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October 25. 2002 6:30AM

Professor advocates a world government

Special to The Sun

The progression of human organization from tribes to cities to nations will eventually evolve into the United Nations acting as the world's government, according to a University of Maryland conflict management professor who spoke Thursday in Gainesville.

He said an international government would be in a better position to deal with world terrorism.

Suheil Badi Bushrui said a worldwide communications system, an international language and uniform currency are required to form the international government.

"Gradually the United Nations will become an international state," Bushrui said. "But it cannot be done without the United States. And the United States can't become the real leader of the world without the U.N. It is a match made in heaven."

Bushrui addressed about 100 people Thursday at the Gainesville Woman's Club, which hosted a daylong event called "A Global Response to Terrorism: The U.N.'s Role." Bushrui is the Baha'i Chair for World Peace in the Center for International Development and Conflict Management at the University of Maryland. He was honored by the British House of Lords two years ago and was a senior adviser on cultural issues for the president of the Republic of Lebanon from 1982 to 1988.

Thursday's event was organized by the Gainesville chapter of the United Nations Association in observance of United Nations Day. "The United Nations should become a circle of light and love that takes everybody in," Bushrui said.

Bushrui said the United Nations should be the center of a "new world order" that changes the current political, economic and moral standards. His 50-minute speech also addressed the civil rights movement and religious differences.

"Islam is innocent of those who use it for their own political gain," Bushrui said. "Religion can be manipulated to serve evil ends. . . . The terrorists who struck on Sept. 11 don't represent any nation, religion or spirit. They represent evil, which has no religion or geographic location."

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