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Radio project to reach more than 1 million in Ghana's Volta region

ACCRA, Ghana, 8 September 2000 (BWNS) -- A radio project to introduce people in Ghana's Volta region to the history and teachings of the Baha'i Faith is expected to reach an audience of more than 1 million over the course of three months.

The project, which began last year in the Greater Accra region and then moved to the Central region, has now moved to the Volta region with programs airing on the Volta Star FM station since late July.

"This phase of the project, like the second one held in the Central region, features 12 topics on the history, teachings and principles of the Faith," said Mr. Micah Yeahwon, coordinator of the project.

"The scripts have been translated into one of the local languages, Ewe, and are being presented by a member of the National Teaching Committee who resides in the region," he said. As part of the program, a phone-in talk show will be aired in late September.

The organizers of the project have seen positive reactions to the broadcasts in Hohoe, one of the larger cities in the region, and surrounding villages.

"In Hohoe recently, many people who listened to our programs were seen stopping the Baha'i van to inquire more about what they had heard on the radio," Mr. Yeahwon said. "A resident of Hohoe who heard the program followed up to inquire about the Faith and has since declared his belief in Baha'u'llah. Some residents of a village called Lolobe, about 12 kilometers from Hohoe, have requested the friends of Hohoe to take the Faith to their village."

A Baha'i residing in Alavanyo, another town 16 kilometers away from Hohoe, wrote to request assistance in answering all the questions he had received from inquirers.

The radio programs can also be heard in parts of the Eastern, Brong Ahafo, Ashanti and Greater Accra regions. "Our information is that we have an audience in neighboring Togo, mainly on the border towns of Aflao and Lome," Mr. Yeahwon said. "It is our hope that by the end of the three-month period, the name of Baha'u'llah or the Baha'i Faith will have been heard by over one million people with some declarations of faith."


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