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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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Chapter 6

Apologetics and Theology

1. Taftaqar al-ard dawman ila hidayat al-asma' (The earth is constantly in need of heavenly guidance). Listed UK BPT ARA170

2. Abdul Hussein, Mirza [Mirza 'Abd al-Husayn ?]. Letter Written by Mirza Abdul Hussein on Behalf of the 'Friends' of Isfahan, Persia, to the American believers, April 25th, 1902. Translated by Mirza Ameen 'Ullah (Fareed). Chicago: Bahais Supply and Publishing Board, 1902.Collins, 7.10

3. Adams, George W. The Dawning Points of God. Naturegraph, On the concept of progressive revelation.

4. Afnan, Ruhi. Mysticism and the Bahá'í Revelation. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1934.Collins 7.33 The author, a brother of Shoghi Effendi, was later expelled from the movement by him.

5. Afshar, Muhammad. Bahr al-'irfan (The ocean of mystical knowledge). Bombay: n.d. [between 1900 and 1920?].

6. Al Muhammad, Ahmad Hamdi. Al-dalil wa 'l-irshad fi liqa'i rabbi 'l-'ibad. Beirut: Bayan Press, 1961.An exposition of the fulfillment of the Qur'anic prophecy that men will see God on the day of resurrection, presented in the form of questions and answers. The text also examines related topics, such as the relationship between the divine names and attributes and God's essence, and the appearance of the attributes in the divine manifestations. The author demonstrates a wide knowledge of Islamic texts.

7. Al Muhammad, Ahmad Hamdi. Al-tibyan wa 'l-burhan. 1st. Reissued 1952 3rd. ed., 2 vols., Beirut, al-Bayan Press, 1962 Persian trans as Tibyan wa burhan, 105 B.E./1948-49, Tehran, Bahá'í Publishing Committee ed., Baghdad: 1947.A lengthy treatise on the fulfillment of Islamic prophecy. The author's chief aim is to demonstrate that the Bab and Baha' Allah are, respectively, the Mahdi and Jesus returned on the last day. Although the main references are to Islamic traditions and the Qur'an, a number of chapters deal with Old Testament prophecy.

8. Al Muhammad, A[hmad] H[amdi ]. Al-ra'id wa 'l-dalil li-ma'rifa mashariq al-wahy wa mahabit al-tanzil. Beirut: Dar al-Rayhani Press, 1969.A treatise on the recognition of the divine manifestations. The book covers a wide variety of topics, most of which are designed to demonstrate that the Bab and Baha' Allah are the fulfillment of Islamic prophecy.

9. Assad'Ullah, Mirza -- see Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl, Translation of a Letter of Instruction... (item x). :

10. Bakhit, Muhammad. Allah, n.p., ?1920, 1929. Letters addressed to Bahá'ís in the US and Canada. In Persian and Arabic.

11. Brittingham, Isabella D. -- see Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl, Translation of a Letter of Instruction... (item x).

12. Brown, Vinson. The Incredible Paradox/La Nekredebla Paradokso. Naturegraph, On the reasons for the rejection of God's prophets. Esperanto trans. by Darlene Evans

13. Brown, Vinson. The Song of Songs. Reprinted from World Order, October 1946. ed., Naturegraph, On the station of Baha' Allah.

14. Burhan-i vaza. 6th. printing ed., [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 130 B.E./1973-74.A straightforward introduction to basic Bahá'í belief, with several chapters on religion, God, and the need for prophets, followed by accounts of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab, and Baha' Allah, a description of fundamental teachings, prophecies of the new manifestations, and a discussion of world unity and universal peace. There is a lengthy bibliography of Bahá'í books. A lengthy final section is devoted to refuting standard Muslim criticisms.

15. Cole, Juan Ricardo. The Concept of Manifestation in the Bahá'í Writings. Bahá'í Studies, vol. 9, Ottawa, Ont.: [Canadian] Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1982.Collins 7.714 An intelligent presentation of mazhariyya, with extensive reference to original texts.

16. Conow, B. Hoff. The Bahá'í Teachings: a Resurgent Model of the Universe, Oxford, George Ronald, 1990, [184] pp.

17. Duncan, Charles. Finding God: Is God But a Supposition? Here Is Scientific Proof of the Existence of God. Kowloon: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hongkong, n.d. [196-].Collins 7.826a

.Listed UK BPT FAR720

22. God Is Man's Goal. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, n.d. [after 1947].Collins 7.1057

23. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann. Gotteserkenntnis und Gottesbegriff im Sinne der Bahá'ílehre [The knowledge and concept of God according to the Bahá'í teachings]. Hamburg, Germany: Bahá'í-Bewegung, [before 1925].

