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Unformatted notes, ordered chronologically, on early American Bahá'í history. Prepared as background research for The Bahá'í Faith in American vol. 1: Origins, 1892-1900.

Notes from the National Bahá'í Archives on the Chicago House of Spirituality

by Robert Stockman


Tips on searching
Notes, 1901
Notes, 1902
Notes, 1903
Notes, 1904
Notes, 1905
Notes, 1906
Notes, 1907
Notes, 1908
Notes, 1909
Notes, 1910
Notes, 1911
Notes, 1912


The following notes were not compiled with the idea of being made available to the general researcher, and thus were not intended to be exhaustive. As my research progressed I came to have a better and better idea of the nature of early American Bahá'í history and sought to make my notes more comprehensive; however, inevitably, there will be gaps in their coverage. I have not read all manuscripts of talks, for example, and no notes of any talks or books can be found in these notes. Furthermore, tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá have not been extensively studied; they are included only when they appear in the regular correspondence of the individuals or institutions studied. My research has focused on letters and minutes of meetings, two extremely important sources of information, and these sources dominate the following notes.

This compilation was originally produced in the program "Wordstar" in the summer of 1986. The documents from most collections are arranged in the notes in chronological order, except for the House of Spirituality Records, which are largely arranged in the order they are found in, which chronological order by meeting of the House of Spirituality. As a result some letters and documents may be as much as three months out of chronological order, although generally they are within a month or so of where they should be. (Items three months out of order were received by the House of Spirituality three months after they were dated, either because of slow mail, or because they went through multiple drafts but retained the dating of their first draft.)

Tips on keyword-searching

The files have been set up to make electronic searches using key words as efficient as possible. Occasionally I have even added a key word in square brackets to ensure that the text will be found. However, it is often wise to make multiple searches based on several key words in order to ensure that one has found everything that relates to a particular subject. For example:

  • Sometimes the names of states have been typed out; sometimes them have been given in the abbreviations standard to editors (e.g., Oreg, Mass., Wash., Col., Cal., Mich.); and sometimes they have been given their post office abbreviations (OR, WA, MA, CO, CA, MI). Those doing electronic searches would be advised to search for both "Oreg" (which would catch "Oregon" and "Oreg.") and "OR." It would also be a good idea to search for the names of major cities that might have had communities, and it may be worth your time to search the names of particular small towns in which you are interested. Bahá'ís were scattered among a remarkable number of small towns by 1912. Some cities have had their names abbreviated: "Los Ang." and "San Fran.," and searches for those cities should be made with that fact in mind. Indeed, "Los" and "San" would be adequate key words to find all references to the two, with only occasional discoveries related to "San Diego" to mar your progress. Washington, D.C. has always been abbreviated "Wash. D.C." and the state has never been abbreviated "Wash.," to make it easy to distinguish between the two.

  • For those searching for particular topics, searches on related key words would be advisable. These notes were set up with sociological and historical issues in mind, not theological ones; hence they may not be very good for the latter. Anyone wishing to study American Bahá'í women would be advised to search under "woman," "women," "ladies," etc. The Bahai Publishing Society is always written out, but a search for "Publ" should find it uniquely. The Bahai Temple Unity is usually written out, or abbreviated BTU; whenever the term occurs, however, the initials "BTU" have been added, if necessary in square brackets. I have often added key words in square brackets to a record simply to guarantee that the entry will be found in an electronic search for the key word.

  • Searches for information on obscure persons should be done using alternative spellings of the last name, especially if the last name is rare; I can not guarantee I spelled everyone's name right. I have always abbreviated Isabella Brittingham as "Br-ham" but I have spelled out the last name for her husband, James. First names are frequently abbreviated to the first initial only; thus Thornton Chase is "T. Chase" or simply "Chase" throughout. Ameen Fareed, if abbreviated, has been shortened to Fareed; I have added the word "Sohrab" in brackets to entries that refer to him as Mirza Ahmad Esphahani.
`Abdu'l-Bahá has been frequently abbreviated "AB" (note, the "B" is capitalized). Bahá'u'lláh has often been abbreviated "BH." Accents common on Bahá'í words have never been included, except where transliteration was deemed essential; for example, when I entered into the file any notes that I actually took in Persian. Chase's title, "thábit" and the names of Persian consultative bodies (which were in Persian) are the two cases where transliteration has been used. Also, if a name occurs in a quote with an accent, it has been retained

A consistent possible misspelling, and one which my spell-checking program does not catch, is when I hold the capitalization key down too long and the second letter of the word gets capitalized as well. I have caught most of these, but there are undoubtedly a few lurking in the file and they will throw off most electronic search routines. This happened mostly when the first two letters of a word were near each other on the keyboard: IOas, POrtland. Inevitably, spell checking programs will not catch a misspelling that is a word itself: "Chase" might be spelled "Case," "if" can become "of," etc.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1901

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             20 May 1901

     All members present.  Additional members were chosen to make possible a quorum of 
nine: Ioas, Pursels, Doney.

      Chicago House of Justice to New York House of Justice
                                             23 May 1901

     The House of Spir. announces their election by the believers as a result of a tablet 
from `Abdu'l-Bahá to Mirza Asadu'llah recently received.  The first meeting of the House 
of Spir. was on 20 May 1901.

       Chicago House of Justice to all Bahá'í communities
                                             23 May 1901

     "As this is one of the Ordinances in Kitab-el-Akdas, and also according with what the 
Master said, we will humbly inform you that you may elect nine (9) persons or more as 
a Council Board, and please send us their names."
     "... We enclose some verses from Kitab-el-Akdas concerning the House of Justice and 
the duties of its members, and also the instructions given by our Lord and Master, 

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             24 May 1901

     The Chicago Assembly met on 15 May 1909 at 475 West Monroe St. to elect the House 
of Justice.  Nine were elected:
     G. Lesch       Charles H. Greenleaf     John A. Guilford
     Dr. Rufus Bartlett       T. Chase       Charles Hessler
     Arthur Agnew   Byron S. Lane            Henry L. Goodale
     Greenleaf was elected chairman, Guilford treasurer, and Lesch secretary.
     Chase was present.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             28 May 1901

     "Motion made and seconded that this Body be known as the `House of Justice of Bahá'ís 
of Chicago, Ills.'"
     A Bahá'í center rented at 475 West Monroe St.  A house, which they decide to call the 
"House of `Abdu'l-Bahá."
     Chase was present.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             4 June 1901

     No reference to T. Chase.  The House of Justice decided to meet with the ladies.  A 
letter from Mrs. True requesting such a meeting is attached to the minutes.

                Arthur P. Dodge to Rufus Bartlett
copy 83                                 9 June 1901

     Dodge is not on the New York Board of Counsel.  The secretary will answer officially 
for the Board shortly.
     "Peace and harmony is with us, but I regret to say, there is too much evident apathy 
and too little real work."
     There are no meetings of the Nakazeen in New York City.  Newspaper articles "some 
days ago," though, and Facts for Behaists has been published; it was just received by the 
New York Bahá'ís.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             11 June 1901

     No reference to T. Chase at the meeting.
     A letter is attached that is addressed "To the Honorable House of Justice of the First 
Assembly of Behaists in America at Chicago, Ill, U.S.A."
     Leigh Wilson Foster wrote the letter; he tenders his resignation from the Faith 
[however, he was in and out of the community later on].

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             18 June 1901

     The House of Justice is meeting with the ladies; they pledge to work together in 
     Publications are discussed; they are a concern.
     Greenleaf is absent; Persels acts as chairman.

                      Kenosha Evening News
3 p.                                    Sat., 15 June 1901

     A letter from Asadu'llah published in the newspaper while he was visiting the city.
     The news clipping is attached to a letter translated by Anton Haddad, from Asadu'llah, 
to the Chicago House of Justice, written from Kenosha on 15 June 1901.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             25 June 1901

     T. Chase is the chairman for the evening, as Greenleaf was absent.  Only 8 are 
present; Mr. Hinckley was invited in to be the ninth and make a quorum.  Mirza 
Asadu'llah, Mirza Hassan, and Mr. Haddad were invited to join the meeting too.
     This Sunday, T. Chase, A. Agnew, and G. Lesch will visit Kenosha, Racine, and 
Milwaukee.  The House of Justice will try to send someone each Sunday to instruct them 
in the teachings.
     A letter from the Racine House of Justice.  All the signatures have Scandinavian last 
     Letter from Milwaukee.  Seven believers there request help.  All of them signed.  They 
ask for books.

             Racine to the Chicago House of Justice
copy 83                                 21 June 1901

     They seem to see themselves as a House of Justice.  Asadu'llah had visited--at least 
Kenosha--so they apparently formed a body.  The names listed are: A. J. Nelson, H. T. 
Larsen, Magnus Poulsen, Christ Olsen, Peder Pedersen, H. Christian Andersen, L. N. 
Straud, Frank Petersen, Fred Petersen, and Hand Silver.

    The Milwaukee "Bahaists" to the Chicago House of Justice
                                             24 June 1901

     There are seven Bahá'ís in Milwaukee; they write to the "Household of Justice."
     "We are informed by Mr. Hadad [sic] of your city..."
     They want to be listed as Bahá'ís, and want literature.  All seven of them sign the 
letter: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hetzel, Mrs. John Duffield, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harris, and 
Mrs. Charlotte Morton.
     "Bahaist Religion."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             2 July 1901

     A letter from Dodge says Kheiralla has put articles in New York newspapers.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             9 July 1901

     T. Chase is present.  He is appointed to a committee to draft a petition to the USA 
government regarding the persecutions of the Bahá'ís in Iran.
     They write a letter of petition to Mirza Asadu'llah, asking him not to leave, dated 5 
July 1901.  It is signed by nine members of the House of Justice, including T. Chase.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Friday, 21 July 1901

     The petition to the USA government is approved.  They will send it to New York to get 
them to sign it too, then will either mail or present it to the government.
     The petition is to the Shah of Iran through the U.S. Secretary of State.

                Petition to His Majesty, the Shah
                                             no date

     It requests that justice be done.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues., 16 July 1901

          Mr. Lane is chair in absence of Greenleaf.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        23 July 1901

     The New York House of Justice has published lessons that Asadu'llah thinks are 
inaccurate.  The Chicago House of Justice will write New York about the matter.
     "Letter from the West Hoboken Council Board, read by sec'y."
     "Letter from Washington D.C. read by Mr. Percels." [Wash. D.C.]

      New York Board of Counsel to Chicago House of Justice
                                        New York, 25 July 1901

     On "Board of Counsel" stationary.  The petition will be forwarded to William Hoar; 
`Abdu'l-Bahá asked him while on pilgrimage to cable the Shah.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 30 July 1901

     "Mr Chase stated that Mirza Assad Ullah requested of him, that the House of Justice 
take it upon themselves, to send out all answers to communications rec'd from other 
assemblies and individuals and in this way establish themselves as the central body of 
this religion in America, to whom all others might look to for information of all kinds."
     "Letter from W. H. Harris, Sec'y, New York read by secretary."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Tues. 6 Aug. 1901

     Mr. Persels is chosen chairman in absence of Greenleaf.
     It is decided to increase membership of the House of Justice to 19.
     A letter from Racine is read.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Tues. 13 Aug. 1901

     Dr. Bartlett chosen chairman in absence of Greenleaf.
     The House of Justice chosen four more members; Fuller, Hoffman, Barrick, and 
Kendall.  They were chosen by the members by secret ballot.  Then one more member 
was chosen: Thacher.
     A letter from Kenosha was read.
     A committee was appointed to meet with the five and ascertain whether they will 
serve; then their names will be submitted to the "Assembly."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Thurs. 5 Sept. 1901

     The minutes of the 20 and 27 Aug. meetings are missing.
     Letter from Mr. Hoar received  (see next record).
     Miss Burkenhagen has died.  A non-Bahá'í funeral service was held by the family.  A 
Bahá'í memorial service should be held; they will invite the family.
     Tablets received by the House of Justice will be printed.  A committee was appointed 
to arrange for a meeting on 15 Sept.
     Weekly meetings were agreed on; Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons for general 
meetings, Wednesday evenings for general questions, plus two more each week.

           William Hoar to G. Lesch (House of Justice)
                              6 p.           6 Aug. 1901

     `Abdu'l-Bahá had Hoar call on the Persian ambassador in Wash. D.C.  The petition 
should go through the ambassador, not through the State department; that would insult 
the ambassador.
     Hoar hasn't gone down to Wash. D.C. yet, though.
     Hoar will be in Chicago within a month.
     The petition is sent back to Chicago; its still in the minutes.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 10 Sept. 1901

     The House of Justice is purchasing 200 pamphlets from the "Behais Publishing 
Board."  They are to be given out at the 15 Sept. meeting.
     Mr. Peter Bender was appointed to the House of Justice.
     A letter from Hoboken, Charles Jones, sec'y, was read.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Tues. 24 Sept. 1901

     Barrick, Fuller, Bender are welcomed to the House of Justice as new members.
     T. Chase is appointed to a committee to announce the arrival of Abu'l Fadl at a meeting.
     The House of Justice has 15 members; all are listed.
     Sept. 15 will be called the Inauguration Day of the House of Justice.  A tablet from 
`Abdu'l-Bahá will be read for the first time at the Inauguration Day meeting.
     The House of Justice appointed a committee to meet with the Ladies about receiving 
visitors at headquarters daily.
     Abu'l-Fadl will arrive for meetings next Wednesday and Friday.  Chase and Ioas 
appointed a committee of two to announce this at the Sunday meeting.
     The Wednesday and Friday meetings seem to be regular.
     Names of the members of the House of Justice: Lane, Goodale, Ioas, Doney, Hessler, 
Greenleaf, Agnew, Chase, Guilford, Purcell, Bartlett, Lesch, Bender, Fuller, and 
     Mr. Khan is interpreting for Asadu'llah that night.

      Chicago House of Justice to New York Board of Counsel
                                        26 Sept. 1901

     The letter is to W. Hooper Harris, sec'y.  It describes Inauguration Day festivities.  
They were "favored with a large attendance."
     Copy also in Chase papers.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Tues. 1 Oct. 1901
     A letter from Wash. D.C. read.
     Copies of pictures of Inauguration Day festivities were made to be sent to the Orient.
     "Motion made and seconded that each member of this House of Justice pledge himself to 
observe Parliamentary Law at all meetings of this body."  The motion was tabled.

                `Abdu'l-Bahá to Mirza Asadu'llah
                              received in Chicago and translated by Ali Kuli Khan 
                              on 30 Sept. 1901

     Mrs. Br-ham and two men believers from Paris are in Akka [one is Breakwell].
     The Nakazeen are making much trouble in the Holy Land.  `Abdu'l-Bahá says He wrote 
to Kheiralla about this "three years ago."
     Pilgrims from the USA must have letters signed by the Turkish legation in Wash. D.C.  
This will prevent complaints from the government of Akka from having effect.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Mon. 7 Oct. 1901

     Greenleaf is absent; Fuller acts as chairman.
     The seal of the House is purchased.
     Advertisements to be sent to newspapers about Sunday meetings.
     A business meeting will be held next Sunday "after our regular Sunday afternoon 
service" to discuss the problem of hall rental.
     Mr. Dealy is in town; he visited with the House of Justice.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                               special meeting, Sun. 13 Oct. 1901

     475 West Monroe St. is leased by Mrs. Spence, who will sublet the front rooms to the 
House of Justice for $45.00 per month, heat included.  The Teacher [Persian] will be 
boarded at the house.  The agreement is for six months.  The Lane family had been leasing 
the house instead; now they're moving.  The whole house rents for $75 per month.  The 
three teachers occupying the rooms right now are Asadu'llah, Abu'l-Fadl, and Ali Kuli 

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             15 Oct. 1901

     Mr. Lane is chairman in absence of Greenleaf.
     A letter from Kenosha is read; also one from Hoboken.
     A card is drawn up stating times of "regular meetings."

   "Kenosha Councel Board" to the House of Justice in Chicago
                                        Kenosha, 13 Oct. 1901

     We petition you to send us Mr. Lane as teacher.
     24 signatures; at least 9 are women: Mrs. Ida Walters, Robert Walters, Emma 
Lindstrom, Edward Lindstrom, Mary Schleimer, Mrs. Katz Ruff, Magnus Norlander, 
Wilhelmina Norlander, Henry Voight, Saint Germain [sic], Henry Benning, Bertha 
Hartig, Chrisa S. Benning, Jane Parks, E. Blomgreist, M. St. Germain, Mr. and Mrs. Cr. 
Howard, Louie Schleimer, C. J. Engstrom [?], A. Lindstrom, C. Bedear [?], and Cheroti 
[?] Redeen.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             22 Oct. 1901

     A committee appointed to meet with Mr. Lane and "clear up any difficulty or 
misunderstanding which may exist."
     Relation between the House of Justice and the Publishing Board must be defined; a 
committee is appointed of Mr. Ioas to draft a statement.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 13 Oct. 1901

     No notes.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 15 Oct. 1901

     No notes.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 22 Oct. 1901

     No notes.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 29 Oct. 1901

     Twelve present at the meeting, including Greenleaf, Lane.  Mirza Asadu'llah met with 
the House of Justice with Haddad translating.  Asadu'llah wishes to travel east, to Wash. 
D.C. to meet with the Turkish ambassador.  The House of Justice advised against such a 
     T. Chase is present.  Frank Hoffman is added to the House of Justice, to be presented to 
the Assembly for ratification at its next regular meeting.
     The publishing agreement to be signed by the House of Justice and the Publishing 

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 5 Nov. 1901

     T. Chase present.  Perry Persels resigned from the House of Justice, or the 
community, or both.  Persel's resignation is not accepted.  Nine present.  Goodale is 
chairman in absence of Greenleaf.  
     Abu'l-Fadl is still in Chicago.  Petition inviting `Abdu'l-Bahá to come to USA will be 
drafted.  Bartlett is appointed President of the House of Justice's charitable work.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Tues. 12 Nov. 1901

     T. Chase present.  He and Ioas drafted a letter on behalf of the House of Justice, 
inviting `Abdu'l-Bahá to the USA.  Or did T. Chase draft the supplication himself?
     A letter from Racine, saying they are "lukewarm" in the Faith.
     The hall rental at the Athanaeum will be investigated.  Ioas suggested it.  Honore Jaxon 
had earlier in a letter.
     Letter sent to Haddad, asking him to come to Chicago and translate for Asadu'llah on a 
teaching trip.
     The House of Justice meets every "Sunday PM after our regular meeting of the 
     A committee appointed to arrange a memorial service for Mrs. Burkenhagen of 
Kenosha.  Agnew, Lane are on it.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Sun. 17 Nov. 1901

     Nine present.  Ten copies of a supplication were sent to other cities.  75 signatures 
have already been gathered in Chicago.
     A joint meeting with the Ladies' Auxiliary Board is planned.
     Mary Lesch offered use of an organ at the services.
     A member of the House of Justice should be appointed to chair the Sunday Assembly 
     A statement regarding contributions to be placed in the meeting room.

                    Anton Haddad to G. Lesch
                                             15 Nov. 1901

     Reply to House of Justice letter of 12 Nov.  Haddad can't come to Chicago right now.  
Abu'l-Fadl, Asadu'llah, Ali Kuli Khan are still in Chicago.
     The letter is on stationary:  "S. A. Moghabghab, Importer of Oriental Goods, 80 
Greenwich St., New York City."

             George S. Hopper to Mr. G. Lesch, sec'y
                                        Ithaca, 24 Nov. 1901

     They have received the supplication from T. Chase; his family has circulated it and 
sent it back.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun., 24 Nov. 1901

     11 present.
     Communications regarding the supplication have been received from Cincinnati, 
Racine, and Milwaukee.
     Mr. Pursels refused to reconsider his resignation.  It is accepted by the House of 
     A committee is appointed to draft a standard Sunday afternoon meeting program.
     Telegram to be sent on Tuesday, 26 Nov. in honor of the "Feast of the Master."

          Mrs. Charlotte Morton to the House of Justice
                                        Milwaukee, 20 Nov. 1901

     She is sending back the supplication signed, included is her son in Michigan, [MI] who 
is a Bahá'í.
     Mrs. Br-ham will be visiting "on Saturday next."
     She hopes Mr. Chase will send more lectures of "Aboul Fazl" [Abu'l-Fadl].  They're 
reading them at the Milwaukee Sunday meetings.

                 Benjamin R. Taylor to G. Lesch
                                        Cincinnati, 21 Nov. 1901

     "...We have secured the signatures of all who have every attended the meetings in this 
City to amount to anything, who are in the City at present.
     "All express great pleasure at having the opportunity of extending this welcome and 
supplication to our Master and consider it a real priviladge [sic] of which we are 
unworthy to be able to do it."
     They rent a room every Sunday.

                Statement Regarding Publications
copy 83                                 2 p.

     House of Justice policy statement regarding the Publishing Board.  1). It came into 
existence before the House of Justice.  2.  Its members are A. Agnew, T. Chase, Hoffman, 
Greenleaf; 3). Publishing is a responsibility of the House of Justice.
     The statement is signed by all involved; 12 members of the House of Justice.  Chase 
signs twice, once for the House of Justice and once for the Publishing Board.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 17 Nov. 1901

     Chase present.  The supplication to `Abdu'l-Bahá is being copied and signatures of as 
many people as possible are being obtained.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Sun. 24 Nov. 1901

     T. Chase present.
     Incoming correspondence from Ithaca, Milwaukee, Cleveland.  All received the 
supplication for `Abdu'l-Bahá from T. Chase and are herewith returning it signed.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 1 Dec. 1901

     T. Chase absent; nine present.
     A record of the first celebration of the "Feast of the Master" in USA.  The report calls 
`Abdu'l-Bahá the Center of the Covenant.  Communications from Baltimore, Cincinnati, 
Pittsburgh.  Songs are needed; this is considered.  Greenleaf will secure songs.  Mrs. Br-
ham and Mr. Dealy are in Racine.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        8 Dec. 1901

     Letters from Racine, Baltimore received.
     Musical instruments donated by Mr. Bohmann; a committee to use them is appointed.
     A spittoon, coatrack are purchased.  The committee on songs is making progress.

               Mary Morton to House of Justice [?]
                                        22 Nov. 1901

     Letter is from Baltimore.  It is accompanied by the supplication and the "names of the 
Baltimore believers."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 15 Dec. 1901

     A check was received from Cincinnati, Benjamin Taylor, treasurer; but the House of 
Justice doesn't know what its for!
     Abu'l-Fadl is invite downstairs to speak to the House of Justice.
     Bartlett to chair the next Sunday meeting.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 22 Dec. 1901

     T. Chase present.  Nine present.  `Abdu'l-Bahá asked Asadu'llah by cable to go to New 
York.  Chase will chair the meeting next Sunday.
     New York hasn't sent back the supplication to `Abdu'l-Bahá.  T. Chase, Ioas will write 
them about it.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1902

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 5 Jan. 1902

     T. Chase present.  Nine present, including Ioas, Lane, Greenleaf.  Doney, Greenleaf, 
Ioas, Guilford all resign from the House of Justice.  Lane also.
     Asadu'llah's son arrives [Ameen Fareed].
     Doxey's letter of resignation is very nice.  Ioas says nothing but I resign; Lane says he 
has neglected the teaching work.  Guilford just resigns, as treasurer also. There is no 
money in the treasury anyway.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 12 Jan. 1902

     T. Chase present.  11 present.  Resignations of Doney, Guilford are accepted.  
Windust, Mussallem, Hinckley are added to the House of Justice, to be approved by the 
     Letter from Mrs. True is read; and one from Asadu'llah.  Mrs. True's letter referred 
to the Publishing Board.  It is from the Ladies Auxiliary.
     Each member is asked to "draw up a list of from 1 to 9 heads of lessons suitable for 
this religion or teaching in accordance with his own ideas of what they should be."

     Ladies Auxiliary, Corinne True, Sec to House of Justice
                                        18 Jan. 1902

     A very nice letter.  We will be happy to meet with you.  "The members of the Board of 
the Woman's Auxiliary" will meet with House of Justice.
     The letter is in reply to one by the House of Justice that says we will be happy to meet 
with you are "the Service" Sunday 26 Jan.

               Mary Morton to House of Justice [?]
                                        Baltimore, 19 Jan. 1902

     Please ship us books.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             26 Jan. 1902

     A meeting of the House of Justice and the Women's Auxiliary Board.  Mrs. True, Mrs. 
Nash, Mrs. Roe are mentioned.
     The women say "we must draw back the old believers."  A daily lunch of 15 cents--
food donated by the ladies--was proposed.  A Sunday school is proposed and a committee 
is appointed to start it.  A teaching conference was set up for the end of Feb.

              H. Mohammed Yazdi to House of Justice
                                        31 Dec. 1901

     He acknowledges receipt of photos from Chicago.
     He calls Bahá'ís "Beha'ians" and the House of Justice the "Beha'ian justice home."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 19 Jan. 1902

     T. Chase and 12 total present.  The supplication to `Abdu'l-Bahá is mailed to Yazdi.  
Ioas, Lane, Doxsey withdraw their resignations.  A letter from the Women's Auxiliary 

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 26 Jan. 1902

     T. Chase apparently present.  He gave a talk.  Meeting of the House of Justice and the 
Women's Auxiliary Board.  Mrs. True does most of the talking.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        2 Feb. 1902

     T. Chase is absent; nine are present.  The House of Justice is $50.00 in debt.  Mr. 
Goodale will chair the next Sunday meeting.  A committee of 3 is appointed to solve the 
debt problem.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             9 Feb. 1902
     T. Chase is absent; ten present.  Report that the House of Justice is not breaking any 
rules of the Aqdas by the way it is meeting.
     "Have examined the Kitab el Akdas and can find nothing therein which would indicate 
as to the time when such body should be organized nor is their [sic] any reference made 
as regards governmental affairs and in my opinion nothing has been done which could be 
construed as conflicting with the words of the Manifestation--Baha Ullah--as set forth 
in His aforementioned book of laws."
     "Motion made and seconded that we stand by Mirza Assad Ullah in the establishment of 
this House of Justice in accordance with instructions from the Master and that we ignore 
all attacks made against the same."
     "Motion made and seconded [and approved] that secretary be instructed to write 
Ladies Auxiliary Board setting forth our action in regard to statements made against this 
House of Justice."
     Anton Haddad is invited into the meeting.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        16 Feb. 1902

     Ten present, including T. Chase.  T. Chase is appointed to a permanent Entertainment 
Committee.  Letter from Khurassani is received.  "Emile W. Drefs., Presd. Baltimore 
Md" sent a letter; it is read.
     The ways and means of offsetting the House of Justice's indebtedness are discussed.
     A. Agnew is the chair in Greenleaf's absence.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        23 Feb. 1902

     Ladies Aux. Board meets with the House of Justice again.  Bartlett is chosen the 
chairman in the absence of Greenleaf.
     The subject of teaching is discussed.  No conclusions are reached.  Everyone agrees to 
meet together again.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 2 Mar. 1902

     T. Chase present; 10 total.  Next joint meeting with ladies is 13 March, 1902.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 9 Mar. 1902

     T. Chase present; 12 total.  T. Chase, Ioas, Bartlett, to draft a letter to `Abdu'l-Bahá 
asking what the term of the membership of the House of Justice should be.
     Ameen Fareed, Asadu'llah, and Paul Dealy are made honorary members of the House of 
Justice.  They must be approved by the Chicago assembly.
     The House of Justice moves to begin correspondence with foreign Bahá'í communities.
     Fareed is made the Persian correspondent of the House of Justice, even though he is 
not an official member.
     Windust will conduct the meeting next Sunday.

      House of Justice to "the holy souls in _____________"
copy 83                                      March 1902

     A circular letter to all communities of the East.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        16 Mar. 1902

     "Letter from Ladies Auxiliary was then read, the purport of which was as follows, 
`that the attention of all the members of the first Assembly be called to the meeting next 
Sunday so that the Voice of the People be ascertained in selecting a location for the 
meetings for the next year +c, that they were willing to cooperate in whatever the House 
deemed the most practical way."  [there is no closed quote in the original text.]
     Mr. Ioas will conduct the Sunday meeting next week.
     "Motion made and seconded [and approved] that on Sunday Mch 23rd /02 at the Feast 
Day Meeting [what's that?]" the community be asked to pray for present and future 
actions to be taken [at meetings?]
     A letter from the women is attached; it has been copied (copy 83.)
     Chase present; nine total.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                             Sun. 23 Mar. 1902

     T. Chase present; ten total.  Mr. Lane will chair the Sunday meeting next week.  
Thacher is added to the membership of the House of Justice.  T. Chase suggests that 
Ridvan greeting cards be sent to other Assemblies; motion approved.
     Naw-Ruz cards also to be sent out, dated 21 Mar.
     Ridvan is called the "feast of Rizwan."  They date it as occurring on 22 April.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 30 Mar. 1902

     T. Chase is absent; only 8 members are present.  C. Scheffler is asked to join the 
meeting to make it a quorum.  Three men, C. Scheffler, Herro, and "________" invited 
in to make a quorum.
     The "Weber Quartette" must have sung at Naw-Ruz; they are thanked for their 
     A committee was appointed to find a new headquarters after 1 May.  3 appointed to it.  
Mr. Goodale will chair next Sunday.
     A letter from a Burma Bahá'í to Asadu'llah is included.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        9 Apr. 1902

     Eleven are present; T. Chase is not.
     They discuss the problem of a Bahá'í center.  They can continue at the present address 
for another year; various other alternatives are available too.
     The meeting place of the Assembly will be moved; the House of Justice can continue to 
meet here.  The Assembly will find a new place, with a committee of the House of Justice 
assisting.  Five members appointed to it.
     Letter from Rufus Bartlett to the House of Justice.  He's out of town.  It is about 
publishing.  He adds "when are we to commence the training of the children?"

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        13 Apr. 1902

     The lease on 475 West Monroe St. will not be renewed.
     "Mr. Ioas for said [center] com. stated that they had consulted with a com. of five (5) 
appointed by the Ladies and that they (ladies) had expressed themselves as favoring a 
downtown location and that they would be able to report more fully next Sunday."
     Notices of next Sunday's meeting sent to all believers.
     Only Asadu'llah and Ameen are still living at 475 West Monroe St.

                  Mrs. True to House of Justice
	                                12 Apr. 1902

     "At their regular nineteen day social held April 11th at 91 Dearborn St, I was 
instructed by the Assembly of Teaching to mail you the enclosed petition."  [That's the 
whole letter]

            Petition to the Chicago House of Justice
                                        11 Apr. 1902

     Please hold a business meeting to obtain a full vote regarding the hall for next year.  
The following signatures followed:
     Elizabeth Mulvane, A. Ballard, Anna Douglas, Edna Schroeder, Zella Mulvane, Fannie 
G. Lesch, Mary B. Grayson, Emma J. LaPierre, Sophia T. Phelps, Jean Greig, Mrs. 
Corinne True, Mrs. Ella Nash, Mrs. Louise Spencer [Waite], Mrs. B. M. Shaffner.  14 

                    T. Chase to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        Chicago, 19 Apr. 1902

     Letter from the House of Justice to `Abdu'l-Bahá, but it is located in the T. Chase 
papers, NBA.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 13 Apr. 1902

     T. Chase present; eleven total.  House of Justice decided to obtain a translation of parts 
of the Aqdas concerning the House of Justice.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 20 Apr. 1902

     Chase present, fifteen total.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 26 Apr. 1902

     Chase present, ten total.  Every effort to pay the indebtedness of the House must be 
made.  They will use Mrs. Spence's house, rent free--she has offered it to them.

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sun. 4 May 1902

     T. Chase present, ten total (eight members and two guests).  The House of Justice 
owes Mrs. Spence for the previous rent.
     "Motion made a seconded that report and action of Com. of five be approved and that 
Com. of two be appointed to attend to rental of Hall downtown and look after meetings to 
be held there for House of Justice.  Not approved by House." [Italics mine]
     Letter from Khurassani, dated 14 Mar. 1902, from Cairo.
     Letter from Baku, dated Muharram al-Haram 1320, signed by "Members of the 
Council Board."

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sat. 16 May 1902

     "The continuance of the Wednesday and Friday evening meetings was then discussed.  
Motion made and seconded that a Com. of three be selected to draw up ways and means for 
presenting to believers the subject of Worship."
     Letter from "C. I. Thacher, M.D." on "Thacher Magnetic Shield Co, 1401 Masonic 
Temple" stationary.
     Letter to Asadu'llah signed by nine members of the House of Justice.

(          Chicago House of Justice to Mirza Asadu'llah
                                        19 May 1902

     Letter is in the T. Chase papers, not CHS.)

                 Minutes of the House of Justice
                                        Sat. 10 May 1902

     T. Chase present, eleven total.  The name of the body was officially changed to the 
House of Spir. as a result of a tablet to Asadu'llah from `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 16 May 1902

     Chase present, nine total.  Chase was chosen to chair the meeting.
     Letter to Asadu'llah is included.  It states that Asadu'llah was welcomed to Chicago on 
Thanksgiving Day, 25 Nov. 1900.  He has arrived in Wash. D.C.  From there he goes to 
the Orient.  A beautiful good bye letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 31 May 1902

     T. Chase present; nine total.  T. Chase was chosen as chairman.  A Bahá'í has died; a 
committee is appointed to speak to the relatives.
     Letter from the Board of Council in Tiflis" is included, dated Tiflis, 4 May. 1902.

      Board of Council in Tiflis to Chicago House of Spir.
                                        Tiflis, 4 May 1902

     "A letter from the members and servants of the Board of Council in Tiflis."
     The first letter from Tiflis, I think.
     Filed with the House of Spir. minutes of 31 May 1902.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 14 June 1902

     T. Chase present; nine total.  He was chosen as chairman too.  The meeting was in G. 
Lesch's home.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 21 June 1902

     T. Chase present; nine total.  Thacher chosen as chairman.
     The House of Spir. members resolved to pray individually for the House of Spir. 
every night at 9 PM.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 28 June 1902

     T. Chase present; nine total, including two guests.  C. Scheffler is one of them.  T. 
Chase appointed to draft a statement setting forth the principles of the Faith for the 
public.  Dr. Marcellum [Mussallem] was appointed to chair that evening.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 5 July 1902

     T. Chase present, nine total; including C. Scheffler and Laflin.  The House of Spir. 
decided to keep a scrap book of interesting Bahá'í materials; T. Chase is to maintain it.  
He will also keep copies of all "Tablets, letters, and manuscripts connected with this 
Religion, so that they may be preserved intact for future reference."  This quote is not 
from the Minutes, but from a report from the House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá.
     "A short discussion as to what should constitute our work followed."

