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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 5

Anti-Bahá'í Polemics

1. 'al-Bahá'íyun fi Misr: Fu'ad Siraj al-Din yatastaru 'ala 'udwiyya muwazzafin kubbar fi <<'l-Bahá'íyya>>' [Bahá'ís in Egypt: Fu'ad Siraj al-Din conceals the membership of high officials in the Bahá'í movement].' al-Khalij (Sharjah) (1 April 1985a): Argues that officials in the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior between 1950 and 1951 were Bahá'ís, but that the then Interior Minister (and leader of the Wafd party) concealed this fact.

2. ' 'Aqa'id' [Beliefs].' al-Musawwar (Cairo) (2014 17 May 1963):

3. '<<al-Muslimun tuhakim al-Bahá'íyin: 56 miliyunan saqatu fi shibak al-Baha' wa Qurrat al-'Ayn' [Al-Muslimun puts the Bahá'ís on trial: 56 million have become ensnared in the toils of Baha' and Qurrat al-'Ayn].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (44 7 December 1985a): 1. Preliminary to a longer piece in the same issue (item x). The figure of 56 million is a gross overestimate.

4. ''ala raghm istimrariha fi asa'a mu'amalatihim, Tihran awqafat i'dam al-Bahá'íyin li-tahsin suratiha fi 'l-'alam' [In spite of continuing mistreatment of them, Tehran has halted the execution of the Bahá'ís in order to improve its international image].' al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo) (29 November 1985): A report from London, via Reuters.

5. ''Arrab al-Bahá'íyin: yuhajam 'Abd al-Nasir... wa ya'ti 'l-Yahud haqqan fi filastin... wa yankuruhu 'ala 'l-filastiniyin!!' [The Godfather of the Bahá'ís: he attacks [president] 'Abd the Jews the right to Palestine...and denies it to the Palestinians!].' al-Khalij (Sharjah) (2, 177 1 April 1985b): 13. A critique of statements made by the Egyptian Bahá'í Husayn Bikar.

6. ''Ulama' al-Khalij yu'akkkiduna: al-id'a' bi-anna 'l-sa'a sa-taqumu 'am 1710 H. junun' [Scholars from the Gulf emphasize: the claim that the Day of Judgement will arrive in 1710 AH is madness].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (11 20 April 1985b): 8-9.

7. '21 Mars 'id Bahá'í: manshurat fi 'l-Khalij tuhajim fikra 'id al-umm' [21 March is a Bahá'í festival: pamphlets in the Gulf attack the idea of Mother's Day].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (10 13 April 1985a): 1. Text of the pamphlet printed separately (item x)

8. '300 Muslim divines declare unlawful the further continuance of the war between Iraq and Iran: text of the final statement and resolutions of the popular Islamic conference, Baghdad, April 1985.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (17 May 1985):

9. '7 'Ulama' yusharikun fi muhakamat al-Bahá'íyin' [Seven scholars participate in putting the Bahá'ís on trial].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (45 14 December 1985a): 1. Preliminary to a longer article in the same issue (item x).

10. 'A Bahá'í deserves the penalty of an apostate... one who should either be brought to repentance or killed.'.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (23 January 1986):

11. 'A call to impose severe penalties on claimants to prophethood in Egypt: the Azhar [University] has no part in these deviant ideas.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (17 April 1986):

12. 'A complete account of the thoughts of Burayqi, the claimant to prophethood in Alexandria.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (30 January 1986a):

13. 'A legal suit aims at the removal of Bi kar from the Egyptian Journalists' Union.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 March 1986a):

14. 'A Letter.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (27 April 1985):

15. 'A proposal to the People's Assembly: Death or hard labour for claimants to prophethood and those who follow them.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (3 April 1986,):

16. 'A sign of the times: claims to prophethood.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (30 January 1986b):

17. 'A Warning from South Africa: the dangers of Qadiyanism increase.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 February 1986b):

18. 'Abbasi , Halmi  al-. 'Qissat al-Bahá'íyin fi Misr wa 'l-'alam' [The story of the Bahá'ís in Egypt and the world].' Majallat al-idha'a al-tilivi zyun (sic) (Cairo) (2487 25 March 1972): 26-27.

19. 'Abd al-'Al Muhammad-'Ali, Shaykh. 'As'ilatukum al-diniyya: "al-Bahá'íyya" wa ra'y al-Islam fiha: ma hiya 'l-Bahá'íyya? Wa ma hiya mabadi'uha? wa ma ra'y al-Islam fiha?' [Your religious questions: Bahá'ísm and Islam's view of it: What is Bahá'ísm, what are its principles, and what is Islam's view of it?.' al-Anba' (Kuwait) (8 March 1985): 7.

20. 'Abd al-'Al, Siham. 'The lawyer intervening in the Bahá'í case says to al-Sharq al-awsat: "The propagation of the Bahá'í message is an affront to the feelings of every Muslim".' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (24 February 1986):

21. 'Abd al-Ghani, Mustafa. " Review of Qara'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya by 'A'isha 'Abd al-Rahman (Bint al-Shati') [item xx].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (21 March 1986):

22. 'Abd al-Hami d, Muhsin [Dr. Muhsin Abdul-Hameed]. Haqiqat al-Babiyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya [English title page as: The Reality of Babism and Bahai (sic)]. 4th ed.; 1st. ed., Beirut 1389/1969, 226 pp.; 2nd. ed., Beirut, al-Maktab al-Islami, 1395/1975, 266 pp.; 3rd. ed., Baghdad 1397/1977; also 3rd. ed., [Beirut/Damascus], al-Maktab al-Islami, 1985, 255 pp.; 5th. ed., Cairo, Dar al-Sahwa li 'l-Nashr, 1985, 198 pp.; Turkish trans. by M. Saim Yeprem & Hasan Gulec: Islama yanelen yikici hareketler (Babilik ve hailigin icyu zu) Istanbul, 1970, Ozdemir Matbaasi ed., 198, [2] pp. Baghdad: Matba'a al-Watan al-'Arabi, 1400/1980. One of the most influential and widely-quoted modern Arabic works on the subject. Instrumental in popularizing the theory of Babism and Bahá'ísm as tools of imperialism and world Jewry. Translated into several languages.

23. 'Abd al-Hamid, Subhi. 'Bahá'ísm is a false creed.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (11 April 1986):

24. 'Abd al-Qadir Shibat al-Hamd. 'Bahá'íyya ihda' mataya al-isti'mar wa 'l-sahyuniyya' [Bahá'ísm is a donation from the tools of Zionist imperialism].' Majallat al-jami'a al-Islamiyya 4 (2 Oct. 1974): 13-26.

25. 'Abd al-Rahim, Haji Shaykh. Rajm al-Shaytan fi radd ahl al-Bayan. n.p. [Iran?]: n.d. On the surface, this appears to be a Muslim refutation of an anonymous Babi apologia entitled Kitab al-iman fi izhar Nuqtat al-Bayan. However, the latter work is quoted in full with only brief passages refuting it, all of them extremely weak, and it has been suggested that the entire volume is really the work of a Babi writer. It is discussed by Browne in Materials (section x, item xx) pp.192-3 (the title given there being incorrect).

26. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-tamwih wa 'l-tawriyya' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: falsification and ambiguity].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi) (20 December 1985a):

27. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> (7) Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: halqa mabtura' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: a severed link].' 'Uman (Muscat) (10 January 1986a):

28. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> al-'ashir Ramadan' [This is a proclamation to the people: the tenth of Ramadan.].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (29 May 1985): 14.

29. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-muratib al-gha'iba' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: the hidden degrees].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi) (17 January 1986a):

30. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-tamwih wa 'l-tawriyya' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: falsification and ambiguity].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (20 December 1985b): Citations from a short Bahá'í dictionary of technical terms (al-Mawjiz -- section x, item xx) to demonstrate layers of meanings in the Bahá'í writings.

31. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-taqiyya... wa 'l-nifaq' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: dissimulation and hypocrisy.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (27 December 1985):

32. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: halqa mabtura' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: a severed link].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (10 January 1986b): 12. A discussion of aspects of Babi and early Bahá'í history.

33. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: mudhakarat al-Shaykh 'IsaM al-Nakrani' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: the reminiscences of Shaykh 'Isa al-Nakrani].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (3 January 1986):

34. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm].' 'Uman (Muscat) (29 December 1985):

35. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: 'Abd al-Baha': ghusn a'zam [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: 'Abd al-Baha': the most great branch.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (26 May 1985a):

36. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-khalaya al-mutaba'ida' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the scattered cells].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi City) (24 May 1985a):

37. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-qanun mu'attal, wa 'l-dawla la tadri' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the law is in abeyance, and the state does not know].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (23 May 1985a): 13. Further details of legal proceedings against Bahá'ís in Egypt.

38. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-saratan' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the cancer].' 'Uman (Muscat) (30 May 1985): 10. Details of the legal situation of the Bahá'ís in Egypt arounbd 1940.

39. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-saratan' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the cancer].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (31 May 1985a): 5.

40. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-shawaghil al-sawarif' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: distracting preoccupations].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (3 June 1985): 12.

41. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-tufan [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the Flood.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (16 June 1985): 13.

42. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: bayt al-'ankabut' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the spider's web].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (15 June 1985a): 10.

43. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: dars asri fi huquq al-insan' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: a contemporary lesson in human rights].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (2 June 1985): 12.

44. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: fi ma'tam huquq al-insan' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: at the funeral of human rights].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (1 June 1985): 10. Condemns Bahá'í attempts to obtain UN support against human rights abuses directed at their community. (Also published (all 1 June 1985): al-Ray', Amman, Jordan; al-Ahram, Cairo; al-'Uman, Muscat.)

45. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: nihayat al-umma al-Muhammadiyya, w qiya al-sa'a' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the end of the Muhammadan community and the coming of the last hour].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (7 June 1985): 15. Alleges Bahá'í influence on the development of theories concerning the number 19 in the Qur'an and prophecies based on it.

46. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: shi'ar al-kufr' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the slogan of misbelief].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (22 May 1985a):

47. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: wa ma khafiya' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the worst lies hidden].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (31 May 1985b): Treats Bahá'ísm as a secret organization operating underground.

48. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: wakr al-Shaytan [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: Satan's nest].' 'Uman (Muscat) (27 May 1985): 8. Also published in al-Ra'y, Amman, 25 May; Kayhan al-'Arabi, Tehran, 5:536:18, 7 July 1985. On Zionist plotting during and after World War I. The home of 'Abbas Effendi in Haifa is depicted as a centre of intrigue.

49. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: wara'a 'l-hudud' [this is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: beyond the frontiers].' 'Uman (Muscat) (25 May 1985a): 8.

50. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: yawm al-furqan' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the day of proof.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (5 June 1985a):

51. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). ''<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-madkhal wa 'l-dhara'i'' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the way in and the pretexts].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi City) (4 June 1985,): On Bahá'ísm as a post-colonial means of infiltrating Islamic countries with Western ideas.

52. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). ''<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-madkhal wa 'l-dhara'i'' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the way in and the pretexts].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (4 June 1985a): 12.

53. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). '(2) Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: qablu hazriha bi-Misr wa ba'duhu' [New documents of Bahá'ísm: before and after its proscription in Egypt].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi) (6 December 1985a): 7. Detailed account of legislation and litigation concerning the Bahá'ís in Egypt.

54. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Azmat al-fikr al-dini wa 'l-Bahá'íyya ' [The crisis of religious thought and Bahá'ísm].' 'Uman (Muscat) (21 May 1985a): Also published....

55. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Azmat al-fikr al-dini wa 'l-Bahá'íyya' [The crisis of religious thought and Bahá'ísm].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (21 May 1985,): 14.

56. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas. Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya' [This is a proclamation to the people. New documents of Bahá'ísm].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (29 November 1985): Contains the text of a letter from Justice Nabil Ahmad Sa'id, a former commissioner at the Supreme Adminnistrative Council, explaining the grounds for passing a Bahá'í appeal to the Higher Constitutional Court. Also published al-Ittihad, Abu Dhabi, 29 November 1985; al-Ahram, Cairo, (29 November?).

57. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: 'alayha tis'a 'ashar' [This is a proclamation to the people: over it are nineteen].' 'Uman (Muscat) (10 June 1985): 8.

58. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: 'alayha tis'a 'ashar' [This is a proclamation to the people: over it are nineteen].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (15 June 1985b):

59. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: (2) jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: qablu hazriha bi-Misr wa ba'duhu' [This is a proclamation to the people: new documents of Bahá'ísm: before and after its proscription in Egypt].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (6 December 1985b):

60. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: al-'adad al-Bahá'í tis'a 'ashar' [This is a proclamation to the people:the Bahá'í number nineteen].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (9 June 1985):

61. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: azmat al-fikr al-dini wa 'l-Bahá'íyya' [This is a proclamation to the people: the crisis of religious thought and Bahá'ísm].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (21 May 1985b):

62. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: fi layali al-i'tikaf' [This is a proclamation to the people: on the nights of seclusion].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (8 June 1985a): 10.

63. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: innaha la-ihda 'l-kibr' [This is a proclamation to the people: it is a monstrous matter.' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (12 June 1985):

64. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: innahu kid sahir' [This is a proclamation to the people: it is the deceit of an enchanter].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (11 June 1985):

65. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: kashf al-ghita'' [This is a proclamation to the people: the veil removed].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (13 June 1985): 13. Further remarks on the number 19, with citations from Bahá'í works on prophecy.

66. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: fi layali al-i'tikaf' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: on the nights of seclusion].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (8 June 1985b):

67. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: tajawub al-asda'' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: a harmony of echoes].' al-Ray' (Amman) (6 June 1985a):

68. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: <>' [This is a proclamation to the people: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: chains and fetters].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (28 May 1985a):

69. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: tajawub al-asda'' [This is a proclamation to the people: a harmony of echoes].' 'Uman (Muscat) (6 June 1985b): 10. Parallels between Bahá'í Qur'an interpretation and that of some modern allegorizers.

70. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: wasiyya ila ummati' [This is a proclamation to the people: a counsel to my people.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (17 June 1985):

71. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Hadha balagh li 'l-nas: yawm al-furqan' [This is a proclamation to the people: the day of proof.' 'Uman (Muscat) (5 June 1985b): 8.

72. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Jadid min watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya (3): asrar... wa rumuz' [New documents of Bahá'ísm: secrets and symbols].' al-Watan (Kuwait) (13 December 1985):

73. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Mother's Day: Our Deep Rooted Heritage...& the Bahá'í Intrusion.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (21 March 1986):

74. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'New Documents of Bahá'ísm: Ambiguity and Equivocation.' 'Uman (Muscat) (20 December 1985c):

75. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm] = '<> Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-qanun mu'attal, wa 'l-dawla la tadri' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the law is in abeyance, and the state does not know]``.' 'Uman (Muscat) (23 May 1985b): 10. Also published.....

76. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: <>' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: chains and fetters].' 'Uman (Muscat) (28 May 1985b): 8.

77. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: 'Abd al-Baha': ghusn a'zam [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: 'Abd al-Baha': the most great branch.' 'Uman (Muscat) (26 May 1985b): 8.

78. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-khalaya al-mutaba'ida' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the scattered cells].' 'Uman (Muscat) (24 May 1985b): 6.

79. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-madkhal wa 'l-dhara'i'' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: a reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the way in and the pretexts].' 'Uman (Muscat) (4 June 1985b): 8.

80. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: al-qanun mu'attal, wa 'l-dawla la tadri' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the law is in abeyance, and the state does not know].' al-Ra'y (Amman, Jordan) (23 May 1985c): 10.

81. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: shi'ar al-kufr' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: the slogan of misbelief].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (22 May 1985b):

82. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya: wara'a 'l-hudud' [A reading of the documents of Bahá'ísm: beyond the frontiers].' al-Ray' (Amman, Jordan) (25 May 1985b):

83. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'This is a Proclamation to the People: A Reading of the Documents of Bahá'ísm: The Law is In Abeyance... and the State Does Not Know.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (23 May 1985d):

84. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'This is a Proclamation to the People: A Reading of the Documents of Bahá'ísm: The Scattered Cells.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (24 May 1985c):

85. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'This is a Proclamation to the People: New Documents of Bahá'ísm: Ambiguity and Equivocation.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (20 December 1985d):

86. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). 'This is a Proclamation to the People: New Documents of Bahá'ísm: The Hidden Degrees.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (17 January 1986b):

87. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). Maqalat wa abhath 'an al-Bahá'íyya. Also issued [1987], [Egypt], Matba'a al-Safadi ed., 269 leaves. 'Amman, Jordan: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Jordan, 1987. Compiled by the NSA of the Bahá'ís of Jordan [although the contents are antipathetic].

88. 'Abd al-Rahman, A'isha (Bint al-Shati'). Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya. 356. Cairo: Markaz al-Ahram li' l-tarjama wa' l-nashr, 1406/1986.A disappointing diatribe by an eminent Arab literary critic, concentrating on hackneyed themes of a Zionist-Bahá'í conspiracy against Islam. Valuable, however, for its discussion of Egyptian legal cases and legislative debates regarding the Bahá'ís and the issue of freedom for religious thought. {rewrite note]

89. 'Abd al-Rahman, Mayisa. 'al-Bahá'íyya... da'wa Sahyuniyya... wa mu'taniquha murtadd 'an al-Islam... al-i'jaz al-Qurani li 'l-raqm (19)... iftira' wa tadlil mudabbir' (Bahá'ísm...Zionist propaganda...its followers apostates from Islam...the Qur'anic miracle consists in the number l9... a falsehood and the misdirection of a schemer.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (8 March 1985):

90. 'Abd al-Wahid, Dr. Mustafa. 'Forgotten Pages From the History of the Bahá'í Misteaching in Egypt (4): Campaign of al-Manar and fatwas of the Doctors of Law.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (9 April 1986):

91. 'Abd al-Wahid, Dr. Mustafa. 'Forgotten Pages From the History of the Bahá'í Misteaching in Egypt (5): The Experience of a Writer Whom They Tried To Bring Into Their Movement.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (14 April 1986):

92. 'Abd al-Wahid, Dr. Mustafa. 'Pages From the History of the Bahá'í Misteaching in Egypt (1): The Bahá'í Leader's Visit to Egypt 75 Years Ago: Its Reasons Exposed.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (24 March 1986):

93. 'Abd al-Wahid, Dr. Mustafa. 'Pages From the History of the Bahá'í Misteaching in Egypt (2): The Newspaper Misr al-Fatah Unveils the Truth About the Bahá'ís and Their Proclamation Activity.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (26 March 1986):

94. 'Abd al-Wahid, Dr. Mustafa. 'Pages from the History of the Bahá'í Misteaching in Egypt (3): What Did al-Ahram Say About the Bahá'í Leader?.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (7 April 1986):

95. 'Ahad al-Muslimi n al-Khayri n', ('A pious Muslim') [Mirza Abu Talib Turab al-Huda'i  al-'Iraqi?]. Bahá'íyyat din nist ['Bahá'ísm is not a religion']. 144. Tehran: Shirkat-i Taban, 1370. Murad, p. 133. Notes that Tehrani says author's name was Mirza Abu Turab al-Hada'i al-'Iraqi

96. 'Ahmadism and Bahaism in the Same Boat.' The Moslem World 31 (1 Jan. 1941): 94-95. Collins 11.34

97. 'Akhbar Islamiyya: al-Masuniyya ta'lan al-harb 'ala 'l-Islam' [Islamic News: Freemasonry declares war on Islam].' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (7 January 1986): Refers to Bahá'ísm as part of an international anti-Islamic conspiracy along with Freemasonry and Zionism.

98. 'al-'Allaqa al-ghamida bayna 'l-Bahá'íyya wa nawadi al-Rutari wa 'l-Liunz: hal 'adat al-Masuniyya ila 'l-bilad al-Islamiyya min al-bab al-khalfi?' [The obscure relationship between Bahá'ísm and the Rotary and Lions Clubs: has Masonry returned to the Islamic lands by the back door?].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (7 23 March 1985a): 6-7. All the organizations named are fronts for a wider Jewish/Zionist plot. Bahá'ísm only mentioned in passing.

99. 'al-Azhar yu'akidu: al-Bahá'íyya tanzim munharif 'an al-Islam. Tashkil lajna min kubbar al-'ulama' li 'l-radd 'ala 'l-afkar al-haddama' (The Azhar [University] affirms: Bahá'ísm is an organization that has deviated from Islam. The setting up of a committee of leading religious scholars to refute destructive opinions).' al-Liwa' al-Islami (165 21 March 1985a): 16.

100. 'al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa silatuhuma li 'l-mukhattatat al-isti'mariyya al-sahyuniyya.' Filasti n al-Thawra (Beirut) (163, pp. 28-31; 164, pp. 30-31 29 Sept., 3 Oct. 1985):

101. 'al-Babiyya' [Babism].' al-Dawha (Doha, Qatar) (July 1985): Brief reply to a reader's query.

102. 'al-Bahá'íyun fi Misr yatlubuna tashri'an jadidan' [The Bahá'ís in Egypt want a new religious law].' Uktubir (Cairo) 493 (6 April 1986): 75.

103. 'al-Bahá'íyun yu'qiduna mu'tamarahum fi Jambiya; mudir al-markaz al-Bahá'í; Isra'il hiya 'l-mumawwil al-awwal li-nish'atiha' [The Bahá'ís hold their conference in Gambia; the director of the Bahá'í centre; Israel is the primary source of funds for its setting up].' al-Islah (Dubai) (62 Rajab 1403 [April-May 1982)): 24.Argues that the Bahá'ís receive funding from Israel, the USA, the UK, and the Vatican (!) to work for the destruction of Islam. BWC index Pam 140-1107 (title appears corrupt)

104. 'al-Bahá'íyun.' Manbar al-Hasib (Kuwait) 2 (2 ?): BWC index Pam 142-236

105. 'al-Bahá'íyya fi 'l-siyasa al-mu'asira' [Bahá'ísm in contemporary politics].' al-Mukhtar al-Islami (Cairo) 7 (41 April 1986): 42-50.

106. 'al-Bahá'íyya fi mizan al-Islam' [Bahá'ísm weighed in the balance of Islam].' Risalat al-Imam (Cairo) (2 June 1985): BWC index Pam 142-941

107. 'al-Bahá'íyya tanshat fi 'l-khafa' ' [Bahá'ísm is secretly flourishing].' al-Mujtama' (Kuwait) 16 (757 4 Mar, 1986): 38-39.Consists of translations of two letters circulated in the German Bahá'í community, a Bahá'í newsletter, and a communication from the German Association for Bahá'í Studies. BWC index Pam 143-145

108. 'al-Bahá'íyya tatullu bi-ra'siha 'l-bashi' min jadid. 135 'aman min al-'alaqa ghayr al-shar'iyya bayn al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Sahyuniyya' [Bahá'ísm rears its ugly head again: 135 years of illicit liaison between Bahá'ísm and Zionism].' al-Khalij (Sharjah) (2, 174 29 March 1985): 11. Part of a series on Palestine.

109. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-'aqida wa 'l-hurriyya' [Bahá'ísm, belief, and freedom].' Uktubir (Cairo) (437 10 March 1985): 17-20. A discussion of the problem posed by Bahá'ísm for the concept of 'freedom of belief' in the Egyptian constitution.

110. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Islam: wa ma huwa ra'yu 'l-Azhar?' (Bahá'ísm and Islam: what is the opinion of the Azhar [University]?).' al-Liwa' al-Islami (165 21 March 1985b): 1. Brief link to an article on page 16 (item x)

111. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Yahudiyya' [Bahá'ísm and Judaism].' al-Risala (Kuwait) 27 (1241 28 June 1987): 38.

112. 'al-Bahá'íyya, al-akhawan Subh-i Azal wa Baha' Allah za'imaha yatanaza'an 'ala 'l-uluhiyya' [Bahá'ísm: the brothers Subh-i Azal and Baha' Allah its leaders contest with each other the station of divinity.' al-Quds (57 Apr. 1985a): 62-67.

113. 'al-Bahá'íyya.' al-I'tisam (Cairo) 49 (2 June 1987): 30-32.

114. 'al-Bahá'íyya.' al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (Aug. 1974): 105-106.

115. 'al-Bahá'íyya.' Jawhar al-Islam 4 (8 May 1972): 69-78.

116. 'al-Bahá'íyya... hadha 'l-da' al-Masuni al-Sahyuni al-khatir. Al-rassam Bikar al-ab al-ruhi laha. <> madina Hayfa al-muhtala' [Bahá'ísm...this dangerous Masonic Zionist disease: the artist Bi kar is its spiritual father. Their "prayer direction" is the occupied city of Haifa.].' al-Khalij (Sharjah) (2, 153 8 March 1985): 12. Based substantially on an article by Mustafa al-Tarabishi in al-Ahram from 1 March (item x).

117. 'al-Bahá'íyya: haraka mu'adia li 'l-Islam, sana'aha 'l-Yahud wa naffadhuha bi-wasita asma' Islamiyya' [Bahá'ísm: a movement hostile to Islam; the Jews brought it into being and spread it under Islamic names].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (167 4 April 1985): 3-5. Part of a report of a meeting on anti-Islamic movements held at the Islamic Club in Isma'iliyya. Comments by four panelists.

118. 'al-Duktur al-Tihami al-Wakili: al-Hunud wa 'l-fara'ina sabaqu 'l-Bahá'íyin fi 'l-la'b bi 'l-arqam' [Doctor al-Tihami al-Wakili: the Indians and Pharoahs played games with numbers before the Bahá'ís].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (11 20 April 1985a): 8.

119. 'al-Hukm fi qadiyyat al-Bahá'íyya 2 Disambir. al-Bahá'íyya <> wa 'l-qanun al-jina'i la yu'aqib 'alayha!' [Decision in the Bahá'í case due on 2 December: Bahá'ísm is apostasy and the criminal code has no penalty for it!].' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi City) (18 October 1985): Report of deferment of the Bahá'í case by 'Abidin court. At the end, the State Security Prosecutor's Office is quoted to the effect that it was not among the aims of the Bahá'ís to foment sedition, denigrate any of the divine religions, to undermine state unity or public order, and that the only grounds for their indictment were non-compliance with the decree of 1960 disbanding Bahá'í assemblies.

120. 'al-Ifraj 'an <> al-Misriyin' [The release of the Egyptian Bahá'ís].' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (6 March 1985a): On temporary release of 41 Bahá'ís in Egypt.

121. 'al-Ifraj 'an jami' afrad majmu'at al-Bahá'íyin al-Misriyin' [Release of all members of the Egyptian Bahá'í community].' 'Uman (Muscat) 5 (1392 7 March 1985): On the temporary release of 41 Bahá'ís arrested in Egypt.

