The Dawn-Breakers Study Outline

Chapter 24

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2) Jump to the Chapter 24 Extended Contents View with Summaries.

3) Jump to the Condensed Summary for Chapter 24.

4) Jump to the Arrangement of Contents Headings for Chapter 24

5) Jump to the Chapter 24 Cross-References to The Dawn-Breakers and A Traveler's Narrative

6) Jump to the Condensed and Extended Contents for the following chapters:
Intro.1 Intro.2 Preface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Epilogue Other Sections
7) Jump to the actual Chapters of The Dawn-Breakers:
Introduction  Preface  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  Epilogue
For other sections, see the Contents page.

Condensed Contents View

Note: the text below links to the study outline. The page number, however, links to the actual text.


    Extended Contents View with Summaries


    The Declaration of the Báb's Mission

    (Condensed Summary of Chapter 24)

    I. Toward the end of his Life, the Báb's grief was compounded by news of the ongoing tragedy at Zanján (as well as the already past tragedies of Nayríz, Shaykh Tabarsí, and Seven Martyrs of Tihrán).

    II. Before his conversion, Hujjat had become, as his father, an eminent and learned mujtahid. He was a perfectionist, intolerant and immoderate, offensive both to the peaceful and traditionalists though many respected his zeal. Since his boyhood, he was known for his intelligence, ardor, and disdain for the institutions of Islám.

    III. He moved to Hamadán to avoid his enemies conspiring, married, and lived there for about 2 and 1/2 years until brought home by his father's death. On his return, he received an ovation and evinced a new attitude, evoking the 'ulamás hostility despite their outward kindness.

    IV. For 17 years he assiduously trained his followers in the Qur'án causing them to surpass the 'ulamás, trained them to be self-disciplined and moderate, and suppressed abuse (whipping a wine-dealer and tearing his house down and closing a "temporary union" house giving the women there in marriage or to employment in homes). However, in his fatvás to follow certain traditions faithfully, some of the resulting contradictions confused his followers and inflamed the clergy.

    V. On hearing the Call of the Báb, he sent Mullá Iskandar to enquire into it. Hujjat's response gave the clergy an opportunity to disgrace, arrest, and banish him, writing to Muhammad Sháh their fears and complaints of his embracing the new Faith. The Sháh summoned Hujjat and his opponents to Tihrán to understand why Hujjat was being accused given the tributes visitors usually made to his integrity. Hujjat proved his innocence in the Sháh's presence (along with officials and 'ulamás) by his answers, and winning the Sháh's approval (as he did when he denounced an 'ulamá petitioning the king for pensions).

    VI. On returning to Zanján, he was ceremoniously received by his followers who sacrificed animals for him and sent children in procession with red kerchiefs signaling their willingness to sacrifice for him. He continued to deepen their knowledge, devoutness, and behavior.

    VII. When his envoy that he had sent with a petition and gifts to the Báb returned, Hujjat was given a letter from Him. Immediately, Hujjat dismissed his disciples, discontinued their courses as they were no longer necessary given the manifestation of Truth, and obeyed his new charge to proclaim the Faith's fundamentals without hesitation from the pulpit. He added words to the Friday congregational prayer referring to the Báb, affecting all there, though the Imám Jum'ih protested this break from the past. Hujjat retorted that the Qá'im had superseded his inherited right. He stated his willingness to defend himself and his companions should they trespass against them.

    VIII. When the 'ulamás and Imám-Jum'ih (and Shaykhu'l-Islám) renewed complaints to Hájí Mírzá Áqásí insisting on the need for the Sháh to expel them that they not be required to leave town and relinquish their positions. The Vazír was reluctantly convinced to induce the Sháh to order Hujjat brought to the capital.

    IX. Upon news of this summons, Hujjat had received a reply of the Báb insisting Hujjat not attempt His rescue as God could alone effect it, and that they would be reunited in the next world. He then consented to accompany the messenger to Tihrán.

    X. As the Báb passed through Zanján, the authorities ensured Hujjat had left. Though Hujjat sent companions to assure his willingness to free Him, the Báb restated His wish and advised them to avoid Him. Those wishing to meet Him forgot His wish and were ruthlessly dispersed by the guards.

    XI. After one of the Báb's guards convinced the other guard to bring Him in to town to a caravanserai to avoid danger on the way to Ádhihbáyján, they were amazed at the masses on housetops gathered to see Him. The leading physician Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí of Hamadán, though not at first a believer, lovingly prepared for His reception, and was won over to the Cause by Him late that night. He was permitted by the guards to enter the room, became overwhelmed watching the Báb's ablutions and devotions, prepared His tea, then was told by Him to go to Hamadán to avoid the bloodshed that would run in the streets. When he expressed the wish to be martyred, the Báb said his time was not yet and that he should be resigned to God's will. Though he begged to follow the Báb as He went on horse at sunrise, he was told to remain and was assured of His prayers. Regretfully, though resigned to His will, he watched Him leave.

