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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 5



Vol. 1 Chicago, (June 5, 1910) Noor No. 5


O ye Spiritual Friends of Abdul-Baha!
How long are ye silent and speechless! Although ye are speaking, yet in this age the speech of the believers of God must be the soul entrancing melody of the Kingdom of ABHA and the harmony of the Supreme Concourse!
Therefore Abdul-Baha is not satisfied with a meek voice and depressing lamentation! He seeks the passionate tumult and joyous clamor and he roars and cries at the top of his voice so that the realities of things may stir into movement and action and the Beloved of Bounty unveil her Countence in the world of creation! Those friends must, like unto the stars in heaven, shine and gleam in the horizon of Truth with the Light of Guidance so that the realities of the existent beings and the spirit of humankind may find joy and happiness!
Upon ye be greeting and praise


Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab,
Washington, D. C. May 27, 1910.




One of the most important developments in the Bahai world during the current year was represented by a meeting held in Washington, D. C., on January 8th, at which time the Persian-American Educational Society made its formal announcement and appeal for co-operation. Since that time, 39 active and 13 associate members have been enrolled, one draft for $300 has been forwarded to Teheran and another remittance is to be made during the current month. Considerable interest aside from that represented by contributions, has been aroused, and promises of additional memberships have been received. The work of the Society may now be said to be fairly under way, and a concise statement may be timely for the guidance and information of the friends.
During the summer of 1909, Mr. Sydney Sprague, who had been for some time a teacher in the School of Tarbiat, in Teheran, Persia, visited this country, which is his native land. At various points he delivered lectures on the country and the work, and a large number of people became interested.
The School of Tarbiat was founded some years ago by Persian Bahais, and was planned to meet the need of non-sectarian education along modern lines, as opposed to the old regime of Moslem schools. Mr. Sprague's association with the school was an indication of the trend of plans. On account of the political conditions and general demoralization of internal affairs, the founders of this school, before that time men of means, found themselves unable to continue its activities because of lack of funds, and the problem of closing it entirely or limiting its usefulness was being discussed when Mr. Sprague obtained leave to visit his home during the vacation season. As an outcome of the interest manifested, and considering the greater needs of the East, as well as the opportunity for a Bahai demonstration from the West to the Orient, this Society was formed. It is not the purpose of this article to set forth in detail the objects of the Society, which are explained at length in its Prospectus, nor to mention its activities, but rather to show the importance of the


movement from the Words of Abdul-Baha, and its present needs.
As to the School of Tarbiat, the following Tablets have been revealed:
There exists a great Confirmation in the School of Tarbiat which is founded by the friends. Although at this moment it is observed but by a few, yet it is assisted by the Almighty. If the believers of God display generosity, that school will progress day by day in all its grades. Encouragement and stimulus is necessary.


The problem of the School of Tarbiat is of the utmost importance. It is an essential obligation and duty incumbent upon all the friends to serve that school. This is the first school that the friends have founded in Persia, and all the people know that it belongs to them. Neglect and carelessness in the management of its progressive affairs is a blow to the Cause of God. Therefore everyone must give extraordinary importance to the school of Tarbiat and assist it from some standpoint, either through enlightened ideals or the introduction of modern system of education, either by liberal contributions or continual encouragement and assistance. To be brief: It is the hope of this Servant that in the course of time this school become distinguished from among all the schools of the world. Now consider how important is this matter.


The question of the School of Tarbiat is very important. Through the Bounty and Providence of the True One it must become evident to all that it is the first school of Persia and its graduates are the most successful. Otherwise its non-being is better than its being. Therefore display the utmost zeal in matters pertaining to the progress of this school.


The Society has received the approval of Abdul-Baha, the following Tablets having been revealed recently, addressed to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab and to the officers of the Society, respectively: To his honor Mirza Ahmad Sohrab.
Upon him be BAHA'O'LLAH-El-ABHA!


In the last two mails, detailed answers have been written to thee. Now the papers that you have forwarded pertaining to the Persian-American Educational Society have been received. Truly I say, although the importance of this Society at present, is apparently unknown, but if it remain firm and steadfast in the future it will become the Association of the union of the realm of man, it will thoroughly combine and harmonize the East and the West and accomplish a great service to humanity.