122. 'al-Islah tanshar hadhihi 'l-awraq al-sirriyya li 'l-ta'ifa al-Bahá'íyya' [al-Islah publishes these secret documents relating to the Bahá'í sect].' al-Islah (Dubai) 9 (98 Mar. 1986): 22-23.

123. 'al-Islam bari' min al-Bahá'íyya' [Islam has nothing to do with Bahá'ísm].' al-Taqwa 1 (9 January 1989): 25-29.

124. 'al-Kumbyutir yashtaraku fi mu'amara al-raqm 19. Id'a' Bahá'í: al-'alam yantahi sana 1709 H.' [The computer shares in the number 19 conspiracy. Bahá'í claim: the world ends in 1709 AH].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (8 30 March 1985a): 1. First of two articles in the same issue on the alleged conspiracy to interpret the Qur'an on the basis of occurrences of the number 19 (a Bahá'í sacred number).

125. 'al-Ma'arik al-kubra fi 'l-Islam: sira' hukumat Iran didda 'l-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya' [The great battles of Islam: the struggle of the government of Iran against Babism and Bahá'ísm].' al-Quds (57 Apr. 1985b): 68-70.

126. 'al-Madhahib al-dalla/nadwa al-ra'y' [Errant creeds/ Forum of opinion].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (21 29 June 1985): 23. Announcements for two television programmes, the first dealing with religious sects deemed dangerous to Islam, the second with the number 19 controversy.

127. 'al-Mu'amara mustamirra: al-kumbyutir yashtarik fi mu'amara al-raqm 19: maza'im al-kumbyutir hawla nihayat al-'alam ba'da 300 sana: muhandis al-kumbyutir al-Bahá'í yaz'amu ma'rifata ma fi 'l-arhamÆ [The conspiracy continues: the computer joins in the conspiracy of the number 19: claims of the computer about the end of the world after 300 years: the Bahá'í computer expert claims to know what is in the wombs].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (8 30 March 1985b): 6.

128. 'al-Munharifun bi-fikrihim 'an al-Islam murtaddun: wa hum yuhawiluna hadm al-Islam min dakhilihi' [Those whose thoughts deviate from Islam are apostates and they attempt to destroy Islam from within].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) 4 (177 13 June 1985): 3-4. Report of a religious gathering at the vilage of Dayrut.

129. 'Al-Muslimun discusses the question of false prophets: the positive law is not commensurate with the ugliness of the crime.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (5 April 1986a):

130. 'Al-Muslimun reveals the secrets of the Bahá'í movement: how did the painter Bi kar fall into the trap of the Bahá'ís: Bahá'ísm is a way to fame and money.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (16 March 1985a):

131. 'Al-Muslimun tuhakim al-Bahá'íyin (2): sab'a min al-'ulama' yusharikun fi muhakamat al-Bahá'íyin' [al-Muslimun puts the Bahá'ís on trial (Part 2): Seven Islamic scholars participate in the trial of the Bahá'ís.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (45 14 December 1985b): 12-13. The participants in this newspaper trial were: al-Husayni Hashim, al-Tayyib al-Najjar, Jamal al-Din Mahmud, 'Abd al-Wadud Shibli, 'Abd al-Jalil Shibli, Muhammad 'Abd al-Mun'im Khafaji, Salih 'Abd Allah Kamil.

132. 'Al-Muslimun tuhakim al-Bahá'íyin (3): shahid min al-Maghrib yu'akkid: <> safara ila 'l-Maghrib fi 'l-arba'inat li 'l-tarwij li-'aqidatihi: kull alladhina hukimu fi 'l-sittinat darasu fi Titwan' [al-Muslimun puts the Bahá'ís on trial (3): Moroccan witness reaffirms Bi kar travelled to Morocco in the Forties to promote his beliefs: all those who were put on trial in the Sixties studied in Tetouan.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (46 21 December 1985a): 12-13. Includes interviews with 'witnesses' to Bahá'í activity in North Africa and Kuwait.

133. 'Al-Muslimun tuhakim al-Bahá'íyin: al-muttaham al-awwal Husayn Bikar yu'tarif: ana Bahá'í wa 'l-Bahá'íyya diyana mustaqilla: Baha' Allah mawjud fi 'l-kutub al-muqaddasa' [Al-Muslimun puts the Bahá'ís on trial: the principal accused Husayn Bikar confesses "I am a Bahá'í, and it is an independent religion": Baha' Allah is to be found in [all] the holy books.].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (44 7 December 1985b): 12-13. A lengthy article posing as a mock trial of the Egyptian Bahá'í Husayn Bikar, conducted in the absence of the accused, and using statements made by Bikar to the Egyptian authorities. Reprinted in al-Sharq al-awsat (London), 7 December 1985 (vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 14-15).

134. 'al-Muslimun amongst the documents in the Bahá'í case.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986a):

135. 'al-Qurra' yastaftuna: al-Bahá'íyun wa hukm al-ridda' [Readers seek advice: the Bahá'ís and the law of apostasy].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (3 December 1985): 10. Reply to a question from a reader studying in the United States. Laments the fact that Westerners construe the application of Islamic penalties as 'barbaric' etc.

136. 'al-Qurra' yastaftuna: hal al-Bahá'íyun Muslimun?' [Readers seek advice: are Bahá'ís Muslims?].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (8 October 1985): 12. English translation in Arab News (item x).

137. 'al-Qurra' yastaftuna: wad' al-Bahá'íyin fi Iran wa Amrika' [Readers seek advice: the situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran and America].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (4 December 1985): 12. Argues that the persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran is merited.

138. 'al-Qurra' yastafuna: Qiblat al-Bahá'íyin' [Readers seek advice: the Qibla of the Bahá'ís].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (1 December 1985): 10.

139. 'Al-raqm 19 akhir fada'ih al-haraka al-Bahá'íyya. 'Ulama' al-Islam yaquluna: hadaf al-la'ba shughl al-Muslimin 'an mashakilihim al-haqiqa.' (The number 19 is the latest scandal of the Bahá'í movement, say the Ulama: the purpose of the game is to distract the Muslims from their true concerns).' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (9 6 April 1985): 1. Summary of fuller article in the same issue (item x)

140. 'al-Raqm 19 laysa mu'jiza li 'l-Qur'an al-karim. Madha qalat al-suhuf al-Saudiyya 'an maza'im al-kumbyutir? al-shifra al-qur'aniyya bid'a dalla wa jahl bi 'l-Qur'an. al-Bahá'íyun yuqaddisun al-raqm <<19>> wa ya'tabarunahu 'l-mihwar al-markazi m li 'l-kawn wa nizamuhu 'l-kulli' [The number 19 is not a miracle of the Qur'an. What does the Saudi press say about the claims of the computer? The 'Qur'anic code' is a specious innovation and reflects ignorance of the Qur'an. The Bahá'ís venerate the number 19 and consider it the central pivot of creation and its general governing principle.].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (10 13 April 1985b): 6-7.

141. 'Al-Siyasa confirms its success in uncovering the secrets of the Bahá'ís: all Fatwa committees are unanimous in declaring the Bahá'í s to be infidels and in cautioning against following their vain and empty teachings.' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (14 March 1986a):

142. 'al-ta'amur al-Yahudi wa 'l-Bahá'í sabab al-thawra fi Iran' [The Jewish-Bahá'í conspiracy is the cause of the Iranian revolution].' al-Da'wa (Egypt) 27 (403 October 1978): 18. BWC Pam 139-874

143. 'al-Tabib al-Misri al-dajjal yu'linu tawbatahu' [The Egyptian quack doctor announces his repentance].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2295 11 March 1985): 1. Report on recantation of Salah Burayqi', a claimant to prophethood, and on the temporary release of all 41 Bahá'í detainees in Egypt.

144. 'Alam, Hasan. 'Shaykh al-Azhar li-Akhir Sa'a: al-Islam karam al-'amm wa hunak 'idayn faqat , wa 21 Mars li 'l-Bahá'íyin' [The Rector of the Azhar (University) to Akhir al-Sa'a: Islam is a mercy to mankind, and has only two festivals, whereas the 21st of March is a Bahá'í festival].' Akhir al-Sa'a (Cairo) (1987 (?)):

145. 'Ali Sa'd, Zayd. 'Special session in the People's Assembly to discuss the phenomenon of false prophets: anyone who claims prophethood is an infidel and whoever follows him is an infidel and liable to the penalty for apostasy.' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (10 April 1986):

146. 'Allahu akbar: al-Muslimun's campaign against the Bahá'í aberration has begun to bear fruit -- banning of Bahá'í writings and graphics from Egyptian newspaper is a first step.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986b):

147. 'Allahu-Akbar! First victory against Bahá'ísm: the campaign of al-Sharq al-awsat and al-Muslimun has succeeded.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (14 February 1986a):

148. 'Amira, 'Abd al-Husayn. al-Madhahib al-mu'asira wa mawqif al-Islam minha (Modern schools of religion and the attitude of Islam towards them). 344. Beirut: Dar al-Ji l, 1985.

149. 'Ammar, Kamal. 'The Preliminary Seance.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (18 January 1986):

150. 'An attempt to bring the Bahá'ís to repentance.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986c):

151. 'An important Iranian meeting in Dubai: the participants decide to institute a secret organization to promote the aims of Cento.' al-Tali'a [check spelling] (Kuwait) (22 May 1985):

152. 'An international campaign against Bahá'ísm. Mecca: the Islamic World League declares war on the Bahá'ís everywhere. Amman: the Council Of Islamic Organizations calls upon Islamic governments to execute them.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (19 April 1986b):

153. 'And the Devil returns again.' Kayhan al-'Arabi  (London) (7 July 1985):

154. 'application of the shari'a will put an end to all crimes, The.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 February 1986a):

155. 'Aqa-yi Falsafi guftand: tuda'iha tasavvur mikardand firqa-yi Bahá'í bara-yi anha bi-manzila-yi Kirinski ast ka rah-ra bara-yi quwwa-i musallahana-yi kumunistha baz khwahad kard' [Mr Falsafi has said: the members of the Tuda party believed they could use the Bahá'í sect as a sort of Kerensky to open the way for armed Communist uprisings].' Ittila'at-i haftigi (Tehran) 15 (715 29 Urdibihisht 1334/19 May 1955): 4.

156. 'Are Bahais Muslims?.' Arab News (22 Nov. 1985): 7. Collins 11.55 Translation of letter originally published in al-Sharq al-awsat (item x). [Put this there?]

157. 'Arid, Ahmad Salim al-. 'Ma'awil al-hadm... wa 'l-Islam: al-Bahá'íyya' [The instruments of destruction... and Islam: Bahá'ísm].' al-Mawaqif (Bahrain) (759 4 September 1989): 8-9.

158. 'Arrest of 40 of the followers of Bahá'ísm in Egypt.' Al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi City) (26 February 1985,):

159. 'Asrar al-haraka al-Bahá'íyya: al-mahakim al-Misriyya tarfidu 'l-i'tiraf bi-zawaj al-Bahá'íyin' [Secrets of the Bahá'í movement: the Egyptian courts refuse to recognize Bahá'í marriage].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (6 16 March 1985b): 1. Introduction to a longer article in the same issue (item x).

160. 'Awf, Ahmad Muhammad. Khafaya al-t a'ifa al-Bahá'íyya [Secrets of the Bahá'í sect]. 177. Cairo: Dar al-Nahda al-'Arabiyya, 1972.

161. 'Azhar affirms: Bahá'ísm is an organization that has deviated from Islam: formation of a committee of top-ranking scholars to counter destructive ideas, The.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (21 March 1985c):

162. 'Azuz, Hashim 'Aqil. al-Bahá'íyun mudallalun [The Bahá'ís are misguided]. 83. Adwa 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya, Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986a.

163. 'Azuz, Hashim 'Aqil. al-Bahá'íyya. 64. Adwa' 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya [Light on Bahá'ísm], Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986b.

164. 'Azuz, Hashim 'Aqil. al-Qiyama wa 'l-hayat ba'da 'l-mawt [The Resurrection and Life after Death]. 77. Adwa' 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya, Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986c.

165. 'Ba'da 25 sana: yasduru 'l-Azhar tahdhirahu 'l-thani' [After 25 years: The Azhar [University] issues its second warning].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (8 30 March 1985c): 6. Brief piece on Egyptian fears of a Bahá'í resurgence.

166. 'Ba'dama a'tabarahum Shaykh al-Azhar <> al-suhuf al-Misriyya tuhajim al-Bahá'íyin' [After the Shaykh of the Azhar [University] pronounced them apostates, the Egyptian press attacks the Bahá'ís].' al-Nahar (Beirut) (16 March 1985c): 12.

167. 'Bab va Baha dar Iran.' Shahfaraz-i Aryan (Stuttgart, Germany) (32 1990a): 13.

168. 'Bad' al-tahqiq ma'a a'da' al-tanzim al-Bahá'í fi Misr wa itlaq al-rassam Bikar' [Commencement of the interrogation of members of the Bahá'í organization in Egypt and the release of the artist Bikar].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2285 1 March 1985a): 2.

169. 'Bad' al-tahqiqat maa 'l-majmu'a al-Bahá'íyya allati yataza'muha al-fannan Bikar. Al-Bahá'íyun la yu'minuna bi 'l-anbiya' wa 'l-adyan... wa yatawajahuna fi salatihim ila Hayfa.' (Start of Investigations into the Bahá'í group led by the artist Bikar: the Bahá'ís do not believe in the prophets and the religions...and they turn in their prayers to Haifa).' al-Wafd (Cairo) 1 (51 28 February 1985a): 1. Selective statements from a deposition made by leading Egyptian Bahá'í, Husayn Bikar, under interrogation by the State Security Prosecutor's Office.

170. 'Bahá'í case in Egypt: the defence tries to postpone the verdict.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (29 March 1986a):

171. 'Bahá'í Members of the Espionage Network Executed.' Imam (Feb. 11, 1982): 22. Collins 11.113

172. 'Bahá'í religion in my town, The.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (19 April 1986a):

173. 'Bahá'í temple costing millions of dollars.' al-Huda (Abu Dhabi) (21 March 1986a):

174. 'Bahá'ís in Iran, The.' Imam (London) 2 (5-6 June-July 1982): 20-21. Collins 11.152

175. 'Bahá'ísm a False Cult.' The Sunday School Times (28 July, 1956): 594. Collins 11.166

176. 'Bahá'ísm.' Church News (May 1966): [16]. Collins 11.165

177. 'Bahá'ísm.' Kayhan-i Hava'i (1 November 1989):

178. 'Bahá'ísm: deviant thinking that empties man of his belief: Masonry and Bahá'ísm are two sides of one coin: international Zionism..' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (13 February 1986a):

179. 'Bahai Church, a Mohammedan Sect, The.' Sunday Letter of Catholic Mission Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon (24 Feb., 1980): [2-3]. Collins 11.81 Reissued in Youth Tower, Bamenda, Cameroon, Mar. 1980, pp. [1-2]

180. 'Bahai.' The Presbyterian Herald (Sept. 1945): 4-5. Collins 11.75

181. 'Bahais "Deviants", Tools of Zionists -- al-Azhar.' Al-Islam (1984): 16. Collins 11.147

182. 'Bahaism.' Evangelical Christendom (Nov./Dec. 1912): 192-3. Collins 11.164a

183. 'Bayan li 'l-nas min mashyakhat al-Azhar al-sharif' [Announcement to the public from the body of shaykhs of the noble Azhar (University)].' Majallat al-Azhar (Cairo) (Sha'ban 1405/April-May 1985): 1269-1270. Complete text of a widely-reported statement on the Bahá'ís.

184. 'Bayan li 'l-nas min mashyakhat al-Azhar: al-Bahá'íyun murtaddun 'an al-Islam: al-ta'amul ma'ahum haram... wa ta'amuhum mahram' (Statement to the people from the professoriate of the Azhar [University]: the Bahá'ís are apostates from Islam: it is forbidden to have dealings with them... and their food is prohibited).' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (15 March 1985a): 3.

185. 'Bi kar... and the accusation of belonging to the Bahá'í organization.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (26 December 1985):

186. 'biggest Islamic demonstration in Cairo demands that Bahá'ísm be combated and its figureheads opposed, The.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (8 February 1986a):

187. 'biggest religious gathering in the Egyptian Parliament to discuss the phenomenon of movements making claims to prophethood, The.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (26 February 1986):

188. 'Bihtarin matalib-i taza va daqiq dar bara-yi Hazirat al-Quds -- kanun-i Bahá'íyyat -- ka in hafta bi-vasila-yi quva-yi intizami ishghal gardid' [The best of the new and precise issues concerning the Hazirat al-Quds -- the centre of Bahá'ísm -- which was occupied this week by the security forces].' Ittila'at-i Haftigi (Tehran) 15 (714 22 Urdibihisht 1334/12 May 1955): 3-4, 33.

189. 'Bikar li 'l-Musawwar: <>!' (Bikar to al-Musawwar: 'I said to the examining magistrate, Write Palestine, not Israel!.' al-Musawwar (Cairo) (3, 153 15 March 1985b): 97. Insert to article by Ahmad Hamdi (item x)

190. 'Biller a Bahá'í Artist!.' al-Sabah (Tunis) (5 March 1985):

191. 'Book of the Week: The Bahá'í religion in the service of colonialism.' Kayhan al-'Arabi (London) (1 August 1985):

192. 'Cairo: postponement of the verdict in the Bahá'í case until the recusation appeal is settled.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (1 April 1986):

193. 'Cairo: Sentence in the Bahá'í case to be pronounced next month.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (4 February 1986a):

194. 'Che cos'è il Bahaismo?' [What is Bahá'ísm?].' Rivoluzione Islamica [Italy] (2 1982): 26-27, 39. BWC

195. 'Claiming prophethood is an extension of Bahá'ísm and Freemasonry: the sentence to deter is death.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (5 April 1986b):

196. 'Colours and shadows: the praise of all things.' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (7 June 1985):

197. 'Communists and missionaries compete with one another to strangle Islam in Africa: from Botswana in the south of the continent of Africa I salute.....' al-'Arab (London) (21 November 1985):

198. 'Cultic Deceit Revisited.' Shocks (June 1943): 1. Collins 11.305

199. 'Da'ian li-ijtinab al-Bahá'í yin wa mud'i al-nubuwwa: Shaykh al-Azhar: al-Bahá'íyya jama'a siyasiyya takhda'u li 'l-Sahyuniyya' [Calling for avoidance of the Bahá'ís and claimants to prophethood: the Rector of the Azhar: the Bahá'ís are a political grouping subservient to Zionism].' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (15 March 1985c): 19.

200. 'danger of Qadiyanism, The.' Al-Huda (Abu Dhabi City) (2 March 1985):

201. 'Deferment of the verdict in the Bahá'í  case until the recusation plea is settled.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (3 April 1986):

202. 'Die Bahai-Legende: Ursachen und Hintergrunde' [The Bahá'í legend: motives and background].' Bulletin der Botschaft der Islamischen Republik, Iran (Vienna, Austria) (1 June 1984): 15-19.

203. 'Dolgoruki', 'Count Dimitri Ivanovich'. "I'tirafat-i siyasi ya yad-dashtha-yi Kinyaz Dulquruki [Political Confessions, or the Memoirs of Count Dolgoruki].' In Salnama-yi Khurasan [Khurasan Yearbook], Historical Section, 1st. Reprinted Tehran, 1323 Sh/1943-44; many later editions with numerous alterations, some in newspapers. No proper publishing history for this document exists. (Give details of other known editions, including Arabic versions) ed., Vol. Mashhad, Iran: 1322 Sh/1942-43. Purporting to be memoirs of the diplomat Prince Dmitrii Ivanovich Dolgorukov (Russian minister in Tehran 1845-54), this document has become the chief source in Iran for claims that Babism was part of an imperialist conspiracy. Although the whole thing is a transparent forgery, and several Iranian writers have condemned it as such, its contents are still widely believed and cited. See Bahthi dar radd-i yad-dashtha-yi maj'ul [section x, item xx].

204. 'Don't involve the computer in the Book of God: sham plot against the Muslims under cover of the computer.' al-Bayan (Dubai) (9 September 1985):

205. "'Dr. 'Abd al-Ghaffar 'Aziz, member of the Egyptian Parliament: bills designed to introduce the Islamic penalty for apostasy.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (23 March 1986a):

206. 'Egypt interdicts writings and drawings of Bahá'ís: the rector of the Azhar calls for a stand to be taken against the Bahá'í threat.' al-Sabah (Tunis) (16 February 1986):

207. 'Egypt: temporary release of 41 Bahá'ís.' al-Sabah (Tunis) (6 March 1985b):

208. 'Egyptian Parliament decides: hard labour for life for pretenders to prophethood, The.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (30 March 1986):

209. 'Egyptian People's Assembly begins debating the phenomenon of false prophets, The.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (10 April 1986):

210. 'Fatwa Committee in Kuwait forbids the Muslims from celebrating Mother's Day since it is against religious law.' al-Wahda (Abu Dhabi) (23 March 1986b):

211. 'Fi zilal al-Islam: Qurrat al-'Ayn al-Bahá'íyya [sic]: khanat wa qatalat wa kafarat' [In the shadow of Islam: Qurrat al-'Ayn, the Bahá'í (sic): she betrayed, she killed, and she became an unbeliever].' Sayyidati  [Jidda] 5 (261 10 March 1986): 72. BWC index Pam 143-144

212. 'Firqa-yi dalla-yi "Bahá'ígari".' Shahfaraz-i Aryan (Stuttgart, Germany) (30 1989-90): 11-12.

213. 'Fitna-yi Bab va paydayish-i Babigari dar Iran [The rebellion of the Bab and the emergence of Babism in Iran].' Ittila'at-i Haftigi [Tehran] (2262 8 Aban 1364/30 October 1985): 40-41. BWC index Pam 142-1909

214. 'Freemasonry, Bahá'ísm and freedom of the enemies of religion.' al-Sha'b (Cairo) (12 March 1985):

215. 'goodly example... the diagnosis... and the remedy, The.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (18 April 1986,):

216. 'goodly example: the People's Assembly responds favourably, The.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (28 February 1986,):

217. 'goodly example: what is wanted of the People's Assembly, The.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (14 February 1986b):

218. 'Hadatha fi mithli hadha 'l-yawm' [It happened on a day like today].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (12 June 1985): Notes that it was on this date the Babi movement was started.

219. 'Hadhihi haqiqatuhum' [This is the truth about them].' al-Khalij (Sharjah) (2146 1 March 1985b): 4. A short letter from 'An Arab studying in America', showing an advertisement placed in a university newspaper by the Bahá'í Club, who were showing a film entitled 'Israel: The Holy Land'.

220. 'Hamiyan-i huquq-i bashar' [The defenders of human rights].' Payam-i Inqilab [Tehran] 6 (153 14 Daymah 1364 [4 January 1986]): 48-50.Deals mainly with the Bahá'í issue. BWC index Pam 142-1908

221. 'Haraka munawi'a li 'l-Islam: al-haraka al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya' [A movement opposed to Islam: the Babi/Bahá'í movement].' al-Balagh (Kuwait) (28 Sept. 1986): 30-33.

222. 'Head of the Muslim League in Fiji: immunization of the youth against Bahá'ísm.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 February 1986):

223. 'History relates the collapse of false claims to prophethood.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (5 April 1986c):

224. 'Hudur-i qutb-i Bahá'íyan muqim-i Bilzhik dar jashn-i salgard-i fitna-yi Khumayni' [The presence of the leader of the Bahá'ís resident in Belgium at the anniversary of the Khumayni revolution].' Junbish/Djonbesh mouvement (Brussels) 4 (74 21 March 1983): 8-22.Reports on how a member of the Bahá'í national assembly of Belgium attended a new year gatheing at the Iranian embassy, and remarks on his 'unfortunate comments'. BWC index Pam 140-317

225. 'Id al-umm aw al-usra, huwa 'id al-Bahá'íyin al-kafara' [The Festival of the Mother or the Family is really the Festival of the unbelieving Bahá'ís].' al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) 272 (Apr. 1987): 120-121.

226. 'Id al-usra... am 'id al-Bahá'íyin?' [The festival of the family... or festival of the Bahá'ís?].' al-Mujtama' (Kuwait) 17 (760 25 March 1986): 9.

227. 'In the mail box: letters addressed to Dubai, Israel, and persons unknown to me, with no indication of date of receipt.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (10 January 1986):

228. 'In the realms of religion: Bahá'ísm...the visible face and the hidden threat.' al-Nasr (Constantine, Algeria) (6 January 1986):

229. 'In yaquluna illa kadhiban' [They say nothing but lies].' Usrati [Cairo] (50 1 Feb. 1986): BWC index Pam 143-211

230. 'Islam Sikritir al-tanzim al-Bahá'í' [Secretary of the Bahá'í organization becomes a Muslim.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (39 2 November 1985): 24. On the conversion to Islam of Zahir Qushayri, former secretary of the Egyptian Bahá'í youth committee.

231. 'Islamic Library: the sedition of the twentieth century, The.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (28 February 1986):

232. 'Islamic News: condemnation of Bahá'ísm in Egypt.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (14 March 1986b):

233. 'Islamic Research Academy at the Azhar affirms: to become a Bahá'í means to deviate from Islam...and to destroy the pillars of the Faith, The.' Anwar al-Tunisiyya (Tunis) (9 March 1986):

234. 'Islamic Research Academy held extraordinary meeting to discuss the Bahá'í case.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (13 February 1986b):

235. 'Islamic Research Academy in Cairo calls for a stand to be made against Bahá'ísm and the Bahá'ís, The.' al-Rayah (check) (Doha) (22 January 1986):

236. 'Islamic Research Academy proclaims: the Bahá'ís are apostates from all religions: any religion not divinely revealed is rejected, The.' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (21 January 1986a):

237. 'Itlaq al-majmu'a al-Bahá'íyya fi Misr' [Release of the Bahá'í group in Egypt].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2290 6 March 1985c): A short report on the temporary release of a second group of Bahá'ís arrested at the end of February.

238. 'Jama'at al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya: al-nushu' wa 'l-mu'assis' [The Babi-Bahá'í community: its development and its founder].' al-Jami'i  [Dubai] (Summer 1986): 5. BWC index Pam 143-730

239. 'Jordan: the claims of Bahá'ísm in a book.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986b):

240. 'Judgement pronounced in Bahá'í case the day after tomorrow: millions of Muslims await judgement: new legislation needed to make a misdemeanour into a crime.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (29 March 1986b):

241. 'lawyer of the Bahá'ís confesses: "Whoever deviates from Islam becomes an apostate", The.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 March 1986a):

242. 'Laying claim to prophethood is a crime: an Egyptian bill tightens up the penalty for embracing Bahá'ísm.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986d):

243. 'Le Bahaisme.' Ere nouvelle (Dhakar, Senegal) (5 May-June 1989): 20-22.

