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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 55


1. "'4th Humanitarian Awards of the Baha'i'." This Month in Taiwan, Republic of China (Taipei) 11 (1 Jan. 1984): 175.11.408.

2. "'A Bahai Farewell'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) (10 May 1913): 300.11.100 Account of the departure from London for Tasmania by Mr & Mrs John Jenner.

3. "'A Coming Awakening'." Light (London) (Jan. 7, 1911): 5.11.284 Account of a talk by the occultist Wellesley Tudor Pole.

4. "'Baha'i Ads for Awareness'." National Business Review (Wellington, N. Z.) (7 Oct. 1975): 11.76.

5. "'Baha'i Notes'." The International Psychic Gazette (London) 1 (6 Jan. 1913): 179.11.123.

6. "'Baha'i Organization Awards Visually'." Ha'ilono Kina (Hawaii) 13 (Dec. 1980): 11.125.

7. "'Baha'is, a Model of Private Sponsorship'." Refuge (Downsview, Ont.) 2 (1 Sept.-Oct. 1982): 1, 3.11.144.

8. "'Baha'ism: Pair, Third to Wed in Cult in the United States'." Newsweek (New York) 3 (Feb. 10, 1934): 31.11.168.

9. "'Bahai Bride'." Time (New York) (Mar. 10, 1930): 70.11.79 Marriage of Elsie Benkard, daughter of Julie Chandler, to Charles Clarke.

10. "'Fabricated'." Time (New York) (Jan. 16, 1939): 21.11.382a.

11. "'Grand Match -- the Two New Forces in the World'." Oomoto: Gazeto Esperanta (Ayabe, Japan) (Apr. 1925): 31-36.11.443.

12. 'Ha' 'Hu' in 9 Days. 33. n.p. [Addis Ababa]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ethiopia, 1979. Collins 7.1111.

13. "'Has Man Need of a Prophet?'." More Light (New York) 1? (1? Jan 1930?): 6-8.11.467.

14. "'In an Oriental Mosque'." The Christian Commonwealth (London) (22 Jan. 1913): ii.11.518.

15. "'In Holy Land'." Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Ill.) 43 (16 19 Aug. 1954): 4, 44.11.518a.

16. "'In the News'." Secretariat News (New York) (14 sept. 1979): 3.11.524 Report on activities of Baha'i International Community (the Baha'i affiliate to the UN).

17. "'Insured for More than Twenty Years'." The Saint Paul Letter (St Paul, Minn.) (Aug. 1953): 7, 6, 23.11.526.

18. 'Let All Rejoice'. [18]. Honolulu: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, n.d. [1984]. Collins 7.1393.

19. "'Notebook'." The New Republic (Washington, D. C.) 190 (May 28, 1984): 9-10.11.753.

20. "'Noted Baha'i Leader to Address Congress'." Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Ill.) 37 (52 Apr. 28, 1949): 11.754.

21. "'Survey of the Month'." Opportunity (New York) 5 (8 Aug. 1927): 247.11.974 On election of Louis Gregory to National Assembly of the US (on Gregory, see )

22. "'The Great Master: The Personality'." World Peace Through Spiritual Regeneration (Calcutta) 2 (16-17 1, 16 Jan., 1937): 310-14.11.444.

23. "'The Nine Hands'." Newsweek (New York) 55 (June 27, 1960): 94.11.746

24. 4th List of Gardens of Abdu'l-Baha. 1. Montclair, N. J.: World Fellowship, n.d. [192-]. Collins 7.993a.

25. Selected Baha'i Stories. arr. Mariette Leong. n.p. [Lae]: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Papua New Guinea, 1979 72 p. 1979. 7.2381.

26. ???? Strangers in their Native Land. Sweden: Baha'i Publishing Trust.

27. A Floral Messenger from the Holy Land. 4. n.p.: n.d. [191-?]. Collins 7.978.

28. A Tribute. n.p. [Colombo, Sri Lanka]: World Religion Day Committee, (Ratmalana: Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha). 82 p. n.d. [1985]. 7.2605.

29. AfaqÈ u, S|abir. Bisharat-i zuhur (Glad tidings of the revelation), Karachi, Pakistan, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1985, 79 pp. Urdu.

30. Anon. A Memorable Feast, Abdul Baha the Host. n.p., n.d. [1912?] [8] p. n.d. [1912?].7.1543.

31. Anon. I9 Themes on the 'Dispensation'. Kuala Lumpur: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 1982. 24 p. 1982.7.2028.

