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  1. Posted 2024-10-18 in Books:   Rúhíyyih Khánum. Good Message, The (1960). A simplified rendering of themes in Shoghi Effendi's translation of Gleanings, used in Africa as a practical tool for achieving the central goal of Ruhiyyih Khanum's life: sharing the Baha'i teachings with others (Hutchison, 2000).
  2. Posted 2024-10-16 in Poetry:   Jalal Sunstrum. Le Retour d'un Soleil (2024). L'histoire d'un chercheur qui a trouvé l'Amour grâce à un songe: la rencontre avec la Manifestation de Dieu du futur.
  3. Posted 2024-10-16 in Poetry:   Jalal Sunstrum. Rock-n-Roll God: Poems (2024). Ten short poems, excerpted from a longer work (forthcoming).
  4. Posted 2024-10-13 in Essays and short articles:   William Miller. Bahá'í Cause Today, The (1940). A Christian missionary's outsider perspective on the history of the Bábí and Bahá'í faiths, teachings, literature, teachings, and prophecies.
  5. Posted 2024-10-13 in Book reviews:   Marzieh Gail. Bahá'í Cause Today, The: Review (1941).
  6. Posted 2024-10-13 in Fiction:   Ehsan Bayat. Little Gems (2024). This is a story for young adults (10+) of a Baha’i family and his family’s impact on a neighborhood through active participation in the Institute process.
  7. Posted 2024-10-13 in Study Guides:   Ehsan Bayat. Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of America: Study Guide (2024). Study guide to the 2024 September letter from the United States National Spiritual Assembly.
  8. Posted 2024-10-12 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. To the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (2024). The Bahá’í response to conflicts and related humanitarian crises in the world; encouraging Bahá’í youth to contribute to peace and unity by avoiding political involvement, focusing on moral principles, and promoting constructive social change.
  9. Posted 2024-10-11 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Places Where the Manifestations of God Have Appeared; Equality of Men and Women (1986). The consistent portrayal of all known Manifestations of God as male and their historical emergence exclusively in the East; the equality of men and women; on soul mates.
  10. Posted 2024-10-05 in Books:   Boris Handal. Quddús: The First in Rank (2024). Two chapters from a biography of Quddús: "Martyrdom of Quddús" (ch. 17) on the most revered figure in the Faith of the Báb, and "The Shrine of Quddús" (ch. 25) on the history of the most sacred Bahá'í sepulchre in Iran, which was destroyed in 2004.
  11. Posted 2024-09-27 in Biographies:   Rúhíyyih Khánum. Horace Hotchkiss Holley (1970). Fairly detailed biography, including observations of the relationship between Holley and the Guardian.
  12. Posted 2024-09-26 in Essays and short articles:   Horace Holley. Bahá'í Faith, The (1933). Essay published as a pamphlet, on the worldwide spiritual community, renewal of faith, the basis of unity, and a background of heroic sacrifice.
  13. Posted 2024-09-26 in Notable talks:   Horace Holley. Our Covenant with Abdu'l-Bahá (1949). Every Bahá'í has a mission to do their part in the quickening of souls. Bahá'ís meet in the spirit of consultation and action, inspired by the creative nature of the Faith, to deliver God's message and renew our personal covenant.
  14. Posted 2024-09-26 in Books:   Horace Holley. Religion for Mankind (1956). Twenty-two essays and talks selected from a half-century's work of one of the most distinguished Bahá’í authors, most written during the period 1921-1957.
  15. Posted 2024-09-26 in Books:   Horace Holley. Three Books of Poetry (1913). Collections Creation: Post-Impressionist Poems, The Inner Garden: A Book of Verse, and The Stricken King and Other Poems.
  16. Posted 2024-09-24 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Social media and non-involvement in politics (2019). Guidance on avoiding political involvement, exercising caution on social media, promoting unity, and focusing on spiritual transformation for societal betterment.
  17. Posted 2024-09-23 in Books:   Thomas Cook (firm). Cook's Tourists' Handbook for Palestine and Syria (1876). Many passing references to Haifa, Carmel, Akka, and the Holy Land; see e.g. pages 20-21, 30-31, 47-48, 408-416.
  18. Posted 2024-09-22 in Books:   Abdu'l-Bahá. Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney, trans. Les Lecons de Saint-Jean D'Acre (1908). French translation of original English edition of Some Answered Questions.
  19. Posted 2024-09-22 in Books:   Samuel Graham Wilson. Modern Movements among Moslems (1916). A Christian missionary's overview of contemporary Islam, including the Bábís.