244. 'Madhahib dalla wa 'aqa'id munharifa: al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya' [Errant sects and deviant beliefs: Babism and Bahá'ísm].' al-Khayriyya (Kuwait) 1 (2 May 1989): 32-33.

245. 'Madhahib mu'asira. al-Bahá'íyya <>' [Contemporary creeds: 'Babi' Bahá'ísm].' al-Riyad (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) (6182 27 May 1985): 11.

246. 'Madhbihat al-Muslimin' [The killing of Muslims].' al-Hawadith (Beirut) (1172 20 April 1979): 13. BWC Pam 139-956

247. 'Majara-yi Bahá'íha' [The incident of the Bahá'ís].' Tihran-i Musawwar (Tehran) (116 Urdibihisht 1334 [April-May 1955]): 5-7, 39. BWC index Pam 141-1027

248. 'Members of the network.' al-Safi r (Beirut) (4 March 1985):

249. 'Millions await the verdict on the Bahá'ís the day after tomorrow: 3 years' imprisonment is the maximum penalty that can be given!.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (29 March 1986c):

250. 'Minkum wa ilaykum' [From you and to you].' Manar al-Islam (Abu Dhabi] (2 Feb. 1976): 129.

251. 'Misr: i'tiqal 40 Bahá'íyan' [Egypt: arrest of 40 Bahá'ís].' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (4594 26 February 1985): Brief report on arrests in Egypt.

252. 'Mu'amara al-raqm 19: taqdis al-raqm 19 zahira mushtaraka bayna 'l-Bahá'íyin wa 'l-Masun.' [The conspiracy of the number 19: veneration of the number 19 is a feature common to the Bahá'í s and Freemasons.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (7 23 March 1985b): 1. Intimations of a plot involving Bahá'ís, Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, and Lions Clubs. (See further item x, from the same issue.)

253. 'Mufaja'a fi muhakamat al-Bahá'íyin' [Surprise in the trial of the Bahá'ís: Moroccan witness affirms Bikar travelled to Morocco to promote his beliefs].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (21 December 1985b): Preliminary to longer article in the same issue (item x). Attempts to tie in the Egyptian Bahá'í Husayn Bikar to Bahá'í activity in Morocco in the 60s.

254. 'Mufti Misr yutalib bi-muhakamat al-murtaddin wa yunadi bi-sur'a ilgha' al-qawanin al-muta'arida ma'a 'l-shari'a. Shaykh al-Azhar: al-shari'a wahduha sataqdi 'ala 'l-salbiyyat wa 'l-inhirafat' [The Mufti of Egypt demands that the apostates be brought to trial, and calls for the rapid abolition of laws that conflict with Islamic law. Shaykh of the Azhar: only the law of Islam will pass judgement on negativism and deviancy.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (5 9 March 1985): 1. Report of an interview with Shaykh 'Abd al-Latif Hamza, Egypt's chief Mufti, calling for implementation of full Islamic legal penalties against apostates.

255. 'Muqtatafat Islamiyya: yadkhaluna fi din Allah afwajan' [Islamic news briefs: 'The people shall enter into the religion of God by troops'].' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (27 December 1985): 6. On the conversion to Islam of Bahá'í Zahir Qushayri.

256. 'Muslims Help, so Bahaiis [sic] Rejoice.' Al-Islam 2 (1 Dec. 1984-Jan. 1985): 1. Collins 11.728

257. 'Mustafa Amin yudafi'u 'an al-kuffar. Yastaghillu <> difa'an 'an iqama tanzim li-hadm al-Islam' (Mustafa Amin defends the heretics: he exploits his column <> to defend the formation of an organization committed to the destruction of Islam.' al-Nur (Cairo) 4 (156 6 March 1985d): Amin's column <> (Idea) appeared in the newspaper al-Akhbar and in the London-based paper al-Sharq al-awsat (item x)

258. 'Nash'a Bahá'í fi Wizarat al-Ashghal al-'Amma' [The emergence of a Bahá'í in the Ministry of Public Works].' al-Mujtama' (Kuwait) 319 (5 October 1976): 11.Deals with the employment of a Bahá'í, Khusraw Khusravi, as head of planning in the construction department of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Public Works. BWC Pam 142-686

259. 'Nass al-manshur al-Islami alladhi wuzzi'a fi mudun al-khalij: 21 Mars 'id al-Bahá'íyya al-Masuniyya' [Text of the Islamic pamphlet distributed in the towns of the Gulf: 21 March is a Bahá'í Masonic Feast].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (10 13 April 1985c): 6-7. Argues that the introduction of Mother's Day celebrations to Muslim countries is a Satanic plot.

260. 'New bill to combat the phenomenon of destructive religious creeds.' al-Ittihad (Abu Dhabi) (18 March 1986a):

261. 'New documents condemn Bahá'ísm.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986c):

262. 'new spirituality: the other face of Freemasonry, The.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (30 August 1985):

263. 'Next Monday in Cairo: the verdict in the case of the fifty persons accused of engaging in the activity of the Bahá'í assemblies.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (28 March 1986):

264. 'No-one can know the time of the Last Hour... the reason for the world ending in 2280 or 1710 AH is that they are both divisible by 19, and this is what Bahá'ísm wants!.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (10 May 1985):

265. 'opinion of al-Muslimun: the head of the viper, The.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 March 1986b):

266. 'Persian Rival to Jesus and His American Disciples, The.' The Moslem World 6 (2 Apr. 1916): 203. Collins 11.797 (title suggests that this is by Robert P. Richardson -- same as his article in The Open Court)

267. 'Picture of the verdict reveals the belief.' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (3 September 1985):

268. 'Plans to introduce protective deterrent legislation to fight Bahá'ísm in Egypt.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (23 February 1986):

269. 'Postponement of the verdict in the Bahá'í case Till 4 May.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (15 April 1986):

270. 'Public opinion awaits the judgements of the Egyptian court: al-Muslimun demands a stiffening of the penalty.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986e):

271. 'Qadiyanism infiltrates into some Islamic states: the Israeli authorities are in constant contact with the leaders of the false sect.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (19 April 1986c):

272. 'Qadiyyat al-Bahá'íyya wa ma'ziq al-hukuma al-Misriyya' [The Bahá'í law-case and the dilemma of the Egyptian government].' al-Islah (Dubai) 8 (87 May 1985): 56-59.

273. 'Qarar al-majma' al-fiqhi hawl al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-intima' ilayha: al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Babiyya khuruj 'an shari'at Allah' [Decision of the Juristic Council on Bahá'ísm and affiliation to it: Bahá'ísm and Babism are departures from Shari'a law].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (10 13 April 1985d): 6.

274. 'Qu'est-ce que le Bahisme [sic]?' [What is Bah(a)'ism?].' Etudes islamiques (Dakar, Senegal) 5 (21 February 1984): 12. BWC Pam 141-285

275. 'Quick answers.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 March 1986b):

276. 'Ra'is al-tahrir yuwasil al-radd 'ala za'im al-Bahá'íyin' [The editor persists in refuting the leader of the Bahá'ís].' al-Hadara (Cairo) (2 Safar 1407/Oct.-Nov. 1986): 40-42.

277. 'Rector of the Azhar calls on the Muslims to resist the contumacious creeds: the Ministry of Awqaf forbids Mother's Day celebrations if they should coincide with Bahá'í festivities, The.' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (21 March 1986b):

278. 'Rector of the Azhar in his statement about Bahá'ís and Bahá'ísm: "Bahá'ísm is a false creed, and whoever follows it is an unbeliever and an apostate from Islam, The.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (2`1 January 1986):

279. 'Release of the Egyptian Bahá'í s.' al-Watan (Kuwait City) (6 March 1985e):

280. 'Religion and life: a new Islamic study about Bahá'ísm: thought and belief 2: a refutation of Babi and Bahá'í claims and an exposition of the falsity of their creed.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (18 March 1986b):

281. 'Religious War.' al-Sabah (Tunis) (8 February 1985):

282. 'Risala Bahá'íyya: al-Bahá'íyya al-dalla ta'mil fi 'l-khafa' ' [A Bahá'í mission: misguided Bahá'ísm functions in secret].' al-Balagh (Kuwait) (853 3 Aug. 1986): 16-17.

283. 'Sahib kitab fi 'l-'aqida al-Bahá'íyya al-kafira, Mirza 'Ali Muhammad al-Shirazi' [An author on the beliefs of unbelieving Bahá'ísm, Mirza 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi].' Zahrat al-Khali j (Abu Dhabi) 8 (370, p. 73; 371, p. 73 26 Apr., 3 May 1986):

284. 'Salat batila wa 'l-imam Bahá'í' [Wasted prayer, and the prayer leader is a Bahá'í].' al-Hawadith (Beirut) (1169 30 March 1979): 19. BWC Pam 139-919

285. 'Salatless "Saviours" of Islam?.' Al-Islam 2 (2 Feb./Mar. 1985): 1, 6. Collins 11.892 'Salatless' refers to the fact that Bahá'ís do not perform the Muslim ritual prayer or 'salat' (although they do have their own form of salat).

286. 'Secretary of the Bahá'í organization in Sudan becomes a Muslim.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986d):

287. 'Sentence in the Bahá'í case due 31 March.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (4 February 1986b):

288. 'Shaykh al-Azhar: al-Bahá'íyun adwat li 'l-Sahyuniyya fa 'hdaruhum wa 'ba'duhum 'an al-marakiz al-mu'athira' [Shaykh of the Azhar [University]: "The Bahá'ís are tools of Zionism: beware of them and remove them from influential positions].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2299 15 March 1985d): 3.

289. 'Shaykh al-Azhar: al-Bahá'íyya wa id'a' al-nubuwwa irtidad 'an al-Islam' [Shaykh of the Azhar: Bahá'ísm and making claims to prophethood are both accounted apostasy from Islam].' al-Bayan (Dubai) (1, 750 15 March 1985e): 20.

290. 'Shaykh of the Azhar [University] urges the Egyptian government to combat the Bahá'í creed and other similar movements, The.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (21 January 1986b):

291. 'Simply an opinion: I do not worship what you worship.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (31 March 1985):

292. 'Speech of the Shaykh of the Azhar [University] about the the Bahá'í religion claiming prophecy.' al-Watan (Kuwait) (15 March 1985f):

293. 'Statement of account to the readers of al-Muslimun: the editorial staff received 20000 letters during the past year.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986e):

294. 'Stories of Husayn Bi kar and the 40 Bahá'í s: the case of the year that is being heard in court next Monday.' al-Nur (Cairo) (26 March 1986):

295. 'Suppression of the Bahá'í organization and the judicial inquiry of the 40 accused.' Mayu (Cairo) (25 February 1985):

296. 'Tanzim Bahá'í jadid, takshifa (sic: read takshifuhu) Niyaba Amn al-Dawla al-yawm) The State Security Prosecution Office exposes a new Bahá'í organization today.' al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo) 22 (11, 384 28 February 1985b): 10-line piece noting report by Raja' al-'Arabi, head of Egypt's State Prosecution Office, on the arrest of 40 Bahá'ís.

297. 'Tarikhcha-yi madhhab-i Bab va Baha' '[A short history of the Bab and Baha'].' Sipi d va siyah (Tehran) 2 (40 24 Urdibihisht 1334/14 May 1955): 10-11.

298. 'Tatiq al-shari'a al-Islamiyya yabda'u min al-usra; wa 'l-mujtama' qadir an yaja'ala 'l-shari'a mutbiqa fi'lan' [Application of the Islamic shari 'a starts at home, and society is capable of applying it in its entirety straight away.].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (6 June 1985): 3. Report of a seminar held at the Arabic Language College of Mansura Unniversity, with comments on Husayn Bikar and the punishment for apostasy (which is defined as the death penalty).

299. 'Tazahura' [Demonstration].' al-Mujtama' (Kuwait) 16 (755 18 Feb. 1986): 19.

300. 'Telegrams to al-Muslimun on the occasion of the first anniversary of its publication.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986f):

301. 'To Professor Khalid: Muhammad Khalid.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (17 June 1985):

302. 'truth about Bahá'ísm, The.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (25 October 1985):

303. 'Ukasha, Rida'. 'al-Bahá'íyya: kayfa bada'at wa min ayna ja'at?' [Bahá'ísm: how did it start and where did it come from?].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (28 March 1985): Some serious errors of fact. Calls for the death penalty for Bahá'ís.

304. 'Ukasha, Rida'. 'Bint al-isti'mar... wa umm al-Bahá'íyya: al-Babiyya. Li-madha sama nafsahu bi 'l-Bab wa li-madha atlaqa 'ala 'atba'ihi kalima <>?' [Daughter of mperialism...and mother of Bahá'ísm: Babism. Why did he give himself the name Bab, and why did he apply the term <> to his followers?].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (167 4 April 1985): 17.

305. 'Ukasha, Rida'. 'The case of the Bahá'í organization: the attempt to delay the judgement.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (17 April 1986):

306. 'Umran, 'Abd al-Mu'ti. 'al-Liwa' al-Islami takshifu 'l-tazyif alladhi hatha hawla 'l-raqm (19)' [al-Liwa' al-Islami exposes the distortions of fact surrounding the number 19].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (166 28 March 1985): 1, 3-5.

307. 'Umran, Maha. 'al-Bahá'íyya min 'Abbas Afandi ila Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir' [Bahá'ísm from 'Abbas Effendi to Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir].' Sabah al-Khayr (Cairo) (1, 524 21 March 1985): 24-25, 45. BWC Pam 142-1549 Interviews with two Egyptian authorities: Dr. Ahmad Shalabi and Attorney General Raja' al-'Arabi.

308. 'Umran, Mustafa. Tahafut al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya fi  daw' al-'aql wa 'l-naql [The confutation of Babism and Bahá'ísm in the light of reason and tradition], Cairo, Dara al-Taba'a al-Muhammadiyya, 1977, 150 pp.

309. 'Umri, Muwaffaq Mustafa al-. al-Masuniyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya, aw Banu Sahyun, wa tabaqatuhum al-mufsida ['Freemasonry and Bahá'ísm, or the Sons of Zion: their corrupt system']. 70-104. Baghdad: al-Hawadith Press, 1976.Contains material concerning Iraqi legislation about the Bahá'ís.

310. 'Uways, Dr. 'Abd al-Halim. 'al-Madhahib al-haddama: khataruha wa wujub muqawimatiha (5): al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya min al-madhahib al-kafira' [The destructive creeds: the danger they present and the duty of resisting them: Babism & Bahá'ísm are false faiths].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2337 22 April 1985): 13.

311. 'Weekly Letter: Secretary General of the Islamic World League: 4000 missionary institutions at work in Muslim lands: Qadiyanism and Bahá'ísm among the most dangerous enemies of Islam.' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (3 January 1986a):

312. 'What is Bahá'ísm?.' The Banner (April 20, 1973): p.9.

313. 'What is the Bahá'í Cause?.' Awake! (Sept. 22, 1957): 17-20. Collins 11.1075 A Jehovah's Witness critique

314. 'What the papers said we say.' Imam (London) (46 Jamadi al-Thani 1406/February 1986): BWC Pam 143-619 Refers to a piece in the International Herald Tribune (21.11.1985)

315. 'Zawaj al-Bahá'íyya mahdur shar'an wa qanunan ila an tu'mina bi-diyana samawiyya' [A Bahá'í woman may not be taken in wedlock in either religious or civil law until she embraces a heavenly creed].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (3 January 1986b): Short report of a statement by former Head of the Court of Cassation in Cairo, Ahmad Hasan Haykal.

316. Simple Steps Why Bahai Philosophy Is Not the Answer. 1. n.p. [St. Louis, Mo.]: n.d. [1975]. Collins 7.2558

317. What is Bahai'ism? : see item.

318. M. T., Dr. Muhakama wa bar-rasi  dar pi ramun-i 'aqa'id wa adab wa ahkam wa tari kh-i Bab-i Baha' [Title differs slightly from vol.1 -- item x]. 3rd. ed., Vol. Vol. 2. Tehran: Intisharat-i Burhan, 1344 Sh/1965a. Second of three volumes using Bahá'í texts as a basic for (unfavourable) comment. This volume has sections on history, personal laws, general legislation, and an overview of Babi/Bahá'í literature.

319. M. T., Dr. Muhakama wa bar-rasi  dar 'aqa'id wa ahkam wa adab wa tari kh-i Bab wa Baha'. 3rd. ed.,Vol.1. Tehran: Intisharat-i Burhan, 1344 Sh/1965b. The first of three useful volumes based entirely on Babi and Bahá'í sources, though heavily antipathetic in orientation. Arranged under a discussion of ten 'basic principles of Islam', the author examines Babi and Bahá'í teachings on God, worship, resurrection, prophecies, etc. There is also a short section on social and administrative teachings. The citations from Babi and Bahá'í texts are often out of context, but are still valuable.

320. M. T., Dr. Muhakama wa bar-rasi  dar 'aqa'id wa ahkam wa adab wa tari kh-i Bab wa Baha' [Title differs slightly from vols 1 and 2 -- items x, xx]. 3rd. ed. Vol.3. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Islami , 1386/1966-67. A continuation of the author's earlier studies, based on 22 Babi/Bahá'í books previously unavailable to him. The first 200 pages are largely taken up with historical matters, followed by sections on social teachings, laws, and Babi/Bahá'í writings (this latter particularly valuable).

321., Ahmad A. Danistaniha'i dar bara-yi naqsh-i siyasi-yi rahbarani Bahá'í (Facts concerning the political programme of the Bahá'í leadership). Tehran: 1344 Sh/1965. Listed Ahmad, 'Conspiracy Theories', Encyclopaedia Iranica, p. 145

322. H. B., [= 'Abd al-Karim Malik]. Wasila-yi sa'adat ya ahkam-i Bahá'íyyat-i Aqdas. 3rd. printing. Reissued 1347 Sh./1969 as Bahá'íyyat [sic] -i gumrah-ra bi-shinasid, with the author's name in full ed., 176. [Tehran]: Privately printed, 1341 Sh./1963.The author appears to have been a merchant with little knowledge of his subject. The text, which concentrates on the laws of the Kitab al-aqdas, has even more errors than usual. Murad gives name of author as Muhammad Hasan Burushaki [?]

323. Sadruddin, Maulana. Hujjat-i baligha dar radd-i Bahá'íyyat (The complete proof in refutation of Bahá'ísm), London, al-Shirkat al-Islamiyya, 1986, 82 pp. An Ahmadi publication.

324. Waki l, 'Abd al-Rahman. al-Bahá'íyya: ta'ri khuka wa 'aqi datuha wa silatuha bi 'l-Batiniyya wa 'l-Sahyuniyya, Cairo, Matba'a al-Sunna al-Muhammadiyya, 1962; 2nd. ed., Jeddah, Dar al-Madani, 1986.

325., S. M. Haqiqat-i madhhab-i Bab wa Baha' ['The truth about the religion of the Bab and Baha' ']. 42. Listed Murad

326. ??? Rujum al-shayatin fi 'l-radd 'ala Karim Khan al-mutasammi  bi 'l-Rukn al-Rabi' ['Stoning the devils: a refutation of Karim Khan, the so-called "Fourth Support"]. Iran: A diatribe against the Shaykhi leader Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani, including a separate attack on the Bab Murad p. 136, from al-Dhari'a. Double-check: is this a confusion with Karim Khan's Rujum al-shayatin?

327. A Look at the Bahá'í Faith and Its Great Plan. [4]. El Cajon, Calif.: Universal Evangelism, n.d. [196-?]. Collins 7.1437

328. A'zam, Mas'ud. Chara wa chaguna? 8. Tehran: A'zam, 1353 Sh./1974-75.

329. A'zami, Muhammad Hasan al-. Haqi qat al-Bahá'íyya wa' l-Qadiyaniyya. 1st. ed. (?), 1373/1953-54, 300 pp. Beirut: Mu'assisa al-A'lami li' l-matbu'at, 1393/1973, 192 pp.A study of Babism, Bahá'ísm, and the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam by an Arab author and graduate of al-Azhar resident in Pakistan

330. Abu Hilw, Husayn. 'Wa ila' l-liqa': akhtar anwa' al-ghazw' [Au revoir: the most dangerous kind of invasion].' al-Bayan (Dubai) 5 (1742 7 March 1985): On Bahá'ísm as a new face of colonialism.

331. Abu Jabal, Muhyi 'l-Din. 'The Musaylima of the Twentieth Century.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 March 1986):

332. Abu Khalid, Ibrahim. 'The al-Muslimun Post Box: Mother's Day Is a Bahá'í Innovation.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 March 1986):

333. Abu Madthara, (Batil-Shikan Qalam). 'Bahá'í Tahrik.' al-Haqq (Karachi) 13 (9 July 1978): 13-25. Urdu

334. Afrasiyabi, Bahram. Bahá'íyyat bi-rivayat-i tarikh [Bahá'ísm according to the testimony of history]. 279. [Tehran]: Nashr-i Parastish, 1366/1988.A basic history with copious reproduction of photographs and documents. Very similar to the author's Tarikh-i jami'-i Bahá'íyyat [item x]

335. Afrasiyabi, Bahram. Tarikh-i jami'-i Bahá'íyyat -- Naw-masuni) [A comprehensive history of Bahá'ísm -- Neo-Freemasonry]. 791. Tehran: Instisharat-i Sukhan, 1368 Sh./1990.Basically an expanded version of the author's Bahá'íyyat bi-rivayat-i tarikh (item x). For a book of its size, it has a disconcertingly tiny bibliography. Numerous photographs and documents are reproduced.

336. Ahmad A., Murtada. Danistaniha'i dar bara-yi tarikh wa naqsh-i siyasi-yi rahbaran-i Bahá'í. 2nd. printing.; 3rd. printing 1346/1967-68 ed., 96. Tehran: Intisharat-i Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1345/1966-67.

337. Ahmad ibn Hajar [Al Butami Binali?]. 'al-Firaq al-batiniyya: 1) al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya.' al-'Ahd (Qatar) 12 (621 28 Apr. 1987):

338. Ahmad, 'Abd al-Mun'im Mustafa. 'al-Bahá'íyya, al-khatar al-yahudi al-zahif 'ala 'l-Muslimin' [Bahá'ísm, the Jewish danger creeping up on Islam].' Manar al-Islam (Abu Dhabi) 10 (9 June 1985): 146-55. A strained 'expose' of links between Babism, Bahá'ísm and Zionism, imperialism, Freemasonry, etc.

339. Ahmad, Shahid. 'Criminals and Stooges Under the Bahai Cover.' Crescent International 2 (10 Aug. 1-15, 1983): 5. Collins 11.33

340. Ahmadi, Muhammad Sharif. Kashf al-ghita' 'an wajhi shari'at al-Baha' [Removing the veil from the face of the law of Baha' Allah]. 24. Haifa, Palestine: Matba'at al-Ahmadiyya, 1367/1947-48. A publication by the Ahmadi movement.

341. Akgun, M. Zerrin. Islamiyet bakimandan Babilik, Bahailik ve hukuki durumlari, yargitay kararlari, Ankara, Kalite Matbaasi, 1975, xvi, 144 pp. (Spine title: Islamiyet bakimandan Bahailiki.) Examines the legal status of the Bahá'ís in Turkey.

342. Akgun, M. Zerrin. Islamiyet bakiminden Babilik, Bahailik ve hukuki durumlari - yargitay kararlari. xvi+144. Ankara: Kalite Metbaasi, 1975.

343. Akhundi , Murtaza Ahmad. Danistanha'i  dar-bara-yi tari kh wa naqsh-i siyasi -yi rahbaran-i Bahá'í  (Tales concerning the history and political scheme of the Bahá'í leaders), 3rd. printing, Tehran, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1967 ? 1968?, 96 pp.

344. Al Haj Garba Isa. 'Opposed.' The Middle East (105 July 1983): 5. Collins 11.36

345. Al Kashif al-Ghita', al-'Allama al-Shaykh Muhammad al-Husayn. al-Ayat al-bayyinat fi qam' al-bid' wa' l-dalalat. 152. Najaf, Iraq: 'Alawiyya Press, 1345/1926-27. A general study of heresy by an eminent Shi'ite cleric of Iraq (1877-1954: see Wa'iz-i Khiyabani, Kitab-i 'ulama'-i mu'asirin, pp. 194-201), containing 60 pages in refutation of Bahá'ísm.

346. Al Nuri, 'Abd Allah. al-Bahá'íyya sarab ['Bahá'ísm is a mirage']. 48. Kuwait: al-Muqhawi Press, 1375/1956.

347. al-'Iraqi, 'Atif. "Review of 'A'isha 'Abd al-Rahman, Qira'a fi watha'iq al-Bahá'íyya.' 'Alam al-kitab (Cairo) 12 (Oct./Dec. 1986): 14-15.

348. al-A'zami, Muhammad Hasan. al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya [Bahá'ísm and Qadiyanism]. Beirut, Lebanon: Mu'assisa al-A'lami li 'l-Matbu'at, 1393/1973.

349. al-A'zami, Muhammad Hasan. Naqi bat al-Baha' (The character of Baha' [Allah]), [Lebanon?], 1973, 192 pp.

350. al-Bahá'íyya fi khidmat al-isti'mar [Bahá'ísm at the service of imperialism]. Tehran: Munazzama al-I'lam al-Islami  (Sazman-i Tabli ghat-i Islami ), 1405/1985, 38 pp..Covers alleged Bahá'í connections with Russia, Britain, Israel, America, and the regime of Muhammad Rida Shah.

351. al-Darsh, Dr. Sayyid. 'Readers Seek Guidance: False Prophets.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (18 March 1986):

352. al-Dasuqi, Muhammad. 'What Comes After the Azhar's Statement About Bahá'ísm?: The Muslim Clergy Seek the Application of the Penalty for Apostasy to the Bahá'ís.' al-Huda (Abu Dhabi) (14 February 1986)

353. al-Fasi , Muhammad 'Allal. al-Islam wa tahaddiyya al-'asr (Islam and the menace of the age), Rabat, Nashr wa Tawzi' Maktbat Matba'a al-Ummiyya, 1978, 31 pp. (Part of a series, Silsila fi  sabi l al-Islam ?). Al-Fasi  (1906-73) was a cleric and a founder and leader of the Moroccan Istiqlal Party. He led a campaign against the Bahá'ís in Morocco in 1962 and 1963.

