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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 4




Vol. 1 Chicago, (May 17, 1910) Azamat No. 4



The power of the Word to unite the hearts of the servants in divine love, and to solve all difficulties, is apparent in Bahai gatherings, and especially where the participants are gathered together from distant points. In the holy Presence





of our beloved Abdul-Baha the effect is, of course, most powerful. Second only to that great experience was the Chicago Convention of 1910. We had heard much of the great love of the Chicago Friends, and it was indeed manifested to a superlative degree. Thus the environment was ideal for the development of the spiritual forces, which climatic and other adverse conditions on the outside


only made more evident, as one appreciates the genial warmth of the fireside most on a stormy night.
The four days of the convention were most unusually the period of a continuous snowstorm, which had been preceded by balmy days and were followed by the return of normal spring temperature and sunshine. For this reason, the meeting at the Temple Grounds, planned for Sunday afternoon, April 24, was abandoned. It seemed strange that the date was changed to avoid just such weather conditions, while in March it was ideal and springlike. One felt, however, that there was a divine wisdom in it, and that for some reason, it was for the best. Such, indeed, proved to be the case.
Saturday evening, April 23d, the Feast of Rizwan was celebrated, in a large café downtown. The very name of this café, the "Bon Ami" was reassuring and welcoming! Tables were set for about 200, and every available space seemed filled. Wonderful reunions and meetings were taking place everywhere, and the Spirit was felt as the greatest powerful influence. When Bahais meet, it is as though a family was having a reunion though the friends may in reality never have seen each other before.
After some reading of Tablets, a few of those present delivered brief talks; among them Mr. Percy Woodcock, Mr. W. Hoar, Mrs. Brittingham, Miss Boylan, Mr. Hall and Mr. Hannen. It was about 11 o'clock when we left, filled with the Spirit, tired but happy.
Sunday morning, although snowy and cold, the large hall on the 17th floor of the Masonic Temple was crowded with delegates and the Chicago friends, as well as a number of visitors. The meeting was called for 10, but it was near 11 o'clock when it convened, the intervening time being spent busily in getting acquainted, delivering greetings, etc. Mr. Mountfort Mills of New York, was in the chair, and he presided with rare dignity and sweet grace. The Chicago friends have a choral society and their singing helped the spirit of the occasion wonderfully. The program was as follows:





APRIL 24, 1910, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.

1. Piano — "Contemplation," from the "Holy City" Gaul 2. Congregational Singing — "His Glorious Sun Has Risen" Waite 3. Reading — Words of BAHA'O'LLAH: "Tablet of Visitation." 4. Choir — "Prophetic Song" Parker

Vaheed Choral Society

5. Address of Welcome by Chairman.

Mr. Mountfort Mills

6. Reading — Tablet from Abdul-Baha revealed for Convention of 1909.

Mrs. Corinne True

7. Solo — "Song of Thanksgiving" Allitsen

Miss Waller

8. Persian Chant — Zia Baghdadi. 9. Commune, followed by Silence. 10. (a) Piano — "Adoration," from the "Holy City" Gaul
(b) Choir — "A New Heaven and a New Earth," arranged from the "Holy City" Gaul

Vaheed Choral Society

(c) Solo — "Interlude" Waite

Miss Bessie Diggett

(d) Choir — "Benediction" Waite

Vaheed Choral Society

11. The Message — Mrs. Isabella D. Brittingham. 12. Five-minute Addresses — Mr. B. M. Jacobsen, Kenosha, Wis.; Mrs. C. S. Coles, Washington, D. C. 13. Congregational Singing — "Great Day of God". Waite 14. Five-minute Addresses — Mr. Ober, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Killius, Spokane, Wash.; Mr. Wilhelm, Ithaca, N. Y. 15. Solo — "Come Unto Me" Madame Ragna Linné 16. Five-minute Addresses — Mr. Finch, Seattle, Wash.;
Prof. Armstrong, of McGill University, Montreal;
Mr. Hoar, Fanwood, N. J. 17. Congregational Singing — "Temple Song" Waite
(Composed especially for this occasion.) 18. Five-minute Addresses — Miss Quant, Johnstown, N. Y. and vicinity; Mr. Hall, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. Percy F. Woodcock, New York City. 19. Choir — "The Heavens Resound" Beethoven

Vaheed Choral Society

Mr. Albert R. Windust, Musical Director.

Mrs. W. V. Holmes, Accompanist.

We find it difficult to describe the varying emotions this truly Bahai Festival Service produced upon the minds and hearts of those present,


the sublimity of which was not in any sense affected by the introduction of a bit of extraneous matter by the dear brother on whose behalf our love and prayers are boundless and unending. The ringing melody of the "Temple Song," written by Mrs. Waite for the occasion, seems still resounding within the hearts of those who were privileged to join in its stirring strains.
The Business Sessions are described in detail elsewhere in this issue of the BAHAI NEWS, therefore, we will not outline them here. There was an incident, however, which we will mention: When the Convention officially closed at 5:15 Tuesday afternoon, a scene followed which beggars description. All present clasped hands, and in a moment a great ring was formed, reaching around the large hall. All turned East and prayed for guidance and strength. The thrill that passed around the circle can only be appreciated by those who were links in that great human chain. Again the Spirit was powerful, and it was with genuine regret that we left the scene of work in His great Cause.
On the evening of the 26th inst., a large public meeting was held, and here splendid addresses were given by the visiting brothers and sisters, while between these, sweet strains of music were provided by the choral society — Miss Ellerman, a fine vocalist, assisting. If human mind could comprehend the meaning of Glory added to Glory, this great climax could better be described. It was nearly midnight when a weary but happy band turned their footsteps homeward, and as God's work is followed by added strength, we realized that greater power would come to all who participated in this memorable occasion.
On Wednesday morning, the work of the convention being over, the dark clouds gave way to heavenly sunshine, and the bitter winds became balmy breezes. Thus charmed by Nature's smiles, many of the delegates and friends journeyed to the site of the Mashrak-el-Azkar, whose great dome shall soon become the center of all eyes in America. The location is admirable, and gazing out toward the East, with the receding waterline of the great Lake Michigan in perspective, it was easy to think of Acca and Haifa in the distance.






