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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 14



Vol. 1. Chicago (Nov. 23, 1910) Qaul No. 14


To the Members of the Spiritual Assembly of Esphahan, Persia.

Upon them be the Glory of God the Most Glorious!


O ye illumined Friends of Abdu'l Baha!
Praise be to God, that you have organized and established a new assembly in the land of Esphahan and with the utmost devotion its members are arising to serve the Blessed Perfection (BAHA'O'LLAH). I was pleased to know, also, that you have organized a committee for correspondence with all parts of the world, and another committee to teach the Truth to the youths. Wonderful confirmation and complete assistance is destined for all the members of these various committees. This move is identical with blessing and this glorious intention is accepted in the Threshold of Oneness. It is my hope that you may perform these services in a befitting manner; that you may become the dawning-places of the Bounties of the Infinite; centers of merciful feelings and the manifestors of the rays of the Everlasting Glory.
I trust that you may make the land of Esphahan a salubrious fountain, so that the cool water of knowledge and the flowing river of assurance may make that region the envy of the green garden of Paradise. That city was illumined with the presence of His Highness, the Bab, after he left Shiraz; the Word of God was promulgated; many blessed souls became believers; a number of them hastened toward the arena of martyrdom; his highness, the leader of the righteous ones, the "King of the Martyrs," and the master of the friends, the "Beloved of Martyrs," gave up their lives at the altar of love. His Highness, Ashraf and many other martyrs drank the cup of trials and sacrificed their lives with the utmost severance. Therefore, it is the hope of Abdul-Baha that that region may become the Green Garden and that city the delectable Paradise.

Upon ye be the Glory of God!


Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Nov. 11, 1910, especially for the BAHAI NEWS.



Second of a series of special news items pertaining to the sojourn of Abdul-Baha in Egypt.


To those who are familiar with the sacred prophecies and the history of the Bahai (Glorious) Revelation, Abdul-Baha's "going down into Egypt," after forty years' confinement in the Holy Land — in the prison town of Acca, near the foot of Mt. Carmel — is an event fraught with wonderful and tremendous significance; for it is, undoubtedly, that event whereby the Word of God, as uttered by the Prophet Hosea (11:1), finds its complete fulfillment — although foreshadowed in the sojourn of the infant Jesus in that land nearly two thousand years ago (St. Matt. 2:15).
It is an event that has stirred the Bahais everywhere, for when it became known that Abdul-Baha had departed for that ancient country of Joseph, there swept over the Bahai world a mighty spirit of activity. It is an event that will, doubtless, soon command the serious attention of the Jewish and Christian worlds (especially those who await the coming of the Son "in the glory of his Father"), as it has already commanded the attention of the Mohammedan world; for, at present, the Egyptian newspapers — the most influential in the Mohammedan world today — are divided into two camps: some praising Abdul-Baha's work; others trying to stop the floodgate of his irresistible influence.
Moamid, a paper respected by all the Islamic world, says: "Although he (Abdul-Baha) has lived the greater part of his life in Acca, Syria, yet there are millions of people — in Persia, India, Europe and America — who follow him and respect him to the point of worship and adoration. Whosoever associates with him, finds him a man who has information upon all subjects of human interest; his words are eloquent and attract the hearts, and enkindle the souls. His teachings and conversation revolve around the centre of the greatest of the world's problems: To remove entirely, religious, racial and patriotic prejudices, and lay the foundation of a brotherhood and unity that will last throughout the ages and eternity."
Such is the statement of the leading newspaper printed in Arabic, while the editor of an influential


