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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 2



Vol. 1 Chicago, (April 9, 1910) Jalal No. 2


Extract from a letter written by Mr. Charles Mason Remey, dated on board N. L. S. S. Bülow between Shanghai and Singapore, Jan. 14, 1910, to the House of Spirituality, Chicago, Ill.:
In Japan the spiritual field of work is ready for the laborers. The Japanese need religion and, unlike most people, they realize this need and are searching. In Japan there is no antagonism — none whatever. Even the Buddhist priests hail with joy the coming of another Messenger of Peace. They are all awaiting the coming of the Message. The Japanese, like the Bahais, accept the Christ Spirit but not the creed and dogmatism of the churches. The people who can be reached in Japan are not uneducated, but the first men of the country. With us in the West it is the people of small importance in the world's eye who are seeking Truth, whereas in Japan the nobility and the chief thinkers of the country are considering the spiritual question, for it has been clearly proved in Japan that man cannot live by ethics alone. Thousands of Bahai teachers are needed in Japan! Only yesterday I was reading the life of Saint Francois Xavier, the first Christian missionary to Japan, and of his trials and hardships and of the great fruits of his work, and with all my soul I prayed that God would now raise up Bahais to go to that same country and proclaim the Kingdom established! Cannot you, as a body, take some action in this matter and make the way for several Bahais to go to the field of work in Japan? * * * A willing American would have no difficulty in making a good living in China or Japan, and I trust that soon some of our Bahais may come out as teachers. Whoever comes in this Cause must be well prepared so far as teaching is concerned;


should be a person or persons of education and culture, for they will be obliged to work amongst people of much culture and wisdom. In both China and Japan the upper classes must first be reached. When a few of these are reached, the mass of the people will come with but little effort.



To the Bahai Assembly of
Washington, D. C., U. S. A.
DEAR BAHAI FRIENDS: — Since writing you last from Honolulu, our Bahai brother, Howard Struven, and I, have attained to this point on our line of travel, having visited Japan, and some of the Chinese ports, as well as Singapore, on our way here to Rangoon.
We arrived here about ten days ago; the intervening time has sped past very quickly. Being quartered in the Mashrak-el-Azkar, we are receiving believers and truth-seekers from a very early to a very late hour. Many are coming to inquire about the Teachings, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Moslems, Buddhists and Brahmans or Hindoos. We find that the general knowledge which we had of these latter-mentioned religions is very scanty, so we have been studying and preparing ourselves to meet the questions of the people of these divers creeds. This to the Bahai is not so difficult a task as one might at first imagine, as in their purity each of these religions of the world was of divine origin, so now that the Bahais have the spiritual understanding or key to all religions, they are all explained from one spiritual standpoint. The one spiritual explanation satisfies the seeking soul from whatever religion he may come. Thus do we see the power and the spiritual potency of the Truth.
In Japan we spent six days with Prof. M. Barakatullah in Tokyo, where he had gathered quite a group of truth-seekers from both the foreigners living in Tokyo as well as from the Japanese people. Enclosed I send you a copy of a notice in Japanese which was circulated, inviting people to a large Bahai Meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium in Tokyo. We had a well-attended


meeting, which immediately placed us in touch with a great many people. Other meetings were held and we met many personally, so that the time in Tokyo passed rapidly. After visiting Yokahoma, Kobe, Kyoto and Nagasaki, we passed over into China, where in Shanghai we met with a most devoted Bahai brother from Persia who lives there, Mirza Abdul Badhi — Mirza Ahmad knows him. Though our visit in Shanghai was not long, we met several people who were deeply in sympathy with our work. We could have remained there indefinitely and had plenty of work to do in the Cause, but we felt that we should be pressing on here where the call is more urgent, and besides we wish to complete our tour of India before the excessive heat sets in, for during the cool weather now on we have the best opportunity to meet people.
Of the work here in Burmah I will write later on in a general letter. Now I will make a brief mention of the work in Japan. There the field is ready, and what is most encouraging is that the thinkers and leaders of Japan realize this. Many are looking about for a religion suited to the needs of the Japanese people. Now is, I feel, the time for the Bahais to direct their energies toward Japan.
American Bahais are needed in Japan. If all of the people will carry this in their minds, someone may hear and respond to this call from the far East. Teachers are needed also in China, particularly in Shanghai, for there the Cause is somewhat known, and a good beginning could easily be accomplished.
In these Eastern countries there are excellent business opportunities open to young men. Several energetic young Bahai brothers from America could do a great work in Japan, China or here, and at the same time be establishing themselves and doing well in business.
I trust the time may soon come when Bahai workers from the West may come to these fields, for their services are needed.
Please extend our Bahai greeting from both to all. The friends here join us.

