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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 16



Vol. 1. Chicago (Dec. 31, 1910) Sharaf No. 16


Stating the Conditions Requisite for His Coming to America.*


To the beloved ones and the maid-servants of the Merciful!


O ye dear friends and maid-servants of God!
Your epistle was received.? You have expressed joy and happiness because of the trip of Abdul-Baha from the center of prison (Acca) to the land of the divine Joseph (Egypt) There are divine wisdoms in this journey! I am hopeful that it will be productive of results.
Now — praise be to God! — some time is passed with the utmost of spirit and fragrance in this country, and we are occupied with the service of the Cause of God and servitude to the Holy Threshold.
When the service which is our (present) purpose is realized for the Kingdom of God, perhaps we shall journey to other parts.
If the beloved of God in all America strive for unity and harmony, attain perfect love and accord, and act according to the divine teachings and the precepts of the Blessed Perfection, this will prove a magnet attracting Abdul-Baha, so that, perchance, he may journey to America.
But, until the light of oneness, unity and love shine forth from the lamp of America, and the beloved act in accordance with the divine teachings and precepts of the Blessed Perfection, and all the believers in America become united and harmonious, my coming to America will be hindered — nay, impossible.
Therefore, strive ye that ye may become the embodied
* Through Lua M. Getsinger. ? A letter sent by the Washington (D. C.) Assembly on behalf of the Assemblies of America, supplicating Abdul-Baha to visit this country.


teachings of the Blessed Perfection, confirmed in the divine precepts, resurrected in holiness and purity, severance, humility and meekness, set aglow with the fire of divine love; and loosen your tongues with the praises and commendations of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Thus may the great attainment be realized.

Upon ye be BAHA'O'LLAH-El-ABHA!


Translated by Dr. Ameen U. Fareed, December 8, 1910. Note — It is the wish of Abdul-Baha that this Tablet be read in all Assemblies.




O thou dear maid-servant of God!
Your epistle was received and the desire and request of the beloved ones and the maid-servants of the Merciful became known.
The conditions requisite for the coming of Abdul-Baha to those regions have just been written for the friends and the maid-servants of the Lord — through you. I am hopeful that these conditions will be carried out, perchance at some time a trip to those regions may be taken; but if these conditions be not realized, this will hinder a trip to those parts.
Convey most reverend ABHA greetings with the utmost longing to his honor, the dear friend, the Doctor (Getsinger).


Translated by Dr. Fareed, December 6, 1910.


Upon her be BAHA-El-ABHA!


O thou dear maid-servant of God!
I hope, through the Lord, that thy request and desire may be granted. Thou hast written of the
*? Through Dr. Ameen U. Fareed.


joy and happiness of the beloved, together with a request for my presence in America.
Abdul-Baha is like the nightingale. The nightingale soars to the rose-garden. Should you desire my presence there, you must make America a rose-garden. That is to say, you must make that country well adorned with every rose of spiritual qualities and human attributes. Then certainly, God, the Generous, will reward you greatly, and, perchance, this Nightingale will then fly to that rose-garden.
Thou hast written of thy new house wherein thou hast prepared a place for the travelers of the East and West. This is very acceptable.
Now the beloved must strive to make America a rose-garden. Then your desire will be realized.
O thou dear maid-servant of God! Thou art ever in mind and present before me. I hope, through the bounty and bestowal of God, that thy dear son may be blessed and become dear in both worlds.

Upon thee be BAHA'O'LLAH-El-ABHA!


Translated by Dr. Fareed, December 8, 1910.