                Chicago House of Spir. to Tiflis
                                        Chicago, 11 June 1902

     The letter was dictated by T. Chase.
     "There is a public meeting (conducted by the believers) held once a week (Sunday 
evening) at the present time, in one of our downtown halls and the believers who wish do 
what teaching they can in their own home."

          Report of the House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        5 July 1902

     The meeting was held at 475 West Monroe St.
     Kheiralla has published a book that "proves" Bahá'u'lláh taught reincarnation.  He 
quotes the Bible too.  It will be difficult to refute; careful effort will be required.
     A committee was appointed "some months ago" to keep tablets, letters, and 
     Meetings known as of last week: the Sunday downtown meeting; Mrs. Nash's Monday 
AM; Mrs. Tobin's Tuesday PM; Mrs. Lesch's Thursday afternoon; brother Doxsey's 
Thursday evening; Mrs. Roe's Friday PM; and "perhaps" others.  Regular Friday meeting 
of Asadu'llah is still held by Mrs. Spence.  Wednesday evening regular meeting is also 
still held; Fareed spoke last time.
     A letter from Mirza Abdul Hussein, published by the "Bahais Supply and Publishing 
Board" attached to the report.  This must date that publication's first issuance.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             Sat. 12 July 1902

     T. Chase present, nine total, include C. Scheffler and Fareed.  Bartlett was the chair.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             Sat. 19 July 1902

     T. Chase present; chosen as chair for the evening.  Eight present, including Fareed, C. 
Scheffler.  Asadu'llah is home safely [to Cairo].

          Report of the House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        19 July 1902

     A letter has arrived from the "Board of Consultation, Ishkabad."
     Asadu'llah has arrived safely in Haifa.  Ameen Fareed just got a letter from him.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             Sat. 25 July 1902

     T. Chase present, but only five others; and some are not members!  Thacher's out of 
town, Bartlett is sick.  The Sunday meeting is well attended.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             Sat. 2 Aug. 1902

     T. Chase absent from the city; but eight are present.  The Bahai Publishing Society is 
so called in this set of Minutes; they are putting out another edition of Mrs. Br-ham's 
     The regular Sun. meeting is in the Masonic Temple.  There are 5 or 6 private home 
meetings each week also, in spite of the summer season.

        Chicago House of Spir. to the friends in Isfahan
                                        Chicago, 29 July 1902

     The letter is by T. Chase; he signed it.  It has no real news; but he also sends a copy of 
the letter he wrote Baku, and it is much more interesting.
     [Note--none of the many letters from Isfahan mention any Bahá'í organization in the 

          Chicago House of Spir. to the friends in Baku
copied 2 p. 82              7 p.        Chicago, 29 July 1902

     The letter is be T. Chase.  It gives a long description of the wonders in this country, 
the civilization and technology.  Fast trains, good schools.  But the lack of religious 
persecution leads to bizarre religious pluralism, with many fads, cults, and theories.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 Aug. 1902

     T. Chase is out of town; he sent a letter to the House of Spir. from Small Point, Maine, 
dated 12 Aug. 1902.  C. Scheffler and four other members are present.
     T. Chase was in New York City.
     Meeting held at G. Lesch's.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 Aug. 1902

     T. Chase is still on vacation.  Seven are present, including C. Scheffler.
     Visiting tablets for martyrs have been received from New York by the Bahai 
Publishing Society (it is so called).  The meeting was held at G. Lesch's.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Sept. 1902

     T. Chase is present; 11 total.  Held at G. Lesch's.  Mrs. True converted seven at 
"Muskegum Michigan" [Muskegon, MI] this summer.  The House of Spir. is now totally 
out of debt.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 Sept. 1902

     T. Chase present; eight total.  C. Scheffler is listed as a member.  At Bartlett's home.
     Reference to the Ladies' Nineteen Day Meeting.
     The House of Spir. needs an office--a committee to find one is appointed.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 Sept. 1902

     The 20 Sept. minutes run into the 13 Sept. minutes.  Few were present; six total, 
including Ioas, for the first time in a long time!  T. Chase was absent.
     Letter from Bartlett; we must have a headquarters soon, as we must move out of 475 
West Monroe "promptly."  T. Chase suggests the House of Spir. and the Bahai Publishing 
Society jointly rent space; Bartlett thinks that's a good idea.
     Bartlett suggests that vacancies be declared for those who stay away from meetings 
more than three months.  He thinks the problem of non-attendance must be dealt with.
     His letter is good.

(                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
                                   Small Point, Me, 12 Aug. 1902

     Copy exists only in Chase papers.)

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Sept. 1902

     T. Chase present.  Three declarations in South Carolina.  Seven present.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Oct. 1902

     T. Chase absent; eight present, including Ioas and Doxsey.  The first time for the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Oct. 1902

     The House of Spir. has rented 84 East Adams St. for themselves and the Bahai 
Publishing Society.  T. Chase is present, as was Ioas, Lane (who, was absent for four 
months).  There is a letter from the women also!

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 Oct. 1902

     Meeting held in T. Chase's office; he's present.  C. Scheffler is officially added to the 
House of Spir., subject to Assembly approval.  "our new quarters were not quite ready 
for occupancy."  Mr Hoar is visiting.  The House of Spir. wrote back to the Women's 
Assembly of Teaching. Seven were present; none of the dissenters.

                Rufus Bartlett to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 25 Oct. 1902

     He's out of town.
     He was born on 20 May 1855.

                 Chicago House of Spir. to Baku

                                        4 Nov. 1902

     "We are sometimes called Babists, Babis, Behaists, Behais, Bahaists, and Bahais [by 
newspapers].  And this is because in this country everything is done in a hurry."
     There are meetings "nearly every afternoon and evening"; but they don't mention a 
public meeting.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sun. 24 Oct. 1902

     T. Chase present; eight total, including Lane and Ioas.  `Abdu'l-Bahá's reply to the 
supplication inviting Him to come to the USA to live.  C. Scheffler is accepted by the 
Assembly meeting held at the Bartlett's as a member of the House of Spir.
     First meeting in their new headquarters.  Abu'l-Fadl is going to Wash. D.C. for the 
winter because of his health.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Nov. 1902

     T. Chase is absent.  When is the Feast of the Master?  Soon.  They don't remember the 
date.  Ten are present, including Lane, Ioas, and a Mr. Maus, a visitor.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 Nov. 1902

     T. Chase absent, but he sent a telegram giving the date of the Feast of the Master.  T. 
Chase was in Denver.  Eleven were present, including Ioas, Lane, Greenleaf (first time 
in many months!)
     The Ladies wrote; they'll cooperate in the celebration of the Feast of the Master.

              House of Spir. to Edward F. Stoppard
                                        11 Nov. 1902

     Stoppard lives in Hillyard, WA.  He wrote saying he had received the first nine 
lessons "over two years ago" then he moved to WA.  Please send literature.  The House of 
Spir. decided to send a package of books.
     "The Publishing Society are getting out a catalogue of the books which they have on 

             House of Spir. to Assembly of Teaching
copy 83                                 9 Nov. 1902

     We're providing a hall for the Feast of the Master; can you provide the refreshments?  
A committee of the House of Spir. has been appointed to meet with them.  All Chicago 
Bahá'ís will receive notices of the event.
     We hope you approve.  We know you want to cooperate.
     The women replied immediately and most graciously--copied 83.

        Chicago House of Spir. to All American Believers
copy 83                                 12 Nov. 1902

     Regarding the Feast of the Master.  A description of last year's event is attached; 35 
were present.
     Twelve Bahá'í communities received the notice:
Louis Dixon -- Wash. D.C.          Andrew Nelson -- Racine
C. E. Sprague -- New York City     ---- Redeen -- Kenosha
Geo. Witte  -- Brooklyn            Jos. Hope -- Baltimore
James Br-ham -- Johnstown          Paul K. Dealy -- Fairhope
Ben. Taylor -- Cincinnati          -------         Oakland
Chas. Jones -- West Hoboken        -------         Ithaca

         Charles Sprague to the Bahai Publishing Society
                                        New York, 15 Nov. 1902

     The letter is probably from the New York Board, although it doesn't say so.  They have 
no weekly hall rented; they'll celebrate the Feast of the Master at the Dodge's house.  "We 
have no rooms we can call our own in New York and we are, at present, considering the 
advisability of dividing the city into sections and having a special meting in each district 
once a week.  We are about to issue [a] circular letter to the Believers giving the 
meetings and shall take pleasure in forwarding one to the Board in Chicago."
     That's half of the letter.  Signed by Sprague.  He says nothing about the Board of 
Counsel, and wrote the Publishing Society, not the House of Spir.!

               Andrew Nelson to the House of Spir.
                                        22 Nov. 1902

     We'll celebrate the Feast of the Master; sent special printed matter, if any.
     We meet regularly "Friday eve and Sunday P.M." We'd like to have someone come up 
some Sunday; we'll pay.
     We've had nothing new to read for 4 or 5 months.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 22 Nov. 1902

     T. Chase present, nine total, plus two guests.  Ioas, Lane present.  Arrangements for 
the Feast of the Master made.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 29 Nov. 1902

     T. Chase present; eight total, including Lane and Ioas.  Many communities celebrated 
the Feast of the Master; Kenosha, Ithaca.  150 attended the Chicago commemoration.  The 
celebration in New York was "a grand success."  Celebrations held in Racine, Johnstown, 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 6 Dec. 1902

     T. Chase absent.  Nine present, including Lane, Doxsey.  The House of Spir. wrote and 
thanked the ladies for their help.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 13 Dec. 1902

     T. Chase absent.  The New York Board of Counsel was reelected on 7 Dec. 1902.
     The House of Spir. discussed the holding of regular community meetings.  A committee 
was appointed to write the "Ladies Assembly of Teaching" regarding the matter.

                 `Ishqabad to the House of Spir.
copy 82                       4 p.      Ishqabad, 29 Nov. 1902

     Reply to the letter of the House of Spir.
     3 p. of the usual greetings; no content.
     p. 4 -- reference to the House of Worship; but brief.

                 Ishqabad to the House of Spir.
copy 82                   5 p.          Ishqabad, 10 Dec. 1902

     p. 1-4 -- The usual nothings.
     p. 4-5 -- Description of the cornerstone laying ceremony.

                     T. Chase to H. MacNutt
                                        Chicago, 22 Dec. 1902

     About publishing.  The copy is in the Chase pap.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 20 Dec. 1902

     T. Chase present.  He had been in the east.  Eleven present, plus one guest.  Letters to 
and from the ladies regarding meetings.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 27 Dec. 1902

     T. Chase present; eleven total.  Racine is starting a Sunday school.  A committee of 
three regarding meetings appointed.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1903

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Jan. 1903

     T. Chase present; 12 total, including one visitor. C. Scheffler writes to Rangoon.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             10 Jan. 1903

     T. Chase present.  Photo of the new New York Board of Counsel received.  Nine 
present, and two more as visitors.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             17 Jan. 1903

     T. Chase present.  Discussion of the preservation of tablets by `Abdu'l-Bahá; how 
can they keep a copy of them?  Ten present, including one as a guest.  An agenda of the 
House of Spir. meeting is drawn up.  A report from the committee on the weekly 
worship services is given.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 24 Jan. 1903

     T. Chase is absent.  Badi`u'llah has repented; the House of Spir. may call on 
Kheiralla.  Nine present.  A letter will be sent to all Chicago Bahá'ís regarding the 
Sunday meeting.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        31 Jan. 1903

     T. Chase to draft a letter about the Fast to be sent to all communities.  T. Chase 
present, ten total.  Thirty-six believers surprised Andrew Nelson in Racine with a 

       Women's Assembly of Teaching to the House of Spir.
                              2 p.      n.d. (Jan. 1903)

     The letter is by Mrs. Roe.  They are inviting the House of Spir. to their next 
"nineteen day social" on 22 Jan. 1903.  T. Chase and Fareed attended their last 
     "We should work together as the right and left hand--for our Master, Abdul Baha 
and for each other and the Cause of God."
     The letter is in the minutes after 31 Jan. 1903.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 7 Feb. 1903

     The House of Spir. looks into the rental of two halls; at the Masonic Temple and the 
Athanaeum.  A letter was received from the Women's Assembly of Teaching on weekly 
meetings, but there are no details.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Feb. 1903

     T. Chase absent; seven present, including Ioas, but not Doxsey and Lane.  T. Chase 
sent a letter to the House of Spir.
     Racine wrote; they have elected officers.  They say nothing about a consultative 
     Report of the Sunday meetings committee given.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 21 Feb. 1903

     T. Chase present.  Twelve total, including Doxsey, Lane, and Ioas.  [Doxsey is 
almost never at House of Spir. meetings; Ioas, Lane are there most of the time.]
     The next Women's nineteen day social is on 1 Mar.
     The House of Spir. heard from Ishqabad about the laying of the cornerstone of the 
House of Worship.  The letter was dated 29 Nov. 1902; it is in reply to their letter of 
9 Aug. 1902.

              Benjamin Taylor to the House of Spir.
                                        20 Feb. 1903

     "Your letter enclosing notice of the fast rec'd this morning.  Our people are still 
holding togeather [sic] some of the old ones are coming back and we are having a few 
visitors with us at times."
     That is 90% of the letter.

            Charles E. Sprague to the House of Spir.
                                        23 Feb. 1903

     Thank you for the letter about the Fast.  "A number of our people have been trying 
to get this data but seemed unable to do so, but this letter straightens matters very 
nicely for us.  Mr. Harris, the Secretary of the Board, will make the formal 
acknowledgment of the letter."
     90% of the letter.

         James Brittingham to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                        22 Feb. 1903

     He is writing on behalf of the Johnstown, N.Y. Bahá'ís.  He includes a photo of the 
community in the letter.  The Johnstown believers meet every Sunday, in different 
homes.  They are studying Abu'l-Fadl's book currently at the Sunday meetings.

          Mrs. R. Walters to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                        26 Feb. 1903

     She is writing on behalf of Kenosha.
     "I am in receipt of your letter to the Assembly regarding the Fast; and I have 
complied with your request and gave it to the Assembly and all those who possibly can 
are going to observe the Fast days."
     95% of the letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 28 Feb. 1903

     T. Chase present.  He read a eulogy of Thomas Breakwell.
     The Sunday meetings began in Chicago on 22 Feb. 1903.  Sixty were present at the 
meeting at the Athanaeum.  Mrs. True wrote and said she was pleased.
     A "Bahá'í" hymn book was published by the Publishing Society; it had all 
Protestant hymns [copy in House of Spir. Records].  Isaac Watts and others are 
     Letters regarding the Fast have been received from Racine, Kenosha, Johnstown, 
N.Y. and New York City.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy                                    7 Mar. 1903

     T. Chase present.  The House of Spir. discussed building a Temple.  Several 
committees were appointed.  One will write a supplication to `Abdu'l-Bahá.  Another 
will find a site.  T. Chase will interest other communities.  Each of the eleven 
members present pledged $100, for a total of $1100.00
     T. Chase is preparing a letter about Ridvan.  
     House of Spir. read a letter acknowledging their letter about the Fast from Mrs. 
Mary Morton of Baltimore.  Another one was read from Charles T. Jones on behalf of 
Hoboken.  They also received photographs of the laying of the cornerstone of the 
Ishqabad Temple, and sketch of the Temple in a letter from Ahmad Yazdi.  They 
received a letter from Asadu'llah also urging them to build a Temple.
     They printed the "Tablet of Love"; Baltimore thanked them for sending them copies.
     Dr. Bartlett acted as chairman in the absence of Mr. Bender, who was ill.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Mar. 1903

     No notes.  T. Chase wrote the House of Spir. from Detroit on 12 Mar. 1903.  He 
may be home in time for the Feast on 22 Mar.  He missed the 14 Mar. meeting.

                   Songs of Prayer and Praise

     The first Bahá'í hymn book printed; all Protestant hymns.  By the Bahai 
Publishing Society.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
copy 82                                 about 7 Mar. 1903

     The supplication of the House of Spir. to build a Temple.

   North Hudson Board of Counsel to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                   West Hoboken, 8 Mar. 1903

     Written by Chas. T. Jones, sec'y.
     The letter acknowledges the communication of the House of Spir. "in regard, to 
keeping the great Feast Day."

           Hoboken Board of Counsel to House of Spir.
                                        31 Mar. 1903

     Signed by "C.T. Jones sec'y."
     The Hoboken Assembly has grown little in the past year, but it is deeper.
     "I received your circular regarding the commands for Fasting and I think most of 
our people are keeping it."
     New York asked them to teach in Newark, "which had been allowed to lag.  So we are 
holding regular weekly meetings there now, and the Cause is progressing very 
nicely."  He hopes Newark soon will have an "Assembly" and a "Board."  This month 
the New York Board is responsible for the Newark meetings.

              Charlotte Colt to the House of Spir.
                                        Wash. D.C., 19 Mar. 1903

     She writes on behalf of the Wash. D.C. friends.  Please send future communications 
to Mrs. C. C. Dixon.
     Thank you regarding the fast: "We feel sure a great spiritual blessing will come to 
all who have observed it in the true spirit--"  She goes on to talk about physical and 
spiritual fasting; both together is "light upon light."
     Colt is in Wash. D.C. only temporarily.
     Thank you regarding "the feast" [Naw-Ruz] also.

                Chas. E. Sprague to Mr. G. Lesch
                                        20 Mar. 1903

     "The Ladies Board held an election last Friday night, so we presume there will be 
no official Feast on the 21st.  The Hoboken Assembly will have a social and we have 
been invited to meet with them.  I presume a great many of our people will go."
     90% of the letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 Mar. 1903

     T. Chase present; eight total.  A letter from New York City thanking them for 
notification of Naw-Ruz was received.  Letters of thanks from Cincinnati, Hoboken, 
Johnstown, N.Y. also.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 Mar. 1903

     T. Chase absent; nine present, including Doxsey and Lane, but not Ioas.  Lane is 
visiting Kenosha every other week; A. Agnew, C. Scheffler visited Racine last week.  
Various committees were appointed.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Apr. 1903

     T. Chase writes from Detroit on 3 Apr. 1903, a letter of encouragement to the 
House of Spir.  "And, also, the heavy obligations and responsibility that is laid upon 
the shoulders of those burden-bearers, God's `House of Spirituality,' looms like a 
mountain before us."
     Only five members of the House of Spir. are present.
     The photo from Johnstown, N.Y. arrived; eight Bahá'ís are in the picture.
     A letter from Milwaukee was received, and one from Kenosha, Mrs. Harman sec'y.
     Miss May Allen has moved from LaGrange to Akron, Ohio; she will spread the 
Message there. [She is later Mrs. May Allen Brooker; see her Historical Record Card.]

            Mrs. Harman, sec'y, to the House of Spir.

     She is the "sec'y" and mentions the Assembly appointing a committee for a task; so 
Kenosha is still functioning as a community.

                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
                                        Detroit, 3 Apr. 1903

     Cross reference of a letter that is found in the T. Chase Papers.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Apr. 1903

     T. Chase telegrammed, he's out of town.  Six House of Spir. members present.  T. 
Chase wrote a letter for the House of Spir. dated Chicago, 5 Apr. 1903.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             18 Apr. 1903

     T. Chase present; eight total.  He had been in Zanesville, Cincinnati.  Met the 
Wilhelms in Zanesville; they're firm believers.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 Apr. 1903

     T. Chase present.  Letter from Andrew J. Nelson on behalf of the Racine Bahá'ís, 
dated 23 Apr. 1903 (see record below).
     The House of Spir. received several thank yous for their notice about Ridvan; six 
communities wrote: New York, Kenosha, Racine, Johnstown, Oakland, Wash. D.C.
     The House of Spir. dedicated the evening to planning for Ridvan celebration.
     Nine present, including T. Chase.

                Helen S. Goodall to Mr. G. Lesch
                                        Oakland, 21 Apr. 1903

     Thank you for the announcement.

                 Mrs. R. Walters to Mr. G. Lesch
                                        Kenosha, 22 Apr. 1903

     The song book has arrived, and "Before Abraham Was I Am" also.  Please send 
more.  I have taken the announcement about Ridvan over to our meeting place.

                  Andrew J. Nelson to G. Lesch
                                        Racine, 23 Apr. 1903

     "Many Thanks for Your Kindness and to the House of Justice in Chicago in General 
they are as a Parent to us, advising Us and informing us in fact teaching us like a 
Mother does a child and if You did not we would remain ignorant of much, that we 
should know regarding `El Abha.'" [sic]

                   Charles Sprague to G. Lesch
                                        28 Apr. 1903

     Thank you for the Ridvan notice.
     The letter is written on stationary that says: Charles E. Sprague / Publishing 
Agent / for / Behai's Board of Counsel /  191 William Street / New York /  Where 
"/" means a new line.  All the lines are centered.

                     E. C. Dixon to G. Lesch
                                        Wash. D.C., 30 Apr. 1903

     Thank you for the announcement about Ridvan.

             Mirza Asadu'llah to the House of Spir.
copy 82                                 Haifa, 4 May 1903

     The first House of Justice was in Chicago.  He is clear about it!

                Andrew J. Nelson to Mr. A. Agnew
                                        7 May 1903

     Please ask Mrs. Br-ham to come up from Chicago on Sunday to Racine.
     Nelson has moved into a new house and has a new baby girl.

           Mrs. Charlotte Morton to the House of Spir.
                                        11 May 1903

     Milwaukee celebrated Ridvan "one week ago yesterday."  She now lives in West 
Allis, WI, 7 or 8 miles from Milwaukee.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 May 1903

     Rufus Bartlett is in New Orleans; he visited with Dealy.  T. Chase has been called 
away on business [he is in Denver].  Four members of the House of Spir. are present, 
plus Mr. Farley, a proxy for Mr. Lane.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 May 1903

     T. Chase wrote from Denver that he could not be present.  Good news from Denver.  
He describes the community.  The letter is dated 7 May 1903.  He has been in Denver 
since 1 May.  Mrs. Bryant, apparently, is a Bahá'í there.  The House of Spir. is still 
getting Ridvan thank you notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 May 1903

     T. Chase present; seven total.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 May 1903

     T. Chase present; ten total.  They celebrated the birthday of `Abdu'l-Bahá; the 
Ladies Assembly did on 23 May and the whole community on Sunday, 24 May.

                    T. Chase to Frank Osborne
                                        Chicago, 18 May 1903

     Osborne is in Brooklyn, N.Y.
     Cross reference; the letter is in the T. Chase Papers.

             Mirza Asadu'llah to the House of Spir.
                                        Haifa, 4 Safar 1321 (1903)
                                        trans. 23 May 1903

     "A year ago this day I left Chicago en route to Acca."

         Zella H. Mulvane, sec'y, to the House of Spir.
                                        29 May 1903

     "At the last meeting of the Bahai Young People's Society it was decided to change the 
next monthly meeting into a `moonlight picnic' at Lincoln Park June 20th."
     They want to invite the whole Assembly; please announce their plans on Sunday.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 May 1903

     T. Chase absent; seven present.  `Abdu'l-Bahá endorses the building of the Temple.  
The Bahá'í Young People's Society plans a moonlight picnic.  Mrs. Br-ham is in 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 June 1903

     T. Chase present; nine total.  Some Temple business is discussed regarding the 
buying of land.  A letter from Asadu'llah in Akka suggests that he suggested the idea in 
the first place.  Dr. Bartlett asks regarding his regular Wednesday meeting.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 June 1903

     T. Chase present; ten total.  Also, Mrs. Br-ham.  She will visit inactive Bahá'ís.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 June 1903

     T. Chase present; nine total.

               House of Spir. to Mirza Asadu'llah
                                        Chicago, 19 June 1903

     There is a vacancy on the House of Spir.; how do we fill it?  "whether the House of 
Spirituality has the privilege to invite and elect a new member; whether such an 
election, if made, should be submitted for approval to those who gather in the general 
weekly meeting; or whether some other method is described by our Master (Rouhi 
fedah!)."  They ask Asadu'llah his advice.

House of Spir. of the Behais Zoroastrian of Tehran to House of Spir.
                                        Tehran, 29 June 1903

     The original is in slightly broken English.  Another letter from the Zoroastrian 
Bahá'ís of Tehran has nine signatures and nine seals; there is a signature over each 
seal.  The beginning of the letter, which is in Persian, says:
     az ma,h,zar-i-raw,h'an'i-i-zardusht'i'an-i-bah'a''i dar te,hr'an 'ir'an
     ma,h,zar-i-raw,h'an'i-i-bah'a''i'an'-i-'amir'ik dar sh'ik'aghu [Chicago]

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 June 1903

     T. Chase absent; eight present.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 July 1903

     T. Chase absent; seven present.  They discuss the Temple only.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 July 1903

     T. Chase present; eight total.  T. Chase had been in Cleveland.  He mentions two 
Bahá'ís there.
     T. Chase apparently was absent for meetings of 15, 22, 29 Aug. and 5 Sept. 1903

                Telegrams to the Persian Ministry
     Sarah Farmer sends one for "Beha"is of Green-Acre."
     G. Lesch sends one, 8 Aug. 1903, "Bahais of Chicago beg His Majesty's protection 
for Bahais in Persia."

                      E. Voelz to G. Lesch
                                        Kenosha, 14 Aug. 1903

     We would have sent a cable to Persia, but couldn't afford to.  We should have done it 
jointly with Racine, but didn't.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 Aug. 1903

     No notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Aug. 1903

     Letters were read, and there was general discussion.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Aug. 1903

     Lane gave a report of teaching efforts in Michigan [MI]; it was read by Mr. Hayes 
and Mr. Anderson (of Muskegon?].

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Sept. 1903

     A letter to be sent to Ishqabad was read and approved.

                   House of Spir. to Ishqabad
                                        5 Sept. 1903

     Ishqabad wrote to Chicago on 25 May; it wa received and read at the 18 July 
     We received your letter and one from Asadu'llah at the same time.  Both of them 
prompted us to decide to build a House of Worship.  Please send us a detailed 
description of your Temple.

                  Account of Martyrdoms in Iran

     by Haji Mirza Haydar `Ali, translated by Yunis Khan on 19 Sept. 1903.  26 p.

                 Chicago House of Spir. to Baku
                                        Oct. 1903

     The regular meetings in Chicago are well attended, "even during the excessive heat 
of midsummer."  The older believers are becoming firmly grounded.

           House of Spir. to the Assembly of Teaching
                                        23 Oct. 1903

     The letter is written to Mrs. Frances Roe, corresponding secretary.  It asks for 
their help in planning the Master's Day.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.

     Windust writes on the inside cover of the book that during the latter part of 1903 
and the latter part of 1904 minutes were very erratic.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 Oct. 1903

     T. Chase present.  He just returned from a long trip to Denver and Cincinnati.  He 
took the minutes.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        Chicago, 29 Oct. 1903.

     The letter is by T. Chase.  It is the minutes of the House of Spir. for their 25 Oct. 
     The New Thought convention is in three weeks.  Mrs. Br-ham will speak.
     Sister Sanghamitta gives an account of how Mr. Phelps's book was written.
     T. Chase was in Denver, Cincinnati.  The Faith has small numbers, but they are 
growing in their faith.
     Chicago's Sunday meetings are well attended.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        Chicago, 26 Nov. 1903

     The letter was probably composed by T. Chase; its in his style.
     Should we spell it "Baha" or "Beha"?  Please give us a ruling.
     [Also see letters by T. Chase to Putnam's Sons, Publishers; E. G. Browne (2 
letters); Myron Phelps; and Sister Sanghamitta all about this time, all in the T. Chase 

                Frances Roe to the House of Spir.
                         736 N. Park Ave., Chicago, 5 Dec. 1903

     The women have a "Board of nineteen."
     Mrs. Br-ham wrote them and "has suggested to us the blessedness of a joint 
meeting at least once a month for devotion."  We'd like to do this with you.  The first 
proposed meeting time will be 2 Jan. 1904, at Mrs. True's home.
     There will be a "Unity League" at the Saint Louis World's Fair.  Perhaps we could 
participate.  We should ask `Abdu'l-Bahá.
     Roe is "Cor Sect"--I checked spelling on 2 June 1986, it is exactly this.  There is 
no period after "Cor" or "Sect".

              Clarence Smith to the House of Spir.
                                        Honolulu, 8 Dec. 1903

     The letter is to Mr. Charles Greenleaf, c/o Illinois Trust and Savings Bank.
     Honolulu has four believers; they are writing to introduce themselves and say 
     "At the first meeting of the four believers here... held last Saturday afternoon...." 

                  House of Spir. to Frances Roe
                                        Chicago, 16 Dec. 1903

     The House of Spir. will meet with the Women's Board on 2 Jan. as arranged.
     So far we're against working with the Unity League.  We'll talk to you about it.  
Miss Farmer, Mrs. Mary Ford may do so on their own; let's hope all will be the best 
for the Cause.

                     House of Spir. to Baku
                                        Chicago, 31 Dec. 1903

     No notes.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1904

                Miscellaneous Newspaper clipping
                                        Jan. 1904

     It says: "Central Church of the Manifestation.  Service at 3:30 PM 14 Crilly Court 
near Eugenie St., conducted by Dr. I. G. Kheiralla."  Sunday Tribune, 1 Jan. 1904

                H. B. Reynolds to Albert Windust
copy 83                                 Jan. 1904

     Reynolds in "Chairman of Committee" of the Central Church of the Manifestation; 
Kheiralla's followers.  He writes asking the Bahá'ís to join them.
     Windust adds to the letter that they never replied.

                    T. Chase to C. Scheffler
copy 83                       2 p.      Denver, 9 Mar. 1904

     T. Chase complains about a deplorable translation of a tablet to Dodge; it must not 
be spread around.  Fareed should see the original.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá's fallibility and infallibility are clearly understood.  T. Chase says 
`Abdu'l-Bahá does not know of material acts unless informed.
     Denver is doing well.  There were 27 at the last Sunday afternoon meeting.  Last 
night there were 30.  Bahá'ís only attended the meeting Friday night.  Next Sunday is a 
gathering for all.

                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
                                        Denver, 10 Mar. 1904

     Cross reference; see T. Chase papers.

          House of Spir. to Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Ort
                                        26 Mar. 1904

     We are sorry that no women read at the recent Sunday meeting.  We didn't notice.

                    House of Spir. to Tiflis
                                        23 May 1904

     `Abdu'l-Bahá's birthday; we unite with you.  It is His 60th birthday.
     Please send us news.

               Bernard Jacobsen to House of Spir.
                                        Kenosha, 2 June 1904

     "I want to ask some advice in regard to having a Men's Board established here we 
have had a meeting of the male believers and it is their desire that we form some sort 
of Board for the transaction of the business end here, the House of Spirituality you 
have is it for the American believers or are we to have same in each city? ....or should 
it be called by some other name?"
     He asks about the Bahá'í marriage ceremony.  A couple is to be married soon.  Has 
`Abdu'l-Bahá told us how to do this?  He's never heard.  They do not want ministers; 
Jacobsen suggested a Justice of the Peace.
     "I must thank you for all your kind and comforting words spoken at the Memorial 
of my Beloved Sister, Mrs. Thime; she was truly a most firm believer: she was the 
first student I had in Chicago and she was always desirous of spreading this Holy 
     "Our little Assembly here is prospering quite a little and we have and [sic] 
number of new students on the way.  I am going to send you a roster of the believers 
here as soon as I get it more complete I have been working on it since I came here and 
have visited and [sic] number of those who became a little careless in attending 
meetings, but am having fair success..."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        19 June 1904

     News of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee; the last has 10-12 believers now.  The 
Duffields of Milwaukee are "firm believers."  Milwaukee wishes to rent a hall.
     Kenosha is growing.  Several opposers have returned.
     Racine is in good shape also ("good condition").
     The nineteen day tea of the Chicago women was on 11 June; several men attended.
     T. Chase read a paper, "New Heaven and New Earth" at the Unity League meeting at 
the St. Louis World's Fair.
     We will work with New Though as individuals--not as a body; Mrs. True wrote the 
New Thought people to that effect.  The decision was made in Jan. 1904.
     The Winterburns have passed through town.  They spoke of the unity they saw in 
Paris and Akka.
     T. Chase present.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 June 1904

     T. Chase appointed chairman; Ameen Fareed secretary; Thime vice chairman; C. 
Scheffler treasurer.  A committee to draft a constitution for the House of Spir. was 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.

                                        30 June 1904

     T. Chase absent; only four present.  T. Chase was in the east during the summer, 
visiting Green Acre and other places; so Windust notes on the bottom of the page.
     Currier was present; I checked this document for his name on 2 June 1986.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 July 1904

     T. Chase present; eight total.  The House of Spir. decided to write `Abdu'l-Bahá 
about number of members on the body.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 July 1904

     T. Chase absent, only six present.  No notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 July 1904

     T. Chase present; seven total.  The constitution was modified and approved.  They 
held an election: T. Chase is President, A. Agnew is Vice President, G. Lesch is 
recording secretary, Ameen Fareed is corresponding secretary, C. Scheffler is 
treasurer, and Windust is librarian.
     Committees were formally established also.
     The librarian writes all the Bahá'ís in the USA asking for tablets for the archives.
     No minutes until 3 Sept. 1904; there were only two to four members at each 
meeting to handle emergency items.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Sept. 1904.

     T. Chase present; he had been in the east.  Bernard Jacobsen present as a guest [I 
checked this fact on 2 June 1986].  Tablets are coming in; 22 have already been filed.  
No opposition to collecting them has surfaced.  The circulars have just been sent out.

                  House of Spir. to Ahmad Yazdi
                                        Chicago, 9 Sept. 1904

     The letter is by T. Chase.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Sept. 1904

     T. Chase present; six total.
     The House of Spir. has received an account of his pilgrimage from George 
     Mrs. Benjamin Taylor has died in Cincinnati.
     [I re-read the minutes to be sure I had been thorough as far as here; 1 Apr. 

