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Baha'is honor human rights advocates

By staff reports
December 7, 2002

People working for human rights will be honored Sunday at a banquet in Oxnard.

Baha'i Faith communities from Ventura and western Los Angeles counties will hold their 12th annual human rights awards ceremony Sunday beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort in Oxnard.

This year's award winners are Ethel Hayman, a teacher at Fremont Intermediate School in Oxnard; and Rick Schroeder, executive director of the Many Mansions nonprofit housing corporation in Thousand Oaks.

Hayman has been an elementary and middle school teacher for 25 years and, according to the awards committee, has provided a strong, consistent voice advocating health education. She has coordinated anti-drug and tobacco education programs and, for the past 10 years, has chaired an AIDS/Human Growth and Development committee.

Schroeder helps lead an organization that works to provide housing for people on limited incomes. It owns seven apartment complexes and houses 1,300 people. The organization is also involved in a reading program, a summer camp, a weekly medical clinic and scholarships for youth soccer, baseball and karate. As a lawyer, Schroeder has provided free assistance to some of Many Mansions' clients.

Other award nominees who will be honored include: Dennis Stafford and Faith Holmes, co-founders of the Oneness group that promotes racial unity through music and the arts; Robin Martin, a coordinator of the "All Faith Women of Vision" conferences; John and Jackie Treuting, organizers of an Adopt-A-Family Christmas program; Jeannette Scovill, who produces educational programs on local cable television; and Larry Wayman, founder of Faith Connection of Ventura County.

Keynote speaker will be Rebequa Getahoun Murphy, co-founder and director of the African Institute on Leadership and Governance. She's also involved in providing ethical leadership training for youths and youth-service providers.

For more information on the banquet, call (818) 991-4575.

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