The believers of God must give great importance to this Society and arise to perform its fundamental principles and essential duties with heart and soul. I send my congratulation and felicitation to this blessed Society and ask from the bounty of His Highness the Incomparable, confirmation and assistance, supplicate and entreat at the Threshold of Onenesss and beg from the Kingdom of ABHA preservation and protection, providence and safety. If this Society acts with independence and exerts itself in bringing about relations between the East and the West, it will become the foundation of the oneness of the world of humanity. Firmness is essential, for if small affairs can not be accomplished without firmness and steadfastness, how much more are these qualities needed for the undertaking of great matters! The friends of God must encourage each other to be firm and steadfast, to reason and consult with each other so that day by day this Society will progress.
Persia and America are in great need of such a Society, even to matters pertaining to material relations between these two Countries, especially America. This Society will become the cause of spreading the American industries in Persia and the great profits, which in the past other nations have collected through the introduction of their goods and implements in Persia, will then go to America. Now consider thou, what great profits will be the result! Moreover the spiritual powers will assist and help, the Breaths of the Holy Spirit will be spread, the Breezes of the Paradise of ABHA diffused and the rays of the Sun of Truth will display wonderful influence.
Convey, on behalf of Abdul-Baha, to all the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful in America the wonderful greeting of ABHA and congratulate and felicitate them for the organization of this Society.

Upon thee be Baha El-ABHA!


(Revealed in Haifa, Syria, April 3, 1910. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Washington, D. C., May 18, 1910.) To the Officers of the Persian-American Educational
Society, through Mirza Ahmad Sohrab.

Upon thee be Baha EL ABHA!


O ye who are favored in the Threshold of the Almighty and the lovers of His Holiness, BAHA'O'LLAH!
According to the reports of his honor Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, in these days the Persian-American Educational Society is organized in America and the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful with the utmost zeal and enthusiasm are engaged in the solidarity of this Society. If possible, change the name of this Society to Persian-American Interdependence Society so that in the future it may include all points, such as commerce, industry and education so that spiritual and material results and benefits might be produced. Now in the beginning it may find no importance


in the eyes of some of the people but in the future it will attain to world-wide celebrity and it will indicate that — Praise be to God! — at this early period the friends have directed their thoughts to this most important subject. Should the circle of this Society be widely extended and its various branches well organized and systematized it will remain firm and become established, and if its members arise with perfect unity and agreement, know ye of a certainty that at the end, it will become the greatest Society of the world, produce inexhaustible results and benefits, become the tree of the oneness of the realm of humanity and cast its all-encircling shade over the people of the East and the West. But firmness and firmness, steadfastness and steadfastness is necessary. This Society must be so organized and in the course of time its various policies so well defined, that since the beginning of the world until now no such association has ever been founded. This must become the first Society embracing such universal aims and objects. Abdul-Baha with the utmost supplication and contemplation towards the Kingdom of ABHA, prays in your behalf and begs confirmation and assistance.
Blessed is the Oriental-Occidental Interdependence Society! If it is organized in a befitting manner it will be productive of great results; otherwise it will be fruitless and profitless.
Long live this Society! Long live this Society! Undoubtedly at the beginning of every month a report of this Society should be sent to this Holy Land.
O Thou Almighty! Illumine Thou this Association and make Thou this gathering the bright candle of the world! For their intention is for the public good and their aim is Service to humankind.
O kind and compassionate God! Such a Society merits Thy Favors and such a Body deserves inexhaustible Bounty and Providence.
Verily, Thou art Powerful, Mighty and Omnipotent and, verily, Thou art the Peerless and Incomparable God!


(Revealed in Haifa, Syria, April 3, 1910. Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Washington, D. C., May 18, 1910.)
From the foregoing, it will be realized that the co-operation and assistance of all the friends is necessary, in order that the Society may be able to do effective work, to realize the ideals of the organization, to open the door of opportunity to our merchants, to spread knowledge in the Orient, and to facilitate the means of industrial, commercial, educational and agricultural interchange. As Abdul-Baha writes, the final and important results of the activities of this Society will accrue to America. In these Tablets he has opened a great door of intercommunication between the