24. Grossmann, Hermann. Das Bundnis Gottes in der Offenbarungsreligion [The alliance of God in the religion of revelation]. [Germany]: [befy of the Most Glorious'). The author traces its roots in Islamic mysticism and prophecy.

19. Faizi, Abu'l-Qasim. Man and His Creator. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1975b.Collins 7.932

20. Fawa'id al-Bahá'íyya bi 'l-fara'id al-bahiyya, [Tabriz], 1898. Listed as this is World Catalogue, but is this actually Gulpaygani's Kitab al-fara'id?

21. Furutan, 'Ali Akbar. Chand bahth-i amri (Some discussions about the faith). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1985.Listed UK BPT FAR720

22. God Is Man's Goal. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, n.d. [after 1947].Collins 7.1057

23. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann. Gotteserkenntnis und Gottesbegriff im Sinne der Bahá'ílehre [The knowledge and concept of God according to the Bahá'í teachings]. Hamburg, Germany: Bahá'í-Bewegung, [before 1925].

24. Grossmann, Hermann. Das Bundnis Gottes in der Offenbarungsreligion [The alliance of God in the religion of revelation]. [Germany]: [before 1954].BW XIII, p. 1071

25. Gulpaygani, BAHAI PROOFS: see under Mirza Abu'l-Fazl. :

26. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl and Ed. R. Mehrabkhani. Rasa'il wa raqa'im. Tehran: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 134 B.E./1976-77.A collection of letters and treatises on which Cole's translated compilation, Letters and Essays [item x], is based. Contains several important works.

27. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl and [Title page reads: Hadrat-i Abi  'l-Fada'il]. Majmu'a-yi rasa'il. Photomechanic reprint, [Tehran], n.d. [197?] ed., Cairo: Sa'ada Press, 1339/1920.A collection of sixteen letters on various subjects, including the nature of civilization, the day of resurrection, imitation of religious leaders (taqli d), obedience to the state in Iran, divine tests, the holy spirit, and the nature of angels. There is (p.59 ff.) an account of the author's meeting with 'Abd al-Baha'. Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 are to be found in English translation by Cole (Letters and Essays, item x).

28. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Al-Hujaj al-Bahiyya. Reprinted in Mukhtarat [item x], pp.115-247 ed., Cairo: 1342/1925.An unfinished work written in Egypt and America in exposition of Bahá'í doctrine for western converts. The subjects covered include the meaning of the Day of Resurrection, the oneness of God, the proofs of the divine Manifestations, and the reasons for the rejection of the prophets. An English translation exists [item x].

29. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Kitab al-durar al-bahiyya fi jawab al-asi'la al-Hindiyya. Cairo: Mawsu'at Press, 1317/1900.A collection of three treatises dealing with various topics, including questions of sacred history; prayer, alms and fasting; the miracles of Moses; a commentary on Qur'an 75:19; an examination of biblical prophecies about Islam; and the evidential value of miracles. The third piece (pp. 215-78) is the Risala-yi Iskandariyya. Although the contents display much erudition, the methodology is dated and still very dependent on traditional Islamic approaches. For an English translation, see item x.

30. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Kitab al-fara'id fi bayan wujuh aqsam al-dalil wa 'l-burhan wa jawab masa'il intaqada bi-ha Hadrat al-Shaykh 'Abd al-Salam 'ala ahl al-iqan [Generally known as the Kitab al-fara'id ]. 1st. Photomechanic reprint with additional commentary (pp.1-10) on the Fara'id at rear, [Tehran], [Bahá'í Publishing Committee], n.d. [197-?]; also an elegant calligraphic ed. , n.p. [Iran?], n.d., a copy of which exists in the author's possession in jellygraph format. ed., Cairo: Hindiyya Press, 1315/1897-98.A lengthy and detailed defence of Bahá'í doctrine, originally written in response to a treatise by Mirza 'Abd al-Salam, Shaykh al-Islam of Tiflis, attacking Baha' Allah's Kitab-i iqan [section x, item xx]. The book deals mainly with topics raised in the Iqan, such as continuous divine revelation, the nature of the Manifestations of God, and prophecy.

31. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Knowing God Through Love and Farewell Address of Mirza Abul Fazl. Washington, D.C.: Bahai Assembly of Washington, D. C., 1904.Collins 7.19

32. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Risala-yi Ayyubiyya. Published with the Sharh-i ayat-i mu'arrikha [item x] ed., Shanghai: 1344/1925.A treatise written at the request of a Jewish rabbi in Hamadan, in which the author examines Old Testament prophecy.

33. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Sharh-i ayat-i mu'arrakha. 1st. Also published with Risala-yi Ayyubiyya, Shanghai, 1344/1925 [Momen]; photmechanic reprint of Agra ed., [Tehran], n.d. ed., Agra, India: 'Azizi Press, 1925.A composite work in three parts, written in 1305/1888 in Hamadan, dealing with prophetic verses in the Old and New Testaments, Qur'an, and Zoroastrian scriptures. The second part is addressed particularly to the Jewish people, calling on them to recognize the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy in the appearance of Baha' Allah.

34. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Translation of a Letter of Instruction from Mirza-Abul-Fazl. Twelfth Talk Given by Mrs. Isabella D. Brittingham. Teachings by Mirza Asad'Ullah. Vol. [Cover reads 'Volume 4']. New York: C. E. Sprague, n.d. [1904?].Collins 7.22

35. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu' l-Fadl. The Brilliant Proof, Burhane Lame. English translation, Chicago, Bahai News Service, 1912, 37, 35 pp.; reprinted Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1949, 12 leaves; Sydney, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand, 1949, 32 pp. German trans. (from English) by F. Schweizer, Zuffenhausen ed., Chicago: Bahá'í News Service, 1912.

36. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu' l-Fadl: see also Mirza Abul Fazel. :

37. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl and Foreword by Amin Banani. Miracles and Metaphors. Translated by Juan Ricardo Cole. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1981.An annotated translation of Al-durar al-bahiyya, originally published in 1900 (item x).

38. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. "'Risala-yi Iskandariyya' (part)." Zapiski 8 (1893): Trans. Aleksandr Tumanskii (Russian) English translation in Cole, Letters and Essays [item x], pp.43-83; also partly translated in Browne, New History [section x, item xx], pp.xxxv-xlii. Full text published in Kitab al-durar al-bahiyya (item x)

39. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Juzva-yi rasa'il-i Hadrat-i Abu 'l-Fada'il : see Risala dar sharh-i hadith.... (item x).

40. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Letters and Essays ,1886-1913. Translated by Juan R. I. Cole. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1985.A translation of fifteen pieces, mainly letters, by Gulpaygani, based on Mehrabkhani's collection Rasa'il wa raqa'im (item x). The collection includes the Risala-yi Iskandariyya, written for Tumanskkii on Babi history, an account of Babism written for the Egyptian journal al-Muqtataf, and the Risala Tarablisiyya in response to questions raised by that article. Nine of the pieces may also be found in Majmu'a-yi rasa'il [item x].

41. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Mukhtarat min mu'allifat Abi 'l-Fada'il. Brussels: Maisons d'Editions Bahá'íes, 137 B.E./1980.A collection of two long treatises and twelve letters, including al-Durar al-bahiyya [item x], al-Hujaj al-bahiyya [item xx], the Risala Tarablisiyya, and al-Bab wa 'l-Babiyya. Several items are available in translation [see items xxx, xxxx]. The collection is preceded by a short Arabic biography of Gulpaygani, which contains a brief but inadequate bibliography of works on his life.

42. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Risala dar sharh-i hadith: 'al-'ilm sab'a wa 'ishrun harfan'. [Gelatine edition] Reprinted under title Juzva-yi rasa'il-i Hadrat-i Abu 'l-Fada'il, Tehran, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 129 B.E./1972-73; also in Sulaymani, Masabih-i hidayat, vol.2 [section x, item xx], pp.365-79; also in Mehrabkhani, Rasa'il wa raqa'im [item x], pp. ed., n.p. [Iran]: n.d.-a.A commentary on the Islamic tradition 'Knowledge consists of twenty-seven letters', referred to in Baha' Allah's Kitab-i iqan [section x, item xx]. A translation of this piece may be found in Cole, Letters and Essays [item x], pp.181-93.

43. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Risala dar sharh-i shajara-yi Jamal-i Mubarak. Reprinted in Sulaymani, Masabih-i hidayat, vol.2, pp.358-65 ed., Bombay: n.d.-b.An account of the genealogy of Baha' Allah, in which the author traces the prophet's ancestry back to the Sassanian kings of Iran.

