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    Religious Scholars Meeting in China

    BEIJING (Nov. 16) XINHUA - More than 50 religious scholars from 10 countries gathered today in the Chinese capital to discuss relationships between religious culture and ethic morality, as well as current values around the world.

    The scholars from the United States, Britain, Sweden, India, Thailand, Singapore, Finland, Italy, Canada and China mainly study world religions,including Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Islam and Bahaism, as well as religious culture and social activities. Zhuo Xinping, director of the Institute of World Religions under the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), said the symposium will help increase understanding and dialog between religious scholars in different countries.

    The three-day symposium is jointly sponsored by the CASS and the U.S. based Pacific Rim Institute for Development and Education.

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