32. Anon. Institute Activity Report: To Be Read During the Feast Day. [10]. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia], n.d. [1982]. Collins 7.1279.

33. Anon. Many People Are Confused and Frustrated. Thornhill, Ont.: Baha'i National Centre, n.d. [1980?] [5] p. n.d. [1980?].7.15O2.

34. Anon. Meeting of Edinburgh Citizens to Greet Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi). arranged by the Edinburgh Esperanto Society. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Esperanto Society, 1913. [4] p. 1913.7.1535.

35. Anon. National Deepening Institute, 'The Secret of Divine Civilization', July 1984. n.p. [Mona Vale, N.S.W.]; National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, 1984. 32 p. 1984. 7.1632.

36. Anon. Neda. n.p. [Panchgani, India], 13 leaves. n.d. [1983?].7.1992.

37. Anon. New Era Press (Limassol, Cyprus). An Introduction to New Era Press. Limassol: New Era Press, 1984. [4] p. 1984. 7.2006.

38. Anon. Notes for Authors. Oxford: George Ronald, 1985. 16 p. 1985. 7.2038a.

39. Anon. Operation Befriend . . . Not Secret. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States], [12] p. n.d. [1980].7.2078.

40. Araujo, Washington. Estamos Desaparecendo da Terra: a Visao Baha'i sobre o Destino Glorioso dos povos indigenas da America, 1492-1992, Sao Paulo, Editora Baha'i do Brasil.

41. Bach, Marcus. "'Paranormal Basis of Baha'i'." Fate (Evanston, Ill.) (July 1968): 92-100.11.71.

42. Bach, Marcus. "He Changed My Life'." The Rotarian (Evanston, Ill.) (Dec. 1968): 18-19.11.70

43. Bach, Marcus. "[Answer to Letter to the Editor]." Unity (Unity Village, Mo.) (Aug. 1982): 12-14.11.67 On using a prayer by 'Abd al-Baha' in public schools.

44. Baghdadi, Guita. "Religion, Sante, et Medecine: Place de la Foi Baha'i [Religion, Health, and Medicine: the place of the Baha'i faith]." M.D., Univrsite de Grenoble, France, 1977.

45. Baha'i Revelation and Esperanto, The: The Sixth Ishrak. 4. n.p.: Privately published, 1920. Bjorling 216 The 'Sixth Ishrak' is a reference to the sixth section of Baha' Allah's Lawh-i ishraqat (section x, item xx), in which reference is made to the selection of a universal language and script.

46. Baha'i Statement on Nature. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, US BPT list.

47. Baha'i-Perlen. Translated by Alice T. Schwarz. Stuttgart: Verlag des deutschen Baha'i-Bundes, [before 1925].

48. Barafrukhta, 'Ali Muhammad (comp.). 'Aqa'id-i ba'di az danishmandan-i jahan dar bara-yi diyanat-i Baha'i (Opinions of some international scholars concerning the Baha'i religion). 208. Tehran: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 125 B.E./1968. [move to general?]

49. Being a Spiritual Revolutionary US BPT list.

50. Buhur al-hikma (Oceans of wisdom). Listed UK BPT ARA250.

51. Cameron, Kenneth Walter (?). Transcendentalists in Transition: Popularization of Emerson, Thoreau, and the Concord School of Philosophy in the Greenacre Summer Conferences and the Monsalvat School (1894-1909): the Roles of Charles Malloy and Franklin Benjamin Sanborn before the triumph of the Baha'i Movement in Eliot, Maine, 1980, Hartford, Conn., Transcendental Books, 263 leaves.

52. Career Planning. New Delhi: BPT, US BPT list.

53. Cartwright, Garth. "'Singing a New Song: Feeling the Distances'." New Zealand Woman's Weekly (Auckland) (Nov. 25, 1985): 99.11.253.

54. Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant. "'Identification'." More Light 1 (3 Mar. 1930): 8.11.262.

55. Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant. "'The Recurrent Message'." More Light (New York) 1 (2 Feb. 1930): 19.11.263.

56. Christian, Kenneth. The World Beyond Victory. 17. Poona: NSA of the Baha'is of India and Burma, n.d.Bjorling 243.

57. Ciskei)., South Africa Baha'l Summer School (1st: 1982:. The National Youth Task Force Host the First South Afrtcan Baha'i Summer School in Ciskei. n.p. [Johannesburg: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa], [6] p. n.d. [1982].7.2451.