East and the West, and has clearly detailed the policies and aims which must be followed in order that it may become a fitting servant in the world. To make the Association firm and permanent, as Abdul-Baha desires, we need the active and energetic co-operation of all true lovers of progress, of humanity, of all the friends of truth and philanthropists. May we all become assisted to perform this command, and make this Society a Society of the Union of the Realm of Man!
Regarding the suggestion of Abdul-Baha to change the name of the Society, it is the concensus of opinion that the Oriental-Occidental Interdependence Society is the name to adopt. Naturally, the present Constitution will be changed a great deal, and it will take a little time before everything is arranged officially.
Already a branch Society has been formed in Chicago, and it is earnestly desired that other cities will follow with similar action. Particularly in New York the movement requires recognition and co-operation. Persia has done more than her share for the Mashrak-el-Azkar in Chicago, and for this sacrifice, made at a critical moment, no more fitting recognition could be made than by liberal contributions toward the cause of education within her borders.
In a letter recently received, Mr. Sprague states that the news of the formation of the Society has greatly cheered our brothers in Persia, who are proceeding to form a local Executive Committee in Teheran which, with the Executive Committee here, will administer the affairs of the body. They naturally expect a large number of scholarships, and must not be disappointed.
Dr. Moody writes from Teheran, April 27, 1910, that "On the first day of Rizwan, three meetings were held in various gardens and about six hundred tomans ($600) were collected to found the school for girls. This is a great sum for these times, and shows how eager the people are to progress." She adds: "They have been much stimulated by the loving work of the P. A. E. S., and we hope the interest there continues to be of a practical turn. There is great necessity and also a high sense of honor in regard to the love


of all the friends in this matter." If Persia in her hour of need can do these things, how much greater should the response of favored America be! The Orient last year sent over $8,000 to America toward the Mashrak-el-Azkar, and in a small way we can show our appreciation of this munificent gift by helping to educate their children.
Mr. Sprague reports that the photographs of the children who have received the scholarships already given, will be sent at an early date. More members are needed; it costs just $1.50 a month to educate a child, and under the present arrangements either a girl or a boy can be chosen, at the option of the member. Associate members pay $1.00 a year, these memberships representing a contribution to the expenses of the Society. Local circles can be organized in cities or sections where nine or more active members are located.
A second need is useful books, papers or magazines. In the latter category the following might be mentioned: "Kindergarten Magazine," "Educational," "The Elementary School Teacher," "The Manual Training Magazine," "The Pedagogical Seminary," "Educational Review" and other educational publications. On the fly-leaf or first page of all magazines or books contributed, the name of the donor should be written, and a dedication to the Library of the School of Tarbiat. Wherever possible, literary contributions should be sent direct to Mr. Sydney Sprague, care of Mirza Azizollah Khan, rue Arbab Jemsheed, Teheran, Persia. However, books may also be sent to the Librarian of the Society, Mrs. C. S. Coles, Apt. 301, the Burlington, Washington, D. C.
The official headquarters of the Society is at 1800 Belmont Road, and its address is Post Office Box 192, Washington, D. C. Communications and memberships are earnestly solicited, that the desire of our beloved Abdul-Baha, as expressed in his Tablets, may be carried out, and that speedily. It is a great privilege which is offered, rather than a favor on the part of those who help, yet the grateful thanks of the beneficiaries will resound in the praise of those who respond.

Joseph H. Hannen.

Washington, D. C., May 26, 1910.





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Address all communications to

BAHAI NEWS SERVICE, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

VOL. I. CHICAGO, (June 5, 1910) NOOR NO. 5


1st Baha (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Noor (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalemat (Words) July 13
8th Assma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamaal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Azzatt (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Alm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Kudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Koul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masael (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malak (Ring) Feb. 7

(Four intercalary days.)

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2

(Month of fasting)


The recent Tablets to the Persian-American Educational Society, published in this issue, again remind us that the "birds of the minds of men" in this Day, through the Word of God, are taught a new flight: Universal Interdependence.
The BAHAI NEWS is in receipt of a letter, which, coupled with the Tablets above referred to,


