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Star of the West Volume 1

Albert R. Windust, ed.
and Gertrude Buikema, ed.

published in Star of the West, Vol. 1 (English text only)


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Chapter 9



Vol. 1 Chicago, (Aug. 20, 1910) Kamal No. 9



Second of a Series of Letters Under This Heading.


Through Mr. Howard Struven, to the Spiritual
Assembly of Baltimore, Maryland:


O ye Merciful Assembly!
Mr. Struven became the herald of the Kingdom and traveled through the countries of China, India and Japan. The Supreme Confirmations bestowed assistance, so that he attained to this heavenly Bounty. He became the cause of the glory of the believers of Baltimore and imparted happiness and joy to the friends and maid-servants of the Merciful. He sacrificed everything in the Path of the Kingdom and imparted life to many souls. The results of this trip, ere long, will become apparent and manifest like unto the sun and moon, and the Most Great Confirmation be unveiled.
O ye friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful, hearken to the counsels of Abdul-Baha. The world of matter is not worthy of consideration or indulgence therein. Soon the life of everything will come to an end, therefore you must endeavor to raise the banner of greatness in the unicolored universe of God, attract the splendors of the Sun of Truth, become the cause of the illumination of the realm of man, serve all humanity, spread the essential oneness, become the embodiment of Divine Mercy, the impersonation of the Gift of His Highness the Almighty, seek eternal life, and discover the majesty of the age-abiding sovereignty.
Ponder and reflect a moment, millions of kings have stepped forth from the invisible world into


the arena of appearance, and all of them have vanished and disappeared. But a servant of the servants of the True One, who finds eternal life through the Breaths of the Holy Spirit, establishes everlasting dominion in the Kingdom of God; even in this temporal world his signs are spread and are known, his name becomes famous and his light diffused in every region.
Upon ye be the Glory of God!
(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Washington, June 17, 1910.)
As stated in our last edition, the letters written by Mr. Remey to the Washington (D. C.) Assembly and the House of Spirituality (Chicago) have been obtained for publication, two of which we present herewith:


Sept. 30, 1909.

To the Bahai Assembly of Washington, D. C.
Beloved Friends: — The farther west that Bro. Struven and I travel the more impressed we are by the degree of firmness of the friends in the Centre of the Covenant — our beloved Abdul-Baha. * * *
In June, a year ago, while I was with Abdul-Baha he spoke of the necessity of the believers coming together — only the believers — to read the Holy Verses and to speak of and discuss the Holy Teachings. I am sure that this is more necessary for us than that we should come together to hear one of our number give The Message to truthseekers who have assembled to seek knowledge of the Cause. There are two types of meeting. One for receiving spiritual guidance and one for giving the same. One when the beloved meet together for strength and enlightenment and one when they call the seekers together to share the heavenly blessings. Undoubtedly, Abdul-Baha saw the necessity of the believers coming together in the close communion of a meeting essentially for those of the Faith, when he spoke to me as he did. I remember some years ago in Washington we tried holding these meetings (which were not for the public) for the study of the inner spiritual Teachings and for the reading of the Holy Words — in other words to found the Teachings in our own heart. At that time, however, we were not very successful because the friends persisted in bringing those of their acquaintances into the meeting who knew nothing of the Holy Cause and each time a meeting for reading and study was announced many visitors came and the time was consumed by giving the historical sketches of the Bahai Movement and the friends went without having accomplished the object for which they


had assembled, and some were disappointed. Now, surely, with the present degree of unity and harmony of the Washington friends, all of this past is changed and now, through united action, they can arrange study meetings and carry them out in a united way.
This leads me to my point. Thousands of teachers are needed in the Holy Cause, teachers who are ready and capable of going out and proclaiming The Message. Bro. Struven and I have been traversing an immense field in which there is but a handful of laborers. The people are hungry for the Word. Now we must do all in our power to arise to this situation and prepare to fulfil this calling and need.
Wherever we go we find that the men in the Cause need encouragement, and need to come together as brothers and work in the Cause. Sometime since I wrote to some of the men of the Washington Assembly, suggesting that they form an assembly of Teaching among the men. Now is the time for us to carry on a systematic spreading of The Message — sowing of the seed. The Washington friends through concerted action could with ease establish Bahai centers in the towns about the city, as well as in the various parts of the city, and then as the work progresses they will be able to go to other cities and then establish assemblies. Whenever there is a soul interested in a town there is a chance to interest others. Wherever a door is thrown open to the Cause, there the believers can go and meet new people and give The Message. * * *
Here in Pasadena, Bro. Struven and I have been for ten days busy every moment. The work in this vicinity is growing each day. From here we go north to San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and to other places in Washington (state). Then we sail for Hawaii, Japan and other places. We both join in love and greeting to each and all.