58. Corrales, Jeanne B. Frankel de. Forget-me-not Nicobar, Oxford, Oneworld, 1992, 176 pp.

59. Crisis and Victory, Wilmette, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1988, iv, 62 pp. Comp. Research Dept. of the Universal House of Justice.

60. Davies, Derek. "'Traveller's Tales'." Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong) (11 Apr. 1985): 33.11.314 Account of Baha'i involvement in the issue of Sri Lanka's World Religion Day stamp.

61. Day, Michael. "'A Beacon of Unity'." Tusitala (Autumn 1985): 32-33.11.316.

62. Demos, Jan Paul. "'A New Life for Rob and Shiva Dosenbach'." Rostland Communique (Phoenix, Ar.) 1 (2 Winter 1984): 10.11.325 On two Baha'is leaving the United States to work at the World Centre in Israel.

63. Dime, Eric Adolphus. "'Is the Millennium Upon Us? The Bahais Claim That This Is That "Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" '." The Forum (New York) 58 (2 Aug. 1917): 167-80.11.333.

64. Dominey, Kel. Flickerings. 20 leaves. Mona Vale, NSW: NSA of the Baha'is of Australia, 1980.7.822.

65. Dowson, Peter. "'Did You Know?'." Grantham Team News (Grantham, Lincs.) (Sept. 1981): 11.345.

66. Edwards, A. Cecil. "'The Governor'." The Atlantic Monthly (Boston) (Sept. 1926): 376-80.11.362.

67. Edwards, Bill. "'A Baha'i Critic'." World Federalist Newsletter (Littlehampton, U.K.) (1985/3): 12-13.11.363.

68. Ein neues Zeitalter bricht an [a new age dawns]. Switzerland: European [Baha'i] Teaching Committee, 1947. BW XI, p. 609.

69. Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order, 1991, London, Baha'i Publishing Trust, xi, 180 pp.

70. Faizi, Abu'l-Qasim. A Flame of Fire. Reissued 1973, 20 pp. ed., 23. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1969. Collins 7.914 [in biography - already listed?].

71. FaydÈ u, Abu 'l-Qasim. Payam-i dust wa bahar-i 120 (The message of a friend and spring of the year 120). 102. Tehran: Baha'i Publications Committee, 120 B.E./1963. Articles on visits to Baha'i missionaries and the election of the first Universal House of Justice in 1963.

72. Ferguson, Robert L. (comp.). The Mountain of the Lord: A Baha'i Compilation.; artwork, Barbara R. Ferguson. n.p. [Glenview, Ill.: Ferguson], 16 p. n.d. [1984].7.1593.

73. For a Drop of the Lover's Blood. [16]. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National [Baha'i] Persian/American Affairs Committee, 1985. Designed to accompany a video-cassette programme aimed at Iranian Baha'is newly-arrived in the United States Collins. 7.981.

74. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Athar-i gawhar-bar (Precious Pearls). 232. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1986. Listed UK BPT FAR580.

75. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Rasa'il-i 'ilmi. 268. New Delhi: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 143/1986.

76. Garden of Baha'u'llah, The. New Delhi: BPT, US BPT list.

77. Gash, Andrew (comp.). Stories from 'Star of the West'. 64. Mona Vale, N. S. W.: Baha'i Publications Australia, 1985.Ill. Tushar Kanti-Paul. Collins 7.1039.

78. Ghadirian, A. M. [Abdu'l-Missagh] In Search of Nirvana: A New Perspective on Alcohol and Drug Dependency, rev. ed., Oxford: George Ronald, 77 pp.

79. Glorious Journey. Taipei: NSA of the Baha'is of Taiwan, US BPT list.

80. Goldstein, Kit. The Light on Singing Mountain. 17. n.p. [Panama City]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Panama, n.d. [1973]. Collins 7.1072.

81. Gopal, Mitra. Personal Computers and the Baha'i Community. 306. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, [in media].

82. Gregory, Louis G. (comp.). Questions and Topics. [USA]: Listed BW IV, p. 291 Intended for discussion in Baha'i classes and meetings.

83. Gregory, Louis. A Heavenly Vista. 32. Washington, D.C. : R. L. Pendleton, 1911. Collins 7.1094.

84. Grossmann, Hermann. Chanan. Eine Erzahlung aus unserer Zeit (Chanan. A story of our time). 8. Wandsbek, Germany: 1927. BW IV, p. 301.