Persian newspaper printed in Cairo writes in a personal letter that he was summoned by Abdul-Baha to his presence, and although a few weeks before, he wrote and published an article against the Cause of BAHA'O'LLAH, he accepted the invitation and left Cairo for Alexandria. He met Abdul-Baha and became a changed man. He went a stranger and an avowed antagonist; he returned a friend, and will write an article in favor of the Cause. He writes: "Indeed, I was very much benefitted in meeting Abdul-Baha. The Arabic newspapers are now anxiously waiting to read my comment upon the matter. You shall read my paper No. 20 and believe you will prize it very highly. There is no doubt that some people will slander and accuse me of being bought, but I do not care. I have seen the Truth, and I will write the truth, no matter what may happen."
Many others, who have been the enemies of the Cause, have gone, either through curiosity or honest investigation, to visit Abdul-Baha — the Servant of God and man — and have returned with the Glory of Truth in their faces.
What is the key to this irresistible spiritual power that thus opens the locked doors of the hearts of men? Those who are familiar with his Teachings, answer that it is his practice of them. He says: "Be ye kind to the human world and be ye compassionate to the race of man. Deal with the stranger as you deal with the friends. Be ye gentle toward the outsiders as you are toward the beloved ones. Know ye the enemy as the friend. Look upon the satan as upon the angel and receive the unjust with the utmost love like unto a faithful one."
Truly, as of old, great miracles are transpiring on the banks of the river Nile, in the ancient land of the Pharoahs!



Epitomized from many long letters recently received by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab.

PORT SAID. — News of the progress of the Cause in Persia, India, Turkey, Arabia and the West, is received weekly and forwarded to Abdul-Baha in Alexandria. Pilgrims arriving from various parts of the world go to Alexandria. Thus, for the present, the eyes of all the Bahais are turned toward that city, seeking enlightenment, wisdom and divine love.


CAIRO. — The friends here are looking forward to a visit from Abdul-Baha, and find it difficult to be patient until he arrives.
Mirza Hossein Rouhy has established a school in this city for boys and girls, giving it the name of Abbasieh.


BOMBAY. — The friends in Bombay congratulate the friends of the West who have issued the BAHAI NEWS and Occidental Messenger, and we pray for its success. Already thirty have subscribed for it, and we hope to enlist many more.
RANGOON. — The Cause is progressing wonderfully in this region, and our Mashrak-el-Azkar is filled almost every night with an enquiring crowd from various quarters. Seyed Mustafa visited Shevebo, a district of Upper Burma, where he delivered the "Great Message." The mullahs fronted him with opposition which resulted in creating a big gathering and many were greatly attracted.


ESPHAHAN. — The problem of national education is taking hold of the minds of the people here and they are eager to establish graded schools based upon Western methods. Mirza Anayetullah Sohrab (a cousin of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab), who graduated from the American college at Teheran last spring, has accepted a call from Abade, a city where hundreds of Bahais reside, to found a school for their children. Now, he is on his way to take up this important work, and we trust the Persian-American Educational Society will do everything in its power to help in this noble undertaking.
GAZVIN. — The third issue of the Occidental Messenger has been received. It was read at the general meeting and its contents uplifted the souls into the heaven of joy because of this great bond of unity and evident miracle of the Word of BAHA'O'LLAH.
During the past year a school for girls has been organized by the believers and at present thirty-five attend. They study Persian, Arabic, writing, embroidery, and other household arts. For some time the school of Tavakkal for boys has been established. Now, we are anxious to have the service of an American teacher, hoping that he may not only train the boys, but may assist us in establishing a channel for uninterrupted commercial co-operation between Persia and America.
MASHAD. — The friends here, more than ever, are arising for service in the Cause. From all parts of this province, assemblies are asking for teachers, and we are equipping those who are capable, to go forth and spread the Fragrances of the Kingdom. The respected Aga Rahmatullah has just departed for Rizwan, Khazra and Shahrood; Mirza Abdul-Hossein, the son of Samandar, has gone to Jazbar and Boshrouyyeh, and Haji Mollah Yossof, a very learned man, has left Gayn for other parts. These three men are busy night and day, teaching wherever they go. We have already received excellent reports of this work and many souls have been awakened through their Call and accepted the Message.
The Occidental Messenger is read in all the meetings and is producing great effect. As the mail brought only a limited number of copies, and as the believers all desired to possess one, we would have cabled for more had we the cable address.
SANANDAJ. — All the hearts are made happy through the appearance of the Occidental Messenger, and the minds are astonished at this manifestation of the power of the Word of God in the West. It is indeed the effect of the Utterance of BAHA'O'LLAH, and a mighty proof of the spread of His Call to Universal Brotherhood. We supplicate the Lord of Hosts to establish the structure of this publication upon a firm foundation.