               House of Spir. to George Winterburn
                                        12 Sept. 1904

     "Your letter was read before the Chicago Assembly and was keenly appreciated by 
the fifty or more who were present."
     They stress the importance of firmness in the Covenant.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Sept. 1904

     T. Chase present; seven total.  He was out of town part of the time to 15 Oct. 1904, 
in northern Wisconsin [WI].  Meetings until then were informal [Windust must add 
     Mr. Thime will not "be present for some time because of campaign work."  [So--
he was involved in politics.]
     Bender works at night; doing what?
     Various items of correspondence are attached.
     A. Agnew and Windust also were away for a month.

       James Brittingham to G. Lesch, Secr, House of Spir.
                                        New York, 30 Sept. 1904

     Thank you for the get well letter.  He has an enlarged heart.
     James Brittingham went to meetings in Newark, Montclair, and New York City.  At 
the latter there were large gatherings; "a goodly number were present."  In New York 
City three meetings are held regularly; he attended all three of them several times; 
they are at the homes of the Dodges, Spragues, and MacNutts.  The last home is in 
     The letter was received in Chicago on 15 Oct. 1904.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             15 Oct. 1904

     Seven present, including Ameen Fareed.
     The Bahai Publishing Society submits a plan to publish the Hidden Words and a 
compilation of tablets.  The House of Spir. approved.  [Windust adds a note--they 
were published about 1 Mar. 1905.]
     Plans discussed for a meeting of Women's Assembly of Teaching officers and House 
of Spir. officers.  T. Chase, as President of the House of Spir., will arrange the 

           George F. Winterburn to the House of Spir.
                         410 Temple St., Los Ang., 20 Sept. 1904

     Thank you for your letter of appreciation.
     He spells it Abdul Beha.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             22 Oct. 1904

     T. Chase present; seven total, including Fareed.
     Thirty tablets have been received because of the circular.
     A meeting with the women is discussed.  Funds are a major issue, especially 
regarding the Temple.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
copy 83                                      Oct. 1904

     The letter summarizes American Bahá'í activity during the summer and fall.
     Bahá'í books in the Chicago libraries.
     "Bahai Faith."
     Chicago meetings are well attended.
     Mr. Hoar visited; all publishing will be done by Chicago.
     Tablets are being collected.
     Cleveland is progressing well.
     Kenosha is more united.  The Nakazeen there are returning to the fold.  Jacobsen is 
its main stay.
     Racine, Milwaukee, Muskegon are progressing.
     A constitution and officers of the House of Spir. have been chosen.
     Abu'l-Fadl will soon leave the USA.

       Special Meeting of the House of Spir. and the Women
copy 83                                 25 Oct. 1904

     Mrs. True, Shaffner, Lesch, Waite, Phillips are present; so are Messrs. T. Chase, 
A. Agnew, G. Lesch, C. Scheffler, Fareed, and Windust.
     Tuesday noon meetings; Mrs. Shaffner runs them.
     Tuesday evening meetings at T. Chase's to study the Iqan with Fareed in Persian; its 
purpose is to raise up a corpus of dedicated teachers.
     A meetings committee will visit all the meetings in the city.
     A finance committee will plan what to spend money on.
     A publicity committee; C. Scheffler only is appointed to it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Oct. 1904

     T. Chase present; the meeting is held at his house, as many recently have been.  
Eight present.  Three letters discussed.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Nov. 1904
     T. Chase present; at his house.  Chase is asked by the chair of a New Thought group 
to attend and offer a toast.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 Nov. 1904

     T. Chase absent.  The history of the Faith is discussed.  They think it should be 
compiled.  Letters will be sent to all Assemblies about the upcoming Master's Day.

               House of Spir. to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl
copy 83                                 29 Oct. 1904

     A copy of the letter also exists in the T. Chase papers; I copied the copy there also.
     Abu'l-Fadl is about to leave; it is a thank you note for his efforts to teach the Faith 
in the USA.

       Mr. and Mrs. Francis William Breed to House of Spir.

     Marriage announcement of Ali Kuli Khan and Florence May Breed, to take place on 
28 Oct. 1904 in Boston, Mass.

      Charles Currier (for House of Spir.) to Ali Kuli Khan
                                        14 Nov. 1904

     Congratulations on your marriage.
     Khan's address is 22 Marlborough St., Boston.

            Chicago House of Spir. to all communities
copy 83                                 18 Nov. 1904

     Circular letter regarding the Master's Day.  It has a good treatment of the station of 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 19 Nov. 1904

     T. Chase absent.  A list of Assemblies, secretaries and addresses to which to send 
Master's Day notice is included; sixteen places in all: Honolulu, Cleveland, San Fran., 
Los Ang., New York City, Baltimore, Jersey City, Wash. D.C., Philadelphia, Kenosha, 
Racine, Milwaukee, Muskegon, Denver, Cincinnati, Johnstown.

                House of Spir. to Benjamin Taylor
                                        19 Nov. 1904

     Taylor's address is given as the Fourth National Bank, C=nti.
     It is cover letter with circular letters to distribute to all Cincinnati Bahá'ís about 
preserving tablets by `Abdu'l-Bahá in the Chicago Bahá'í archives.
     A copy of the letter went to Remey too.
     The Chicago Bahá'ís have already received copies of the circular, and are already 
mailing in their tablets.

        Mrs. Waite to the House of Spir. and to Mrs. Nash
                                        rec'd 26 Nov. 1904

     The letter apparently is undated.  The first letter is the the House of Spir. and is a 
cover letter only.
     The second letter [attached to the first] is to Mrs. Nash, expressing grief that 
there is disharmony between the two of them, and expressing gratitude to Mrs. Nash 
for introducing her to the Faith.

                  House of Spir. to Abu'l-Fadl
                         Feast of the Master; 26 Nov. 1904

     Say hello to `Abdu'l-Bahá for us, and to Asadu'llah and Yazdi.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Dec. 1904

     Various letters listed.
     News from Mrs. Haney; there is a Bahai Unity League for Ladies in New York, also 
a Gentlemen's meeting at Mr. Kinney's home.  Maybe the ladies meet there too.
     "Bahai Unity League for Ladies" is the exact title.  I checked it 2 June 1986.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Nov. 1904

     T. Chase present; six total.
     Mr. Remey has distributed 95 copies of the "First Commune" to celebrate the 
"Master's Day."  [It is the real "First Commune" too; its in the records.]
     Various letters read [see notes following].

   Bernard Jacobsen, Pres, Kenosha Assembly to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 1 Dec. 1904

     We enjoyed the Master's Day.
     Back in Sept. we held two meetings a week; one uptown, one at Mrs. Redeen's.  Now 
we have a second hall and meeting uptown each week.  It can hold 75-80.  "The Cause 
is progressing most gloriously now and many Old Believers who had drifted away are 
now attending the Meetings and New Converts are coming right along.
     ...on the Manifestation's Birthday we had 65 Believers and Visitors out a splendid 
time and happy gathering it was.  it so filled us with energy that on the Masters Day 
our Hall was filled to its full capacity... there were about 90 People out."  If things 
keep going like this, we'll need a new hall.
     Sunday meetings are well attended; many prominent people are coming, including 
the head of the Christian Science church in Kenosha, last Sunday.
     The Nakazeen are no longer giving trouble.
     The Kenosha Bahá'ís are now as large as some local churches.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Dec. 1904

     T. Chase present.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                          4 p.          Chicago. 4 Dec. 1904

     Five Bahá'ís in the east are trying to become in perfect unity; and this includes 
sexual unity!  The House of Spir. begs `Abdu'l-Bahá for a tablet to clarify the matter.
     The letter may be by T. Chase.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Dec. 1904

     T. Chase present.  Discussion of Mrs. Waite's concert.

                     House of Spir. to Baku
                                        Dec. 1904

     No news.

             Bernard Jacobsen to the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 Kenosha, 13 Dec. 1904

     Dr. Kheiralla and Shua`u'llah came to Kenosha two Sundays ago.  They were 
interviewed in the newspapers; what should we do?  Should we answer them?  
Jacobsen will meet them, if necessary, to protect the Faith.  He fears trouble.
     At present, Kheiralla and Shua`u'llah are in St. Louis.
     The Kenosha Bahá'ís will order a copy of the Iqan.  They are ordering Unitarian 
Song Books.
     Mrs. Lesch is sending tablets all the time to them; thank you, and keep it up!

                  G. Lesch to Bernard Jacobsen
                                        16 Dec. 1904

     G. Lesch wrote back immediately, before the House of Spir. met.  He said, just 
ignore Kheiralla and Shua`u'llah.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Dec. 1904

     T. Chase present.  Kenosha has troubles with the Nakazeen.  Mrs. Waite's concert is 

            Chicago Assembly to the Kenosha Assembly
                                        24 Dec. 1904

     A description of the Chicago celebration of the Feast of the Master.
     The station of the Master.

     [Note: there is a series of thank you letters to non-Bahá'ís for performing at the 
Bahai Temple Fund concert.  I didn't take notes on them.]

             Clarence H. Smith to the House of Spir.
                                        Honolulu, 8 Dec. 1904

     Thank you for the announcement about the Feast of the Master.  Recently, the 
number of Bahá'ís here grew from three to five.

                House of Spir. to Clarence Smith
                                        Chicago, [Dec.] 1904

     Thank you for your letter.  A beautiful, encouraging reply.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 31 Dec. 1904

     T. Chase present.  The House of Spir. decides they won't talk about finances at the 
Sunday meetings unless it is absolutely necessary.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1905

         House of Spir. to "Our Oriental Bahai Brothers"
                                        Chicago, 1 Jan. 1905

     Signed by T. Chase.  The letter is printed on one 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper, 
typeset in English on one side with the Persian calligraphic version on the other.  The 
two pages consist almost solely of greetings.

       Mrs. Charlotte Morton to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                   West Allis, WI, 9 Jan. 1905

     The letter gives an account of the healing of her daughter in law.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Jan. 1905

     T. Chase present.  A special meeting with the Women's Assembly.  List of active 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Jan. 1905

     T. Chase present.  They read a few letters.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 Feb. 1905

     T. Chase present.  The Kenosha believers present said that a Board of nine men had 
been established in their city.
     No minutes were taken for the meetings of 21-28 Jan., or for 4, 11, 25 Feb. and 
4, 11 Mar.  Seven meetings are missing.  A note by Fannie Lesch says this.

            Minutes of the New York Board of Counsel
copy                                    27 Jan. 1905

     Copy in Chicago House of Spir. records.  Present at the meeting were William 
Hoar, Arthur P. Dodge, W. Hooper Harris, Andrew Hutchinson, Frank E. Osborne, and 
William C. Dodge.  The last is secretary and the first is chairman.  They agree to let 
the Chicago House of Spir. do all publishing henceforth.

              Charles Mason Remey to House of Spir.
                                        Wash. D.C., 15 Feb. 1905

     They are sending 43 tablets to the archives.

                Mrs. Waite to the House of Spir.
                                        13 Feb. 1905

     Her house is now open to believers every Wednesday afternoon, to study the words 
of `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                    A. Agnew to William Hoar

     The letter is all about the publication of the Hidden Words; how many, what cost, 
how long, when it will be available, etc.  The book has just been typeset.

                 Mrs. True to the House of Spir.
                                        11 Feb. 1905

     Mrs. True submitted a statement to the House of Spir. to be read at the Sunday 
meeting regarding a newspaper article about a supposed Bahá'í who committed suicide.  
"Consultation with the Beloved is one one of the corner stones of our Cause" she says.  
They decided against reading the statement.

     Louis J. Voelz, Sec'y of Kenosha, to the House of Spir.
                                        n.d.; about Feb. 1905

     Their hall is "almost too small" for their Sunday meetings.
     Mrs. Frankie Benning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benning, has died; they had 
funeral services at 10:30 AM on Sunday 22 Jan. 1905.  "The services were very 
     Voelz calls the Kenosha Bahá'ís "Bahaists."  Someone--Windust, I guess--crossed 
out the last two letters.

          Louis J. Voelz, Sec'y, to the House of Spir.
                                        12 Mar. 1905

     Is it "customary to observe the Feast of Nayrooz.  Kindly let me hear from you."
     Note on the bottom "answered yes, 3/16/05 - G. Lesch."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 25 Mar. 1905

     Eight present.
     Colonel Fitz-Gerald of Tacoma, WA, requests letters of recommendation as a Bahá'í 
     200 copies of tablets received.
     "Mr. Greenleaf suggested that we devote our efforts toward strengthening the 
downtown meeting, with the idea of attracting some of the old believers who had 
apparently fallen away, as well as strangers, and also that notice of group meetings be 
made regularly."

             George T. Winterburn to House of Spir.
                                        21 Feb. 1905

     Mr. and Mrs. John F. Manning "wrote their supplication to our dear Master" "last 
     The Winterburns moved to Los Ang. in Sept. 1904, apparently.
     Mr. Winterburn knew Mr. Manning in California in 1887-88.
     Dr. and Mrs. Tizzard became Bahá'ís slightly earlier: "the first four people in Los 
Angeles to whom I spoke of the Teachings and they have all accepted..."
     Regular Friday evening meetings; the ladies meet every nineteen days.
     Mrs. Goodall came down for a week on vacation and helped.

    Mrs. Corinne True to Mr. Thornton Chase (House of Spir.)
copy 83                                 23 Mar. 1905

     Couldn't we buy 475 West Monroe and make it our Temple?
     The Women's Assembly can give $500.00
     "we have more West Side believers that any other side."

               Frieda Luehr to Mr G. Lesch, sec'y
                                   Goodwin, Neb., 20 Mar. 1905

     She is writing "in commemoration of the great feast day."  A letter to be read to the 
     The letter to the Assembly is attached:
     "Greetings of joy to all the Dear Friends in commemoration of the Feast day, 
following the blessed Fast--"  Apparently she has fasted, too,  She knows the "light 
upon light" quote, regarding both spiritual and material fasting.
     Miss Pauline Luehr, her sister, has become a Bahá'í "and has also kept the 
material Fast."
     She then quotes the 100th Psalm!

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 Mar. 1905

     T. Chase present; seven total.  Letters were discussed, and renting a hall for the 
next year.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 Mar. 1905

     T. Chase present.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Apr. 1905

     T. Chase present.  Improvements on Sunday meetings are approved.  In a letter to 
`Abdu'l-Bahá, undated, the House of Spir. says they have collected 200 tablets and 
have placed them in a safety deposit box.

               House of Spir. to Miss Frieda Luehr
                                        Chicago, 31 Mar. 1905

     Thank you for your beautiful letter read at the Sunday meeting.
     Naw-Ruz celebration at Mrs. True's home, evening of 21 Mar. 1905.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        n.d.; about Naw-Ruz 1905

     A literature agreement between Chicago and New York has been arranged.  Mr. 
Remey consults with us too.
     Kenosha has doubled in size. Shua`u'llah visited there, but had no effect.
     Mrs. Getsinger, Mr. Harris are visiting Wash. D.C. and helping to teach there.
     Growth in Los Ang. has occurred.
     "Col. Fitzgerald is delivering a series of lecture" "in Tacoma and Seattle Wash 
     Mrs. Haney "is giving the Message" in Minneapolis.
     Mrs. Bryant is in Denver.
     The House of Spir. has 200 tablets in the vault now.
     Mrs. Waite's concert was a success.  The money is to be used to publish the Hidden 
Words and other writings.
     The House of Spir. has sent a letter to the Oriental communities.
     C. Scheffler wrote the letter; its seven pages long.

House of Spir. of the Holy City, Akka, to the House of Spir. of                              
B4F12                           3 p.    Akka, 4 Apr. 1905

     The letter isn't about anything in particular.  Its a general, exhortatory letter.  It 
mentions `Abdu'l-Bahá's pleasure at having a Temple built in the West.
     The Persian original was translated by Sinore Muzaffar Raffie of the University of 
Chicago on 15 May 1905.
     Did a House of Spir. really exist in Akka?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 15 Apr. 1905

     T. Chase present.  Letter on Ridvan being mailed to all Assemblies in the USA.  
Chicago's celebration to be on Sunday 23 Apr.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 22 Apr. 1905

     T. Chase present; eight total, and one from Bernard Jacobsen of Kenosha.
     Letter of the House of Spir. to the USA Bahá'ís dated 17 April 1905 explains 
Ridvan, the three Holy Days in it, etc.  It is necessary for Bahá'ís to refrain from 
work on the three days, if possible.  "The remainder of the evening was devoted to 
considering the difficulties encountered by Mr. Jacobsen in Kenosha, one of which was 
that of eradicating excessive drink habit, manifested by a few of the friends, which 
had proved detrimental to the Cause."
     Letter to `Abdu'l-Bahá acknowledging the tablet of Love.

            House of Spir. Circular Letter on Ridvan
copy 83                                 Chicago, 17 Apr. 1905

     The first, ninth, and twelfth days are Holy Days; the first is 21 April; it 
commemorates Bahá'u'lláh's declaration.  One should not work on those days.
     Chicago will celebrate it on Sunday 23 Apr.; Easter!

              Charles Mason Remey to House of Spir.
                                        __ Apr. 1905

     The Wash. D.C. Bahá'ís have established a Bahá'í "summer camp"--it sounds like a 
summer school.  It is at Colonial Beach, VA, a summer resort.  Mrs. Barnitz taught the 
Faith there for several summers.  They hope a well-known Bahá'í teacher will come.  
Tents will be pitched at Camp Mineola in July and Aug. only.  They will teach the 
Bahá'í Faith only; not comparative religion, like Green Acre.

            Andrew J. Nelson to Mr. and Mrs. A. Agnew
                                        13 Apr. 1905

     They just got a copy of the new edition of the Hidden Words.
     They just had a son--Russell Effendi, born 19 Feb. 1905.

          Louis J. Voelz, Sec'y, to the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 Kenosha, 2 Apr. 1905

     Naw-Ruz celebrated at headquarters the evening of 21 Mar.  They read tablets; 
Jacobsen spoke; then they had musical numbers and refreshments.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        Chicago, 21 Apr. 1905

     A letter sent with Fareed to `Abdu'l-Bahá.  It doesn't ask for any particular 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 29 Apr. 1905

     Seven present.
     Children's classes proposed by Bartlett [again].
     Mr. Guilford, Mrs. Kline, Dr. Canfield, Mr. Barrick have become inactive; let us 
arouse them.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        21 Apr. 1905

     Thank you for the tablet on love to the House of Spir.  The letter was signed by A. 
Agnew, Greenleaf, Goodale, C. Scheffler, Windust, G. Lesch, Currier, Thacher, T. 
Chase, Hinckley, Bender, and Jacobsen.  Twelve total, including one from Kenosha.

             Mrs. Cecilia Harrison to House of Spir.

     She requests to hold unity meetings, but doesn't say when.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 May 1905

     T. Chase present; eight total.  At the next meeting they will elect officers.  Mrs. 
Peeke in Sandusky, OH, ordered 20 books recently.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 May 1905

     There are no Minutes of the 13 May 1905 meeting.
     T. Chase present; nine total.  Mrs. Greenleaf, President of the Women's Assembly, 
came and met with them.  They consulted.  Poster on socialism and the Bahá'í Faith.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 27 May 1905

     T. Chase present; so was his wife and son, Joe.  The House of Spir. met with the 
Women's Assembly.  It wa a long meeting; many suggestions.  T. Chase was chairman.  
A list of those investigating the Faith suggested to be drawn up; they could be invited 
to socials.  The first social will be 9 June.
     Mrs. Greenleaf felt a monthly meeting, like a nineteen day tea, was necessary.  T. 
Chase said we can't have too many meetings.  They decided to meet the last Saturday of 
each Gregorian month.  Mrs. Roe, Mrs. Shaffner, are the Women's Assembly Program 
     Literature to be sold at Sunday meetings.
     Discussion of reactivating the American believers.
     Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh is tomorrow; it is suggested those assembled pray at the 
end of the Sunday evening meeting (which is 28 May).
     Finances are discussed.  Non-Bahá'ís contribute in Kenosha.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 3 June 1905

     Eight present, including T. Chase.
     They received minutes of the Women's Board.  The next nineteen day tea is 11 June 

              Minutes of the Women's Board Meeting
                                    Wed. afternoon, 30 May 1905

     Present are Mesdames Greenleaf, Shaffner, Roe, Kirchner, Waite, True, Lesch.
     They planned for their 9 June social.
     They may try to organize an auxiliary for charitable and philanthropic work.
     Mrs. Fannie Lesch is secretary of the body; she signs the minutes "Fannie G. Lesch, 
Sec'y" and is instructed to write a letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 June 1905

     T. Chase present, seven total.
     Letter of 19 June to `Abdu'l-Bahá about a Mrs. Cecilia Harrison, who is teaching 
that women in the future will be able to have children without sex!

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 17 June 1905

     T. Chase present, seven total.  Meeting at his home, 53 Ashland Blvd.  Most of the 
women are out of town for the summer, so joint meetings will be suspended.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                             24 June 1905

     T. Chase present; six total.  The House of Spir. is writing the women expressing 
their hope that joint meetings will be renewed in the fall.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 July 1905

     T. Chase absent; six total present.

              House of Spir. to Nathan Fitz-Gerald
                                        Chicago, 24 June 1905

     Fitz-Gerald was not well received by the Minister's Alliance of Tacoma, WA.

             Mr. Arthur James to the House of Spir.
                                        4 July 1905

     He has taught "Bro. Hale" and three others in Jersey City--they "have started 
meetings there."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. 8 July 1905

     T. Chase present; six total.  He was absent from Chicago last Sat.  At the same time 
he visited Michigan [MI] with Greenleaf.  There were 75 present at a picnic on 4 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 July 1905

     T. Chase present; seven total.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 July 1905

     T. Chase absent; only four present.  General discussion.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 July 1905

     T. Chase is away on the Maine coast.  The positions of President and Vice President 
are changed to chairman and vice chairman.  A letter sent by T. Chase from Portland, 
Maine, dated 24 July 1905, was read.  He had just left Green Acre that morning; he 
may go back in August,
     They must send all mail to `Abdu'l-Bahá through Ahmad Yazdi in Port Said; the 
House of Spir. will notify Fitz-Gerald, Dealy, and all communities.

                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
                                     Portland, Me., 24 July 1905

     T. Chase has received a letter from H. Clifford Barney that says they must send all 
mail to `Abdu'l-Bahá through Ahmad Yazdi in Port Said.  He tells the House of Spir. to 
tell everyone.  The Turkish Committee of Investigation is the threat.  New York, Wash. 
D.C. must also have heard from Miss Barney.
     Miss Barney's letter or cable, I believe, is in the T. Chase papers.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Aug. 1905

     T. Chase absent; seven present.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 Aug. 1905

     T. Chase absent, but the meeting is held in his house; six present.
     Letter to the New York Board of Counsel.  Mirza Asadu'llah organized and 
established the House of Spir. in 1901.  They want to make a compilation of guidance 
sent to all the Boards.  The only Boards operating are in Chicago, Kenosha, New York 
City, and Hoboken, N.J.  The letter is dated 16 Aug. 1905.
     The letter is sealed with the House of Spir. seal!

             Fred J. Woodward to the House of Spir.
                                        Wash. D.C., 30 July 1905

     He describes when he became a Bahá'í.
     He says Mrs. Pearl Doty was the founder of the Baltimore Bahá'í community.
     Woodward has been in Wash. D.C. for two years; there are a few Bahá'ís there.

              House of Spir. to all Counsel Boards
                                        Chicago, 16 Aug. 1905

     The letter was written to three Boards: West Hoboken, through Arthur James; New 
York, through William Hoar; and Kenosha, through Bernard Jacobsen.
     Chicago wishes to compile all advice that `Abdu'l-Bahá has given to Houses of Spir.  
Please send to us a list of all your members, when you started, etc.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        19 Aug. 1905

     T. Chase absent.  There were no meetings on 26 Aug., 2 and 9 Sept.  Replies to their 
letter to all Boards were received from New York and Kenosha.
     A letter from T. Chase, Small Point, Maine., dated 12 Aug. 1905.  The place is 
fourteen miles from Bath, Maine.  T. Chase must have been at Green Acre earlier, for 
a few days.
     The House of Spir. will get a post box.
     They have 253 tablets in the archives to date.
     They wrote to Mr. Woodward in Wash. D.C., suggesting establishment of a Board 

                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
                                   Small Point, Me., 21 Aug. 1905

     He describes in detail the troubles in Akka.
     Mr. Dealy's strong opinions and his book publication.

             House of Spir. to all American Bahá'ís
                                        1 Sept. 1905

     The letter was sent to 150 localities.  It says to send all mail for `Abdu'l-Bahá to 
Ahmad Yazdi in Port Said, not to Haifa or Akka.

                 House of Spir. to Fred Woodward
copy 83                                 14 Aug. 1905

     The House of Spir. suggests that Wash. D.C. organize a Board.  They don't know of 
another city better prepared to take such a step.

            Kenosha Men's Board to the House of Spir.
                                        25 Aug. 1905

     A reply to the House of Spir.'s circular.  We will be happy to send tablets of 
guidance we've received.  The information you requested will be sent later.

New York Board of Counsel, Hooper Harris, Sec'y, to House of Spir.
                                        26 Aug. 1905

     We will be glad to send you copies of our tablets.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 16 Sept. 1905

     Eight present, including T. Chase.
     The House of Spir. sent out reply postcards with their 1 Sept. circular letter, and 
by now they have received about 50 replies.  The 50 postcards follow.

           Oswego, N.Y. Assembly to the House of Spir.
                                        10 Sept. 1905

     Why not write all the Bahá'ís in the USA and ask them to pray each evening.  And 
ask them to write the Sultan?
     There are a "few" believers in Oswego.

             Mrs. Louisa Ruddiman to House of Spir.
copy 83 [where?]                        11 Sept. 1905

     She lives in Pine Grove Mills, Van Buren Co., MI.
     Please send to Dr. M. M. Rogers, a new convert, who lives in Union City, MI, a copy 
of the notice.  He is a member of the Oriental Order of India [?], unchurched, a new 

              Edwin Anderson to the House of Spir.
                              Thorpe, WI. (Box 23), 9 Sept. 1905

     He says that `Abdu'l-Bahá's trouble and His order that all Bahá'ís leave Akka must 
signal the end of the world.

                   House of Spir. to Anderson
                                        15 Sept. 1905
     The House of Spir. replies that 1917 is when all will know of the Faith.

            House of Spir. to Dr. E. H. Pratt, M. D.
                                        20 Sept. 1905

     He had received a tablet from`Abdu'l-Bahá.  He wants to know if `Abdu'l-Bahá has 
given them permission to publish the tablets. They reply yes.

                   Pratt to the House of Spir.
                                        28 Aug. 1905

     His stationary says E. H. Pratt, M. D., Surgeon, Suite 1202, 100 State St.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 23 Sept. 1905

     Ten present, including T. Chase.  They receive nineteen more postcards.

              House of Spir. to the Oswego Assembly
                                        19 Sept. 1905

     The House of Spir. replies to Oswego's suggestions; we will ask Fareed about the 
petition; we believe everyone is already praying.

              Oscar Hinckley to the House of Spir.
                      410 Webster St., Joliet, Il., 22 Sept. 1905

     Hinckley had a stroke "last Saturday"  He cannot speak, but otherwise he's 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 Sept. 1905

     Seven present, including T. Chase.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá's confinement at Akka has ceased.
     Two more replies to their post card.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Oct. 1905

     Seven present, including T. Chase.
     They read various letters.
     Mrs. Waite has sent a letter to President Roosevelt.
     A circular was sent to 150 localities on 1 Oct. 1905 saying that `Abdu'l-Bahá is 
safe, his confinement is over, but still send all mail to Port Said.

               Mrs. Corinne True to House of Spir.
                                        3 Oct. 1905

     She was in New York City and talked to MacNutt there.  He would be happy to come 
to Chicago for a month to speak about the Faith.
     There will be a nineteen day tea at Mrs. Phelps's home on Wed. 4 Oct. 1905.
     Mrs. True is corresponding sec'y of the Women's Assembly.

         "Kenosha Board of C[ounsel]" to House of Spir.
                                        5 Oct. 1905

     The "Birthday of the Manifestation is drawing near, and comes on Nov. 12.  We are 
making preparations for celebrating same and write to ask if your Assembly can come 
and take part with us thereby uniting several Assemblies..."  They also invited Racine 
and Milwaukee.

          Louise Waite to President Theodore Roosevelt
                                        25 Sept. 1905

     The letter is not about anything in particular.  She proclaims the Faith to him, 
quotes Bahá'u'lláh, and encloses her new song about America.

                Albert Windust to House of Spir.
                                        6 Oct. 1905

     He is out of town.  Five tablets have been received from Brooklyn, N.Y.

        Assembly of Tabriz to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                   sent Rabiul I 3rd, 1323 A.H.
                                   trans. 13 Oct. 1905

     A reply to a letter from the House of Spir. which arrived at Ridvan.  The letter is 
signed (in English) "The House of Spirituality of Tabriz."  It contains no real news.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Oct. 1905

     Nine members present, including T. Chase.
     They read the letters they had received.
     Another reply from the 1 Sept. circular has been received: from Mrs. L. Ellsworth 
Jones of Anaconda, Montana.  [I checked the spelling of her name and of the place, 3 
June 1986]
     Corinne True is referred to as "Cor. Sec'y Women's Assembly."

             Mrs. L. Ellsworth Jones to Mr. G. Lesch
                                        9 Oct. 1905.

     Her address is 508 Locust St., Anaconda, MT.  Her letter thanks G. Lesch for the 
information about `Abdu'l-Bahá's imprisonment.

                House of Spir. to Howard MacNutt
                                        9 Oct. 1905

     The House of Spir. invites him to come to Chicago to speak.

                 House of Spir. to Corinne True
                                        11 Oct. 1905

     Thank you for telling us of MacNutt's offer.

         House of Spir. to the Kenosha Board of Counsel
                                        11 Oct. 1905

     We will tell the Chicago community of your invitation to come to Kenosha for the 
Birth of Bahá'u'lláh.

               Mrs. Corinne True to House of Spir.
                                        13 Oct. 1905

     She writes about a proposed joint meeting of the House of Spir. and the Women's 
Assembly; its time and place.

      House of Spir. circular letter to Oriental believers
copy 83         4 p.          Birth of Bahá'u'lláh, 12 Nov. 1905

     Written for the House of Spir. by T. Chase.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                     3 p.        21 Oct. 1905

     The minutes are of a joint meeting with the ladies.  Nineteen are present, eleven 
from the House of Spir., eight from the Ladies Board.
     Financing the rental of the hall is a problem.
     The yearbook idea is continued from the last joint meeting (May or June 1905).  
It would include a list of all Bahá'ís and of all events in the year.
     A piano is being offered for the community's use; but its too expensive.
     The Wednesday meetings at Mrs. Waterloo's have been successful.
     One treasurer will serve both bodies; a finance committee of two, one from each 
body, will advise.  The proposal was carried.

                Howard MacNutt to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 17 Oct. 1905

     MacNutt's address is 935 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y.
     He is speaking in New York, Brooklyn, Wash. D.C., and Newark up to and including 
25 Nov.  He can't say when he can come to Chicago.
     He speaks of "here and New York."

               House of Spir. to H. Mohammed Yazdi
                            2 p.        Chicago, 19 Oct. 1905

     "Bahai assemblies are springing up in many places in this country.  We know of 
over 150 different places where there are some of the friends."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 Oct. 1905

     Eight members, including T. Chase, present; and Mr. Jacobsen present as a guest.
     Letters and five cards have arrived.
     Nathan Fitz-Gerald writes them to request for a subsidy so that he may teach the 
Faith full time.  They decline to help.

               Charles M. Remey to House of Spir.
copy 83                    2 p.         2 Oct. 1905

     It's typed, thank God!
     "I understand that in Col Fitzgerald's book, there are many indiscreet 
statements..."  [I checked the spelling of "Col." and "Fitzgerald" on 3 June 1986.]
     Remey has a book in type; he is waiting for permission from `Abdu'l-Bahá to 

              Rufus Bartlett to the House of Spir.
                                        9 Oct. 1905

     The letter is on his work stationary: Aetna Life Insurance Co., Accident and 
Liability Dept.  He is Rufus H. Bartlett, M.D., Surgeon and Medical Examiner, 123-
125 La Salle St.

             "Kenosha Men's Board" to House of Spir.
                                        9 Oct. 1905

     They hope that many Chicago Bahá'ís will come up for the Holy Day observance.  
They will hold the meeting in the afternoon in order to make it easier.  Milwaukee and 
Racine are coming too.
     The plans for the Birthday of Bahá'u'lláh celebration are coming well.

             Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald Circular Letter
copy 83                                 19 Oct. 1905

     "Bahai Faith."
     A nice letter that asks for money.

                  House of Spir. to Fitz-Gerald
copy 83                                 24 Oct. 1905

     The House of Spir. suggests that Fitz-Gerald not mix the Faith and advertising in 
his magazine, Old and New.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Nov. 1905

     Present were eight members, including T. Chase.  Mr. Ort was there as a visitor.
     They read their correspondence.
     They felt it would be best to eliminate "foreign expressions and chanting" "in our 
meetings where strangers are present."  "it was generally agreed to be wise to do so."
     The chairman and the secretary will both have keys to the House of Spir. mailbox.
     Mr. Ort is invited to join the House of Spir.  He will be presented to the community 
for ratification on Sunday evening, 5 Nov.

                 D. S. Taylor to House of Spir.
                                   Niantic, CT, 30 Oct. 1905

     Please send me anything I receive from `Abdu'l-Bahá immediately.

             House of Spir. to Henrietta Fell Mills
                                        6 Nov. 1905

     We would love to help in Buffalo; but we don't know of any believers there.

              House of Spir. to Mr. Christ Anderson
                                        1 Nov. 1905

     Thank you for telling us of your change of address.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Nov. 1905

     Eight members, including T. Chase, present.
     Sandusky, OH has twenty-four believers [and friends of the Faith?]; there are 
nine in Cleveland.  T. Chase visited both places recently.  [These are the numbers who 
attended meetings, probably when Chase spoke--additional note on 2 June 1986.]
     In Chicago, meetings [of the House of Spir.?] are being shifted from the house of 
Mrs. Russell and Dr. Moody to Thacher's office, 161 State St.