85. Health and Healing, LSA of the Baha'is of Warwick, England, 1989, [6] pp.

86. Health. Baha'i Studies Notebook, Ottowa, Ont.: Association for Baha'i Studies, US BPT list.

87. Herbert, Leonard. Paintings on the Holy Land and the Baha'i Faith. [4]. Honolulu: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands, 1976. Collins 7.1168.

88. Herrick, Elizabeth. "'Abdul Baha and Universal Peace'." The Super-Man and Psychic Monitor (London) 2 (1 Dec. 1921): 15-16.11.484.

89. Imiyalezo. various. [Umtata, Transkei]: Ibalwe Liqumru Lesizwe Sase Transkei [National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Transkei], [1981-1982]. Collins 7.1256.

90. Iran Newsletter (Hong Kong) (44 Sept. 25, 1981): 7-8.11.547 Letter on a Hong Kong TV programme on Baha'ism.

91. Iran Newsletter (Hong Kong) (51 Mar. 16, 1982): 4-5.11.548.

92. Irtibat-i sharq va gharb [The link between east and west]. Tehran: [Baha'i Publishing Trust], 1931.

93. Irwin, Beatrice. Heralds of Peace. 44. n.p.: 1938. Collins 7.1309.

94. Ives, Howard Colby. The Song Celestial. Reproduction with frontispiece, 1962, Chicago, The Landon Press; and in reduced format, 1973 ed., 62. Portland, Ore.: Shankle Printing, 1938. By the author of Portals to Freedom (section x, item xx) Collins 7.1321-2.

95. Jackson, Betty M. Creative Thinking and Group Consultation: Notes on a Workshop Held in Fiji. 8. No. 2 in a series, n.p. [Fiji?]: Continental Board of Counsellors, South-Eastern Asia, n.d. [1978?]. Collins 7.1323.

96. Kelsey, Olivia. Two Shall Appear. rev. 2nd. ed., 1943, Independence, Mo., Lambert Moon ed., 56. n.p. [USA]: 1943. Collins 7.1359.

97. Kern, Margaret. The Rustle of His Robe: A Vision of the New Day. 94. Akron, Ohio: Sun Publishing Co., 1901. Collins 7.1361.

98. Key to the Pronunciation of Persian and Arabic Words. 2 pp. n.p.: n.d. [195-?]. Collins 7.1362.

99. Kheiralla, Marian. Extract from Mrs Marian Kheirallah's Letter to Mrs Herron, June 20th, 1900. [3]. n.p. [USA]: 1900. Collins 7.1367.

100. Lacy, Edward A. "'A Bahai Writes from Korea'." India and Israel (Bombay) 5 (1 July 1952): 38.11.616a

101. Let's Get Cooking: Recipes for All Baha'i Occasions: Dedicated to the Louis G. Gregory Baha'i Institute Radio Station. 123. Wilmette, Ill.: The Office of the [Baha'i] Treasurer, 1983. Collins 7.1396.

102. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Shanghai (China). Circular Letter from the Shanghai Baha'is. 8. Shanghai: n.d. [193-?]. Collins 7.1433.

103. Maid-Servants of God, The: A Compilation. 17. n.p. [Nairobi]: National [Baha'i] Education Committee of Kenya, 1973. Collins 7.1490.

104. Majdhub, Mahmud. Surush-i Mahmud (The anthem of Mahmud). 400. Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany: Baha'i-Verlag, 146/1989.

105. Malawi Baha'i Faith Men Attend Israel Meet. Reprinted from Malawi News and Daily Times ed., 4. Limbe, Malawi: Auxiliary Board of the Baha'is in Malawi [approved by Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is in Malawi], 1979. Collins 7.1492.

106. Maneck, Susan S., 'Women in the Baha'i Faith', in Religion and Women, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1994.

107. Marie of Romania. A Queen's Talk to American Women = (Nasihat Malikah). Egypt: (al-Mahfil alMarkazi al-Rawhani li-Iqlim, Misr), 1926. 6, 12 p. English and Arabic text. 1926.7.1505.

108. Marie of Romania. Marie of Romania. By Dowager Queen Marie of Rumania = (Bi Qalam-i-'Ulya Hadrati-Mari Malikiy-i-Rumanya). n.p. [Iran?j, n.d. [194-?] 8 II p. English and Persian text. n.d. [194-?]. 7.I5O4.

