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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, editor
Gertrude Buikema, editor

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 10



Vol. 1 Chicago, (Sept. 8, 1910) Izzat No. 10



Extracts from Tablets recently received by the Librarian of the Spiritual Assembly (H. of S.) of Chicago, for preservation in archives, and sent to the BAHAI NEWS for publication.


O thou son of the Kingdom!
*** Today, the most important affair and greatest hope is the unity and concord of the Friends. In every city where the Friends are united, spirituality and illumination is manifest and apparent with infinite power and strength; but where there is a lack of the warmth of love, every one becomes withered, cold, unhappy and deprived. Therefore, endeavor ye with all your heart and soul so that union and concord may be increased, the Word of God promoted and the lights of unity be spread. Convey on behalf of Abdul-Baha the wonderful ABHA Greeting to all the Friends of that Spiritual Assembly.
(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Aug. 16, 1910.) O thou daughter of the Kingdom!
*** Ere long the regions of the West will become the dawning-places of the East, and the Sun of Truth will shine in such wise that the darkness of ignorance will be dispelled. But a large multitude of people will arise against you, showing oppression, expressing contumely and derision, shunning your society, and heaping upon you ridicule. However, the Heavenly Father will illumine you to such an extent that, like unto the rays of the sun, you shall scatter the dark clouds of superstition, shine gloriously in the midst of Heaven and illumine the face of the earth. You must make firm the feet at the time when these trials transpire, and demonstrate forbearance and patience. You


must withstand them with the utmost love and kindness; consider their oppression and persecution as the caprice of children, and do not give any importance to whatever they do. For at the end the illumination of the Kingdom will overwhelm the darkness of the world and the exaltation and grandeur of your station will become apparent and manifest; nothing will remain hidden. If the light remain in the depth of the well, ere long its shining will appear on the summit of the hill. The small ones will become great, the powerless powerful, the babes will become the children of the Kingdom, and the wanderers reach the Divine native land of the Father. Rest ye assured.
(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Nov. 14, 1909.)



In anticipation of an active fall and winter campaign, the opportunity of reporting progress and plans through the medium of the BAHAI NEWS is welcomed.
A Committee of Reorganization is now considering an amended Constitution upon which to base a world-wide work, with no restrictions, such being the instructions given by Abdul-Baha in the Tablet addressed to the Officers of the Society, and which was printed in our previous review. It is contemplated that the name of the organization shall be changed to the "Occidental & Oriental Interdependence Association," or that a similar designation be adopted which will adequately set forth its aims. In addition to the subject of education, there are to be separate divisions, known as departments or committees, devoted to agriculture, industrial development, commerce, medicine, arts and sciences, etc. A plan somewhat similar to the Bureau of American Republics, is in view, with the important difference that the aforesaid Bureau is only for North, South and Central America, while this Association is to be for the whole World.
In due season it is hoped that a monthly magazine will be issued in connection with the work of the new Association, printed in English, Persian


and perhaps Arabic, and as the Association grows, also in other Oriental languages. There are to be agents in all countries, and to that end a committee of correspondence with all parts of the world will be an early development.
The headquarters of the Occidental & Oriental Interdependence Association will be in Washington. World Conventions are to be held every three or five years, the place to be designated at each Convention for the succeeding one.
Broadly speaking, the object of the Association will be to furnish commercial and industrial data and information to oriental merchants about America, and to acquaint American manufacturers with the commercial possibilities of the far and near East. Underlying this practical working, there is the idea of a universal Association to gather and disseminate in the East and the West information upon all subjects of human activities and inventions, so that both hemispheres may find a common channel through which their generous impulses and humanitarian aims may flow and commingle.
It is desired to have the new Constitution and By-Laws ready for submission at the first Annual Meeting of the Persian-American Educational Society, in April, 1911, at which time the merger will be proposed. Meanwhile, the Committee desires to receive from all the Friends and others interested, suggestions and advices based upon experience and observation, so that the Association may become truly a fit instrument for the propagation of the great principles of brotherhood and an international medium for the exchange of goods and ideas. If anyone should desire to draft a Constitution embracing the foregoing suggestions, this will be particularly appreciated. The Committee will wait for one month from the date of this publication, to receive suggestions, after which the formation of a Constitution will be undertaken here. This will then be submitted to lawyers who are available for consultation, and perfected before being finally presented. All correspondence upon this subject may be addressed to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, 1800 Belmont Road, Washington, D. C.