SHIRAZ. — On account of some internal disturbances along the route from Bushire to Shiraz, the mail containing the first issue of the Occidental Messenger has not yet been received, but we are exceedingly glad that such a Bahai publication has been started and we are anxious to receive it.
An article on the Bahai Revelation, appearing in the Baltimore American of July 31st, has been received by the friends in this city. Although our hearts are made happy, yet we are grieved on account of some flagrant misrepresentations made therein. We hope the Western believers will endeavor to correct similar mistakes whenever or wherever such slaughtering of Truth is made. We are indeed much surprised to read such erroneous representations in a leading newspaper incorporating the name "America" on its title page, for America, to us, is synonymous with freedom, truthfulness and honesty.
TABRIZ. — The Cause is growing in this city and the believers are working faithfully to spread the Fragrances. During the past month we have been greatly assisted and blessed through the presence of two renowned teachers: Mirza Hossein Zanjan and Mirza Golam Hossein. Also, Mirza Ali Akbar of Nakjevan, a merchant of Bakou and an eloquent teacher, is with us temporarily. Every day extra meetings are held. It is a great privilege to live in this age and behold the Kingdom of Peace and Brotherhood established in the hearts of men.
We are anxious to establish commercial relations with America, and as we buy a great deal from Europe through catalogs, we will be thankful for catalogs of various goods manufactured in America if the friends there will be kind enough to send them to us.
ZANJAN. — The last issue of the Occidental Messenger has just been received and distributed among the friends. It is read and re-read in our meetings, and we pray to God that it may continue and increase its activity and usefulness in the world from day to day. We send congratulations to its editors.


BATOUM. — A few days ago our eyes were brightened by the rays of the Occidental Messenger, which appeared from far off America; our love and affection for our Western brothers and sisters was increased an hundred fold through its loving and spiritual expressions, and we thanked God that they had arisen to serve the Cause in such a glorious manner. We in the East are deprived of the privilege of rendering such service, for the political laws restrict the freedom of the press; but we are not sad thereby, for if the Western Bahais are assisted to serve the Cause in this befitting manner, we also share in its glory and honor, as we are all one.


BUFFALO, N. Y. — Greetings from the Bahais to the "Friends" in every land. Our meetings are held on Sunday and Thursday evenings at 494 Elwood Avenue.

Henrietta F. Mills.

CHICAGO, ILL. — The annual report of the Sick Committee, of which Mrs. Christine Loeding is Chairman, shows that forty-one visits were made to the sick in hospitals and fifty-three in homes.
Mr. Charles Scheffler left Chicago, Nov. 14th, for Germany and expects to return in January.

Ida M. Brush.

MONTCLAIR, N. J. — Miss Alice Buckton, of London, England, and Mr. Percy F. Woodcock, of New York, visited the friends Oct. 30th. About thirty seekers for Truth gathered at the home of Mr. Charles E. Edsall, to hear them tell of the Revelation of BAHA'O'LLAH. Those present received with enthusiasm Miss Buckton's description of her recent visit to Acca, as well as the teachings given by Mr. Woodcock.

Lenora W. Edsall.



NEW YORK, N. Y. — A Bahai Home has been established at No. 6 West Nineteenth Street. It was opened on the night of Nov. 5th by a Feast — a beautiful spiritual gathering — at which Miss Alice Buckton, of London, presided by request. The house has rooms for renting purposes, making it a hospice for traveling friends, and has two large rooms which can be thrown into one, with a seating capacity of one hundred. Classes will be held there during the week and a meeting every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Isabella D. Brittingham.

