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TAGS: Irfan Colloquia
Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
See table of contents for this issue at

The word safini means "ship," but in the Tablet of the Holy Mariner it is translated as "ark" like an ark of salvation, symbolic of God's Covenant that whoever enters shall be protected. Safineh in Persian is commonly used for the passenger compartment of a space ship but the literal meaning is a ship. It is also used in many of the Baha'i Writings to mean "ark" as a place of safety. Irfan is knowledge of mind and heart, like "inner knowledge" or "divine knowledge." [-S.A.]

سفينة عرفان:

دفتر اوّل

Safini-yi 'Irfán 1

"Ark of Knowledge"

Darmstadt, Germany: Asr-i-Jadid Publisher, 1998

1. PDF, complete book (see original page and links below)

Click to download: safini_irfan_1.pdf [19 MB].

2. Links to info pages, online at

Safini-ya 'Irfan
click for larger image

Safini-yi ‘Irfán, Book I

Collections of the papers presented at the ‘Irfán Colloquia in Persian

'Irfán Colloquia
Asr-i-Jadid Publishers
Darmestadt, Germany

Sponsored by the Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund

155 B.E. 1998 C.E.

Copyright © 1998, Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund

فهرست مندرجات

see also a PDF of this Table of Contents in Persian


گلچين عرفان

رسالۀ حضرت ربّ اعلی در شرح حدیث من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربّه منوچهر سلمانپورpp
صحیفۀ بینالحرمین وحید بهمردیpp
در بارۀ احکام بیانو خطابات به اهل بیان در کتاب مستطاب اقدسمحمّد افنانpp
مراتب سبعه و حدیث مشیّتوحید رأفتیpp
کتاب عهدیشاپور راسخpp
انگیزۀ "حوریّه" یا "دئینا" و "دین" و ردّپای فکر مزدیسنا در لوح ملاحالقدس کامران اقبالpp
اسرار علم و حکمت الهیمنوچهر مفیدیpp
احوال و خدمات حاج مهدی ارجمندایرج ایمنpp
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