109. McKay, Doris. "[Letter to the Editor]." Atlantic Monthly (Boston) 139 (1927): 141-42.11.654.

110. Mehta, Mani H. A Challenging Letter to Ghandi & Jinnah:A Unique Revelation. Bombay: A. Parthasarathi, 1944. 13 p. LC card 45-7234. 1944.7.1542.

111. Mexico City, LSA of the Baha'is of. Contastacion a Unos Preguntas. Mexico City: 1940. BW X, p. 611.

112. Migette, Lucienne. Le Cycle de l'Unite, 1975, Brussels, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 180 pp.

113. Miller, Grant Hindin. Sing O Carmel. Auckland, N.Z.: Grant Hindin Miller, 1984. [16] p-. 1984.7.1565.

114. Motaghed, Ehsan. Dialoge, [Germany], Motaghed, 1987, 70 pp. German. Spanish ed. as Dialogos, Barcelona, Editorial Baha'i de Espana, 1987, 133 pp.

115. Motaghed, Ehsan. Light of the Faith: Baha'i Guidelines for the Modern World, [Omaha, Neb.], Motaghed, 1988, 151 pp.

116. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Kenya. National Education Committee. Baha'i Classes for Women. n.p. [Nairobi]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Kenya, 1975. 27 p. 1975.7.1742.

117. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia. National Coordinating Unit. The New Age: Do You Know In What Day You Are Living? A Deepening Course. Kuala Lumpur: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia, 27 p. n.d. [196-?].7.1769.

118. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Rhodesia. National Women's Committee. Baha'i Lessons for Women's Clubs. n.p. [Salisbury, Rhodesia]: National Women's Committee, 1976. 22 p. 1976.7.1802.

119. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Projects Development Committee. Suggestions for the Conduct of Institutes on the Covenant and Administration. Wilmette, Ill.: Projects Development Committee, 4 leaves. n.d. [1951].7.1941. c/r Covenant; Administration.

120. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. Sequoyah: Tribute to a Servant of Mankind from the Baha'i Faith to the Cherokee Nation. Wilmette, Ill.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1976. 12 p. 1976.7.1872.

121. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tonga and the Cook Islands. Guidance for Baha'i Visitors, Travelling Teachers, and Pioneers to Tonga, Niue Island, Cook Islands. n.p. [Nuku'alofa]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tonga and the Cook Islands, 1975. 19 p. 1975.7.1824.

122. Norquay, James Rupert. Rujano!: A Phonetic Script for English of Befitting Beauty. n.p. [Victoria, B.C.]: Norquay, 1983. [6] p. 1983.7.2031.

123. Norquay, James Rupert. The Norquay Script: A Phonetic Alphabet of Befitting Beauty for English. 2nd ed. n.p. [Canada]: Norquay, 1984. [6] p. 1984. 7.2030.

124. Norris, Daniel. Flip Book: Images Inspired by the Baha'i Writings. n.p. Norris, 1980. [127] leaves. 1980.7.2032.

125. Nowshadl, Farshid. "'Personal Announcement'." Impact International (London) (23 Aug. 1984): 11.757 Announcement to the effect that Mr Nowshadl is not a Baha'i.

126. NSA of the US & Canada. Study Outline Committee. Study Outline on the Essential Principles of Creative Writing. New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1937. 6 leaves. 1937.7.1983.

127. NSA of the US, National Teaching Committee. The Suffering of Baha'u'llah. Wilmette, Ill.: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974. 32 p. (Deepening Portfolio; no.3). 1974.7.1915.

128. Palo Altan, Volume X, No. 43, November 1, 1912, The. Palo Alto, Calif., Reprint of the issue of The Palo Altan which reported the visit of 'Abdu'l-Baha. n.d. [1971]. 7.2097.

129. Panduan Pertama = Guidance One. n.p. [Kuala Lumpur: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Malaysia], 29 p. Malay and English text. n.d. [1970]. 7.2098.

130. Pearson, Virginia. "'Those Worlds Beyond the Sun'." Mind Digest (Paradise, Pa.) (Nov. 1945): 43-50.11.788 On a vision of the Baha'i temple at Wilmette.

