary Magdalene. Support for the Covenant. 14. Las Vegas, N.M.: Orthodox Baha'i Faith, 1964. Bjorling p. 156.

219. Wilkin, Mary Magdalene. This World Has a Guardian: A Documentary Letter. Bjorling lists place as Las Vegas ed., 18. New York: [Orthodox Baha'i Faith], 1960. Bjorling p. 156 Collins 12.140.

220. Wilson , J. Christy. "Review of Ahmad Sohrab, 'Abdul Baha's Grandson' [item xxx]." The Moslem World 33 (4 1943): 300. Collins 12.104 note.

221. Wilson, J. Christy. "Review of Ahmad Sohrab, 'Broken Silence'." The Moslem World 33 (2 1943): 145. Collins 12.106 note.

222. Wilson, J. Christy. "Review of Ahmad Sohrab, 'The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha' [item xxx]." The Moslem World 36 (1 Jan. 1946): 83. Collins 12.119 note.

223. Wilson, J. Christy. "Review of Ruth White, 'Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament'." The Moslem World 37 (2 Apr. 1947): 159. Collins 12.132 note.

224. Wilson, J. Christy. "Review of Ruth White, 'Bahai Leads Out of the Labyrinth'." The Moslem World 37 (2 Apr. 1947): 159. Collins 12.133 note.

225. Wittman, Robert W. Close of the Age: The Seven Thunders. 104. Missoula, Mont.: Wittman, 1980. Collins 12.141.

226. Zimmer, Hermann. A Fraudulent Testament Devalues the Bahai Religion Into Political Shoghism. 132. Translated by Jeanine Blackwell rev. by Karen Gasser and Gordon Campbell. Waiblingen/Stuttgart, Germany: World Union for Universal Religion and Universal Peace, 1973. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.142.

227. Zimmer, Hermann. Die Wiederkunft Christi: von der die Prophezeiungen sprechen (The return of Christ, concerning which the prophecies speak), Waiblingen, Freie Bahai, 1986, 68 pp.

228. [Badi' Allah, Mirza]. [Untitled]. 57. n.p.: n.d. [1903?]. The original of a letter later translated under the title Epistle to the Bahai World, in which the author recants his allegiance to Mirza Muhammad 'Ali and espouses the cause of 'Abbas Effendi.Browne, Materials, p. 197.

229. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Announced Plan of the Hands in Haifa for Baha'i Administrative Order, 1963. 2. n.p.: n.d. Two stapled sheets, the first a chart showing the system of administration in 1963 for the majority Baha'is, the second text in explanation of the chart.

230. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Baha'i Administrative Order at Time of Passing of Shoghi Effendi 1957 and Projected Development as Announced by him and as based on Will and testament of Abdu'l-Baha. 3. n.p.: n.d. Three stapled sheets, the first a chart showing the Baha'i administrative order in 1957, the second text explaining the chart, and the third a chart entitled 'The twin Institutions', with accompanying text.

231. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter addressed to: 'The faithful Knights and Champions of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah in the United States'. Cyclostyled sheets originally issued as pages 121-4 of a longer document. ed., [4]. n.p.: 11 April 1987. Mainly devoted to criticism of statements in a Canadian Baha'i publication, The Power of the Covenant (section x, item xx).

232. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter beginning: 'Dearly beloved servants of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah'. Cyclostyled pages originally issued as pages 29-32 of a longer document. ed., [4]. n.p.: 25 August 1971.

233. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter beginning: 'To the beloved American believers faithful to the Guadianship'. Cyclostyled sheets originally issued as pages 75-79 of a longer document. ed., [5]. n.p.: 14 October 1974.

234. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter beginning: 'To the faithful supporters of the Guardianship of the Cause of God'. Cyclostyled sheets originally issued as pages 65-66 of a longer document. ed., [2]. n.p.: 16 Feb. 1974.

235. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter from Orleans, France, addressed to 'Dear Baha'i friends'. 6. n.p.: 9 July 1960. Written to declare his acceptance of Mason Remey as the Second Guardian.

236. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Letter from Orleans, France, addressed to 'Dear Baha'i friends'. 6. n.p.: 21 October 1960. A second open letter following his acceptance of Mason Remey as Second Guardian.

237. [Marangella, Joel B.]. Provision Laid Down by Abdu'l-Baha in His Will and testament for Assuring Divinely Appointed Successor compared to Certain Divine Appointments during the Mosaic Dispensation. Cyclostyled sheets originally issued as pages 84-88 of a longer document. ed., [5]. n.p.: 5 January 1976.

238. [Marangella, Joel], The Third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. "'An Appeal to the Heterodox Baha'is'." The Guardian (London) (1990): This appeal appeared as an advertisement in The Guardian and, presumably, other newspapers. It argues that the mainstream ('House of Justice') Baha'is have failed to recognize the ongoing guardianship through Mason Remey and Marangella.

239. "[Review of New History Society publications]." Federated India (May 30, 1934): 6. Collins 11.738.

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