Your brother in His Service,



Nov. 9, 1909.

To the Members of The House of Spirituality of Bahais,
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Brothers: — * * * Of the forty and more centres which we have visited on this present tour, but very few are organized for efficient work. In most places the work is carried on by the women almost entirely. The fact that in many places the meetings are held in the early afternoon would indicate the absence of many men. Wherever we have gone we have tried to stir up the men to organized effort. Now, if you could work for this end with all of the organized assemblies in the country, I am sure that a great work would be accomplished. In order to hold and interest men they must be kept busy. Women naturally gravitate together in meetings even when there is no work doing, but men do not. Just now the men are most in need of being reached.
In some assemblies they have started organizing


Women's Meetings before organizing the men and women together, thus accentuating, rather than ministering properly, to the difficulty. Only today I had a letter from a good maid-servant saying that the only man in her assembly had refused to come to meetings because he was the only man present. I mention this because this condition is typical of that in most of the assemblies of America. No one can gainsay that the dear maid-servants have far more zeal than we have, but I know that in many places the men are simply waiting for men to show them how to work and what to do.
Now, brothers, if you can through correspondence arouse the men in the various assemblies to organization, you will indeed do a work for Abdul-Baha. In most places the men are doing but little. As soon as they are organized and working together they will bring in more men — and so on.
This work of organization is, I feel, especially necessary in the early growth of an assembly. I have seen the ill-effects of unorganized efforts which have been allowed to run along indefinitely. * * *
From what I have seen upon my recent travels I know that the Bahais throughout the country would hail with delight and respond to a plan of simple organization which you could suggest. Now is the time for such a move. The results of it will be far-reaching. All the people need is a good suggestion and a little encouragement. * * *
Dear brothers. I know you will understand my motive so I will not apologize to you for giving so much advice. * * *

Yours in His Service,



The Ottoman officials have recently opened two large gateways through the thick, solid and ancient walls of the old fort of Acca. Both open out on the green plain in front of Behje, where the Holy Tomb is located. Wonderful to relate, one of these gates is situated back of the old house of Abdul-Baha, where he often walked, during the time of his confinement, to the fortress!
Furthermore, official men, architects and masons have come from Constantinople for the express purpose of planning a beautiful city outside of the old prison walls! To live today and witness the actual fulfillment of the old prophecies is verily a blessing for which we cannot be sufficiently thankful. Let the Bahai young architects and engineers get ready for work in the Holy City!

Ameen U. Fareed.




Extract from a letter written by a Mrs. Crockett, May, 1910, to Miss Frances Johnson, Pearl City, Hawaii:
I must tell you a little about Palestine and about one experience in particular. A visit to Palestine does certainly make the Bible seem like a new book and brings home to one's heart the reality of Christ's life and teachings.
I felt this particularly at Nazareth, the home of His boyhood, and at the Sea of Galilee, which is so associated with His ministry. We had a lovely early morning row on the peaceful lake, and the memories of Christ that came to us seemed to make His presence very real.
Now, I know you will be eager to hear of my interview with the one in Palestine whose teachings mean so much to you, the Prophet, or Abbas Effendi,* as he is generally called.
I found that he is not now kept a prisoner at Acca, but since the order of constitutional government in Turkey he is free to live in his home at Haifa (near by) and go and come as he will.
I planned my trip so that I could stop and see him, for I remember when you gave me some of the literature to read you said: "If you go to Egypt, Palestine is not far away and you will surely want to see him." So I planned for the interview with him when the others of the party went to Acca for a drive. (Perhaps you know that Haifa is a pretty little town right at the foot of Mt. Carmel.
Well, I sent word to him of my wish to see him and he replied that he would see me in the afternoon, as his time was taken up that morning in seeing some people from India. So I went to his house at the time appointed and was shown into the presence of an old man, clothed in the flowing robe of a Persian, with white hair and a long white beard, with eyes that seemed to look me through and yet were most friendly, too. It was the Prophet! He received me most graciously, and his interpreter, a young Syrian, a student at the American Missionary College at Beyrout.
* Abdul-Baha