131. Plan of God, The: (The Ancient Covenant of God). n.p. [United States], 4 leaves. n.d. [195-].7.2132a.

132. Prince of Peace. New Delhi: BPT, US BPT list.

133. Prophecies and Warnings. [4]. New York; Washington D. C.; Chicago: Bahai Assembly, n.d. [190-]. Collins 7.2158.

134. Rabbani, Ruhiyyih. "'No Pain, No Gain'." Education Today (Taipei) (2 17 Aug. 1984): 1-2.11.834.

135. Rastgar, Nasra Allah. Ta'mim-i ma'arif-i amri (The propagation of Baha'i learning). 72, 16. Tehran: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 104 B.E./1947-48.

136. Recurring Cycles. West Englewood, N.J.: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, [4] p. n.d. [192-]. 7.2207.

137. Reed, Betty. Could This Be Your Hope, Your Dream? London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, [2] p.; idem. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the U.K., n.d. [1983?] P. n.d. [1981].7.2208-09.

138. Remey, Charles Mason. Letter from Honolulu. Remey, 17 February 1917. Listed BW IV, p. 291.

139. Remey, Charles Mason. Report to Abdul Baha of the Bahai Activities in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida U.S.A. n.p., 1919. 28 p. 1919.7.2264.

140. Remey, Charles Mason. Service in the Kingdom. n.p., 1906. [4] P. 1906.7.2268.

141. Ridvan Greetings from Baha'is of Nagasaki, Japan, April 21, l 959. Nagasaki: Baha'is of Nagasaki, 1959. 8 p. 1959.7.2292.

142. Right to an Identity, The. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Baha'i Community, [16] p. n.d. [between 1967 and 1976].7.2294.

143. Robarts, John A. Letter to Baha'is. n.p., 1960 [12] p-. 1960. 7.2296.

144. Robiati, Augusto. Gli Otto Veli (The eight veils). Rome: Casa Editrice Baha'i.

145. Root, Martha L. Baha'i Circular Letter from Martha L. Root. n.p., 8 p. n.d. [1930?]. 7.2304.

146. Root, Martha. Second List of Friends in China to Send Bahai Literature (the First List Was of Peking Friends). n.p., 4 p. n.d. [193-?].7.2306.

147. Roozbehyan, F. The Paradise on Earth. n.p. [Iran: Roozbehyan], 88 p. n.d. [after 1960]. 7.23II.

148. Rumi, Sayyid Mustafa. Uruj wa nuzul ya taraqqi wa ziwal (Rise and fall, or progress and regress). 40. Rangoon, Burma: Matba'a al-Shahir al-Rumi, 1904.

149. Safhat al-nur (Page of light). Listed UK BPT ARA240.

150. Salov, M. Baer. "'Regarding "Religionization of Mankind" by Yonousuke Nakano'." The Ananai (Shimizu City, Japan) (5 May 1953): 19-20.11.893.

151. Samandari House, Open House, Saturday, I4th guly 1984, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. n.p. [Thames, New Zealand: Diane Scott], 1984. [3] p. Restored house named after Faramarz Samandari, giving information about him and the persecution of Baha'is. 1984. 7.2338.

152. Samandari Travel A~ency. Tours to the Holy Land Specially Arranged for Baha'i Pilgrim and Visitors. Geneve, Switzerland: Samandar Travel Agency, 1976. 8 p. 1976.7.2339.

153. Scott, Peggy. "The Vanishing of the Veil: Abdul Baha at St. John's, Westminster. The Christian Commonwealth (London) 31 (1562 Sept. 20, 1911): 11.898.

154. Sears, William. Message to Africa, 3I December 1981. Umtata: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Transkei, Apr. 1982. 17 p. 1982. 7.2363 See also items xx and xx.

155. Sears, William. Message to Africa, 4 August 1981. Umtata: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Transkei, Apr. 1982. II p. 1982. 7.2361.

156. Sears, William. Message to Africa, 23 May 1981. Umtata: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Transkei, Apr. 1982. 9 p. 1982. 7.2362 see also items xx and xx.

157. Sears, William. New Interpretation of History. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Radio Service Committee, 1959. 9 leaves. 1959.7.2364.

158. Senior, Peter (comp.). The Spirit of Hospitality. comp. Peter Senior. [Kingston]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Jamaica, 20 p. n.d. [197-]. 7.2457.