The prayers that went forth that morning were surely heard by Abdul-Baha, whose Presence with us had been so constantly felt. It was as though one were on holy ground, and the same spiritual exaltation is apparent there as when ascending old Mount Carmel. Thus does the hallowed radiance of the old pass to the new when used in His service, and "All things become new."
Sidelights on the Convention are as numerous as the sweet-singing birds by the lake that brilliant morning. Mention was made of the weather having a divine wisdom. On the last day of the





Convention, at almost the concluding hour, it developed that because of having mislaid Mr. Jaxon's address, and while he was waiting to hear from them, the Sanitary Commission had about decided that the Bahais did not want the modification in plans necessary to suit our purposes, and if the weather had continued fair they would have taken up the work on the canal intake in such manner that we could not then have gotten the desired concessions. Only the unusual storm had delayed them, and meanwhile they had located him. In his talk, it developed that the title to the Temple site was first in the name of an Indian girl named "Archangel" — one of the tribe of Ouilmette (Wilmette), whose Reservation was at one time upon this point of land.


In all the discussions, which were earnest and participated in by powerful minds and great souls, there was a unanimity of action which abundantly testified to the Power of the Word to bring about Unity. There was no difference between rich and poor, learned and unlettered. Indeed, the special features of the meetings were short talks by dear ones who explained their inability to speak eloquently, but whose earnestness made up for their shortcomings in rhetoric.
A description of the Convention would be inadequate if it failed to include a meed of praise for the masterful service of our Brother Hall as Chairman of its Business Sessions. In the majesty of simple love, and displaying an infinite degree of finesse, he guided our affairs safely past the impending rocks of outside interference, and no thought of inharmony marred the symphony of Heavenly Melodies. Joseph H. Hannen.

Record of the Second Annual Convention of Bahai

Temple Unity, held April 25 and 26, 1910.


MONDAY, AEBIL 25, 1910.

In Corinthian Hall, 17th Floor Masonic Temple, State and Randolph Streets.
The Convention was opened by Mr. Mountfort Mills, President of Bahai Temple Unity, reading the following Tablet revealed by Abdul-Baha:


O my God! O my God! We are servants who have sincerely turned our faces unto Thy Grand Face, severed ourselves from all else save Thee in this Great Day and are assembled together in this glorious meeting of one accord and desire, and unanimous in thought to promulgate Thy Word amid Thy creatures.
O my Lord! O my Lord! Suffer us to be Signs of Guidance, Standards of Thy Manifest Religion throughout the world, servants of Thy Great Covenant, O our Exalted Lord! — appearances of Thy Oneness in Thy Kingdom, the EL-ABHA, and stars which dawn forth unto all regions.
O Lord, make us as seas rolling with the waves of Thy Great Abundance, rivers flowing from the mountains of Thy Glorious Kingdom, pure fruits on the Tree of Thy Illustrious Cause, plants refreshed and moved by the Breeze of hy Gift in Thy wonderful vineyard.
O Lord, cause our souls to depend upon the signs of Thy Oneness, our hearts to be dilated with the bounties


of Thy Singleness, so that we may become united as are ripples on a waving sea; become harmonized as are the rays which shine forth from a brilliant light; so that our thoughts, opinions and feelings become as one reality, from which the spirit of accord may be diffused throughout all regions.
Verily, Thou art The Beneficent, The Bestower! Verily Thou art The Giver, The Mighty, The Loving, The Merciful!


The following Tablet, sent by Abdul-Baha for this Convention was then read by Mrs. Eva Webster Russell:


Through his honor Dr. Fareed,
To the beloved of God in America.
Upon them be BAHA'O'LLAH-el-ABHA! O ye sons and daughters of the Kingdom!
Praise be to God! The infinite bounty of God hath resuscitated the whole world, and the East and the West have come united with the bond of the summons of God.
Today the call of the Kingdom of God hath reached the hearing of the far and near of all the continents of the world and the standard of the solidarity of mankind is held aloft by the grasp of Divine Power.
The melody of the East has made joyous and happy the Western world, and the song of the West has penetrated the ears of the Eastern people.
From the inception of the world until now there has been no uniting bond between Persia and America, and communication and correspondence never transpired between these two countries. Now consider what a joy and bliss have united these two regions in the shortest space of time! What a real and ideal tie hath bound these together! What spiritual communications have been revealed! And now is only the beginning of this early morn and this is only the result of the twilight preceding the dawn. Soon will the star of this unity shine forth and flood all the horizons with its light, and perfect connection and real oneness be obtained in all the regions of the earth. But the speedy realization of these hopes is dependent upon this: That the beloved of God in the West shall arise in unison with perfect strength, girding the loins of endeavor in service and putting forth their greatest effort in the way of unity and love. They must not rest a moment nor take a breath of ease. Nay, rather, night and day must they be striving, working and serving! And with perfect severance, spirituality and the best intent and effort must they hasten to promulgate the Divine Teaching, and above all they must act according to the precepts and exhortations of His Holiness BAHA'O'LLAH, for in this cycle of BAHA'O'LLAH verbal confessions and acknowledgments, literal faith and certainty and external relations are of no avail.
Nay, rather, the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful must manifest such attributes and ethical conduct as to embody and personify the teachings of BAHA'O'LLAH. They must promulgate the law


of the Kingdom with deeds and not words. Thus may they become the quintessence of being, the signs of the Kingdom of God, standards of the Supreme Concourse. May ye be salutary water for the thirsty, an evidence of guidance for the seeker, protection and support for the helpless, a shelter and home for the wanderers, the treasury of the Kingdom for the poor; the source of hope and happiness for the disappointed; the remedy of the heart and soul for the ailing. May you manifest the utmost of kindness to the human race; to weep with him who mourneth and to laugh with him who rejoiceth; sympathizing with the helpless; in communion with the wanderer; a friend to the friend and foe.
O ye beloved of Abdul-Baha! The beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful intend to found a Mashrak-el-Azkar in Chicago. They have sent to us numerous plans, that one may be accepted and the edifice be built accordingly. Now the funds must be accumulated, the land entirely paid for and the necessary preparations for building made and then the accessory matters considered. Therefore, make ye an effort and show ye zeal that the price of the land be fully discharged and the means for the edifice procured.
The beloved in the East are striving with heart and soul to contribute to the best of their ability, although the internal conditions of Persia have, during the last few years, been exceedingly disturbed. This revolution affected all conditions and walks of life. There has been no agriculture, no trade and no commerce; nay, rather, in all the provinces there have been political disputes and quarrels between the two parties, namely, the nationalists and the constitutionalists. Thus, they have been wholly occupied with their own affairs. Notwithstanding this, they have striven to contribute to the Mashrak-el-Azkar in Chicago according to their best ability, and they will never be found wanting! If Persia should obtain order, the beloved there will make a worthy contribution.
And I supplicate the Kingdom of God to aid and confirm you.