I told him first about the little circle of his friends in far off Honolulu — you who meet together to discuss his teachings — and I told him of your love and loyalty. He seemed very happy at this and his face lighted up as he asked for the names of those who knew and loved him. * * * He sent you all his love and blessing and said he would pray for each one of you, and he added: "Tell them that they have a great mission — to make the blind eyes see, to make the deaf ears hear and to shed the light of knowledge where the darkness of ignorance prevails." That was his message to you. He talked with me for some time, first telling me of his country, Persia, of his life and then of his teachings.
As he talked with me I felt my heart soften under the influence of his goodness and kindness, and the tears came to my eyes. He asked me about myself, if I were well and if I were happy. I replied to the latter question: "I have had many sorrows." "Forget them!" he answered. "When your heart is filled with the love of God there will be no room for sorrow. There will only be love and happiness." I cannot tell you the sweet sympathy of his voice as he said these beautiful and comforting words.
Then he had the attendant bring in tea, a cup for him and a cup for me. We drank together, wishing each other health and happiness, and then he told me that he hoped he should take tea with me in the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I praised the tea he said it was real Persian tea and presented me with a package to take away with me. (I wish I could send you some of it. I am afraid it would lose its strength though before it reached you.)
When I finally said good-by he put his hand on my head and blessed me and wished that I might be a blessing. * * * I went away feeling softened, uplifted and blessed. I am so glad you told me of him and urged me to see him. He wrote his name in my book for me and told me always to remember it.
I tell you all these little incidents as I know they will interest you.



Eskander Khan (Mr. Sydney Sprague) left for Acca, June 20th, as far as Baku, Russia, with Mirza Ali Kuli Khan, who has been appointed Charge d'Affaires for Washington, or rather, all America. The former will return with his bride, Farahngese, the sister of Doctor Fareed, in the fall. We are all hoping that Mirza Assad Ullah will also come, as well as Razeah Khanum (Mirza Assad Ullah's wife).
Mirza Ali Kuli Khan had six Persian boys in his charge, some to be left in Europe, others taken to America to be educated. Dr. Mohammed Khan gave a dinner party for Mirza Ali Kuli Khan, to which Mr. Sprague and I were invited. He told us of his parting call on the young king that morning. The Persian parliament has given his wife a title and a decoration. He was pleased that the title, "Maker of Souls," coincides so well with the one previously granted by Abdul-Baha, Rouhaniah, or "Spiritual One." He also read his last Tablet, which he received after his arrival here. In this Abdul-Baha confirms him in the Cause and also prophesies the glorious future of Persia, the land of BAHA'O'LLAH.
A long and interesting article has recently been published in the journal of the Society of Arts, London. It is a reprint in full of a lecture given by Mr. Bernard Temple, who spent some months in Teheran last winter. He was in the Orient one year, making a close study of the Bahai Revelation, and the lecture is devoted to the Cause. The London Spectator of June 4th has quite a review of the lecture. It will attract attention to the great work being accomplished. Mr. Temple is a Jew and while he states, "I am not a Bahai," his article shows a clear and really ardent appreciation of its principles, and as he quotes voluminously from the "Hidden Words" and gives the full facts and teachings in part by quoting from Sydney Sprague's books — thus he gives out the essence, and we believe his work will be fruitful in leading many who seek the Light. Mirza Azizullah Khan wishes to translate it into Persian.

Susan I. Moody.




A recent pilgrim to Acca wrote to the Financial Secretary that when she was in Haifa last winter she asked Abdul-Baha if it was not of great importance to help in the sending of spiritual people to Syria to be taught by him, and he replied: "It is now of utmost importance for the Mashrak-el-Azkar to be built."

Corinne True.


The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lehmann, 8 2d Ave., is open Wednesday evenings for teaching.