From every standpoint the proposed Occidental & Oriental Interdependence Association will be the first organization of its kind in the world possessing such a broad platform of universal principles, and this is truly a movement along Bahai lines. We pray God that He may confirm us to accomplish the great work ahead. Much can be done if we have the co-operation of all.

During the coming fall and winter, however, the Persian-American Educational Society will represent the working nucleus of the larger organization, and our efforts will be concentrated upon its success. Since the last report, a draft for two hundred dollars has been sent to Mr. Sydney Sprague. Ten additional scholarships have been subscribed, as follows: No. 40, Miss M. Billet, New York; No. 41, Mrs. Gannett, New York; No. 42, Mr. J. D. Bosch, Geyserville, Cal.; No. 43, Mme. Aurelia Bethlen, Salt Lake City, Utah; No. 44, Mr. F. G. Hale, of Jersey City, and Mr. James, of Hoboken, N. J.; No. 45, Mrs. Luella Kirchner, Chicago; No. 46, C. B. Nourse, No. 47, Miss K. E. Nourse, No. 48, P. H. Nourse, of Atlantic City, N. J.; No. 49, Mr. T. T. Steele, New York.

Many appreciative letters have been received from prominent persons in Persia; the Persian newspapers in Persia, Egypt and India have given columns to the consideration of this vital subject, predicting great things for the future. Thus the Orient has awakened to the work we are undertaking, and we dare not fail or stop short of large achievements. It is reported that a very interesting Constitution, written for the management of the Society in Persia, has been received from the authorities of the Tarbiat School.
The following communications received recently by the Corresponding Secretary, will serve as an indication of the interest manifested at remote points:
His Honor, the Persian Consul of Batoum, Russia, transmitted to me your little booklet of Persian-American Educational Society, and he seems to be very much interested in this movement. Perhaps you have these little booklets already translated and printed in French and Russian. It will be very advantageous to us to find these little books in these two languages, so that we may spread it among our numerous acquaintances


of the French and Russian families, so that they may become acquainted with your great work. We will be infinitely obliged to you if you send us a few copies in French. Hoping to hear from you, accept, Monsieur Secretary, the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.

(Signed) MISS Z. ROBINS,

Batoum, Russia.

(Translated from the French.)
Dear Spiritual Brother — I read today in the BAHAI NEWS sent to me by Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, of Wall Street, and found it of the utmost importance, nay, rather, the greatest and most obligatory thing to be done, to help the Persian-American Interdependence Society, and am very desirous of helping it in all the ways I can. I am extremely desirous of becoming an active member of the Society for Bombay, if permitted, and beg to be asked to do all that I can and should. I am as yet a student of law, and have not begun to earn my honest penny. My most beloved father is a very staunch Hindoo. I being thus situated may not be able to help the Society by material means, which it most needs, but hope to do so in the near future, when I shall be able to spare a little money. At present I offer my most humble services, greatest appreciation of its need and usefulness, and heartfelt desire to see it progressing. I most humbly and most respectfully pray to God, that the Almighty may shower His Favors upon it. With love and greetings to all the spiritual brothers and sisters in El-ABHA; with due thanks to all the dear brothers and sisters who work for the P. A. I. Society, and a sense of the appreciation of the great work they do, I beg to remain, my dear spiritual brother, your brother in El-ABHA,

(Signed N. R. VA KIL,

Navsari, India.

16th July, 1910.
All are urged to secure more scholarships, and to work with us so that the coming winter season may see a large increase in this respect. We are before the eyes of the world, and must do our full duty!
The Librarian asks that attention be called to the need of literature for the Tarbiat School in Teheran. Any books, magazines, etc., will be welcomed. They may be sent direct to Mr. Sydney Sprague, c/o Mirza Azizollah Khan, rue Arbab Jemsheed, Teheran, Persia, or to Mrs. Claudia S. Coles, 310 The Burlington, Washington, D. C. Postage on printed matter to Persia is the same as domestic rates, and no better use could be found for discarded magazines or spare books, than to pass them along for this worthy use.

JOS. H. HANNEN, Cor. Sec'y.

Washington, D. C., August 27, 1910.