Upon ye be BAHA'O'LLAH-el-ABHA!


(Translated by Dr. Ameen U. Fareed, March 18, 1910.)
Mr. Mills then delivered the opening address. He paid tribute to the spirit of sacrifice which had been manifested by all in laboring for the Mashrak-el-Azkar and said that the real building of the Temple is going on right now in our hearts; that the Temple is to be but an outward expression of the spiritual unity among us. This spiritual unity will increase with our growth. May it ever remain the manifest sign of the love of God in the heart of humanity.
The first business to come before the Convention was the election of a chairman.


On motion by Mr. Hannen, duly seconded by Mr. Hoar and unanimously carried, Mr. Albert H. Hall, of Minneapolis, was elected chairman of the Convention.
Address by Mr. Hall: "God chooses the weak things to confound the mighty. You have made the choice of a weak instrument. I feel very weak and lowly, as nothing, and I would not bear the responsibility of this place were I not possessed with the sense of my own emptiness, seeking only the inpouring of His Spirit, strength and wisdom. This Convention but now called to order, has been in conscious, silent session for several hours. There is no need of any introduction. The opening of this Convention was sung in the heart of every one of you who turned his face to the East this morning, and if you did not then catch the message of love and unity in all its fullness, it has beautifully sounded in your ears as the inspiring Tablet has been read. There is no other word to be uttered. It is for us now to address ourselves directly to the work in hand. We are here representing the Bahai Assemblies throughout America and Canada, to bring home the substantial offerings of our sacrifice, to encourage each other with the report of our work — not to boast or over-state it. We must face His Truth just as it is. Do not let us delude ourselves. They are the worst deluded in the world who are self-deluded. We are not afraid nor ashamed of the situation, but of ourselves — that is all. Let us seek knowledge with the light of Truth and the Truth shall make us free."
On motion of Mr. Mills, which was duly seconded and unanimously carried, Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen, Secretary of the Executive Board of Bahai Temple Unity, was elected Secretary of the Convention and Miss Gertrude Buikema was elected as his assistant.
The Chairman then called upon the Secretary for the roll call of the delegates and the following were present:
Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Charlotte Morton
Racine, Wis. Mr. Magnus Poulsen
Denver, Colo. (Alternate) Mrs. Cecilia M. Harrison
Akron, Ohio Mr. Russell L. Brooker
Baltimore, Md. Mr. Edward D. Struven
Cincinnati, Ohio Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton


Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Marie A. Watson
Sugar Grove, Penn.
Montreal, Canada Prof. Henry F. Armstrong
Dixon, Ill. Mrs. Marie L. Hopper
Boston, Mass. Mr. Harlan F. Ober
Spokane, Wash. Mrs. Anna Belle Killius
Portland, Oregon (Alternate) Miss Sophia Engelhorn
Philadelphia, Penn. (Alternate) Mrs. Isabella D. Brittingham
Fruitport, Mich. Mr. John Deremo
Seattle, Wash. Mr. John A. Finch
New York, N. Y. Miss Annie T. Boylan
Mr. Mountfort Mills
New York, N. Y. (Alternate) Mr. Percy F. Woodcock
Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. Ambrosia Sanford
Bangor, Mich. Mr. Byron S. Lane
Lawrence, Mich.
Ithaca, NY (Alternate) Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm
Washington, D. C. Mrs. Claudia S. Coles
Mr. Joseph H. Hannen
North Hudson, N. J.
Jersey City, N. J. Mr. William H. Hoar
Newark, N. J.
Montclair, N. J.
Brooklyn, N. Y. (Alternate) Mr. William H. Hoar
Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Lelia Shuey
Genoa Junction, Wis. Mr. Charles S. Hargis
Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Charles L. Lincoln
Johnstown, N. Y.
Hudson, N. Y.
Utica, N. Y.
Clinton, N. Y. Miss Ella C. Quant
Cortland, N. Y.
Oswego, N. Y.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Albert H. Hall
New York Mills, Minn. Mr. Olaf Pary
Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Corinne True
Mr. Arthur S. Agnew
Kenosha, Wis. Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen

The following delegates were absent:
Denver, Colorado Mrs. A. M. Bryant
Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Margaret Thompson
Portland, Oregon Mrs. Mary M. Rabb
Cleveland, Ohio Dr. Charles M. Swingle
Ithaca, N. Y. Mrs. George S. Hopper
Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Frank D. Clark
Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Mary J. Revell
Urbana, Ill. Mrs. W. Ernest Kelley
New York, N. Y. (Alternate) Mrs. Mary H. Ford
Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen, Secretary, presented a complete and graphic summary of the work of the year done by the Executive Board. It was an inspiring feature of the Convention. The following is a brief condensation:
The Executive Board, immediately upon its organization a year ago, took up at once the task of accomplishing the purchase of the chosen site for the American Mashrak-el-Azkar. Mr. Hall, Mr. Mills


and Mr. Jacobsen were appointed a committee to do that work. On the day of their appointment, they began negotiations with the agents of the owner. The committee was placed in possession of most valuable and trustworthy information as to the actual value of this and surrounding property, and was able to enter into negotiations with full knowledge of the situation, so that little time was lost between the contracting parties in negotiation.
The option on twelve lots of the tract previously taken by Mr. Hall in the name of Mrs. True proved valuable in fixing the price. The committee made an offer of $32,500 for the entire tract, including the twelve lots under the option.
This offer was accepted and a contract providing for the payment of $5,000 every six months, and interest, commencing July 1, 1909, was entered into. All payments have been promptly met, as we have been advised by the treasurer's report. The conveyancing has been in the hands of Mr. Greenacre, an eminent attorney of Chicago, by whom every interest has been most carefully safeguarded. Title is secured to Mrs. True, Mr. Agnew and Mr. Jacobsen who comprise the Temple Treasury. They have declared a trust, by appropriate conveyance, in favor of Bahai Temple Unity, a corporation.
A religious incorporation was effected under the laws of Illinois in the name "Bahai Temple Unity."
To the same trustees were duly conveyed the two lots heretofore purchased in the same tract and held by the House of Spirituality of Chicago.
As soon as negotiations for the purchase had been completed, negotiations were taken up with the Drainage Board of the Sanitary District of Chicago, and with the Trustees of the Village of Wilmette for the purpose of securing the vacation of alleys dividing our tract and of changing the course of Sheridan Road to avoid a sharp corner at our property, and to give the road a more desirable direction.
These negotiations were later taken up and have been carried on with great success by Mr. Honore Jaxon, whose report thereon covers that branch of the work.
Messrs. Hall and Remey were appointed an Architectural and Building Committee, and to the call issued by them to the architects of America, there have been submitted seven sets of beautiful designs for the Temple by eminent architects of the United States and Canada, namely:
Mr. Remey of Washington, Mr. Buffington of Minneapolis, Mr. Brush of Chicago, Mr. Lincoln of Brooklyn, Mr. Woodward of Washington, a beautiful and elaborate design under a nom de plume by an eminent architect of New York City, and by Mr. Maxwell of Montreal.
These beautiful designs are in themselves a revelation. No selection has yet been made from these contributions. Other architects have made application to submit plans, and the entire subject is still before the Board for future conference and action. All plans will be submitted to Abdul-Baha and the fullest conference had to the end that the final selection may meet with united approval.
The Executive Board has worked out a plan of correspondence