PORTLAND, ORE. — Mr. Thornton Chase recently visited the friends in Portland, giving a number of splendid talks.

Mary M. Rabb.

WASHINGTON, D. C. — An election was held on Oct. 15th, at which time a new Working Committee was chosen, to serve for one year, as follows:
Charles Mason Remey, Chairman.
F. J. Phelps, Treasurer.
Joseph H. Hannen, Secretary.
Arnauld Belmont, Assistant Secretary.
Miss Leone St. Clair Barnitz, Local Secretary.

Mrs. Claudia S. Coles,

Miss Mary Little, Temple Committee.

Mrs. Aseyeh Allen,

Arthur D. Mayo, Chairman Music Committee.
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Translator.
W. H. Bowman,
W. P. Ripley,
Dr. E. H. Egbert,
Mrs. M. C. Hotchkiss. At a called meeting of this Committee, Nov. 5th, the following additional Committees were appointed or provided for:
Miss Little and Miss Barnitz, Unity Feasts.
Mrs. Hotchkiss, Chairman, BAHAI NEWS.
Dr. Eghent and Mr. Bowman, Question Box.
Two important special meetings held since our last report were the Unity Feast of Sunday, Oct. 16th, at a Memorial Service, commemorative of Mrs. Amalie Knobloch, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 26th. The Unity Feast was given at the Conservatory of Music, and our colored friends joined with us, the hosts being Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hopper, Miss Hopper, Miss Little and Mr. Louis G. Gregory. The attendance was over one hundred and some of the most influential representatives of the colored people were present. Tasteful decorations, beautiful music and eloquent speeches adorned this spiritual meeting. The memorial service was held in the McNeal studio, which was decorated with a profusion of cosmos and chrysanthemums. Tablets or prayers were read for the friends who had left our circle during the year, among those thus remembered being Mrs. L. A. Hester, Mrs. Mayo, little Louise Hopkins, Miss Charlotte Colt and the mother and father of Mrs. Fred J. Woodward. The spirit of this meeting was very powerful and all present felt the "peace which passeth understanding."
On Sunday morning, Oct. 30th, Mr. Arnauld Belmont addressed the People's Church on the subject of the Revelation and his talk was gratifyingly received.
Mrs. Fleming, of the Brooklyn, N. Y. Assembly, was a recent visitor.
Large gatherings subsequent to the foregoing were the Unity Feast of Nov. 4th and the service in commemoration of the birthday of BAHA'O'LLAH. The Feast was given by Mrs. "Aseyeh" Allen and Mrs. "Nategha" Woodward. Beautiful decorations and a delightful material feast enhanced the appreciation of the spiritual program. At the Birthday Celebration, Nov. 12th, arranged by Miss Leone St. Clair Barnitz and Mrs. Bradbury, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab presided, speeches were delivered by Mr. Remey and Dr. Fareed, and musical selections by Prof. Mayo. Joseph H. Hannen.