     House of Spir. circular letter to all American Bahá'ís
                                        15 Nov. 1905

     Fareed carried with him over 100 supplications to Akka.
     Remember, 26 Nov. is the Master's Day."
     One tablet of `Abdu'l-Bahá is being sent to everyone; this is `Abdu'l-Bahá's reply 
to the 100 supplications.  He can't write individual replies because of the unsettled 
situation in Akka.

            Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald to House of Spir.
                              7 p.      1 Nov. 1905

     The letter is written on Old and New stationary; its address is Seattle, WA.
     Fitz-G. plans to stop selling advertisements in future issues.
     Fitz-G. has delivered 188 lectures in seven months, with no financial support at 
     A remarkable letter that conveys Fitz-G.'s spirit quite well.  He feels `Abdu'l-Bahá 
has commanded him to lecture, so he won't earn a living.
     "Bahai faith."

                  House of Spir. to Fitz-Gerald
                                        Chicago, 10 Nov. 1905

     "Bahai Faith."
     The House of Spir. quotes the text of the Aqdas about earning a living.
     The House of Spir. reiterates the need for a magazine to supported by the 
believers, not by ads; "the time is not yet for a work of that character."

            Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald to Albert Windust
                                        24 Oct. 1905

     Fitz-G. asks about socialism, the Faith, and biblical prophecy.

                     Windust to Fitz-Gerald
                                        5 Nov. 1905

     Windust doesn't have more leaflets on Socialism, the Bible, and the Faith; he 
doesn't know where to get more; and he didn't like them anyway.  We probably 
shouldn't mix the Faith and Socialism, anyway.

                House of Spir. to Isabella Br-ham
                                        9 Nov. 1905

     She wrote the House of Spir. about the first Bahá'í meeting in a church in the USA.  
They thank her.
     Please help us by asking the Bahá'ís to send in their tablets to us.

                  House of Spir. to Louis Voelz
                                        6 Nov. 1905

     The House of Spir. writes him to tell the Kenosha friends that eight Chicago Bahá'ís 
are coming up for the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 18 Nov. 1905

     This is a joint meeting of the House of Spir. and the Women.  T. Chase is present.
     The nineteen day teas are getting too large to be held in houses.
     C. Scheffler notes that since the last joint meeting, $68.70 has been received; 
$30.00 has been spent to pay for the hall.
     Mrs. Shaffner is compiling the Yearbook; the Bahai Publishing Society will 
publish it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 25 Nov. 1905

     Present eighteen men, including T. Chase.
     Rufus Bartlett has passed on.  They will send a letter to Mrs. Bartlett.  A death 
notice from the paper is included in the records.
     The consult about teaching the Faith--very thorough.

                 Ameen Fareed to House of Spir.
                                        2 Dec. 1905

     He cannot come to either House of Spir. meetings or the Sunday meetings.

          House of Spir. to Celia and Anna May Bartlett
                                        22 Nov. 1905

     Celia is Mrs. Rufus Bartlett; Anna May is his daughter.  A beautiful condolence 
letter about Bartlett's passing.  It gives no facts on his life, though.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 Dec. 1905

     Twelve present; T. Chase absent.
     This meeting and the previous one were called the "Gentlemen's Meeting, in 
connection with the House of Spirituality."  Many who attended were not House of 
Spir. members.
     Letters, teaching discussed.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        7 Dec. 1905

     Remey writes about tablets; the questions the tablets answer should be assembled, 
and their general portions published.

Minutes of a Joint Meeting of the House of Spir. and the Women's                             
                                        16 Dec. 1905

     Five members of the House of Spir. and three ladies present; T. Chase present.
     "Mr. Lesch spoke of the coming to this city of Aga Hussein Mazloom."  Either he has 
arrived in Chicago or is on his way [later minutes show that he arrived by the later 
dates, at least].
     Thacher spoke of his trip to New York City.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir. 
                                        23 Dec. 1905

     Four present: T. Chase, Thacher, Ort, and G. Lesch.
     They discussed the use of the Greatest Name; it should only be used among the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 Dec. 1905

     Ten present, including T. Chase and Mazloom.
     Letters were read.  A monthly treasurer's report should be made.
     A collection was taken up to help Mr. Mazloom.

                Isabella Br-ham to House of Spir.
                                        3 Dec. 1905

     She writes to describe the giving of the Greatest Name in a Racine church in Dec. 
     She received her first tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá in Feb. 1899.  Dodges, MacNutts, 
Eliza Talbot received tablets in the same batch; the first packet of tablets to reach the 
USA.  She adds that some tablets in that batch went to Chicago also.
     She was in Akka five days, Dec. 1901.
     A copy of this account is in the Br-ham papers also.

               Charles A. Butler to House of Spir.
                              Huntington, IN, 20 Dec. 1905

     Butler is secretary of the "City Republican Central Committee"; the letter is on 
their stationary.  The letter is about some non-Bahá'í friends of his who are going to 

                Mrs. Edith Hoes to House of Spir.
                              Burlington, IA, 27 Dec. 1905

     She became a believer in Wash. D.C. "about three years ago."  She's an "old friend" 
of Mr. Butler of Huntington, IN.  Do you know of any believers here in Burlington?  
What publications do you have?  "I am starved for the Word."

                  Mrs. Hoes to House of Spir.
                                        28 Dec. 1905

     Are there any believers in nearby towns?

                  Sol Miller to Albert Windust
                              36 Ashland, Chicago, 4 Dec. 1905

     He is a distributor of the Jewish Encyclopedia; would the Bahá'ís like to buy a set?
     There is no evident he is a Bahá'í, though he may be a friend of Windust.

                  Ellen V. Beecher to G. Lesch
                                        11 Dec. 1905

     Thank you for a copy of the new tablet to Ameen Fareed.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        21 Dec. 1905

     Mrs. Br-ham was just here in Wash. D.C.
     Translations of some tablets are being sent in.

              House of Spir. circular to the Orient
                                        12 Nov. 1905

     The letter was written by T. Chase, printed in English and Persian.  Windust 
writes on the top of the page, "Ready for sending Dec. 30, 1905."

             House of Spir. to Mr. Charles A. Butler
                                        27 Dec. 1905

     They send him the addresses of Bahá'ís in Egypt.

                    Albert Olson to Mrs. Ort
                                        23 Dec. 1905

     He is a Bahá'í who is studying at the University of North Dakota [ND].  He heard of 
the Faith while living in Glen Elly, IL, and studying at Ruskin College.  He requests 
pamphlets and Mrs. Br-ham's address.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1906

                House of Spir. to Remey
                                        1 Jan. 1906

     An acknowledgment of his letter and the tablets.
     Yes, we agree with you, the tests are near.

                House of Spir. to M. Ahmad Yazdi
                                        2 Jan. 1906

     The House of Spir. is sending 300 copies of the circular and a $5.00 postal order.  
Please mail the letters to Asadu'llah for distribution throughout the Orient.

              House of Spir. to Mr. L. K. Scotford
                                        7 Jan. 1906

     Scotford lives in Chicago.  They write him to thank him for helping Mr. Mazloom 
and son; he has employed them.  This is "true Bahai spirit."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Jan. 1906

     Mrs. Br-ham is invited to visit Chicago.  They also read other letters.
     "It was decided that subject for discussion be chosen for each meeting in future, 
and that more time be devoted to spiritual matters, study of the Bible and teachings of 
Baha Ullah, and if it is found necessary, that another meeting be held for that express 

                  House of Spir. to Edith Hooes
                                        2 Jan. 1906

     The believers in Iowa near her are listed:
     Mr. J. J. Penrose, Burlington, IA.
     Mrs. I. M. Newton, Mt. Vernon, IA.
     Mrs. Sarah Rothrock, #712 S. 5th Ave., Cedar Rapids, IA.

                   House of Spir. to I. Br-ham
                                        17 Jan. 1906

     Please come to Chicago when you are traveling teaching.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 Jan. 1906

     Discussion of whether previous publications now require `Abdu'l-Bahá's 
approval; the House of Spir. voted 6 to 1 that they do not.

            Kenosha Men's Board to the House of Spir.
                                        12 Jan. 1906

     Happy New Year.
     Kenosha uses the term "Spiritual Assemblies" but it unclear whether they mean a 
community or an LSA.
     Kenosha is drawing up a membership list; they will send a copy to Chicago.
     Kenosha wants to start a Sunday school for children.
     On 1 Dec. 1905 Kenosha elected its Board; no changes in its membership: B. 
Jacobsen, chairman; L. Voelz, secretary; Mr. Howard, librarian; St. Germain, 
treasurer; Otto; Anderson; Benning; Bohannan; Yaeger.  Nine members.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 Jan. 1906

     They read letters and study the Iqan together.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        15 Jan. 1906

     Remey suggests that Tablets of Abdul Baha be printed on  subscription basis; 
communities would pay for so many copies in advance.
     He mentions three believers who have received tablets:
     Mrs. Grace K. Mann (nee Grisman), 1631 East Lombard St., Baltimore, MD.
     Miss Grosvenor, Glen Echo, MD.
     Miss Noble, address unknown

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Jan. 1906

     They read their mail and studied the Iqan.

               Mrs. Emily Olsen to House of Spir.
                                        20 Jan. 1906

     Thank you for the beautiful funeral service for my husband, George.  Messrs. 
Chase and A. Agnew ran it.
     She describes a dream she had the week before the internment (on the 9th).

            Mrs. Isabella M. Newton to House of Spir.
                                        22 Jan. 1906

     An acknowledgment.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sat. eve, 3 Feb. 1906

     They read their mail and studied the Iqan.
     Mrs. Herman of Philadelphia is sick; she is a friend of Mrs. Agnew.

                   I. Br-ham to House of Spir.
                                   Seabright, NJ, 31 Jan. 1906

     I may be able to come through in March, maybe earlier.  I want to stay eighteen 
days, and address only the believers first.  I will stay with Mrs. Olsen.

                     House of Spir. to Remey
                                        22 Jan. 1906

     Thank you for your good printing suggestion.
     They send a copy of their letter to the Orient in English and Persian, with an 
explanation of their mailing procedure, so Wash. D.C. can do the same.  Please send us 
a copy of whatever you send out.
     The letter is written by Windust; Remey replies to him.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        29 Jan. 1906

     Remey is printing a letter in English and Persian and will follow the procedure 
used by the House of Spir. exactly.  Remey sends more tablets to the archives, too.

               House of Spir. to Mrs. Emily Olsen
                                        31 Jan. 1906

     Mrs. Olsen's husband's name was George.
     They quote the Bible, not the Hidden Words, about death ("Oh death, where is thy 
sting?  Oh grave, where is thy victory?")

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Feb. 1906

     Mrs. Br-ham will arrive 21 Feb.
     Mrs. Jaxon is President of the Women's Assembly of Teaching; she wrote to 
propose a joint meeting.  A committee to meet with the women was appointed.
     T. Chase was asked to write a letter about the Fast.
     They studied the Iqan.

                   I. Br-ham to House of Spir.
                                        8 Feb. 1906

     Br-ham leaves Seabright, NJ, on 10 Feb. for Johnstown; then on 20 Feb. for 
Chicago, arriving on 21 Feb.

                  Aimee Jaxon to House of Spir.
                                        9 Feb. 1906

     The address of the Jaxons is 2226 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.
     Mrs. Br-ham wrote to Mrs. True; Jaxon says "Also she writes of the `Blessed 
Feast of the Lord,' which the Master has commanded to be established in every 
Assembly (if they so desire) and for which she has detailed instructions."
     The Women wish a joint meeting of the "two boards" to plan a feast before the Fast 
begins, as `Abdu'l-Bahá has commanded the Feast.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Feb. 1906

     They read letters and studied the Iqan.

             Mrs. True to T. Chase (House of Spir.)
                                        12 Feb. 1906

     Mrs. True forwards Mrs. Br-ham's letter about the feast to the House of Spir.  
She says we must do all we can to help Mrs. Br-ham, or else we will be condemned as 
those who rejected Christ's disciples were; she quotes "Matt 10-15" [what 

            Mrs. C. True to T. Chase (House of Spir.)
copy 83                                 16 Feb. 1906

     The New Thought group wrote and asked the Bahá'ís to conduct a meeting.  "I have 
just written Mr. Boring a letter explaining as clearly as possible why as an 
Assembly we cannot be considered as New Thoughters but that we love every body + 
wish every work for unifying + harmonizing the people God speed."
     She adds to T. Chase: let them gather the people and then we'll lead them to the 

                     Mr. Boring to Mrs. True
                                        15 Feb. 1906

     The "Federation New Thought Committee" plans to have Sunday presentations, 
rotated among the different societies.  

                    T. Chase to Mrs. C. True
copy 83                                 13 Feb. 1906

     A committee of the House of Spir. met with the ladies; he lists the members; he 
lists the men and women present.  There will be a social at the home of the Van Hofs 
the eve on 23 Feb.; Mrs. Br-ham will address the community there.  It can become a 
feast, if she has time to instruct us.

                    T. Chase to Mrs. C. True
copy 83                                 18 Feb. 1906

     The letters from Mrs. Br-ham and Mr. Boring are returned to Mrs. True.
     The Van Hofs are new Bahá'ís, but "are showing a most beautiful and Bahai spirit."  
But we cannot put them out by imposing Mrs. br-ham's plans on their evening; they 
have been planning it for three weeks.
     You answered Mr. Boring correctly; we cannot be seen as being "among the cults, 
of any religion or philosophy."  The House of Spir. commends Mrs. True for her 
treatment of the situation.

                 House of Spir. Circular Letter
copy 83                                 16 Feb. 1906

     It is about the Fast and was sent to nineteen places.  It quotes the Aqdas about the 
Fast and Ayyam-i-Ha.  It quotes Asadu'llah also.
     A copy of this also exists in the T. Chase papers, 19 Feb. 1906.
     The nineteen places it was sent to: Denver, Fruitvale, Tacoma, Honolulu, 
Muskegon, Los Ang., Oakland, Cleveland, Baltimore, West Hoboken, Anaconda [MT], 
Cincinnati, New York City, Wash. D.C., Philadelphia, Johnstown, NY, Kenosha, 
Racine, West Allis [Milwaukee].

             Bahai Assembly of Wash. D.C., Circular
copy 83                                 1 Feb. 1906

     The Wash. D.C. Bahá'ís ask for a season of united prayer during the Fast.  They 
will send a supplication to `Abdu'l-Bahá on Naw-Ruz about it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Feb. 1906

     Discussion of whether or how to work with the New Thought group.  Dr. Pratt, 
President of the New Thought Federation, was present as a guest and urged Bahá'í 

                    Kenosha to House of Spir.
                                        21 Feb. 1906

     A circular letter from Kenosha to all Bahá'í assemblies in USA.
     "This Assembly, whose number is about seventy-five, under the instruction of 
Mr. B. M. Jacobsen, are receiving lectures from him once a week on the teachings 
laid down by Bahá'u'lláh, (ie) the way we should live, words we should speak, the 
attitude we should take towards others, in order to bring about the Most Great Peace, 
and urging us to be ready at all times to deliver the message of God's Kingdom on 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 3 Mar. 1906

     Another circular about sending in tablets to the archives to be drafted by Windust,
     Another post card has been received from the 1 Sept. 1905 circular.  It is from a 
Mr. Penrose of Kirksville, MO.  He is studying osteopathy.  Is he a Bahá'í?  It isn't at 
all clear; he says his "interest continues."

                  Charles W. Kappes to G. Lesch
copy 83                                 1 Feb. 1906

     Kappes is secretary of the North Hudson Board of Counsel.  He describes the 
formation of the body.  A copy of this letter is also found in the Brittingham papers.
     The letter includes a copy of a tablet they received on 27 May 1903.

               House of Spir. to Charles W. Kappes
                                        4 Mar. 1906

     Thank you so much for your time and trouble to compile this data.  Is Union the 
same as West Hoboken?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Mar. 1906

     A committee of two reported a recommendation that Bahá'í representatives speak 
at the New Thought convention in Philadelphia in the fall, but that the Faith not be 
listed in the program.  T. Chase will write to Dr. Pratt about the decision.
     The minutes were compiled by Mr. George T. Ort.
     They plan Naw-Ruz.
     Mrs. Elizabeth Keller has died; they sent condolences.
     They discuss publishing matters and read their mail.

                House of Spir. (Windust) to Remey
                                        27 Feb. 1906

     "Brothers Chase, Agnew, Greenleaf, Ioas and myself, usually meet at the same 
dinner table every day..." [Kimball's]
     Fareed is translating the Ishraqat, Glad Tidings, Tarazat, and Tajalliyat.  [`Abdu'l-
Baha had commanded their translation in a tablet to Remey.  The House of Spir. is 
writing Remey and telling him the job is already being done, so he won't start it 

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        1 Mar. 1906

     A woman is planning to have the tablets translated, not Remey.  He will tell her to 
contact the House of Spir. directly.

              House of Spir. to Remey (by Windust)
                                        6 Mar. 1906

     Mirza Raffie came to the USA with `Abdu'l-Karim-i-Tihrani.  He's a student at 
the University of Chicago.
     Ali Kuli Khan has also translated the Ishraqat.  He's mad that Fareed did it too.  The 
House of Spir. is trying to straighten out the matter and calm everyone down.  They 
apologize to Remey that they initiated something `Abdu'l-Bahá told him to do instead.

                 House of Spir. to Ali Kuli Khan
                                        6 Mar. 1906

     The letter is by A. Agnew.
     We will publish your translation of the Ishraqat; Fareed says this is okay with 
him.  We will pay for it too, just as we paid Fareed.

       Ali Kuli Khan to House of Spir. (through T. Chase)
                                        8 Mar. 1906

     Khan lists all the translations he's done; quite a few, including the Seven valleys 
in Persian.  But the House of Spir.--or T. Chase--hadn't seemed interested.  Khan is 
glad they now want to publish them.  He asks for no remuneration, either.  He will 
send all the translations; he sends the Seven Valleys.

                   Mrs. True to House of Spir.
                                        10 Mar. 1906

     The Women's Assembly is writing to offer their full cooperation with the men for 
a successful Naw-Ruz.
     "The Supper of the Lord held the night before the fast, proved such a success not 
only as regards numbers but the Mighty Power of Unity thereby manifested that it 
has been suggested we celebrate the New Year feast in a similar manner and our 
brother and sister Mr and Mrs Jaxon have offered the liberal use of the same hall + 
their provisions for preparing such as cooking utensils etc..."

           House of Spir. (T. Chase) to Ali Kuli Khan
                                        12 Mar. 1906

     Thank you for the translation of the Seven Valleys.  We have already begun the 
publishing process.  It will be a companion volume to the Hidden Words.
     T. Chase stresses the importance of consultation.
     [Copy of letter is also in T. Chase Papers.]

                        Remey to Windust
                                        14 Mar. 1906

     This publishing confusion shows the importance of consultation between 
communities: "this affair proves that there is need of more conferring [sic] and 
counsel between the various assemblies, for only through conferring one with 
another will we be able to bring all of the members of the Spiritual body of Believers 
into union and accord necessary for this carrying on of the Holy Work."
     Remey described blow-by-blow Khan's publishing plans.
     Miss Knobloch (her address is given) is the Wash. D.C. librarian.
     p. 7-12 -- The story of Haddad's translation of the Aqdas.  Six copies were made.  
Lua Getsinger had the Arabic text and Haddad's hand translation.
     We need a Board of translators.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Mar. 1906

     The Feast of Naw-Ruz will be in the hall at 70 E. Adams St.
     T. Chase has informed Dr. Pratt that only informal Bahá'í participation in the New 
Thought Federation meeting is possible.
     Mr. Louis Keller's sister has died (see earlier entry).
     The House of Spir. will lease 70 East Adams St. for one year.

           Ali Kuli Khan to House of Spir. (T. Chase)
                                        15 Mar. 1906

     I am "fully pleased with the way you wish to handle these publications. You indeed 
have a perfect taste in everything pertaining to the Service of the Cause, and your 
taste + native wisdom is further refined and fortified by the light of consultation in 
which you devotedly engage before embarking on any important plan."
     You have received the Words of Paradise.  I'm sending the Tarazat.  Within a week 
I will send the Tablet to the World.

  House of Spir. of Cairo, Egypt, to House of Spir. of Chicago
                              3 p.      Cairo, 16 Mar. 1906

     The letter has two pages of text that are on spiritual matters; they don't have any 
     The members of the House of Spir. of Cairo, Egypt signed the letter:
     Haji Mirza Hassan Khorassani
     Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi
     Agha Ali Reza Isphahani
     Nyaz Kermani
     Ostad Abdul Karim Esphahani
     Mirza Abul Kasim Esphahani
     Mohammed Taki Isphahani
     Zayn ul Abedeen Hamadani
     The Servant of the Covenant Mirza Assad ullah

                Windust (House of Spir.) to Remey
                                        26 Mar. 1906

     An update on Khan's offer of translations.
     [Aqdas]: "Concerning the publication of the Kitab=el=Akdas, it was the unanimous 
opinion of the House that great care should be taken in putting it forth, and that if you 
would agree to the proposition, the Master be supplicated for explicit instructions 
and advice regarding the matter before proceeding further.  Although no authority 
could be given for their belief, two or three of the brothers gained the impression 
years ago, that the publishing of the Kitab=el=Akdas, would be considered a great 
event in the history of the Cause in America, and that the command to do so would be 
considered an especial one from our beloved Master."  T. Chase got this impression 
from Asadu'llah.
     Happy Naw-Ruz.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Mar. 1906

     Dr. Thacher fed the House of Spir. supper at 7 PM.
     The House of Spir. voted to sign a contract to use Lincoln Hall for one year 
beginning 1 May 1906.
     Mrs. True is sec'y of the Women's Board; she has written.
     The House of Spir. continued its officers for another year without an election: T. 
Chase, chair; A. Agnew, vice chair; Windust, librarian; C. Scheffler, treasurer; G. 
Lesch, secretary.
     The House of Spir. will write `Abdu'l-Bahá about the "Feast of the Lord."

                   George S. Swart to G. Lesch
                                   Rainier, OR. 27 Mar. 1906

     He asks about the Faith; Fitz-Gerald referred him.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá claims to be "The Lord, Jesus Christ"--Fitz-G. must be teaching 
     Swart is a Bible student and is fascinated by prophecies.  He believes Christ will 
bring a new government.
     He writes seven pages, all about the Bible.
     Swart is a German by birth; he "knows the German and Holland languages."

                 House of Spir. to George Swart
                                        4 Apr. 1906

     The House of Spir. answers his questions and sends him literature.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá is not the return of the personality or individuality of Christ, but 
He is the return of the Holy Spirit which entered Jesus.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        31 Mar. 1906

     The House of Spir. has received several letters from in and around Portland, OR.
     Other letters are discussed, and they study the Iqan.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Apr. 1906

     The House of Spir. has received more letters.  Remey has written and asked to 
defer action about the Aqdas until `Abdu'l-Bahá replies.

                  Fitz-Gerald to House of Spir.
                                        22 Mar. 1906

     Fitz-G. is lecturing on the Faith in Portland, OR.
     D. C. Herrin is distributing cards; one side gives `Abdu'l-Bahá's address, the 
other the House of Spir.'s for more information.  Fitz-G asks the House of Spir. to 
send Herrin the Hidden Words.

                  House of Spir. to Fitz-Gerald
                                        27 Mar. 1906
     Chicago celebrated Naw-Ruz on Sunday, 25 Mar --"large attendance."
     "Have you thought that it would be a good plan to establish a Headquarters in your 
city, for meetings of believers, and where the Bahai literature could be kept for sale 
and for those who cannot buy to come and read it?"

                Chas. G. Regna to House of Spir.
                                        19 Mar. 1906

     A series of letters from seekers who heard of the Faith as a result of Fitz-Gerald's 
talks in Portland.  The names of the correspondents:  Chas. G. Regna; F. O. Dickey; H. 
B. Campbell; J. W. Crane; Mrs. E. J. Finnican; Mr. and Mrs. George B. Warren; Alice 
Butterworth; E. J. Hearn; Harold Swain; Mary F. Lee.

                 House of Spir. to Mrs. C. True
                                        27 Mar. 1906

     Please do write to Lua Getsinger and invite her to visit Chicago.

                  Mrs. Br-ham to House of Spir.
                                        Kenosha, 20 Mar. 1906

     She is writing on the last day of the Fast, "so that it [the letter] may reach 
Chicago on `the Day the Lord hath made.'.."
     Kenosha will keep Naw-Ruz and the Feast tomorrow.
     "I have just received from Mr. MacNutt a copy of the Master's Tablet to Mr. 
MacNutt received during this winter in which He blesses the establishment of the 
Feast of the Lord, calling it `the Supper of the Lord'.."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Apr. 1906

     They studied the Iqan together.
     Mr. Mazloom is seriously ill; Dr. Thacher will examine him.  If he goes to the 
hospital, the House of Spir. will pay 10.00 per week.

             James F. Brittingham to House of Spir.
                                        8 Apr. 1906

     He thanks the House of Spir. for its offer to assist Mrs. Br-ham financially but 
declines it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 Apr. 1906

     The studied the Iqan together, as usual, then read letters.
     The Sunday meeting on May 20th Dr. Pratt will speak about the sympathetic 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 May 1906

     They study the Iqan, then the Seven Valleys.  T. Chase read and discussed the latter.
     Arrangements are made for the "supper of the Lord" on Sunday, 13 May.  A 
committee of T. Chase, C. Scheffler, and C. Ioas appointed to plan it.
     The Master's Birthday will be celebrated on Sunday 29 May, not on 23 May.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 May 1906

     They study the Iqan.
     Mrs. Morton wrote a summary of the history of the Faith in Milwaukee.
     A letter from Bandar-Abbas has arrived as a result of their circular letter.
     Ameen Fareed leaves for Akka on Monday 14 May 1906.

      History of the Bahai Assembly of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
copy 83                                 [Apr. 1906]

     The Milwaukee, WI, community began in 1899.  In 1906 it had 14 members; 
they are listed.
     Asadu'llah and Khurassani visited Milwaukee in the spring of 1901 and again in 
July 1901.  In that same month, Khurassani and Ruhi sailed for Akka.
     Ali Kuli Khan visited Milwaukee later that summer [1901]. In Nov. 1901 and 
April 1906, I. Br-ham visited.

               Charlotte Morton to House of Spir.
                                        28 Apr. 1906

     Mrs. Br-ham visited and stimulated the writing of this history.
     [Milwaukee] "we have no dissensions among the Believers here or ever have had."
     Milwaukee Bahá'ís send their love to Chicago.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        21 Apr. 1906

     Remey has received a letter from Beirut addressed to Chicago; a reply to their 
latest circular letter.
     The letter from Beirut is by Zia Baghdadi.  It basically says hello, in four pages.

                      Remey circular letter
                                        30 Apr. 1906

     The birthday of `Abdu'l-Bahá and the declaration of the Bab are the same day; both 
are celebrated together "as is customary with the believers throughout the Orient."
     Remey sends a parchment for all to sign, return to him, and it will be mailed to 
     He sent the supplication to : Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chicago, 
Cincinnati, Cleveland, Denver, Honolulu, Ithaca, Johnstown, Kenosha, Los Ang., 
Milwaukee, Montreal, Newark, North Hudson, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, 
Racine, Sandusky, Scottsdale, and Wash. D.C. [24 communities total].
     [Note: Remey probably used the same list to send out requests for census 

                  House of Spir. to Mrs. Morton
                                        1 May 1906

     Mrs. I. Br-ham also encouraged Johnstown and West Hoboken to write histories.

                     House of Spir. to Remey
                                        2 May 1906

     We received your letter, the parchment, and the letter from Beirut.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        19 May 1906

     They studied the Iqan for one hour.
     Money to send Mr. Harris to India will be collected.
Mr. Sprague was present and "gave a brief account of the progress of Cause in 
Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York."

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        May 1906

     Fareed carried the letter with him to Akka.
     "Shall we take up the study of same [Esperanto]?"

             House of Spir. to Nathan W. Fitz-Gerald
                                        19 May 1906

     The House of Spir. encourages Fitz-G., in very gentle language, to start a Bahá'í 
community in Portland.  Eighty-seven names were sent to him of persons who wrote 
the House of Spir. requesting information.  Hyde Dunn was one of them.
     I have added the list up as follows: Portland, 62; Walla Walla, 10; Seattle, 2; 
other, 13; total, 87.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 May 1906

     They studied the Iqan for an hour.
     The Women's Assembly has asked to arrange the supper of the Lord on Sunday, 3 
     A list of those who wish to help send Mr. Harris to India will be maintained.

          House of Spir. to Ladies Assembly of Teaching
                                        30 May 1906

     Please organize the supper on 3 June.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 June 1906

     The House of Spir. has received a letter from the women; they will do the 3 June 
     The women have appointed a finance committee; the House of Spir. will meet with 
     They study the Iqan.

                    C. True to House of Spir.
                                        31 May 1906

     Mrs. Lesch is the secretary of the women.  We will do the feast.
     On 30 May the Board of Officers of the women met at Mrs. True's.  The women 
don't have a treasurer, but have a financial committee of four; Mrs. Roe (chair), 
Kirchner, Kendall, Van Hof.  The committee wishes to meet with the House of Spir. 
before 10 June.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        28 May 1906

     We had a beautiful commemoration of the night of the Master's birthday.
     Publishing--but nothing new.

                        Windust to Remey
                                        5 June 1906

     The parchment was not used correctly in Chicago; maybe all signed it.
     Khan's tablets of Bahá'u'lláh will be bound together as a companion volume to the 
     School of the Prophets is a lengthy letter by Asadu'llah to Dr. Pratt, Fareed's 
instructor (and head of New Thought!).  It is not being published by the Bahai 
Publishing Society.  Mrs. Russell, Mr. A. Agnew are publishing the book in order to 
help with Fareed's educational expenses.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 June 1906

     Mr. Foster wishes to hold the Supper of the Lord after the one of 23 June at his 
     "After due consideration it was the unanimous opinion of those present that 
gathering such as the Supper of the Lord were more suitable for homes rather than 
public halls, and that we therefore discontinue such meetings in the hall."
     The School of the Prophets was discussed.
     The House of Spir. reached an agreement with the ladies about finances.

                   I. Br-ham to House of Spir.
                              11 p.     Cleveland, OH, 31 May 1906

     Br-ham visited "the little band of the beloved" in Minneapolis.  She watered the 
seeds planted there "by the dear Maid-Servant of God, Miss Peterson, to whom our 
Chicago sister, Mrs. Gordon, gave the Cup of Eternal Life."  Mrs. Haney's pupils 
there, Mr. Gage and Mr. Hall, were confirmed too.
     [From the sound of things, Minneapolis has a "little band" consisting of Hall, Gage, 
Peterson, and maybe a few others.  A half dozen would be an outside guess for its total 
Bahá'í membership.]
     "Then God turned my feet to Cleveland..."  Br-ham will be there until next week.  
Then she moves on to northwest Pennsylvania [PA] to "serve a dear Sister..."
     Has Asadu'llah's book been submitted to `Abdu'l-Bahá?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 June 1906

     They studied the Iqan.
     The next feast will be on 13 July at the Foster's.
     Election notice of the House of Spir. was discussed.  In Sept. there will be an 
election.  A notice should be read at every Sunday meeting.
     Feasts will be held in homes all summer; those wishing to host should talk to G. 

                     Yazdi to House of Spir.
                                        18 May 1906

     Thank you for the circular letter of 12 Nov. 1905; a very delayed 

        Kenosha Men's Board to the Chicago House of Spir.
                                        15 June 1906

     Mr. Joseph St. Germain died at 4:15 on Wed. morning.  The funeral will be Sat at 
2:30 PM.  The Machinist's Union and the Modern Workmen will furnish three pall 
bearers; he was a member of each.  Please come.  "Our Brother wa a member of our 
Bahai Board and is a most faithful soul."

           House of Spir. to Kenosha Board of Counsel
                                        19 June 1906

     Thank you for the letter about St. Germain.  Our condolences.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 June 1906

     They spent their first hour studying the Iqan.
     A letter has arrived from True, who is in Fruitport, MI.
     The election procedure of the House of Spir. is considered.  They must assemble a 
list of all male believers.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 June 1906

     Henry Goodale of Kenosha wrote to say hello.
     The Iqan studied as usual.
     Mr. A. Agnew discussed the raising of funds to send Harris to India.
     Mr. Woolson was present; he spoke about the teaching work in Kirkland, MO.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 July 1906

     They study the Iqan.
     Remey writes about a petition to the Crown Prince of Persia.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 14 July 1906

     200 circulars are printed and ready to mail, asking persons to send tablets to 
     A letter of congratulations about his upcoming India trip to be sent to Harris.
     The House of Spir. will supply the Sunday meetings with the questions box.
     Efforts will be made to encourage the development of Bahá'í speakers.
     A letter from Kenosha arrived about children's classes.

                 House of Spir. to Hooper Harris
copy 83                                 19 July 1906

     The letter is by T. Chase.  It offers him best wishes for his trip, authorized by 

                     House of Spir. Circular
copy 83                                 12 July 1906

     It is all about the tablets they have accumulated, with a breakdown of the places 
they're from.  A total of 383 tablets have been collected.  he idea of gathering them 
dates back to the summer of 1904.  Please send in more.  They list the conditions 
`Abdu'l-Bahá specified.

           Kenosha Bahai Men's Board to House of Spir.
                                        12 July 1906

     We plan to hold a Sunday school for Bahá'í children.  Have you any tablets or 
information how to do it?  Please write back to us as soon as possible.

                   A. Agnew to Howard MacNutt
                                        13 July 1906

     Mr. C. E. Sprague is now in Chicago.  We need 50 copies of the Iqan.  Sprague says 
you're almost out of copies, though.  We'd like to print the Iqan; have you the plates?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 July 1906

     Dodge says send no letters to Baghdad until further notice.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 July 1906

     Three tablets have come in already as a result of the circular.
     They study the Iqan.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Aug. 1906

     They discussed prayer for one hour, then read tablets.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        31 July 1906

     Your communication about obtaining tablets was read here at Wash. D.C. and 
Baltimore.  We will cooperate fully.  I'll do anything I can to help.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Aug. 1906

     A letter from T. Chase from Small Pt., ME, 6 Aug. 1906, was received.
     The House of Spir. sent a letter of condolence to Mr. and Mrs. True; their son 
drowned in the lake.