so that it is practically in continuous session. Motions and propositions submitted to any member are forwarded to the president and secretary, and then by the shortest mail route, are passed to all the members of the Board who endorse thereon their judgment, approving or disapproving, and upon concurrence duly ascertained, the matter is entered on the minutes and becomes the action of the Board. Thus far, all matters have been determined unanimously, and notwithstanding that many vexatious questions have come before the Board, we have always reached united action.
Four meetings of the Board during the year have been attended by a quorum thereof. Thls has been done at considerable sacrifice and expense to the members, Mrs. Goodall traveling from San Francisco, Mrs. Parmerton from Cincinnati, Mr. Hall from Minneapolis and Mr. Jacobsen from Kenosha.
The injunction to begin no building operations until the site has been fully paid for has been accepted as the settled policy of the Board and all efforts will be addressed to the speedy payment of the purchase price and the securing of the site and safeguarding it from surroundings that would blemish it. Hereafter, the BAHAI NEWS, will be the organ of communication and all friends may look therein for regular and periodic information.


On motion of Miss Boylan, duly seconded by Mr. Ober, and unanimously carried, the report of the Secretary of the Executive Board of Bahai Temple Unity was accepted and it was requested that it should be placed on file.
The following Tablets were read by Mr. Hannen: To his honor Ameen,* Teheran. Upon him be BAHA'O'LLAH-el-ABHA!


O thou spiritual Ameen!
In all the world of creation all the existent beings are in the utmost connection. Through this connection, mutual helpfulness and co-operation is realized. This mutual helpfulness and co-operation is the origin of the conservation of the forces of life. If for one instant this mutual helpfulness and co-operation were cut off from the sources and realities of things, all the existent beings and things would be thrown into confusion and chaos and be reduced to nothingness and annihilation. For instance, from the breath of the animals a watery element, called hydrogen, and carbon is exhaled and this is the life principle of the vegetable kingdom. From the vegetable kingdom and the trees, a fiery element, called oxygen, is emitted and this becomes the cause of the maintenance of the life of the animal kingdom. In such a manner, mutual helpfulness and co-operation is realized continually between all the existent beings. Likewise, the greatest inter-relation
* One of the venerable teachers of the East.


and communication exists between the sons of men, without which peace, life and existence is entirely impossible. For a soul independent of all the other souls and without receiving assistance from other sources cannot live for the twinkling of an eye; nay, rather, he will become non-existent and reduced to nothingness; especially among the believers of God between whom material and spiritual communication is developed up to the highest point of perfection. It is this real communication, the essential necessity and requirement of which is the mutual helpfulness, co-operation and confirmation. Without the complete establishment of this divine principle in the hearts of the friends of God, nothing can be accomplished, for they are the hyacinths of one garden, the waves of one sea, the stars of one heaven and the rays of one sun. From every standpoint the essential unity, the luminous unity, the religious unity and the material unity are founded and organized between them.
In these times the utmost hope and wish of the friends of the West is the erection of the Mashrak-el-Azkar and in those regions the materials for construction and building are expensive and costly; a large sum of money is needed for the building of a residence — then how much more is needed for the foundation of the Mashrak-el-Azkar which must be erected with the utmost splendor, beauty and magnificence. Therefore, the friends of God must arise in every part of the world to raise contributions and with their hearts and souls strive to gather these funds to be sent to the Occident that it may become known and evident throughout the universe that the Bahais of the East and West are as members of one household and the children of the one Lord. The Turks and the Persians, the Parsee and the Americans, the Hindu and the Africans, all of them are one army and one cohort and without any consideration they arise for the assistance and aid of each other.
This praiseworthy movement is beloved and accepted in the Threshold of the Forgiving Lord. Truly, I say, in the erection of the Mashrak-el-Azkar in Ishkabad, the friends of God have laid the foundation of the oneness of the kingdom of humanity and they worked nobly together until now and it is nearly completed. Praise be to God, that at this moment from every country in the world, according to their various means, contributions are continually being sent toward the fund of the Mashrak-el-Azkar in America.
Convey the gratitude of Abdul-Baha to all the friends of God in this service.
In reality this magnanimity of the believers is worthy of great praise and thankfulness, for from Teheran, Korosan, Shiraz, Jahram, Esphahan, even from the towns and villages of Khorassan, Shiraz and Yazd contributions were sent. This donation in the path of the Orb of Regions is conducive to the happiness of the souls of the spiritual ones.
From the Day of Adam until now such an event has never even been witnessed by men, that from the farthermost country of Asia contributions were forwarded to the farthermost country of America. From Rangoon, India, donations are sent to Chicago, and from Jahram, a little village of Shiraz and Kheirol-Gora of Tarshiz,


money is transmitted for the Mashrak-el-Azkar in America. This is through the bounty and providence of the Blessed Perfection, the assistance and confirmation of the Sun of Truth and the victory and triumph of the Luminary of Effulgence who has united so marvelously the regions of the world together. Glory belongs to the Lord of Hosts Sovereignty belongs to the Compassionate God, Power and Might belongs to the Living, Self-subsistent One who has united the people of the world and assembled them together like unto the brilliant stars of the horizon of adoration.
O my God! O my God! Favor belongs to Thee, Generosity belongs to Thee, Praise belongs to Thee and Glorification is Thine, for that which Thou hast bestowed upon these indigent ones, granted a refuge and asylum to these weak ones in the cave of Thy protection and preservation, assisted them in the service of Thy Cause and confirmed them in the worship of Thy Exalted Threshold. O Lord! They have sacrificed their belongings and souls in Thy path, contributed for love of Thee and missed no chance or opportunity in spreading Thy Signs, diffusing Thy Word, promulgating Thy Name among Thy servants and proclaiming Thy wonders among Thy creatures.
Verily Thou art the Powerful, the Mighty, the Most High, the Omnipresent and verily Thou art the Clement and the Most Merciful!


