The Dawn-Breakers Study Outline

Chapter 15

1) Jump to the Chapter 15 Condensed Contents View.

2) Jump to the Chapter 15 Extended Contents View with Summaries.

3) Jump to the Condensed Summary for Chapter 15.

4) Jump to the Chapter 15 Cross-References to The Dawn-Breakers and A Traveler's Narrative

5) Jump to the Condensed and Extended Contents for the following chapters:
Intro.1 Intro.2 Preface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Epilogue Other Sections
6) Jump to the actual Chapters of The Dawn-Breakers:
Introduction  Preface  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  Epilogue
For other sections, see the Contents page.

Condensed Contents View

Note: the text below links to the study outline. The page number, however, links to the actual text.


    Extended Contents View with Summaries


    The Declaration of the Báb's Mission

    (Condensed Summary of Chapter 15)

    I. Nabíl correlates the light of Quddús to Táhirih. Táhirih reached the news of the Báb's injunction for the faithful to proceed to Khurásán when she was in Karbilá. She had left Qazvín for Karbilá in anticipation of events foretold by Siyyid Kázim. She had also won the conversion of several significant believers, including the widow of Siyyid Kázim who insisted on Táhirih's presence and the man who would become the first martyr for the Faith in Persia. She had become known for her outstanding eloquence, character and convictions. The 'ulamás of Karbilá sought in vain to dissuade her from leaving and responding to His call. In Kirmánsháh she was well-received by princes, 'ulamás and officials and in Hamadán she was praised by some and undermined by others.

    II. She reluctantly returned home at the bidding of her father. She responded to Mullá Muhammad's call to join his household that had he been sincere he would have met her upon her return to Qazvín and she might have guided him. Instead, she could no longer associate herself with him. As a result of this, he and his father sought to undermine her, though she defended herself and exposed their character. Her father tried in vain to resolve this dispute.

    III. After Mullá 'Abdu'lláh, a seeker fond of Shaykh Ahmad & Siyyid Kázim arrived in Qazvín and saw one who had praised the two twin lights being dragged through the streets barefoot with his turban around his neck. After he inquired as to the instigator of this and discovered that Mullá Taqí condemned Shaykh Ahmad and his followers, he resolved to stab him for his blasphemy. He later snuck up on him, stabbed him through the neck and mouth and fled to the roof of the masjid in which Mullá Taqí had been praying. As Mullá 'Abdu'lláh watched many innocent people being accused and imprisoned, he secured a promise from the governor to free the prisoners upon the delivery of the murderer and himself confessed. Mullá 'Abdu'lláh's story was corroborated by a witness but he was not believed until the dying Mullá Taqí indicated him as his assailant. Mullá 'Abdu'lláh was in turn imprisoned but without the deliverance of the other prisoners.

    IV. The Sáhib-i-Diván was impressed by his candour and had him freed and concealed (until later when Mullá 'Abdu'lláh and his host went to Shaykh Tabarsí and were martyred). However, the enemies accused Táhirih as being the instigator of this assassination and had her confined. The prisoners were transferred to Tihrán and the heirs of Mullá Taqí spread to call for their execution. Bahá'u'lláh extended financial assistance to ameliorate the conditions of their imprisonment. Though Bahá'u'lláh insisted that the official had himself described their innocence and plight, the officials kept Him confined there, marking His 1st affliction in the Cause and imprisonment for His loved ones. He was freed by the threats of Ja'far-Qulí Khán such that the officials did not receive any of their expected reward.

    V. The Sháh insisted that only one could be held responsible for the crime to which the heirs lied and had Shaykh Sálih put to death, the first Bahá'í martyr on Persian soil.

    VI. Mullá Taqí's heirs succeeded in having the Sadr-i-Ardibílí, an arrogant and fearful ecclesiastic, deceive the Sháh into allowing the captives to be delivered into their hands. Once this occurred, they put to death one before arriving back in Qazvín and instigated the masses to massacre two others. Once this news spread through Tihrán, the Sadr-i-Ardibílí was condemned by the power-hungry Vazír and as a result, the Sháh. Since, the evil-doers were not punished however, the heirs were emboldened to have Táhirih imprisoned and seek a similar fate for her.

    VII. Táhirih boldly declared that she would be freed by her Lord before 9 days if the Cause was the Cause of truth. Bahá'u'lláh arranged for Muhammad-Hádíy-i-Farhádí to dispatch a woman disguised as a beggar to deliver Táhirih out of Qazvín and He had arranged for horses and an attendant to wait outside of Qazvín to bring her into Tihrán. Her disappearance baffled her friends and enemies, causing some to acknowledge the supernatural character of the Faith.

    VIII. She recognized the significance of Bahá'u'lláh's hospitality and during her stay, had held 'Abdu'l-Bahá on her lap while calling Vahíd to demonstrate his eloquent words in action. Bahá'u'lláh arranged for her delivery to Khurásán via Áqáy-i-Kalím who had her and her woman escort Qánitih escorted out of the city with caution that the guards, who were on watch for any women without a permit, might discover her.

    IX. Not only did not guards not even question them as they left the city, but they also found a house which had been abandoned as a result of a dispute between the owner and tenants. It was in a well-watered orchard and an old man was attending to it and agreed to watch over them until Áqáy-i-Kalím could dispatch Mullá Báqir with an attendant and ensure their requirements for the journey to Khurásán.

    Cross-References for Chapter 15

    Regarding Táhirih and her martyrdom (DB 268-272, 285, see also 292-297, 621-631), see GPB 23, 66, 72-77; TN 19-19.

    Regarding a summary of Bahá'u'lláh's life before the assassination attempt on the Sháh (and implied fulfillment of the Báb's prophecies) DB 279, 284-286, see also 106-107, 112-117, 227-228, 292-299, 348-350, 369-374, 519-522, 582-594), see GPB 40, 66-70; TN 34-37.

    Overall of Chapter 15 (DB 268-272, 279, 284-286): GPB 23, 40, 66-70, 72-77; TN 19-20, 34-37.

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