Yours in His Holy Cause,

Charles Mason Remey.





April 23rd, Saturday evening, Unity Feast.
April 24th, Sunday, 10 a. m. meeting in Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple.
April 24th, Sunday afternoon, friends and delegates will visit the Temple grounds.
April 25th, Monday, 10 a. m. Corinthian Hall, convention called to order.
April 26th, Tuesday, 10 a. m. Corinthian Hall, convention continued.
April 26th, Tuesday evening, Drill Hall, Masonic Temple, public meeting.


Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen, Kenosha, Wis.
Mr. Magnus Paulson, Racine, Wis.
Mr. Russell L. Brooker, Akron, Ohio.
Mr. John Deremo, Fruitport, Mich.
Mr. William Hoar, Fanwood, N. J.
Mr. John A. Finch, Seattle, Wash.
Mr. Albert H. Hall, Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. Charles Hargis Genoa Jc., Wis.
Mr. Byron S. Lane, Bangor, Mich.
Miss Margaret Thompson, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Miss Ella C. Quant, Johnston Navy-Yard and vicinity.
Miss Lelia Sheuy, Oakland, Cal.
Miss Florence Clapp, Baltimore, Md. (Probably).
Mrs. A. M. Bryant, Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton, Cincinnati, O.
Mrs. Ernest Kelley, Urbana, Ill.
Mrs. Charles L. Lincoln, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Charlotte Morton, Milwaukee, Wis.
Mrs. Corinne True, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Arthur S. Agnew, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Mountford Mills, New York City, N. Y.
Miss Annie T. Boylan, New York City, N. Y.
Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm (Alternate) Ithaca, N. Y.
Mrs. Isabella D. Brittingham (Alternate) Philadelphia, Pa.
Washington, D. C.; Boston, Mass.; Portland, Oregon; Muskegon, Mich.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Sandusky, Ohio; not yet reported.

Bernard M. Jacobsen.




Since last issue the friends from many parts have remembered the Mashrak-el-Azkar. One gift of special importance is a contribution from the friends of Paris, France, because it comes to us from them at a time when they have passed through dire calamities — the great flood.
The contribution from the Honolulu Assembly comes with such a sparkle that we must quote from Mrs. Coombs' letter, as their secretary: "Hoping that all offerings are sent with as much love and as willing hearts as ours."
The financial secretary is most happy to report that over sixty towns or cities of America are contributing to the great Mashrak-el-Azkar work.
The following countries have sent contributions since last Convention: Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Turkey in Europe, Russia, Persia, India, Syria and Egypt.
Abdul-Baha said to Mr. Mountfort Mills of New York City, that he was most pleased and satisfied with last year's Convention and assured us that the future would see many more, constantly increasing in attendance and bringing together representatives from all parts of the world. He said that these gatherings would be to the spiritual body of the world what the inrush of the spirit is to the physical body of man, quickening it to its utmost parts and infusing a new light and power.

Corinne True.


The meetings continue to draw more and more seekers for the Truth, and all remark the growing firmness and steadfastness of the Assembly and its power of attraction. It is our joy to be able to reach greater and greater numbers with the news of the glad tidings.
Since Nov. 7, all the regular meetings have been held in Beckton Hall — and from the beginning there has been a small but steady increase in numbers.
Every Sunday from one to five seekers come and receive the Message — some at the request of Bahais — others through the notices of meetings placed in three of the newspapers. Every meeting


is adding to the unity, strength, steadfastness and love of the believers and to the attractive power of the Assembly. We are striving to realize the wonderful gifts and promises of Abdul-Baha.
At a recent meeting of the Boston Assembly the following members were elected to the Board: Messrs. Ober and Osburg; Mesdames Breed, Campbell, Goddard, Hoes and Sprague; Misses Culver and Roberts.
The Naurooz Feast held at the hall March 21st was attended by twenty-seven people. The spirit was strong and it was a cause of joy and confirmation for all.