"When the Mashrak-el-Azkar was erected in Ishkabad, its influence was felt in all the Oriental countries. Whosoever heard of it, commenced an investigation of the Cause. Now, the Mashrak-el-Azkar of Ishkabad, like an evident banner, waves in the world. And if in Chicago the Mashrak-el-Azkar is established, even as in Ishkabad, then you will see what the recognition of the Cause will do; particularly the arrangement of the Mashrak-el-Azkar is such that it will exert the greatest effect upon the civilized world, for it has many accessories. Among them are the following: A school for orphans; a college for higher scientific education (or higher knowledge); a hospital; a home for cripples; a hospice. When the Mashrak-el-Azkar, with its accessories, be established in the world, aside from its religious or spiritual influence, it will have a tremendous effect upon civilization. Aside from the religionists who will feel its influence, materialists will not be exempt therefrom. Moreover, it contains Divine wisdoms, spiritual effects upon the intellects and thoughts. Subsequent to its erection these will become evident." — ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS.
Above the head of America today is suspended a golden crown whose jewels will scintillate throughout centuries and cycles. Shall she adorn her head with this priceless diadem? The old adage, "no cross, no crown," is true regarding this glorious crown. Can we work hard enough and sacrifice deep enough and look far into the future for results? This Mashrak-el-Azkar will, perhaps, be the only one built in America during the remaining years of Abdul-Baha's earthly mission and it behooves us to bring this project to a point of completion that its corner stone may be laid in the event of his coming to America next spring. If we do not awake to this golden opportunity, future generations will point to us and say: "Why did the early Bahais of America sleep so long and let this, one of the most glorious privileges of the ages, slip by unheeded?" Stop and meditate, friends, upon the necessary part a Mashrak-el-Azkar, dedicated by his holy presence, will play in the future history and development of the world. Will it not become a visiting point for all nations and people throughout centuries and cycles? The inflow thus produced will return an outflow of vitalizing spiritual influence and its accessories will shed the light of the highest sciences, arts and crafts and the most magnanimous works of charity and hospitality.
Balance on hand at convention, 1910 $5,709.46
Received since 4,593.27

Expended 6,138.37
On hand, Nov. 19, 1910 $4,164.36
To be raised by Jan. 1, 1911 $1,360.64


Financial Secretary Bahai Temple Unity.





Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Persian Editor. — MIRZA AHMAD SOHRAB, 1800 Belmont Road, Washington, D. C.


Sent postpaid throughout North America, including Canal Zone and Panama; and following islands: Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines; also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Shanghai City (China); Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.25; single copy 12c.
Sent postpaid throughout other parts of Occident and adjacent islands including Newfoundland: Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c.
Sent postpaid throughout Orient, including Egypt and Russia; Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c. Note. — Through agents when established in Oriental centers: $1.00 per year.

Vol. 1. Chicago, (Nov. 23, 1910) Qaul No. 14

With issue No. 9 of the BAHAI NEWS, a slip with the following wording was sent to the men on our mailing list:
Dear Brother — Please read Mr. Remey's letter published in this issue of the BAHAI NEWS. A statement of what you are doing and planning to do for the advancement of the Cause in your vicinity will be a source of encouragement and may suggest ways and means to the men of other communities who are interested in the progress of the Cause of EL-ABHA in the West. A letter from you will be appreciated. Sincerely yours in His Service,


A few interesting letters were received. One of them we publish herewith, believing it will demonstrate what can be accomplished for the spread of the Cause, no matter how adverse the conditions. We are pleased to present this letter from Mr. John H. Wilcott, who will be remembered as a former active member of the Kenosha, Wis., Assembly:

Kendall, Mont., Sept. 12, 1910.

To the BAHAI News.
Dear Servants of Abdul-Baha: — I know you will be pleased to hear from this part of the West. Although the work of giving the Message is rather slow, we allow no opportunity to pass. Mother and I are the only Bahais around here that we know of, and up to this time we have only had cowboys, shepherds and a few ranchers to talk to, who live many miles apart. My nearest ranchman owned 27 miles long of land which has now been sold to the railroad company. This is the way I reach these people, which may seem strange to you: First of all, my claim is just where every one has to make their roundup. Hundreds of cattle are around us all the time. I have a full cowboy's suit, and I am out with the boys and seem to be as tough as they are, so not to be a tenderfoot. From one to eight come to my tent daily and I am now called "the preacher" for miles around. Well, this is something new to the boys — some one to talk of God to them — and yet I seem like one of them. They tell it all over and I frequently meet a new one who has heard of us. One old sheep-keeper, who used to come and rest


under a tree in my yard while watching his sheep eat, and to whom I would then talk, regretted so greatly the life he had lived that he told me he was going away from this life after living here thirty years. Before leaving, he came to bid us goodbye and we gave him a good meal. I think the seed had started to grow.
Many of the cowboys shoot game and bring it to us. Of course we have to feed many of them at times, but that is the only way we can reach them. At first some of them did not want to hear anything of God — said there was no God — but after some of the great hidden mysteries were explained to them, they became interested, and you would be surprised to see us sitting on a log outside, or in the tent, until 10 o'clock at night.
My dear mother is the only doctor around here for forty five miles. The land is now all taken up and settlers are coming in