The Unity Feast is regularly observed, being served at the homes of the different believers. Your correspondent served the Feast falling on June 5th; it was an out-of-door meeting, with twenty in attendance. The day was perfect, and as we wended our way up the hillside and spread the feast beneath the pine trees in a pleasant spot overlooking the valley, a sweet spirit of harmony and unity prevailed. After the Feast photographs were taken, copies of which will be forwarded to the friends in Persia. On June 24th the Feast was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Killius; it was well attended and a time of spiritual uplift.


The Assembly recently held its annual election of officers, resulting as follows: Miss Mabel King, Secretary; Mrs. Annie Killius, Treasurer of Mashrak-el-Azkar Fund; Mr. Albert Killius, Librarian; Mrs. Evelyn Moore, Mr. Orson O. Wolcott and Mrs. Killius, Board of Council; Mrs. Cora Ditmars, Mr. Killius and Mrs. Lesley O'Keeffe, Visiting Committee.
Each month the BAHAI NEWS comes with the welcome news from all parts, like wave after wave of sweet perfume.

Lesley O'Keeffe.


Regular meetings of Assembly held at 2916 Beacon Ave. South.
The Feast of Aug. 1st was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Geary, 127 Belleview Ave., North. In Everett, a near-by-town, Mr. and Mrs. Washington MacCormick are building a home in which they hope soon to hold meetings. In Omak arrangements are being made to hold meetings in the home of Mrs. Laura Luther. In Tacoma a decided interest is now being manifested in the Cause. Mr. D. D. Babcock is attracting many souls in the town of Bremerton. Mrs. Charlotte Gillen is devoting her summer outing to the care of some small children on Whidly Island

Ida A. Finch, Sec'y.


The coming of the BAHAI NEWS, every nineteen days, is awaited by one and all with the greatest eagerness.
The Unity Feast of August 1st was observed very pleasantly by a number of Bahais and friends of the Cause at the home of Mrs. R., Thurston Ave. The presence of Abdul-Baha seems indeed a reality at these Unity Feasts, and the home which is opened for them seems to hold a blessing that lingers ever within its walls.

Ella T. Rowland.

According to the Government Census Bureau statistics gathered in 1906, dealing with the religious life of the United States, and now in press at Washington, D. C., Bahais have twenty-four assemblies, aggregating a membership of 1,280.





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Vol. 1. Chicago, (Aug. 20, 1910) Kamal No. 9


1st Baha' (Splendor) Mar. 21
2nd Jalal (Glory) Apr. 9
3rd Jamal (Beauty) Apr. 28
4th Azamat (Greatness) May 17
5th Nur (Light) June 5
6th Rahmat (Mercy) June 24
7th Kalamat (Words) July 13
8th Isma (Names) Aug. 1
9th Kamal (Perfection) Aug. 20
10th Izzat (Wealth) Sept. 8
11th Mashiyat (Will) Sept. 27
12th Ilm (Science) Oct. 16
13th Qudrat (Power) Nov. 4
14th Qaul (Saying) Nov. 23
15th Masa'il (Questions) Dec. 12
16th Sharaf (Honor) Dec. 31
17th Sultan (Sultan) Jan. 19
18th Malik (King) Feb. 7

(Four intercalary days.)

19th Ola (Sublimity) Mar. 2

(Month of fasting)

The letters of Mr. Remey, published in this issue, and the following extract from a Tablet to a believer in Persia, should receive the careful perusal of the men who are interested in the progress of the Cause in the Occident:
You have written regarding the Assembly of Women. Undoubtedly, show ye great effort in this matter, and


make constant endeavor in the expansion of its spheres, and know ye of a certainty that it will be crowned with great success. This subject is pregnant with far-reaching results and when it is directed in a benefitting manner, such women will be trained in that Assembly that the whole world will be astonished by their eloquent speeches and fluent utterances, and they will silence and discomfort the orators of the East and the West. Today the women in the West lead the men in the service of the Cause, summon the people under the shade of the Blessed Perfection, and loosen their tongues in eloquent lectures, delivery of wonderful proofs and the elucidation of new arguments.


We can testify that the above statement is the truth. Nine-tenths of the active workers in the Cause in the West are women. This should not only encourage the women of the East, but should awaken the men of the West to their duty in the field of service.

Our Persian section this month contains: (1) a Tablet to the Washington (D. C.) Assembly; (2) an article on Universal Bahai Education, quoting from Tablets of BAHA'O'LLAH concerning the necessity of studying sciences and modern knowledges citing statistics to show how much the United States spends for public schools and education; 3) news items of interest to our Oriental brothers and sisters.