Harlan F. Ober.


The Buffalo Assembly holds meetings every Sunday and Thursday evening at 494 Elwood avenue.


The preparations for the coming convention are now being crystalized, and visiting friends may be assured of a hearty welcome.
Miss Florence Clapp, formerly of Leominster, Mass. has moved to Chicago and is one with the Assembly.
The Unity Feast of April 9th will be held at the home of Mrs. Corinne True.
Mrs. Aline Devin of Eliot, Maine, visited us several Sundays in March.
Miss Levy, of New York City, was with us April 3d.
The 19-day Tea of the Woman's Assembly of Teaching, was held on March 23rd at the home of Mrs. George Lesch, the subject for the day being the Feast of Naurooz or Bahai New Year. Among those present from out of town were Mrs. Henry L. Goodale, and Mrs. Peckman, both of Kenosha.
The Feast of Naurooz was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Foster, 3502 Lake Ave., on the evening of March 21st. After a spiritual feast, refreshments were served and the friends met socially.



An informal organization has been effected of the Bahai Assembly of Los Angeles, including believers in the city of Los Angeles, Tropico, Glendale, Long Beach, Santa Monica, Ocean Park and Pasadena. The Executive Board is comprised of five members: Mr. Charles F. Haney, Mr. Thornton Chase, Mrs. Henrietta Clark Wagner, Mrs. Nellie Phillips and Mrs. Rosa V. Winterburn — with the writer, Mr. F. B. Beckett, as Secretary. In the future, to assure prompt receipt, all communications to this Assembly, as well as all matter for distribution among the believers in this part of the country, should be addressed to the Secretary, 429 Citizens National Bank Building, Los Angeles, California.
The Los Angeles Bahai Assembly was organized with thirty believers, who signified their belief in writing. There are as many more who are in fact believers in the Revelation of BAHA'O'LLAH but who do not wish yet to connect themselves definitely with any organization, no matter how informal it may be, beside a large number of people who seem deeply interested. Meetings are held on Thursday afternoons in Pasadena, Tuesday afternoons and Friday evenings in the city of Los Angeles, and Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings in Tropico; also, once a month, on Sunday afternoon, a meeting is held in a down-town hall in the city. At this latter meeting the attendance has been from forty to fifty people and a deep interest is shown in the Revelation.

F. B. Beckett


The Cause in Seattle is firm and steadfast. Weekly meetings are held every Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Finch, and upon the occasion of coming visitors, who speak to us, they are held at various places in the city.
During the past month we have listened to able talks by Mr. Thornton Chase, who was with us for several days. His talks were strong and eloquent and reached the ears of interested listeners.

D. D. Babcock.






Sent postpaid throughout North America, including Canal Zone and Panama; and following islands: Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines; also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Shanghai City (China): Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.25; single copy 12c
Sent postpaid throughout other parts of Occident and adjacent islands including Newfoundland: Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c.
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Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

VOL. I. CHICAGO, (April 9, 1910) JALAL NO. 2


1st Baha (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Noor (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalemat (Words) July 13
8th Assma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamaal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Azzatt (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Alm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Kudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Koul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masael (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malak (Ring) Feb. 7

(Four intercalary days.)

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2


The Bahai News Service believes all will be delighted to know that a large number of subscriptions have already been received from all parts of America, and that expressions of good will and hearty endorsement are received in every mail.
Commencing with this issue a limited number of copies will be printed over and above what is necessary to cover the subscription list. Because of this we would advise those who desire to have a complete file to subscribe at once.