159. Shahadat-i mustashriqin wa danishmandan dar bara-yi amr-i Baha'i (Testimony of orientalists and scholars concerning the Baha'i cause). 50. [Tehran]: n.d. [1937?]. Trans. by Dhikr Allah Khadim from Baha'i World VI, pp. 449-83.

160. Singles Session: Men and Women in a New Age. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Bosch Baha'i School, 1985. [2] p-. 1985. 7.2417.

161. Sohrab, Ahmad. "'The Three Powers'." More Light (New York) 1 (3 Mar. 1930): 43-44.11.951.

162. Sohrab, Ahmad. Letter from Mirza Ahmad Sohrab to the Meeting Held in Missuliet Thompson's Studio. n.p. [New York], I9I3. I2 leaves. Description of the Committee of Investigation that had been sent by the Ottoman government to the Holy Land. 1913.7.2430.

163. Some Practical Aspects of the Bahai Teaching. Rangoon, Burma: Rangoon Mail Press, 8 p. n.d. [after 1922]. 7.2443.

164. Sreenivasan, M.M. The Miracle. Malaysia: Baha'i Publication released by Family Systems Sdn. Bhd., (Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Koperasi Percetkan Malaysia Berhad). 39 P-. n.d. [1985?].7.2468.

165. Stendardo, Luigi. Leo Tolstoy and the Baha'i Faith. Oxford: George Ronald, 1985. [10], 75 p. Explores the Russian author's interest in and contact with the Babi and Baha'i Faiths, uncovering Tolstoy's profound appreciation for, and partial misunderstanding of, the new religion. 1985.7.2473. [in biography]

166. Stevens, E. S. "'The Light in the Lantern'." Everybody's Magazine (New York) 25 (Dec. 1911): 775-86.11.962.

167. Sugrue, Thomas. "'About the Front Cover...'." Land Reborn (New York) 2 (4 July-Aug. 1951): cover, 10.11.972.

168. Sundram, Chellie J. Analysing Performance Problems. n.p.: Continental Board of Counsellors, Southeastern Asia, . 8 p. (No. 6 in a series). n.d. [1978?]. 7.2508.

169. Sundram, Chellie J. The Seven-Day Glow: One Method of Structuring a Learning/Teaching Experience Using Concepts from the Sacred Writings of the Baha'i Faith. n.p.: Continental Board of Counsellors, Southeastern Asia, 3 leaves. (No. 4 in a series). n.d. [1978?]. 7.2514.

170. Surush-i mahbub (Anthem of the beloved). 400. Hofheim-Langenhain: Baha'i-Verlag, 1990.

171. Sushi in the kremlin/We Generation US BPT list.

172. Te Pakaka Tawhai. Adaptations. The Marae. [Auckland]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand, 1983. 3, 6 p. 1983.7.2528.

173. These Things Shall Be. London: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1970. 16 p. Also Australia PT. 1970. 7.2543.

174. These Thinkers' Thoughts Are Greatly ! Valued. Karachi, Pakistan: Public Relations; Committee, [2] p. n.d. [195-?]. 7.2544.

175. Thou Art My Lamp and My Light Is in Thee, Baha'u'llah. London: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdomj 1983. 17 p. 1983. 7.2555.

176. Three Accounts of Love Sacrificed. trans. from the Persian by Amin Banani, n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'ls of the United States, C1982. pp. 9-35. Reprint from World Order, v. 1 7 no. 1 (Fall 1 982) . n.d. [1982?]. 7.2557.

177. Through the Silence. Montclair,-N.J.: World Fellowship Gardens, [1] p. (Service Leaflet; no.3). n.d. [192-]. 7.2559a.

178. Thy Heavenly Army. n.p. [Thornhill, Ont.]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 40 p. n.d. [between 1971 and 1975].7.2560.

179. Traher, Irene F. 'An Analytical Comparison between the Baha'i and Indian Cultures', M.S. thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1973. On Baha'i and N. American Indian cultures.

180. Trail of Light. Otavalo, Ecuador: Editorial Gallo Capitan, 2 p. folded to 6p. n.d. [1983].7.2602.

181. Tumanskii, Aleksandr. "'Iz pis'ma A. G. Tumansksago' [From the letter of A. G. Tumanskii]." Zapiski Vostochnago Otdeleniya Imperatorskago Russkago Arkheologicheskago Obshestva (St. Petersburg) 7 (1892): 310-11.

182. Two Roads We Face. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: Radio Service Committee, 1960. 8 leaves. 1960.7.2619.