354. al-Hadidi al-Tayr, Mustafa Muhammad. al-Qawl al-h]aqq fi 'l-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya wa 'l-Mahdiniyya [sic] [The Truth about Babism, Bahá'ísm, Qadiyanism, and Mahdism]. 151. Cairo: al-Dar al-Misriyya al-Lubnaniyya, 1986.

355. al-Hamawi, 'Abd Allah Salih. al-Babiyya. 52. Silsila harakat al-ridda al-mu'asira, Riyad, Saudi Arabia: Maktabat al-Sarwat, 1983b.

356. al-Hamawi, 'Abd Allah Salih. al-Bahá'íyya. 56. Silsila harakat al-ridda al-mu'asira, Riyad, Saudi Arabia: Maktabat al-Sarwat, 1983a.

357. al-Hasani, 'Abd al-Razzaq. al-Babiyun fi' l-ta'rikh. 26. Sidon, Lebanon: Matba'a al-'Irfan, 1931. Reprint of article in 'Irfan magazine

358. al-Hasani, 'Abd al-Razzaq. "al-Babiyun fi' l-ta'rikh.' al-'Irfan, 1930,

359. al-Hay'a al-Khayriyya al-Islamiyya al-'Alamiyya. Lajna Muslimi Asiya. Nida' min Lajna Muslimi Asiya ila al-muslimin fi kulli makan. [6] folder. [Kuwait]: Dar al-Fajr, [1989] This is a statement from the Asian Muslims' Committee of the International Islamic Charitable Association.

360. al-Hayani, Dari Muhammad. al-Bahá'íyya, haqiqatuha wa ahdafuha. 175, [1]. Baghdad: Dar al-'Arabiyya, 1989.

361. al-Hazib, Muhibb al-Din. al-Bahá'íyya. 30. Cairo: Wa'zi [sic] Muhibb al-Din al-Hazib, 1355/1936-37.

362. al-Huda'i [al-'Iraqi], Mirza Abu Turab. Bahá'íyyat din nist. 3rd. ed., 227. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Farahani, c. 1370/1951. In spite of the title, this is a relatively standard attack. The concept that Bahá'ísm is not a religion, however, has acted as a spurious legitimation for anti-Bahá'í activity in Iran.

363. al-Husayni, Manzur Ahmad. Madhhab-i Bahá'í. 25 leaves. London: 1989.

364. Al-Jalali, Muhammad Baqir. Al-Haqa'iq al-diniyya fi 'l-radd 'ala 'l-'aqida al-Bahá'íyya. Najaf: 1369/1949-50. [In al-Hasani biblio.]

365. al-Jalali, Muhammad al-Baqir. al-Haqa'iq al-diniyya fi' l-radd 'ala' l-'aqida al-Bahá'íyya ['The religious truths refuting the beliefs of the Bahá'ís']. 189. Najaf, Iraq: al-Zahra' Press, 1369/1950.Includes a statement by the Shi'ite cleric, Muhammad Husayn Al Kashif al-Ghita' (see item X).

366. al-Jazzar, Shaykh 'Abd al-Mu'izz 'Abd al-Hamid. 'Hukm al-Islam fi 'l-Bahá'íyya' [The verdict of Islam on Bahá'ísm].' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (167 4 April 1985): 8. A short reply to a reader's query.

367. al-Jibali, Ahmad. al-Bahá'íyya bayna 'l-madi wa 'l-hadir [Bahá'ísm between past and present]. 92. Alexandria, Egypt: al-Markaz al-'Arabi li 'l-Nashr al-Tawzi', 1985. BWC index Pam 143-43

368. al-Jizawi, Mahmud. 'The Whole Story of the Relationship Between Zionism, Babism and Bahá'ísm: Why Did Baha' Appoint Haifa as the Direction to be Faced in Prayer...How Did He Come to Assign to Palestine the Appellation of "Land of Return"?.' al-Umma al-Islamiyya (Cairo) (1 April 1985):

369. al-Jundi, Anwar. al-Bahá'íyya min al-da'wat al-haddama [Bahá'ísm is among the destructive propaganda organizations]. 23. Tunis: Dar al-Busalama li 'l-Taba'a wa 'l-Nashr wa 'l-Tawzi', 1985.

370. al-Kalak, Idris 'Abd al-Hamid. 'al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya.' al-Balagh (Kuwait) (850 13 July 1986): 18-21.

371. al-Kalak, Idris 'Abd al-Hamid. 'Shay' 'an al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Babiyya.' al-Balagh (Kuwait) (853 3 Aug. 1986): 12-15.

372. al-Kawi ra, 'Abd al-Salam. al-Bahá'íyya rabiba Isra'il [Bahá'ísm is the confederate of Israel], Tetuan, Morocco: Disbris, 1978, 77 pp.

373. al-Kazimi al-Qazwini, al-Sayyid Muhammad [Amir Muhammad al-Kazimi]. al-Bahá'íyya fi' l-mizan ['Bahá'ísm in the balance'], Sidon: 'Irfan Press, 1366/1947, 88 pp.

374. al-Khalisi, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad Mahdi. al-Shaykhiyya wa' l-Babiyya aw al-mafasid al-'alamiyya ['Shaykhism and Babism, or international chicanery']. 244. Baghdad: al-Ma'arif, 1951. Unusual for the viciousness of its attack on Shaykhism.

375. al-Khatib, 'Abd al-Karim. 'al-Bahá'íyun... wa bi-ayyi din yudinuna?' (The Bahá'ís: what religion do they believe in?).' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (15 March 1985): 3. A singularly inaccurate account, confusing the Bab and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadi sect.

376. al-Khatib, al-Sayyid Muhibb al-Din. al-Bahá'íyya. Also issued in same year, with intro., 40 pp.; 2nd. ed., Egypt, al-Matba'a al-salafiyya, 1393/1973-74, 30 pp.; reissued 1983, Beirut, al-Maktab al-Islami, 48, [2] pp. ed., 48. Beirut: Maktab al-Islami li' l-taba'a wa' l-nashr, 1390/1970-71. Listed Murad, p. 97; other eds. from BWC list (latter fuller in detail)

377. al-Khatib, Muhibb al-Din. 'al-Bahá'íyya'. 30. Cairo: al-Matbu'a al-Salafiyya, 1955 or 1963. BWC Pam 137-2672

378. al-Khatib, Muhibb al-Din; Mansur, 'Ali 'Ali; Kurd 'Ali, Muhammad; Fadil, Muhammad. Darasat 'an al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Babiyya. [4], 120. Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islami, 1397/1977.

379. al-Khidr Husayn, al-Shaykh Muhammad. al-Qadiyaniyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya. Also issued 1975, [Cairo?], al-Matba'a al-Ta'awaniyya, 84 pp. ed., 80. Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, n.d. Originally part of a lecture series at al-Azhar by a shaykh at the university.

380. al-Khidr Husayn, Muhammad, et. al. al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya fi 'l-mizan. 144. [Cairo]: Majallat al-Azhar, 1405/1984-85.

381. al-Khidr Husayn, Muhammad. al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya. 45. [Cairo]: Matba'at al-Azhar, 1389/1969-70.

382. al-Majadi, Amir. 'Haqa'iq jadida fi 'l-Shaykhiyya wa 'l-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya.' al-Mu'allim (Kuwait) 20 (946 14 Dec. 1989): 20-22.

383. al-Mallah, Mahmud 'Abd Allah Yunis. al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya. Baghdad: Matba'a As'ad, 1374/1955, 100 pp.

384. al-Najjar, Dr. Muhammad al-Tayyib. 'al-La'b bi 'l-raqm 19 la yu'akkid wa la tanfi 'l-haqa'iq al-kawniyya: sahib al-la'ba istakhdama 'l-haqq li-yasilla ila 'l-batil' [Playing games with the number 19 can neither affirm nor negate the realities of the universe: inventor of the game has used truth to arrive at falsehood.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (6 April 1985): Views of various Muslim clerics on the 'Number 19 Plot'.

385. al-Najrami, Dr. Muhammad Yusuf. al-Harakat al-munahida li 'l-Islam. 88. n.p. [Jidda, Saudi Arabia?]: Dar al-Fikr, 1980. A study of Freemasonry, Bahá'ísm, and the Ahmadi sect. Pages 35-61 are devoted to the Bahá'ís.

386. al-Nimr, 'Abd al-Mun'im. al-Nihla al-laqita al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya: ta'rikh wa watha'iq. 249, [7]. Algeria: Shirkat al-Shahab li 'l-Nashr wa 'l-Tawzi', [198?]. [double entry, see below]

387. al-Nimr, Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'am Ahmad. al-Nihla al-laqita: al-Babiyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya, ta'rikh wa watha'iq ('The Foundling Sect: Babism and Bahá'ísm, History and Documents'). 252. [Cairo]: Maktaba al-Turath al-Islami, 198-?Vicious attack based on stereotyped notions of a Zionist-Bahá'í plot against Islam. The last chapter of Section 2, on the Bahá'ís and freedom of thought, is worth reading. Contains useful appendices of Egyptian legal materials regarding Bahá'ísm.

388. al-Nuri, 'Abd Allah. al-Bahá'íyya sarab [Bahá'ísm is a mirage]. 2nd. ed., Cairo, Matba'at al-Sa'ada, 1390/1970, 83 pp. ed., 47. Kuwait: Matba'a al-Maqhwa, 1375/1956.Rehearses standard arguments. Has a section on Bahá'í Qur'an interpretation. [earlier entry for this above?]

389. al-Sa'id, Sana'. 'Khalid Muhammad Khalid yaqulu li-Akhbar al-yawm: al-Bahá'íyya 'aqida mariqa 'an al-Islam' (Khalid Muhammad Khalid says to Akhbar al-yawm: 'Bahá'ísm is a creed that has deviated from Islam.' Akhbar al-yawm (Cairo) (3, 005 2 March 1985): 7. Part of a longer interview on religious themes by an eminent Muslim humanitarian thinker. Khalid (b. 1919) is a leading figure of the Islamic 'left wing' in Egypt, advocating a liberal interpretation of the Qur'an and religious law. His views on the Bahá'ís are, however, quite orthodox.

390. al-Sa'idan, Hamd. 'The Misty Window: The Day of the Spring Equinox.' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (26 March 1986):

391. al-Sahmarani , As'ad. al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya. 168. Beirut: Dar al-Nafa'is, 1987, 168 pp.

392. al-Salihi, Shaykh 'Abbud. Hadhihi, hiya' l-Bahá'íyya ['This is Bahá'ísm']. London: 1965. Listed in Murad, p. 111, with refs

393. al-Samara'i, 'Abd Allah Salum. al-Qadiyaniyya wa 'l-Isti'mar al-Injli zi. 269. Baghdad: Wizarat al-Thiqafa wa 'l-I'lam (Ministry of Culture and Information), 1981. The book is devoted to a study of the Ahmadi (Qadiyani) sect of Islam, but the last sections are devoted to links between it and Bahá'ísm.

394. al-Samara'i, Qasim. al-Usul al-ta'rikhiyya li-nihlat al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya. 62. Cairo: Dar Umiyya, 1407/1986.

395. al-Samawi, Qasim. 'al-'Alim al-Bakistani Ihsan Ilahi Zahir: idha aradna ma'rifa haqiqat al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya fa-linanzur fi nash'atihima wa 'l-jihat allati tad'amuhuma' the Pakistani scholar Ihsan Ilahi Zahir to al-Sharq al-Awsat: if we wish to learn the truth about Babism and Bahá'ísm we should look to their origin and the parties that back them.].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (10 September 1985): 10. Interview with the author of al-Bahá'íyya: naqd wa tahlil (item x), a popular refutation of Bahá'ísm.

396. al-Sha'rawi, Muhammad Mutawalli (Shaykh). 'Hiwar maftuh ma'a al-Shaykh al-Sha' hadhihi 'l-dajja hawla qanun al-ahwal al-shakhsiyya' [An open interview with Shaykh al-Sha'rawi... Why is there such an uproar about the personal status law?].' Akhir al-sa'a (Cairo) (2643 19 June 1985):

397. al-Shahristani, al-Sayyid Hibbat al-Din Muhammad 'Ali. "al-Radd 'ala' l-Babiyya ['A refutation of Babism'].' al-Manar (1329/1911): Cairo. Listed Mansur, p. 105

398. al-Shandwili, Muhammad. 'Claimants To Prophethood: How Should We Deal With Them? The Penalty is Insufficient to Deter Those Who Transgress Against the Faith.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (3 April 1986):

399. al-Sharabati, Dr. Ahmad. 'al-Bahá'íyya mu'amara 'ala 'l-Islam' (Bahá'ísm is a conspiracy against Islam, [Pt. 2].' al-Nasr (Constantine, Algeria) (16 June 1985): On Babi doctrine, Baha' Allah, and the Kitab al-aqdas.

400. al-Sharabati, Dr. Ahmad. 'al-Bahá'íyya mu'amara 'ala 'l-Islam' (Bahá'ísm is a conspiracy against Islam, [Pt. 3].' al-Nasr (Constantine, Algeria) (17 June 1985): Includes a survey of the role of Bahá'ísm in Egypt.

401. al-Sharabati, Dr. Ahmad. 'al-Bahá'íyya mu'amara 'ala 'l-Islam' (Bahá'ísm is a conspiracy against Islam, [Pt. l].' al-Nasr (Constantine, Algeria) (15 June 1985): Concentrates on the Bab.

402. al-Shimri, Muhammad Sulayman. 'Anwar Islaiyya: sura hukm yafdah 'aqida' [Islamic lights: a court ruling exposes a creed].' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (1 September 1985): Reminiscences of 'Ali 'Ali Mansur, an Egyptian judge who turned down a request from the Egyptian Bahá'ís in 1952 for recognition of their religion. He also comments on Bahá'ísm in Libya

403. al-Shimri, Muhammad Sulayman. 'Exclusive to al-Siyasa: Publication of Secret Correspondence of Bahá'ís around the world: Bahá'ísm apreads through science, art, and 70 prominent officials around the World receive backing under the cover of "Peace".' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (28 March 1986):

404. al-Shubayli, 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abd al-'Aziz. 'The Black Claws of Hatred.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (3 March 1986):

405. al-Tarabishi, Mustafa. 'al-Ifraj 'an al-rassam Bikar wa habs 36 muttahaman fi qadiyyat al-Bahá'íyin' (Release of the painter Bikar and detention of 36 suspects in the Bahá'í Case).' al-Ahram (Cairo) (35, 873 1 March 1985): 1, 18.

406. al-Tarabishi, Mustafa. 'Niyaba Amn al-Dawla al-Ulya: al-Bahá'íyun murtaddun wa kana yata'ayyanu tatbiq ahkam al-shari'a 'alayhim' [The Chief State Prosecution Office: the Bahá'ís are apostates and should have been liable to the penalties of shari'a law.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (20 June 1985): An important statement setting out the official position on legislation affecting freedom of religion.

407. al-Tu'ma, Sayyid Hashim Husayn Fath Allah. Ruman al-shaykh wa' l-shabb fi radd al-Bahá'í wa' l-Bab ['The novel of the old man and the youth, in refutation of the Bahá'í (sic) and the Bab']. 1st ed., Baghdad: 1331/1913. 2nd. ed. Najaf 1347/1928-29. Listed Murad p. 137 from Mu'jam al-mu'allifin al-'Iraqiyin

408. al-Tunisi, Khalifa 'Abd Allah. 'Da'wat al-iltiqa' bayna 'l-Muslimin wa ahl al-Kitab mardud 'alayha dinian wa siyasian' [A call for dialogue between Muslims and people of the book is objected to on religious and political grounds].' al-Siyasa (Kuwait) (25 October 1985): Review of 'Ala mizan al-Qur'an al-karim by Husayn Naji Muhammad Muhyi 'l-Din, in which proposals in an earlier book for dialogue between Muslims, Jews and Christians are rejected. Bahá'ís are mentioned a couple of times.

409. al-Wakil, 'Abd al-Rahman. al-Bahá'íyya: ta'rikhuha wa 'aqidatuha wa sillatuha bi' l-Batiniyya wa' l-Sahyuniyya ['Bahá'ísm: its history and beliefs, and its relationship to the Batiniyya and Zionism']. 352. Cairo: al-Sunna al-Muhammadiyya Press, 1381/1962.Links the Babis and Bahá'ís to earlier Islamic sects.

410. al-Wali, Taha. "[Bahá'ísm].' al-'Alam (London) (27 April 1985):

411. al-Zamzami, Muhammad. al-Bahá'íyya kuffar yuharibun al-Islam wa 'l-Muslimin. 51. Tetuan, Morocco: 1389/1969-70.

412. al-Zarqani, Muhammad. 'Boycott of the Bahá'ís: The Shaykh of the Azhar Calls on the Muslims to Have No Dealings With Any Bahá'í: Buying and Selling, Barter and Marriage With Bahá'ís Are Forbidden By Law.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 March 1986):

413. Ali, Maulana Muhammad. History and Doctrines of the Babi Movement. Lahore, Pakistan: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-i-Islam, 1933, ii, 94 pp. A polemic by one of the leaders of the Ahmadiyya sect, a Muslim group itself accused of heresy by the mainstream and often bracketed with the Bahá'ís as latter-day enemies of Islam. Collins 7.45

414. Ali, Moulvi [i.e. Maulana] Mohammad. The Babi Religion. 52. Lahore: The Mohammadan Tract and Book Depot, n.d. [192-?]. Collins 7.46

415. Ali, U. Babism and Bahaism Examined. 69. New Kotwali, Agra: S.R. & Bros., 1956. Collins 7.47

416. Alter, S. Neale. Studies in Bahaism. 72 leaves. Beirut: American Press, 1923.Based on the author's doctoral dissertation [xxxx]. A hostile account from a Christian missionary perspective. Collins 7.51

417. Amin, Mustafa. 'Fikra' [A thought].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 7 (2285 1 March 1985): 3. An unusual defence of the Egyptian Bahá'í leader Husayn Bikar. Amin's defence was subsequently attacked in the pages of al-Nur (item x).

418. Amirpur, 'Ali. Khatamiyyat wa pasukh bi-sakhta-ha-yi Bahá'íyyat. 194. Tehran: Sazman-i chap wa intisharat-i Marjan, 1340/1961 Reprinted 1343/1964; 1351/1972. A general Shi'ite refutation, summarizing Babi and Bahá'í history, writings, and laws. The second half, however, is devoted to a consideration of the theological problems surrounding the Babi/Bahá'í claims that Muhammad was not the Seal of the Prophets and that the Day of Judgement has arrived.

419. Anderson, Norris. Bahá'í, a Problem of Logic. Manila: OMF, 1976, 10 pp..Christian polemic. Collins 7.59

420. Anjuman-i Hujjatiyya: nasli ma'yus az harakat wa inqilab [The Hujjatiyya Society: a generation deprived of movement and revolution]. 136. [Tehran]: Intisharat-i Rah-i Mujahid, 1368 Sh./1990.An important collection of articles from the radical revolutionary journal Rah-i Mujahid, dealing mainly with the ideological failings of the Hujjatiyya Society, a Muslim group originally formed to combat Bahá'ísm in the 1950s. The articles touch on the Bahá'ís and the reciprocity of their activities with those of the Hujjatiyya, both groups being accused of promoting the separation of politics and religion as part of an imperialist scheme.

421. Anon. "Review of Miller, Bahá'ísm: Its Origin, History and Teachings (item xx), Book Review Digest (New York), , PP- 729-730.' ((I93I)):

422. Anon. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) Choice (Middletown, Conn.),, I323.' ( (Dec. I975)):

423. Anon. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) Presbuteros (Baltimore, Md.), , p. 4.' ((Nov. I974)):

424. Anon. The Origin of Bahá'ísm? Shiraz, Iran: n.d. A short (34 small pp.) booklet written by a Muslim group for Western Bahá'ís, in which standard accusations of Babi and Bahá'í collusion with imperialist powers are trotted out in highly deficient English.

425. Anon. Yak namuna kashf shuda az jinayat-i Bahá'íha ba qatl-i faji' wa dilkharash dar Abarquh ['An example of the crimes of the Bahá'ís, involving a dreadful and heart-rending murder in Abarquh']. 3 ed., 16. Yazd, Iran: Gulbahar, Listed Murad p. 142

426. Anwar, Muhammad. 'al-Ifraj 'an 7 min jama'at al-Bahá'íyin. al-Azhar: al-Bahá'íyun kharijun 'an al-din al-Islami' (Release of 7 of the Bahá'í group: al-Azhar: the Bahá'ís are outside the pale of the Islamic religion).' al-Akhbar (Cairo) 33 (10, 229 1 March 1985): 1, 5. Based on a statement prepared for Egypt's State Prosecution Office by Dr. Muhammad al-Husayni Hashim, Secretary of the Islamic Studies Academy.

427. Ardakani, Hajj 'Ali Asghar Yazdi. al-Hidaya al-Mahdawiyya fi radd al-ta'ifa al-Babiyya. 263 pp. Tehran: 1325/1907. [in possession] Listed Murad p. 142 Mainly in the form of a dialogue with a Bahá'í teacher.

428. Ardakani, Sayyid Isma'il ibn Muhammad al-Husayni al-. al-Ibtal fi' l-nubuwwa wa' l-imama. 244. Tehran: 1312/1894-95. Listed al-Dhari'a 1:66, 10:188

429. Argues that the Bahá'ís were, not only the main supporters of the Shah of Iran, but also major influences on the entourage, ideas, and behaviour of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. BWC Pam 139-954

430. Arsharuni, A. M. [Russian?]. Bahá'íyyat. 62, [3] leaves. Translated by 'Ali Akbar Furutan. Iran: Furutan, 1930?

431. Ayati, 'Abd al-Husayn (Avara). Damima-yi Kashf al-hiyal. 44. Tehran: Chapkhana-yi Khavar, 1307/1929. Supplement to his Kashf al-hiyal (Item x)

432. Ayati, 'Abd al-Husayn (Avara). Kitab-i kashf al-hiyal. Reissued Tehran, 1961 ed., 225. Tehran: Matba'a Farush, n.d. [195-?]. An influential attack by the former official historian of the movement, the author of al-Kawakib al-durriyya (section x, item xx)

433. Ayati, 'Abd al-Husayn (Avara). Takmil-i Kitab-i kashf al-hiyal wa bayan al-haqa'iq. 96. [Iran]: Kitabfurushi-yi Hafiz, [196-?].

434. Badawi, Jamal. 'Ihtaris: al-Bahá'íyya ilhad wa zindiqa (2): al-mahafil al-Bahá'íyya hukumat khafiyya tantashiru ka 'l-saratan fi khidmat al-quwa al-'alamiyya wa markazuha al-ra'is fi shikaghu. Qurrat al-'Ayn... al-mar'a al-la'ub allati aqna'at shuyukh al-madhhab bi-ibtal al-shari'a wa 'l-insilakh niha'ian 'an al-Islam' (Beware: Bahá'ísm is unbelief and atheism. The Bahá'í assemblies are secret governments spreading like cancer in the service of the international powers, with their headquarters in Chicago. Qurrat al-'Ayn, the flirt who encouraged the sect's leaders to abrogate the religious law and finally to abandon Islam.).' al-Wafd (Cairo) (14 March 1985): 15.

435. Badawi, Jamal. 'Ihtaris: al-Bahá'íyya ilhad wa zindiqa, wa 'l-Islam bari' minha' (Beware: Bahá'ísm is apostasy and heresy and Islam has nothing to do with it).' al-Wafd (Cairo) (7 March 1985): 3. First part of a series. Focuses on Egypt.

436. Badri, Muhammad Ibrahim 'Abd Allah al-. Bayn al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Masuniyya nasab [A Link Exists between Bahá'ísm and Freemasonry]. 142. Cairo: Silsilat al-buhuth al-Islamiyya [al-Azhar], 1986.

437. Baghdadi, Hasan al-. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa akhawatuha, khatar qadim... jadid' [Bahá'ísm and its sisters, an old... new danger.' al-Mujtama' (Khartoum, Sudan) (28 Mar. 1972): 10-13. On links between Bahá'ís and Israel and the USSR.

438. Bahá'í Movement -- The Truth Behind It! 1. Yarmouth, England: Upper Room Tracts, n.d. [19484]. Collins 7.363

439. Bahá'í. [11]. Bromley, Kent: Christian Information Centre, n.d. [197-?].Antagonistic pamphlet by a member of the New Religious Movement, The Children of God, and not, therefore, conventionally Christian in approach. Collins 7.112

440. Bahá'ís, The. 2 leaves. Modern Heresies, 10, Croydon, S. Australia: St. Barnabas Church, 1959. Collins 7.484

441. Bahá'ísm. 16. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Tract Mission, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.490

442. Bahá'ísmus? 5 leaves. Islamische Studienserie, 2, Aachen, W. Germany: United Muslim Student Organization in Europe, 1965. BWC index Pam 141-1583

443. Bahai God, The. Reissued between 1964 and 1973 as An Enquiring Letter Written by a Friend to the Bahai Community ed., iii, 25. Tehran: P.O. Box 865, n.d. [1964]. Collins 7.246; 7.846

444. Bahaism. St. Louis, Miss.: Concordia Tract Mission, n.d. A 16-page booklet rehearsing standard Evangelical Christian criticism of Bahá'ísm.

445. Bahaism: its origin and its role. 2nd. ed., 1987/1407, Tehran, Islamic Propagation Organization ed., 54. The Hague: Nashr-i Farhang-i Inqilab-i Islami, n.d. [1983]. A poorly written attack on Bahá'ísm by an agency of the Islamic Republic. Depends heavily on the forged 'Memoirs of Count Dolgorouki' [see section x, item xx] for historical information. Later sections reiterate allegations of Bahá'í conspiracy with British, Americans, and Zionists. Reproduces several interesting documents, mainly reports by agents of the Shah's internal security service (SAVAK) on Bahá'í activities. Defends Bahá'í executions in Iran.

446. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya. (2) al-khatim' [The box of delights (2): the seal].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (30 June 1985):

447. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-aqni'a' [The box of delights: the masks].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (6 July 1985):

448. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-badaya' [The box of delights: the beginning].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (2 July 1985): On the early Babis and supposed Russian involvement.

449. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-Bahá'íyya' [The box of delights: Bahá'ísm].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (1 November 1985): The article consists almost entirely of a letter from Dr. Ahmad al-Najjar, the Secretary General of the Union of Islamic Banks, condemning leniency towards the Bahá'ís.

450. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-Bahá'íyya' [The box of delights: Bahá'ísm].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (29 June 1985):

451. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-dasturiyya' [The box of delights: constitutionalism].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (7 July 1985): A letter addressed to an advocate in the Court of Cassation on civil legislation and Islamic law, referring to the disbanding of Bahá'í assemblies.

452. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: al-gha'ib' [The box of delights: the hidden one].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (1 July 1985):

453. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: hulafa' al-Bahá'íyya' [The box of delights: the allies of Bahá'ísm].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (5 July 1985): The usual suspects: British imperialism, Freemasonry, Zionism. Claims that Baha' Allah was sent by the British to India.

454. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: ightiyal' [The box of delights: assassination].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (3 July 1985): Arguing that Russia provided ideological support and weapons to the Babis.

455. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'Sunduq al-dunya: milad ta'is' [The box of delights: a wretched nativity].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (4 July 1985): On Baha' Allah's early attempts to create a role for himself within the Babi movement.

456. Bahjat, Ahmad. 'The Box of Delights: Mother's Day.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (14 February 1986):

457. Bahrami, Hasan. Sarab. 13. n.p. [Tehran?]: Bahrami, 132 B. E./1975-76.

458. Bahri, Jamil al-. 'Abd al-Baha' 'Abbas wa' l-diyana al-Bahá'íyya. 10. Haifa: al-Wataniyya, 1921.

459. Beckwith, Francis. Bahá'í. 63. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1985.Christian attack concentrating on alterations to the text of Esslemont's Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era. Collins 7.542

460. Bi nali , Ahmad ibn Hajar Al Butami . al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa ahdafuhuma fi  dawa' al-nubuwwa wa 'l-radd 'alayhima (Babism and Bahá'ísm and their goals in the light of Prophethood, with a refutation of them), [Qatar], Matabi' Qatar al-Wataniyya, ?1983, 1984, 107 pp.

461. Bikar, Husayn and Salah Muntasir. 'Mujarrad ra'y' [Just a thought: from and to Bi kar].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (17 April 1985): 7. A brief correspondence between the Bahá'í artist Husayn Bikar and a colleague, Salah Muntasir, who praises his art but condemns his beliefs.

462. Bixby, James T. 'Babism and the Bab.' New World 6 (Dec. 1897): 722-50. Collins 11.204

463. Bixby, James T. 'What is Behaism?.' North American Review (195 June 1912): 833-46. Collins 11.205 Add note on controversy this caused

464. Boykin, John. 'The Bahá'í Faith.' In A Guide to Cults and New Religions, ed. Ronald M. Enroth. 25-41. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1983.

465. Boykin, John. The Bahá'í Faith. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982. 32-page booklet from an evangelical Christian viewpoint.

466. Braswell, George W. Chapter on Bahá'ísm in Understanding Sectarian Groups in America: the New Age Movement, the Occult, Mormonism, Hare Krishna, Zen Buddhism, Bahá'í and Islam in America, rev. ed., Nashville, Tenn., Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994, vii, 375 pp.

467. Brown, Charles E. The Ghost of Mohammedanism (Bahaism). 32. Anderson, Ind.: Gospel Trumpet Company, n.d. Collins 7.589a (from Bjorling)

468. Buchanan, C. M. "Review of Wilson, Bahaism and Its Claims (item x).' The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.) 6 (3 July 1916): 325-6.

469. Burnside, George. Why I am Not a Bahá'í. 8. [Australia]: [Burnside], n.d. [197-?].Polemic by a Seventh-Day Adventist author. Collins 7.599

470. Burushki (?), Hajj Muhammad Hasan. Ahkam-i Bahá'íyyat ya wasilat-i sa'adat. Listed Murad p. 130

471. Bustani, Mahdi Jawab Habib. 'Watha'iq 'Uthmaniyya ghayra manshura 'an nishat al-Babiyin wa 'l-Bahá'íyin fi 'l-'Iraq' [Unpublished Ottoman documents concerning the Babi and Bahá'í movements in Iraq].' al-Risalat al-Islamiyya (Baghdad) (233 ?): 99-121.

472. Caby, Philippe and Pref. and postscript by Rev Fr Harry Peeters. The Bahá'í Faith Explained and Refuted. [4], 28. Bambui, Cameroon: Regional Major Seminary, n.d. [197-].A Roman Catholic attack. Collins7.600

473. Canada, Anglican Church of. Bahá'í. 9. Fredericton, N.B., Canada: Diocese of Fredericton, 1971. Collins 7.61

474. Carus, Dr. P. "??????????" Open Court (1910):

475. Carus, Dr. Paul. 'A New Religion: Babism.' Open Court Vol.18 (1904): pp.355-72, 398-420.

476. Chahardihi, Nur al-Din. Bahá'íyyat chiguna padid amad? [How did Bahá'ísm appear?]. 2nd.; 1st. ed. as Chiguna Bahá'íyyat padid amad, Tehran, Intisharat-i Fathi, 1366/1987, 350 pp. ed., 350. Tehran: Intisharat-i Afarinish, 1369 Sh./1991.Severely unsystematic treatment, relying heavily on other sources.

477. Chaudhri, A. R. 'Bahai Doctrine of Manifestation Examined.' The Islamic Review 32 (5 May 1944): 160-82. Collins 11.266

478. Cole, J. R. 'Rashid Rida on the Bahá'í Faith: A Utilitarian Theory of the Spread of Religions.' Arab Studies Quarterly 5 (1983): 276-91. A study of the writings on Bahá'ísm of a leading Egyptian Muslim thinker (d. 19--)

479. Conway, J.D. 'What Would You Like to Know About the Church.' The Catholic Digest (Jan. 1964): 124-7. Collins 11.289 Discusses Bahá'ísm from a Catholic viewpoint

480. Cult of the Month, Bahá'í. Reprinted c.1979, Chicago, Jesus People USA, 7p. (from Cornerstone) ed., [8]. Chicago: Jesus People USA, 1976. Collins 7.782, 783

481. Daghistani, Husayn Quli al-. Kashf al-zulma 'an mu'taqidat al-Babiyya wa bayan mu'taqidat al-Masihiyya [or al-Masi hi yi n] [Removing the darkness from the beliefs of Babism and an explanation of the beliefs of Christianity]. [Cairo], al-Matba'a al-Ami ra al-Sharafiyya [al-Sharqiyya?], 1906, 182 pp.

482. Dahlun, John E. 'Bahaism.' The Discerner 2 (9 Jan-March 1958): pp.11-15.

483. Danklefsen, Bob. The Founding of the Bahá'í Cult. 3. South Bend, Ind.: South Bend School of Personal Evangelism, n.d. [1973?]. Collins 7.790

484. Dasuqi, Taha. al-Bahá'íyya wasa'il wa ghayat. 270. [Egypt]: Dar al-Huda li 'l-Taba'a, 1985.

485. David, Moses [pseud.]. Bahai Shrine Prophecy. Dallas, Tex.: Children of God, n.d. [I97-?][4]. n.d. [197-?]. 7.I586.

486. David, Moses [pseud]. "The Temple Prophecy". 4. London/Dallas: Children of God Trust, 1971 (My copy has 1971 alongside the publishing details on p.2, but has Copyright 1973 on p.1, suggesting a 1973 reprint of a 1971 first edition.). A very strange document of two and a half pages, written by the American founder of the Children of God movement. David recounts visions in the Shrine of the Bab (incorrectly called a Temple) in Haifa. After a rambling account of his experiences and various prophecies, he appears to conclude that Baha' Allah was once a true prophet but that he had later become false.

487. Di'bis, al-Hamza. 'Kufr <> yajibu 'l-tasadda lahu (!)' (Flagrant heresy must be resisted).' al-Nur 4 (156 6 March 1985): 'Kalimat al-Nur' column. Editorial comment by the paper's Managing Director on the cover story (item x) about Mustafa Amin's defence of the Bahá'í Husayn Bikar.

488. Donaldson, Dwight M. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) ,The Muslim World (Hartford, Conn.], v.65 no.4 , pp. 298-299.' ((Oct. I975)):

489. Duma, Sayyid Abu. 'Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali Says: The (Muslim) Missionaries Should Take Action to Counter Movements Aiming at the Subversion of Islam and Come to Terms with Concerns of the Age.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (7 February 1986):

490. Dunya, Hamid. 'al-Hamdu li 'llah.' Uktubir (Cairo) (20 Apr. 1986):

491. Durri, Jalal. Chahar shab-i jum'a [Four Thursday evenings]. 72. [Tehran]: Shirkat-i Chapkhana-yi Firdawsi, 1353/1934.A record (apparently authentic) of four meetings held on Thursday evenings in 1933. The text recounts a series of discussions between the author and three Bahá'ís and is free of the rancour normally found in these materials.

492. Easton, Peter Z. 'Bahaism, a Warning.' Evangelical Christendom (Sept./Oct. 1911): 166, 186-8. Collins 11.357a

493. Easton, Peter Z. 'The Babis of Persia.' The Missionary Review of the World 17 (June 1894a): 451-3. An unusually violent attack for the period by an American Presbyterian missionary to Iran. This article inspired the Bahá'í author Gulpaygani to write his XXXXXX. Collins 11.357

494. Easton, Peter Z. 'The Message of Bahaism.' The English Churchman and St. James's Chronicle (3587 July 1894a): 626. Collins 11.357b

495. Easton, Rev. Peter Z. 'The Babis of Persia.' Missionary Review of the World Vol.17 (June 1894b): pp.451-53. The first of several attacks by American Prebyterian missionaries. Highly unsympathetic to what he regards as 'this devilish, this satanic system'.

496. Easton, Rev. Peter Z. 'Wahabiism and Babism: Bibliography.' Missionary Review of the World Vol.17 (July 1894b): pp.529-30. A very short listing of works on Babism, together with titles on the earlier Arabian sect of Wahhabism. [Also place under 'bibliography'.]

497. Easton, Rev. Peter Z. Evangelical Christendom : [Article referred to in Balyuzi, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, pp.149-50.] [Also check which article is the one to which Gulpaygani replied.]

498. Elder, Dr. Earl. E. 'The Moral and Spiritual Situation in Iran.' Moslem World Vol.38 (1948): pp.100-112. Includes references to Bahá'í celebrations of their centenary, defections from the movement in Iran, and the dictatorial nature of the Bahá'í administrative system.

499. Ellwood, Robert S. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) ,Missiology (Scottsdale, Pa.), v.3 , pp. 387--389-.' ((July 1975)):

500. Elwell-Sutton, L.P. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) ,Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (London), no.2 , pp. 157--158.' ((1976)):

501. Erlandson, Seth. 'How Bahá'í Interprets the Bible and the Last Times.' The Discerner 10:12 (Oct.-Dec. 1982): pp.10-12.

502. Evenhouse, Bill. 'Bahá'í -- The Children of Light.' In Reasons I. Sects and Cults with Non-Christian Roots, ed. Bill Evenhouse. 38-48. 2nd. rev. ed. ed., Vol. Grand Rapids, Michigan: CRC Publications, 1990.

503. Fada'i , Yusuf. Tahqiq dar tarikh wa falsafa-yi Babigari, Bahá'ígari, wa Kasravigara'i (sic). 2nd. ed., 1977, 336 pp. ed., 274. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Matbu'ati-yi Farrukhi, n.d. [1972]; 6th. ed., Tehran, Ata'i, 1984 (?), 292 pp.. A critical survey of Babism, Bahá'ísm, and what the author terms 'Kasravi-ism' (i.e. the ideas of the late Ahmad Kasravi). Fada'i wrote the present work while completing his doctoral thesis in religious studies at Tehran University. The book is intended as an impartial academic study, and although it falls short of that ideal (see particularly the note at the beginning), it is at least an attempt in a difficult climate.

504. Fadil, Jihad. 'al-Bahá'íyya.' al-Hawadith (Beirut) 23 (1159 19 Jan. 1979): 3, 44-46. BWC index Pam 139-957

505. Fadil, Muhammad. al-Hirab fi sadr al-Baha' wa' l-Bab ['Spears through the hearts of Baha' and the Bab']. 376. Cairo: Dar al-Taqaddum, 1329/1911. (in possession) Lengthy attack based on a limited range of materials. The first part contains some useful quotations from Egyptian newspapers and journals concerning 'Abd al-Baha'.

506. Fakhir, Muhammad Shu'a'. 'Hadhihi hiya 'l-Bahá'íyya' [This is Bahá'ísm].' al-'Alam (London) (68 1 June 1985): A letter criticizing an earlier article by Taha al-Wali (item x) and offering to send further letters to correct its inadequacies. An editorial note accepts his offer.

507. Fali al-Musawi, al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Sayyid 'Aziz al-. al-Bahá'íyya hizb la mabda' ['Bahá'ísm: a sect without an origin']. 112. Najaf, Iraq: al-Adab, 1385/1965. Seems same as other al-Fali

508. Fali, Ahmad al-Musawi al- (ed.). Mudhakirat Dalkuruki [Memoirs of Dolgorukov]. 92. Karbala', Iraq: Matabi' Qidmus al-Jadida, 196-? An Arabic edition of the forged memoirs of Count Dolgorukov (see item x)

509. Fali, Ahmad al-Musawi al-. al-Bahá'íyya, hizb la mabda' [Bahá'ísm, a party without an ideology]. 2nd. ed., 160. Beirut: Dar al-Sadiq, 1973.

510. Fansa, Nadhir. 'Sura min qarib li 'l-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyin' [A close-up picture of Bahá'ísm and Bahá'ís].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) 1 (8 14 December 1985): Inspired by Qabadaya's earlier article (item x). Concentrates on Bahá'ís in Iran under the Shah.

511. Farhat, Yasir and Muhammad al-Dasuqi Muhammad. 'Egyptian Public Opinion Awaits the Verdict in the Bahá'í Case: A Unanimous Call For the Application of the Law of God to the Bahá'ís....' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 March 1986):

512. Farhat, Yasir. 'al-Bahá'íyya ta'ifa tad'u ila 'l-fasq wa 'l-fujur wa 'l-ibahiyya' [Bahá'ísm is a sect that preaches wickedness, debauchery and dissoluteness].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (35 5 October 1985): 22. Part of a fuller report of comments made by rhe Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments, Dr. Muhammad al-Ahmadi Abu 'l-Nur at the Islamic Centre in Hong Kong.

513. Fashahi , Muhammad Rida. Vapasi n junbish-i qurun-i vusta'i  dar dawran-i fiudal [The last medieval movement during the Feudal era'], Tehran, Javidan Press, 1977, 219 pp.; another ed. (?), Tehran, Muhammad Hasan 'Ilmi , [197-]

514. Ferguson, Charles Wright. 'Bahaism.' In The New Books of Revelation, pp.231-50. Originally published as The Confusion of Tongues, Garden City, NY, Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1928 English ed., Vol. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company Inc., 1928.

515. Fi l, Suhayr Muhammad 'Ali . al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa mawqif al-Islam minha (Babism and Bahá'ísm, and the position of Islam in regard to them). [Cairo], Dar al-Manar, 1991, 267 pp. Vol. 3 in the series Silsilat 'aqa'id ba'd al-tayyarat al-fikriyya al-mu'asira wa mawqif al-Islam minha.

516. Figlagli, Ethem Ruhi. Babilik ve Bahailik. 72. Islami boluc cereyanlar, 1, Turkey: Hilal Cild ve Matbaacilik, 1981. BWC index Pam 139-788 (add to accents from reference)

517. Frame, Dr. J. Davidson. 'Bahaism in Persia.' Moslem World Vol.2 (1912): pp.236-44. A brief article by another American Presbyterian missionary resident in Iran.

518. Friend', 'A. The Bahai God. [Tehran]: n.d. A short (25pp.) English-language booklet written by a Muslim group in Iran, aimed at European and American converts to Bahá'ísm. The author cites Qur'anic verses on the nature of God before quoting numerous passages from writings of Baha' Allah in which he identifies himself as the divinity.

519. Fuda, Faraj 'Ali. 'A Calm Reply to a Great Man.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (1 July 1985):

520. Garrison, W.E. "Review of Miller, Bahá'ísm: Its Origin, History and Teachings (item xx), 'Oriental Cult or Universal Religion', The Christian Century (Chicago), , pp. I559--I560.' ((Dec. 9, I93I)):

521. Geijbels, M. "Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx), Bulletin of the Christian Study Centre (Rawalpindi, Pakistan), , pp. I53-I54.' ((I976)):

522. Ghalwash, Mustafa. Khatar al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya ['The danger of Babism and Bahá'ísm], al-Zaqaziq, Egypt, Dar al-Arqam li 'l-Taba'a wa 'l-Nashr wa 'l-Tawzi', 1990, 202 pp.

523. Ghanim, Amir. 'Wa nahnu nuwaddi'ukum: al-Bahá'íyya fi Misr... mara ukhra' [We bid you farewell: Bahá'ísm in Egypt... once again].' Kayhan al-'Arabi (London) (9 June 1985): Alleges close links between the Bahá'ís and the Egyptian government (which is seen as pro-Zionist and pro-Israeli).

524. Goodpasture, Henry McKennie. " Review of Miller, The Bahá'í Faith (item xx) ,The Presbyterian Outlook (Richmond, Va.),, p. I5-.' ( (Sept. 22, I975)):

525. Gruss, Edmund C. In Cults and the Occult in the Age of Aquarius, pp.84-91. Grand Rapids, Miss.: Baker Book House, 1974.

526. Gulpaygani, Mahdi Qasimuf. Bahá'íyyat wa Susiyalism ['Bahá'ísm and Socialism']. Listed Murad p. 133. No further details [is this a Bahá'í title, as listed in BW?]

527. Hafiz, Hisham and Muhammad 'Ali. 'Letter From the Publisher.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (22 February 1986):

528. Hafiz, Hisham and Muhammad 'Ali. 'Publisher's Letter.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 March 1986):

529. Hafiz, Hisham and Muhammad 'Ali. 'Publishers' Letter.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (12 April 1986):

530. Hafiz, Hisham and Muhammad 'Ali. 'Risalat al-nashir' [Letter from the Publisher].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (14 December 1985``): 1. An expression of support for an anti-Bahá'í campaign as outlined by the editor, Salah Qabadaya, in an article for al-Sharq al-awsat (item x).

531. Hafiz, Hisham and Muhammad 'Ali. 'Risalat al-nashir' [Letter from the publisher].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (4 January 1986): Expressing pleasure at the volume of readers' letters inspired by articles on Bahá'ísm and other topics.

532. Halqaha-yi yik zanji r [Links of a single chain]. 26. Iran: 1975.

533. Hamadani, Aqa Muhammad Taqi. Ihqaq al-haqq. 474. n.p.: n.d. [about 1326/1908].Despite its many defects, this work was regarded by Browne as 'on the whole the best refutation of thirty heretical Babi and Bahá'í doctrine from the Muhammadan point of view which I have met with'. Criticizes at length Gulpaygani's Fara'id [Section x, item xx]. The 'thirty heretical doctrines' are summarized by Browne in Materials [section x, item xx], pp.325-39. (The date may be conjectured from the appended commendations from two mujtahids, both dated 4 Muharram 1326/7 February 1908.)

534. Hamadani, Khaliil. Dinsazan-i qarn-i bistum [Founders of false religions in the twentieth century]. 55. n. p. [Tehran?]: Sahil Press, 1352 Sh./1974. The title notwithstanding, the book deals only with the Babis and Bahá'ís.

535. Hamani, Ahmad ibn Muhammad. Risalat al-dala'il al-badiyya 'ala dalal al-Babiyya wa kufr al-Bahá'íyya [The Epistle of Obvious Proofs Concerning the Misguidedness of Babism and the Unbelief of Bahá'ísm]. 293, [1]. Algeria: Dar al-Shahab li 'l-Taba'a wa 'l-Nashr, 1984.

536. Hamda, 'Abd al-Hamid. 'Qurrat al-'Ayn was corrupt...They claimed that she was pious.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986):

537. Hamdi, 'Ali. 'Naqd bar risala-yi khaluya ya Iqan-i Ustad Muhit-i Tabataba'i' [Muhit-i Tabataba'i's criticism of the letter to the maternal uncle, or the Iqan].' Gawhar (Tehran) 6 (3 [1978]): 257-8.This article follows on Tabataba'i's earlier piece in the same journal (item XXX) BWC index Pam 141-248

538. Hamdi, Ahmad. 'al-Qissa al-kamila li 'l-Bahá'íyya fi Misr. <> Shawqi 'Abd al-Baha' [sic]' (The full story of Bahá'ísm in Egypt. <> Shawqi 'Abd al-Baha').' al-Musawwar (Cairo) (3153 15 March 1985): 94-98.

539. Haque, Serajul. 'Bahaiism, a Neo-Crusade.' The Islamic Times 3 (14 June 1984): 5-7, 9-10, 30. Collins 11.462

540. Hashimi, Abdul Quddus. 'No. 19 Theory on the Qur'an aids and Advances the Cause of Bahaism.' The Muslim Digest (JULY-AUG. 1981): 137-41. One of several criticisms by Muslim writers, directed against a theory advanced by Rashad Khalifa that the text of the Qur'an is built around the number 19. See, in particular, 'A'isha 'Abd al-Rahman (item xxx) Collins 11.468

541. Hatam, Majid Muhammad. 'al-Bahá'íyya fi khidmat al-isti'mar.' (Bahá'ísm in the service of imperialism) al-'Alam (London) (243 8 Oct. 1988): 34-36.

542. Haydon, A. Eustace. "Review of Miller, Bahá'ísm: Its Origin, History and Teachings (item xx), 'The Religion of Bahá'í', World Tomorrow (New York), V.I5, p. 27.' ( (Jan. 1932)):

543. Heer, Johannes de. 'Bahá'í' in Anti-Christelijke Stroomingen [Anti-Christian movements], Zeist, the Netherlands, 1900 (?0, 1985, 238 pp.

544. Hijazi, Sayyid Muhammad Baqir. 'Islam va Mahdaviyyat' (Islam and Messianism).' Vazifa (Tehran) (41 18 Mihr 1323 Sh./10 October 1945): Claims evidence for authenticity of the Memoirs of Dolgorouki.

545. Hilal, Marzuq; 'Isa Murshid; Muhammad Hasan al-Banna'. 'Qararat wa tawsiat hamma li 'l-mu'tamar al-'alami al-rabi' li 'l-sira wa 'l-sunna al-nabawiyya al-yawm. Bayan shamil li-Fadila Shaykh al-Azhar fi 'l-jalasa al-khitamiyya' [Important decisions and recommendations from the Fourth International Conference on the Life and Way of the Prophet Today. A comprehensive speech by his excellency the Rector of the Azhar (University) in the course of the final session].' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (7 November 1985): 8.

546. Hilal, Marzuq; 'Isa Murshid; Muhammad Hasan al-Banna'. 'Recommendations of the Fourth International Conference on the Way and the Life of the Prophet.' al-Akhbar (Cairo) (8 November 1985):

547. Holmes, G.W. "???????" (1904):

548. Howaidi, Fahmy, Aslam Abdullah, Ahmed Abu Junaid. 'Bahá'í File: The politics of a faith.' Arabia: The Islamic World Review (East Burnham, nr. Slough, Bucks., U.K.) 4 (46 June 1985): 37-45. Collins 11.101 A lengthy composite article by three Washington-based writers, varying in quality from one author to the other. There is an interesting final section on constitutional questions raised by Bahá'ísm in Egypt.

549. Huda'i, Abu Turab. Bahá'íyyat din nist [Bahá'ísm is not a religion]. 3rd. ed., 227. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Farahani, n.d. [197-?].Standard material. Contains a useful table (pp. 108-32) comparing the manuscript and printed texts of the Kitab-i iqan [section x, item x] (but for more accurate information on these, see XXXXX)

550. Hunt, Arnold D. Who Are the Bahá'ís? 24. Melbourne, Vic.: The Methodist Publishing House, 1968. Collins 7.1248

551. Husayni  Ardakani  , Hajj Sayyid Isma'i l ibn Sayyid Muhammad. al-Ibtal [see Ardakani]. Iran?: 1313/1895-96.

552. Huwayni , Hasan Muharram. al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya fi 'l-ma'ayir al-Islamiyya [Babism, Bahá'ísm, and Qadiyanism according to Islamic norms], [Cairo], privately published, 1984, 263 pp.

553. I'lan-i khatar bi-Bahá'í ha va Yahudi ha: tirur idama darad [A proclamation of danger to Bahá'ís and Jews: the terror continues]. 1 page broadside. Tehran?: 1984?

554. Idris, Dr. Yusuf. 'From the Diary of Dr. Yusuf Idris: The Mistake of the Media.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (1 July 1985):

555. Il Bahaismo, le sue origini e il suo ruolo durante il regime dello Scia/Bahá'í gari, paydayish va naqsh-i an dar rizhi m-i Shah. (Bahá'ísm, its origins and its role during the regime of the Shah) 56. Rome: Centro Culturale Islamico Europeo, 1983. BWC index Pam 140-1506

556. Iran, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some Facts about the 'Bahais' in Iran. 6, 9. n.p.: n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.1306

557. Iran, Quds. Bariqa-yi haqiqat. Iran: 1345/1926-27. Listed Murad p. 132, from al-Dhari'a

558. Isfahani, Hajj Shaykh Mahdi ibn Hajj Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Thiqat al-Islam. Al-radd 'ala 'l-Babiyya [not true title -- listed in al-Dhariyyaa; no further details, other than 'contemporary').

559. Isfahani, Muhammad Baqir Husayni Zafra'i. Qissa-yi 'ajib-i isti'mar. Ba tarikhche-yi paydayish-i Wahhabiyyat dar Hijaz wa Bahá'íyyat dar Iran [The strange tale of imperialism. With a brief history of the appearance of Wahhabism in the Hijaz and Bahá'ísm in Iran]. 174. Qum, Iran: Dar al-Nashr, 1368 Sh./1990.The bulk of the book is taken up with a standard 'conspiracy theory' exposition of imperialist plotting against Islamic countries. The section detailing Babi and Bahá'í links is from p. 122. This part relies heavily on the forged 'memoirs' of Dolgoruki [item x]

560. Isfahani, Sayyid Hasan Husayni Yazdi. Radd al-Sahifa al-'Alawiyya min ta'lifat ba'd al-Babiyya ['Refutation of the Sahifa al-'Alawiyya, written by a Babi']. Iran: 1338.Published in the margins of another work, Burhan al-mutaqqin. The Babi work this is supposed to be a refutation of is not known. Murad p. 137, from al-Dhari'a

561. Isfahani, Sayyid Nasir al-Din Hujjat. al-Hujja al-baligha. 482, [4]. Mashhad, Iran: Matba'a -yi Khurasan, n.d. A lengthy criticism of Bahá'ísm developed from discussions and correspondence with the Bahá'í missionary Nabil-Zada.