   Spiritual Assembly of Ashkabad to House of Spir. of Chicago
                                        trans. Raffie 24 July 1906

     Dreyfus has visited Ishqabad.

               House of Spir. to Mr. and Mrs. True
                                        Aug. 1906

     The House of Spir.'s condolence letter.

                Christ Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        Minneapolis, 6 May 1906

     He has moved; his new address is Minneapolis.

                   Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        15 Aug. 1906

     Please send tablets; he describes his apartment.

                   Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        27 Aug. 1906

     Thank you for the book.
     The letter is several pages long; and his spelling is horrid!

           House of Spir. to Kenosha Bahai Men's Board
                                        13 Aug. 1906

     The shah plans to start a Parliament in Iran.
     Printed copies of the opening prayer for House of Spir. meetings is mailed to 
     Asadu'llah used the title "House of the Covenant" for Boards.  Houses of Justice 
exist in Akka and Cairo also.
     The greatness of these bodies is being recognized by the Bahá'ís.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 Aug. 1906

     Various letter were sent and received.

                 Paul K. Dealy to Albert Windust
                                   Fair Hope, AL, 19 Aug. 1906

     Thank you for the news clipping about the shah wanting to establish a Parliament.
     Enclosed are three tablets we recently received.  Please type up some copies for 
me also; we have no typewriters here.

                  Winterburns to House of Spir.
                                        18 Aug. 1906

     They send in copies of tablets to them and to a Mrs. Lamb.
     They are happy about the news from Iran.

                Percy Woodworth to House of Spir.
                                        20 Aug. 1906

     Do I mean Percy Woodcock?
     Thank you for the clipping about Iran.  Its good news.  I am at Green Acre for one 

                  Roy Wilhelm to House of Spir.
                                        29 Aug. 1906

     Thank you for the news clipping; please send more.

           Kenosha Men's Bahai Board to House of Spir.
                                        16 Aug. 1906

     We want to assemble historical information, but how?  Give us advice.  Mrs. Br-
ham encouraged us to do it.  Have you any tablets about it?

              House of Spir. to Kenosha Men's Board
                                        25 Aug. 1906

     Mrs. Br-ham suggested to us that brief histories be assembled of the different 
communities.  We approve heartily.  She got Milwaukee, Johnstown, and West 
Hoboken to do it.
     Miss Pollock plans to assemble data for Wash. D.C.
     Newspaper articles recently have been heralding the beginnings of the "Most 
Great Peace" in Persia.

                       Chicago Daily News,
                                        Sat. 25 Aug. 1906

     An article by William Jennings Bryan in Turkey.  It mentions `Abdu'l-Bahá.  He 
visited `Abdu'l-Bahá in Akka and describes it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Sept. 1906

     The House of Spir. election is discussed.  A list of all male members of the Chicago 
community will be given to Mrs. Russell, to be used as a ballot.  She will distribute 

                       T. Chase to Windust
copy 83                            Greenacre, 27 Aug. 1906

     T. Chase has been at Green Acre since Saturday; he spoke two times Sunday and 
once today.
     Stanwood Cobb is there; he says he plans to become a Bahá'í.  Lunt and Ober are at 
Green Acre also.
     T. Chase may be at Green Acre until Sunday.  He will be back in Chicago in early 
     Mrs. Br-ham, Mrs. Ives are here; but not MacNutt, Harris, or Getsinger.

                       Boston Sunday Globe
                                        5 Aug. 1906

     A nice article about Green Acre, with pictures; three pages.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 8 Sept. 1906

     They will circulate a letter from `Abdu'l-Bahá to A. Agnew, if New York approves.
     House of Spir. election discussed, and the procedures are outlined.

              Salman Ishac Hakim to House of Spir.
                                        Hamadan, 12 July 1906

     His letter is a reply to the House of Spir. circular.  His English is not so good, but 
the letter was written by a friend who is fluent.  He wants to come live in America.

              House of Spir. to Salman Ishac Hakim
                                        9 Sept. 1906

     The House of Spir. discourages him from coming to the USA, citing the language 
barrier and the difficulty of medical study here.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 14 Sept. 1906

     They discuss the House of Spir. election and appoint tellers: Lesch and Currier.

                Dr. Susan Moody to House of Spir.
                                        10 Sept. 1906

     Enclosed is a letter from Mrs. Br-ham.

                 Isabella Br-ham to Susan Moody

     "We are not supposed to question their [the clergy's] motives.  One, a Unitarian, 
became a believer--Mr. Woodcock interested him, + he came out, saying to me, he 
rejoiced to receive a religion which had, at last, no bartering of God's Word.  The 2nd 
Adventist fled, appalled--doubtless he `believed not'--Another Unitarian was deeply 
interested--a broad, beautiful man--also a couple [rationalists?] + 2 other clergy 
were sincere--"

               Pauline E. Lahill to House of Spir.
                                        31 Aug. 1906

     Please send me a copy of the Hidden Words.  She's probably a seeker.  Her address 
is 230 Wood Ave, Montreal, Canada.

                A George Herrin to House of Spir.
                                        9 Sept. 1906

     Thank you for the tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                B. M. Jacobsen to House of Spir.
                                        15 Sept. 1906

     Mr. and Mrs. Redeen's youngest daughter has died;it happened Friday morning.  
The funeral will be Sunday.

                   House of Spir. to Jacobsen
                                        19 Sept. 1906

     Our condolences.

                        Broadway Magazine
copy 83                                 Sept. 1906

     An article about the Bahá'í Faith in New York City.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 22 Sept. 1906

     The election results.  Officers will be elected next week; then they'll appoint 
committees.  The tally sheets were kept and filed.
     C. Scheffler and Sunderland will plan the "next nineteen day Feast or Lord's 
     The tally sheet of the House of Spir. election is attached; it has 47 names, the 44 
in the minutes plus Peter Bender, Babcock, and Bosenbecker.

 Spiritual Assembly of Mashhad to Spiritual Assembly of Chicago
copy 86                   3 p.          received 25 Sept. 1906
                                        dated 6 Aug. 1906

     A reply to the circular letter of the House of Spir.
     At all meetings of the friends they urged us to say "Allah'u'Abha" to our western 
brethren.  Your letter has been sent all over Khurasan.
     There are about 6000 believers in Khurasan, "many" believers in all towns, 
cities, and villages, and "organized spiritual assemblies in all the cities of 
     Translated by Ahmad Esphahani (Sohrab) in Wash. D.C.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Sept. 1906

     Harris is about to leave for India and the Orient.
     The 27 Sept. "Feast" will be at Mrs. Camile True's; the 16 Oct. feast will be at Dr. 
Moody's and Mrs. Russell's.
     The Bahai Publishing Society needs money to put out books.
     In the future elections will be held on 23 May, with the new body inaugurated on 
15 Sept.  Officer elections will be as near to 15 Sept. as possible.
     The 3rd Sat. of every month all are invited to meet with the House of Spir.; 
"reception meetings."
     The House of Spir. then elected its officers; they are: T. Chase, President, 10 
votes; Thacher, Vice President, 5 votes; C. Scheffler, treasurer, 11 votes; G. Lesch, 
recording secretary, 10 votes; A. Agnew, corresponding secretary, 9 votes; Windust, 
librarian, 11 votes.
     The nineteen day feast committee will be C. Scheffler, Sunderland, and Van Hof.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        19 Sept. 1906

     Reply to their 13 Sept. letter.
     [p. 1]  "As I wrote to Bro. Chase the time for a Counsel Board in Washington 
[Wash. D.C.] does not seem to be ripe as yet so until [p. 2] this institution be 
established we can hardly take a rank with the N.Y. Board and the Chicago House of 
Spirituality--that is so far as authority in such [?] matters is concerned."
     [p. 5]  "We have some beautiful souls amongst our people here [Wash. D.C.], and 
when the time comes and our Lord commands it we will form an official assembly and 
by then will be able to unite with you + New York in Authority..."
     Miss Knobloch is the Wash. D.C. librarian.

               Constitution of the House of Spir.

     No notes; see the document itself.
     "Bahai Faith"

                 House of Spir. circular letter
                                        6 Oct. 1906

     A tablet to A. Agnew by `Abdu'l-Bahá discussed.
     Mr. Dealy is in the first line.
     New York, Chicago must cooperate in publishing; and when a spiritual assembly is 
established in Wash. D.C. it must consult also.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Oct. 1906

     Ober will accompany Harris to India; T. Chase has received a letter from Lunt 
with the news.
     Fairhope was devastated by a storm.  A collection was taken up for the Dealys.
     A suggestion committee was established; Currier and Woodworth are its members.

           Chicago House of Spir. to Chicago Assembly
copy 83                                 n.d.

     A nice letter.

                   Women's Assembly Resolution
                                        3 Oct. 1906

     It is written on stationary of a House of Spir. member: "J. L. Sutherland Law and 
Collections 552 E. Sixty-Third St. Res. 6511 Ingleside Ave."  It is about the 
purchase of a piece of land in Muskegon, MI, using the Temple fund money that the 
Women's Assembly has collected.  The lot cost $300.00.  They are buying "improved 
property"--does that include a house?  They specify the money is coming from the 
Temple fund.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 Oct. 1906

     Ameen Fareed describes his trip to Akka.
     There is a proposal to put an article on the Faith in a New Thought magazine.  The 
House of Spir. decides now is not the time.
     The House of Spir. approves the women buying the land.

                     Arthur James to Windust
                                        7 Oct. 1906

     Tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá [I guess I mean enclosed for the archives].
     James's wife, finally, is recovering from an illness.

               Meched [Mashhad] to House of Spir.
                                        23 Sept. 1906

     The usual two page letter that says nothing.

                Remey to Windust [House of Spir.]
copy 83                                 29 Sept. 1906

     About the Aqdas.

          Windust [for House of Spir.] to Mariam Haney
                                        12 Oct. 1906

     Thank you for arranging the translation of the Mashhad letter, and greetings.

             Mrs. Haney to Windust [House of Spir.]
                                        9 Oct. 1906

     Sohrab sent her the translation to send to Chicago.  Please type up a copy for me.

                  Mrs. Dealy to House of Spir.
                                        Fairhope, AL, 15 Oct. 1906

     She tells a story about a man who didn't believe in God, until a storm destroyed his 
     Thank you for sending us money.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 Oct. 1906

     Mrs. Dealy wrote to say thank you.
     T. Chase wrote the House of Spir. from Dallas, TX.  He is going to Seattle and 
     Kenosha has invited Chicago to come up for the 4 Nov. feast.
     The Sunday meetings will be moved up to 7:30 PM [from 8 PM?]

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Oct. 1906

     News of New York City, Cincinnati, Montreal, from believers present at the House 
of Spir. meeting.
     Letters were read.

                 Bandar Abbas to House of Spir.
                                        received 22 Oct. 1906

     Three pages of hello from a small Bahá'í community in Iran.

             House of Spir. to the Mashhad Assembly
                                        2 Nov. 1906


                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        26 Oct. 1906

     About the "Master's Fete" on 26 Nov.  Let us all write to `Abdu'l-Bahá on that day.  
Send the letters to me, I'll forward them all together.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Nov. 1906

     The rest of the evening was devoted to the building of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar.

            Windust to Mirza Ahmad Esphahani (Sohrab)
                                        28 Oct. 1906

     Thank you for translating the letter from Mashhad.

                  Esphahani (Sohrab) to Windust
                                        31 Oct. 1906

     Harris and Ober will be in Wash. D.C. on Fri., Sat., and Sun in the first week of 
     I will be glad to translate for you.

                        Remey to Windust
copy 83                                 26 Oct. 1906

     His reply to the 9 Oct. letter, which all loved and copied.
     We cannot form a body now; he doesn't say why, though.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Nov. 1906

     The House of Spir. heard a talk by Woodcock on regeneration.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Nov. 1906

     The Temple is discussed; Mrs. True wants the Sun. 18 Nov. meeting devoted to it, 
and to tablets about it.  Wash. D.C. and Cincinnati support the building effort too.
     Andrew Hutchinson is the new librarian for the New York City Bahá'ís.
     They will hold an open meeting of the House of Spir. the third Sat. of every month.  
[Windust adds a note that no one came to the open meetings, so they were stopped.]

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Nov. 1906

     T. Chase described his trip.  Group meetings have begun in Seattle and Portland.
     The money raised for the Temple in 1904 by Mrs. Waite's concert is returned to 
the Temple Fund, to Mrs. True.
     Celebration of the Master's Day is planned.

                     True to House of Spir.
                                        10 Nov. 1906

     At the "nineteen day tea meeting" this afternoon the ladies decided to ask Mrs. 
True, as corresponding secretary, to write the House of Spir. to "appoint Sunday Eve 
Nov. 18th a Meeting to be devoted to the Temple--reading such data as they have in 
hand from Our Lord Abdul Baha and our esteemed teacher Mirza Assad'Ullah."

                     True to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 16 Nov. 1906

     It is an elaboration on the previous letter.
     A Miss Jones has proposed a supplication to be sent all over the USA, asking for 
nineteen days of prayer.
     True states the importance of the Temple.  Wash. D.C. friends are behind the 
Temple project.  Cincinnati too.

                      T. Chase to A. Agnew
                                        Portland, OR, 12 Nov. 1906

     T. Chase will be in Denver on Thursday.
     "Seattle has about four or possibly five believers.  Portland has somewhere about 
fourteen or fifteen, possibly twenty or more who are interested.  Some good, loyal 
souls here.  Fisk is alright."

                    William Hoar to A. Agnew
                                        14 Nov. 1906

     I'm not even sure what the letter is about; its cryptic and in bad handwriting.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        20 Nov. 1906

     Mr. and Mrs. Woodward had a baby six weeks ago.
     Remey hopes the day will come when "Abdul Baha may command us to establish a 
Committee or Council here in Washington..." [Wash. D.C.]

                        Windust to Remey
                                5 p.    28 Nov. 1906

     About the Temple: "THe Matter has been lying dormant, so to speak, but is now 
being revived."
     Fareed gave a talk about Ishqabad that excited all with the project.  Apparently at 
the Master's Day celebration [or on 18 Nov.?]  The parchment was then signed and 
sent to Remey, with this cover letter.
     The School of the Prophets is to be printed by the Bahai Publishing Society.  
`Abdu'l-Bahá commanded it.  It is now being prepared for the printer.


     A compilation on `Abdu'l-Bahá's station by Remey.  19 pages long.

                       C. True to Windust
                                        26 Nov. 1906

     "As you said last evening our mistake has been a narrow selfish one in thinking 
this was a Chicago Temple instead of a Temple of the Lord God Almighty to be erected 
by His Heavenly Hosts.  It was this limitation that rendered us powerless..."
     True says, let us call a Temple meeting.

                         Windust to True
                                        29 Nov. 1906

     Let us publish `Abdu'l-Bahá's words and Fareed's words about the Temple.  Then 
we'll look for a site.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Dec. 1906

     The House of Spir. is helping take care of the Holcomb children.  They are now 
under care of a grandmother.
     Greetings to `Abdu'l-Bahá forwarded to Remey is attached to the minutes.

             Jewish Believers of Hamadan to Chicago
                                        received 5 Nov. 1906

     We were Jews--now we believe in Jesus Christ and Muhammad.

                       Hamadan to Chicago
                                        received Nov. 1906

     Who are the Persian teachers in America?  Send us their addresses.

                       Mashhad to Chicago
                                        received 25 Nov. 1906
                                        dated 20 Aug. 1906

     No notes.

                       Mashhad to Chicago
                                        received 1 Dec. 1906
                                        dated 30 July 1906

     No notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 Dec. 1906

     Mr. Hoar is visiting Chicago.
     More money is needed to send Mr. Harris to India.  Chicago will raise more.
     Chicago has sent $10.00 for the Holcomb children.
     Winterburn's pilgrim notes will be published, if Kenosha and Wash. D.C. and New 
York approve. 
[Note: they were published in 1908, and can be read online at -J.W.]

                  Mrs. A. M. Bryant to Windust
                              Woodland Park, CO, 30 Nov. 1906

     I will send you my tablets with T. Chase when he comes through Denver.

                  Windust to Mrs. A. M. Bryant
                                        12 Dec. 1906

     T. Chase had brought your tablets with him.
     437 tablets now are stored.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 Dec. 1906

     A copy of Harris to Hoar, 21 Nov. 1906, from Naples, has been sent to Chicago.  
Harris and Ober are on their way to India.  They took the "Koenig Albert" from New 
York City.
     The House of Spir. approved the petition to be sent to all Americans about the 
Temple, with one modification.

                  Hooper Harris to William Hoar
copy 83                                 at sea, 21 Nov. 1906

     Harris had many opportunities to teach the Faith on board ship; he describes them 
all.  Madame Bethlin knew the captain of the ship; that helped.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        13 Dec. 1906

     Fifty attended the Feast of the Master in Wash. D.C.; Bahá'ís and friends.  Many 
non-Bahá'ís came.
     I'm glad to hear there's a movement on building the Temple.  Four or five months 
ago we wrote `Abdu'l-Bahá about building a Temple in Wash. D.C.  We didn't know 
Chicago was commanded to build one.  So we'll help you.
     Remey was in New York City for ten days.

             Taqi Manshadi to a believer in the USA
                                   received Chicago 13 Dec. 1906

     You must build a Temple somewhere in the USA; Chicago, New York, Wash. D.C.
     Baku will build one next, but domestic troubles are delaying them.
     A copy of the letter was sent to Chicago by Remey.

                Circular Letter about the Temple
                                        13 Dec. 1906

     The circular is by Corinne True.  It is going out with two tablets about the 
Temple; one is to the House of Spir., the other to True.  The latter is dated as 
retranslated on 10 Dec. 1906.  Also a third tablet to the "spiritual meeting."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Dec. 1906

     A. Agnew is going on pilgrimage.  He will take a statement about the Temple from 
the House of Spir.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Dec. 1906

     A letter was sent from the University of Illinois requesting translations of 
writings of Bahá'u'lláh.  Copies will be sent.
     The next "Nineteen Day Feast" will be on 31 Dec. 1906.

           Kenosha Bahai Men's Board to House of Spir.
                                        28 Dec. 1906

     We want to know all about the first Temple.  Send us tablets.  What city? Chicago?  
Who will do it?  Is it a local or a national project?  Will it be in the east or the 
west?  When will it be finished?  How do we raise the money?
     On 9 December Kenosha elected a Board for the next year: Jacobsen, Bohannan, 
Benning, Peter Nelson (new member), Goodale (new), Yeager, Howard (librarian), 
Herman Carlson (treasurer), Voelz.  It took charge on 26 Dec.

              House of Spir. to Kenosha Men's Board
                                        31 Dec. 1906

     No city or person is designated in the tablets.  No one appointed to do it by `Abdu'l-
     They are calling the community the "General Assembly."  They used the term 
earlier also, about Sept. 1906.  I haven't seen it any earlier.
     We will raise about $1500.00 in Chicago.
     We had thought of spending $100,000.00; now we feel something smaller will do.
     A. Agnew leaves for Akka on 2 Feb.  He will ask for guidance.

                      Harlan Ober to Remey
                              2 p.      Port Said, 12 Dec. 1906

     He spent four days in Akka.  We go to India with three Persians.  We'll spend a 
month in Bombay, then go to Calcutta, Rangoon, and Mandalay.
     Miss Barney and Mr. Dreyfus went through Persia; it had a wonderful effect.
     40-60 greeted us in Akka, Miss Barney interpreted for us.  She's coming to the 
USA in 3 weeks to one month.
     We saw Asadu'llah in Haifa.

                   Hamadan to Chicago Assembly
                                        14 Dec. 1906

     Filed with the House of Spir. minutes of 23 Mar. 1907.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1907

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 5 Jan. 1907

     A circular letter is being translated into Persian.
     They wrote to Kenosha, replying to their letter.
     The House of Spir. discusses how to better the Sunday worship service.  A list of 
points is drawn up.  The purpose of the meeting is 1) worship and 2) attracting 
outsiders.  Talks on vital issues should be given.

              House of Spir. Circular to the Orient
                                        15 Jan. 1907

     In English and Persian.  1000 copies were printed; 600 were sent to the Orient by 
the House of Spir.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Jan. 1907

     The Sunday services will be planned more.  The Bible and the Iqan will both be read 
from at the meetings and will be "expounded."
     The nineteen day feast of 19 Jan. will be at Mrs. Russell's house.

          Bahá'í Assembly of Wash. D.C. Circular Letter
                                        9 Jan. 1907

     Let us pray for the Shah, whose health is not good.
     Remey includes a petition to the Shah inside, to be sent to him by all local 
communities.  It expresses our support.
     The circular was mailed to: Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chicago, 
Cleveland, Corry [Kenosha?], Denver, Fair Hope, Fruit Port, Ithaca, Johnstown, 
Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Los Ang., Montreal, Newark, New York, North Hudson, 
Philadelphia, Portland, Racine, Sandusky, San Fran., Seattle, Wash. D.C.  27 places, 

               Mr. William Hoar to Chicago Bahá'ís
T. Chase pap.                           19 Jan. 1907

     The Harris fund is becoming depleted.  $1500-2000 was raised in New York; 
Chicago must provide $750.00.  If they can, the Harris trip will be adequately 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 Jan. 1907

     The Bahai Publishing Society is sending a copy of the School of the Prophets to the 
Literary Digest for review; Dr. Moody suggested it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 Feb. 1907

     The hall they are renting for the meetings is at the Masonic Temple and costs 
$32/month; it holds 150.  A hall of capacity 300 costs $40/month.
     Miss Barney took notes in the presence of `Abdu'l-Bahá; Miss Rosenberg is helping 
her organize them.
     There will be a suggestion box at the Sunday meeting.

           Bahai Publishing Society to Literary Digest
                                        29 Jan. 1907

     The letter was written by Mrs. Russell, reviewed by A. Agnew, and signed by 
Windust.  It includes a leaflet announcing the School of the Prophets; it was written, 
it says, in Nov. 1906.  [It must have just come out in Jan. 1907.]

                  T. Chase to Bernard Jacobsen
                              1 p.      Chicago, 17 Jan. 1907

     A. Agnew will take all 400 tablets to Akka to show them to `Abdu'l-Bahá and 
request permission to publish.  Is this agreeable with Kenosha?  We have asked New 
York and Wash. D.C. also.

               Dr. Adolfo Luria to House of Spir.
                                   Wash. D.C., 26 Jan. 1907

     He lives in Chicago and will go to Akka in April.  He congratulates A. Agnew (?) and 
Russell for going there.

                 House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
copy 82                       3 p.      Chicago, 26 Jan. 1907

     The letter asks whether it is really necessary to build the Temple; the costs are so 
high, and so many people are poor.
     The necessity to obey the House of Spir.
     What is the difference between a House of Spir., a House of Justice, a "House of the 
Covenant," and a Council Board?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 Feb. 1907

     The House of Spir. will put notices in Sunday papers about Bahá'í meetings.
     New York has received a tablet about the return of Christ.  The tablet answers 
questions that caused division in New York over who was the return of Christ.  
`Abdu'l-Bahá denies it again and says that Bahá'u'lláh and the Bab were.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 Feb. 1907

     More money for the Harris-Ober trip to India is needed.  The matter will be 
presented on Sunday and a committee will go to Kenosha to talk to them about it.
     A circular about the Fast will be mailed.
     A committee of three is appointed to find a hall for next year.
     Policies for a question box are drawn up (but not carried out, Windust adds in the 

            Spiritual Assembly of Mashhad to Chicago
                                        received 4 Jan. 1907

     No notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Feb. 1907

     $30 is raised for the Harris fund in Kenosha.
     The lease of a hall at the Masonic Temple is considered.

               Ahmad Esphahani (Sohrab) to Windust
                                        16 Feb. 1907

     Please send me 50 circulars.
     I wrote a history of America in Persian; `Abdu'l-Bahá sent it to Persia and 
commanded another one.  Please write for me a short sketch of the history of Chicago.
     Sohrab sends to Chicago a letter from Benah, Persia (Azerbaijan) that he had 

            Windust to Mirza Ahmad Esphahani (Sohrab)
                                        12 Feb. 1907

     The circulars that Sohrab requested are those about filing copies of tablets in the 
Chicago archives.  Windust is pleased that Sohrab will send out a copy of the circular 
with any translations that he makes.

                  Esphahani (Sohrab) to Windust
                                        5 Mar. 1907

     T. Chase came through Wash. D.C. and briefed Sohrab about the history.  He took 
     Sohrab has the originals of 300 tablets.  He's collecting them (copies of the 
originals, I think he means.  He says if you send originals, I'll send them back).

                House of Spir. to Percy Woodcock
                                        27 Feb. 1907

     Come visit us in Chicago and teach the Faith.
     Woodcock is in Ontario.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 Mar. 1907

     The nineteen day feast will be held on 17 March, without refreshments.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 Mar. 1907

     The House of Spir. decides to write Sohrab: is Bahá'u'lláh the return of Christ, or 
both He and the Bab?

Letters from the individual members of the House of Spir. to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        Mar. 1907.

     All eleven members of the House of Spir. wrote letters to `Abdu'l-Bahá, which 
must have been taken to Akka by one of the pilgrims (A. Agnew, C. Scheffler, or T. 
Chase).  James Lindsay Sutherland is one of them's complete name.

              Wash. D.C. Assembly to House of Spir.
                                        n.d. [late Mar. 1907]

     Thank you for the notice about the Fast.  "As many of the believers as could have 
observed the Fast, and the Feast of Nayrooz will be celebrated as commanded."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 Mar. 1907

     Letters were read.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        14 Mar. 1907

     "We have been able to organize an Assembly Committee in Washington [Wash. D.C.] 
and from now on all the affairs of the Assembly will be carried on by it.  Later on we 
will officially notify the Chicago H.ofS. [sic] as well as the Boards of Counsel 
elsewhere of this step which is primary to the organization of a Board of Counsel 
when it may please Abdul-Baha to command it."

                 Arthur Agnew to Albert Windust
                                        en route by train, n.d.

     He is sending to Wash. D.C. a tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá telling them to support the 
Chicago temple.
     T. Chase is asleep.  We are nearing Toledo.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 Mar. 1907

     Hoar was visiting and told of Harris's trip to India
     Letters are discussed.

           Kenosha Bahai Men's Board to House of Spir.
                                        28 Mar. 1907

     Did you combine Naw-Ruz and the Feast together on 17 March or hold them 
separately?  Why on the 17th?  If you drop Ayyam-i-Ha from the calendar, the feast 
should be held about the 17th.
     What are the function of these observances?

                     House of Spir. to Voelz
copy 83                                 31 Mar. 1907

     We held the meeting on 17 Mar but had no refreshments.
     Mrs. Lesch, Mrs. Foster held Naw-Ruz commemorations in their homes.
     "It is the intention of the Chicago Assembly to commence each year with the Feast 
of Narooz [Naw-Ruz] and every nineteen days thereafter to hold suppers if it is found 
     Information on the gatherings "has been very meager [sic] up to the present 
writing and has come almost entirely through Mrs Brittingham [Br-ham] and Mr 
MacNutt especially that portion referring to the nineteen (19) day Feasts." [no 
periods after Mrs or Mr].
     21 March is the "Day of Baha" of the "Month of Baha."
     "The purpose of these nineteen day Feasts, is to stimulate Fellowship, Spirituality 
and Unity, also (in our opinion) a preparation for the new order of things, namely, 
the Bahai calendar."
     Attached to the letter is a list of the names of the nineteen months and the seven 
days of the week in Arabic, with their English translations.
     [The letter is too faint to photocopy.  I have checked the quotations and found them 
to be accurate on 3 June 1986.]

                 Henry Goodale to House of Spir.
                                        24 Mar. 1907

     There is to be a peace conference in New York City.  Should not Bahá'ís pray for its 
success?  The House of Spir. could send out a circular to all communities about it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Apr. 1907

     Letters are read.

                  Esphahani (Sohrab) to Windust
                                        28 Mar. 1907

     Sohrab doesn't know whether both the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh are the return of Christ.  
The translation of the tablet is a word-for-word translation.  Sohrab suggests that a 
footnote may be necessary when the tablet is published; otherwise `Abdu'l-Bahá will 
raise a new question in trying to end an old question!

                  Esphahani (Sohrab) to Windust
                                        4 Apr. 1907

     `Abdu'l-Bahá is trying to systematize the correspondence.

           Bahai Assembly if Wash. D.C. general letter
                                        19 Mar. 1907

     We have organized a Working Committee.  But they say nothing about its size, 
membership, or officers.  Its address is the same as Remey's--the same building, but 
a different room.

                      Remey general letter
                                        23 Mar. 1907

     Thank you for the signatires on the petition to the Shah.  It'll be sent to `Abdu'l-
Baha first; He will decide whether to send it to Persia or not.

               Washington Assembly circular letter
                                        30 Mar. 1907

     The letter is printed on "Bahai Assembly of Washington" stationary [Wash. D.C.].
     It includes a petition sent to communities to sign about the new Shah, to be sent to 
him (another petition?!).

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 Apr. 1907

     Stenstrand's pamphlet on Subh-i-Azal was considered, and "It was decided that we 
pay no attention to same."  A copy of the pamphlet is in the records.
     The House of Spir. discussed the "Sunday evening General Assembly meetings."  We 
will conduct them in the manner used for meetings in this country, "regardless of 
opposition on the part of three or four."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 Apr. 1907

     It is an open meeting, and nine women came, including Miss McKinney.
     They have received 25 more tablets from Sohrab.
     There is a request for a speaker in Urbana, IL, on Sunday 28 Apr. 1907.  
Greenleaf and Fareed will go.
     The Sunday meetings were briefly discussed.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Apr. 1907

     General discussion.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        15 Apr. 1907

     We are sending out tablets from `Abdu'l-Bahá in pamphlet form.
     Mr. MacNutt is visiting Wash. D.C.

                        Windust to Remey
                                        24 Apr. 1907

     MacNutt was in Wash. D.C. for two nights.
     Mr. Woodcock, wife, and daughter arrived in Chicago today by train.
     Many post cards are arriving fro T. Chase, A. Agnew, and C. Scheffler.
     Publication in Wash. D.C. is fine.

             Bahai Assembly of Washington to Chicago
                                        25 Apr. 1907

     The U.S. government wishes to include the Bahá'ís in their census.  Pleases send us 
your numbers and other data.
     Written on the letter is Chicago's reply.  Membership is "about 500," "300 
women and 200 men."  They meet in a hall and in homes; their hall has a capacity for 
     The circular is signed by Charles Mason Remey, "Chairman."
     The letter is a carbon; they must have made many carbon copies and sent them out.  
The word Chicago is written in by hand; its a form letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 May 1907

     There will not be discussion as part of the Sunday meeting.
     They discussed Remey's letter about the census.
     Regarding Tablets of Abdul Baha Abbas, "After due consideration, it was decided not 
wise to undertake work aforesaid until we hear from brothers Chase and Agnew 
regarding wish of our Master, Abdul Baha, as to publication of Tablets compiled by 
brother Windust which were submitted by them while at Acca."

                        Remey to Windust
                                        25 Apr. 1907

     "It is proposed that we issue from the Washington Assembly at stated intervals a 
leaflet which will contain tablets and instructions from the Master to the American 
Believers as well as any letters or articles on the teachings which have been approved 
and perhaps communications and the like which from time to time may be necessary 
in connection with the publishing and other works in the Cause." [Wash. D.C.]
     The idea still isn't definite.  Please place it before the House of Spir.  The 
publication would be free.  It would be designed to be bound together into a portfolio.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 May 1907

     Three present only.
     Mrs. Br-ham is in the Pacific northwest; she writes about the Faith there.
     All Persians coming to America must have a tablet of permission from `Abdu'l-
     They will follow up on the seekers in Urbana, IL.

               Esphahani (Sohrab) Circular letter
                                        Wash. D.C., 28 Apr. 1907

     Manshadi writes Sohrab on 30 March 1907 about `Abdu'l-Bahá's instructions" 
"Write to his honor, Mirza Ahmad that he may let the American believers know that if 
anyone, especially a Persian, comes to America without a Tablet of Permission no one 
must receive him as a Bahai; moreover, the Tablet must be in My own hand."  
`Abdu'l-Bahá repeated this three or four times.  No one is to go to America "without 
the Permission of our Lord."
     Sohrab received a tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá to the same effect a few days later.  
Raffie, Mazloom, and son are exempt.
     Fareed is coming to America with permission.  Someone plans to come and make 
trouble, though.
     Tell New York and Chicago soon.  And especially tell Mr. and Mrs. Getsinger.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 May 1907

     They are meeting with the ladies also.
     Correspondence only.

           T. Chase and C. Scheffler to House of Spir.
                                        Naples, 29 Apr. 1907

     A. Agnew and wife are still in Egypt; they are returning via. London and Liverpool.
     C. Scheffler will visit relatives in Germany.
     T. Chase is coming straight home, and may arrive before the letter does.
     "Our trip has proved all and more than could be hoped for--and our hearts are 
filled to the brim with love and confirmation--"
     "One thing only we find inculcated constantly and urgingly.  It is loving Service, 
which is the great and only means for Unity--
     "Yours in bonds of love and service."

                        Remey to Windust
                                        10 May 1907

     "The article for the census publication will be compiled word for word from 
`Unity' and `Religious Unity' both of which have been sanctioned by the Master.  The 
census officials will use the statistics which we are furnishing them along their usual 
line of publishing of such matter."
     Wash. D.C. is publishing tablets.
     The book of tablets to be published by the Bahai Publishing Society will be "exactly 
what is now needed in the Cause."
     The "magazine" project is laid aside for the moment.
     "The detail of the work now carried on by the Washington [Wash. D.C.] Assembly is 
becoming so great that some new systematic form of labor will in the near future 
become necessary.  Possibly such a bulletin as suggested may solve the question."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 25 May 1907

     T. Chase is back.  He tells how `Abdu'l-Bahá wants the Temple built.  A meeting is 
planned at Mrs. True's on 28 May about it.  We must get more contributions.