(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, April 19, 1910, Washington, D. C.)

Extract from a Tablet to his honor Ebn Abhar.*

Explain to the people the details of the Mashrak-el-Azkar in Chicago and tell them how contributions are received from the East and the West. For example, at this moment four contributions were received in one day from Rangoon, Bombay (India), Jahram of Shiraz and Kheirol-Gora of Khorassan for the Mashrak-el-Azkar of America and were forwarded to their destination.
Truly, I say, the friends of God displayed wonderful generosity in regard to the contributions for the Mashrak-el-Azkar. They displayed magnanimity at any cost to such an extent that some of them sold portions of their clothing on the streets. This is through the Power of the Covenant of God, for until this day an event of this character has never transpired that from the East and Asia contributions were forwarded to the West for the building of a Temple. Verily this is a cause of astonishment for the people of perception.


(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, April 19, 1910.)
Mrs. True, Financial Secretary, presented the following report:
At the close of the Convention of 1909, the former Treasurer of the Temple Fund turned over to the newly appointed Treasurer of Bahai Temple Unity the sum
* Another of the venerable teachers of the East.



of $3,666.44, and the receipts from March 21, 1909, to April 23, 1910, amount to $20,397.95.
The contributions sent from the Orient amount to $7,092.85. These came from India, Persia, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Russia and Egypt. Europe and America contributed $7,638.66. The following cities of Europe sent contributions: Berlin, Germany; Constantinople, Turkey; Paris and Denan, France; London, England. Even the little isle of the sea, Mauritius, knew of this great world Mashrak-el-Azkar and sent her gift. "From Greenland's icy mountains to India's coral strand," literally, have come contributions. Canada on the north, old Mexico City on the south, Hawaiian Islands on the west have all added their gifts and in the United States the following places have sent contributions:
Akron, Ohio. Houghton, Mich.
Anaconda, Mont. Ithaca, N. Y.
Anacortes, Wash. Johnstown, N. Y.
Arleta, Ore. Kenosha, Wis.
Baltimore, Md. Lartine, Ore.
Boston, Mass. Long Beach, Cal.
Bear Lake, Penn. Los Angeles, Cal.
Buffalo, N. Y. Milwaukee, Wis.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor, Mich. Muskegon, Mich.
Cortland, N. Y. Newark, N. J.
Clarkstown, Wash. Newport, Vt.
Clinchton, Ala. New York Mills, Minn.
Chicago, Ill. New York, N. Y.
Cleveland, Ohio. Oakland, Cal.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Pasadena, Cal.
Congress Park, Ill. Philadelphia, Penn.
Clyde, Ill. Portland, Ore.
Dayton, Wash. Pittsburg, Penn.
Denver, Colo. Racine, Wis.
Dixon, Ill. Sandusky, Ohio.
Enterprise, Kan. Seattle, Wash.
Englewood, N. J. Spokane, Wash.
Eliot, Me. Slade's Corner, Wis.
Fruitport, Mich. St. Louis, Mo.
Fernandina, Fla. Turk, Wash.
Genoa Junction, Wis. Walls Walla, Wash.
Grand Rapids, Mich. Washington, D. C.
Goblesville, Mich. Westfield, Mass.
North Hudson, N. Y. Western Springs, Ill.
Harvard, Ill.
The blessing boxes distributed by Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton, of Cincinnati, have proved a very happy idea and the sums gathered by them indicate an abundance of blessings. The widow's quilt fund, in charge of Mrs. Claudia Stuart Coles, has added quite a sum to the fund. The sale of Mrs. Louise R. Waite's hymnbooks is constantly bringing returns, every penny of which is dedicated to the Temple Fund. The Bahai Sunday Schools throughout the Assemblies show by their contributions that the hearts of the children are aflame for the Mashrak-el-Azkar.
The Oriental Bahais send their contributions first to Acca and Abdul-Baha sends them to America. Thus they come just like the life-giving blood pulsating from the very heart of the universe. Abdul-Baha tells us


it is not so much the amount of the gift as the love of the heart prompting the gift.
During the Convention $921.50 was contributed.

CORINNE TRUE, Financial Secretary.

Mr. Hall told the story of the offering of a poor widow in the Orient, who earns a few pennies a day by baking and selling coarse bread. She protested against the seeming slight in not being asked to contribute to the American Mashrak-el-Azkar. She had no money to give, so took an old earring from her ear, sold it and proudly brought her offering to the Temple fund, remarking: "See! The good God in His bounty gives us all something we can spare."
Mrs. Coles told the story of the widow's mite and the start of the quilt fund.
Mrs. Parmerton, as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, gave an account of the blessing boxes. She also stated that these boxes had been donated by two Presbyterians, who, in addition to this gift, had contributed toward the postage fund in sending them through the mail to the various centers.
This was followed by the Chairman reading a letter, accompanying a contribution, which had been sent by a devout Catholic, breathing a beautiful, generous spirit.
Letters from the Pacific Coast and the Hawaiian Islands were read. Also the following from Mr. Thornton Chase: Through Mr. John A. Finch, of Seattle, Wash., to the Bahai Friends gathered in Chicago, who have placed their trust in the Word of God, are firm in the Covenant and living citizens in the Kingdom of God. Dear Fellow-Servants in the Name of God:
This is a word of greeting and congratulation to you in this time of rejoicing. I long to hear your glad voices and see the light of assurance shining in your faces, and I am with you in spirit in your Feast and Convocation.
The Cause of God is entering the hearts of many in the West. Its fame is spreading quietly but widely, and the earnest workers are seeing rich rewards in the increasing interest of many souls. In Seattle and Portland, Oakland and Los Angeles, many new faces gather to the meetings, and the hunger for Truth is manifest.
In the Divine Providence, no single assemblies are yet permitted to become so large and powerful as to attract strong opposition from the enemies of spiritual progress. This is of the Mercy of God, protecting His children and His Cause until it shall be firmly established in


strength and wisdom. But the glad-tidings spreads like leaven in meal and the vital seed of Truth is growing and manifesting all through the communities of this wide land.
The Temple of Unity is being raised in the temple of man, and the service of love and worship is already performed in a multitude of hearts. So shall the material Temple arise to bear witness to the world of the reality of God's Revelation in His inmost sanctuary, the human heart.
"O Son of Humanity! The temple of being is My Throne. Purge it of everything, that I may descend therein to reign over it."
"O Son of Existence! Thy heart is My Home; purify it for My Descent. Thy spirit is My Outlook; prepare it for My Manifestation."
The faces of all believers are turned toward Chicago. May your actions be founded upon the Will of God and may "Consultation and Kindness" be the means of wisdom! May the Divine Spirit ever be our Guide and our Reliance and the Holy Word of God be the lamp for our feet in the journey from earth to heaven!