We are pleased to announce the engagement of Mr. Charles Mason Remey of Washington, D. C., to Miss Juliet Thompson of New York City. On behalf of all the friends the BAHAI NEWS wishes them every happiness.


Regular weekly meeting of Assembly, Sunday, 11 a. m. at Corinthian Hall, 17th floor Masonic Temple, State and Randolph Sts. George Lesch, Sec'y. Address of Assembly, P. O. Box 283.
A word concerning the work faithfully performed by the Board of Women's Assembly for the past year: The records were beautifully kept, the Treasurer performed her work faithfully and the little box was supplied with the necessary means for the work done by the different chairmen. The work done by the Corresponding Secretary is as


well known as it is universal. Mrs. Loeding, Chairman of the Sick Committee, and her assistants, Mrs. Scheffler and Mrs. Bonds, visited the sick in many hospitals and homes, bringing fruit and flowers, and, best of all, Bahai love and cheer. Mrs. Foster, Chairman of the Philanthropic Committee, is doing good work for the needy ones, as is also Mrs. Bara. Miss Jones, Chairman of the Educational Commitee, is interested in developing the Sunday School. We have established the truth of Abdul-Baha's words to our Chairman of Organization, Mrs. Waite, while she was in Acca, that women should organize assemblies for the spreading of the Truth. He said: "There must be organization to accomplish orderly and systematic work. Without it no headway can be made."

Ida F. Brush, Pres. Wzomen's Assembly.


Secretary of Assembly, G. Nathaniel Clark, 4141 Xavier St.
While Mrs. Ella T. Nash and her daughter, Miss Louise Nash, were visiting Mrs. Willard Ashton, at Horse Shoe Ranch, Estes Park, a sad accident occurred, caused by horses being frightened by an automobile, and resulted in the death of baby Ashton. Mrs. Ashton was thrown out of the vehicle, followed by Mrs. Nash, who was holding the baby. Mrs. Nash sustained an injury of a fractured collar bone. The baby never regained consciousness. His little body was laid away on a beautiful hilltop overlooking the valley. The natural surroundings fittingly lent themselves to the meaning of the service, which included the following readings and prayers:
To consider that after the death of the body the spirit perishes, is like imagining that a bird in a cage will be destroyed if the cage is broken — though the bird has nothing to fear from the destruction of the cage. Our body is like the cage, and the spirit is like the bird. We see that without the cage this bird flies in the world of sleep; therefore, if the cage becomes broken, the bird will continue to exist; its feelings will be even more powerful, its perceptions greater and its happiness increased. In truth, from hell it reaches a paradise of delights, because for the thankful bird there is no paradise greater than freedom from the cage.
Infants are under the shadow of the favor of God, and as they have not committed any sin and are not soiled with the impurities of the world of nature, they


are centers of the manifestation of bounty, and the Eye of Compassion will be turned upon them.
In the Name of God, the Supreme, the High! I ask Thee, by the sorrow of the hearts of the beloved and by the tears of the eyes of the lovers, to deprive me not from the fragrances of Thy Godliness in Thy Days, and from the melodies of the Dove of Thy Oneness at the appearance of the Lights of Thy Face!
Hold Thou my right arm, O God! and dwell continually with me! Guide me to the fountain of Thy Knowledge and encircle me with Thy Glory. Let mine ears hearken unto Thy melodious tone and comfort me with Thy Presence. For Thou art the strength of my heart, and the trust of my soul, and I desire no one beside Thee!
It is the desire of the parents to have on this hill-top an open sanctuary — a place of worship for others as well as for themselves.

Willard H. Ashton.


A picnic dinner was served near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Petersen on July 31st. Bahais from Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Chicago were present — about fifty in all — an invitation having also been extended to those who were not Bahais. After dinner the Glad-tidings of the coming of the Kingdom were given. The meeting was a very impressive and profitable one, awakening the hearts of those who had known nothing of the Teaching before, as has been evidenced by their growing interest in the Cause since then.

Sec'y Fruitport Assembly.