44. Ha'i, Muhibbat. Ancha kunad, u kunad (He does whatever he pleases). Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1988.

45. Haddad, Anton. The Station of the Manifestation and the Greatness of the Day. New York: Board of Counsel, 1901.Collins 7.1116

46. Hamadani, Haj Mahdi Arjumand. Kitab-i gulshan-i Haqa'iq. 1st. US ed., Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1982, 3, 303, 4 pp. Originally written in 1335/1917, this is a book of apologetics written by a Jewish convert, based on a series of debates held in Hamadan with an American Protestant missionary in 1897. The main topics covered are the proofs of past prophets, the return of Christ, the meaning of the day of resurrection, and Biblical prophecies concerning the appearance of Baha' Allah.

47. Hamadani, Sadr al-Sudur (Sayyid Ahmad Musawi). Istidlaliyya-yi mukhtasar-i Sadr al-Sudur (A brief work of apologetics by Sadr al-Sudur). Tehran: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 132 B.E./1976, 103 pp. Photo-mechanic copy of original copy in the hand of the author. This brief exposition of arguments for the Bahá'í faith was written in 1324/1906 at the request of two Western Bahá'ís, Hippolyte Dreyfus and Laura Barney.

48. Hatcher, John S. The Metaphorical Nature of Physical Reality. Bahá'í Studies 3, Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith, 1977.Collins 7.1139

49. Hatcher, John S. The Purpose of Physical Reality: The Kingdom of Names. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1987 (?).

50. Hatcher, William S. Logic and Logos. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990.Five essays on 'Platonism and Pragmatism', 'Myths, Models and Mysticism', 'From Metaphysics to Logic', 'A Logical Solution to the Problem of Evil' and 'Science and the Bahá'í Faith'.

51. Herrigel, Wilhelm ['W. H']. Die Zeichen unserer Zeit im Lichte der Bibel und der Bahá'í-Lehre [The sign of our times in the light of the Bible and the Bahá'í teachings]. Stuttgart: Verlag der Bahá'í-Vereinigung, 1916.BW IV, p. 301

52. Herrigel?], [Wilhelm. An der Schwelle eines neues Zeitalters. Stuttgart: W. H. [Wilhelm Herrigel], n.d. [before 1932].BW IV, p. 303

53. Hoagg, H. Emogene. Conditions of Existence: Servitude, Prophethood, Deity. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1938.Collins 7.1179

54. Ishraq-Khavari, 'Abd al-Hami d. Durj-i la'ali -yi hidayat (The casket of the pearls of guidance). Isfahan, Iran: Kitabkhana-yi Nurayn-i Nayyirayn, 1944.Bahá'í World vol. XI refers to what seems to be this title, stating it is published in 3 vols.

55. Ishraq-Khavari, 'Abd al-Hami d. Muhadirat (Seminars). Reissued, 1987, Hofheim-Langenhain, Bahá'í-Verlag, 1265 pp. ed., Tehran: Bahá'í Publishing Committee,

56. Jenabe Fazel, Mirza [Mirza Asad Allah Fadil-i Mazandarani]. Lectures Giving the Solution of the World's Problems from a Universal Standpoint Series No.1, Fulfillment in this Age of the Old and New Testament Prophecies etc. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Seattle: The Bahai Literature Center, n.d.

57. Johnson, Lowell. The Covenants of God. Reprinted n.d. [1960?], Toronto, Ont., National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada ed., n.p.: n.d. [196-].Collins 7.1330-1

58. Kazemi, Farhad. "Review of Gulpaygani, Miracles and Metaphors (item x)." International Journal of Middle East Studies 16 (2 1984): 280-81.Collins 7.21

59. Kazemi, Farhad. "Review of Gulpaygani,." (May 1984):

60. Lawson, B. Todd. "Review of Gulpaygani, Miracles and Metaphors (item x)." Religious Studies Review 11 (2 April 1985): 206.Collins 7.21

61. Littlefield, David W. "Review of Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (item x)." Library Journal (New York) (Oct. 1, 1978): 1993.7.2347

62. MacEoin, Denis. "Review of Gulpaygani, Letters and Essays (item x)." International Journal for Middle East Studies 41 (4 1987): 663.

63. Matthews, Gary L. The Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh, Oxford, George Ronald, 1993, xii, 283 pp.