                      Remey circular letter
                                        25 May 1907

     Remey is sailing for the Holy Land on 8 June.

               Bahai' Assembly of Washington to ?
                                        25 May 1907

     Thank you for your help on the census.  The letter is signed by Remey, Chairman.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 June 1907

     A memorial service for Chester I. Thacher will be held on Sunday evening at the 
     Esphahani (Sohrab) is compiling tablets and not eliminating references to 
persons.  The House of Spir. will tell him of `Abdu'l-Bahá's instructions to Windust.
     Kenosha invites the returned pilgrims to speak. They will when they all have 
returned (so far, A. Agnew and C. Scheffler aren't back).

                         Chicago Tribune
                                        4 June 1907

     Obituary of Thacher.  He will have both Episcopal and Bahá'í services.  Both will be 
at the home of his sister in law, Mrs. J. A. Coccino.  He joined the Faith "ten years 

                       A. Agnew to Windust
                                        1 June 1907 12:58 PM

     Telegram: "Dr Thatcher passed away last night heart failure funeral Monday"

                    Kenosha to House of Spir.
                                        26 May 1907

     We would like True, C. Scheffler, A. Agnew, T. Chase to come up and speak of their 
pilgrimages.  We will invite Milwaukee and Racine to come also.
     Mrs. Br-ham is visiting us; last night "about forty of the friends gathered to greet 
our Dear Sister."
     Arna True and Ameen Fareed can come too.  All of Chicago is welcome to attend.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 June 1907

     A. Agnew is back.  He read his notes of what `Abdu'l-Bahá said about the Temple.
     Jacobsen is present; he said Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha all will support the 
Temple project.
     Mrs. True will be the treasurer of the Temple fund.  She has found a site and wants 
to commence negotiations for purchase.
     Dr. Oakshette will be asked to join the House of Spir. to replace Dr. Thacher.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 June 1907

     Many ladies are present; but not as the Women's Assembly, though.
     T. Chase and A. Agnew are going to Kenosha on 30 June.
     A letter of appreciation was sent to Dr. Fielding Thacher (son of Chester Ira 
     Suggestions about the Temple: 1) Incorporate some body to carry on the work; 2) 
Buy 20 acres near Evanston, subdivide it and sell it to pay for the cost of building the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 June 1907

     The House of Spir. will meet in Dr. Young's office from now on.
     Fielding Thacher gives to the House of Spir. an oil portrait of `Abdu'l-Bahá.
     The Temple project is discussed; but no details.

           A. Agnew's Pilgrim's Notes About the Temple
copy 83                                 Akka, 16 Apr. 1907

     `Abdu'l-Bahá stresses the importance of building the Temple.

                    Kenosha to House of Spir.
                                        13 June 1907

     Please come up on 30 June.  We will invite Racine and Milwaukee, but we need lead 
time.  Who else will come from Chicago?

                    Kenosha to House of Spir.
                                        20 June 1907

     Thank you for confirming you'll come.  The meeting will start at 2 PM.  Trains 
take one hour ten minutes from Wells St. Station in Chicago to reach Kenosha.  Trains 
leave for Chicago at 7:58, 8:10, and 9:52 PM.

               House of Spir. to Fielding Thacher
                                        18 June 1907

     A condolence letter.

               House of Spir. to Fielding Thacher
                                        Chicago, 24 June 1907

     The letter is by T. Chase.  Thank you for the portrait.  A beautiful letter.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 29 June 1907

     Sohrab writes that they should send no cablegrams to `Abdu'l-Bahá in Haifa or 
Akka because it will cause trouble.
     Mr. Young gives legal advice about the Temple project.  The House of Spir. has 
decided to incorporate the entire community.  We will meet with th community after 
the Sunday meeting to explain.

             Minutes of the Chicago Business Meeting
copy 83              Masonic Temple, room 901, Sun. 30 June 1907

     A community meeting.  T. Chase is appointed to chair, G. Lesch as secretary.
     Their corporate name will be the "Bahai Assembly."
     The eleven members of the House of Spir. are declared trustees of the Assembly; 
they are authorized by the Assembly to build, repair, contract for the Temple.

            Mashhad to Spiritual Assembly of Chicago
                                        Mashhad, 25 Mar. 1907
                                        transl. Fareed, 24 June 1907

     It calls Chicago a "mahfil-i-rawhani."
     Hello.  It briefly mentions persecutions.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 July 1907

    The minutes of the business meeting are read and approved, but so few are present 
the House of Spir. will wait to discuss incorporation.
     C. Scheffler is back from pilgrimage.
     The House of Spir. will send out a circular letter asking all to support the Bahai 
Publishing Society financially.

                Christ Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        Minneapolis, 23 June 1907

     He wrote `Abdu'l-Bahá but received no answer.  Have the pilgrims heard of this?  
He writes in semiliterate, broken English.
     C. Scheffler had written me almost weekly, but has stopped now.

                   Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        27 June 1907

     No notes.

                   Anderson to House of Spir.
                                        15 July 1907

     No notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 July 1907

     The House of Spir. will file an affidavit in the Cook County Recorder's Office, 

                     Mrs. True to Dr. Moody
                                        13 July 1907

     Please read Goodall's telegram at the Sunday meeting.  "If the trustees will select a 
piece of land I am sure in a few days a thousand dollars would be ours to make a first 
payment on it + soon we shall be worshiping in our own House."
     "Perhaps Susie you could read the Words of Abdul Baha to the three men pilgrims 
from our Assembly first and then read my letter + it will prove that Our Lord's 
Words `You have only to begin--everything will be all right.'  These words were 
uttered just three months ago + see our Confirmations already."

         C. True to Chicago Assembly, through Dr. Moody
                                        13 July 1907

     We received the following telegram and have deposited the money.  It is proof of the 
power of Bahá'u'lláh.
     True speaks of Christ's command to build churches; and now there are thousands.

                  Helen Goodall to Corinne True
                                        11 July 1907
     A telegram: "Sent today temple Oakland assembly four hundred dollars."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 July 1907

     Correspondence; Mrs. Louise J. Codwise of Wash. D.C. outlines plans for forming 
Bahá'í groups (organization) in different cities. We will encourage her.

             Haji Muhammad Yazdi to Chicago Assembly
                                        Alexandria, 2 June 1907


                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 July 1907

     Mrs. True to meet with House of Spir. to discuss the Temple finances.  She will be 
appointed secretary of the Temple Fund.

                    Helen Goodall to C. True

                                        13 July 1907

     A letter following the telegram.  Goodall will be in New York City, then London this 
     She includes a list of names of those who contributed; 34 names in Oakland and 

                   Mrs. True to House of Spir.
                                        23 July 1907

     Please file the telegram, letter, and list of contributors in the archives.
     She will retire as treasurer of the Temple fund, if the House of Spir. desires.  She 
will be in Chicago for the first few days of August.
     She attaches a statement about contributions to the Temple since 1906.  She has 
received $521.25.

                   House of Spir. to Mrs. True
                                        Chicago, 29 July 1907

     True is in Fruitport for the summer.
     We will put the items in the archives, as you have requested.
     Meet with us on 3 Aug. 1907.  Turn over the funds to us.  But please continue as 
Temple Fund secretary.

                   Mrs. True to House of Spir.
                                        Fruitport, 31 July 1907

     I will be happy to serve as secretary of the Temple Fund.  Please keep Temple 
funds separate from operating funds.  I have given my word to several that this will 
be done.
     I will give you my pilgrim's notes for safe keeping.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Aug. 1907

     Mrs. True has found a piece of land; a corner lot at Park Place and Bennett Ave in 
northwest Evanston. It is 300 x 150 feet, costs $4500.00.  A committee is appointed 
to examine it.
     A Bahá'í printing plant is proposed.  We will propose it to the community on 

                   Howard MacNutt to A. Agnew
                                        28 July 1907

     Miss Codwise of Wash. D.C. has printed a circular.  MacNutt has answered it for the 
Brooklyn Bahá'ís and writes to Chicago about it.  He doesn't want to discourage any 
effort, but doesn't want to officially support it either.

                    H. MacNutt to Codman [?]
copy 83                                 29 July 1907

     "Bahai Faith."
     Linking people together can have a splendid effect.
     MacNutt's concept of the Faith is "Unity through Love." But we must avoid the 
chaos of modern religions nd philosophies.
     Your organization may not harmonize with Bahá'í administration either.
     MacNutt is concerned about many of the same questions and issues that T. Chase is 
concerned about.

              Louise Salter Codwise circular letter
                                        18 June 1907

     She proposes the Bahá'í Faith be organized into circles of nine each; one teacher 
and eight pupils.  Each city, each state will have a central circle.  The Wash. D.C. 
central circle will be the national center.  All tablets from `Abdu'l-Bahá will pass 
through it.  Each circle will have a recording secretary.  The state circle will keep the 
names and addresses of all in the state and report them to the national circle.  The 
national circle sends out all literature.
     Each circle will hold feasts and other meetings as convenient.  Each Bahá'í will 
invite one non Bahá'í to the Feast to teach them.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Aug. 1907

     They are still considering the land in northwest Evanston.  A plot in Jackson Park 
area will be investigated too.
     Mrs. Grundy's pilgrim notes are approved and will be published.

                  Mrs. Br-ham to House of Spir.
                                        3 Aug. 1907

     She talks about "cycle teaching" that was taught her by Mirza Asadu'llah in 
Johnstown, N.Y. in 1900.  Remey has neostyled the notes for her.  Nov. of 1900 (end 
of the month) is seven months before she sailed for Akka and ten months before 
arriving there.  Mrs. Herron visited us in Johnstown after her pilgrimage in Feb. or 
Mar. 1901.  She had a chart from `Abdu'l-Bahá, a cycle chart, "disproving the 
doctrine of transmigration and of reincarnation of the individual soul."  Miss 
Albertson later returned from pilgrimage with the same chart.  Mrs. Lua Getsinger 
learned the same from `Abdu'l-Bahá.  Lua Gets. says Br-ham is teaching incorrectly, 
though.  She says only she has the right to teach from the chart and that Mrs. Br-ham 
can't use it.  [p. 13]  "She feels this teaching to be so peculiarly her own property, 
that I am in an embarrassed condition."  What do I do?  I can't teach with out cycle 
teachings; and no one can monopolize the Truth.  Please advise me. Especially T. Chase 
and A. Agnew can help.
     The letter deals with two other matters, too.
     American pilgrims are saying that some of Woodcock's teachings are unauthorized 
and incorrect.  "It has always been thought that every teaching--Pyramids, Zodiacal, 
etc--was given here by authority received in Acre." [p. 16-17]
     The other matter: a Hindu was expounding reincarnation at Green Acre.  Sarah 
Farmer at the end of his talk "arose, and in a very full speech, announced her entire 
belief in `the reincarnation of the individual soul'; that the Bahai teachings had denied 
it, Had tried to adjust the teaching or advance substitutes for it, but that while she had 
never written of it to the Master, she knew, from her own personal realization when 
in Acre, that this was a fact."
     "A Mr. K. Hagg... Seattle is a promulgator of a pamphlet" by Stenstrand.  "Mrs. 
Finch of Seattle was first approached and read it, becoming more confirmed than 
ever..."  The Bahá'ís in Seattle met and discussed it; Mrs. Finch refuted it.  All are 
stronger in the Faith now.  "This sister is one of the serving souls in Seattle, and the 
meetings are held in her home." [p. 22]  Please write to them.
     Br-ham is moving from Orange, NJ, to Newark.
     Miss Jggested it                  Minutes of ave just become believers "several months 
     A 25 page letter!  T. Chase typed it; his version is seven pages.

                     Arthur Dodge to C. True
                              10 Wall St., New York, 3 Aug. 1907

     Please present to the House of Spir. the enclosed plans to start a magazine, the 
"Bahai Messenger."
     The pamphlet proposing the idea is attached.  It would be a universal, illustrated 
monthly magazine to popularize the Faith.

                 The Bahai Messenger to Chicago
                                        25 July 1907

     The letter is by Dodge.  The magazine will have 8 six-column pages and cost 50 
cents a year for a subscription.  1800 copies will be printed.  Dodge will guarantee 
the first year's subscription.
     Purpose of the magazine will be to spread the teachings and to provide news to the 
believers.  Each community will have space for its news.
     Will you guarantee 100 subscriptions?
     We hope the first issue of the magazine will contain a history of the Faith in the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Aug. 1907

     Several of Currier's "old friends" are Seventh Day Adventists.
     The House of Spir. considers the land on the south shore of the Lake for a Temple 

                House of Spir. to Isabella Br-ham
                              5 p.      Chicago, 14 Aug. 1907

     A beautiful, merciful letter.
     The House of Spir. alludes to some disagreements on the East Coast.  Unity and 
patience are stressed; passages are suggested as helpful.
     If you are concerned about brother Woodcock's pilgrim's notes, write him and ask 
him if everything he teaches is from `Abdu'l-Bahá.  The House of Spir. hasn't heard 
any complaints about it.
     Don't worry because some Bahá'ís believe in reincarnation.  Miss Farmer should 
write to `Abdu'l-Bahá herself.  Ask someone to ask her to do so.
     "Regarding the pamphlet of August Stenstrand, it is known by some of our friends, 
and we are given to understand that it is of such a character that it cannot well be 
harmful."  But they will write to Seattle.
     We will write to `Abdu'l-Bahá about the problem you have with Lua Gets. without 
mentioning names.  We cannot decide the issue between the two of you.
     T. Chase was taught of the Kingdoms of ascent and descent by Asadu'llah. He had 
heard that Lua Gets. teaches it and heard she claims a monopoly on it.
     If you and Lua Gets. cannot agree, meet together with seven others and consult 
about it.
     The letter includes five pages of extracts from the writings!     

    Bahai Assembly of Washington to Bahai Assembly of Chicago
                                        18 Aug. 1907

     The Working Committee is acting on the Temple matter; we've received your 
circular about it.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Aug. 1907

     The lot near Jackson Park costs $85,000.00.  It is being considered.  Mr. 
Jacobsen wishes to be kept informed of the Temple.
     New York City Board writes about publishing; C. T. Hutchinson, secretary.  Mrs. 
Br-ham write about the cooperative society.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        31 Aug. 1907

     Nothing was done because too few were present.

                        Remey to Windust
                             4 p.       London, Eng., 27 Aug. 1907

     No news, just spiritual thoughts.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Sept. 1907

     They discuss the spelling of Bahá'u'lláh.  We will follow Browne, except for "a" in 
stead of "e."
     A Temple site at the corner of Sheridan Road and Grace St. will be considered.
     The House of Spir. elected its officers for the new year: T. Chase, President; C. 
Ioas, Vice President; C. Scheffler, Treasurer; James Sutherland, corresponding 
secretary; Al Windust, librarian; G. Lesch, recording secretary.

         Kenosha Board of Consultation to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 1 Sept. 1908 [1907]

     Its on their new--oh my!--stationary.  And the Board now has a new name (as 
     "We have established a Temple fund and have appointed a Treasurer for same."  
They have $175.00 cash already.
     The letter is about their support for the Temple.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Sept. 1907

     A piece of land near Lincoln Park looks good; they will secure an option, if 

            Miss Edith Louise Grosvenor's invitation
                                        Sept. 1907

     There will be a reception in honor of the kindness that Abdu'l Hamid has shown to 
`Abdu'l-Bahá on 24 Sept. 1907, at 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM.  The reception is by the 
Wash. D.C. Assembly; she lives in Glen Echo, MD.

                   Grosvenor to House of Spir.
                                        20 Oct. 1907

     The reception was a success; she encloses a news clipping.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 Sept. 1907

     Windust will represent Chicago at the Wash. D.C. reception on 24 Sept. 1907.
     The letter from Br-ham was read (they finally typed it?).
     Another Jackson Park site is rejected as too expensive.
     Mrs. Harrison suggests that Chicago use the names of the feasts as the themes for 
the readings at them.  Or perhaps she means the days of the week.
     B Jacobsen is present from Kenosha.

               Bahai Assembly of Kirman to Chicago
                                        mailed July 1907
                                        trans. Fareed 15 Sept. 1907


                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 Sept. 1907

     Windust describes his visit to Wash. D.C.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Oct. 1907

     The Jackson Park site is good; we will make a formal proposition.  We will discuss 
it with the community tomorrow.
     Windust described the Temple efforts being made in Kenosha.
     Mr. Hoar was present as a guest.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 Oct. 1907

     We will discuss the Temple project at the community meeting tomorrow evening.

                  Louisa E. Ruddiman to Windust
                         Pine Grove Mills, Van Buren Co., MI.
                                        Oct. 1907

     "We wish to give to participate in the great work of the first Temple.
     "Mr. R. is a carpenter and as we have not much no income from any source except a 
few days labor now + then..."  He would like to work on the Temple.
     Mr. Lane lives 20 miles away; he's the nearest believer.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        19 Oct. 1907

     Various letters.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 Oct. 1907

     Mrs. True proposes a north shore site, valued at $28,000.00.  T. Chase has found 
some vacant lots next to the Marine Hospital.  It might be a good idea putting our 
Temple money in a stronger bank, should the economy get worse.  We will do it.

                    R. R. McKinnie to C. True
                                        26 Oct. 1907

     About a plot of land for the Temple.  Hurry up!  Its a good buy.

                          Remey to True
                                        Paris, 16 Aug. 1907

     `Abdu'l-Bahá never wrote back to Wash. D.C. telling them to support Chicago, but 
He orally told Remey while he was in Akka.

                   R. R. McKinnie to Mrs. True
                                        Evanston, 24 Oct. 1907

     He is a real estate agent.  He writes about a plot of land for the Temple at the 
corner of Michigan and Kedzie Sts.

                          True to Agnew
                                        25 Oct. 1907

     A "grand block of land" "we could not find a better location" for the Temple.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        26 Oct. 1907

     I missed you while you were here in Wash. D.C.
     "The Friends here are all talking about the building of the Temple.  When I was 
with Our Lord He said that we should all join with you in this matter.  Tonight we are 
to have our first business meeting of this season and I will bring up the matter of our 
contributions towards this good work."
     The magazine; `Abdu'l-Bahá has instructed them about it.  It will be in English and 
Persian.  The first issue probably will be in Jan. or Feb.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá told Remey to visit Chicago and Wisconsin.

           Isabella Br-ham to Dear Brother in His Name
                                        Philadelphia, 28 Oct. 1907

     Three more believers.  They are Mr. A. G. Johnson, Deer Trail, Washington State 
[WA], and Mrs. Dr. Couch and Mrs. Mary Hennessy, Twsip, Washington [WA].  The 
latter two are "not...widely instructed."
     An attached sheet lists various names and addresses; among them is Mrs. A. Copley, 
748 E. Brigham St., Salt Lake City, Utah.

                       A. Agnew to Crowley
copy 83                                 31 Oct. 1907

     `Abdu'l-Bahá's words to him about the Temple were spontaneous.  The pilgrims 
were overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task.  The Temple is a national, not a 
Chicago project.
     There will be two Temples in the lifetime of `Abdu'l-Bahá, one in the heart of the 
Old World and one in the heart of the New World.  This is most appropriate.
     Building the Temple will strengthen the Faith in the Orient.  It will be proof of the 
growth of the Faith in the West.  Pilgrims from the Orient were gratified to meet 
pilgrims from the west.  "They rejoiced the Cause had taken on a world-wide aspect."
     `Abdu'l-Bahá says the Temple is the most important project in the USA today.  The 
Temple will prove the permanence of the Faith here.  It will show the strength of the 
     "If possible some way will be devised of getting an expression from each assembly 
of the United States and Canada before selecting a location."
     A. Agnew is thankful of the work being done for the Faith around Boston.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 16 Nov. 1907

     The Wash. D.C. Working Committee is behind the Temple Project.
     Nineteen tablets have been sent in by Mrs. Hoagg.
     A Bahai magazine is planned in New York.  The House of Spir. made some 

                        Remey to Windust
                                        12 Nov. 1907

     Remey will be in Chicago in about six weeks, between Christmas and New Year's.
     Remey sends in for the archives two tablets he has received from `Abdu'l-Bahá.

      Working Committee of Wash. D.C. to Wash. D.C. Bahá'ís
                                        9 Nov. 1907

     "I have been commissioned by the Working Committee of our Assembly to notify 
our people that the said committee are in sympathy with the effort of the Baha"is of 
America to erect a Baha"i Temple of Worship in Chicago..."
     The Assembly treasurer is Mr. Phelps; send contributions to the Temple to him 
and he will forward them to Chicago.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 Nov. 1907

     The prospectus for a Bahá'í magazine was considered.
     There will be a Bahá'í convention at Mrs. True's on Tuesday 26 Nov. 1907.  
"Remainder of the evening was devoted to consideration of matters pertaining to Bahai 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 Nov. 1907

     The property at Sheridan Rd. and Hill St. will be considered.  The delegates 
approved of it.
     The House of Spir. answered the questions of Mr. Lehman of Spokane, who attended 
the meeting of the House of Spir.

                    Albert H. Hall to C. True
                                        Minneapolis, 18 Nov. 1907

     I can't come to the convention on 26 Nov.  I might make it, or another can go.

              Pledge Slip for support of the Temple
     no notes.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 Dec. 1907

     They have received a letter from Mirza Munir Zayn.
     A circular letter about the Temple is considered.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Dec. 1907

     The circular on the Temple is approved.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 Dec. 1907

     The women plan to hold a bazaar on 31 Mar for the Temple fund.  Mrs. True 
suggests a larger Temple fund be raised.  Pledges for both the Temple and the Chicago 
fund will be drawn up.

                 House of Spir. circular letter
copy 83                                 19 Dec. 1907

     We are starting the effort to build a Temple.  They describe the history of the 
project; `Abdu'l-Bahá tablets and the notes of pilgrims.
     The letter is mailed all over the USA, with a cover letter and in large numbers so 
each community can distribute copies to all its members.  It was sent to twenty 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 28 Dec. 1907

     Remey and Jacobsen are present as guests.
     Committees for the Temple should be appointed in the different communities.  
Wash. D.C. will encourage this idea.
     The uniform spelling of Bahá'u'lláh was discussed and agreed on.  Publications 
were discussed (for Remey's benefit).

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1908

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Jan. 1908

     Mr. Woodcock of Montreal is "explaining the inner meanings of the Temple."  The 
minutes don't elaborate.
     "Mrs. Foster, Miss Buikema, were recommended for service as committee for 
Temple General Fund."
     The importance of teaching the Faith and the establishment of meetings for both 
believers and outsiders was considered fully, and will be taken up again.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Jan. 1908

     Mr. Johnson of Racine was present.
     Mrs. Russell, Miss Buikema, suggest we eliminate from the Sunday meetings all 
talks, and add more readings of Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        18 Jan. 1908

     Miss Rosenberg's mother has died.
     Mr. Sprague wishes to cooperate with House of Spir.; how?
     Mr. Remey wrote about local Temple committees.
     The Hamadan Young People's Society wrote also.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        12 Jan. 1908

     "At the regular meeting of the Working Committee of the Washington [Wash. D.C.] 
Assembly..." I briefed them of your work and proposed what we agreed on, the 
circular proposing local Temple committees.
     "This great service this letter to be followed up later by a communication 
suggesting the organization of a general Temple association of all Baha"i Assemblies 
of this country for the building of the Temple, thus giving each Assembly in the land 
an equal opportunity to serve in this most important matter--the Chicago House of 
Spirituality acting as trustees of the General Temple Associations.  This proposition 
was accepted by all unanimously as being a service which the Washington Assembly 
should hasten to perform.
     "Under the present arrangements in Washington [Wash. D.C.] our working 
committee has no authority to use the name of the Assembly--it being the custom to 
call a special meeting of the Assembly to consider important matters."  So, they are 
doing that.  "Also we will ask that a committee be appointed and empowered to act for 
the Assembly in all matters."
     "In Washington [Wash. D.C.] we have been obligated to work very slowly towards 
Assembly organization.  The time is now at hand for another step--as I have just 
outlined--and in the future we will from time to time add elements of organization as 
we need them.  We are younger in such matters than you in Chicago, but we are 

Bahá'í Young Men's Society of Hamadan to Spiritual Assembly of                              
                                        received 15 Jan. 1908

     Some of the youth are of Jewish, others of Muslim background.
     Please send us photographs of yourself.
     They enclose a poem by a nine year old Jewish Persian boy, and a tablet to him.

                  Ella Quant to House of Spir.
                                   Johnstown, NY, 20 Jan. 1908

     "We do not feel that it is a Temple for Chicago alone, but for every soul who 
breaths His Name, indeed for all peoples to come."  They feel it is a "duty" to help 
build the Temple.

                W. B. Brancher to House of Spir.
                                        5 Jan. 1908

     "I have been working in the Socialist movement to some extent trying to get the 
workers and producers to desire better conditions and not be content to do the work of 
the world for so small a share in blessings which have resulted from our combined 
     "The world cannot be saved by the letter.  It must be done by the Spirit."
     Brancher goes on to say that all must have a job.  He complains about so much 
taxes.  He has no money, so he will pray for the Temple work.  He closes the letter 
with "Allah U Abha."

                Annie Parmerton to House of Spir.
                                        Cincinnati, 5 Jan. 1908

     No notes.

                George S. Swart to House of Spir.
                         6 p.      Mayger, OR, 15 Jan. 1908

     He's a fisherman!  He had been in the merchantile business in Kansas, but the 
store failed.  He had lots of domestic troubles too.
     He sends $5.00 for the Temple.

               Grace Nash Heaton to House of Spir.
                                        Cleveland, 18 Jan. 1908

     Her husband is Hugh Heaton; she's married.
     Cleveland will send something to sell in the Temple bazaar.
     She will do all she can.

                     T. Maxwell to G. Lesch
                                        Chicago, 19 Jan. 1908

     He encloses $1.00.

                 James B. Hope to House of Spir.
                                        15 Jan. 1908

     Who do I send a contribution for the Temple to?  Who do I write about books?  
Who's been to Akka?  Please send names.

                Charles Richter to House of Spir.
                                   Grand Haven MI, 13 Jan. 1908

     I'll do all I can for the Temple.

               Mrs. W. H. Jones to House of Spir.
                                   Portland, OR, 4 Jan. 1908

     "Could you send me the name and address of any believers here in Portland, I have 
been told there was a few here but up to the present time have not found them."
     She's a native of Chicago.

                Christ Anderson to House of Spir.
                                   South Superior, MN, 8 Jan. 1908

     He is pessimistic about the Temple.  He heard of the "December" meeting of the 
delegates from all around the USA.  `Abdu'l-Bahá told us to build it; so let's build it!  
He sends $5.00.

           Mrs. Aurilla Colcord Pot'e to House of Spir.
                                        New York City, 13 Jan. 1908

     She'll help on the Temple project.

                Joseph Strauss to House of Spir.
                                        Cincinnati, 12 Jan. 1908

     He is sending $1.00 for the Temple.  He is changing his address in Cincinnati.

                    Kenosha to House of Spir.
                                        12 Jan. 1908

     We are distributing the leaflets you sent us about the Temple.

                Henrietta Mills to House of Spir.
                                   Buffalo, NY, 1 Jan. 1908

     We send "Behai" greetings and will help on the Temple.

                Louisa Ruddiman to House of Spir.
                                        2 Jan. 1908

     Mr. Ruddiman still wants to help.  When they are in Chicago they'll bring a 
contribution.  Send me another flyer; I sent mine to a minister in Allentown, PA.

               Charlotte Morton to House of Spir.
                                   West Allis, WI, 30 Dec. 1907

     Milwaukee celebrated "our Lord's Supper" on Friday night.
     How do we start a fund?  Please tell us.
     Remey and Jacobsen are coming up tonight.
     Her sister in law is dieing.

             Ella T. Nash, Sec. to Temple Committee
                                        Cambridge, 3 Jan. 1908

     Her address is 1105 Mass Ave., Cambridge.  She is corresponding secretary of the 
     "This Assembly [Boston] has taken action + a committee has been appointed by the 
Chairman Mr. Lunt.  We hope to do our part..."

                  A. M. Dahl to House of Spir.
                                        Philadelphia, 30 Dec. 1907

     He writes "In Behalf of the Bahai Assembly of Philadelphia"
     "It [the Temple circular] has been read in our Assembly meeting"
     We will "heartily endorse" whatever you do for the Temple.

              Mrs. M. A. Angeline to House of Spir.
                                        Wash. D.C., 4 Jan. 1908

     We hope to contribute to the Temple soon.

                Elizabeth Emmel to House of Spir.
                                        Baltimore, 7 Dec. 1907

     We'll help on the Temple.

                    Arthur James to G. Lesch
                              Weehawken Heights, NJ, 7 Jan. 1908

     Assembly meetings are in Jersey City on Sunday nights. "We are a small body 
composed of working people, and I fear we will not be able to render you any 
financial assistance."  "Some of our members are sick + some out of employment and 
we find it an effort to meet our obligations."  "We are endeavoring under the guidance 
of Brother Harris to spread the Cause in Jersey City, we of North Hudson joining 
with the J. C. friends for that purpose."

                Isaiah Bradford to House of Spir.
                                        Duluth, MN, 3 Jan. 1908

     He's no longer in Hubbard, MN.

                Mrs. LaGrange to Chicago Bahá'ís
                                   Johnstown, NY, 29 Dec. 1907

     We'll help on the Temple.

             Mrs. Delia Perry to the Friends of God
                                   Grand Rapids, MI, 3 Jan. 1908

     I'll help on the Temple.

                 W. A. Busselle to House of Spir.
                                        Seattle, WA, 3 Jan. 1908

     I will distribute the Temple circulars.

              James F. Carmichael to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 28 Dec. 1907

     I received your Temple communication.

                     Mrs. A. M. Bryant to ?
                                        Wichita, KS, Jan. 1908

     I have forwarded your Temple circulars to Denver.  I have been in Wichita a 
while; length of time unspecified.

         Margaret B. Peeke to House of Spir. of Behaists
                                        Pomona, TN, 2 Jan. 1908

     I will help on the Temple.  I am in communication with the Sandusky Bahá'ís.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 Jan. 1908

     Nine replies have been received to a notice on the Faith in a New Thought magazine 
in Jan. 1908.  Mrs. Foster, Miss Buikema, Dr. Moody asked to be a committee for the 
Temple and General Fund.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Feb. 1908

     Temple discussed, but no details included.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 Feb. 1908

     Woodcock has a beautiful set of Temple plans; they examined them.

             Dr. Ameen Ullah Fareed circular letter
                                        9 Feb. 1908

     The letter was put out by Sprague.
     Send mail for `Abdu'l-Bahá to Port Said, not Haifa.
     Fareed's address on the Temple and tablets about it are included.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 Feb. 1908

     No business.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Feb. 1908

     Wash. D.C. circular letter about publishing tablets is proposed.  The House of 
Spir. approves [see Remey to Windust, 13 Feb. 1908].
     Two men should be added to the House of Spir.

                        Remey to T. Chase
                                        13 Feb. 1908

     Draft of Temple circular is enclosed.  A second communication [about a national 
association?] is being prepared.  We will send it to you for comment.
     Mr. Wilhelm heard from `Abdu'l-Bahá recently; spell it Baha'o'llah, with "o" in 
stead of "u."  The "o" is closer to the Persian pronunciation.

                       Wash. D.C. circular
                                        Feb. 1908

     It is a rough draft.  It includes a short history of the Temple project.
     "The object of this letter is to bring to the mind of each and every Bahai in this 
land the necessity for united service in this work, and to exhort them to make haste 
to raise this standard of unity."
     The final, typeset draft was received by Chicago on 24 Feb. 1908.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        13 Feb. 1908

     Why don't you ask Khan, Fareed, and Sohrab to send out notice of the collection of 
tablets in the archives when they mail out translations?
     I'll send out these circulars with our circulars.

          Bahai Publishing Society to Mirza Munir Zayn
copy 83                                 Chicago, 27 Feb. 1908

     The letter is signed by T. Chase and is done on his typewriter.  So it is by him.
     Has `Abdu'l-Bahá changed the spelling of Bahá'u'lláh?  Wilhelm is in Chicago and 
is positive he heard `Abdu'l-Bahá right.  We are sure he must be wrong.  Please 
straighten out the question.
     T. Chase describes the pronunciation during the Kheiralla period as BEEha-

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Feb. 1908

     A committee to run the Sunday meetings is considered.
     The meeting was held on Leap day.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        26 Feb. 1908

     The second circular will go out soon; you'll get a rough draft first.  Send me 700 
copies of the circular about sending tablets to the archives.  He'll send it to the 
European believers too.  Remey mailed both circulars together.

                    Windust to Miss Rosenberg
                                        29 Feb. 1908

     T. Chase is away in the eastern USA on a business trip for four weeks.  He will 
publish his pilgrim's notes, as you request.  Several "intimate friends" will bear the 
cost. [he adds several means "2 or 3"]  The English Bahá'ís wish to publish his notes; 
thank you for the gesture.
     Windust is secretary of the Bahai Publishing Society and is writing on their 
     Tell Mr. Sprague we'll publish his book soon.  We are working on "copy" of two or 
three volumes of "Tablets from Abdul-Baha."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Mar. 1908

     There is not enough money to cover the hall rent for another year.
     Dr. Fareed has been called to Akka.

                   Wash. D.C. Circular letter
copy 83                                 received 1 Apr. 1908

     A draft or final version?  Neatly typed.
     It proposes a"Bahai Temple Association" with branches throughout the country.
     The Chicago House of Spir. will be the legal trustee of the Temple association.
     The Washington Temple branch, for now, will handle correspondence.

                      Remey Circular letter
                                        Mar. 1908

     "Nayrooz Greeting" letter and card from Remey.  A Persian booklet is also 
included; a tablet?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 Mar. 1908

     Circular letter about tablets from `Abdu'l-Bahá was read and approved.

                 Circular of the House of Spir.
                                        21 Mar. 1908

     It is about sending in one's tablets for the archives and went out with Wash. D.C.'s 
circular about Temple organization.
     By the spring of 1907 the House of Spir. had 500 tablets in its vault.
     Books of tablets are being prepared, so send in your tablets soon, or they will 
miss publication in the books!