  20. Posted 2024-09-22 in Books:   Charles Mason Remey. Various Books: 9 Books for Download (1913). Titles include: The Covenant; Observations of a Bahai Traveller; Through Warring Countries; Mashrak-el-Azkar; A Report to Abdul Baha; Bahai Revelation and Reconstruction; The New Day; Peace of the World.
  21. Posted 2024-09-21 in Books:   William Miller. Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ, about the Year 1843 (1842). Nineteen lectures on the upcoming return of Christ; resurrection; the 2,300 days; Daniel's vision; Daniel's 1260, 1290, and 1335 days explained; Solomon's song; signs of the times.
  22. Posted 2024-09-21 in Books:   William Miller. Joshua V. Himes, ed. Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology: Selected from Manuscripts of William Miller with a Memoir of His Life (1842). Miller's memoir; scriptural interpretation; Bible chronology; various addresses and lectures; various reviews and letters.
  23. Posted 2024-09-19 in Published articles:   Reality magazine: Volume 5 (1922). Twelve issues of Vol. 5, January 1922 - December 1922.
  24. Posted 2024-09-19 in Published articles:   Reality magazine: Volume 2 (1919). Twelve issues of Vol. 2, December 1919 - December 1920.
  25. Posted 2024-09-19 in Published articles:   Reality magazine: Volume 1 (1919). Five issues of Vol. 1, May 1919 - September 1919, of a short-lived journal designed to promote "liberal" approaches to the Bahá'í Faith.
  26. Posted 2024-09-19 in Published articles:   Robert Sarracino. What Does Spirituality Look Like? (2024). Overview of the concepts of spirit and spirituality in the Bahá’í writings; discussion of a letter from the House on what spirituality should look like today; can the social sciences investigate the phenomenon of spirituality as central to human nature.
  27. Posted 2024-09-18 in Provisional translations:   Bahá'u'lláh. Adib Masumian, trans. "O My handmaid! Concern not thyself with that which is outwardly apparent…" (2017). Bahá'u'lláh urges focusing on spiritual beauty over physical appearance, as worldly allure is deceptive.
  28. Posted 2024-09-16 in Newspaper articles:   California Digital Newspaper Collection: Unformatted Partial Archive 1872-2017 (1872). 9,851 uncorrected OCR-ed clippings from the California Digital Newspaper Collection, in Excel or HTML format.
  29. Posted 2024-09-15 in Newspaper articles:   Chicago Defender: Newspaper Archive 1910-1975 (1910). 1,677 clippings, unsorted, in scanned PDF.
  30. Posted 2024-09-15 in Books:   E. G. Browne. Various Books: 7 Books, Articles for Download (1892). Titles include: Catalogue of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts, India; Reign of Terror at Tabriz; Muhammad Hasan Isfandiyar's History of Tabaristan; Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts, University of Cambridge; Catalogue and Description of 27 Babi Manuscripts.
  31. Posted 2024-09-14 in Encyclopedia articles:   E. G. Browne. Báb, Bábís (1926).
  32. Posted 2024-09-14 in Encyclopedia articles:   E. G. Browne. Bábíism (1910).
  33. Posted 2024-09-13 in BIC documents:   Bahá'í International Community. Embracing Interdependence: Foundations for a World in Transition (2024). Statement on the occasion of the United Nations Summit of the Future, advocating for global governance reform centered on humanity's oneness, urging leaders to prioritize unity, justice, and interdependence for lasting peace.
  34. Posted 2024-09-13 in Presentations:   Christopher Buck. Kevin Locke and the Tablet to Amir Khan (2024). The late Kevin Locke believed ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Tablet to Amír Khán establishes that Indigenous Messengers of God were sent to the Americas. This understanding of Progressive Revelation has implications for interactions with Indigenous people.
  35. Posted 2024-09-13 in Essays and short articles:   Wm. Keith Bookwalter. My Memories of Stanwood Cobb (2024). Brief recollections of meeting Cobb in 1973 at Ohio State University on a lecture tour. Includes bibliography, biography, and supplementary information about Cobb.
  36. Posted 2024-09-13 in Books:   Stanwood Cobb. Various Books: 12 Books for Download (1932). Titles include: Discovering the Genius Within You, Sage of the Sacred Mountain, Radiant Living, Trouble: How to Meet It, Expanding Our Spiritual Consciousness, Joy of Existence, Scientific Study of the Hand, Thoughts on Education, Spiritual Power.
  37. Posted 2024-09-13 in Statistics:   Shoghi Effendi, comp. World Survey, A: The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1944 (1944). Summary document showing countries opened, centres founded, languages translated, properties purchased, and dates of significance.
  38. Posted 2024-09-08 in Library Miscellany:   Download Bahá'í Library Online: Offline Archive of All Files (2024). Downloadable version of entire website, designed for use on your computer without need for internet. Download direct from, or by BitTorrent.