BOSTON, MASS. — This Assembly was brought very near to the Spirit of Abdul-Baha a few Sundays ago, when Miss Alice M. Buckton of London, England, visited us and addressed the meeting. Mrs. Buckton was in Acca a few months ago for a fortnight. She has come forth from that Rose-garden carrying the choicest flowers which are lovingly shared with all. His benediction upon her is felt everywhere she goes.
Mr. Stanwood Cobb of the Washington (D. C.) Assembly, has been with us twice during the holiday season and has brought us inspiration and the Spirit of the Washington Assembly. Miss Ella Robarts, from New York, was also in Boston for a Sunday and added her Bahai spirit to our little group. These glimpses we have from other Assemblies from time to time are a source of great joy and thanksgiving.
Greeting and love to all of the believers everywhere, and our earnest prayer is that through our unity, love and harmony, we may make "straight and right the way" that Abdul-Baha may be with us at the Chicago Convention, and that that visit may witness the laying of the cornerstone of the Mashrak-el-Azkar.
Evidences of "awakenings" are apparent on all sides.

Grace Robarts.

CHICAGO, ILL. — Mr. Charles H. Greenleaf has been conducting the Sunday meetings during his month's stay in town.
Mr. Charles Scheffler has returned from a few weeks' visit to Germany.
The last nineteen-day tea of the Woman's Assembly of Teaching


was held at the home of Mrs. Eva W. Russell; falling on Sunday afternoon there was a goodly gathering of gentlemen as guests. The reports of the officers were most interesting and spoke well for their zeal and untiring work. Letters have been received by the Corresponding Secretary from Japan, Resht, Yazd, Teheran, Bombay, Honolulu and Shiraz, all bearing loving greetings to the friends throughout America.
The Bahai Sunday school was given a holiday party on December 26th, presents were distributed to the children and a joyous spirit prevailed. A supplication to Abdul-Baha was signed by every one present, to be forwarded through our brother. Dr. Zia Bagdadi.

Louise R. Waite.

CINCINNATI, OHIO. — When the glorious glad-tidings reached Cincinnati of the probable visit to America of Abdul-Baha, a new life-giving breeze was wafted and all arose as never before in love and unity, and from the lips came forth, "Praise be to God!" that he looks upon America with favor. O dear co-workers in all parts of the land, what an impetus to service in building the Mashrak-el-Azkar and in loving service to all humanity! We pray God if he should come, each beloved one in America be granted the blessed privilege to enter his presence in an attitude so selfless that his rejoicing be unceasing. Bahai love and greetings to all from the Cincinnati Assembly.

Annie L. Parmerton.

DENVER, COLO. — Mrs. E. J. Bell, Aurora, Colo., holds a group meeting on Monday evenings. Mrs. George Haeberlie also holds a Bahai gathering every nineteen days at her residence 2747 West Thirty-fifth Avenue.

Ella T. Nash.

GOBLEVILLE, MICH. — On Dec. 13th, the friends and relatives of Mrs. Ruddiman gathered at her home to pay respect to her departed mother. The beautiful Bahai funeral service, conducted by Mr. Charles H. Greenleaf, who came from Chicago especially to serve in that capacity, created such an atmosphere of strength, comfort and peace, that many were attracted, and, after the interment and return to the home, he was called upon to deliver the Message.
LOS ANGELES, CALIF. — The friends of the Assembly gathered Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haney to consider matters pertaining to the Cause for the ensuing year. An Executive Committee was appointed for the year, consisting of Messrs. Haney and Chase, Miss Wise and Miss Hammond of Pasadena and Mrs. Beckett of Tropico. It was decided to continue the monthly public meetings, which have been held in Blanchard Hall on the first Sunday afternoon of each month, and also to have alternate meetings on Sunday afternoons at the homes of believers, especially at the Haney home on the third Sunday of each month.
On Sunday, Dec. 11th, the friends came from far and near to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chase for a social Bahai gathering. On Monday, the 12th, the Unity Feast was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frankland in Tropico. The next Unity Feast will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haney in Los Angeles. The friends of Pasadena and Tropico are working in happy unity with those of Los Angeles for the progress of the Cause, all as one body of sincere believers.
The coming of Mr. and Mrs. Rice-Wray of Newark. N. J., Mrs. Nash from Denver, and others, all earnest workers, together with the efforts of Madame Bethlen, tends to the more rapid spreading of knowledge of the Great Message. Mrs. Nash, with her daughter Louise, has settled at Eagle Rock, a delightful suburb of Los Angeles, where she is gathering in the neighbors to listen to the Glad-tidings. She holds meetings on Sunday afternoons at 3 p. m., excepting the first Sunday of the month when they are held by all groups in