states the time is at hand for the practical application of this new outlook. We quote the following extract:
I am in receipt of a letter from Teheran, stating that they would like to have catalogs, showing machinery and processes for manufacturing gloves, laces, ladies' and gentlemen's wear, thread, etc. * * * In view of all the East is trying to do for us, the least we can do is to give the most careful attention to the smallest request or inquiry that might come from there. It has occurred to me that you might possibly be willing to mention these matters in the next issue of the NEWS, in order that they could reach the friends in all parts, some of whom would doubtless be able to run down the information desired.
In the same letter is mentioned that a competent engineer, who is familiar with the setting up of all classes of machinery is greatly needed.
Any information covering these requests, if sent to the BAHAI NEWS, will be forwarded to the proper parties until this Society shall have organized such a department of service.
God speed the Oriental-Occidental Interdependence Society!
"Verily, I have come from God and unto Him do I return, severed from all else save Him and holding to His Name, the Merciful, the Compassionate." These Words of BAHA'O'LLAH, revealed for the departed soul, are as far exalted above the conventional "Dust to dust; ashes to ashes" — as light is from darkness. In one is revealed the mystery of "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying" in the other is hidden the mystery of "Let the dead bury the dead." Wonderful, indeed, is the new, exalted outlook of this great Day wherein His Word creates "a new heaven and a new earth!"
In the departure of Mrs. Elizabeth Van Dyk Buikema, mother of our respected Editor, we again touched the reality of the power of the Word of God as revealed in this Day. On the anniversary of the Day of the Departure of BAHA'O'LLAH, May 28th, her soul passed to that Station, the glory of which He has revealed: —
But concerning that which you asked about the spirit and its everlastingness after its ascension, know that it will ascend at the time of its departure until


it enters the Presence of God in a form which, throughout all centuries, times and throughout all circumstances and events of the world, will remain unchanged, but will be everlasting as the perpetuity of the Kingdom of God, His Sovereignty, His Power and His Might, and from it will appear the traces of God, His Qualities, Providences and Favors. The Pen cannot move at the mentioning of this Station as it is in its Supremeness and Exaltation!
The hand of the Divine Bounty will cause it to enter into a Station that cannot be comprehended by expression, nor be explained by all the creatures of the existence. Blessing be upon the spirit who departed from the body purified from the doubts and superstitions of the nations! Verily, it moves in the atmosphere of God's desire and enters into the Supreme Paradise! All the angels of the Supreme Paradise attend and surround it, and it will have fellowship with all the Prophets of God and His saints and speak with them and tell them what happened to it in the Cause of God, the Lord of the Universe!
If anyone could realize what hath been assigned for it in the Kingdom of God, the Lord of the Throne and the dust, he would immediately yearn with a great longing for that Unmovable, Exalted, Holy and ABHA Station!
Services were held at the family residence and the body laid to rest in Forest Home Cemetery on Decoration Day, May 30th. Protestants, Catholics and Bahais, by their presence, paid tribute to this holy soul who triumphantly completed her earthly pilgrimage of a full three-score years and ten.
We feel that our faithful co-worker and bereaved family have the love and sympathy of all the friends.

A. R. W.


Through his honor Mirza Ahmad, to Mrs. Louise
R. Waite, Chicago, Ill. O thou daughter of the Kingdom!
Thy letter was considered. On account of the lack of time, a brief answer is given.
The Spiritual Assemblies which are organized for the sake of teaching the Truth, whether assemblies for men, assemblies for women or mixed assemblies, are all accepted and are conducive to the spreading of the Fragrances of God. This is essential. Likewise the public meeting in which, one day during the week, the believers gather, to


be engaged in the commemoration of God, to read communes and deliver effective speeches, is acceptable and beloved. But now it is utterly impossible to establish the House of Justice, which is mentioned in the Book of Akdas; nay, rather, it is impracticable and not to be thought of. That is for the time when the Cause is proclaimed and the Commands of God have become effective. Therefore, now is not the time for the House of Justice, which must be established by general election. Its mention is not permissible and its realization impossible.
Endeavor ye as much as possible that differences may not arise in the affairs; let not every insignificant matter become the cause of disagreement. If such a condition exists, the end will be complete dispersion.
The believers and the maid-servants of the Merciful must all consider how to produce harmony, so that the unity of the human world may be realized; not that every wholly unimportant subject become conducive to differences of opinion. It is my hope that the friends and maid-servants of America become united on all subjects and not disagree at all, for disagreement destroys the foundation of the Cause of God. If they agree upon a subject, even though it be wrong, it is better than to disagree and be in the right. For this difference will produce demolition of the Divine foundation. Though one of the parties may be in the right and they disagree, that will be the cause of a thousand wrongs; but if they agree and both parties are in the wrong, as it is unity, the truth will be revealed and the wrong made right.

Upon thee be Baha El ABHA!


(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Washington, D. C., April 20, 1910.)

Mrs. Marie A. Watson is now in New York City.
Mr. John H. Wilcott and his mother, formerly of Kenosha, Wis., are now settled on a claim at Kendall, Mont., and expect to be located there for the coming fourteen months. They would appreciate letters from the friends.