                Aurelia Bethlen to House of Spir.
                                        New York City, Mar. 1908

     The letter is actually undated, but can be dated by its context in the House of Spir. 
     I'm glad you received my tablets.
     We read some beautiful tablets at Feast at Brother Kinney's on last Monday in 
[New York City].
     Bethlen wants a copy of the Aqdas, so she can read and obey the laws.

                House of Spir. to Aurelia Bethlen
                                        16 Mar. 1908

     We received your letter a few days ago.
     The Aqdas is not available in good English, and will not be published until `Abdu'l-
Baha says so.

                        Orr to Mrs. True
copy 83                                 14 Mar. 1908

     He is a real estate broker and proposes a site at the corner of Sheridan and Linden 
for the Temple.  There is a drainage canal on one side, and Greenleaf Ave.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 Mar. 1908

     A site at the corner of Ridge and Linden is considered.
     Sprague offered to help promote the Temple while traveling in the East (Iran?).  
The House of Spir. does not accept his offer.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 Mar. 1908

     Mrs. True at the meeting, and Dr. MOody.
     The option to buy the Temple site is $1000.00; or $1500.00 for an additional 
six months.
     Right now there is a falling land market, so we will buy a small piece and get 
more later, when land is cheaper.

                    Harlan Ober to Mrs. Agnew
                                        20 Mar. 1908

     Ober is secretary of Boston's Temple Committee.
     Mrs. Agnew sent out a circular about the bazaar the women are holding to raise 
money for the Temple.  Boston has collected articles for it and will send them.  The 
Temple Committee voted to do so at its meeting of 4 Mar. 1908.
     "In the Boston Assembly a Temple Committee has been appointed and all matters 
pertaining to the Temple will be referred to it."
     The letter is on "Crowley and Lunt" stationary.  They are listed as "Publishers."  
Ober must work for them.  [Roger Dahl says the company belonged to Clarence Lunt, 
not Alfred.]

                        Remey to Windust
                                        21 Mar. 1908

     Remey is replying to Windust's letter of 14 Mar.
     We [the Wash. D.C. Working Committee] will send out the Wash. D.C. (temple) 
and Chicago (tablets) circulars next week.
     He raises a few details.  Contributions must go to C. Scheffler directly.  And the 
circular letter should say the consultation was with the Chicago House of Spir., not 
just with some Chicago Bahá'ís.
     "P.S.  Miss Barney's book is out and copies maybe obtained from Miss Gain [?]... 
[New York City]... Price $1="

                        Remey to Windust
                                        22 Mar. 1908

     A message from `Abdu'l-Bahá has arrived through Mrs. Goodall, who is back from 
pilgrimage; and he sends a mailing list.  The message may be the one he describes in 
the next letter.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        23 Mar. 1908

     Why not have people but "one foot" of the Temple?  A good campaign slogan for 
raising money.  Remey will design a certificate to give to those who contribute.
     "I have received a tablet permitting me to travel in Persia and Russia during the 
upcoming summer."  But don't tell anyone yet, because my plans may change.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        27 Mar. 1908

     A reply to Windust's letter of 24 Mar.  Remey will draft a certificate.  Will the 
House of Spir. approve of it?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Apr. 1908

     The incorporation papers of the Chicago Assembly may be defective.  The House of 
Spir. will take out the land in C. Scheffler's name for now.
     They have received a post card from Fareed who is en route to Haifa.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        30 Mar. 1908

     Wash. D.C. is planning the rough draft of a third Temple circular.  Draft of the 
sketch is enclosed.  We must mail it as soon as possible.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        3 Apr. 1908

     I understand you have bought a site. So lets encourage people to buy stones instead 
of feet.

          B. Jacobsen to House of Spir. (to A. Agnew?)
                                        Kenosha, 4 Apr. 1908

     Tell Remey that 19 cents per share (foot) is too small; children give that much!  
And tell him his next circular letter on the Temple should mention the purchase of 
the land.  If he leaves for overseas, he should make sure someone else is carrying on 
the work he started.
     Kenosha had a unity feast on Sunday; it was very good.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        8 Apr. 1908
     A reply to Windust's letter of 2 Apr. 1908.
     Remey is sailing for Europe at the end of April.  He will represent George 
Washington University at a Congress in May in Vienna.  Then he will go to Russia and 
maybe to Persia.
     He will be happy to serve the Chicago friends while he is in the Orient.

                       Jacobsen to Windust
                                        8 Apr. 1908

     A post card.  I wrote to Remey.

         Minutes of the Chicago Bahá'í Assembly Meeting
                                        Sun. 12 Apr. 1908

     Meeting held in the Corinthian Hall of the Masonic Temple in Chicago.
     The Chicago Assembly agrees that the land should be in C. Scheffler's name until 
the incorporation papers are perfected.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 18 Apr. 1908

     Mrs. True is present, and Dr. Moody.
     There will be a picnic on the Temple site on 23 May.
     They want to plan a national convention for this summer in Chicago.  The railroad 
rates will be lower because of the Republican Convention here.
     Mr. Keller will be added to the House of Spir.
     Miss Masson suggested that no comments be made on the utterances of `Abdu'l-
Baha at the Sunday services.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        12 Apr. 1908

     Wash. D.C. has appointed a Temple Branch Committee.  We will serve the House of 
Spir. in any way you would like.
     Temple branches are being formed.  We will send out a list of them, once a few 
more are official.
     J. H. Hannan [sic] will handle the correspondence here.  Mr. Elwin Moore and 
Mrs. W. P. Allen [Wallesca Pollock Allen] will assist.
     Sprague will go to the Orient with me.  I doubt I will visit the Holy Land.  I will 
sail for Europe on 25 April 1908 [p. 5].
     I want to help the House of Spir. while in Europe, Russia, and Persia.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        Ridvan, 1908

     Hannen will continue the correspondence on the Temple.
     Good bye once again.

                          Ober to Remey
copy 83                                 received 21 Apr. 1908
                                        Calcutta, 19 Mar. 1907

     Filed under the date of reception.
     Ober and Harris leave for Rangoon tomorrow; we will arrive there on 24 Mar.
     We have spent a month in northern India, in Lahore and Gujranwala.  Harris 
     The Indians are becoming educated and are giving up religion.  The Faith is needed.  
In Bahá'í meetings all join together in equality.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 May 1908

     A letter from Edward Gets. has been received about Bahá'í organization.
     The meeting time of the House of Spir. has been changed from Saturday evening to 
Tuesday evening [there was no meeting on Tues. 12 May 1908].

          Edward Getsinger to Windust? (House of Spir.)
copy 83                                 15 Apr. 1908

     Gets. spoke of the Temple to the New York City Bahá'ís on Sunday.
     Disagreement between Gets. and MacNutt.
     New York wants to build a Temple and have written `Abdu'l-Bahá.
     The Dodge faction versus--who?  MacNutt and Hoar?  Gets. calls them "The big 
three"  The Dodge faction will resign if non-New Yorkers won't be on the Board.
     Gets. sent his letter on Laboratory Medical Food Co., Inc... Wash. D.C." stationary.

                  Tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá to ?
copy 83                                 7 Feb. 1908

     `Abdu'l-Bahá says the Bahá'ís should build one Temple in the USA, or none will get 

                   Getsinger to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 27 Apr. 1908

     Gets. proposes an elaborate system of organization, patterned after the American 
federal system, basically.  He sent it to `Abdu'l-Bahá for approval.
     A 3 p. letter with an 11 p. proposal.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        19 May 1908

     Tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá to New York about the Temple was read.
     Various letters were read.

                      Getsinger to G. Lesch
                                        6 May 1908

     Today I mailed the letter I showed you about organization to `Abdu'l-Bahá.  
Another letter was sent about my meeting with you.
     Remey and Woodward are both architects, but "Neither... had as yet put up a 
     Sohrab has received a tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá telling them not to build a Temple.  
It says they can rent a building in New York, though.

     Wash. D.C. Working Committee (J. H. Hannen) to Windust
                                        16 May 1908

     `Abdu'l-Bahá told us to print certain tablets.  Could you do it?  Is it cheaper?

                        Hannen to Windust
                                        16 May 1908

     He's chairman of the Wash. D.C. Working Committee.
     Are further revisions of Temple circular no. 3 necessary?  The House of Spir. had 
reviewed it.
     Temple Committees now exist in: Seattle, Clarkson (WA), Ithaca, Philadelphia, 
Sandusky, Cincinnati, Fruitport (MI), Kenosha, Racine, Johnstown (NY), Morgan 
Park (IL), and Wash. D.C.

     G. Lesch (House of Spir.) to Hannen (Working Committee)
                                        Chicago, 27 May 1908

     We have approved the draft of Temple circular no. 3 and are printing it.  We will 
mail it to you for distribution.

  Chicago Temple Committee, C. True, Chairman, Circular Letter
                                        received 18 May 1908

     Chicago, Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee will hold a picnic on the Temple grounds 
on Sat. 23 May 1908.

                       T. Chase to Windust
                              3 p.      Victoria, BC, 22 May 1908

     The letter is handwritten from Canada.
     I'm glad to hear the land for the Temple has been bought.  We can't buy the entire 
$34,000.00 plot now, but can buy more street frontage.
     T. Chase came to Victoria, BC, from San Fran. by boat.  Tomorrow will go to 
Seattle; then Portland, Denver, Omaha, Des Moines, then Chicago.  He gives 
     Goodall and Cooper will send in their tablets.  We had a beautiful meeting in 
Oakland and another in San Fran.
     T. Chase lauds `Abdu'l-Bahá.
     Remey's brother lives in Los Ang. and is interested in the Faith.

                  Mirza Munir Zayn to T. Chase
                                        written 28 Mar. 1908
                                        received 24 May 1908

     Copy of the letter is in T. Chase papers and House of Spir. records.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá is in great danger; a commission has come to Akka.  `Abdu'l-Bahá 
has never been so calm, though.  All pilgrims have been send home.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá says to spell Baha'o'llah with a small "o."  Tell Remey and Wilhelm 
as soon as possible.
     Send us news about the Temple.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 June 1908

     A place to teach people the Faith--especially men--is necessary.
     "The remainder of evening was devoted to welfare of Cause."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 June 1908

     Sprague, Wolson [sic] are present as guests.
     Sprague has offered to compile a list of all believers in the USA.  We will furnish 
him "various lists."
     We won't solicit funds to cover the cost of copying tablets.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 June 1908

     Minutes of the New York Board of Counsel were sent.
     A letter from the Isfahan Spiritual Assembly has arrived.
     They discuss inaugurating a general teaching class.

         Joseph Hannen to the Beloved of God in Chicago
                                        21 May 1908

     The letter is to be read at the picnic on the Temple grounds on 23 May.  Wash. D.C. 
is with you all in spirit.  The letter is 6 p. long; its a flowery essay with no news.

               Henry F. Armstrong to Mr. A. Agnew
copy 83                                 Montreal, 19 May 1908

     $60.00 is on the way.
     "the Bahai Assembly of Montreal [Canada] has constituted itself the Montreal 
Branch of the Bahai Temple Association."  Sixteen names signed the letter.

                Mrs. C. L. Lincoln to Mr. Windust
                                        received 20 May 1908

     She writes from Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York.  "a Temple Committee has been 
appointed here in New York."  We hope to send out circulars soon everywhere about 
the Temple.

         Esphahan Bahais to Spiritual Meeting of Chicago
                                        received June 1908

     We are safe here.  Ali Akbar has arrived here.
     They include the translation of a tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá, a prayer from 
Bahá'u'lláh, and a photo of a tablet by Bahá'u'lláh.

       Extract of Minutes of the New York Board of Counsel
copy 83                                 17 Mar. 1908

     A Bahá'í Temple Committee has been established in New York.  It will have 95 
charter members; it will be self-perpetuating; and will elect its own President, 
secretary, and treasurer.  Thirteen have pledged $95.00 each.  But none of the 
money is on the way because the committee, originally, must have been appointed to 
establish a New York Temple.  No money was actually collected.
     New York sent Mr. Harris to India last year, so we can't do much for the Temple.
     What are your plans?  We don't know them.  Consult with us.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 June 1908

     Sprague is a guest at the meeting again.
     Incorporation of the Assembly is still shaky; we will consult an attorney.
     A letter about music in the Temple will be deferred.
     We will establish a central meeting for teaching.

             New York Temple Committee Announcement
copy 83                                 June 1908

     No notes.

              Many American Bahá'ís to `Abdu'l-Bahá
copy 83                                 n.d. (June 1908)

     Can only children sing in the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar?  Can we have an organ?  We 
need to plan the building.  There are signatures from Racine (9), Kenosha (34), 
Chicago and Fruitport (29), and Bellingham, WA (1).

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 June 1908

     G. Lesch has asked an attorney about the incorporation.  Must talk to Mr. Young 
     Mr. Woodworth will be the assistant treasurer; C. Scheffler is away for the 
     Sprague has compiled a list of believers.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 July 1908

     The Bahai Publishing Society of Rangoon, Burma, has written the Chicago Bahai 
Publishing Society.  "Syed Mustifa Roemi" is the secretary of the Rangoon Society.  
The letter, though, is not extant.
     C. E. Sprague has met with some of the inactive Bahá'ís and found out why they are 
inactive; he will report to us.
     Miss Masson wrote about the Faith in the Review of Reviews.

                 Pauline Hannen to Corinne True
                                   n.d. (June/July 1908)

     How many Bahá'í children do you have in your school?  (Wash. D.C. has children's 
classes).  What songs do they sing?
     3-10 children attend our Sunday school; Mrs. Allen holds it.  Its for 5-14 year 
     In Greenfield, Mass, Mrs. May Crozier is teaching the Faith.  She is upper class 
white.  She taught Mr. Walter P. Moore, a black minister there.  He wrote to `Abdu'l-
Baha.  Mrs. Hannen visited Mrs. May Crozier and met Mr. Moore.
     Greenfield has five or six believers now.
     There are fifteen Bahá'ís in Wash. D.C., teaching hard.  The Hannens and Lua Gets. 
address them.

                       C. True to Windust
                                        n.d. (end of June 1908)

     "It is about time some one arose in Chicago to take the Glad Tidings into our 
colored belt.  What a good work Washington [Wash. D.C.] is doing to have 15 colored 
believers.  Of course God will send some servant to our Chicago colored people but 
how much better for us if one of our members could obtain that spiritual favor 
instead of one from the outside having to be sent."
     [The letter is actually addressed "My dear Brother in El Baha" but the envelope, 
attached, is to Albert Windust--4 June 1986]

            Wm S. Young to G. Lesch (House of Spir.)
copy 83                                 3 July 1908

     He encloses the bylaws of the Assembly.  They should be adopted at some Sunday 
meeting with ten day's notice to the community.  These papers are fully legal.
     The bylaws (copied) are a bit like the modern ones, though are more like a 
standard nonprofit corporation.

             Mrs. James Carmichael to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 19 July 1908

     It takes half a day to get to the Temple.  No one will go there.  `Abdu'l-Bahá says to 
build it in Chicago; you aren't.  And it isn't really on the lake either!

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        14 July 1908

     "Brother Agnew made report of the work being done in Kansas City by Mrs. Mary 
Hanford Ford."
     A description of the Temple site has been drafted by Mrs. True and is corrected 
and approved.  It will go out with the third Wash. D.C. circular.
     A letter from Hutchinson to the Bahai Publishing Society was read.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        21 July 1908

     No business done.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 July 1908

     Mr. Sprague again is present as a guest.
     There will be a Sunday morning meeting at the Corinthian Hall about the Temple.

                     Sprague Circular letter
                                        21 July 1908

     We are compiling a list of all believers. We are sending you a copy of those in 
your town; please correct it and return it.  Give it to isolated believers and those who 
have moved too.
     The letter was mailed for the House of Spir.

                     Sprague Circular letter
                                        received 5 Aug. 1908

     The latest tablet about the Temple is enclosed.
     Come to the meetings, Sunday mornings at Corinthian Hall in the Masonic Temple.
     C. E. Sprague, 3502 Lake Ave., Chicago.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        4 Aug. 1908

     Brother Currier visited Bahá'ís in Bangor, MI.
     T. Chase wrote a letter to suggest they send a letter about the Temple fund to big 

          Kenosha Board of Consultation Circular letter
copy 83                                 25 July 1908

     Please start correspondence with us.
     A little news, but the letter is mostly biblical allusions.
     "A School of Industry has been organized that the children may learn some useful 
work, in accordance with instructions contained in the Kitab-el-Akdas."  Children's 
classes "is under way."
     When pilgrims came up from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lane came from Bangor, MI 
     Brother Wilcott decorated the Hall; he "is a gardener, and natural palms, ferns 
and other decorative plants were used."

               Spiritual Assembly of Esphahan to ?
                                        received 1 Aug. 1908


                       C. True to A. Dodge
                                   Fruitport, MI, 28 July 1908

     Dodge is chairman of the New York Temple committee.
     Mr. Woodcock received a tablet about the Temple (the one mentioned in the 
Sprague circular?).  We have $1000.00 in the fund after buying the land.  
$3000.00 has come in since True, Agnew, Chase, Scheffler went on pilgrimage.
     She says we must begin building the Temple at once.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá "was greatly rejoiced" that the land for the Temple had been bought.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Aug. 1908

     We will write to `Abdu'l-Bahá reporting our progress; Windust will draft it.
     Hannen writes from Wash. D.C.; how can we help you?

                        Hannen to Windust
                                        8 Aug. 1908

     Can we send out Temple circular no. 3?  What happened to it?
     Remey wrote to Hannen on 9 July from Ishqabad; it was received this week.  He 
and Sprague were met at the train station by over 300 Bahá'ís!
     The book of tablets that `Abdu'l-Bahá asked Wash. D.C. to put out is at the 
     We are ready to serve you.

                 House of Spir. circular letter
                                        12 Aug. 1908

     Another letter about the Temple from `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                Maritz Schmidt to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 8 Aug. 1908

     A depression is a bad time to build a Temple.  A building with no practical use "is 
     The Bahá'í Faith is just words, not actions.  How are you different.  You don't 
practice what you preach.
     I don't come to Sunday meetings because of this.  The meetings are no different 
from a church service.  "this Religion in reality is dead in Chicago"  You embrace the 
rich but not the poor.  "You will say I am a poor Bahaist or not a Bahaist at all"  
Sometimes your Sunday talks are very poor.
     [Possibly this letter was triggered by Sprague's effort to visit inactive 
     He writes "Bahaula" and "Abdul Baha."
     The teachings are simple, but don't add to them; "And this is one of the most 
important causes that Bahaist members in Chicago number practicly [sic] less in 
Chicago today than years ago, or if there are not less there is no material growth 
noteworthy as long as I can see, and as a body and unity I have failed to see anything 
compared with the time in existent [sic].  And I believe something seriously is wrong 

             Mrs. Mattie A. Watson to House of Spir.
                                        8 Aug. 1908

     3150 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago [?].
     She sends $6.00 toward the Temple and $5.00 toward the hall rent.  She doesn't 
like where the Temple is being build, though.
     Thank you for the tablets.

                   illegible to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 9 Aug. 1908

     Enclosed is $5.00; how do I donate?

               Oscar S. Hinckley to House of Spir.
                                   San Diego, Cal., 3 Aug. 1908

     Thank you for the tablets and the letter (the Sprague circular).
     He is the only Bahá'í in San Diego.  He is renting an unfurnished hotel room for 
$2.00 per month. His health is much better in the San Diego climate.

            House of Spir. (Windust) to `Abdu'l-Bahá
                                        12 Aug. 1908

     A draft.  Wash. D.C. is about to send out its third Temple circular.  It will include 
your latest tablet.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        17 Aug. 1908

     Minor business only.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 Aug. 1908

     Sprague present as a guest.
     We will meet with Mrs. True about the Temple.

                        Hannen to Windust
                                        14 Aug. 1908

     The third Temple circular with maps of the Temple site will be mailed next week.  
The Working Committee is doing it.
     We have updated the Wash. D.C. membership list as you request.  He has added 
some addresses.  He lists the members of the "Colored Branch" also.

                 Corinne True to House of Spir.
copy 83                            Fruitport, MI, 18 Aug. 1908

     I just got two more tablets from `Abdu'l-Bahá about the Temple.  `Abdu'l-Bahá 
says to form a national association, permanent, from all the Assemblies, to build the 
     I will be in Chicago tomorrow for a day or two.  Will return on 1 Sept.

                 Corinne True to House of Spir.
                                   Fruitport, MI, 24 Aug. 1908

     She has had 500 copies of the tablets printed; they will be mailed.
     Wouldn't it be great if `Abdu'l-Bahá came to lay the corner stone?

                   Frank J. Phelps to Windust
                                        Wash. D.C., 19 Aug. 1908

     The letter is a cover the following letter.

                    Ali Kuli Khan to Chicago
     Hossein Khan and Hassan Ali Khan, sons of the Kalantar of Tabriz, are coming to 
the USA.  `Abdu'l-Bahá has sent me a tablet of permission.  They became Bahá'ís in 
Beirut while students there.  They are at the Easton Academy in Easton, PA.  Visit 
them, if possible.

                   Wash. D.C. Circular letter
part copied 83                          19 Aug. 1908

     The third Temple circular.  It describes the site; a map and description of the land 
is attached.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Sept. 1908

     Sohrab wrote a book about the growth of the Faith, given to T. Chase to give to the 
House of Spir.
     We will write the Temple committees to find out the best time for them to hold a 
convention and form the Association proposed by `Abdu'l-Bahá.

                      Hannen [?] to Windust
                                        24 Aug. 1908

     `Abdu'l-Bahá is free to come and go as He pleases.  "We are greatly rejoiced."

                  B. Jacobsen to House of Spir.
                                        28 Aug. 1909 [1908?]

     We have $200.00 for the Temple.  $40.00 is from the children.  Great sacrifice 
is being made.
     Jacobsen has been to Racine and Milwaukee several times; they're doing all they 
     Kenosha is buying a community piano.
     New York is asking for subscriptions for a magazine.  They didn't consult our 
Board about it; did they consult yours?
     I will be down in Chicago over Labor Day and will visit then.

             Edwin W. Woodcock to "All True Bahais"
                                   Pasadena, Cal., 17 Aug. 1908

     He is a businessman.  `Abdu'l-Bahá told him to write up his pilgrimage account.  
There was an article about it in the 14 June 1908 Sunday Los Ang. Times magazine.
     Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fay Mills are interested in the Faith as a result.  They 
plan to start a "Fellowship Magazine" on the "Bahai Revelation."  Woodcock will 
write a series of articles for it; the Sept. issue will be the first.  Sample copies will 
be distributed.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 15 Sept. 1908

     Mrs. True's tablets about the Temple are discussed.  A convention will be called; a 
circular is drafted to be sent all over the USA.

           Ameen Fareed to Dr. Moody and Mrs. Russell
                                        received 27 Aug. 1908
                                        written 31 July 1908

     The Sultan has given everyone in Akka freedom; it is a proclamation.
     Buikema sent out 36 copies of this letter to all over the USA.

                        Hannen to Windust
                                        12 Sept. 1908

     Muskegon, MI, has formed a Temple branch.  "They have only about ten" Bahá'ís [I 
checked the quotation on 4 June 1908, and it is exact].
     Remey should be back by the end of the month.

                  Hannen to Mrs. Dora A. Dunbar
                                        n.d. (Sept. 1908)

     Mrs. Dunbar lives in Seattle, WA.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá is free!
     A letter listing all the Temple committees will be sent.

           Chicago to "the Beloved Friends in America"
copy 83                                 n.d. (Sept. 1908)

     `Abdu'l-Bahá approves of a national association.  All communities are asked to 
appoint a Temple committee of one or more persons.  These committees will keep 
everyone in touch with the Faith, as well as the Temple.  There will be a Temple 
convention as soon as possible.
     Send contributions to the Temple to C. Scheffler.
     Tablets about the Temple are appended.  The letter is typed on T. Chase's 
     Printed form copied.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        Tehran, 3 Aug. 1908

     No writing; just a post card.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        Akka, 28 and 31 Aug. 1908

     Another post card.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Sept. 1908

     T. Chase read the circular letter about the Temple Association; it was approved.
     Remey writes that a Bahá'í hospital is to be started in Tehran.  An American 
woman doctor is needed.  Two Persian Bahá'í doctors are starting it.  A nurse is 
needed too.  Mr. A. Agnew will ask Dr. Moody; maybe she could go.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá's daughter hints He could come to America.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                    betw. Port Said and Marseilles, 5 Sept. 1908

     The change in Akka is great.  "When I was there in June all was in the greatest 
trouble..."  He was there nine days.  Things began to improve a little then.  Then the 
big change; its "hard to realize."
     The letter is all about Turkey and the Turks.  Remey was in Istanbul before and 
after the Constitution; he couldn't believe the changes.
     I can't tell you all about my trip now; the story is too long.
     p. 11-- a Bahá'í hospital will be started in Tehran.  `Abdu'l-Bahá has approved 
an American Bahá'í woman going to Iran.  Two women should go; a nurse too, a skilled 
midwife is badly needed.  It only costs $200 to travel from New York to Tehran.
     p. 13--A Bahá'í school is needed in Tehran too.  `Abdu'l-Bahá says an American 
Bahá'í school there would be good.
     An American-Persian Alliance could support the school.  It would be useful.  The 
name Bahá'í couldn't be in the title for now.
     A tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá to the world has been revealed; He commanded it to be 
published in Persian and English.
     Maybe Dr. Moody could go to Iran; the House of Spir. should ask her though, not 
     `Abdu'l-Bahá says to teach the Mormons.

                  Hooper Harris Circular letter
copy 83                                 New York, Sept. 1908

     The Bahai Bulletin and The Day will come out.  The first is for Bahá'ís; Harris and 
Barakatullah are the editors.  The Day is a business enterprise; it won't be Bahá'í but 
will "breathe the Bahai spirit."  The first issue will be out in October.

                        Chicago Examiner
                                        27 Sept. 1908

     Article on the Temple.  It says the Bahá'ís will give up their homes, live on the 
site, and build the Temple with their own hands!
     photo of Mrs. Roe.
     "Bahaist Faith" "Bahaist cult."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Sept. 1908

     We will not yet get an option on the rest of the Temple land.
     They have received a tablet for Wilhelmina S. Bain of New Zealand!
     Dr. Moody is willing to go to Persia.  She's found a nurse to accompany her also.  
We'll write about the doctors.
     Windust will draft a letter to `Abdu'l-Bahá; is He planning to come to USA?

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Oct. 1908

     Letter from Hutchinson in New York about the Temple.
     Temple business.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        13 Oct. 1908

     The nineteen day feasts will be at Mrs. Foster's for "a certain period."
     The House of Spir. has received a letter from Mrs. True with tablets.  They won't 
send them out yet.

                    C. True to House of Spir.
                                        12 Oct. 1908

     She received a tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá today.
     Apparently the women placed nine stones on the Temple land, poured attar of rose 
and olive oil on them.  `Abdu'l-Bahá wrote about it.  The House of Spir. decided not to 
circulate the tablet.  (This information is added by Windust to the bottom of the 

                        Remey to Windust
                                        Wash. D.C., 3 Oct. 1908

     He has been in Wash. D.C. three days.  Remey will come to Chicago before the end 
of the winter.
     The Wash. D.C. Temple fund has $60.00.
     Wash. D.C. will publish the Persian half of `Abdu'l-Bahá's message to the world; 
can the Bahai Publishing Society publish the English half?  (later Remey wrote a 
post card to say Wash. D.C. would handle the English too.)
     Remey visited the Persian ambassador to Turkey, on `Abdu'l-Bahá's orders.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        10 Oct. 1908

     A photo of the Chicago "brothers" arrived.
     Remey will write down a description of the Ishqabad Temple.  If it were to be built 
in the USA, it would cost at least $150,000.00.  "However we will probably be 
obliged to be content with a smaller affair."
     Have we options on the rest of the Temple land?

                M. S. M. Taqi Manshadi to Windust
                                        17 Sept. 1908

     I sent your letter to `Abdu'l-Bahá today.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 Oct. 1908

     The financial books will be audited; C. Scheffler has them ready.
     Mrs. Dealy is coming to Chicago; we should put her up.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 Oct. 1908

     Mrs. Dealy's visit is arranged.
     Comments by a Christian missionary on the Babi and Bahá'í Revelation were read 
and discussed.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
                                        12 Oct. 1908

     There are typed and hand written versions.  His description of the Ishqabad 
Temple is five pages long.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        15 Oct. 1908

     I'd like to make an estimate of the costs of the Temple.  Describe the conditions to 
me; the size of the land, etc.

                    Joseph Hannen to Windust
                                        15 Oct. 1908

     Mrs. Knobloch has died; this delayed my response.
     The Wash. D.C. Working Committee approves of your circular.  We will be happy 
to mail it.

                        Hannen to Windust
                                        17 Oct. 1908

     Wash. D.C. has $100.00 for the Temple.  Mrs. Aseyeh Allen held an entertainment 
and $40.00 was raised.

                        Remey to Windust

     Maybe the Persia ambassador's poem can be published in the Bahai Bulletin.

              Publications of the Bahai Revelation
     The Catalog of the Bahai Publishing Society.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        3 Nov. 1908

     Miss Knobloch of Stuttgart, Germany, writes to Dr. Moody about the Faith in 
     Letters from Remey, Hamadan, and James Oakshette were read.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        10 Nov. 1908

     Mary Rabb of Portland, OR writes.
     Woodcock, Ober, Lunt are visiting; they talk with House of Spir. {?} about the 

                 "Bahaians of Chicago" Circular

     Percy Woodcock is in town; he is meeting with the people; the meetings are listed.

Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the House of Spir. and the Ways            and Means 
Committee of the Chicago Assembly
                                        17 Nov. 1908

     All the members of the Ways and Means Committee are women, but no Women's 
Assembly seems to exist.
     The House of Spir. has sent another letter to New York City; no reply.  Its about 
the Temple.
     They have received eight replies to their circular letter about the Temple.  One of 
the letters was from James Oakshette of Toronto, Ontario, Canada [his first name was 
not given here].
     All agree that the next step is a national convention.
     The Young People's Society of Bahais is discussed.
     The minutes reflect no differences between the men and the women.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Nov. 1908

     Mrs. True's letter to New York City about the Temple is approved.
     A, N. Dahl is now in Buffalo, NY.
     Mr. Fuller will b presented to the Assembly for membership on the House of Spir. 
next Sunday.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Dec. 1908

     Mrs. R. B. Webber of New Bing, OR, writes.
     Letter of Edward Gets. with tablet from `Abdu'l-Bahá about organization is 
     A. Agnew will write to the Bahai Bulletin about the Temple.

   House of Spir. (T. Chase) to New York Board of Consultation
copy 83                                 Chicago, 25 Nov. 1908

     The House of Spir. is seen as the "backbone" of the Chicago Assembly.  A clique 
resents the fact, though.  If any communications come from Chicago without the 
signature of the House of Spir., they aren't from us.
     The Temple land was bought because of the pressure of a few.
     When would you prefer the convention?  Is Christmas/New Year's too soon for 
you?  Or Ayyam-i-Ha?  Or Ridvan?  We want men to come, not women.
     We have $2500.00 on hand, and $300.00 cash.
     The Temple can't be too small; a movable iron room was suggested the other day!  
At least a foundation can b built soon.  $35,000.00 will be needed just to buy the 
     Some one said `Abdu'l-Bahá said the site for the Temple cannot be changed.  But 
who said it?  Is it reliable?
     We must all work together.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 Dec. 1908

     Mr. Fuller was ratified by the Assembly as a member of the House of Spir.
     A. Agnew's statement about the Temple for the Bahai Bulletin is approved.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 Dec. 1908

     Ober writes about New York City conditions.
     Getsinger's letter about organization was read and discussed.
     General discussion.

            Harlan Ober to T. Chase (House of Spir.)
copy 83                                 New York City, 27 Nov. 1908

     The letter is in reply to T. Chase's letter of 25 Nov. 1908 (see T. Chase papers).
     Miss Boylan says `Abdu'l-Bahá was emphatic; the present Temple site must be 
     New York had Feast last night at the Kinney's; "nearly a hundred believers" were 
present.  After, Ober spoke to the Kinneys, Barakatullah, and Enayatullah about the 
Temple.  There was criticism of the House of Spir. and of the New York Board of 
Counsel for moving too slowly.
     We must move as fast as possible; `Abdu'l-Bahá says so.
     Outside Chicago, no one cares the site is far from downtown.
     Ober went to a meeting at Miss Thompson's; Hoar read a tablet, a new one.  She 
was nervous when Mr. Hoar began to speak of Mr. Harris; she feared a dispute.
     "Mr. W'--who is he?  Ober criticizes him.  He is a teacher who many like in New 
York City.  Woodcock!
     Two weeks later Ober adds more to the letter.  Mrs. Lua Gets. visited New York 
City on her way to Akka.  There have been Temple meetings here.
     Woodcock criticizes the House of Spir. for inaction.  Mrs. True wrote him about it.  
Some said a letter should be written to the House of Spir. to bring their laxity to 
their attention.  Mr. Hutchinson stood up and said no evidence for laxity exists.
     Many are followers of Woodcock but don't believe in his ideas.  At least Mrs. True 
has orthodox beliefs.
     The men in New York have been right for years, but they haven't been loving, so 
there has been no result  (about p. 9).
     Edward Gets. was told by `Abdu'l-Bahá he should have left the Kheiralla matter 
     We should not imagine that we are defending the Cause.  This is a Spanish 
Inquisition attitude.
     The Faith sometimes is an insane asylum.
     The New York Board of Counsel met last night.  Apparently Ober attended.  MacNutt 
will represent New York at the convention.  There will be no community meeting to 
decide representation; many are unhappy about this.  Some feel the Board has 
assumed too much power.

                    Edward Gets. to G. Lesch
                                        10 Dec. 1908

     He lives in Wash. D.C. but is writing from New York.  He has been unanimously 
chosen Wash. D.C.'s delegate for the Temple convention.  Things are going well in 
Wash. D.C. right now.

