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TAGS: Bab, Family of; Bab, Life of (documents); Bahaullah, Family of; Bahaullah, Life of (documents); Genealogy
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Genealogy of the family of the Bab and the family of Bahá'u'lláh in relation to the Bab.
Referring to this document, Ruhiyyih Khanum wrote in Priceless Pearl that " has a detailed genealogy of the Bab prepared by the guardian in his own hand and reproduced in facsimile..."

The Genealogy of Bab

by Shoghi Effendi

published in The Dawn-Breakers

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  1. Descendant of the Imam Husayn, resident of Shiraz.
  2. Wife of the Bab.
  3. Surnamed "Afnan-i-Kabir."
  4. Wife of Mirza Zaynu'l-Abidin.
  5. Known as "Saqqa-Khani."
  6. Wife of Haj Mirza Siyyid Hasan, son of Mirza Ali.
  7. Died at birth.
  8. Surnamed "Khal-i-Asghar," to whom the Kitab-i-Iqan was addressed.
  9. Surnamed "Khal-i-A'zam," one of the Seven Martyrs of Tihran.
  10. Surnamed "Vakilu'd-Dawlih," chief builder of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Ishqabad.
  11. Surnamed "Vazir," native of Nur in Mazindaran; named Abbas.
  12. Named Abbas.
  13. Named Ali-Muhammad.
  14. Named Husayn-'Ali.
  15. Wife of Vakilu'd-Dawlih, Haji Mirza Muhammad-Taqi.
  16. Only son of Haji Mirza Muhammad-'Ali.
  17. Abdu'l-Bahá's son-in-law.
  18. Descendant of the Imam Husayn, merchant and native of Shiraz.
  19. Abdu'l-Bahá's son-in-law.
  20. Only child of Mirza Abu'l-Fath.
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