Third of a Series of Letters Under This Heading.
We take the liberty of prefacing the letters selected for this issue with the following Tablet to one of the friends at Cincinnati, O., believing it not only confirms the correctness of the observations of our brothers that organization and systematic work is needed in many centers, but that it will assist such centers in their endeavor to comply with the wish of Abdul-Baha expressed therein:



O thou seeker of the Kingdom!
Thy letter was received. It is impossible to organize the House of Justice in these days; it will be formed after the establishment of the Cause of God. Now, the Spiritual Assemblies are organized in most of the cities, you must also organize a Spiritual Assembly in Cincinnati. It is permissible to elect the members of the Spiritual Assembly from among the men and women; nay, rather, it is better, so that perfect union may result. According to the Texts of the Akdas the dues are to be collected in the Treasury in order to meet the necessary demands, but do not make the dues obligatory to anyone. Everyone can pay according to the dictates of their hearts and let it be a voluntary contribution.
O thou seeker of the Kingdom! Now is the time that you may become engaged in that country in the promotion of the Word of God, the diffusion of the sweet fragrances of the Paradise of ABHA and the spreading of the Divine Teachings.
Upon thee be the Glory of God!
(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, May 18, 1910.)


Honolulu, H. I., Dec. 10, 1909.

To the Members of the House of Spirituality of Bahais,
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Brothers In His Name: — Before leaving the Coast it was in my mind to write you something about the things which Brother Struven and I had experienced in our visits with the various friends of the many Bahai Assemblies in America, hoping in this way to be of service to you by helping you to come into closer touch with these many centers. * * *
Both Brother Struven and I feel the necessity of systematic and united work and organization in the various Assemblies; that the believers should unite and work in the name of the Assembly, whichever one it may be.
It seems to me that The House of Spirituality can


do much to meet this need. By correspondence with the men in the various centres the plan of systematic work could be presented to them in such a way that they would take hold of it. * * * As I wrote before, I feel that now is not the time for the women throughout the country to organize, but rather for the men and women to organize together. The plan of organizing exclusive women's meetings in the younger assemblies tends towards accentuating rather than diminishing the gravity of the question of getting the men believers to take an active part in the work.
That old misconception, the idea that Abdul-Baha does not wish any organized effort, is still in the minds of some of the friends. * * *

Greetings In His Name,


Honolulu, H. I., Dec. 14, 1909.

To the Washington (D. C.) Assembly:
Dear Friends in El-ABHA: — Today Howard Struven and I are leaving these Islands for Japan. Our stay of three weeks here has been a short, pleasant and most busy one. Nowhere on our travels have we found so spiritual a response to The Message as here in Honolulu. For some time past there have been ten or a dozen firm believers here, but outside of a very few, the Bahai Cause was not known. All was ready for a public movement when we arrived.
A campaign of public meetings was planned and successfully carried out. There has been some opposition, but very little; and a little ridicule, but this has also been very slight. Public meetings have been held almost daily and besides these there have been study classes for the seekers after Truth; study classes for believers; two Unity Feasts, and the celebration of the Fete of Abdul-Baha (Nov. 26th), as well as other meetings. Practically the whole town knows something about The Message — between the meetings and papers, almost everybody at least knows the name "Bahai," and knows that now an assembly is here organized for systematic work.
The ladies are going into philanthropic work, too — doing this in the name of The Bahai Assembly of Honolulu. This, I feel, a very important step, and one which the believers in all places can well emulate. In each centre we should unite as an assembly and take a position in the active work of the place in benefiting the people and working for the public good In His Name, the Name of Baha. The more we do this the more we will grow. The less show made the better, nevertheless we should not work anonymously, but let our light shine and be felt. This will attract the souls. As Abdul-Baha says, we must manifest forth the love of the Kingdom through deeds. The organization and work of the Washington (D. C.) Assembly is an example and an inspiration to all. We have informed all of the friends of the good news we hear from you, and this is inspiring others to do likewise.

Yours in His Cause,






Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Persian Editor. — MIRZA AHMAD SOHRAB, 1800 Belmont Road, Washington, D. C.


Sent postpaid throughout North America, including Canal Zone and Panama; and following islands: Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines; also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Shanghai City (China): Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.25; single copy 12c.
Sent postpaid throughout other parts of Occident and adjacent islands including Newfoundland: Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c.
Sent postpaid throughout Orient, including Egypt and Russia: Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c. Note. — Through agents when established in Oriental centers: $1.00 per year.

Vol. 1. Chicago, (Sept. 8, 1910) Izzat No. 10


1st Baha' (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Nur (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalamat (Words) July 13
8th Isma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Izzat (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashiyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Ilm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Qudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Qaul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masa'il (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malik (King) Feb. 7

(Four intercalary days.)

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2

(Month of fasting)

Our Persian section this issue contains a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly (H. of S.) Chicago, dated Dec. 16, 1902; an article on Universal Bahai Education, quoting statistics from England and France, also Tablets; and following news items: (1) Unity Feast at Washington, D. C., (2) Mr. Remey's visit to Green Acre, (3) receipt of letters from Mashad, Persia, (4) concerning Mirza Ali Kuli Khan.


