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September 24, 2001 11:45

The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington Taking the Next Steps in Restoring the Fabric of Our Community: A Faith-Based Response to the Rising Tide of Hate Violence Since the September 11, 2001 Tragedy

The Islamic Center, Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 9:30 a.m.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC) Faith Group Leaders will hold a Press Conference: "Taking the Next Steps in Restoring the Fabric of Our Community: A Faith-Based Response to the Rising Tide of Hate Violence."

WHEN: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 9:30-10 a.m.

    WHERE: The Islamic Center
            2551 Massachusetts Ave., NW
            Washington, D.C. (next to Rock Creek Park)

    WHO:    Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine, Executive Director, InterFaith
            Mr. Farzad Darui, The Islamic Center;
            Imam Yusuf Saleem, Resident Imam, (Masjid Muhamad) National
             Education Director for the Muslim American Society;
            ** Bhai Gurdarshan Singh, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation (Sikh);
            ** Mr. Mumtaz Khan, President, All Dulles Area Muslim Society
               (ADAMS) mosque;
            ** Bhai Arvinder Singh, Spiritual Leader, The Singh Sabha Gurdwara
               (Sikh Temple)
            Dr. Rajwant Singh, Executive Director, Guru Gobind Singh
             Foundation (Sikh);
            Rev. Dr. Chris Hobgood, Regional Minister, Christian Church
            (Disciples of Christ);
            Rev. Dr. John Deckenbach, Conference Minister, United Church of
            The Very Rev. Nathan Baxter, Dean of Washington National
            The Rev. Canon Roy Enquist, Washington National Cathedral;
            A leader from the Washington Board of Rabbis;
            Mr. Richard Witter, D.C.
            Baha'i Spiritual Assembly; Dr. Siva Subramanian, M.D., United 
            Hindu-Jain Temple Association and other religious leaders and
            persons who have experienced hate violence since September 11
            because of their religion and/or appearance.

    WHY:   The InterFaith Conference held the region's only interfaith prayer
           service with eight world religions participating Thursday,
           September 13 at Georgetown University in a dramatic demonstration
           of unity.  On Tuesday, September 25, The Faith Group Leaders will
           release a faith based response to the rising tide of hate violence
           since Tuesday, September 11 that is particularly affecting Muslims
           and Sikhs.  Victims of the violence, including Sikh spiritual
           leader, Bhai Gurdarshan Singh. President of the All Dulles Area
           Muslim Society ADAMS mosque will speak.  His mosque was spray
           painted with graffiti within hours of the attack. Rev. Lobenstine
           said, "We need to unite our voices in response to the growing
           number of incidents of hateful violence since the September 11th
           terrorist attacks and commit ourselves to some practical actions."
           There will also be heart-warming stories of the outpouring of
           support for Muslims, Sikhs and others since this national tragedy.
For more information, please contact The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, 202-234-6300.

SOURCE InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington

/NOTE TO EDITORS: For interviews, press kits and additional information on speakers, please see contact below. ** Victims of hate violence (IFC Faith Based Response statement available upon request)/

/CONTACT: Jan Du Plain, +1-202-244-3338, or, for InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington/

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