In His Name, your fellow servant,


On motion, a committee of three was appointed by the Chair to audit the books of the Temple Treasury of Bahai Temple Unity and to report thereon. Messrs. Hoar, Wilhelm and Ober were appointed on this committee.
The names of Mrs. Parmerton, Miss Boylan, Mrs. Coles and Prof. Armstrong were added to the auditing committee just appointed, these seven to comprise a committee to consider and suggest plans of finance and ways and means for the coming year.
Adjournment for dinner at the Briggs House, served by Mr. Louis Keller, chef, member of the House of Spirituality.


MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1910.

The Treasurer made his annual report as follows:


From Bahai Temple Fund. Charles Scheffler, Treas.
Fund $2,000.00
Cash 3,666.44 5,666.44 Contributions since March 21, 1909:
From the East $7,092.85
From America 7,638.66




Land Account $12,000.00
Taxes and Assessments 974.79
Interest 1,425.00
Buildings (Shelter Houses) 105.00
Expenses (Postage, Printing, Etc.) 183.70
Cash in Bank (Apr. 23, 1910) 5,709.46

ARTHUR S. AGNEW, Treasurer.

Audited and found correct, April 25, 1910.

W. H. Hoar,



Audit Committee.

On motion of Miss Boylan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the Executive Board be instructed to address itself to the problem of acquiring the tract of land between Sheridan Road and Lake Michigan, and be empowered to take such action to that end as in their judgment may be wise and discreet and consonant with the directions of Abdul-Baha.
To this motion it was amended by Mr. Hoar that the Executive Board be instructed to follow the principle of consultation with Friends guided to assist in this work of negotiation and consolidation.
Mr. Honore Jaxon presented a full report of negotiations had and pending for the change of Sheridan Road and the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Temple site. This he illustrated by plats and surveys showing the exact situation and boundaries of the site, its exact dimensions and center, together with the direction line from its center to Acca. His report showed most courteous and just treatment from the several public officials with whom the negotiations had been conducted. Many apparent difficulties had been removed by happy coincidences and a spirit of sweet reasonableness guiding and controlling all — manifest confirmations of divine favor.
He also reported the steps taken to insure perfect title to Bahai Temple Unity of the portions of the site embraced within all such vacated streets and alleys, also proposed construction of sidewalks.


Mr. Jaxon had not concluded his most interesting report when the Convention, having reached the closing hour, adjourned to meet at the same place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.


TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1910.

In Corinthian Hall, 17th Floor Masonic Temple,

State and Randolph Streets.

The session was opened by the Convention singing, "Softly His Voice is Calling Now."
The following prayer was then read by the Chairman, Mr. Hall:
Glory be to Thee, my God and my Beloved! Thy Fire is burning in me, O my Lord, and I feel its glowing in every member of my weak body. Every organ of my temple declares Thy Power and Thy Might, and every member testifies that Thou are powerful over all things. By Thy Strength I feel strong to withstand all trials and all temptations. Make firm Thy love in my heart and then I can bear all the swords of the earth. Verily every hair of my head says, "Were it not for trials in Thy Path, I should not have appreciated Thy Love." O my Lord, strengthen me to remain firm and to uphold the hands of Thy Cause, to serve Thee among Thy people. Thou art loving! Thou art Bountiful!
Mr. Jaxon concluded his report respecting the site.
On motion by Miss Boylan, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen and unanimously carried, a letter of gratitude was directed to be sent to Mrs. Paul K. Dealy and Mr. Arthur Dealy for their kindness in sending flowers to the Convention hall as a token of their love.
On motion by Mr. Wilhelm, seconded by Mr. Hoar and unanimously carried, a letter was directed to be sent to the friends in the Orient, expressing our gratitude for what they have done for this great Cause.
On motion by Mrs. Coles, seconded by Mrs. Lincoln and unanimously carried, it was further directed that this letter, when framed, be sent to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, for translation into Persian.
A committee consisting of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Mrs. Coles and Mr. Hall, was appointed to frame the letter.
On motion of Mr. Hoar, seconded by Mr. Hannen


and unanimously carried, the action taken by the Board, regarding the negotiations of Mr. Jaxon and his engagements so entered into with the Drainage Board and with the Village of Wilmette, were approved by this Convention, and the Executive Board was authorized to conclude the engagements and to make the conveyances that have been reported in those matters.

The Convention then proceeded to a call of the Assemblies. The Secretary called the roll and the several delegates from each Assembly gave report of the progress of the work in their respective Assemblies.
Mrs. Corinne True delivered the greetings from Chicago to the delegates.
Mr. Hoar, chairman of the Auditing Committee, reported that the Treasurer's books and reports had been found to be absolutely correct, and the accounts of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary kept in a most complete and admirable manner.
On motion made by Mr. Hannen, seconded by Miss Boylan and carried, the Financial Secretary was instructed to prepare a form of receipt in the Persian language that all contributions from the Orient be acknowledged with a receipt in that language.
Adjournment for lunch.


TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1910.

