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TAGS: Abdullah Baghdadi; Darvish-i-Sidq-Ali; Jinab-i-Munib; Memorials of the Faithful (book); Nabil-i-Azam; Poetry; Sacred Night; Shaykh Ali Akbar-i-Mazgani; Shaykh Sadiq-i-Yazdi; Shaykh Salman; Zaynul-Abidin Yazdi
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Poems inspired by eight of the personages of "Memorials": Shaykh Salman, Nabil-i-Zarandi, Darvish-i-Sidq-‘Ali, Shaykh Sadiq-i-Yazdi, Zaynu’l-‘Abidin Yazdi, Shaykh ‘Ali Akbar-i-Mazgani, ‘Abdu’llah Baghdadi, and Jinab-i-Munib.
Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #132 (Italy, 2015). Mirrored with permission from

An Homage to Memorials of the Faithful

by Julio Savi

published in Lights of Irfan, 17, pages 277-304
Wilmette: Haj Mehdi Arjmand Colloquium, 2016
Abstract: Memorial of the Faithful is described as an inspiring “book of prototypes,” that not only portrays “all of the archetypes that the various personality theorists have given us in this century” and “all the human dichotomies” that we may find in our lives, but also addresses “us in our time . . . [and] on our own travels . . . [in our] tacit dimension, the silent root of human life.” These features of the book have lead the author to compose eight poems on eight of the personages of the book: Shaykh Salmán, Nabíl-i-Zarandí, Darvísh-i-Ṣidq-‘Alí, Shaykh Ṣádiq-i-Yazdí, Zaynu’l-‘Ábidín Yazdí, Shaykh ‘Alí Akbar-i-Mazgání, ‘Abdu’lláh Baghdádí and Jináb-i-Muníb. They have not been chosen because they were considered in any way superior to or better than all the others. They were chosen because some of their personal qualities and of the events in their lives raised louder echoes in the author’s heart and mind. The eight poems are presented, with short explanations of the details that have moved the author to write them.
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