Blanchard Hall. Mrs. E. B. Kading has recently come from Nebraska. She has been separated from all believers for about ten years, but made it her first pleasure here to seek and find the Bahai friends. The Bahai Revelation is a "live wire," and when the real being of any soul has been once touched by its vitality, there is truly no rest in separation from it. This is being proved often by the coming to its portals of those who have been afar from its outward influence. Two of our former Greenacre (Me.) friends were at the gathering at the Chase home, and they showed as earnest an interest in the Cause and its teachings as if they had been associated with it during the years. A number of people are becoming interested in the wonderful Message and are coming again and again to hear its words of comfort and strength. The prospect for an increased and united Assembly in Los Angeles is excellent.


NEW YORK, N. Y. — The regular weekly meetings are as follows: Sunday mornings in Genealogical Hall, 226 W. 58th St.; Sunday and Friday afternoons, classes for instruction, held by Mr. MacNutt, in the Bahai Home, 6 W. 90th St., where many are hearing the Message; Friday evenings, the reading of the Word in Miss Thompson's studio, 119 E. 19th St.; a group meeting in the Bronx, New York City, Sunday evenings. In BROOKLYN, Sunday evening meetings in the home of Mr. Frank Osborne, 1076 Bergen St., and a meeting one evening during the week in the home of Miss Foote, 547 Hancock St. In Newark, N. J., weekly meetings are held on Wednesday evenings in the home of Mr. Hooper Harris, 1180 South Broad St. Much interest is being manifested in these meetings.
A beautiful Feast was held on the evening of Dec. 31st, 1910, in the Bahai Home, given by Mrs. Hoar of Fanwood, N. J., seventy of the believers being present, some even coming very late in order to be there. As in the Feasts given in Acca, a long table was spread, many precious Tablets were read, several addresses made, and Mirza Raffie chanted a Tablet which he had recently received. The friends reluctantly parted at a late hour, with "New Year's Greetings" to one another. Our dear sister, Mrs. Wilhelmina Logie, has charge of the Bahai Home and is giving her entire time and service to it. At a meeting of the subscribers the following Bahai Home Committee was appointed: Mr. W. H. Hoar, chairman; Mr. E. B. Kinney, treasurer; Mrs. I. D. Brittingham, secretary.
For several years some of our New York brothers have been considering an organization of the men for active service in the Cause of God, and the communication upon this subject, by Mr. Remey, in the BAHAI NEWS of Aug. 20th, 1910, focalized this thought, the result of which is the founding of a "Brotherhood of Baha," which its members hope will spread both nationally and internationally. It is founded upon the Word of God, and its aim is harmony, as servants of the Covenant of God, and collective effort for the uplift of mankind.
Mr. Percy Woodcock and family expect to sail for Egypt, January 7th.
Miss Buckton, our Bahai sister from London, England, will present to the public during the present month her Mystery Play, "Eager Heart"* which is a symbolic progress of the Christ Child every two thousand years. It is dedicated "To the Glory of God in the Service of Life."

Isabella D. Brittingham.

* This play has met with much favor in England.


PHILADELPHIA, PA. — The work in our city is manifesting results and two new homes have been opened in which to hold meetings.
On Dec. 18th we were favored by a visit from Mrs. Marie L. Botay of New York City, and on Dec. 22d, Mr Stanwood Cobb of Boston gave us a very interesting address. He has visited Acca and other parts of the world and had much to tell us.
Miss Edna McKinney, formerly of Chicago, is now in Philadelphia and expects to make it her home. We are very glad to have her with us at our meetings.
Anyone passing through our city will be welcomed by the believers of our Assembly. We have two regular meetings every week and commemorate the nineteen-day feast; also we hold a business meeting once a month.