64. McGlinn, Sen (ed.), ed. Soundings, Essays in Bahá'í Theology. EssAys and Reviews 1. Christchurch, New Zealand: Open Circle Publishing, 1989.Contents: Karen Austin, 'Writing History', Bronwyn Elsmore, 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith', Sen McGlinn, 'Introduction to the Bible in Modern Research', Alison Marshall, 'Anti-positivism, teaching and the Bahá'í Faith', William Michael, 'Religious Belief and the Mutability of Scientific Theory', Moojan Momen, 'Is the Bahá'í Faith a World Religion?'

65. Na'i m, [Mi rza Muhammad Sidihi Isfahani ]. [Istidlaliyya]. n.p. [Tehran]: n.d.Jellygraph in a very limited edition. A basic work of apologetics written for pupils in his Bahá'í prozelytization class. (Reference in Ahsan al taqwi m p. 49.)

66. Nabi l-zada, Muni r. Tabyi n-i haqi qat (Explanation of the truth). Tehran: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 129 B.E./1972-73.

67. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. National Reference Library Committee. The Worlds of God: Basic Clasifications of Existence as defined in the Bahá'í Writings: A Compilation. n.p. [Wilmette, Ill.]: National [Bahá'í] Reference Library Committee, 1965-1971 [i.e. 1971].Collins 7.1902 On the tripartite division of existence into the realms of Divinity, Manifestation, and Servitude.

68. Nicolas, A.-L.-M. "'Sur la Volonte Primitive et l'Essence Divine d'apre`s le Bab'." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris) 55 (1907): 208-12.

69. Nushabadi, Hasan Rahmani. Bayan-i haqi qat (Explanation of the truth). Reissued 118 B.E./1961-62, 246 pp. ed., [Tehran]: [National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iran], 1310 Sh./1931-32.On Nushabadi, see Masabih-i hidayat vol. 6.

70. Nushabadi, Hasan Rahmani. Fara'id al-di niyya (sic; Religious pearls). n.p. [Mashhad, Iran?]: n.d.

71. Nushabadi, Hasan Rahmani. Mi'rat al-haqi qa (The mirror of truth). Tehran: Bahá'í Publications Committee, 129 B.E./1972-73.A series of nineteen 'sessions' dealing with religious topics, some general, some specific to Bahá'ísm.

72. Original text and translation of Gulpaygani's Burhan-i lami', written on 28 December 1911 in Beirut, in response to an article by Rev. Peter Z. Easton [Section x, item xx -- item in Evangelical Christendom]. Advances fairly standard responses to criticisms in themselves largely devoid of value. Collins 7.15-17

73. Purpose and Meaning of the Bahá'í Ringstone Symbol. n.p.: n.d. [1983?].Collins 7.2162

74. Qurayshi, Shaykh Hishmat Allah. Burhan-i sarih (The evident proof). Agra, India: [before 1924].This work was subsequently criticized by a Muslim writer, Jalal al-Di n Shams (see section x, item xx).

75. Rabbani, Ruhiyyih. Prescription for Living. 1st. Limited ed. (300 copies), London, George Ronald, 1950; rev. ed., London, George Ronald, 1960 ed., London: George Ronald, 1950.A rather prissy commentary on modern life and morals, with chapters on 'The Road to Happiness', 'Love and Marriage', 'Death', 'Work', 'Habit' and similar topics. The style and much of the content is indistinguishable from Christian fundamentalist writing in the same vein. Chapters XI and XII provide standard accounts of Babi and Bahá'í history.

76. Rabbani, Ruhiyyih. The Desire of the World: Materials for the Contemplation of God and His Manifestation for This Day. Oxford: George Ronald, 1984.Collins 7.2173 Scriptural selections, with commentary.

77. Rajah, K. God Is the All-Knowing Power of the Universe. Seremban, Malaysia: K. Rajah, n.d. [196-?].Collins 7.2203

78. Rajah, K. The Creative Power Behind All Existence. Seremban, Malaysia: K. Rajah, 1976.Collins 7.2202

79. Rawhani, Ghula-Rida'. Burhan-i vada (The manifest proof). [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publications Committee, 130 B.E./1973-74.

80. Rawshani, Ruhi. Khatimiyyat. [Tehran]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 129 B.E./1972-73.A collection, with commentary, of passages from scriptural and other texts dealing with the meaning of Muhammad's being the 'Seal of the Prophets' and related issues. Various Islamic terms are dealt with, including nabi, imam, and qiyama.