562. Isik, Huseyn Hilmi (check spelling). 'Bahais and Bahaism' (check spelling).' In The Religion Reformers in Islam, pp.313-16. 6th. ed. ed., Vol. Istanbul: Isik Kitabevi (check spelling), 1970. The funniest of the polemics in any language. Apparently Isik's book has been translated into innumerable languages -- all by the author himself. One may draw one's own conclusions.

563. Isma'il, Faraj. 'Mashyakhat al-Azhar tuhadhdhiru min al-Bahá'íyin wa mudda'i 'l-nubuwwa: la tasaharuhum wa la ta'kalu ta'amahum wa la yadkhaluna 'l-masajid' (The professoriate of the Azhar [University] cautions against the Bahá'ís and claimants to prophethood: do not enter into wedlock with them: do not eat their food and do not let them enter the mosques).' al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo) (15 March 1985): Contains transcript of statement by the al-Azhar shaykhs.

564. Isma'il, Muhammad. 'al-Shaykh al-Sha'rawi li-Akhbar al-yawm: aqulu li 'l-'almaniyin wa 'l-wujudiyin: al-Islam 'ilmani bi-ma'na al-kalima' [Shaykh al-Sha'rawi to Akhbar al-yawm: I say to the secularists and existentialists: Islam is secular in the true meaning of the word.' Akhbar al-yawm (Cairo) (1 June 1985): 10. A general article, comparing Islam with contemporary movements like secularism, existentialism, and Bahá'ísm.

565. Jackson, James F. Inharmonic. 33. Tehran: P.O. Box 1606, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.1325

566. Jad al-Haqq, 'Ali. 'Bahá'ísm is a Movement That Was Created to Oppose Islam.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (12 April 1986):

567. Jad al-Haqq, 'Ali. 'Bayan min Majma' al-Buhuth al-Islamiyya bi 'l-Azhar al-Sharif 'an al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyin' [An account of Bahá'ísm and the Bahá'ís (presented) to the Azhar (University) by the Academy for Islamic Research.' al-Azhar (Cairo) 58 (6 Feb.-Mar. 1986): 807-809. BWC index Pam 143-267

568. Jad, Dr. Suhayr. 'Literature: In Rebuttal of the Bahá'ís: Morals from the Surah of the Cave.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (19 January 1986):

569. Jadid al-Islam, Hajj Husayn Quli. Minhaj al-talibin fi' l-radd 'ala' l-firqa al-halika al-Babiyya. 400. Bombay: Gulzar Hasani Press, 1320/1902. [in possession] Listed Murad p. 141; Browne, Materials, pp. 196-7. Browne describes this work as: 'discursive, ill-arranged, and badly written', but adds that it 'contains a good deal of valuable information, not only about the Babis, but about other heterodox sects of Islam'.

570. Jadid al-Islam, Husayn Quli. Dalil al-Minhaj. 88. Bombay: Gulzar-i Hasani Press, 1320/1902-03. Apparently a companion volume to his Minhaj al-talibin (item x)

571. Jamal, Ahmad Muhammad. 'al-Bahá'íyya mu'amarat al-Islam' [Bahá'ísm is a plot against Islam].' al-Muslimun (Jidda) (28 6 May 1982): 20-21. BWC index Pam 139-914

572. Jasim, 'Ali. 'Shu'un wa shujun' [Miscellaneous matters].' Al-Ittihad, (Abu Dhabi City) (4157 3 March 1985): Fears Bahá'í influence following arrests in Egypt.

573. Jasim, 'Ali. 'Shu'un wa shujun' [Miscellaneous matters].' Al-Ittihad, (Abu Dhabi City) (4158 4 March 1985): Continues 3 March piece. On Bahá'ís in the Gulf region.

574. Jessup, Dr. Henry Harris. 'Babism and the Babites.' Missionary Review of the World Vol.25 (October 1902): pp.771-75. Based on his earlier article, 'The Babites' (item x).

575. Jessup, Dr. Henry Harris. 'The Babites.' Outlook (June 1901): pp.451-56. A short account, including a record of an interview with 'Abd al-Baha', by an American Presbyterian missionary based in Beirut from 1860 to 1909.

576. Jibali , Ahmad. al-Bahá'íyya bayna 'l-madi  wa 'l-hadir ['Bahá'ísm between past and present], Alexandria, Egypt, al-Markaz al-'Arabi , 1985, 92 pp.

577. Jibha 'Ulama' al-Azhar. al-Bahá'íyya. Cairo: Refutation by al-Azhar ulama, listed Murad, p. 97

578. Jinayat-i 'aji b dar Abarquh-i Yazd bi-dast-i Bahá'í -ha wa bayanat-i Aqa-yi Hajj Sayyid Mahdi Radawi Qummi  mawqi'-i mahakama-yi mutahhimi n ['A curious crime committed by the Bahá'ís in Abarquh near Yazd, with comments made by Hajj Sayyid Mahdi Radawi Qummi, on the occasion of the trial of the accused']. 60. Qum: Kitabforushi -yi Barqa'i  , [1371/1952]. Listed Murad p. 135; in possession. This appears to be the speech made by the prosecution in a case of a woman and her five children murdered in Abarqu, supposedly by a number of Bahá'ís [precise details are not given in the text]. Most of the speech is devoted to a conventional diatribe against Bahá'ísm as such. Radawi was defence counsel in other cases involving the murder of Bahá'ís and the assassination of Ahmad Kasravi.

579. Jordan, S.M., , and ???????? [An old note of mine says he published an article in 'The Mohammedan World' (Cairo) around 1912]. :

580. Kamil, Salih 'Abd Allah. al-Bahá'íyya, al-fikr wa 'l-'aqida [Bahá'ísm, its thought and beliefs]. Adwa' 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya series, Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986.

581. Kamil, Salih 'Abd Allah. Muslim wa Bahá'í  wajhan li-wajh (Muslim and Bahá'í face to face), Adwa' 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya series 6, al-Fajjala [Cairo], Maktabat Misr, Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986, 218 pp.

582. Kashani , Ahmad Rahi mi . Panja-yi khunin-i isti'mar dar astin-i Bab [The bloody fist of imperialism in the sleeve of the Bab]. Iran: 1357/1978.

583. Kashani, Shaykh Habib Allah ibn 'Ali Madad, Savaji. Rujum al-shayati n fi  radd al-mula'in ['Stoning the devils, in refutation of the sly ones']. iii, 351. 1284/1867. Murad 136, from al-Dhari'a. Seems to be MS [remove from list]

584. Kashif al-Ghita, Shaykh Muhammad Husayn 'Ali. Al-ayat al-bayyinat. Najaf, Iraq: 1345/1926.

585. Kasravi, Ahmad. Bahá'ígari. 1st. ; 2nd. ed., Tehran, 1323 Sh/1944; 3rd. ed., Tehran, 1327 Sh/1948 ed., Tehran: Chapkhana-yi Payman, 1321 Sh/1942. One of the best known studies of the subject published in Iran, written by one of the country's leading secluarist thinkers (d.1946). The book is a compilation of materials orignally published in Payman and Parcham journals. There are surprisingly few original insights and little information not readily available elsewhere, but it is refreshing to read an Iranian critique not based on religious prejudice.

586. Kasravi, Ahmad. Bahá'ígari. 2nd. printing, 1323 [1944-45]; 3rd. printing, 1327 [1949]; at least one further printing, Tehran, Chap-i Mard-i Imruz, 1335 [1956-57], 92 pp. ed., 96. Tehran: Chapkhana-yi Payman (?), 1321 [1942-43].A disappointingly flimsy critique by a leading Iranian secular freethinker well known for his attacks on Shi'ism (see E. Abrahamian, 'Ahmad Kasravi', The Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern Islamic World, vol. 2, pp. 404-405). Kasravi believed that Bahá'ísm was one of several factional divisions splitting the Iranian nation along sectarian lines. [double listing - put 2 pogether] Add edition: Tehran, Intisharat-i Tuka, 1992, 118 pp. Also in a composite volume, Bahá'í gari , Shi 'i gari , Sufi gari , Saarbrucken, Germany, 1989, 343 pp., ill.

587. Khadimi, Muhammad 'Ali. Bahá'íyan digar che miguyand? Bi Bahá'í, Bab va Baha [So, what do the Bahá'ís say? The worthless Bab and Baha' (Allah)]. 231. Tabriz: Kitabfurushi-yi Sabiri, 1341 [1962-63]. BWC Pam 142-263

588. Khaffaji, Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'im. 'Bahá'ísm is One of the Esoteric Movements.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (25 January 1986):

589. Khaffaji, Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'im. Al-radd 'ala 'l-Bahá'í yi n fi  daw al-manhaj al-lughawi  (A refutation of Bahá'ísm in the light of linguistic methods), [Cairo], Maktabat Misr, 156 pp.

590. Khalisi, Ayat Allah. Muballigh-i Bahá'í dar mahzar-i Ayat Allah Khalisi ['A Bahá'í missionary in the presence of Ayat Allah Khalisi']. Also a 2nd. printing, 194?, Tehran, Matba'a-yi Baqirzada, 32 pp. ed., 47. Shiraz, Iran: Baqirzada Press, 1367/1948. Listed Murad p. 140 as pub. Yazd

591. Khalisi, Muhammad Mahdi. Din-sazi wa nashr-i kharafat dar 'asr-i 'ilm wa danish ['The invention of religion and the spread of nonsense in an age of science and knowledge']. 30. n.p. [Kashan, Iran?]: 1362/1943. Listed Murad p. 136 (copy in possession) Account of a dispute with a Bahá'í missionary, Sayyid Kamal Mir Afdali, in Kashan. Bound together with a letter concerning the hidden Imam (pp. 1-18, [2])

592. Khanji, Muhammad 'Ali. 'Tahqiqi dar bara-yi madhhab-i "Babi" wa "Bahá'í" .' Andisha-yi naw 1 (3 15 Bahman 1327/4 February 1949): About half is devoted to (mainly Babi) history, the rest to institutions, beliefs, and social teachings. About half is devoted to (mainly Babi) history, the rest to institutions, beliefs, and social teachings. Photocopy in possession

593. Khomeini, Ruhu'llah. 'Khomeini 28 May Speech on Bahá'ís, Tudeh Party.' Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports (31 May 1983): section viii, pp. 11-12. Collins 11.610

594. Khusraw-shahi, Sayyid Hadi. Daw madhhab. 3rd. ed. ed., 104. Tehran: Jahan-ara, 1342/1963-64.

595. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Al-shihab al-thaqib fi rajm al-nawasib. Kerman, Iran: Sa'adat Press, 1353 Sh/1975-76. The third (1265/1849) of Kirmani's attacks on the Bab, in which the author examines the nature of faith and unbelief, the specifics of the Bab's heresy, and the inimitability of the Qur'an. Includes several quotations from writings of the Bab, including a letter to Kirmani himself (pp.25-27).

596. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Iqaz al-ghafilin wa ibtal al-batilin dar radd-i Bab-i khusran-ma'ab. Tehran: n.d.-b.One of several [see items xx, xxx, xxxx] works attacking the Bab, written by the third head of the Shaykhi sect (d.1870) and the Bab's main rival in the earliest period.

597. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Izhaq al-batil. Kirman, Iran: Matba'a al-Sa'ada, 1351 Sh/1392/1972. The first of several attacks on the Bab by Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani, head of the Shaykhi sect in Kirman from about 1844 and the Bab's leading rival in the early stages of his career. Written in 1261/1845, this is the first ever Muslim polemic against Babism. The book also contains lengthy discussions of points of Shi'ite doctrine. Of particular importance are the copious quotations from the Bab's earliest major work, the Qayyum al-asma', only recently completed. For details, see MacEoin 'Shaykhi Reactions' [Section x, item xx, pp.30ff.].

598. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Risala -yi tir-i shihab dar randan-i Bab-i khusran-ma'ab in Majma' al-rasa'il Farsi, vol.1, pp.161-242. Kerman, Iran: Sa'adat Press, 1386/1966-67. The second of several anti-Babi treatises penned by the Bab's chief rival. The text was originally written in 1262/1846. Shows some knowledge of early writings of the Bab, which Kirmani had by then received, and provides details of the first stages of the Bab's career, including his recent arrest in Shiraz. For a summary of some of the book's contents, see MacEoin 'Shaykhi Reactions' [Section x, item xx], p.30ff.

599. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Risala dar radd-i Bab-i murtad, published with separate pagination with Risala-yi tazyil dar radd-i Hashim-i Shami by Hajj Zayn al-'Abidin Khan Kirmani, Kirman, 1384/1964; Arabic translation, Kirman, 1383/1963. Kerman: Sa'adat Press, 1384/1964-65. The fourth and last of Kirmani's attacks on the Bab, written in 1283/1867 at the request of Nasir al-Din Shah. Includes a more complete account of the Bab than those in the author's previous works, as well as references to the Babi diaspora in Baghdad. Quotes from a range of the Bab's writings, including the Bayan, from which he cites numerous ordinances.

600. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan. Risala fi radd al-Bab Translation of Risala dar radd-i Bab-i murtad (item x). Kerman: Sa'adat Press, 1383/1963-64. [check translator]

601. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Khan. Risala dar radd-i ba'd-i ta'wilat-i Babiyya. Iran [?]: n.d.-a. A refutation of Babi interpretations of scripture and a rejection of their doctrine of metempsychosis. Written 1298/1881.

602. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Khan. Shams al-mudi'a [sic] dar radd-i shubahat-i Babiyya. 1st. Photomechanic reprint, [Kerman, Iran], [Sa'adat Press], n.d. [197?] ed., Tabriz, Iran: 1322/1904-05. A lengthy refutation of passages in Gulpaygani's well-known defence of Babism/Bahá'ísm, Kitab al-fara'id [Section x, item xx].

603. Kirmani, Hajj Muhammad Khan. Taqwim al-'awj. 1st. ed. Photomechanic reprint, Kerman, Sa'adat Press, n.d. [197?] ed., Bombay: 1311/1893-94. Written in response to a request from one of the author's followers to refute various 'doubts' about Islam raised by Babis (and Bahá'ís). Muhammad Khan (1846-1906) was the son of Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan and his successor as head of the Shaykhi school. The book is in two parts: the first devoted to eight separate questions, the second to countering Babi interpretations of Shi'ite traditions. Written in 1304/1887.

604. Kirmani, Hajj Zayn al-'Abidin Khan. Mi'raj al-sa'ada. 2nd. printing ed., Kerman, Iran: 1351/1972. A short treatise written for Mirza 'Ali Rida Khan Wakil al-Dawla in reply to a question raised by a Bahá'í on the invalidity of miracles as evidence. Written in 1333/1954.

605. Kirmani, Hajj Zayn al-'Abidin Khan. Risala-yi sa'iqa dar radd-i Bab-i murtab. 2nd. ed. This ed. also printed in the volume Majma' al-rasa'il, vol.9, Kerman, Sa'adat Press, 1352/1973 ed., Kerman, Iran: Sa'adat Press, 1352 Sh/1973. By the second son and successor of Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan, head of the Shaykhi sect. Written in response to a request from a Mukhabir al-Mulk in refutation of several points of Babi/Bahá'í doctrine, notably the belief in progressive revelation.

606. Kitab-i dasa'is wa fitna-angi zi ha-yi Bahá'í ha: waqi'a-yi ta'athur-avar-i 11 [i.e. 17] Murdad mah 1323 dar Shahrud (The book of the deceits and troublemongering of the Bahá'ís: the sorrow-provoking event of 11 [i.e. 17] Murdad 1323/1944), [Tehran], Nashriyyat-i Dini-yi Nur, 1945, 44 pp.

607. Kiya'i [Karazi], Sayyid Hasan. Bahá'í: az kuja wa chiguna payda shuda? (Bahá'í: where did it come from and how? 2nd. printing, Tehran, Chapkhana-yi Chap (sic), 1974, 327 pp. ed., 184. Tehran: Privately published, 1349 Sh/1970. A readable but typically mocking Shi'ite polemic. After more or less standard sections on history, the bulk of the book (from p.43) is devoted to citations from the Kitab al-aqdas and commentary on them. 2nd. printing BWC BP 398.K59

608. Kurayyim, Samih. 'Rasa'il mutabadila bayna Muhammad 'Abduh wa Tulstuy: Su'al Tulstuy 'an al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa ijabat al-imam fi wathiqa jadida' [Correspondence between Muhammad 'Abduh and Tolstoy: Tolstoy's question about Babism and Bahá'ísm, and the Imam's reply in a new document].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (20 December 1985): 14. Discussion of whether 'Abduh, Egypt's pre-eminent religious figure of the time, replied or not to a request from Tolstoy for his opinion on Babism and Bahá'ísm.

609. Kurayyim, Samih. 'Thought and Culture: Contemporary Issues: An Exchange of Letters Between Tolstoy and Muhammad 'Abduh.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (6 December 1985):

610. Labaree, Robert M. 'The Bahai Propaganda in America.' The Missionary Review of the World 42 (8 Aug. 1919): 591-96. Collins 11.615

611. Lacy, Edward. 'Bahá'ís, Poisoners of the Racial Soul: Another Levantine Messiah Aims for White Moral Disarmament.' National Vanguard (Aug. 1981): Collins 11.616 A racist attack, still relatively uncommon.

612. Lutshaska, Umar. 'Islamic Centre In Zaire To Confront the Bahá'ís and the Missionaries.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (1 March 1986):

613. MacGregor, Lorri. The Bahá'í Faith and Christianity. 12. Mt. Gravatt, Qld.; Delta, B.C.: MacGregor Ministries, 1984. Collins 7.1482

614. Madhhab ya maslak? [Religion or sect?]. [Iran]: n.d. [197?]. A booklet produced by a Muslim anti-Bahá'í group, rehearsing the standard charge that Babism and Bahá'ísm were created as part of a Russian and British plot to undermine Islam in Iran. Makes use of the discredited 'Memoirs of Prince Dolgoruki' (item x)

615. Mahallati, [Shaykh Muhammad]. Guftar-i khush-i Yarquli [The pleasant words of Yarquli]. Not listed, but possibly 4th. Earlier eds. referred to; 3rd. ed. as Tehran, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1338/1959 ed., 5, 262. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharaat-i Farahani, [1384/1964].The author (1880-1918) presents a criticism of Bahá'ísm in the guise of a discussion between fellow travellers. BWC index Microfilm 137-55

616. Mahdi, Mahmud. 'Tawsiat wa qararat al-mu'tamar [al-'alami al-rabi' li 'l-sira wa 'l-sunna al-nabawiyya]... tahdir min akhtar al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya wa 'l-Ahmadiyya....' [Recommendations and decisions of the (fourth international) conference (on the life and tradition of the Prophet)... Warning of the dangers of Bahá'í, Qadiyani, and Ahmadiyya movements].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (12 November 1985): 13.

617. Mahmud, Muhandas. Ma'a za'im al-Bahá'íyya: istidrajuhu wa kashf khitatihi wa fadh amrihi [With the leader of the Bahá'ís: his persuasiveness, the unveiling of his plan, and the exposure of his cause] Cairo: al-Matba'a al-Tajariyya al-Haditha, 1987, 199 pp..

618. Mahmud, Mustafa. 'Haqiqat al-Bahá'íyya (2): Qur'an al-Babiyya wa shari'atuha' [The truth about Bahá'ísm (2)_: the Qu'ran of Babism, and its shari'a].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (4 June 1985): 7, 88.

619. Mahmud, Mustafa. 'Haqiqat al-Bahá'íyya (4): al-Bahá'í wa 'l-Qadiyani' [The truth about Bahá'ísm (4): Bahá'í and Qadiyani].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (18 June 1985): 7, 12.

620. Mahmud, Mustafa. 'Haqiqat al-Bahá'íyya (5): khatm al-nubuwwa' [The truth about Bahá'ísm (5): the seal of prophethood].' al-Ahram (Cairo) (25 June 1985):

621. Mahmud, Mustafa. 'The Truth about the Bahá'í Faith (1): The Bab.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (28 May 1985):

622. Mahmud, Mustafa. 'The Truth about the Bahá'í Faith (3): Baha' Allah and his claim.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (11 June 1985):

623. Mahmud, Mustafa. Haqiqat al-Bahá'íyya (The truth about Bahá'ísm). [Cairo?]: [in or after 1985].

624. Mansur, 'Ali 'Ali. al-Bahá'íyya fi nazar al-shari'a wa' l-qanun ['Bahá'ísm according to religious and civil law'], Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islami li' l-taba'a wa' l-nashr, 1952, 54 pp.. Reissued as al-Bahá'íyya bayna 'l-shari'a wa 'l-qanun, Beirut, al-Maktab al-Islami, 1391/1971-72, 45 pp. Provides details of a celebrated Egyptian case (1947) which led to the removal of the term 'religious' from the section of the Egyptian constitution guaranteeing freedom of thought. The author was president of the administrative court which considered the appeal. Reprinted as a chapter in the author's Maqarinat bayna' l-shari'a al-Islamiyya wa' l-qawanin al-wad'ia (Beirut, Dar al-Fath, 1970)

625. Mansur, Faruq. 'Alladhi la ta'rafahu 'an al-Bahá'íyya' [What you do not know about Bahá'ísm].' Akhir Sa'a [Cairo] (29 March 1972): 3-6. BWC index Pam 139-946

626. Mansuri, Dhabih Allah. 'Dilavaran-i gumnam-i Iran' [Forgotten heroes of Iran].' Khwandaniha [Tehran] 31 (80 1971): 41-42.Touches on the Dolgorukov controversy. BWC Pam 141-933

627. Maqalat wa abhath 'an al-Bahá'íyya. 269 [135 leaves]. [Egypt]: Matba'at al-Safadi, [1987].

628. Maragha'i, Salih ['Akkas-i Iqtisad?]. Untitled [?]. 180. n.p. [Tehran?]: n.d. An apologia by a former Bahá'í who abandoned the movement after reading Avara's Kashf al-hiyal.

629. Martin, Walter R. The Bahá'í Faith. 18. Wayne, N.J.: Christian Research Institute, n.d. [197-]. Collins 7. 1514

630. Martin, Walter. 'The Bahá'í Cult.' In The Rise of the Cults, ed. Walter Martin. 117-124. rev. ed. (1st. ed., 1955) ed., Vol. Santa Ana, Cal.: Vision House, 1980.

631. Mas'udi, Adib. Nashriyya 19. 15. Tehran: 1354/1975-76.

632. McCormick, Jim. The History and Doctrines of the Bahá'í Faith. 20. Belfast, N.I.: Great Joy Publications, n.d. [1985]. Collins 7.1475 Largely based on William McE. Miller's What Is the Bahá'í Faith?

633. Miller, Willam McElwee. 'The Bahai Cause Today.' The Moslem World 30 (4 Oct. 1940): 379-404. Collins 11.693 [double entry, see above]

634. Miller, William McElwee and Ed. Wiliam N. Wysham. What is the Bahá'í Faith? 151. Grand Rapids, Mich: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977. A shortened version of the author's second study of the subject (The Bahá'í Faith, item x) produced by Wysham.

635. Miller, William McElwee. 'The Bahá'í Cause Today.' Moslem World Vol. 30 (1940): pp.379-404. Reprinted separately, New York, The Moslem World, 1940, 26 pp. A general survey of Bahá'í history and teachings. Includes a review of Standwood Cobb's Security for a Failing World (Section x, item xx).

636. Miller, William McElwee. 'The Bahá'í Cult.' Christianity Today 10 (Feb. 18, 1966): 24-25. Collins 11.694

637. Miller, William McElwee. 'What is the Bahá'í World Faith?.' Incite 2 (1 Dec. 1975): 22-8.

638. Miller, William McElwee. Bahá'ísm, Its Origin, History and Teachings. 214. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1931. The first of two antipathetic studies by Miller (see also item x), published twelve years after his arival in Iran as a Presbyterian missionary.7.1567

639. Miller, William McElwee. The Bahá'í Faith: Its History and Teachings. xix, 443. South Pasadena, Ca.: William Carey Library, 1974. A very much up-dated version of the author's earlier critical study [item x]. Although the biases are obvious, this work does provide a useful (if far from academic) counterbalance to orthodox presentations of Babi-Bahá'í history, which Miller (echoing Browne) claims is bowdlerized. Contains full reprint of Elder/Miller translation of Aqdas [Section x, item xx], with minor alterations. For a critical discussion by a Bahá'í, see item xx. (Douglas Martin, 'The Missionary as Historian', Bahá'í Studies, v.4 (Dec. I978), pp. I-29; World Order, V.IO no.3 (Spring I976), pp. 43-63)

640. Miller, William McElwee. What is the Bahá'í World Faith? 23. Santa Ana, Ca.: Christian Apologetics, Research and Information Service, 1977. A short (23 pp.) booklet summarizing the author's main criticisms of Bahá'ísm from a Christian viewpoint. 7.1568a (cites Bjorling as source)

641. Moore, George Foot. "Review of Wilson, Bahaism and Its Claims (item x).' Harvard Theological Review (Cambridge, Mass.) 10 (July 1917): 296-302.

642. Moore, James. 'A New Look at Bahá'í.' His Magazine Vol.31 (Feb. 1971): pp.16-18.

643. Moore, James. 'Bahá'í, Religion of the Remote God.' The Christian Reader (Sept./Oct. 1981): Collins 11.709 (notes: 'No paging')

644. Moslem Students' Association in the US & Canada, Persian Speaking Group. What You Should Know About Bahaism. 6 leaves. n.p.: Moslem Students' Association in the US & Canada, 1982. Collins 7.1589

645. Muhyi 'l-Din, Husayn Naji Muhammad. al-Bahá'íyya [Bahá'ísm]. Cairo (?): [Referred to in a review article about another work of the author's.]

646. Muhyi 'l-Din, Husayn Naji Muhammad. Tis'ata 'ashara malakan: ard li 'l-tawa'if al-kharija 'ala 'l-Islam qadiman wa hadithan wa li 'l-Bahá'íyya allati taqaddasa 'l-raqm 19 (Nineteen angels: an arena for sects that have abaondoned Islam in the past, and recently for the Bahá'ís, who have sanctified the number 19), [Cairo], Dar Wahdan li 'l-Taba'a wa 'l-Nashr, 1981, 151 pp; 2nd. ed., Kuwait: [1985], 176, [5].

