"We, verily, have clarified all that We have mentioned in the Tablets which We revealed when we made reply to the one who asked about the disconnected letters (al-Hurúfát al-muqatta`at) of the Furqan (= Qura'n). Refer ye thereto that ye may be illumnined in the light of what hath been sent down from the heavenly realm of God (jabart Alláh), the Mighty, the Praised One." (MAM:[87-102]100)And in another Persian Tablet we read,
"And additionally thou hast enquired about the disconnected letters (Hurúfát-i muqatta`at). During the day of the sojurn in `Iraq unnumbered [scriptural] traces respecting these matters (maqmat) were sent down a few of which have sent [communicated]..." (cited Mazandarn, AA., 3:90)
" .. Hearken then unto what is revealed (W-H-Y) unto thee in this blessed [Sinaitic type] Spot (buq`a[t] al-mubarkah) from this all-eternal [Sinatic] Tree [Bush] (al-shajarat al-sarmadiyya) which is not consumed by Fire (ma qabasa `anha al-nar) [cf. Exodus 3:2b?] [6] Unto this do none draw nigh except such as circumambulate about its domain and, with His consent, sacrifice themselves in His path thereafter rendering thanks."
".. Then know thou that that which thou hast asked concerning the "Light Verse" [Qur'an 24:35] which was sent down upon Muhammad..."This section is basically an esoteric exegesis of Qur'n 24:35 (cf. 14:5 which is partly rewritten or paraphrased by Bahá'-Alláh). The mention in Qur'an 14:5 of "the light" (al-Núr) and the "days of God" (ayyam Alláh) doubtless led Bahá'-Alláh to take this verse as a prophecy of the future advent of Muhammad (4-5 pages; Ma'idih 4:53-57) around whom the non-literal exegesis revolves.
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