Translation of inscription on above illustration: "Mr. Wilcott, Bahai, who is spreading the Cause of ABHA among the cowboys of the Western plains of America with great enkindlement and attraction, and whose letter of experience is printed herewith in English." rapidly. The cowboys told them that mother was a diploma doctor, so they have started to come after her, traveling from fifteen to twenty miles. She is not a bit slow in giving the Message. A few weeks ago when it was warm, a cowboy came and was resting by the tent. He asked mother is she had anything to read. She gave him one of our Bahai books. He cursed and said: "That is religion. Haven't you any papers?" So she gave him a newspaper from Santa Anna, which was sent to us by a missionary there, to whom I am trying to give the Message, but who has not been able to grasp it yet. Well, this paper told about God, and the cowboy, after looking at it for a while, said: "Why, this is religion — just as bad as the other book." Mother said: "This is all we have here. We live for God." When I came in with a bunch of prairie chickens he said to me: "Hello, preacher! This is a great place — nothing to read." I replied that I had just what he wanted, and going to my trunk, brought a book called "Indian Wars and Brave Deeds." Well, you should have seen that man! He was very much pleased and called for a few days until he had finished reading it. He then said: "If there is a God,


why did He let those Indians kill those poor people in such a way?" That gave me an opportunity, and now the man begins to read Bahai books and does not curse any more in our tent.
I enjoyed reading Mr. Remey's letter in the BAHAI NEWS. I was very much impressed with his statement that when one is out trying to give the Message, he needs encouragement from the other believers. I find it so here and feel that the friends should think more of this. A little of my experience would convince one of the truth of this statement. I have received one letter from Johnstown, two from Chicago, and a few from Mrs. Goodale, of Kenosha, that put new life into me to do more work. * * *
Any literature regarding the Cause will be gladly accepted and handed to some of the new settlers here. These cowboys are all good fellows and tired of this life. They are seeking for something and do not know where to get it — it is this Message. So when any one goes out to try to give the Message, let us encourage them. In a place like this God is not known. They believe there is no God, no heaven or hell, because they have been taught so. It is not easy and one should be encouraged. * * *
This country is wild with rattlesnakes and wolves. I have killed many snakes, but as the country is now being settled the snakes are disappearing. One was in our tent last night. We heard him rattle. We dare not sleep with an arm outside of the bed. It is getting cold; the mountains are covered with snow and we had four inches of it. We are still in a tent, but I am building a log house. Frost killed nearly all we had, but God giveth and God taketh away — praise His Name! When I go for mail, I carry a gun because of wild steers. Every one carries a gun because of cattle and snakes.
My mother is 70 years old and keeps up quite well. We have lots of hay on the ground in the tent to keep our feet warm, but we have been laid up with colds. Everything here has to be hauled from Lewistown, forty-five miles. Our nearest place is Kendall, a small town, 5,800 feet high in the mountains — a gold mining town — about ten houses built on rocks on the side of the hill. Oil costs 50 cents a gallon, potatoes 4 cents a pound, etc. Before this cold weather came I used to lie in bed in the morning and take my gun from the side of my pillow and shoot sage hens or prairie chicken. They destroyed my garden, and four or five times a day I used to go around the garden to drive them out and also the rabbits.
I have taken some pictures and send you one of myself now as I go among the boys. * * *
Here comes another old shepherd who likes to come here — I can hear his voice over the hill calling the sheep, so I must stop writing.
We send all our Bahai love and ask your earnest prayers.
Your servant in His Name,


