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TY - CHAP ID - 5181 UR - WT - Baha'i Library Online T1 - Dei Verbum: A Bahá'í Perspective on the Roman Catholic Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation T2 - Lights of Irfán JF - JA - A1 - Oliveira,Marco A2 - A3 - Y1 - 2019 Y2 - VL - 20 IS - SP - 197 EP - 218 M2 - PB - Haj Mehdi Arjmand Colloquium CY - Wilmette M1 - M3 - Articles SN - LA - English L3 - DO - U1 - U2 - U3 - AB - On some basic Christian Catholic beliefs on divine revelation, how the Bahá'í Faith views Christianity, and theological differences and similarities between the two. N1 - See also a presentation in Italian. Mirrored with permission from C1 - KW - Catholic Church KW - Christianity KW - Interfaith dialogue KW - Revelation ER - |