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Moves to build faith bridges

Dec 30 2002
By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

The group's official launch is set for February 4 at the Methodist Mission in Huddersfield town centre.

Mr Garside said one aim was to educate about different faiths and to respect the differences.

He said: "Huddersfield is one of the best areas in the country for community relations.

"People are very tolerant and accept others, but there is still work to be done."

The new group also aims to influence decision-making by public bodies.

It grew out of a multi- faith gathering held by former Kirklees Mayor Clr Mohan Sokhal during his last days in office. The meeting led to the revival of a previous interfaith council which was more or less dormant.

The official launch will be attended by current Kirklees Mayor Clr Margaret Bates and the Rt Rev Tony Robinson, Bishop of Pontefract.

©Copyright 2003, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner (UK)

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