Jessie E. Revell.

SEATTLE, WASH. — A beautiful meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Geary on the 20th. It had been agreed at the Sunday meeting previous to write a holiday letter to the absent members of the Assembly, so each one of the believers present was assigned the privilege of writing to an absent member. These letters were combined into one and read and all signed it, making the communication one of unity. This was indeed a joyous gathering, and the meeting closed by reciting in concert the "first commune."
We are endeavoring to organize an Assembly in Tacoma where interest is being manifested; also another Assembly in Everett, where one of the friends is building a home.
Mrs. Laura Luther of Omak, is working very strenuously in the Cause there. Mr. Dirk Verloop has undertaken journeys from town to town in the more isolated districts and is delivering the Message to all who will listen.
Mr. D. D. Babcock is quite isolated in a distant lumber camp, but we are sure he is not idle. Mr. Finch, for the past month, has been going to Tacoma and returning to Seattle every day by boat. This gave him an opportunity to give the Message, which he availed himself of with great success. Everyday he found some one who would listen and several evinced evident interest.
We have distributed about 3,000 "Commands of Abdul-Baha," 200 of my "Notes," 50 of Mrs. Goodall's "Notes," and other literature in like measure. We are also contributing to an orphan home here, helping the needy, visiting the sick and doing whatever our hands find to do for the advancement of the Great Cause.

Ida A. Finch.

WASHINGTON, D. C. — The meetings of the Assembly are being well attended, and the spirit of Unity is evidenced and powerful. The friends are bending every effort toward adding to the Mashrak-el-Azkar fund; the ladies are taking orders for fancy work, and report substantial receipts incident to the holiday season. Everyone is helping, and in this way, not only is the fund growing, but what is more important, the solidarity of the Assembly is enhanced.
Special meetings since the last report have been the Unity Feasts of Nov. 23d and Dec. 12th, and the Fete Day of Abdul-Baha on Nov. 26th. The Unity Feasts were well attended, and particularly helpful; that of Dec. 12th was given at the Conservatory of Music and attended by the colored believers and inquirers, a considerable number of whom evidenced their continued interest by their presence.
The Fete Day, Saturday, Nov. 26th, was a memorable occasion. For this meeting the spacious parlors at 1013 L Street, where our regular meetings were held prior to the removal to the present location, were made available, through the courtesy of Miss Stamper and Mrs. Smith. The meeting was given by the friends now in Washington, who have