On May 15th about forty people were gathered, in Beckton Hall to hear Mr. Percy F. Woodcock, of New York City. So truly did Mr. Woodcock bring to us the Spirit of Acca that it was difficult to realize we were so many thousand miles apart. The Message was so simply and clearly given that even strangers were touched by it.
It is ever a blessing to come in contact with those who have sojourned in that Holy Household and the Boston Assembly is grateful for having had this opportunity.
In the afternoon a few of the believers met at the home of Mr. Austen in Jamaica Plain, and in the evening Mr. Woodcock shared again with others in Allston his experiences of Acca.
Humility and reverence are two distinct characteristics brought by all who have been in the presence of Abdul-Baha. Those two greatly needed elements in our American life, coupled with the fire of enthusiasm they all have, make a strong setting for the love which they bring from Him whose life is all Love and Service.

Grace Robarts.


Mr. M. T. Bashir of Port Said, arrived in Chicago, May 30th, and is staying with Dr. Zia M. Baghdadi.
Miss Clara C. Tychsen, who has been ill at the Henrotin Memorial Hospital for the past few weeks is now at home and improving rapidly.
The Librarian of the House of Spirituality reports having received about sixty Tablets for preservation in the archives during the past month.
Mr. Arthur S. Agnew has gone to Colorado on a two weeks' trip and expects to visit the Denver Assembly.
The Nineteen-Day Feast of May 17th was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lesch, 3540 W. Monroe St.

A. R. W.

The Nineteen-Day Tea of the Woman's Assembly of Teaching was held at the home of Mrs. Louise R. Waite, 5217 Winthrop Ave., Monday afternoon, May 23rd. It being the anniversary of the Declaration


of the Bab, a special program was prepared dealing with the life of the Bab. Dr. Zia M. Baghdadi gave a most interesting and instructive talk upon the subject. It was also the annual election day of the Executive Board for the ensuing year and the following were elected:
President Mrs. Ida Brush
Vice President Mrs. Mary B. Grayson
Recording Secretary Mrs. Fannie G. Lesch
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Louise R. Waite
Treasurer Mrs. Cecilia M. Harrison
Chairman Visiting Committee Mrs. Marie L. Hopper
Chairman Philanthropic Committee Mrs. E. Grace Foster
Chairman Sick Committee Mrs. Christine Loeding
Chairman Educational Committee Miss Laura E. Jones
Chairman Organization Committee Mrs. Louise R. Waite
Chairman Program Committee Mrs. Fannie G. Lesch The work, as shown by the annual reports of the officers and chairmen, has been most encouraging and the spirit of zeal and loving service is strongly manifested by all.

Louise R. Waite.

Mr. James Gudgeon departed on May 26th, aged 69 years, beloved husband of Bertha Viola, who survives him. He was born in England and came to this city over thirty years ago. He received the Bahai Revelation from his wife and became a firm believer and attended all the meetings regularly, and passed away with the Greatest Name on his lips. He was buried from his late residence 839 N. Hoyne Ave., on Sunday, May 29th, a very large number of Bahais being present. The Bahai service was conducted by Mr. George Lesch after which a great many of those present accompanied the remains to Forest Home Cemetery where prayers were said and Mr. Gudgeon was tenderly laid to rest. The Bahai pallbearers were Messrs. James Murphy, Lars Johnson, George Lesch and J. F. Carmichael.

J. F. Carmichael.


Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm visited Denver, May 3rd. About forty truth seekers, who were interested in the Revelation of BAHA'O'LLAH, gathered at the home of Mrs. Nash to hear him tell of the great Spirit of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha now prevading the world of mankind. Those present received with enthusiasm his description of the work already accomplished by these lives lived among men and the wonderful spirit displayed by


the Bab. Other homes were also opened to Mr. Wilhelm and it was greatly regretted that he could not remain with us longer.

Ella T. Nash.


The Bahai Assembly of Johnstown, N. Y., holds a regular meeting at 7 Hoosac street, the home of Mrs. Emily Gustin. The nineteen-day Feast or Supper of the Lord is also regularly observed.
This Assembly has received special bounty in the visits of dear believers during the past year: Mr. Wilhelm, Mr. Remey and Mrs. Mary Hanford Ford. The precious souls who are privileged of God to visit the various Assemblies have something to give, and to us, each visitor brings blessing, light and love.
Hudson, Clinton, Mica, Cortland, Pavilion and Oswego, N. Y., each has a believer — Oswego having two to uphold the standard of the Cause. These dear ones, not having the blessing of an Assembly, need, perhaps, our especial care. If traveling Bahais can visit any of the above named places, much good will be done in strengthening these isolated ones. The names and addresses will be gladly given to any one upon application to Mrs. Margaret LaGrange, 42 E. Main street, Johnstown, Secretary of the Assembly.
May blessing and love in His Name be upon every soul. Praise God, the Day of Unity is dawning, the Day wherein the Mashrak-el-Azkar is to be built.