  39. Posted 2024-09-02 in Glossaries & Dictionaries:   Adib Masumian. Arabic and Persian Originals of Metaphysical Terms in the Bahá'í Writings (2024). Transliteration with Arabic and Persian script of the words soul, spirit, self, mind, heart, and spirit of faith.
  40. Posted 2024-09-01 in Published articles:   Tova Makhani-Belkin. "I woke up and knew, spiritually, I have just accepted the faith": Agency and Dream Ethnography in the Bahá'í Faith (2024). Analysis of first-generation Bahá'ís' dreams and visions as confirming their religious conversion, emphasizing dreams' role in integrating prior beliefs and aiding conversion.
  41. Posted 2024-08-30 in Published articles:   T. Crouther Gordon. Bahaism and Christianity: or, The Religion of 'The Splendour of God' (1927). Sympathetic overview of the Faith, and impressions from a visit to Haifa.
  42. Posted 2024-08-30 in Bahá'í Writings:   Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Lawh-i-Hirtík (Tablet to Hardegg) (2024). Authorized translation of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to Georg David Hardegg, co-founder of the German Templer Society, emphasizing devotion, fulfillment of prophecies, and the transformative power of the Word of God.
  43. Posted 2024-08-23 in Bahá'í Writings:   Bahá'u'lláh. Signs for the Coming of Age of the Human Race (1992). Passage from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, posted as a standalone page here for ease of reference and tagging purposes.
  44. Posted 2024-08-20 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Adoption and Parent Consent (2003). Short compilation of extracts from letters written on behalf of the House on various matters relating to adoption.
  45. Posted 2024-08-20 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. In Vitro Fertilization and Related Issues (2003). Short compilation of excerpts from the House on IVF, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, and the condition of the soul in relation to the various techniques to assist in the fertilization of the ovum.
  46. Posted 2024-08-20 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Infertility and Medical Intervention, Station of Adoption, and Adoption and Parental Consent (2003). Compilation of passages from the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and from the Universal House of Justice on matters of having children in a family, with links to the letters "In Vitro Fertilization and Related Issues" and "Adoption and Parent Consent."
  47. Posted 2024-08-01 in Songs & Music:   Lorraine Hetu Manifold. Fifteen Steps to Becoming a Skilled Choral Singer (2024). On Abdu'l-Bahá's exhortations to bring music to the highest stage of development: 15 techniques for improving one's own skill, both as an individual and as a member of a choir, written by an experienced conductor.
  48. Posted 2024-08-01 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice:   Universal House of Justice. Message on the occasion of the opening of the 2014 World Cup (2914). Letter in response to the Brazilian president's invitation for a statement on global peace and harmony, reflecting the Brazilian government's aim to leverage the World Cup to further the cause of peace and combat racial discrimination.
  49. Posted 2024-07-31 in Bahá'í Writings:   Bahá'u'lláh. Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity (1939). Well-known passage from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, posted as a standalone page here for ease of reference and tagging purposes.
  50. Posted 2024-07-30 in Presentations:   Roger Coe. AI and the Human Spirit: From Existential Risk to Essential Development (2024). Presentation on numerous topics, including risks and potentialities of AI; Chinese philosophy; cybernetics, the "science of science"; philosophies of psychology; theories of pedagogy.
  51. Posted 2024-07-30 in Audio:   Shoghi Effendi. Nosheen Shabani, comp. ندا باهل عالم (Neda be-ahle allam): "Call to the Nations" audio. Audio of Call to the Nations, read by a group of Bahá'ís from Canada, Australia, Kuwait, and Iran, produced by Nosheen Shabani.
  52. Posted 2024-07-29 in Pilgrims' notes:   Ted Cardell. One Person's Search for a Better World (1992).
  53. Posted 2024-07-25 in Notable talks:   Ali Nakhjavani. Thoughts on the Lesser Peace, Some (1984). Lengthy talk given at the World Centre for the Ihtifál (celebration) programme on general guidelines on peace and world unity, and statements from the Writings that appear to be contradictory.
  54. Posted 2024-07-25 in Glossaries & Dictionaries:   Hamed Eshraghian, comp. مجموعۀ لغات منتخبه از آثار امری بزبانهای فارسی، عربی و انگلیسی (Majmú'iy-i-Lughát-i-Muntakhabih az Áthár-i-Amrí bih Zabán-háy-i-Fársí, 'Arabí, va Inglísí): A Collection of Selected Words from the Bahá'í Writings in Persian, Arabic, and English (1989). Glossary with more than 2,200 words in the original languages of the Writings and their corresponding translations into English per authorized precedent.
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