had the blessed privilege of a visit to the Holy City. The ladies decorated the room most attractively. A long table, extending the length of the parlor, provided seats for thirty-two and chairs for at least twice that number were on the sides, so that the attendance was well over 100. A garland of smilax was suspended over the table, which was further decorated with chrysanthemums and other flowers, and with candelabra, the lights from which lent a fairylike aspect to the scene. Each pilgrim present narrated an experience of the visit which had proven particularly impressive; several of the friends who were not with us, had sent letters, and these were read. The following were present or represented: Mrs. Aseyeh Allen; Mrs. Louise Dixon Boyle; Mrs. Emily Dixon; Mrs. Eleanor Dixon Doyle; Mrs. J. C. deLagnel; Mrs. Joseph H. Hannen; Miss F. A. Knobloch; Mirza Ali Kuli Khan; Mirza Ahmad Sohrab; Mirza Farajullah Khan; Dr. Ameen Ullah Fareed; Mr. Stanwood Cobb; Dr. E. C. Getsinger; Mr. Joseph H. Hannen; Mr. F. J. Phelps, and Mr. Charles Mason Remey; these were the speakers, and their experiences brought the audience close indeed to the Sacred Presence! At the close of the meeting, copies of the Misses Knobloch's and Mrs. Finch's notes were presented as a souvenir.
A valued visitor recently was Mr. Howard Struven, now again located in Baltimore, whose narration of experiences in his trip around the world with Mr. Remey proved most helpful.
Mrs. Marie A. Watson is now with us, her address being 804 B Street, S. W., care Mrs. Allen. Miss M. Althea Dorr is also spending the winter season here.
On Sunday, Dec. 11th, our dear sister, Miss Mayo, passed suddenly into the higher life. Bahai services were held on Tuesday evening following. Our loving sympathy is extended to brother Arthur D. Mayo, whose mother departed this life a few months ago. Both were believers, and the joy promised to the faithful is theirs. For us is the sorrow of the empty chair and the vacant place!
The practical demonstration of the value of effort toward a definite end, afforded by the Mashrak-el-Azkar fund, should be an incentive to continued effort everywhere. The most conservative estimate places the number of active Bahais in this country at over 2,000. If every one were to contribute one dollar weekly, we should have two thousand dollars every seven days, or more than one hundred thousand dollars in the course of a year! This should be possible as an average. Let no one hesitate because of the smallness of individual contributions. Remembering the great goal, which is nothing less than the presence of Abdul-Baha on our shores, let everyone strive during the coming year to complete the undertaking. This will be a demonstration of Unity which the world cannot overlook.

Joseph H. Hannen.



The Bahai Correspondence School teaches Persian by simple lessons and phonographic records. Each pupil receives all necessary individual help and attention through a system of written lessons and criticisms. No Persian written characters are used; the English letters only are employed and pronunciations expressed in English characters. Many are taking advantage of this system, both in Europe and in America.
For particulars address MIRZA S. M. RAFFIE, S. B., 729 Livingston Hall, Columbia University, New York City, U. S. A.




Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P.O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Persian Editor. — MIRZA AHMAD SOHRAB, 1800 Belmont Road, Washington, D. C.


Sent postpaid throughout North America, including Canal Zone and Panama; and following islands: Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines; also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Shanghai City (China); Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.25; single copy 12c.
Sent postpaid throughout other parts of Occident and adjacent islands including Newfoundland: Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c.
Sent postpaid throughout Orient, including Egypt and Russia; Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c. Note — Through agents when established in Oriental centers: $1.00 per year.

VOL. I. Chicago, (Dec. 31, 1910) Sharaf No. 16


1st Baha' (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Nur (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalamat (Words) July 13
8th Isma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Izzat (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashiyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Ilm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Qudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Qaul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masa'il (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malik (King) Feb. 7

Four intercalary days.

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2
(Month of fasting.)

Our Persian section this issue contains a Tablet to the Cincinnati (O.) Bahai Assembly revealed, probably, in 1900, and an article on Universal Bahai Unity showing the power and influence of the Bahai Cause in uniting various nations and religions. This article contains quotations from the Tablets of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha bearing upon this important subject and also answers the false statements concerning this great Cause, made in one of the Persian newspapers recently printed in Mashad, Persia.



When the friends gathered again in the fall after the usual scattering for the summer months it was found the contributions were coming in very slowly for the Mashrak-el-Azkar fund. The Executive Board of Bahai Temple Unity met early in October and sent out a call to the friends through the pages of the BAHAI NEWS. Statements of the financial condition have followed each month and the Financial Secretary is glad to be able to report to the friends that from Maine to California, and Canada to Florida, the friends have arisen to meet the January note. It was not until Christmas day, however, when a contribution from the Assembly of Seattle, Washington, was received and our receipts amounted to $788 and our deficit was $742, that the Temple Unity found itself delivered from a deficit by one of the noblest efforts of united arising we believe history has ever known. Since the first general Convention in March, 1909, the Executive Board has paid off $20,000 on the Mashrak-el-Azkar site, leaving only a mortgage of $12,500 — which was already on the land when secured and which was extended for two years.
Abdul-Baha says: "In Eshkabad, the believers of God made the erection of the Temple conducive to affinity and unity, so that it really became the cause of Oneness of the Word. Ye also make the erection of the Temple in America conducive to the Unity and Oneness of the believers, of the maid-servants and servants of the Merciful, so that in one thought, one aim they engage themselves in the building of the Temple."
From the above words it is clear that the great Unity being formed by the Mashrak-el-Azkar will be the magnet to attract to America a visit from Abdul-Baha. Therefore, let us continue to strive and sacrifice for this noble Edifice and prepare it to be dedicated by his presence.
The Executive Board extends to all its deepest gratitude for their noble support in this critical time.