                Oscar Hinckley to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 San Diego, 8 Dec. 1908

     He spends most of his time reading tablets and studying.  Thank you for the letter.
     "We cannot be thankful enough that we live in this glorious age and can know of 
this Bahai truth and accept as our very own and to practice and live it every day of 
our lives..."  He speaks about the next world.

                     Remey to House of Spir.
copy 83                       3 p.      18 Dec. 1908

     He describes in detail a modest Temple design, made of brick.

               Mirza Munir Zayn to House of Spir.
                                        30 Oct. 1908

     Parsee Bahá'ís from India arrived on pilgrimage the other day.
     Chicago is so fortunate to be building the first Temple in the West.  Five Temple 
annexes should eventually be added.  There are tablets to Emma (?) [Aurelia] 
Bethlen about the Temple dependencies.

 Hooper Harris, Chairman of the New York Board to House of Spir.
                                        New York, 12 Dec. 1908

     Harris writes from 68 William St. New York.
     MacNutt has been appointed as New York's delegate to the Temple convention.  
Should we appoint one delegate or more?
     "each Spiritual Meeting"--does that mean all of New York, or Mr. Dodge's, Miss 
Thompson's, and Mr. Kinney's "spiritual meetings"?
     Should the delegates been elected or appointed?  An arbitrary decision by the 
Board could cause division.  Do you think we should elect a delegate or appoint him?  
We are consulted with the House of Spir. on the matter.  We'll listen to your advice.
     The seven members of the Board at its last meeting voted as follows: Hoar, 
Curmack, and Hutchinson voted yes for MacNutt.  MacNutt and Hale "of course" were 
silent.  Harris--as chairman--could not vote.  Osborne voted no.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Dec. 1908

     Mr. Hall is visiting.  He was briefed about the Temple.
     Mrs. True asks that we set up a Chicago Temple committee for the Temple work.  
We will do this at Mrs. Russell's home on 3 Jan. 1909, Sunday morning.  There will 
be printed notices.

                    C. True to House of Spir.
                                        Dec. 1908

     There was a Temple meeting held at Mrs. Russell's and Dr. Moody's on 16 Dec. 
1908.  A Temple Meeting should be called to establish a Temple Branch committee 
for Chicago.  It would handle the convention.
     Mr. Sprague helped out.

                   Annie T. Boylan to C. True
                                        New York City, 21 Nov. 1908

     It is enclosed with the Dec. 1908 letter.  She was with `Abdu'l-Bahá for eleven 
days.  He said "The right place has been selected," and "The people must keep the fist 

                      Ida Finch to C. True
copy 83                                 Akka, 10 Nov. 1908

     She lists the Temple dependencies.

                   T. Chase to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 Detroit, 15 Dec. 1908

     T. Chase encloses a letter from New York Board of Counsel (the one from Harris, I 
     The convention should be as large as possible; and representative.  As many New 
York Bahá'ís should come as possible; all of the Board of Counsel if possible.
     "Lobbying" must be discouraged.
     T. Chase says the meaning of the word "meeting" in the tablets is specialized.
     The "round robin" technique adopted by the House of Spir. is a very good one, T. 
Chase believes.  New York doesn't do it.  Unanimity always results by the second time 
around.  Consultation is the key.
     We must set the time for the Temple convention and get the notices out.  Let's plan 
on holding it before the Fast.
     Maybe MacNutt and all of New York [the "whole party"] could come.
     Unity. Consultation.

    New York Board of Counsel to T. Chase and House of Spir.
                                        12 Dec. 1908

     A copy exists in the T. Chase papers; this is a cross reference.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1909

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Jan. 1909

     There was no House of Spir. meeting on 29 Dec. 1908.
     The convention will be on Sat. 20 Mar. 1909; that is the most suitable time.  
Invitations will go out.
     Mrs. Br-ham write about international correspondence between the Bahá'í women 
of the East and the West.  She informs the House of Spir. of her efforts; the House of 
Spir. decides to place the letter in the archives (where is it?).

       Edward C. Gets. to G. Lesch, Sec. of House of Spir.
copy 83                                 25 Dec. 1908

     After the inauguration [of the President of USA] money will ease up.
     The convention should be after the Fast, not before.  April would be good.
     Mrs. True says many delegates should go from each city.  He doesn't like that; some 
communities will send only one and representation won't be equal.
     Sohrab translated Bethlen's tablet about the Temple dependencies.
     Gets. complains that Bahá'ís dilute the Faith with other ideas.  He says New York 
has a lot of trouble with this tendency.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 Jan. 1909

     A list of persons invited to the convention was drawn up earlier, modified, and 
     Chicago delegates will be chosen later; we will wait to see how many are appointed 
from other cities.
     The preface for Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas was read and considered.
     Feast will be next Tues, so there will not be a House of Spir. meeting that night 
(19 Jan.).

                     Chicago circular letter
copy 83                                 Chicago, 12 Jan. 1909

     It is typed on T. Chase's typewriter.  The convention will be on 20 March.  Give us 
the names of your delegates.

Minutes of Joint Meeting of House of Spir. and [?] Temple Committee
copy 83                                 26 Jan. 1909

     The Temple committee seems to be all women.
     Convention is planned.  There will be a reception at Mrs. Foster's.  Feast will be 
that night too.  The Sunday morning service will be held on 21 March; all will be 
     Miss Tyckson of the Young People's Society and Mrs. Waite will look after the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Tues. 2 Feb. 1908 [1909]

     Replies have been received from Seattle, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Spokane, 
Sandusky, Walla Walla, Goblesville, Paoli, Racine, Duluth, Farmingdale, Newport, 
Hudson, Washington [Wash. D.C.], Laurance [sic], and Kenosha.
     Mr. Remey will be asked to describe the Ishqabad Temple at the convention.
     `Abdu'l-Bahá sends a tablet for Tablets of Abdul Baha Abbas.
     "After due consideration, it was deemed advisable to ask Mr. Remey to be with us 
during Convention to impart information regarding Mashrak-el-Azkar in Ashkabad, 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 Feb. 1909

     Ober's letter about New York City prompts a letter to the New York Board of 
Counsel stressing the desire for more unity.  We are "expressing our desire for a 
closer bond of unity and understanding" the House of Spir. says.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 Feb. 1909

     A letter from Khurasan was received; its from the Bahá'í women.
     Mrs. True wants to have another joint meeting.
     A letter to New York is approved.

           House of Spir. to New York Board of Counsel
copy 83                                 Chicago, 19 Feb. 1909

     It was signed by all eleven members, but by T. Chase, not by each man.
     The House of Spir. is united after years of tests.  Consultation is the key.  We 
rarely use parliamentary forms and hope there are no majorities and minorities.  We 
go around the circle and consult.  Rarely do we have to vote; unanimity usually 
results.  Chicago has growing confidence in the House of Spir.
     Mr. and Mrs. Foster;s home at 35th St. is central to the Bahá'ís, so unity feasts 
usually are held there.  The meeting is under the auspices of the House of Spir. and 
business is done.
     There were 100 at the meeting last Sunday.  A children's school meets before the 
     Meetings with seekers are held Sunday night at Russell's and Moody's; A. Agnew 
usually speaks.  An "industrial class" meets sat. afternoons.  There are group 
meetings all over the city every day.
     The convention is for the Temple, but it is for unity also.

Minutes of Joint Meeting of the House of Spir. and the Temple                             
                                        23 Feb. 1909

     A list of convention delegates is drawn up.  Bahá'í homes will be opened to 
     Chicago will choose its delegates for the convention a week from this Sunday; it 
will choose three delegates.
     They will rent a hall for the business sessions of the convention.
     At feast a credentials committee will be appointed (on 20 Mar).  The Advertising 
Committee will be A. Agnew and C. Scheffler.  The program committee will be T. 
Chase, Windust, and Waite.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 Mar. 1909

     MacNutt is present as a guest.  He spoke at the end.
     Remey suggests that Chicago correspond with the Reunion Marattebe; a Bahá'í 
group in Tehran.
     Henry Goodale is made an honorary member of the House of Spir.; this will be 
discussed later.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        Wash. D.C., 30 May 1909

     Enclosed are two copies of tablets.

                        Remey to A. Agnew
                                        24 Feb. 1909

     He has received a letter from the Reunion Marattebe giving an account of their 
work.  They especially correspond with other groups.
     Remey met Taere [Ta`irih] Khanum in Tehran.  Mrs. Br-ham is corresponding 
with her and other women in Iran.  p. 3: "In response to her [Ta`irih] greetings and 
remembrances, on behalf of the Bahai women of Tehran, some of the Maidservants in 
this Country, through the initial efforts of Mrs. Brittingham, have entered into a 
regular system of corrispondence [sic] with the women of the various Assemblies of 
the East."
     Tehran is the center of Bahá'í activities in Iran; news, letters go out from there to 
the entire country.  There are thirty meetings weekly in Tehran.
     Mirza Azizollah Khan at the Russian bank, Tehran, is the man to write to for the 
Reunion Marattebe.

         Votes for Chicago delegates, Sunday 7 Mar. 1909
     T. Chase -- 20                Mrs. Harrison -- 10
     Windust - 15                  Miss Jones -- 5
     Mrs. True -- 37               Mrs. Russell -- 1
     Woodworth -- 1                Ioas -- 3
     Mr. Foster -- 11              Sprague -- 2
     Currier -- 3                  Kirchner - 1
     G. Lesch -- 14                Waite -- 1
     Dr. Moody -- 20               Hoffman -- 1
     A. Agnew -- 21                C. Scheffler -- 1
     Mrs. Brush -- 2          19 total received votes

                       House of Spir. to ?
                                        Chicago, 11 Mar. 1909

     It may be to Mrs. Bartlett.  Her mother died; a condolence letter.
     She's not active; they tell her of the growing unity in Chicago and the USA resulting 
from the Temple effort.

                     Minutes of Open Meeting
copy 83                                 17 Mar. 1909

     The meeting is at Mrs. True's.  The complete convention plans are listed.  Monday 
is for business; Sat., Sun. for other things.  There will be a public meeting Mon. 
evening.  The children will recite the Bahá'í alphabet.  Miss Masson will publicize the 
     The Young People's Society will organize a talk by Mr. MacNutt on Tuesday evening.

                     Photo of the Convention
                                        20-23 Mar. 1909

      Wallace A. Busselle, Treas., Seattle Circular letter
                                        Seattle, WA, 9 Mar. 1909

     They are publicizing the financial straits of the Bahai Publishing Society.  They 
ask that money be sent to A. Agnew, 1379 Smalley Court, Chicago.

                     J. R. Price to Friends
                                        22 Mar. 1909

     His address is 87 Canal St., Chicago.  A Quaker, he was moved to speak at the public 
meeting last night but didn't so he writes in stead.  "I must write you good people and 
tell you that I love you"  Windust notes on the bottom this "speaks well for the 
presence of the Spirit at the open meeting" for the Temple at Northwestern 

           Dr. Pauline Barton-Peeke to House of Spir.
                                        Cleveland, 27 Mar. 1909

     Her's was the first Bahá'í marriage in Cleveland ever; between her and E. C. B. 
Peeke on 4 Feb. 1909.  They used the "blessed words of Baha-U-Allah."  Fourteen 
Bahá'ís witnessed the wedding, which was after the regular meeting.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Sunday 28 Mar. 1909

     Mrs. Davis of Walla Walla, WA, went insane from fasting; what would the House of 
Spir. advise?  We must not fast if it will be physically harmful.
     Teachers are badly needed in the Pacific northwest.
     C. Scheffler will turn over the funds to the Bahai Temple Unity treasurer.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        6 Apr. 1909

     Jacobsen wrote for the BTU about confirmation of Chicago members of the BTU.
     We will meet at Mrs. True's to plan the celebration of Ridvan and will rent a tent 
[for the Temple grounds?].
     We will retain the hall for another year.
     A. Agnew read the proceedings of "First Bahai Convention."

                         BTU to A. Agnew
                                        4 Apr. 1909

     By B. Jacobsen, secretary, on BTU stationary.
     Please have the Chicago Assembly confirm the selection of True and A. Agnew on the 
Executive Board.

                      BTU to House of Spir.
                                        5 Apr. 1909

     Please have the Chicago Assembly confirm Agnew and True on the Executive Board.

           Minutes of the House of Spir. Open Meeting
                                        13 Apr. 1909

     Held at Mrs. True's.  The Ridvan celebration is planned.  Tents and seats will be 
rented.  The women will provide refreshments.  All Bahá'í assemblies will be invited.  
A program committee is appointed, and a few others.

                          Orient Weekly
                                        15 Jan. 1909

     Several articles follow; one entitled "Bahai Feast" says that over 80 were present 
at feast at the Kinney home.  56 names are listed.  There is a photo of the gathering 
     Meetings are held at the Genealogical Society Hall each Sunday.
     Mr. Hoar is the treasurer of the "Bahai Society."
     Regular meetings are listed in New York City, Brooklyn, and Jersey City.
     News Clipping: On 11 Mar. 1909 an election was held in the General Hall.  Over 60 
were present at it.  Elected were: Mr. Mills (Chairman), Mr. [Paul] Marshall, Mr. A. 
P. Dodge, Mr. Hutchingson [sic], Mr. Kinney, Mr. Seeley, Mr. Rich, Mr. Baker, Mr. 
     There were 70 guests at the Dodge's for Naw-Ruz on 21 Mar.
     undated clipping from the Orient: There was a musical evening for the Temple fund 
in New York City; $25.00 was raised.  50 guests were present, including Mr. Ed. B. 
Kinny [sic], Miss Wuledge, Mrs. Cory, Mrs. von Lilienthal, Miss Phillips, Mr. 
Conrad, and Miss Annie Boylan.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Tues. 20 Apr. 1909

     They have received a letter about the condition of Mrs. Davis in Walla-Walla.
     Ida Finch writes to ask about nineteen day feasts.
     Remey notes that Edward Gets. received a tablet about the Temple.

                 Ida A. Finch to House of Spir.
                                        Seattle, 9 Apr. 1909

     Can non-Bahá'ís serve in the Bahá'í community?  [The House of Spir. said yes, but 
not in teaching the Faith.]
     Mrs. Finch sends out notices, listing all the feasts in the entire year.  If people 
aren't reminded, "there is a decided lack of interest" in feast.
     We would like to print up cards with all the feast days; they could be useful 
elsewhere [The House of Spir. said yes, a good idea.]

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 May 1909

     A letter received from Frank Osborne of the Brooklyn Board of Counsel.
     Remey suggests a translation fund and support for Ameen Fareed.
     Remey also submits designs and blueprints; they are examined [on the Temple?].
     There will be a business session at the regular assembly meeting the first Sunday 
of the month.
     The Women's Assembly of Teaching is to be reorganized on 15 May.  Mrs. Agnew 
will tell us who the officers are. The women should not have a separate treasury 
though; it will complicate matters.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        25 May 1909

     Miss Jean Masson is the secretary of the Women's Assembly.
     "After due consideration, it was agreed that an Occidental presentation of the Baha 
[sic] Revelation should be the feature of our Sunday service."
     Remey suggests that architects should gather on 1 Aug. to discuss the Temple.
     Mr. Sykes gave a discourse on Sunday, 16 May; they discuss his case.

         Frank E. Osborne, Secretary, to House of Spir.
copy 83                                 Brooklyn, 4 May 1909

     The letter is not on stationary, and is handwritten, with words scratched out.
     A Board has been elected in Brooklyn of men, with a separate Board for the women.  
I guess for the first time.

                Albert Hall to Miss Jeanne Masson
                                        Minneapolis, 30 Apr. 1909

     It is snowing in Minneapolis now, so I can't come down for Ridvan!
     The martyrs in Iran must be our example.  We must build a Bahai Temple Unity 
[BTU] that is united.

  Executive Board of the Assembly of Teaching to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 22 May 1909

     By Miss Jean Masson, recording secretary.
     The women met on 8 May at Mrs. Russell's and Dr. Moody's to reorganize.  `Abdu'l-
Baha said to the delegates, "Now is the commencement of organization."
     They have elected an executive board of nine women, patterned after the BTU: Mrs. 
Ida Brush, Mrs. Mamie Agnew, Mrs. Luella Kirchner, Mrs. Louise R. Waite, Mrs. 
Mary Keller, Mrs. Julia Elizabeth Diggett, Mrs. Christine Loeding, Miss Laura E. 
Jones, and Miss Jean Masson.  At their first executive board meeting on 15 May the 
following officers were elected: Mrs. Brush, President; Mrs. Agnew, Vice President; 
Miss Masson, recording secretary; Mrs. Waite, corresponding secretary; Mrs. 
Kirchner, treasurer.
     The women organized seven committees for: organization; education; program; 
philanthropic; visiting; sick; the press.
     The title of the women's body will be the "Assembly of Teaching."  They will write 
to `Abdu'l-Bahá for confirmation.

 House of Spir. (per. T. Chase) to Women's Assembly of Teaching
copy 83                                 Chicago, 27 May 1909

     We appreciate the women's "spirit of endeavor."
     We see that all need a chance to work; but all have a special fitness for some work 
or another.

                        Remey to Windust
                                        22 May 1909

     A quick letter.  He's still working on Temple drawings.

Minutes of Joint meeting of the House of Spir. and the Temple                             
                                        1 June 1909

     We'll ask out of town speakers to come talk on the Temple.
     All Chicago Bahá'ís will help support the Kappes fund, once current expenses are 

       Bahai Women of Isphahan to Bahai Sisters of America
                                        Isphahan, 24 Mar. 1909
                                        received Chicago June 1909

     Mrs. Br-ham received the letter first; she wrote to them.  Its a nice letter, almost 
     [p. 2-3]  "The female education in Persia is in a very low degree and we the Behais 
women much depend upon our American sisters in obtaining the means of education."

          Frank E. Osborne to G. Lesch (House of Spir.)
                                        Brooklyn, 27 May 1909

     One member of each board should correspond with the other.  Our member will be 
Mr. MacMechan.  The person would be an "at large" member of the other's Board.

                       G. Lesch to Osborne
                                        14 June 1909

     We won't follow your suggestion because there are too many Boards.  But we've 
acquired a lot of experience a a body and would be honored to advise you.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        15 June 1909

     The funeral service of Mrs. Johnson is arranged.

              BTU Designs Committee circular letter

     The letter describes the grounds of the Temple and invites the submission of 
designs.  It describes the Temple too; a good description.  For now, they will just build 
the basement.  Architects will meet on 1 Aug. 1909.  Remey and Hall are the 
committee who drew up the letter.

                Frank J. Phelps to Albert Windust
                                        Wash. D.C., 17 July 1909

     Sohrab has been commanded by `Abdu'l-Bahá to write a history of the Faith in USA.  
He wants to go to Chicago and examine the archives.  Wash. D.C. supports Sohrab; they 
give him $45/month.  Thank you for agreeing to pay his train ticket to Chicago.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        20 July 1909

     T. Chase present.  Letter from Mashhad received.  Sohrab is coming to Chicago.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        27 July 1909

     T. Chase present.  The next meeting will be 24 Aug. 1909.  They met with Mr. 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        24 Aug. 1909
     T. Chase present.  They discussed the publication of a "monthly booklet, or 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        31 Aug. 1909

     T. Chase present.  Mrs. True received a tablet about the "rights of women to serve 
in consultative bodies."  "It was the opinion of those present that some 
misunderstanding might be incurred by circulation of said Tablet."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Sept. 1909

     "Mirza Sohrab stated that he had secured original of recent Tablet to Mrs. True 
regarding woman's rights and that he considered translation of same good, but that he 
would submit to Abdul Baha certain subjects which do not seem perfectly clear, for 
our information."
     Miss Lillian James was Chicago's pianist.
     Mirza Munir Zayn wrote about capitalization of pronouns referring to the Bab, 
Bahá'u'lláh, and `Abdu'l-Bahá.

 Asher R. Gluck to the Officers and members of the Bahai Society
                                        22 Aug. 1909

     He offers a vacant lot as a place "to introduce the philosophy of the Bahai religion."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Thurs. 16 Sept. 1909

     We will give to the Denver newspaper [which wrote an inaccurate article on the 
Faith] the article on Bahaism from the Nouveau Larousse Illustre.
     Sohrab will write to `Abdu'l-Bahá about the main uses of the Temple.
     The House of Spir. will write to `Abdu'l-Bahá and ask Him to ask Sohrab to relocate 
to Chicago.
     "It was decided that Mr. Thompson be asked to meet with us next Wednesday and 
become better acquainted."
     T. Chase present.

               Mrs. A. M. Bryant to House of Spir.
                                   Woodland Park, CO, 12 Sept. 1909

     She writes about an article about the Faith in the Denver Post that's inaccurate.  
She doesn't know who instigated it.
     Remey and Struven spoke to the Theosophical Society (in Denver?) in spite of the 
society's strict rules.
     Please reply to the article.

               House of Spir. to Mrs. A. M. Bryant
                                        21 Sept. 1909

     We will write the editor of the Denver Post about its inaccurate article.

                 Four Bahá'ís to House of Spir.
                                        16 Sept. 1909

     A post card from four Bahá'ís en route to Akka: Gertrude Buikema, Harlan Ober, 
Edna McKinney, and Effie Dixon.

     Charles Ioas (House of Spir.) to Editor of Denver Post
                                        Chicago, 21 Sept. 1909

     Please keep the enclosed pamphlet; your article of Sunday, 12 Sept. 1909 was 
mostly erroneous.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Sept. 1909

     T. Chase present.
     The Denver article is dated Sunday, 12 Sept. 1909.
     Capitalization of pronouns; doing it too often would be distracting, so we'll use our 

             House of Spir. to Mr. Andrew J. Nelson
                                        Chicago, 27 Sept. 1909

     We hear Mr. John Peterson is very ill; how is he?

               Andrew J. Nelson to House of Spir.
                                        Racine, 9 Oct. 1909

     He didn't know about Peterson, in Racine, is sick.  He found him finally, and yes 
he's very sick.  He has "consumption of the lungs."
     "The Cause is not growing very much in Racine that is we are not gaining any new 
Believers although we try to spread the Message when we can get someone to listen.  
But the trouble lies with ourselves I am sure and sorry to say we think we are too 
poor, to do anything we are too lukewarm, it is a shame to acknowledge it..."

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        29 Sept. 1909

     T. Chase absent.
     We have sent a report to `Abdu'l-Bahá with advice requested about reelections.
     The letter to `Abdu'l-Bahá asking Sohrab to move to Chicago was read and approved.
     Certificate and bond issue to finance the East and West Magazine was discussed.  It 
must be on a non-profit sharing basis in stead.
     Harry C. Thompson is listed as a member of the House of Spir.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        5 Oct. 1909

     T. Chase absent.
     Mrs. Waite and Sidney Sprague are en route to Akka.
     The BTU will meet on 9 Oct.
     Plans are made to continue the work in the fall and winter.  The House of Spir. will 
meet with different Bahá'ís; Mr. Woodworth and Mr. Thompson are appointed a 
committee to do this.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        12 Oct. 1909

     T. Chase absent.
     Various letters.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
copy 83                                 19 Oct. 1909

     Feast is a private meeting for Bahá'ís only (essentially), while Sunday meetings 
are open to all and designed to attract others.  Bahá'u'lláh's and `Abdu'l-Bahá's words 
are the center of both.  Food should be simple at both.
     T. Chase absent.

               House of Spir. to Andrew J. Nelson
                                        Chicago, 18 Oct. 1909

          A reply to Nelson's last letter.  The situation in Racine is the same as elsewhere.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        26 Oct. 1909

     T. Chase absent.  He is in California and writes about conditions there.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        2 Nov. 1909

     "After due consideration, it was decided that Mr. Lesch succeed Mr. Scheffler as 
     Mrs. Ladd of Seattle offers to assist in a literary capacity.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 Nov. 1909

     Mrs. Lua Gets. says she will come to Chicago to teach; she wrote to Miss Masson.  
Miss Masson proposed a paid public meeting.  The House of Spir. will not support it.  
Mrs. Foster will be paid what she is due from the Fund.

   Frank E. Osborne, Secretary, to G. Lesch of House of Spir.
                                        Brooklyn, 10 Nov. 1909

     The Book of the Covenant should be retranslated.
     The letter is from the Brooklyn Board of Consultation.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        16 Nov. 1909

     Sohrab, T. Chase both wrote about the magazine.  Remey wrote about work in the 
     Osborne writes for Brooklyn proposing a retranslation of the Book of the Covenant.

              Denver Assembly to the House of Spir.
                                        19 Nov. 1909

     The Denver Bahá'ís have organized a Denver Branch of the Temple Association.  Mr. 
Clark is the treasurer.
     Mrs. Josephine Clark and son, George Nathaniel Clark, are Bahá'ís; their home is 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        23 Nov. 1909

     We'll send reports to `Abdu'l-Bahá more regularly.
     Feast is discussed; a central meeting place is necessary, or meetings in several 
places in the city.

               House of Spir. to Mrs. A. M. Bryant
                                        Chicago, 30 Nov. 1909

     Congratulations with Denver's organization; we hope your regular meetings will 

                    House of Spir. to Osborne
                                        Chicago, 30 Nov. 1909

     Yes, the Book of the Covenant should be retranslated.  But we don't have the 

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        30 Nov. 1909

     Miss McCoy is now the Chicago pianist and is paid.  They will publish extracts 
from tablets about the use of the Iqan.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        7 Dec. 1909

     Mrs. Waite makes suggestions about the Sunday services.
     Mrs. H. S. Moss, treasurer of the translator's fund [in Wash. D.C.?].  We will ask 
her how much money she has.
     T. Chase wrote to Windust.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        28 Dec. 1909

     They received a letter from Mashhad.  General discussion.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1910

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        11 Jan. 1910

     A Persian American Educational Society [PAES] is proposed.  Sohrab writes them 
about it.
     The treasurer reports.  General discussion.  No other letters.
     No House of Spir. meetings were held on 18 or 25 Jan. 1910.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        1 Feb. 1910

     General discussion.  No letters.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        8 Feb. 1910

     Lease on the hall.
     Appointment of delegates for the upcoming convention.
     General discussion.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        22 Feb. 1910

     The New York Board of Counsel expresses approval of the idea that Chicago publish 
Bahai News. 
     Mashhad writes.
     Remey writes from the S. S. Bulow, with articles by Rev. Timothy Richards.
     Letters in reply are approved.

                   B. Jacobsen to G. Lesch [?]
                                        Kenosha, 27 Feb. 1910

     A. Agnew and True did a good job last year, so I hope the Chicago Bahá'ís will 
reelect them as their delegates this year.
     The letter was read at the Sunday meeting to the Chicago Bahá'ís.

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        Tues. 1 Mar. 1910

     Letter from Ida Finch; the secretary will reply.
     This is the last set of minutes in the House of Spir. records until 1917.

               House of Spir. to Mrs. E. G. Foster
                                        12 Mar. 1910

     Bahá'ís should not go into business in any way different from non-Bahá'ís; we 
must be careful.
     She is the wife of L. W. Foster, from other letters in this file.

          Edward L. Parsons to Chicago Bahá'í Assembly
                                   Berkeley, CA, 9 Apr. 1910

     He wants information on the Faith.

                  G. Lesch to Edward L. Parsons
                                        Chicago, 16 Apr. 1910

     He encloses literature.  The Faith has "About fifty centers" in the USA.  For more 
information write T. Chase in Los Ang.

                Louis Gregory to Mrs. A. S. Agnew
                                        Wash. D.C., 5 May 1910

     Please send this list of books.
     Joseph Hannen just gave a speech on "The Race Problem in the Light of the Bahai 
Revelation" to "our largest colored literary society.  It would make an excellent 
pamphlet.  Would the `Household of Spirituality' like to publish it?  [I never wrote a 
closed quote mark.]
     Hannen gave a glowing report of the convention to Wash. D.C.  Gregory couldn't go 
to Chicago because he was in Akka.

                  Oakshette to House of Justice
                                   n.d.; must be May 1910

     He has loaned money to a Bahá'í and can't get it back.

            House of Spir. to Dr. James C. Oakshette
                                        Chicago, 7 May 1910

     It is about a personal business matter.  Bahá'ís can sue; you should strive to obtain 
justice.  A Bahá'í must pay his debts.  Don't tell us who owes you money; we don't need 
to know.

                   Oakshette to House of Spir.
                                        13 May 1910

     Thank you for your advice.

               House of Spir. to Louis G. Gregory
                                        18 May 1910

     The Bahai Publishing Society [BPS] has more than they can publish.  The subject 
is delicate; individual effort is important, but a publication could stir up prejudice.

                  L. Kirchner to House of Spir.
                                        Chicago, 23 May 1910

     A rather bitter letter.  She feels crudely slandered.  She never gives the details, 
     She resigns from all community responsibilities.  "I do not care to work with 
people whose service is mainly lip-service."  She double underlined every underlined 
word except "do," "to,"
and "with."

                     L. Kirchner to G. Lesch
                                        Chicago, 24 May 1910

     She won't contribute to the fund any more.  Nor will Mr. Kirchner.

                  House of Spir. to L. Kirchner
                                        Chicago, 25 May 1910

     We feel regret that you feel as you do.  Thank you for your service. [She had 
assisted the treasurer as the women's treasurer, I think.]

                  Oscar S. Hinckley to G. Lesch
                              San Diego, CA; received 20 June 1910

     He is going blind; he can barely see.  Everything has wavy motions around it.  He 
can barely read.  [The letter is horrid; he couldn't see what he had written.]  
Otherwise Hinckley says he's fine.  "I was 71 the 18th of April."

 F. M. Nichols, secretary of Board of Consultation, to G. Lesch
                                        Kenosha, 4 July 1910

     Have you any tablets saying that women can serve on boards of consultation?
     He wrote the same letter to Windust.

           House of Spir. to F. W. Nichols, secretary
                                        11 July 1910

     We don't have such, but Mrs. True obtained a tablet three or four months ago; she 
can send you a copy.

                    Windust to F. W. Nichols
copy 83                                 Chicago, 23 July 1910

     Nichols lives in Kenosha.  He seems to have written about organization.  The House 
of Spir. quotes all the tablets they have about the House of Spir. and spiritual 
assembly.  Spiritual Assembly is a correct translation; Sohrab uses it correctly.  
Mrs. True has received a tablet which says women may be elected to spiritual 
assemblies.  The House of Justice must be elected by a general election.  Cincinnati 
should organize a spiritual assembly.
     Contributions to the Bahá'í fund is not obligatory.
     The House of Spir. suggests that Kenosha take a vote whether to add women to the 
Board or not.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1911

                       Jacobsen to Windust
                                        Kenosha, 16 May 1911

     We wrote to `Abdu'l-Bahá asking whether we should dissolve our Board of 
Consultation; He said no.  The tablet is attached.

                     `Abdu'l-Bahá to Kenosha
                                        translated 4 Mar. 1911

     The tablet mentioned in the above letter.
     The House of Justice cannot be organized yet.  Spiritual Assemblies must be 
organized in stead.
     I am sorry to hear about the disunity between the men and the women.  Organize a 
separate spiritual assembly for women and one for the men.  This is the best solution.

                 James C. Oakshette to G. Lesch
                                        Houghton, MI, 9 June 1911

     He signs his name with M.D. and Ph.D. after it.  At this date apparently he is no 
longer living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

               Albert [Windust] to George [Lesch]
                                        July 1911

     Please ask those elected to come to a meeting next Sunday.
     The voting tally:

     Dr. Zia Baghdadi    25        Mr. W. E. Kelly     11
     Mr. Geo. Lesch      25        Mr. Chas. Ioas      10
     Mr. Alb. Windust    25        Mr. Lars Johnson    9
     Mr. Chas. Greenleaf 22        Mr. Louis Keller    8
     Dr. W. F. Nutt      22        Mr. Peter D. Coyne  8
     Mr. Arth. Agnew     18        Mr. Albert Kirchner 6
     Mr. Jas. Woodworth  15        Mr. Chas. Scheffler 5
     Mr. Jos. Johnson    14        Mr. Jas. Murphy     4
     Mr. Chas. Currier   3         Mr. Herbert Anderson 2
     Mr. Arthur Dealy    2         Mr. Geo. Loeding    1
     Mr. Honore Jaxon    1         Mr. Holdt           1

     Those above the line were elected to the House of Spir.

                 G. Lesch to Dear Bahai Brother
                                        Chicago, 27 July 1911

     You've been elected; come to the first meeting on Sunday 30 July at 10:30 AM in 
the Corinthian Hall parlor.

            BTU (Jacobsen) to House of Spir. (G. Lesch)
                                        8 Nov. 1911

     Agnew has resigned from the BTU as a delegate.  Enclosed is his resignation.  Please 
elect another delegate.
     A note below says Dr. Wm Fredk Nott [sic] was chosen as delegate.  Ratified by the 
Assembly on 1 Nov. 1911.

                Mary E. Farrell to House of Spir.
                                        Spokane, 9 Nov. 1911

     Are there any Bahá'ís in Spokane?  She read about the Faith in last Sunday's 
Spokesman's Review.
     The House of Spir. sent pamphlets and addresses.

Chicago House of Spirituality Records 1912

        Business Meeting of the Bahai Assembly of Chicago
                                        Sunday, 18 Feb. 1912

     The meeting is held in the Corinthian Hall of the Masonic Temple.
     The Assembly discussed the upcoming convention.  They chose various committees: 
a Feast of Ridvan Committee, a Finance Committee (for the Feast), a Reception 
Committee.  All delegates will be invited to the celebration.
     Dr. William F. Nutt and Mrs. C. True will be Chicago's delegates.  Zia Baghdadi and 
Luella Kirchner will be the alternates.
     The Assembly extended the lease on the Corinthian Hall for another year.  A 
committee was appointed to look for other places.
     Dr. William Nutt presided.  He is on many of the committees.
     The House of Spir. can't be functioning.  Roger Dahl says no House of Spir. 
correspondence exists in the BTU and Kenosha papers in the teens, not until the 
Kirchner affair.

                             YEAR 1917

                  Minutes of the House of Spir.
                                        9 Sept. 1917

     Present were Lesch, Windust, Dr. Slater, Mr. Hanby, Mrs. True, Mr. Scheffler, 
Mrs. Lesch, and Dr. Baghdadi.  Three guests also.
     They write a letter in reply to one from the BTU.

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