81. "Review of Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (item x)." Choice (Middletown, Conn.) (Oct. 1978): 378-79.7.2347

82. "Review of Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (item x)." Theology Digest 27 (1 Spring 1979): 7.2347

83. Rice, W.A. "'A Babi Pamphlet'." The Church Missionary Intelligencer (Aug. 1902): 563-73.Collins 11.860 Momen suggests that the author of the pamphlet in question may have been the poet 'Andali b (Mi rza 'Ali Ashraf Lahijani), and that it was written for E. G. Browne, whom 'Andali b met in Yazd.

84. Royster, James E. "Review of Gulpaygani, Miracles and Metaphors (item x)." The Muslim World 72 (3-4 1982): 282-83.Collins 7.21

85. Rumi, Sayyid Mustafa. al-Mi'yar al-sahi h li-ma'rifa al-Mahdi wa 'l-Masi h (The true standard by which to recognize the Mahdi and Christ). n.p. [New Delhi]: [Bahá'í Publishing Committee], [1947].

86. Sabet, Huschmand. Der gespaltene Himmel. Stuttgart: Verum-Verlag, 1967.English translation, The Heavens Are Cleft Asunder (item x)c/r Bahá'ísm and Christianity

87. Sabet, Huschmand. The Heavens Are Cleft Asunder. Oxford: George Ronald, 1975.English trans. of Der gespaltene Himmel [item x]

88. Sahi h-furush, 'Abd Allah. Istidlaliyya bara-yi Ahl-i Haqq (An apologetic treatise for the Ahl-i Haqq). Tehran: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 123 B.E./1966-67.A treatise directed at members of the Ahl-i Haqq ('Ali -Ilahi) sect.

89. Savi, Julio. The Eternal Quest for God. An Introduction to the Divine Philosophy of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 1989, Oxford, George Ronald, xvii, 260 pp. Originally published as Nell'universo sulle tracce di Dio (Through the universe in search of God). Rome: Casa Editrice Bahá'í.

90. Schaefer, Udo. 'Muhammad -- ein Lugenprophet'. Bahá'í-Briefe, Frankfurt: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1969. [Eng. trans. in Light Shineth in Darkness -- check which article]

91. Schaefer, Udo. Bahá'í-- Religion nach Mass? Stuttgart: Verum-Verlag, 1970.[Eng. trans. in Light Shineth in Darkness -- check which article]

92. Schaefer, Udo. Die missverstandene Religion. Frankfurt: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1968. [Eng. trans. in Light Shineth in Darkness -- check which article]

93. Schaefer, Udo. Sekte oder Offenbarungsreligion? Zur religions-wissenschaftlichen Einordnung des Bahá'í-Glaubens (Sect or revealed religion? On the classification of the Bahá'í faith within the field of the study of religions), Hofheim-Langenhain: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1982. English trans. as The Bahá'í Faith. Sect or Religion?,(item x - below)

94. Schaefer, Udo. The Bahá'í Faith. Sect or Religion? Bahá'í Studies, 16, Ottawa, Ont.: Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1988, 24 pp. (trans. of item x - above)

95. Schaefer, Udo. The Light Shineth in Darkness: Five Studies in Revelation after Christ. Translated by Hele`ne Momtaz Neri and Oliver Coburn. Oxford: George Ronald, 1977.A compilation of four pieces which originally appeared in German, preceded by a short article on 'belief and unbelief today'. The original articles are: Was es heisst, Bahá'í zu sein ('What it means to be a Bahá'í') [item x]; Die missverstandene Religion ('????') [item xx; 'Muhammad -- ein Lugenprophet' ('????) [item xxx]; and Bahá'í -- Religion nach Mass? ('????) [item xxxx]. For details see under originals.7.2347

96. Schmitz, A. "Das Prophetenverstandnis der Bahá'í-Religion aus der Sicht ihrer Grunder (The understanding of the prophets in the Bahá'í religion in the view of its founder)." M.A., Mulheim/Ruhr University, 1973.

97. Shook, Glenn A. Mysticism, Science and Revelation. Reissued Wheatley, U.K. and Oxford, 1954, 1974, 1976; 1st. U.S. ed., Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1967 ed., London: George Ronald, 1953.Collins 7.2404-7 Deals with God and His creation, varieties of mysticism, prophetic religion, science, revelation, and prayer.