The Philadelphia, Pa., Assembly has been greatly favored by the visits of Mr. and Mrs. Brittingham of New York City, Mrs. Russell of Chicago, Mrs. Dixon of Washington, Mr. Hope of Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. Dahl of West Hoboken, and Hilbert Dahl of Pittsburg. On the evening of Aug. 17th, a meeting was held in a hall. Mrs. Brittingham gave The Message in a beautiful, clear, loving way and every one was attentive and seemingly eager to learn. About fifty people were present. A Bahai baptism was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Summers, No. 3228 Fairhill St., on the afternoon of Aug. 20. Walter, Irvin and Harry Summers, Harry Weyand, and Elwood, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Revell, were baptized in the name of the Kingdom of El-ABHA, by Mrs. Brittingham. In the evening the Unity Feast was observed at the home of Mrs. Mary J. Revell, 1429 Mayfield St. Twenty-one believers were present at this beautiful meeting.

J. E. R.

Excerpt from a long prayer revealed by Abdul-Baha at the marriage feast of Mirza Eskander Khan (Mr. Sydney Sprague) and Farahangise Khanum, daughter of the well-known Bahai teacher, Mirza Assad Ullah, who were recently married by Abdul-Baha, himself, in the presence of representatives of all nations and religions at Haifa, Syria:
Lord! Verily, Thy servant, Eskander Sprague, journeyed to the most remote countries while aglow with Thy Love; he was attracted by Thy Call while in those far-away regions, hastened to the Radiant Spot (the Holy Land) and willed to unite with Thy pure maid-servant who believeth in Thy Verses, who is aflame with the Fire of Thy Love and who is related* to The Branch of the Tree of Thy Grace. Lord! Make this marriage blessed by Thy Favor; happy by the benediction of Thy Generosity; an indissoluble tie; a partnership holy unto Sprague; a blending fellowship, a rejoicing, a unity and an affinity lasting throughout the Eternity of Eternities, in every world of Thy Holy Worlds — upon the plane of the Spirits and the Lights. Verily, Thou art the Helper! Verily, Thou are the Generous! Verily, Thou art the Merciful, the Clement!


(Translated by Dr. Ameen U. Fareed, Aug. 19, 1910.)
*Farahangise Khanum is a niece of "The Branch," Abdul-Baha.


Charles Mason Remey addressed the regular meeting of the New York City Assembly, held in Genealogical Hall, Sunday, Aug. 21st, giving a very interesting account of his extensive travels and experiences with the Bahais in the New Holy City (Acca and Haifa, Syria) and in Turkey generally, and in India, Persia, Russia and Europe. In the evening both he and Miss Juliet Thompson, to whom he is engaged, were present and took part in an interesting and largely attended meeting at the residence of Mr. Arthur P. Dodge. Mr. T. D. Fuller, of Chicago, was also present at these meetings. Mrs. Eva Webster Russell, also of Chicago, has been a most welcome visitor during the summer, reading to the friends the letters of Doctor Moody from Teheran, Persia.

A. P. D.

Miss Georgiana Dean is now in Fairhope, Ala., ministering to the needs of Mrs. Paul K. Dealy, who is afflicted with blindness. She writes: "Mrs. Dealy suffers a great deal, yet she gives The Message to all she can. Her face shines with the light of God."
Mirza Ali Kuli Khan has arrived in Washington, D. C., and presented his credentials to the State Department in the capacity of Charge d'Affaires from Persia, but will leave in a few days for the West to bring back his family who are now in California.
Mr. Remey has recently visited Hudson, Johnston, Utica, Clinton, Ithaca, Pomery and Cazenovia, N. Y., accomplishing much good for the propaganda, unification and solidarity of the Cause of God in these centres.



The Bahai Correspondence School teaches Persian by simple lessons and phonographic records. Each pupil receives all necessary individual help and attention through a system of written lessons and criticisms. No Persian written characters are used; the English letters only are employed and pronunciations expressed in English characters. Many are taking advantage of this system, both in Europe and in America.
For particulars address MIRZA S. M. RAFFIE, S. B., 729 Livingston Hall. Columbia University, New York City, U. S. A.
1-10-11 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-10-12 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-10-13 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-10-14 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-10-15 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-10-16 — PERSIAN TEXT — (with cursive address in the middle: Adress: — Peyam Baré Baktar. 1800 Belmont Road. Washington D.C. U.S.America. )
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