647. Mujahid, 'Abd Allah. '21 Marsh bid'a takhfi wara'aha mu'amara kubra 'ala 'l-Islam' [The 21st of March is a heretical innovation behind which lies concealed a major plot against Islam].' al-Balagh (Kuwait) (256 1 April 1984): 10-11.The 21st of March is, of course, both the Iranian and the Bahá'í New Year. BWC Pam 141-953

648. Munaqasha hadiqa li 'l-fikr al-Bahá'í [A skilful refutation of Bahá'í thought]. 110. n.p.: n.d. [1985?].

649. Munro, W. Fraser. Bahá'í-ism, a Mixture of Religions. 8. Toronto, Ont.: Board of Evangelism and Social Service, United Church of Canada, n.d. [197-?]. Collins 7.1599

650. Muntasir, 'Abd Allah Mujahid. '21 March is the Festival of Bahá'í Freemasonry: Mother's Day is in Reality a Day of Wrath in the Eyes of God.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (14 March 1986):

651. Muntasir, 'Abd Allah Mujahid. 'The Aqsa Cries Out and the Muslims Celebrate the Bahá'í Feast: Is the Bahá'í Day to turn into a Day of Mourning for the Aqsa?.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (21 March 1986):

652. Muntasir, Salah. 'Just An Opinion: Objectionable in Form....' al-Ahram (Cairo) (11 January 1986):

653. Muntasir, Salah. 'Just an Opinion: ...And Contextually Repugnant.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (12 January 1986):

654. Muntasir, Salah. 'Just an Opinion: Rectification of an Interpretation.' al-Ahram (Cairo) (13 January 1986):

655. Murad, 'Abbas Kazim. al-Babiyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya wa masadir dirasatihima ('Materials for the Study of Babism and Bahá'ísm'). 185. Baghdad: Matba'a al-Irshad, 1402/1982.Contains a valuable (if unreliable) bibliographical guide to materials in several languages, mainly useful for the Arabic information. Otherwise standard accusations of imperialist/Zionist plotting against Islam.

656. Murtadavi, Muhammad Mahdi. Imshi bi-hasharat-i Bahá'í [Insecticide for the Bahá'í insects]. 168. Qum: 'Allama, 1340/197? A title not unworthy of the Third Reich.

657. Musawi, 'A [not on title page]. Nuqta-yi Ula! Jamal-i Abha! Markaz-i Mithaq! Tehran: Intisharat-i Jihan, 1348/1969. A fairly standard refutation, concentrating on history. Three of the final chapters are devoted respectively to God, prophethood, and resurrection according to the Bab and Baha' Allah.

658. Mutawalli, Fadi. 'Habs a'da' al-tanzim al-Bahá'í: yahramuna 'l-jihad wa 'l-din. Wa qiblatuhum 'Akka. Majma' al-Buh]uth al-Islami: Murtaddun 'an al-Islam' (Imprisonment of members of the Bahá'í organization: they proscribe holy war and religion... And their qibla is Acre: Islamic Research Academy: apostates from Islam.' al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo) (1 March 1985): Based on statements made by a prominent Egyptian Bahá'í, Husayn Bikar, during interrogation by the State Security Prosecution Office. Also includes a statement for the Prosecution Office prepared by Dr. Muhammad al-Husayni Hashim, Secretary of the Islamic Studies Academy.

659. Najafi Gilani, Yusuf. Layiha-yi milliyya-yi Islamiyya, raji' bi-muzakhrafat-i Babiyya wa Bahá'íyya. 76. Rasht, Iran: Matba'a-yi Sa'adat, 1329/1911.

660. Najafi, Sayyid Muhammad Baqir. Bahá'ían. 778. Tehran: Kitabkhana-yi Tuhuri, 1399/1357 Sh/1979. A lengthy work published just after the Islamic revolution in Iran, although prepared over a fifteen-year period prior to that. The usual charges are levelled at the Bahá'ís, particularly that of collusion with foreign powers. The text is, however, outstanding for its detail and the abundance of references. Circumstances made it impossible to provide a bibliography and index.

661. Naji, Husayn. 'Christian Proselytization: the Danger and the Confrontation: Bahá'ísm is the Most Effective Weapon to Strike Islam and Weaken it in the Hearts of the Muslims.' al-Qabas (Kuwait) (21 February 1986):

662. Naqavi, Ali Raza. 'Babism and Bahá'ísm: A Study of Their History and Doctrines.' Islamic Studies 14 (3 Autumn, 1975): 185-217. Collins 11.731 Purporting to be a scholarly article by a Reader in the Islamic Research Institute at Islamabad, this is a very poorly researched piece containing numerous absurd errors and owing more to traditional Islamic polemic than modern academic conventions. See letter by MacEoin in subsequent issue [item x]. Reply by Denis MacEoin, v.15 no.2 (Summer, 1976), pp.143-50

663. Naqi, 'Ali. Madhhab-i Bab wa Baha' ['The religion of the Bab and Baha']. Vol. 2 vols. Lucknow: 1353/1934-35. Listed Murad, p. 144. Urdu.

664. Nashi, 'Abd al-'Aziz. al-Bahá'íyun man akhtara' l-ma'awil li-hadm al-Islam ['The Bahá'ís, among the most dangerous pick-axes for the destruction of Islam']. 24. Cairo: al-Salafiyya Press, 1352/1933. A lecture originally delivered at the Association for Islamic Guidance in Cairo. Ill-informed and poorly structured.

665. Nasir, Amana Muhammad. Adwa' wa haqa'iq 'ala 'l-Babiyya, al-Bahá'íyya, al-Qadiyaniyya [Illuminations and truths concerning Babsm, Bahá'ísm, and Qadiyanism], Beirut/Cairo: Dar al-Shuruq, 1984, 109 pp.. BWC 141-1535

666. Nasir, Rakad 'Ali. 'The Roots of Babism and Bahá'ísm.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 February 1986):

667. Niaz, A. Q. The Babee and Bahaee Religion. 2nd. ed., Qadian, Punjab, India: Mirza Wasim Ahmad, 1975; 77 pp ed., 87. Rabwah, Pakistan: Ahmadiyya Muslim Foreign Missions Office, 1960. Collins 7.2022 An Ahmadi polemic

668. Nida, Samir. 'Misr wa 'l-thawra 'ala 'l-Baha' al-Dajjal' [Egypt and the revolt against the Antichrist Baha'].' Alif Ba' (Baghdad) (21 March 1979): 18.Argues that the Bahá'ís were, not only the main supporters of the Shah of Iran, but also major influences on the entourage, ideas, and behaviour of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.

669. Nigahi  bi-kashkul-i Darvi sh Muhammad (A peep into Darvi sh Muhammad's begging-bowl). Isfahan, Iran: 1352 Sh/1973. A short (15 pp.) booklet which examines a few verses from Baha' Allah's writings and makes fun of their content. 'Darvish Muhammad' is the name adopted by Baha' Allah during his Sufi period in Kurdistan.

670. Niku, Hajj Mirza Hasan. Falsafa-yi Niku. Vol.1 first published Tehran, Chapkhana-yi Khavar, 1306 Sh/1927; Vol.2 first published as above, 1307 Sh/1928; Vol.3 first published Tehran, Chapkhana-yi Farhumand, 1310 Sh/1931; Vol.4 first published Tehran, Chapkhana-yi Taban, 1325 Sh/1946; numerous printings. Vol.1 translated into English but not, to my knowledge, published. ed., Vol. 4 vols. in 1. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Farahani, n.d. [1343 Sh/1964]. A singularly jumbled, tedious, and nasty diatribe by a former convert eager to prove that he had never really been a Bahá'í. Contains numerous badly-reproduced photographs, including some of Baha' Allah. Makes serious allegations against the Bahá'í leadership. Needs to be used with extreme caution.

671. Nimr, 'Abd al-Mun'im al-. 'Dirasa diniyya khassa li-Akhir Sa'a: Hikayat al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa madha wara'aha?' [A religious lesson specially written for Akhir Sa'a: the story of Babism and Bahá'ísm -- what lies behind them?].' Akhir Sa'a (Cairo) (2633 10 April 1985): 20-22.

672. North, A. A Christian Looks at the Bahá'í World Faith. [12]. New South Wales: Standing Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of N.S.W., n.d. [1963?]. Collins 7.2034

673. Nuri, Ayat Allah Allama Yahya [on English title: Ayatollah Allama Yahya Noori]. Khatimiyyat-i payambar-i Islam wa ibtal-i tahlili-yi Babigari, Bahá'ígari, Qadiyanigari [English title page reads: Finality of Prophethood and a Critical Analysis of Babism, Bahaism, Qadiyanism]. Reissued Tehran, Majma'-i Mutali'at wa Tahqiqat-i Islami wa Majma'-i Ma'arif-i Islami, 1360 [1981-82], xiii, 65, 106 pp. ed., 60, 44, 110. No.8 of Islam-shinasi series, Tehran: Majma'-i Mutali'at wa Tahqiqat-i Islami wa Majma'-i Ma'arif-i Islami, 1360 Sh/1402/1981. One of the first Shi'ite anti-Babi/Bahá'í polemics to be published in Iran after the revolution. A short section on the Ahmadi (Qadiyani) sect of Islam is tagged on at the end. Both tone and content are typical of the genre and show little knowledge or understanding of the subject or of 'critical analysis'. The photographs are of poor quality, most of them being devoted to the charitable exploits and massive ego of the author.

674. Oneness of the World of Humanity, The. 21. Tehran: P.O. Box, 1606, n.d. [197-]-a. Collins 7.2072

675. Origin of Bahá'ísm, The. Reprinted, n.d. [197-?], Shiraz, Iran, P.O. Box 468, 34 pp. ed., 40. Tehran: P.O. Box 1606, n.d. [197-]-b. Collins 7.2079-80

676. Panton, D.M. Bahaism, the Universal Religion. 8. Satanic Counterfeits of the Second Advent, No. 7, London: Chas. J. Thynne & Jarvis Ltd., n.d. [192-?]. Collins 7.2099

677. Pashutan. Kuja mi ravi m? (Where are we going?), Vienna, Austria, Pashutan, 1983, 37 pp. A discussion of Bahá'ísm and Iranian politics.

678. Petersen, William J. 'Bahai.' In Those Curious New Cults in the 80s, ed. William J. Petersen. 190-201. 2nd. ed. (1st. ed., 1973) ed., Vol. New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1982.

679. Pickering, Ernest. 'The Ecumenical Cult -- Bahaism.' The Discerner 4 (7 July/Sept. 1963): 5-8. Collins 11.806 (Published separately -- see item XXX)

680. Pickering, Ernest. The Ecumenical Cult -- Bahaism. reissued n.d. [1985?] ed., [10]. Minneapolis, Minn.: Religion Analysis Service, n.d. [between 1957 and 1963?]. Collins 7.2121 Note article by same author under same title, but shorter

681. Qabadaya, Salah. 'A Letter.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (18 January 1986):

682. Qabadaya, Salah. 'A Letter.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (25 January 1986):

683. Qabadaya, Salah. 'The Bahá'ís Are Coming!.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (3 December 1985): 9. Warns of a coming rise in the numbers and influence of the Bahá'ís and examines ways of countering their propaganda.

684. Qadiani, Sadr al-Din (Mawlawi Fadil) Ahmadi. Shamshir-i burran dar radd-i Bahá'íyyat. 75. Tehran: Chapkhana-yi Firdawsi, 1326 Sh./1948.This is possibly the only critique of Bahá'ísm from an Ahmadi Muslim point of view published in Iran. This is possibly the only critique of Bahá'ísm from an Ahmadi Muslim point of view published in Iran.

685. Qindil, Sharif. 'Ru'asa' al-mahafil yad'una: al-Bahá'íyya tariq al-shuhra wa 'l-mal. 'ulama' al-Muslimin: al-Muslim al-Bahá'í murtadd wa 'alayhi an yatuba aw yuqtil.' [Leaders of the assemblies claim: Bahá'ísm is the way to fame and fortune: Muslim clergy say: the Bahá'í Muslim is an apostate who should repent or be killed.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (6 16 March 1985): 6-7. General article with inserts about Babism, the number 19, etc.

686. Qubayn, Salim. 'Abd al-Baha' wa' l-Bahá'íyya. Cairo: Matba'a al-'Umran, 1922, 192 pp..

687. Ra'in, Isma'il. Inshi'ab dar Bahá'íyyat pas az marg-i Shawqi Rabbani [The Schism within Bahá'ísm after the Death of Shoghi Effendi. Tehran: Mu'assasa-yi Tahqiqi-yi Ra'in, n.d. [about 1357 Sh/1979 -- see p.373]. A somewhat rambling work containing numerous egregious errors, both of fact and interpretation. The early chapters reiterate the standard accusations of political involvement with the imperial powers. The body of the book is concerned with internal problems following the death of Shoghi Effendi in 1957, but there is surprisingly little hard information. Nevertheless, a few nuggets can be found, including reproductions of little-known documents.

688. Rahmani, Masih Allah. Rah-i rast. vol. 2, 95 pp. [Mashhad ?] Khurasan, Iran: Privately published, 1352 Sh./1974.By a former Bahá'í who had been chairman of the Bahá'í assembly of Bushru'iyya and reconverted to Islam. Includes recollections of 'Abd al-Baha' and Shoghi Effendi. By a former Bahá'í who had been chairman of the Bahá'í assembly of Bushru'iyya and reconverted to Islam. Includes recollections of 'Abd al-Baha' and Shoghi Effendi. [double listing]

689. Rahmani, Masih Allah. Rah-i rast: chira az Bahá'íyyat bargashtam [The right path: why I recanted from Bahá'ísm]. 73, [3]. Mashhad: Chapkhana-yi Khurasan, 1349/1970. The author is described as 'a former chairman of the Bahá'í assembly of Zirk-i Bushru'iyya

690. Rashid, Hamid and Khalid Qadir. "al-Babiyya wa' l-Bahá'íyya fi Iran wa' l-'Iraq.' Jarida al-sha'b, Listed Murad, p. 96

691. Rashti, Shaykh Yusuf. Al-radd 'ala al-Babiyya [listed in al-Dhariyya -- not true title -- no further details] (Persian).

692. Rawat, H.M. 'Bahaism a Conspiracy Against Islam and Muslims.' The Muslim Digest (Aug./Sept. 1977): 117-23. Collins 11.836

693. Rawhani, Sayyid Diya' al-Din. Muzduran-i isti'mar dar libas-i madhhab [Hirelings of Imperialism in the guise of a religion]. 4th printing ed., 1966. Tehran [and Qum?]: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Farahani for the Majma'-i 'Ilmi-yi Nijat-i Nasl-i Javan, 1348/1970.Repeats standard accusations that the Babis and Bahá'ís collaborated with Russia and Britain. The text is preceded (pp. 9-26 by the text of Niruha-yi azadibakhsh dar mashriq zamin [item xx])

694. "Review of: Yad-dashtha-yi ki nyaz Dalghuruki, ya asrar-i paydayish-i madhhab-i Bab va Baha dar Iran [item x].' Shahfaraz-i Aryan (Stuttgart, Germany) (32 1990b): 2.

695. Richards, J. R. 'Bahá'ísm in Persia Today.' The Moslem World 21 (3 Oct. 1931): 344-51. Collins 11.861

696. Richards, J.R. Bahá'ísm. London: Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1965. A short ( pp.) pamphlet presenting a conservative Christian view of the topic, rather more harshly than in the author's full-length work [item x].

697. Richards, J.R. The Religion of the Bahá'ís. London/New York: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1932. The only full-length study by Richards, then an Anglican missionary in Shiraz (he later became Bishop of St. David's). More intelligent than other Christian polemics (e.g. Wilson, Miller), it reiterates the usual charges of the bowdlerization of Babi-Bahá'í history. The chapters on Bahá'í doctrine are better than average, although the themes relate more to Christian than Bahá'í or Islamic theology. Has a short but interesting bibliography.

698. Richards, John R. 'Bahaism in Persia Today.' Moslem World Vol.31 (1931): pp.344-51.

699. Richardson, Robert P. 'The Persian Rival to Jesus and His American Disciples.' The Open Court 29 (Aug. 1915): 460-83. Collins 11.862 See another piece with this title: Anon., The Moslem World 1916

700. Richardson, Robert P. 'The Precursor, the Prophet, and the Pope: Contributions to the History of the Bahai Movement.' The Open Court 30 (10; 11 Oct. 1916/Nov. 1916): 617-37; 657-85. Collins 11.863

701. Richardson, Robert P. 'The Rise and Fall of the Parliament of Religion at Greenacre.' Open Court Vol.45 (March 1931): pp.129-66. An intelligent and readable account of the process whereby the Parliament of Religion summer schools, held by Sarah Farmer at Greenacre in the years following the 1892 Columbian Exposition, were gradually transformed into Bahá'í events and the Greenacre property finally made over to the Bahá'í cause.

702. Romarheim, Arild. 'Jesus & Bahá'í.' Voice (1975): Collins 11.873

703. Ross, Prof. E.D. "?????????" North American Review (April 1901): [here? Move?]

704. Rozencranz, Gerhard. Die Bahá'í: Ein Kapitel Neuzeitlicher Religionsgeschichte [The Bahá'ís: A Chapter of Modern Religious History]. Stuttgart: 1947. Rozencranz was professor of theology at Heidelberg and Tubingen. His study is heavily dependent on the earlier work of Roemer [section, item xx].

705. Rushdi, 'Ali. al-Hukm 'ala 'l-Bahá'íyya [The judgement against Bahá'ísm]. 32. Cairo: Dawud Hamdan al-Luddi/al-Matba'a al-Salafiyya, 1351 [1932-33].Concerns litigation between the author and a certain 'Abd Allah al-Qayshawi. Concerns litigation between the author and a certain 'Abd Allah al-Qayshawi. BWC Pam 143-45

706. Sabra, Muhammad, and Muhammad Al-Shandwili. 'The 'Ulama' Affirm...The Pretender to Prophethood is an Infidel & is Liable to the Penalty For Apostasy.' al-Liwa' al-Islami (Cairo) (17 April 1986)

707. Sadiq, Mahmud. 'Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali in a comprehensive interview with al-Sharq al-awsat (3): Islam is an integral whole and application of shari'a law must be comprehensive,".' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (15 March 1986):

708. Sadiq, Muhammad. 'Shaykh al-Ghazali to al-Sharq al-Awsat: Beware the Dangers of the Poisons of the Bahá'ís: The Islamic World Should Take a Firm Stance Against Them.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (6 February 1986):

709. Salihi, 'Adil. 'An Issue & an Opinion: Why Are the Bahá'ís Standing Trial?.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (19 March 1986):

710. Salihi-Adhari, Muhammad. Khuda-yi qarn-i atum [The God of the atomic century]. 24. Iran: 1348 Sh [1969-70]. BWC Pam 138-1879

711. Salihi-Adhari, Muhammad. Shigifti dar chist? [What are you surprised at?]. 72. Mashhad, Iran: Chapkhana-yi Khurasan, 1349 Sh/1970. The first part of this strange booklet examines various scientific and philosophical claims for longevity, then argues for the continued existence of the twelfth Imam; the second half begins by showing that the Bab shared this belief and goes on to argue the inconsistency of this with Bahá'í views about the twelfth Imam, before examining other points at random.

712. Salihi-Adhari, Muhammad. Sukhani kutah dar bara-yi akharin pishva [A short word concerning the last leader]. Mashhad, Iran: Chapkhana-yi Khurasan, 1348 Sh/1389/1969. A short (40 small pp.) booklet discussing the question of the identity of the Mahdi and criticizing Baha' Allah's claim to be the Baqiyyat Allah (Remnant of God), a title of the twelfth Imam. Uses extensive quotations from Islamic traditions and the Qur'an, as well as the writings of the Bab. Shows a lack of historical and textual sophistication.

713. Samarra'i , Qasim. al-Usul al-ta'ri khiyya li-nihlat al-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya: dirasa fi  usulihima al-'aqi diyya (The historical foundations of the Babi and Bahá'í movements: a study of their basic beliefs). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dar Ami na li 'l-Nashr wa 'l-Tawzi ', 1986, 62 pp.

714. Sayf, 'Abd Allah. 'al-Bahá'íyya, kayf zaharat wa 'ntasharat fi 'l-'alam.' Akhbar al-Khalij (Cairo) (21 Jan. 1986):

715. Sayf, 'Abd Allah. 'al-Ta'ifa al-Bahá'íyya.' al-Mawaqif (Bahrain) (631, pp. 20-21; 632, pp. 18-19; 634, pp. 12-13; 635, pp. 12-13 6 Oct., 13 Oct., 27 Oct., 3 Nov. 1986):

716. Sayyid, 'Abd Allah Subhi and Mahmud 'Abd al-Hamid Jibril. 'The Trial of the Bahá'ís Continues.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (15 February 1986):

717. Sell, Canon Edward. Bahaism. The Islam Series, Madras, India: 1912a. More polemical than the author's previous study [item x].

718. Sell, Canon Edward. The Bab and the Babis. First published in the Christian College Magazine ed., Madras, India: 1895. A fairly straightforward account, based on the works of Browne by a noted Christian writer on Islam. [Possibly transfer to surveys.] Also listed under Babi History.

719. Sell, Edward. Baháism. [4], 50, [2]. London, Madras, Colombo: Christian Literature Society for India, 1912b. Collins 7.2383

720. Shafa, Aman Allah. Nama'i az San Palu [A letter from St. Paul]. [20, 487]. Tehran: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1350 [1971]. BWC Microfilm 138-6*

721. Shafaat, Ahmad. 'A Look at Bahaism.' Al-Ittihad (Summer 1974): 14-17, 21-3. Collins 11.907

722. Shahin, 'Abd al-Hamid. al-Bahá'íyya kufr wa ilhad fa'hdharuha [Bahá'ísm is unbelief and apostasy, so be on your guard against it]. 120, [7]. Alexandria, Egypt: Matabi' 'Abidin, 1955.Consists mostly of the author's contibutions to the Libyan press, and reprints articles by al-Khidr Husayn (in Nur al-Islam 1:5) and Rashid Rida' [in al-Manar 13:10), Shaykh Abu Salama (in al-Barahin), and Muhammad al-Ghazali (in 'Aqidat al-Muslim). BWC BP 398.S5

723. Shahristani, Sayyid Himmat al-Din. 'Al-radd 'ala 'l-Babiyya' [not true title] (From al-Dhariyya).' Al-Minar (Cairo?) (1329/1911):

724. Shahrudi, Shaykh Ahmad. al-Haqq al-mubin. Iran: 1334/1916. Listed Murad from al-Dhari'a

725. Shahrudi, Shaykh Ahmad. Mir'at al-'arifin fi daf' shubahat al-mubtilin. 2nd. ed.?; 1st. ed. (?), Tehran, Muhammad Husayn Murawwij, 1341/1922-23 ed., 490. Tehran: al-Haqiqa Press, 1343/1924-25. A lengthy and somewhat florid refutation of Babism and Bahá'ísm by a minor Shi'ite mujtahid (d. 1350/1931). He seems to have written other works against religions regarded as anti-Islamic, but none of these appear to have been published. Listed Murad p. 141 with authorship as Jamal al-Din Abu Talib (Sultan al-Kuttab) Isfahani [actually the scribe]

726. Shakir, Hamid. 'Bikar and His Uncle Suspended From Work.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (29 March 1986):

727. Shalabi, Dr. 'Abd al-Wadud. 'Bahá'íyya jadida... fi thawb Masihi' [A new form of Bahá'í a Christian cloak].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (19 October 1985): The 'new Bahá'ísm' is, in fact, the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon. The article (unusually for a Muslim publication) refers to a line of religious claimants from Baha' Allah through Ghulam Ahmad, 'Hari Krishna', the 'Maharishi [Mahesh Yogi]', and Jim Jones. It also (less unusually) draws in Lions Clubs and Freemasonry.

728. Shams, Jalal al-Din. Tanqid-i sahih dar burhan-i sarih (A true criticism of the Burhan-i sahih). Reprint of 1924 edition. ed., 112. Rabwa, Pakistan: al-Shirka al-Islamiyya, n.d. [196-]. A critique of Hishmat Allah Qurayshi's Burhan-i sarih (section x, item xx [apologetics].

729. Sharaf, Dr. 'Abd al-'Aziz. 'Bahá'ísm...and the Distortion of Thought Patterns.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (8 March 1986):

730. Sharaf, Dr. 'Abd al-'Aziz. 'Lights on Bahá'ísm: Thought and Belief.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986):

731. Sharaf, Shaykh Musa Salih. 'al-Bahá'íyun kafara. Ma hiya 'l-Bahá'íyya? Wa ila mata tantasib? Wa ma hukm al-shar' fi man yatba'uha?' [The Bahá'ís are unbelievers: What is Bahá'ísm? What is its affiliation? What sentence does the shari'a prescribe for its followers?].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) 1 (8 30 March 1985): 14.

732. Sharbasi, Ahmad al-. 'al-Bahá'íyya, mu'amara khatira didda 'l-Islam' [Bahá'ísm is a dangerous plot against Islam].' al-Hilal (Cairo) (May 1977): 20-31. BWC Pam 139-938

733. Shedd, J.H. 'Babism: Its Doctrine and Relation to Mission Work.' The Missionary Review of the World 17 (Dec. 1894): 844-904. Collins 11.915

734. Shedd, Rev. J. H. 'Bahaism and Its Claims.' The Missionary Review of the World Vol.34 (October 1911): pp.727-34. Second of two articles on the subject by this American missionary.

735. Shedd, Rev. J. H. Bahá'ísm and its Claims. [I have an old note saying Shedd also wrote Bah'ism and Its Claims, London, n.d.] Possible reprint of his article? ed.,

736. Shedd, Rev. J.H. 'Babism: Its Doctrine and Relation to Mission Work.' The Missionary Review of the World Vol.17 (December 1894): pp.894-904. A general survey by yet another American Presbyterian missionary based in Iran.

737. Shedd, William A, . 'Bahaism, a warning.' Evangelical Christendom (Nov./Dec. 1911): 199. Collins 11.915a

738. Shedd, William A. 'Bahaism and Its Claims.' Missionary Review 34 (Oct. 1911): 727-34. Collins 11.916 (Reprinted in Evangelical Christendom, Nov./Dec. 1911, pp.210-14

739. Shirazi, Mirza Abu Talib ibn Muhammad Hashim al-Husayni. "Chapter 2.' In Asrar al-'aqa'id, Iran: 1323/1905-6. Listed Murad, 131, from al-Dhari'a, 2:52

740. Shirazi, Muhammad 'Ali Khadimi. Bi Bahá'í Bab wa Baha': Bahá'ían-i digar che miguyand? 196. Shiraz: Nur Press, 1327/1909. Title thus in Murad, p. 133

741. Shirazi, Nasir Makarim. Niruha-yi azadibakhsh dar mashriq zamin. Reprinted at beginning of Rawhani, Muzduran-i isti'mar [item x] ed., 16. Qum: 1345/1967.Deals with Babism and Bahá'ísm only in passing, but provides background for the concept of their supposed collaboration with imperialism

742. Shirazi, Sayyid Ja'far. Al-radd 'ala al-Babiyya [not true title; listed in al-Dhariyya, where it is 'said to have been printed'].