98. Sulaymani, 'Azi z Allah. Rashahat-i hikmat (Sprinklings of wisdom). Tehran: Bahá'í Publications Committee, 104 B.E./1947-48.Bahá'í World XI gives this title as having 2 vols.

99. Teherani, Abdel Karim ('Abd al-Karim Tehrani). Addresses by Abdel karim Effendi Teherani, Delivered Before the New York & Chicago Assemblies. Reissued [trans. by Ahmad Suhrab?], Persian-American Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1924 ed., Translated by Anton F. Haddad. Chicago: Behais Supply and Publishing Board, 1900.An important milestone in the establishment of Bahá'í orthodoxy in the United States. Tehrani was one of several Iranian believers sent by 'Abbas Effendi to educate the new Western converts in the basics of the religion and to undo the effects of Kheiralla's heterodox teachings and breach.

100. Tomlin, Viva B. M. Sadratu'l-Muntaha, the Tree Beyond Which There Is No Passing. Oxford: Stephen Tomlin, 1982.Collins 7.2566 The term 'Sidrat al-muntaha' refers to a phrase in the Qur'an (53:14), in a passage taken to refer to Muhammad's Night Journey to heaven. It is generally used in Bahá'í writing to refer to the Manifestation of God.

101. Towfigh, Nicola. Schopfung und Offenbarung aus der Sicht der Bahai-Religion: anhand ausgewahlter Texte (Creation and revelation according to the Bahá'í religion, on the basis of selected texts), Hildesheim, Germany; New York, G. Olms, 1989, 219 pp. Vol. 3 of Religionswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien. German and Arabic text, including selected scriptural materials. Originally doctoral thesis, Ruhr-Univesitat Bochum.

102. Townshend, George. The Mission of Bahá'u'lláh and Other Literary Pieces. Reissued Wilmette, Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1967 ed., London: George Ronald, 1952.A collection of X essays on a variety of topics, including

103. Waite, Louise R. Unity of the Manifestations: (All Mouthpieces of God). n.p. [Geyserville, Calif.?]: 1936.Collins 7.2667a An address delivered at the 1936 session of the Geyserville Bahá'í Summer School.

104. Wilson, Robert. Workshop: How to Recognize the Manifestation of God. Lake Forest Park, Wash.: Wilson, 1981.Collins 7.2755

105. Yazdi, Haji Mirza Muhammad Afshar. Dala'il al-'Irfan. 1895 or 1896.Mentioned Balyuzi, Eminent Bahá'ís, pp. 121-2

106. Zamenhof, Lidja. Homo, Dio, Profeto [Man, God, Prophet]. Wienheim, Germany: Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1931.BW IV p. 298

107. Zarqani, Mi rza Mahmud. Ihqaq al-haqq. [New Delhi]: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1908-09.An Urdu translation of a Persian work which appears to be unpublished.

108. Zuffada, Luigi. L'Antico dei Giorni (The Ancient of Days). Rome: Casa Editrice Bahá'í,

109. [Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl], Mirza Abul Fazel. The Behai Proofs, Hujaj'ul Beheyyeh. 1st. 2nd. ed. as The Bahai Proofs, Hujaj'ul Behayyeh, Chicago, The Grier Press, 1914, 288 pp.; 3rd. ed., New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1929; 3rd. ed. reprinted as The Bahá'í Proofs (Hujaja'l-Bahiyyih) ; and a Short Sketch of the History of the Lives of the Leaders of This Religion, with an introduction by Juan R. Cole, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1983, xiii, 305 pp. German trans. by Wilhelm Herrigel, Geschichte und Wahrheitsbeweise der Bahá'í-religion, trans. W. H. [Wilhelm Herrigel], 1919, Stuttgart, Verlag des deutschen Bahá'í-Bundes, xxiv, 295 pp. ed., Translated by Ishteal-ebn-Kalenter ('Ali Quli Khan, Ishti'al ibn Kalantar). New York: J.W. Pratt Co., 1902.A translation of al-Hujaj al-bahiyya [item x]. Originally written for a Western audience, this work was immensely influential in Bahá'í circles in the period before Shoghi Effendi's expositions of doctrine became dominant. For details, see item x. Collins 7.12-14

110. [Isfahani ], Haji  Mi rza. Dala'il al-'irfan (The proofs of mystical knowledge). Bombay: 1313/1895-96.Apologetics directed at a Muslim audience.

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