183. Ultimate Reality, The. Hong Kong: Baha'i National Centre, [8] p. At head of title: The Baha'i World. n.d. [1981]. 7.2621.

184. Vahdat, Nusheen. (1984). 'A Comparison of Muslim and Baha'i Persian Women Living in Australia.' B.A., Murdoch University. vi, 157 pp. 'Comparative study of Persian Muslim and Baha'i women who live in Australia. The goal of the study was to determine the level of these women's consciousness and practice of equality in their lives. In most areas the majority of both Muslim and Baha'i women think and act in a traditional way. In the area of divorce and religion there are some structural differences between the two religions which led to a much greater equality among the Baha'is compared with the Muslims.' [Abstract]. 13.66.

185. Vaupel, Ouise. "'Changing a World'." The Open Court (Chicago) 45 (7 July 1931): 418-24.11.1045.

186. Walbridge, John. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, 1996, Oxford, George Ronald, xiv, 322 pp.

187. Warburg, Margit. "'Afholdenhedsidealer inden for baha'i'." In Idealernes rolle inden for religion og religionsforskning, ed. Oluf Schønbeck. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanem, 1996.

188. Watson, Albert Durrant. The Dream of God. Chicago: Bahai Publishing Society, 1922.; idem. Toronto, Ont.: The Banner Press, 1922. [46] p. 1922.7.2674-75.

189. Watson, Marie A. Her Religion. 17. Washington, DC: John F. Sheiry, n.d.Bjorling 456.

190. Way out of the dead End. Oxford: George Ronald, US BPT list.

191. We Should Know. Nairobi, Kenya: National Education Committee, II p. n.d. [197-?]. 7.2679.

192. Weinberg, A.J. The Epidemic of the Persian Jews. with accompanying notes by Edward Dewing; also an address given in Temple Emmanuel, San Francisco by 'Abdu'l-Baha. Montreal, Que.: Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Montreal, [4] p. n.d. [ca. 1950].7.2684.

193. White, Roger. "'Sweetmeat'." White Wall Review (Toronto) (1985): 14.11.1084 [literary?].

194. White, Roger. "'Travelling Backward. Honoured. Soap Bubble Song. Belated Hanukka'." Arc (Ramat Aviv, Israel) (1983): 58-60.11.1085 [literary?].

195. Whoso Readeth Let Him Understand. New York: David, 32 p. idem. New York: Roy, n.d. [190-?] 32 p. n.d. [190-?]. 7.2744-45 'Roy' is Roy Wilhelm (see 7.2749 etc.).

196. Why Don't Baha'is Baptise with Water? n.p. [Roseau]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Commonwealth of Dominica, 1984. [2] p-. 1984. 7.2747.

197. Women for One World (Boulder, Colo.). What's Cookin'? in the World. Lenexa, Kan.: Cookbook Publishers, Inc., 1982. [2], 73 p. 1982.7.2769.

198. Woolson, Gayle. Rumbo hacia el futuro. Reissued 1967, San Salvador, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of San Salvador, 50, [1] pp.; 2nd. ed., 1970, 71 pp. ed., 54. Quito, Ecuador: Public Relations Dept. of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ecuador, 1967.

199. World Developments of the Faith: A Study Outline in Six Parts. n.p. [London]: National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the British Isles, 1952. 46 p. 1952.7.2777.

200. World Herarld [sic]. n.p., 1971. 4 p. 1971.7.2780.

201. Yazdani, Farhan. "Les deux ailes d'un oiseau, ou: une introduction a` la conception Baha'ie de la sante (The two wings of one bird, or: an introduction to the Baha'i concept of health)." M.D., Universite de Lyon, 1976.

202. Yeo Hock Choon. (1980-81), The Baha'i Community: A Study of Identity Consolidation, with Special Focus on Witnessing. B.A., University of Singapore. iii, 75 p. and The main focus is to show how 'witnessing can serve as an instrument of boundary maintenance' between groups. The final analysis studies the structure of the Baha'i community through. 13.72.

203. Your Future Is Glorious. Pennant Hills, [Australia?]: Baha'i Community of Hornsby, Shire, 6 p. n.d. [196-?]. 7.2805.

204. Yukon Baha'i Institute (Lake Labarge, Yukon). Yukon Baha'i Institute. Whitehorse, Yuk.: Yukon Baha'i Institute. [6] p. n.d. [1985]. 7.2816.

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