Corinne True.

The price of the Bahai Hymns — a collection of ten songs, the words and music by Mrs. Louise R. Waite — has been reduced from twenty cents to ten cents per copy. The proceeds from the sale of these books are devoted to the Mashrak-el-Azkar fund. Orders should be sent to the composer, 5217 Winthrop Avenue, or to the Bahai Publishing Society, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill.




Mr. Mountfort Mills, President, 327 West End Ave. New York, N. Y. Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton, Vice-President, 543 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen, Secretary, R. F. D. 35, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Mrs. Corinne True, Financial Secretary, 5338 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mr. Arthur S. Agnew, Treasurer, 2406 Smalley Court, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Albert H. Hall, Legal Adviser, 723-726 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. William H. Hoar, Fanwood, N. J. Mr. Joseph H. Hannen, 1252 8th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, 104 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Trustees — Mr Bernard M. Jacobsen, Mrs. Corinne True, Mr. Arthur S. Agnew. Architecture and Building Committee — Mr. Albert H. Hall, Mr. Mountford Mills. Ways and Means Committee — Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, Chairman: Mr. Albert H. Hall, Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton, Mr. William H. Hoar, Mr. Joseph H. Hannen. Honorary Members — Mrs. Helen S. Goodall, 1317 Jackson St., Oakland, Cal.; Mr. Charles Mason Remey, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C.



O kind friends — May our souls be a sacrifice to you!
Your dear letter of June 28th 1910, received, and its reading gave us a world of happiness. As you had written in the Persian language our correspondence became very much wider, and now at the top of our voices we address you and say: "May all your hours be full of joy, because you made us joyful!"
If you desire to inquire about our Assembly in this country: Everything is very good through the Divine blessing. In these days many of the respected and important souls have realized the value of the physical and spiritual phases of this blessed Cause and have accepted the same.
Our Assembly, which is called "Mahfali-Murattab," is composed of nineteen members. Its program is derived from the order of the Blessed Perfection (Exalted is His Great Glory!) and Abdul-Baha (may the soul of existence be a sacrifice to him!). We meet once a week; we open our meeting first by reading the Tablet which was revealed for us last year and which contains supplications for confirmations from the Divine Threshold to our Assembly. After the reading of the Tablet, we begin our discussion and consultation.
We correspond with most of the centers in Persia and with the important cities of Europe and with some cities in America. In this manner we get our information about the progress of the Cause, and then spread it to other parts. One of the recent events which we think is important enough to mention to you is this: About three months ago two of the firm and steadfast believers, Aga Seyed Abdul Hussein Ardestani and Aga Muza Assadollah Fazil Mazindarani, had permission from Abdul-Baha to go to Nadjief (a sacred spot near Bagdad) and teach in the Cause of God. It happened that these two friends arrived in that place at the time when the chief Mohammedan priest was shot by an unknown hand. But through the power of God, which overcame this action, they were set free and have returned to this city and all the friends were glad to see them.
The Members of Mahfali-Murratab of Teheran, Persia.
1-16-11 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-16-12 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-16-13 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-16-14 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-16-15 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-16-16 — PERSIAN TEXT — (with cursive address in the middle: Address:= Najmé Bakhtar. 1800 Belmont Road. Washington D.C. U. S. America. )
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