During my nine days at Green Acre five large Bahai meetings were held, many from Kittery, Portsmouth and other neighboring towns assembling to hear The Message. Mirza Snore M. Raffle and Mr. Woodcock and family were also there, the latter for two days. Mr. Woodcock was tired out and not lecturing, although he spoke most impressively and with much spirit in one of the meetings.
The last Unity Feast was held at the summer home of Mrs. Aline S. Devin in Eliot, quite a number of Bahais and truthseekers gathering for tea late in the afternoon.
Mrs. Ives and Mrs. Stansell, as well as Mrs. Magee and her daughters (all from New York) are now in Green Acre. Mrs. Stansell has been


conducting conferences upon the Teachings. Miss Jack, who spent some time in Acca, was at the Green Acre Inn.
Miss Brittingham and Miss Zimmerman, both of Washington, D. C., and Miss Robarts, of Boston, were in camp near Green Acre. Twice during the past week there were gatherings there, where The Message was given to many.

Charles Mason Remey.


Regular weekly meeting of Assembly, Sunday, 11 a. m. at Genealogical Hall, 226 West 58th St. Paul F. G. Marshall, Sec'y, 139 Shippen St. Weehawker Heights, New Jersey.
Mr. Percy Woodcock and family left New York City Aug. 1st to spend a few weeks at Heron Island, off the Maine coast.
During the past three weeks Mrs. Brittingham has been visiting Miss Dorr, a Bahai sister in Forge Village, Mass., spent a Sunday in Boston and addressed that assembly and visited Hudson, N. Y., holding several meetings. She is now in Philadelphia.

James F. Brittingham.


Regular weekly meeting of Assembly, Friday evening, at 1219 Connecticut Ave. Joseph H. Hannen, Sec'y. Address of Assembly, P. O. Box 192.
Since our last report a delightful supper and lawn party was given at the residence of Mrs. Helen S. Moss, Silver Springs, Md., in honor of Mrs. Russell and Miss Davies, of Chicago, and Mirza Farajullah Khan, of Isphahan, Persia. A large number of the friends were present, and the ability of this charming hostess to dispense hospitality on a large scale was again proven. On such occasions the joy of unity from the social aspect is demonstrated, showing anew that in all the walks of life the Revelation of BAHA'O'LLAH adds a plus sign to the possibilities of the past.
The Unity Feast of August 1 was particularly successful because of the participation of our colored friends, the large hall of the Conservatory of Music being well filled. Louis G. Gregory presided and introduced the speakers, who were listened to with rapt attention. Mrs. Hannen superintended


the material feast, which was the occasion of social intercourse and individual teaching.
The work in Sumerduck, Va., referred to in the edition of July 13, has been followed up, the writer having addressed another capacity audience at the schoolhouse on July 24th. It is now planned to make the trip on the fourth Sunday of every month, and as there is regular preaching service also once a month, this may now be termed an organized assembly. Furthermore, other points nearby are asking for meetings, and it is hoped that the Glad-tidings can be spread quite thoroughly as time passes.
It is with sincere regret that we must chronicle the departure from this sphere of action of our beloved sister, Miss Charlotte J. Colt, who entered the Better Land on the morning of August 3. Her dear, gray hair, surmounting a face of unalterable sweetness, will be greatly missed, as it seemed that she was like some angelic presence, commanding respect and lending an air of devotion and spirituality wherever she went. None was more faithful in attendance upon the meetings, despite her age — she was 73 when she left us. The assurance of unfathomed joys in the spirit world is a sweet comfort to our sorrow, and again the great test of religion is successfully passed — that it is good enough to live by and sufficient unto death.

Joseph H. Hannen.

It is reported that a little daughter has come to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Maxwell of Montreal, Canada.



The Bahai Correspondence School teaches Persian by simple lessons and phonographic records. Each pupil receives all necessary individual help and attention through a system of written lessons and criticisms. No Persian written characters are used; the English letters only are employed and pronunciations expressed in English characters. Many are taking advantage of this system, both in Europe and in America.
For particulars address MIRZA S. M. RAFFIE, S. B., 729 Livingston Hall. Columbia University, New York City, U. S. A.
1-9-16 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-9-17 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-9-18 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-9-19 — PERSIAN TEXT —
1-9-20 — PERSIAN TEXT — (with cursive address in the middle: Adress: — Peyam Baré Baktar. 1800 Belmont Road. Washington D.C. U.S.America. )
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