The Chairman, Mr. Hall, opened the meeting by reading the following extract from the "Words of Wisdom:"
O ye discerning ones of the people! Verily the Words which have descended from the Heaven of the Will of God are the source of unity and harmony for the world. Close your eyes to racial differences and welcome all with the light of Oneness. Be the cause of comfort and promotion of humanity. This handful of dust, the world, is one home; let it be in unity. Forsake pride, it is a cause of discord. Follow that which tends to harmony.
On motion by Miss Boylan, seconded by Mr. Hargis and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That in accordance with the expressed wish of Abdul-Baha and the recommendation of the Executive Committee, Article 6 of the Constitution


of Bahai Temple Unity be amended by substituting for the words, "20th day of March" therein, the words, "the first Monday in the Feast of the Rizwan."
On motion by Mr. Ober, seconded by Mr. Lane and unanimously carried:
Resolved, That the BAHAI NEWS be made the medium for spreading the report of this Convention before the Bahais of the East and the West, and that Bahai Temple Unity bear, and the Executive Board be empowered to pay, its proportionate share of or all the expense of publication of this issue.
On motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Ober and carried, a committee was authorized and appointed to revise and correct the minutes of the Convention.
Mr. Hall and Miss Buikema were appointed on this committee.
On motion by Miss Boylan, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen and unanimously carried, a cablegram of greetings and love from this Convention and this Unity was directed to be sent to Abdul-Baha.
The Chairman appointed Messrs. Wilhelm, Woodcock and Mills to send greetings to Abdul-Baha as directed.
Mr. Wilhelm suggested that Mr. Brooker being an expert in cement, our Executive Board, in arranging for sidewalks, should confer with him as well as with Mr. Jaxon.
Recommendation referred to the Executive Board.
On motion by Mrs. Parmerton, seconded by Mrs. Brittingham and unanimously carried, the Convention expressed and returned its sense of deep gratitude to the brothers and sisters of Chicago, to the Assembly of Chicago, to the House of Spirituality of Chicago and to all the dear friends who received us with such joy and fragrance here.
On motion by Mr. Hoar, seconded by Mrs. Hopper and unanimously carried, a vote of thanks and deep gratitude was extended to Mr. Jacobsen for the great work he has done for the Unity during the past year and for the clear and comprehensive report of the work given to the Convention.

On motion by Mrs. Watson, seconded by Mrs.



Parmerton and unanimously carried, a vote of thanks was tendered Miss Gertrude Buikema for her faithful service in her labors daring the year and also as recorder of the minutes of this Convention.
On motion by Mrs. Brittingham, seconded by Mr. Mills and unanimously carried, a vote of thanks was given to the music committee, to the musical director, Mr. Albert R. Windust, and also to Mrs. Louise R. Waite.
On motion by Miss Boylan, seconded by Mrs. Brittingham and unanimously carried, a tribute was paid to the prime mover in this work of the Mashrak-el-Azkar, our dear sister Mrs. Corinne True, who has given her heart and soul and her physical labor to the service of God and of His people, and who has so beautifully entertained us who were willing to assist in this work. To her we extend our deep gratitude.
The Chairman, Mr. Hall, announced and ruled that we now proceed with the election of the Executive Board for the ensuing year by taking an informal ballot, each delegate voting for nine members of the Executive Board. Upon the informal ballot thus taken, nine delegates were found to have received the practically unanimous ballot of the Convention.
On motion by Mr. Ober, seconded by Mrs. Coles and unanimously carried, the informal ballot was made the formal ballot of the Convention and the nine receiving the highest number of votes in the informal ballot were declared the nine members of the Executive Board duly elected for the ensuing year.
The nine members of the Executive Board thus elected were:
Mr. Albert H. Hall
Mr. Mountfort Mills
Mr. Bernard M. Jacobsen
Mrs. Corinne True
Mr. Arthur S. Agnew
Mr. William H. Hoar
Mrs. Annie L. Parmerton
Mr. Joseph H. Hannen
Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm*
* May not accept.


Upon suggestion of the Chairman, Mr. Hall, a rising vote of thanks was given to Mr. Honore Jaxon. This was unanimous.
At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Hall, the Tablet revealed by Abdul-Baha for this Convention, which had been read by Mrs. Eva Webster Russell during the morning session, April 25th, was again read by her.
The Convention closed by all of the delegates and friends joining hands and facing the East, while Mr. Hall read the following, which was revealed as a closing prayer for the House of Spirituality:


O God! O God! Thou dost look upon us from Thine unseen Kingdom of Oneness, [beholding] that we have assembled in this Spiritual Meeting, believing in Thee, confident in Thy signs, firm in Thy Covenant and Testament, attracted unto Thee, set aglow with the fire of Thy love, sincere in Thy Cause, servants in Thy vineyard, spreaders of Thy Religion, worshippers of Thy Countenance, humble to Thy beloved, submissive at Thy door and imploring Thee to confirm us in the service of Thy chosen ones. Support us with Thine unseen hosts, strengthen our loins in Thy servitude and make us submissive and worshipping servants, communing with Thee.

O our Lord! We are weak and Thou are the Mighty, the Powerful! We are mortals and Thou art the great life-giving Spirit! We are needy and Thou art the Powerful and Sustainer!
O our Lord! Turn our faces unto Thy divine face; feed us from Thy heavenly table by Thy godly grace; help us through the hosts of Thy supreme angels and confirm us by the holy ones of the Kingdom of ABHA.
Verily Thou art the Generous, the Merciful! Thou art possessor of great bounty and verily Thou art the Clement and Gracious!


Then, still joining hands and with bowed heads, all joined in silent prayer and thanksgiving to God for the Spirit of Love and Unity that had pervaded and guided the Convention. The Greatest Name was repeated in unison nine times and the Convention adjourned in unity.

Photographs of scenes and incidents connected with the Temple site may be obtained from Mrs. True, or from Mr. Jaxon, at 1751 West Lake St., Chicago. Profits to go to Sidewalk Fund. Prints 4x5, two for 25c. Prints 3 1/2 x 10 25c each.




Contributed by Mr. Honore Jaxon on request of

Secretary Jacobsen.

Pending the erection of the Temple itself the interest of the Bahai friends is very naturally enlisted to no small degree in the development of the Temple site; and the writer has been asked to prepare a statement recounting the steps which have been taken, and the results which have been achieved, in this connection.
Partly because we are not yet officially "out of the woods," but mainly because of the limited space which can be given to this subject in the present issue of the NEWS, this statement must necessarily be both brief and incomplete. Suffice it to say by way of preliminary description that the negotiations, as so far completed, for the consolidating of our land holdings have furnished us with repeated and wonderful confirmations of our faith and with warmest encouragement to cling like trustful children to the robe of evanescence and non-resistance. Taking their inception in a discovery which was the direct result of a desire to see our Temple work performed by loving volunteer service rather than by hireling labor, these negotiations have been blessed with a divine support and guidance which has manifested itself not only in the constant providing of happy solutions for difficulties which could not be foreseen by the human intellect — and which therefore had to be dealt with moment by moment as they presented themselves in our path — but also in the uniform and extraordinary kindness which we experienced, all along the trail, from the officials and representatives of outside interests with whom these negotiations had to effect adjustments of one kind or other. It became abundantly proven as we went along that in the case of these friends, no less than in our own experience, the head was inspired, the hand was directed and strengthened, and the heart set aglow with the warmest good will at every point and moment of contact with this blessed and delightful Temple service. Certainly we could not ask for any stronger or more convincing fulfilment of the


divine promises which have been uttered for the comfort and encouragement of all those who in any way shall find themselves privileged to bear a helping hand in this glorious spiritual exercise.
As the matter is now agreed upon, by all the parties in interest, our holdings are so consolidated that on our own land we can draw a circle of nearly five hundred feet diameter, while for purposes of lawn and garden an additional territory — aggregating perhaps a 20% increase — has been freely placed at our disposal, to be so beautified as we please.


