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U.N. to hold Human Rights Workshop in Iran
04:44 AM ET 01/12/98

U.N. to hold Human Rights Workshop in Iran

TEHRAN, Jan 12 (Reuters) - The United Nations will hold a regional human rights workshop in February in Iran, recently criticised by the world body for its human rights practices.

A U.N. spokesman in Tehran said on Monday the sixth Asia-Pacific workshop on the promotion and protection of human rights would be held there from February 2 to 4.

Senior government officials and policymakers from 46 countries in the region are due to attend the Tehran meeting, said a U.N. document on the workshop.

It is envisaged that agreement will be reached at the end of the workshop concerning next steps to be taken to facilitate the process of establishing a regional arrangement for the protection and promotion of human rights" it said.

The U.N. General Assembly in December called on Iran to stop executions for non-violent crimes and establish human rights for women and minority religions such as the Bahá'í faith.

It passed a resolution expressing concern about the large and increasing numbers of executions, as well as cases of torture, degrading treatment or punishment, including the stoning of women and amputations.

Iran rejected the resolution, saying the issue was used as a political tool.


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