743. Shukri, Sa'id. Bahaism, An Offspring of Imperialism and Enemies of Islam. 122. Translated by N. Sha'bani. Tehran: Islamic Propagation Organization [Sazman-i Tablighat-i Islami], 1993. Depressingly ill-informed attack using standard arguments; of passing interest for its of US embassy documents (poorly reproduced).

744. Sih-chahari, Muhammad Hasan. "Chapter 2: Babiyyat wa Bahá'íyyat.' In Islam wa adyan-i batila, 61-90. Iran: Murad p.131

745. Siraj al-Di n, Ahmad Wali d. al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-nizam al-'alami  al-jadi d: wihdat al-adyan wa 'l-hukuma al-'alamiyya [Bahá'ísm and the new world order: the oneness of religion and international government], Damascus, Matba'a al-Da'udi, 1994, 2 vols.

746. Speer, Rev. Robert E. 'The Religion of the Bab.' In Missions and Modern History, pp.121-82. Vol.1. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1904. Includes quotations from American missionaries in Iran.

747. Starkes, M. Thomas. American Bahais and the Baptist Witness. [12]. Atlanta, Ga.: Home Mission Board, n.d. [196-]. Collins 7.2470

748. Stileman, Bishop Charles Henry. 'A Week with the Babis.' Church Missionary Intelligencer (July 1893): pp.512-16. An account of a visit to Najafabad, Iran, where the author met and talked with members of the Bahá'í community.

749. Subhi Muhtadi, Fadl Allah [also given as Muhtadi Subhi] and (Intro. by Sayyid Hadi Khusrawshahi). Khatirat-i Subhi dar bara-yi Babigari wa Bahá'ígari [Originally titled Kitab-i Subhi]. 5th. ed. 1st. ed., Tehran, Matba'a-yi Danish, 1312 Sh/1933; 2nd. ed., Tabriz, Chapkhana-yi 'Ilmiyya, 1343 Sh/1964; 3rd. ed., Tabriz, Chapkhana-yi 'Ilmiyya, 1344 Sh/1965; 4th. ed., Qum, Chapkhana-yi 'ikmat, 1351 Sh/1972 ed., Tehran: Markaz-i Intisharat-i Dar al-Tabligh-i Islami, 1354 Sh/1975. The first of two books (see also item x) by a former Bahá'í missionary and secretary of 'Abd al-Baha' who later left the movement and converted to Islam. Written in a light style, the book contains engaging and sometimes informative reminiscences of Bahá'í life in the 1910s and 1920s. The port-rait of 'Abd al-Baha' is affectionate, but that of other Bahá'ís less so. Of some interest for descriptions of Bahá'í life in Palestine after World War I.

750. Subhi, Muhtadi. Payam-i pidar (A father's message).

751. Sultani, Mujtaba. Bahá'ísm, a Sect at the Service of Colonialism. 52. Tehran: Islamic Propagation Organization, 1985. Collins 7.2505

752. Sultanzada, Rida. Sayri dar kitabha-yi Bahá'íyan: khudaparasti dar Bahá'íyyat [A journey through the books of the Bahá'ís: the worship of God in Bahá'ísm]. 2nd. ed., 169. Tehran: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, n.d. [197-].Devoted to the subject of Baha' Allah's claim to divinity. Uses a wide variety of Bahá'í sources. The inside title page reads 'Number One' before the sub-title, implying that this was originally intended as the first volume of a series.

753. Surush, Ahmad. Mud'ian-i mahdaviyyat az badr-i Islam ta 'asr-i hadir, tarikhcha-yi paydayish-i Bab wa Baha', tahlili az afkar-i madhhabi wa adabi-yi Sayyid Ahmad Kasravi Tabrizi. 2nd. ed., Tehran: Bungah-i Ma'bu'ati-yi Afshari, 1348 Sh/1969. A general account of claimants to the status of Mahdi, of which the larger part (pp.90-205) is given over to an account of the Bab, Subh-i Azal, and Baha' Allah, mainly the former. A final section deals with the life and ideas of the twentieth-century thinker Ahmad Kasravi. The Babi/Bahá'í section is full of egregious mistakes.

754. Suthers, A.E. 'A Bahá'í Pontiff in the Making': see item xxx (under biography).' :

755. Taharri  -yi haqi qat, rahash inast [This is the path to independent investigation of the truth]. 30. Tehran: Sipihr, 1352/1973-74.

756. Tayr, Mustafa Muhammad al-Hadi di . al-Qawl al-haqq fi 'l-Babiyya wa 'l-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Qadiyaniyya wa 'l-Mahdiyya. [The true statement concerning Babsm, Bahá'ísm, Qadiyanism, and Mahdism.] Cairo, al-Dar al-Misriyya al-Lubnaniyya, 1986, 151 pp.

757. Thiam, Nazirou-Alpha. Le Bahaisme ou l'art de creer une revelation, Paris, Pensee Universelle, 1991, 288 pp.

758. This is Behaaism. Reissued Tripoli, Libya: Islamic Call Society, n.d. [1980?]

759. Tihrani, Hajj Zayn al-'Abidin Nuri. Argham al-Shaytan fi raddi ahl al-Bayan wa 'l-Iqan. 404, [2]. Iran: Hajj Munir ibn Ahmad Tihrani, 1342/1924. Listed Murad p.130, from al-Dharia 1:524, 10:47 On the author, see

760. Tihrani, Jawad. Bahá'í che miguyad? ['What do the Bahá'ís have to say?'. 1st ed., Tehran, Mashhad: Haydari Press, Khurasan Press, 1334 Sh/1955.A response to arguments advanced by the Bahá'í writer Abu' l-Fadl Gulpaygani Murad p.132. Vol. 1, 2nd. ed, Mashhad, Khurasan Press

761. To Iranians, Ruholah [sic] Khomaini is not a Muslim, but just a Bahai. [4]. United Kingdom: 1986.

762. Tritt, Jessie A. Bahá'ísm in America. 6. Los Angeles: American Prophetic League, 1956. Collins 7.2607 (Check that this is an attack)

763. Under cover title What is Bahai'ism? Qum, Iran: Centre of Islamic Studies, n.d. [1980?] ed., 32. n.p.: n.d. [197-]-c. Collins 7.2548-50 (note other pamphlets with this title in Italian etc.)

764. Urumi, Mirza Yahya ibn Mirza Rahim. Al-radd 'ala 'l-Babiyya [not true title; short form of Asrar al-'aqa'id; listed in al-Dhariyya] -- printed with Tarjumat al-sayf al-batar, Najaf, 1344/1925-26; and printed with al-Masa'il al-Baghdadiyya, 1346/1927-28.

765. Urumi, Mirza Yahya ibn Mirza Rahim. Al-radd 'ala' l-Babiyya. 1st. ed., Najaf: 1344/1925-26.Condensation of Babi section in Shirazi, Asrar al-'aqa'id Published with the author's al-Sayf al-battar. Second ed. with author's al-Masa'il al-Baghdadiyya, 1346/1927-28 Listed Murad p. 137, from al-Dhari'a. Title probably not correct.

766. Vadud, Anvar. Sakhta-ha-yi Bahá'íyyat dar sahna-yi di n va siyasat (Lies of the Bahá'ís in the field of religion and politics), [Iran], 1948, 150 pp.

767. Vahid, Sina. 'Qurrat al-'Ayn, aghazgar-i bi-hijabi dar tarikh-i mu'asir-i Iran' [Qurrat al-'Ayn, an early exponent of unveiling in the modern history of Iran].' Surush (Tehran) 6 (263, 264, 265 19, 26 Aban, 3 Adhar 1363 [10, 17, 24 Nov. 1984];): 16-17; 16-17; 18-19. BWC Pam 141-2033 On Qurrat al-'Ayn, the Babi leader and poet, see XXXX The same author has an extended publication on the same subject (see XX)

768. Vahid, Sina. Qurrat al-'Ayn: dar amadi bar tarikh-i bi-hijabi dar I ran [Qurrat al-'Ayn: a prelude to the history of unveiled (women) in Iran]. 48. [Tehran?]: Mu'assisa-yi Tahqiqati wa Intisharati-yi Nur, 1363 Sh./1985.A highly critical and at times salacious account of the Babi heroine Qurrat al-'Ayn Tahira, who is regarded as the first Iranian woman to remove her veil in public.

769. Vahid, Sina. Qurrat al-'Ayn: dar amadi-yi bi-hijabi dar Iran [Qurrat al-'Ayn: the initiator of unveiling in Iran]. 46. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Tahqiqati va Intisharati-yi Nur, 1363 [1984-85]. BWC Pam 142-355

770. Vail, Albert. "Review of Miller, Bahá'ísm: Its Origin, History and Teachings (item xx), 'Bahá'ísm Defended', The New Humanist (Chicago), v.6 no.I, 40-42.' ( (Jan.-Feb. I933)):

771. Van Baalen, Jan Kavel. In The Chaos of Cults, pp.141-61. Grand Rapids, Miss.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1962.

772. Vatralsky, Stoyan Krstoff. 'Mohammedan Gnosticism in America: The Origin, History, Character and Esoteric Doctrines of the Truth-Knowers.' American Journal of Theology 6 (1 Jan. 1902): 57-78. Collins 11.1044 A virulent attack on what the author describes as 'a worse and more pernicious cult than Mormonism'. His aim is to demonstrate that Babism/Bahá'ísm is merely a Muslim sect now transplanted to America. Summarizes the history and teachings of the movement, not always accurately, and sometimes confuses Babi and Bahá'í belief. The author's lecture tour in 1899 raised some controversy in Wisconsin.

773. Vea, J. The Bahá'í Faith Answered by Christianity. 9. Niua Toputapu, Tonga: Free Wesleyan Church of Niua Toputapu, 1973. Collins 7.2651

774. Wa Islamah, ummah, hal tabra'i na ila' llah min 21 Mars? [O Islam, O mother, are you guiltless in the eyes of God with regard to the 21st of March?]. [Kuwait?]: 1985a. BWC Pam 142-257 The author is under the misapprehension that the 21st of March (the Iranian and Bahá'í New Year) is a sort of Bahá'í Mother's Day.

775. Walzer, William C. 'October 28, the Bahai Faith (World Service Sunday).' Adult Teacher 9 (10 Oct. 1956): 45-8. Collins 11.1061

776. Whalen, William J. 'The Bahá'ís. The Flavour is Islamic, the Clothing Western.' In Separated Brethren. A Survey of Protestant, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox and other Denominations in the United States, ed. William J. Whalen. 230-37. 3rd. rev. ed. (1st. ed., 1958) ed., Vol. Huntingdon, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1979.

777. Whalen, William J. 'The Bahá'ís.' In Minority Religions in America, ed. William J. Whalen. 15-26. rev. ed. (1st. ed., 1972) ed., Vol. New York: Alba House, 1981.

778. Whalen, William J. Bahá'í. Chicago, Clarentian Publications, 1966, 1973, 23 pp. Originally published in The US Catholic.

779. What is Bahá'ísm? 51. Rome: Islamic European Cultural Centre, 1985b. Collins 7.2700 [Is this the same as Collins item 7.2548? and others) On back of title page is Persian title Bahá'ígari chist?

780. What is Bahaism. 32. Qum, Iran: Centre of Islamic Studies, [1980?].

781. What is the Bahá'í Faith? 8. Auckland, N.Z.: False Prophets Project, n.d. [1976?]. Collins 7.2716

782. Wifqi, Hamid Abu 'Ali. 'Risalat al-usbu': al-ghaya tubarriru 'l-wasila mabda' al-Sahyuniyya' [Letter of the Week: the end justifies the means: the principle of Zionism].' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (5 October 1985): Passing reference to Bahá'ísm as one of numerous movements set up over centuries by Jews to further their plan of world dominion.

783. Wilson, Dr. Samuel Graham. 'Babism: A Failure' (in two parts).' Missionary Review of the World Vol.27 (Feb and March 1904): pp.91-97, 207-211. A strongly-worded and inaccurate piece by the leading American opponent of the movement at this period.

784. Wilson, Dr. Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and Its Relation to the State.' Church Missionary Review (1915a): pp.19-26. The same as chapter 6 of the author's full-length study [item x]. Provides a brief but largely sound account of Babi militancy, discusses relations between Bahá'ís and the State in Iran through to the Constitutional period, and outlines (rather sketchily but with some perception) aspirations for a Bahá'í state.

785. Wilson, Dr. Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and Religious Assassination.' Moslem World Vol.4 (1914a): pp.231-45. An early version of what appeared as chapter 10 in the author's full-length study [item x]. Accuses (in some cases correctly) Bahá'ís of carrying out assassinations of opponents, mainly Azali Babis, and claims connivance on the part of the movement's leadership.

786. Wilson, Dr. Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and the Woman Question.' Missionary Review of the World Vol.37 (1914b): pp.739-45, 915-19. An early version of chapter 7 of the author's full-length study [item x]. Examines the general attitudes toward women within the movement, records Baha' Allah's several wives, discusses marriage and divorce, and argues that Bahá'í women in the East are scarcely more emancipated than Muslim women.

787. Wilson, Dr. Samuel Graham. 'Claims of Bahaism.' East and West Vol.47 (July 1914a): pp.249-70.

788. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Babism, a Failure.' The Missionary Review of the World 27 (Feb. 1904/Mar. 1904): 91-97; 207-11. Collins 11.1095

789. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and Religious Aassassination.' The Moslem World 4 (3 July 1914b): 231-45. Collins 11.1097

790. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and Religious Deception.' Moslem World Vol.5 (1915c): pp.166-84. A version of chapter 8 of the author's full-length study [item x]. Alleges moral failings of the Bahá'í leaders in matters such as the bowdlerization of history, false claims to martyrs, the use of dissimulation, concealment of the true facts concerning Azal's succession, etc.

791. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and Religious Deception.' The Moslem World 5 (2 Apr. 1915): 166-84. Collins 11.1098

792. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism and the Woman Question.' The Missionary Review of the World 37 (Oct. 1914/Dec. 1914): 739-45; 915-19.

793. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism in Its Relation to the State.' Church Missionary Review (Jan. 1915a): 19-26. Collins 11.1100

794. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism, an Antichristian System.' Bibliotheca Sacra 72 (Jan. 1915b): 1-22. Collins 11.1096

795. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism: An Anti-Christian System.' Bibliotheca Sacra Vol.72 (Jan. 1915c): pp.1-22. The fourth chapter of the author's full-length work [item x]. Takes an evangelical Christian stance, finding 'false' Bahá'í doctrine on topics such as the uniqueness and return of Christ.

796. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism: Its Failure in Moral Conduct.' Moslem World Vol.5 (1915d): pp.268-82. A version of chapter 9 of the author's full-length work [item x], this being a continuation of chapter 8 and the article 'Bahaism and Religious Deception' [item xx]. Attacks the Bahá'ís for their hatred toward Shi'ite Muslims and alleges widespread use of alcohol and opium.

797. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Bahaism: Its Failure in Moral Conduct.' The Moslem World 5 (3 July 1915): 268-82. Collins 11.1101

798. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'Is Bahaism Anti-Christian?.' The Bible Magazine (Aug. 1915): 681-98. Collins 11.1104

799. Wilson, Samuel Graham. 'The Claims of Bahaism.' The East and the West 12 (July 1914c): 249-70. Collins 11.1103

800. Wilson, Samuel Graham. Bahaism and Its Claims. 1st. ed. Reprinted, New York, AMS Press, 1970 ed., 298. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1915b. The only full-length study by a highly-critical American Presbyterian missionary resident in Tabriz. This is an extremely hostile presentation, in which the author accuses the Bahá'ís of gross moral failings. Interesting chapters on 'Bahaism and the State', 'Bahaism and Woman', 'Religious Assassination', and 'Bahaism in America'. Despite its many exaggerations and inaccuracies, the book raises several important topics for the first time.

801. Yacoob, M.H. 'Facts About the Bahaaee [sic] Religion.' Ahmadiyya or True Islam (Apr.-June 1396 AH [1976]): 3. Collins 11.1118

802. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (4): kayfa khattata atba' al-Bab khilafan zahiran baynahum li-khida' al-Muslimin. Imra'a tatawalli kibr i'lan maza'imihim bi-ilgha' shari'at al-Islam' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: how the followers of the Bab devised an apparent disagreement among themselves to take in Muslims. A woman presumed to take on herself responsibility for announcing their claims to abolish the Islamic law code.].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (8 June 1985): 14.

803. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (5). Kayfa tamma tanfidh hukm Allah fi 'l-<> mud'i al-uluhiyya: al-qunsul al-Rusi yarshu 'l-junud li-inqadh al-<> wa tahribihi' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: how was the decree of God executed on the Bab, who claimed Godhood? The Russian consul bribes the armed forces to save the Bab and smuggle him out.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (11 June 1985): 14. Argues that the Bab's execution was a Russian plot that went wrong.

804. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (6). li-madha u'dima 'l-Bab al-Shirazi' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: Why was the Shirazi Bab executed?.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (13 July 1985):

805. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (7). al-Bab yudaghdighu 'awatif al-muthaqafin wa 'l-'amma, fa-ya'bathu bi 'l-'ibadat al-Islamiyya' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: the Bab titillates the sensibilities of the cultured and the masses, and trifles with the Islamic observances.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (20 July 1985): 10. A survey of religious ordinances in the Bayan.

806. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (8). Ta'alim al-Babiyya madhaka fi tarbiyyat al-atfal... wa abahiyya fi wad' al-mar'a' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: the teachings of Babism are ludicrous with respect to the rearing of children... and licentious concerning the status of women.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (27 July 1985): 10. Discussion of Babi law.

807. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala (9). <> al-mar'a allati kanat taharraka 'l-<> min wara' al-sitar: raghba jami'a fi 'l-infilat tastaghiluha ayd ta'mal 'ala darb al-Islam' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: Qurrat al-'Ayn, the woman who controlled the Bab's movements behind the scenes: an overmastering proclivity towards licentiousness is exploited by those working to shatter Islam.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (3 August 1985): 12.

808. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala : Rusiya al-qaysariyya wa Biritaniya al-isti'mariyya yahtadinan al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-Babiyya' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: Czarist Russia and colonialist Britain embrace Bahá'ísm and Babism].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (1 June 1985): 14.

809. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala' [Prophets with no mission and messengers with no message].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (27 May 1985): 12. First in a series, mainly concerned with Babism, Bahá'ísm, and the Ahmadiyya.

810. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. '<> bi-la nubuwwa... wa <> bi-la risala. al-Babiyya: mubtadi'uha wa judhuruha wa idtirabuha: al-'aqa'id al-munharifa taltaqi 'inda 'l-iman bi 'l-tanasukh wa 'l-hulul' [Prophets with no mission... and messengers with no message: Babism: its creator, its roots, its turbulence: the deviant creeds are at one in their belief in incarnation and reincarcation.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (4 June 1985): 12. Classical polemic centring on the Bab's supposed mental weakness and esoteric influences on his thought.

811. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-halqa al-mafquda (1): al-Baha' yamkuru bi-akhihi li-yanfarida dawnahu bi-zi'aat al-Babiyin' [Bahá'ísm and the missing link (1): Baha' cheats his brother so as to gain exclusive control of the leadership.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (27 December 1985): 10.

812. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. 'al-Bahá'íyya wa 'l-halqa al-mafquda (2): ayna makr qadat al-Bahá'íyya ba'duhum bi-ba'd min akhlaq al-anbiya' wa 'l-mursalin?' [Bahá'ísm and the missing link (2): how can the treachery of the Bahá'í leaders towards one another bear comparison with the disposition of the prophets and messengers?.' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (3 January 1986):

813. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. 'Hiwar ma'a 'l-Bahá'íyin (2): kayfa yastashhad al-Bahá'íyun bi-'ibarat mabtura min kalam 'ulama' al-Muslimin' [A discourse with the Bahá'ís (2): how the Bahá'ís support their claims with incomplete quotations from the sayings of Muslim scholars.].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (15 November 1985): 10. Extensive critique of Bahá'í apologetic technique. The author is under the impression that the author of the book, al-Ra'id wa 'l-dalil (section x, item xx), from which he takes his quotations, was Baha' Allah.

814. Yamani, Dr. Muhammad 'Abduh. 'Hiwar ma'a 'l-Bahá'íyin (4)' [A discourse with the Bahá'ís (4)].' al-Sharq al-awsat (London) (20 December 1985): 10.

815. Yamani, Muhammad 'Abduh. 'al-Bahá'íyun: yatsallalun ila 'l-mantiqa wa yushakkilun taburan khaisan li 'l-Sahyuniyya' [The Bahá'ís: the pray towards the Occupied Territories, yet they form a fifth column for Zionism].' al-Majalla (Jidda, Saudi Arabia) (317 5 March 1986): 25-27. BWC Pam 143-205

816. Yamani, Muhammad 'Abduh. 'al-Bahá'íyya, al-hukm wa 'l-mawaqif' [Bahá'ísm, the decree and the attitudes.' al-Dawha (Doha, Qatar) (128 Aug. 1986): 6-8.

817. Yamani, Muhammad 'Abduh. al-Babiyya. 157. Anbiya' bila nubuwwa wa rusul bila risala, Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, 1986.

818. Yamani, Muhammad 'Abduh. Hiwar ma'a 'l-Bahá'íyin [A conversation with the Bahá'ís]. 91. Anbiya' bila nubuwwa wa rusul bila risala, Jidda: Dar al-Qibla li 'l-Thaqafa al-Islamiyya, [1986].

819. Yari, Bahram. Kitab-i hushyari dar radd-i Babiyya wa Bahá'íyya. 121. Tehran: Baradaran-i 'Ilmi, 1363/1984.

820. Yasin, 'Ali Muhyi 'l-Din. 'Bahá'ísm: A Mental Disorder.' al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo) (17 March 1985):

821. Yasin, Ma'mun. 'al-Bahá'íyya lu'ba Isra'iliyya' [Bahá'ísm is a toy of the Israelis].' Sada al-Usbu'(Manama, Bahrain) (613 7 June 1983): 18-21. BWC Pam 142-1545

822. Yazdi, Haji Fath Allah Maftun. Bab wa Baha-ra bishinasid [Know the Bab and Baha' (Allah)]. [Haydarabad]: Rafiq Machine Press, n.d. [1371/1952]. A straightforward example of the raddiyya genre, in three main sections: 1) on the Bab; 2) on Baha' Allah; and 3) on Qurrat al-'Ayn. The author was a teacher of Persian at an orphanage in Haydarabad.

823. Yunus, Isma'il. 'Yawmiyyat al-Akhbar... al-yawm yaktabuha Isma'il Yunus... 'indama yakhti'u na'ib 'amm sabiq' [The al-Akhbar diary written today by Isma'il Yunus: when a former public prosecutor commits an error.' al-Akhbar (Cairo) 34 (10, 495 6 January 1986): 12. Mainly concerned with the case of an Alexandrian doctor who claimed prophethood, with passing references to Bahá'ísm as an influence.

824. Za'im al-Dawla, Dr. Mirza Muhammad Mahdi Khan. Miftah bab al-abwab ya Tarikh-i Bab wa Baha'. 1st. ed. (?), Tehran, Kitabkhana-yi Shams, 1340/1961-62, 319 pp. ed., 335. Translated by Trans. Hujjat al-Islam Haj Shaykh Hasan Farid-i Gulpaygani. Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi intisharat-i Farahani, 1346/1967. Persian translation of one of the first full-length refutations of Babism and Bahá'ísm (item x).

825. Za'im al-Dawla, Dr. Mirza Muhammad Mahdi Khan. Ta'rikh al-Babiyya aw Miftah bab al-abwab. 440, [8]. Cairo: Al-Manar al-Islamiyya, 1321/1903. One of the first substantial Shi'ite Muslim refutations of Babism and Bahá'ísm, written by an eminent Iranian emigre writer, editor of the newspaper Hikmat. Although the tone is markedly hostile, the text contains some useful eye-witness material and ample quotations from writings of the Bab and Baha' Allah. The historical sections deal most fully with the Bab and his disciples and rather less with the Bahá'ís. Also published in a Persian translation (item x)

826. Zahi r, Ihsan Ilahi . al-Babiyya: ard wa naqd. 6th. ed., Lahore, Pakistan, Idara Tarjuman al-Sunna, 1984, 296 pp.

827. Zahir, Ihsan Ilahi. 'Erroneous Ideas...Originally the Work of the Jews.' al-Muslimun (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) (8 February 1986):

828. Zahir, Ihsan Ilahi. al-Bahá'íyya: naqd wa tahlil. 1?; 6th. ed., 1984, 367 pp.; 7th. ed., 1984, 371 pp. ed., 375. Lahore, Pakistan: Idara Tarjuman al-Sunna, 1981. BWC BP 398.Z33 1981/ 1984/1984b

829. Zaki, Yaqub. 'Reagan Blows the Bahá'í Cover.' Crescent International 12 (8 July 1-15, 1983): 1,11. Collins 11.1124

830. Zwemer, Samuel M. "Review of J. R. Richards The Religion of the Bahá'ís (see item xx).' The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.) 23 (3 July 1933): 311.

831. Zwemer, Samuel M. "Review of Miller, Bahá'ísm: Its Origin, History and Teachings (item xx), The Moslem World (Hartford, Conn.), v.22 no.I, p. 9I.' ((Jan. Ig32)):

832. [al-Balaghi, Shaykh Muhammad Jawad]. Nasa'ih al-huda fi' l-radd 'ala' l-Babiyya. 1956. Baghdad: Dar al-Salam Press, 1339/1920-21.

833. [Mahallati, Aqa Shaykh Muhammad]. Guftar-i khush-i Yar-Quli [The pleasant words of Yar-Quli]. (Earlier printings referred to, but not known.) Tehran: Mu'assisa-yi Intisharat-i Farahani, [1384/1964?], 262 pp. A fictitious dialogue between eight individuals representing different schools of Islam, and one Bahá'í. The author (d. 1337/1918) was a Shi'i cleric living mainly in Iraq.

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