DEAREST EVA: — * * * Please redeem a promise I have made to the sisters here that their photo should be copied and spread in America. I think


I mentioned that this is an important event in their lives; they have thrown down one rule, for once, that is, to show their faces to the world. I cannot describe to you how they are deprived. Again today I was in a home — the wife's mother was closely veiled because the husband's young brother was in the room; and later all the women left the room because two men friends of the family were coming. I could stay and enjoy hearing the newcomers tell of a recent trip to Russia, etc. On leaving I went to say good bye to the women — their rooms are in an entirely separate court, as if in another house. A man servant passed just as I raised the heavy curtain to leave, and all the women screamed and pulled down their veils, or drew the "chadur" up over their mouth and nose. The husband we met in Paris and since being on the continent he is anxious to help free the women from their dreary life.
The hospital business is now arranged and after this week I am to be there with the other doctors in the afternoons.
I met another, a non-Bahai doctor, this morning, and he asked me to assist him in an operation later. I liked him and hope to establish pleasant relations with them all. A son of one of the four "Hands of the Cause" (Jenabi Adub) whose name is Mirza Ali, starts for Marseilles in two days. He goes to learn the business of curing leather. At present all hides are exported for curing and returned at enormous cost. The progressive steps mean much here, and it is the Bahai who has the courage to go forth with assurance of success.

Love to all,

Susan I. Moody.

Extract from a letter, dated Teheran, Persia, February 13, 1910:
Today we were invited for lunch to the home of Mirza Ghavam Altojar. We had been told that it was a matter of importance. First, I want to say that the home was a Bahai home very near the city wall, in a good part of town. The streets in some places were shaded by cypress trees and the garden of this house has many tall sycamores. The interior was rich in beautiful rugs and the dinner


was served in European style — table and chairs. Our host purposed that land for a Mashrak-el-Azker in Teheran be secured at once. Have you ever seen a match touched to a bundle of dry straw? Well, it took these noble men about that long to grasp the situation, get over their first surprise, appoint a committee of nine and set a date to see the piece of land proposed by our host. * * * It makes one hold his breath to see the faith of these grand old teachers and their fearlessness in going forward. The constitution is really making them able to act like free men. They are, at the same time, careful not to arouse public prejudice which is strong still. * * * Yet one more piece of news: The girls' school is assured. They will start with accommodations for fifty pupils, and they think as the girls are not yet educated in Persian that they should not ask to have an English teacher sent just yet, but wait a few months and see how many will then want to take up English. There are a few who have been in the American school and can talk very well. Please tell any who want to help that it will take only $1.50 per month to educate a girl. There are many here too poor to pay and this is the way to help lift Persia from her otherwise hopeless condition. Do make a strong point of this to all the friends and help the brave Bahais here. Think of it — since we arrived they have started a hospital, a girl's school and a Mashrak-el-Azkar! Come over and help us. COME!
Mr. Sprague has just been appointed superintendent of the boys' school, the former having resigned.

Susan I. Moody.


On the 26th of March Madame Jackson sailed from New York for Acca.
On the 3rd of April Mr. Woodcock delivered his second address within a month upon the Bahai movement to an interested audience gathered in Montclair, N. J.
Within the past month Mrs. Getsinger and Dr. Fareed arrived in New York from Acca, bringing with them the merciful glad-tidings of the love of Abdul-Baha to the beloved of God in America, and


giving several talks in the New York Assembly. Dr. Fareed brought with him a general Tablet from the presence of Abdul-Baha to the American believers, embodying the same precious admonitions to build the stable foundation of unity upon which the structure of the sacred Mashrak-el-Azkar could be erected. They proceeded in a few days to Washington, D. C.
Mr. Edward B. Kinney, Jr. gave a very fine entertainment in his studio on the evening of April 1st, the fund accrued to go to the Mashrak-el-Azkar. He opened it with a talk of a very high order upon music. The musical programme, both vocal and instrumental, was rendered by some of his pupils who are artists in the real sense of the word, and Miss Clark (an elocutionist and friend of the family) contributed some most excellent recitations. In a little interval Mr. Kinney gave, in a most delicate and exquisitely forceful way, a brief message of the advent of the Spiritual Kingdom in this great Day, prefacing it with a reference to the word "Mashrak-el-Azkar" on the tickets. Some of those who took part afterward spoke to different ones of the guests of the inspirational effect received from the audience. The spirit of the evening was fine. It was Mr. Kinney's formal dedication, in His Name, of his studio to music. A goodly audience was present. This studio was dedicated at the beginning to the Holy Cause.

Isabella D. Brittingham.