Our Persian section, this issue, contains a Tablet to the Denver, Colo., Assembly revealed about 1907, and a continuation of the article on Universal Bahai Peace. Statistics are given of the enormous number of killed in all wars and the heavy cost of some of the famous battles of history; the number of soldiers and warships maintained by the different Western nations; an outline of the Constitution of the "United Nations of the World," the "Congress of Nations," and the "Supreme Court of Nations;" quotations from Voltaire, Franklin and others, against war: quotations from the note of the Emperor


of Russia inviting all nations to the first Hague Conference, and quotations from Tablets of Abdul-Baha, giving the Bahai plan of the establishment of Universal Peace.
Beginning with this issue, we present a series of Tablets revealed by Abdul-Baha for Oriental Assemblies, believing it will bring the Assemblies of the East nearer to the hearts of the friends in the West. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab has consented to translate them especially for the BAHAI NEWS.


Secretaries are requested to see that their Assembly is correctly represented.


BALTIMORE, MD. — Regular weekly meetings Tuesday evenings at 629 West North Avenue, and Sunday evenings at 516 Broadway. Residence of Secretary, 629 West North Avenue.
BOSTON, MASS. — Sunday mornings, at 11 o'clock, in Beckton Hall, 200 Huntington Avenue.
BUFFALO, N. Y. — Meetings every Sunday and Thursday evening at 494 Elwood Avenue.
CHICAGO, ILL. — Regular weekly meeting, Sunday, 11 a. m., at Corinthian Hall, 17th floor Masonic Temple, State and Randolph Streets. Address of Assembly, P. O. Box 283, George Lesch, Secretary.
DENVER, COLO. — G. Nathaniel Clark, Secretary, 4141 Xavier Street.
ITHICA, N. Y. — Regular meeting of assembly, Friday evenings at the residence of Dr. W. E. House, 241 South Cayuga Street.
KENOSHA, WIS. — Regular weekly meeting, Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., at Gronquish Hall, 218 Park Street. Address of Assembly, Fountain Nicholas, Secretary, 868 Park Street.
LOS ANGELES, CAL. — F. B. Beckett, Secretary, 429 Citizens' National Bank Building.
NEW YORK, N. Y. — Regular weekly meeting, Sunday, 11 a. m., at Genealogical Hall, 226 West 58th Street. Paul T. G. Marshall, Secretary, 139 Shippen Street, Weehawken Heights, New Jersey.
PORTLAND, ORE. — Regular weekly meeting, Thursday, 2 p. m., at 501 Yamhill Street, corner Fifteenth Street. Mrs. M. M. Rabb, secretary, 1146 Willamette Boulevard, Station F.
SEATTLE, WASH. — Regular weekly meeting held at 2916 Beacon Avenue, South.
SPOKANE, WASH. — Regular weekly meeting held Friday evenings at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Killius, 124 Fifth Avenue. Miss E. Mabel King, Secretary, E413 Mission avenue.
SUMERDUCK, VA. — Meetings on fourth Sundays; address care Mrs. R. H. Duckett.
WASHINGTON, D. C. — Regular meetings Friday evenings at 8:15; Sunday mornings at 11:15, at 1219 Connecticut Avenue. Mail address of Assembly, P. O. Box 192. Residence of Secretary, Joseph H. Hannen, 1252 Eighth Street, N. W.


LONDON, ENG. — Regular meeting of assembly Friday, 8:15 p. m., at 10 Cheniston Gardens, Wright's Lane, Kensington High Street.


STUTTGART, WURTEMBERG. — Regular meetings of assembly, Friday evenings. Kanzlei strasse 24P. ZUFFENHAUSEN. — At the home of Herrn und Frau F. Schweizer, Karl strasse 26r.
1-14-12 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-14-13 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-14-14 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-14-15 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-14-16 — PERSIAN TEXT — (with cursive address in the middle: address:- Najmé Bakhtar 1800 Belmont Road. Washington D C U S America )
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