Ella C. Quant.


The usual meetings in New York are being held, except at Mr. Dodge's on Sunday afternoons and Mrs. Gannett's on Tuesday afternoons, which have been discontinued for the present.
The Brooklyn Assembly has given up its hall at Lockwood Academy for its meetings on Sunday evening, and the meetings are now held at Mr. MacNutt's at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, May 15th, Mr. Woodcock spent in Boston by invitation and addressed that Assembly. He reports that there is a growing interest in Boston, and was greatly encouraged by his visit there.
The Anniversary of the Declaration of the Bab was celebrated at Mr. Kinney's on the evening of May 23rd.

James F. Brittingham.




The Philadelphia Assembly hold meetings every Friday and Sunday evenings, meeting at the homes of the believers going in alphabetical order. The meetings are full of the spirit of love, the believers being united as one soul in many bodies. Our aim is to ever strive to hold aloft the snow-white banner of unity. Every nineteen days we commemorate the nineteen-day Feast, and it is a heavenly spiritual Feast of the Love of God.
Our Assembly was favored by a visit from Miss Annie T. Boylan, of New York, while she was on her return from the Convention held in Chicago, at which she was a New York delegate. Her visit to our Assembly was very helpful to all who attended the meeting and many thanks from our Assembly are due to her for her kindness.
The Message is being continually spread in this city. There is much work being done in a quiet way.

Jessie E. Revell.


Recently, a Dr. Buchanan, who is not a Bahai, gave an interesting lecture at Fellowship Hall. His subject was: "A Commercial Prophecy Soon to be Fulfilled." He stated that a survey had been made by Captain Cameron of the Royal Navy and now in the British Admiralty Office in London. This survey is to build a canal from Acca to the river Jordan, thence to the Dead Sea, filling it up to the level of the Mediterranean Sea, showing clearly that the two last chapters of Ezekiel will be literally fulfilled. Later, we had the opportunity of delivering to him The Message, with which he was much impressed.
He delivered, one afternoon, at the Women's Club, a splendid address on the economic question. The three principal points of his lecture were: 1st, National Co-operation; 2d, Commercial Co-operation, and 3rd, Religious Co-operation. He showed clearly that Jerusalem was to be the great co-operative center of the world, and just before the close of his talk he gave The Message, telling of the coming of the Bab, BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha and ended by saying: "Who knows but that this great Bahai Message is to be the great co-operative


religion of the world. For does it not come from the center and at the very time spoken of in our Bible!"
The Portland Assembly feels that the friends will be glad to know that The Message is even being given by those who are not professed believers.
Bahai greetings from our Assembly to all.

(Mrs.) Hattie Latimer.

(Mrs.) Mary M. Rabb.


Teheran, Persia, April 23, 1910.

Dearest Gertrude: * * * This beautiful Rizwan is bringing many blessings. I attended a woman's meeting on Thursday where more than fifty were present and the warmth of Bahai love was again felt. * * * Yesterday was a glorious day. In the afternoon, the Bahais divided into three groups and went to three different gardens outside of the city to discuss the subject of the girls' school and raise the funds. The young men took charge of the matter. The meeting which I attended raised nearly five hundred dollars — that is a great sum for Persia just now.
Mirza Ali Akbar, a new arrival from Acca, read one of the Tablets for the martyrs and then said: "Your relatives and friends gave up their lives for the Cause, and all that we are asked to do today is to educate the children. Shall we not do it?" Then he chanted the Tablet concerning "Education."
* * * The BAHAI NEWS has been of great service already in the Cause.
Great love for all from all,

Susan I. Moody.

The Theosophic Messenger for June contains an article by Harriet Tooker Felix upon the Bahai Revelation, written from the Theosophic view point. In spite of the divergence of opinion between Theosophists and Bahais as to reincarnation and the Station of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha, the article expresses a sympathy for the Bahai movement that will interest Bahais.
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