Regular meetings held Friday evenings at 8:15 and Sunday School at 11:15, at the Gareissen Studio, 1219 Connecticut Avenue. Permanent address of the Bahai Assembly, or individual members, post office box 192.
A notable feature of the Unity Feast of April 9, is that our colored believers and friends are to be invited to participate, the plan to hold every fourth Unity Feast in this manner, being put into effect on this date.
The Visiting Tablet revealed by Abdul-Baha for Mrs. Amalie Knobloch has been read over her grave by a large number of the Bahais of Washington on different occasions. March 13, Mr. Roy C.


Wilhelm was accompanied to the tomb by a party of the young people; March 27 Mr. and Mrs. Kinney, Dr. Fareed and Mrs. Getsinger were visitors, with the Sunday School children completing the party. The obedience of the friends to this Command to read the Visiting Tablet, is notable and a great blessing attends this act.
On Friday, March 25, we were rejoiced to welcome our beloved sister, Lus Getsinger, returning from the Holy City. A telegram announced her coming, together with Mr. and Mrs. Kinney and Dr. Ameen Ullah Fareed. These dear friends were tendered a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ripley Saturday evening, attended and addressed the Sunday School, received the friends Sunday evening, and on Monday morning the Kinneys returned to New York, taking the sincere love of the Washington friends with them. Mrs. Getsinger and Dr. Fareed have been kept exceedingly busy attending group meetings during the week, and a large audience attended the regular meeting Friday, April 1, at which both spoke effectively on Unity.
The election for delegates and alternates for the Chicago Temple Unity Convention in April, resulted in the selection of the following: Delegates, Jos. H. Hannen and Mrs. Claudia Stuart Coles; Alternates, Dr. Edward H. Egbert and Miss Fanny A. Knobloch.
The Bethel Literary and Historical Society, the oldest and leading colored organization in the city, devoted its session of Tuesday, April 5, to the Bahai Revelation, Mr. Hannen and Dr. Fareed speaking on the subject of "The Race Question from the Standpoint of the Bahai Revelation." This Society, of which Mr. Louis G. Gregory is President, has given three previous sessions this season to the Bahai Teachings, and this has exerted a powerful influence in the work among the intelligent circles of this people, whom we are commanded to reach and help as brothers and sisters.
A lecture is announced for May 2, to be given by Mrs. L. J. Young Withee, a well-known speaker, on the subject: "Persia, the Land of the Lion and Sun." This lecture, which is to be under the auspices of the Persian-American Educational Society, is to be for the benefit of the Mashrak-el-Azkar.


The unity developed by our teachings is strikingly exemplified by the presence frequently at our meetings of brothers from India, Japan, the Philippines and China, beside our dear Persian brothers. The shades of belief among the local members is as varied and divergent, before the transformation of the Word making us one.
The Feast of Naurooz, March 21, was given by the children of our Sunday School, and was well attended. Those present pronounced the exercises most effective. Our dear little sister, Ruth Fuhrman, eleven years old, presided with dignity. The narrative of Professor Browne's meeting with BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha was read feelingly by Mary Hotchkiss, while Helen Hotchkiss ably gave the history and summarized the teachings of the Revelation. Bessie Ripley read some of the Words, as did also Beula Barnitz. These, with Minnie Barnitz and Paul Hannen, chanted prayers in Arabic. Esther Hughes gave two violin solos, displaying marked ability.
Mr. George S. Hopper and daughter, formerly of Ithaca, N. Y. are welcome additions to our local Assembly. Miss Hebe Moore; who will travel with Madame Jackson, left here two weeks ago and will be greatly missed.
Two marriages have changed our list of membership, though only in name, as the friends remain with us. Mrs. Josephine Conklin Cowley became Madame DeLagnel, and Miss Ursula Shaman is now Mrs. Elwyn Moore, the transformations occurring during the same week. Our congratulations and love are with the happy families thus united.
The BAHAI NEWS is a welcome visitor, being enthusiastically received, and its success seems assured. If the friends everywhere will add financial support to appreciation, an edifice of permanence and utility will be builded.

Jos. H. Hannen.


Dr. Fisher, of New York City, is now in London, England.
When Mrs. Brittingham was in Acca, Abdul-Baha desired her to tell all pilgrims not to visit Acca during the summer season on account of its unhealthfulness.
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