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TAGS: Afnan; Cemeteries and graves; Haji Mirza Muhammad-Ali (Afnan); House of Bahaullah (Baghdad); Mashriqul-Adhkar (House of Worship); Memorials of the Faithful (book); Persecution; Persecution, Arrests; Prophecies; Ten Year Crusade
LOCATIONS: Baghdad; Iraq; Madain; Mosul
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Abdu'l-Bahá cited many villages and cities: the Most Great House in Baghdád; the ruins of Madaen which Bahá'u'lláh visited many times; Sheikh Tabarsi's tomb; the city of Mosul which is built on the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh.
Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #135 (Louhelen, 2015). Mirrored with permission from

Significance of some Sites Mentioned in Memorials of the Faithful

by Foad Seddigh

published in Lights of Irfan, 17, pages 305-324
Wilmette: Haj Mehdi Arjmand Colloquium, 2016
Abstract: Memorials of the Faithful is not merely a book devoted to the hagiography of some believers and historical narrative of their lives, rather a depository of matchless beauty in Persian writing, an exquisite text of profound meaning, and a testimonial to the devotion to the Cause of God and the Covenant, of some believers among whom were low as well as high in rank, poor and rich, semi-literate and learned. In the book Memorials of the Faithful, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in the course of portraying the life history of some believers, has cited many villages, cities, and sites, some of which were blessed by the foot-steps of the twin manifestations of God for this age, and others are important due to being the scene of significant historical events of the Faith.

In this paper four such places are selected from among them and their niche in history is further elaborated. These are: (1) The Most Great House in Baghdád, (2) The ruins of Madaen, located some thirty km south of Baghdád, on the banks of Tigris, where Blessed Beauty visited many times, and once graced the palaces of great kings of Sassanid dynasty which were destroyed by the army of Arab invaders and subsequently lost their glory, (3) Surroundings of the Sheikh Tabarsi's tomb where Bahá’u’lláh visited once, (4) City of Mosul in the northern Iraq at the banks of River Tigris which is built on the ruins of the ancient and historical city of Nineveh where a number of believers and the Holy family were kept as captives for several years, and Bahá’u’lláh's caravan in His exile to the seat of the Ottoman Empire passed through it.

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