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Iranian of the century

Internet survey

January 7, 2000
The Iranian

The following (in alphabetical order) are all other Iranians nominated by our readers as the Iranian of the century. All received less than one percent of the vote, but none can be ignored for their impact on Iran and Iranians in the 20th century -- even individuals we may never have heard of.

Back to the Iranian of the century main index.

Bahai leader

* I look now at the accomplishments of all the great Iranians in the 20th century. But which Iranian's words, deeds and position will in the future end up being Iran's greatest contribution to the evolution of humankind? As lovers of Iran, we should not restrict ourselves to the impact made simply within Iran's cultural borders, nor base our decisions on the here-and-now. As I contemplate the future of a rapidly-changing world, I see Abdul-Baha, son and chosen successor of the founder of the Bahai faith, who presumably does not garner any mention in Iranian history books as a part of an "outlawed sect" at this time -- ultimately becoming the most influential Iranian from the 20th century, an incredible period which Abdul-Baha labeled as the "Century of Light." Shahbaz Sabeti

Also see
Abdul-Baha's biography

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Original Story

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