April 4, 1910.

Dear and honored friends of God in the holy vineyard of El-Baha:
Your kind note, with the prayers appended thereto, has wafted in this province the sweet fragrance of the splendid rose-garden of the West, and we in the Orient have been watching with deep admiration the most appreciable movements of the blessed ones of God in the Occident, as each and every one of such movements promises very eloquently to deepen our mutual affection and love — the most precious blessings in the Kingdom of Baha. We have fully appreciated the idea that all the children of ABHA in one voice, from every region may simultaneously sing the praise of God and supplicate for help and strength to bring into completion the Holy Temple of Mashrak-el-Azkar, and accordingly made use of the prayer as was directed during the Bahai fasting month, in this Assembly and all other sister Assemblies of this country. We are very deeply interested in the construction of this noble and divine institution and it would be our great joy to hear of its progress every now and then. The Cause is making very rapid progress. * * *
In conclusion, I take this opportunity of conveying the Bahai love and greetings of the believers of this place to the beloved ones of God in the West. I am your devoted brother at the faithful service of Abdul-Baha.







Sent postpaid throughout North America, including Canal Zone and Panama; and following islands: Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines; also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Shanghai City (China): Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.25; single copy 12c.
Sent postpaid throughout other parts of Occident and adjacent islands including Newfoundland: Unsealed $1.00; single copy 10c. Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c. Sent postpaid throughout Orient, including Egypt and Russia: Sealed $1.75; single copy 15c.

Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

VOL. I. CHICAGO, (May 17, 1910) AZAMAT NO. 4


1st Baha (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Noor (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalemat (Words) July 13
8th Assma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamaal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Azzatt (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Alm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Kudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Koul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masael (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malak (Ring) Feb. 7

(Four intercalary days.)

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2

(Month of fasting)


A copy of this issue of the BAHAI NEWS is being sent to every one on its mailing list, including subscribers. Anyone desiring additional copies may get them from the Financial Secretary of the Bahai Temple Unity, Mrs. Corinne True, 5338 Kenmore Ave. Chicago, by enclosing a two-cent stamp with such request.




In response to the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. George Ostburg, a number of the believers were present at a delightful supper given at their home in South Boston on May 7th, the occasion of the supper being to welcome our delegate, Mr. Harlan F. Ober, and to hear his report of the Chicago Convention. The generous and hospitable spirit of their true Bahai home made a fitting atmosphere in which to learn of the loving hospitality extended by the members of the Chicago Assembly to all delegates.
During Mr. Ober's talk that evening, and upon the Sunday morning following, all present were made conscious, by what he brought with him, that he had in truth been on holy ground.
The Power of God has been so manifestly at work as the "One Remover of difficulties" since the last Convention that we may expect — if all are faithful and full of faith — that the seemingly impossible shall be realized before the next Convention. The financial assistance so generously sent from the Orient and Mrs. Waite's stirring "Temple Song" should surely fire each one of us with a fresh determination to add our shoulder to the wheel with renewed faith, courage and determination and make it possible for the Bahai Temple Unity to begin building operations without loss of time. "The field is white unto harvest" and there is need for as speedy action as possible. In unity and in faith lie our power. God's blessing is upon each earnest endeavor.

Grace Robarts.


Our delegate, Prof. Armstrong, on his return from the Temple Convention in Chicago, called the believers together at his home and gave us a full account of this wonderful gathering of the servants of God.
Our brother was so attracted and enkindled by this meeting with the friends that when he returned, all received a portion of the divine bounty.
The reality of those days of meeting and gathering


in Chicago is the true foundation of the Temple, and the radiance of divine love and unity shed upon that conclave of the faithful has surely been diffused far and wide to the ends of the earth.
Our revered Abdul-Baha said to some Montreal believers who were in Acca last year, that we were gathered together through no earthly aim, neither for political motives, nor social interest, nor any worldly purpose, but by the Power of the Word of God, in the utmost love, unity and attraction. With a look of great serenity and peace, he said: "This is a meeting of pure love; nothing mars our perfect unity; therefore, the influence and power of this gathering will be felt throughout the world and its effects will last forever and ever."
We are happy and thankful in partaking of the blessings of this great Day of God, and we send love and greetings to the dear ones everywhere through the BAHAI NEWS.

The Montreal Assembly.


At our regular meeting at Genealogical Hall, 226 West 58th Street, Sunday morning, May 8th, we listened to a report from our delegates who attended the Temple Convention in Chicago.
Our own delegates, Mr. Mountfort Mills and Miss Boylan, spoke and we also had the pleasure of having with us Mrs. Lincoln who was the Brooklyn delegate and who also spoke to us. They all gave us the most beautiful accounts of the great love and harmony which was everywhere in evidence at the Convention. We all felt as if we had been personally present and expressed the wish that we might be there next year, as our hearts and spirits were this year.

James F. Brittingham.

On the Thursday evening next following the close of the Convention the delegates and Chicago Bahais celebrated the 19-day Feast at the "den" of brothers Jaxon and Sprague at 1751 West Lake St. Seats and friends were just evenly balanced, and a delightful Spiritual Feast kept pace with the cakes and tea.



Words & Music


— MUSIC — The Temple to our Glorious King Can rise alone through love, And as we built it let us send, Up to His throne above, A song to waken ev'ry heart And spread sweet harmony; A song triumphant clear and strong, Of love and unity, A song triumphant, clear and strong, Of love and unity. A Temple of true unity Wherein all nations meet, And worship God and Him alone, In pray'r and commune sweet. A Temple to the living God Who hears our ev'ry call, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords And Father of us all. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, And Father of us all. Within this Temple's mighty walls His spirit e'er will be, And chanted there the songs of love, The songs of unity. And ev'ry heart that is in tune With His great, loving heart, Will be within this Temple fair An everlasting part. Will be within this Temple fair An everlasting part.
The above is a reproduction of the "Temple Song," one of the noteworthy features of and composed especially for the recent Bahai Temple Unity Convention.
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