    XII. When conducted to Hájí Mírzá Áqásí, Hujjat was told of his and the Sháh's annoyance at the 'ulamás denunciations, their disbelief he could desert his forefathers' Faith for One he considered infinitely less knowledgeable and able than Hujjat, and their desire for him to deny these accusations. When Hujjat replied he would be infinitely more honored to do the meanest service in His household than to receive all of the Sháh's favors, the Vazír burst that could never be. Hujjat reiterated his conviction the Báb was the Promised One.

    XIII. The Vazír counseled the Sháh that such a high-ranking defection could endanger the State. As the Sháh was disinclined to credit what he deemed malice-inspired reports, he ordered a meeting for Hujjat to establish his position amidst the 'ulamás. Hujjat eloquently proclaimed the Faith, cited arguments, stated that the Book was the only remaining testimony to which they could turn, and exclaimed that the miracle they asked for was that he was enabled by the Báb to triumph in argument over them collectively. Though the 'ulamás condemned him to death, the Sháh's favors and support prevented this and forced the Vazír to conceal his resentment and lavish gifts on Hujjat.

    XIV. He was a virtual prisoner there. When the believers sent a representative group to inquire into how they should approach the Faith's laws which departed from Islám, he enjoined them to absolutely loyal obedience. As all his messengers had testified to His obedience of His laws, they were to also. They eagerly obeyed, including the children, fully identifying with its claims and citing Hujjat's reasoning. When he learned of Tabarsí, though longing to join them, Bahá'u'lláh consoled Him through their association (he was later able to similarly sacrifice himself).

    XV. When the Sháh died, the new Grand Vazír was going to make his imprisonment more rigorous and seek to destroy him, though Hujjat heard of this and left in disguise to Zanján where the new Sháh's uncle had just been made governor.

    XVI. Many men, women, and children (15,000?) including rich and respected of various positions came great distances to welcome him, assure him of their devotion, and sacrifice sheep in his honor. His enemies were distressed by this large number such that the governor ordered Karbilá'í Valí-'Attár's tongue be cut out and Muhammad Bik to be whipped, though pretending to be Hujjat's friend.

    XVII. When 2 children fought, the governor had the child of Hujjat's companions arrested. Though money was offered for his release, he refused them and Hujjat's subsequent written appeals. When the bearer of the 2nd appeal threatened with his sword to obtain the child's release, the governor complied. However as the 'ulamás condemned this and assured Hujjat's arrest would not endanger the town's security, the governor agreed to order his arrest.

    XVIII. 2 strong men volunteered to bring Hujjat in handcuffed when promised a reward. When Mír Saláh and 7 armed men questioned their destination, one man insulted him, and Mír Saláh in turn cried the call, wounded him in the forehead, and caused their band to scatter. That call raised a panic in the town, alarming the governor when he learned they called on the Qá'im. The group came upon an able and unarmed enemy, broke his head with an axe, and brought his body to the governor. A mujtahid then stabbed Mír Saláh with a penknife, the governor hit him on the mouth with his sword, and his attendants killed him, while he praised God for his martyrdom.

    XIX. The 'ulamás forced the governor to send a crier to declare that the life, property, wife, and children of anyone joining Hujjat would be in danger whereas those who withdrew would be protected. This deeply tested their faith and attachment to worldly affections and pledges, as kin were separated from one another leading to wild excitement & distress and blasphemous shouts from of the enemy and exultation among Hujjat's group.

    XX. 3000 reinforcements from the area were brought in to aid the enemy's already begun preparation for war. Hujjat declared from the pulpit that it was the Day in which truth was separated from error, and as it was his life they sought, any not willing should leave. He exhorted them to only engage in self-defense, and that their loss of life, wives, and possessions were the means of Faith and not shame. XXI. When Mír Saláh and others besought Hujjat to transfer to fort 'Alí-Mardán Khán, he consented and ordered the women, children, and provisions taken there, and though it was occupied, they exchanged their houses for that of the residents'.

    XXII. Upon the enemy's attack, siyyid Mír Ridá besought Hujjat to capture the governor. Though Hujjat was unwilling to allow him to risk his life, the news reached the governor and almost induced his flight, were it not for a siyyid who plead that his flight would cause him disgrace. Though this siyyid set out to attack with 30 comrades, when 2 companions came their way (though they were later discovered not to be hostile), they dispersed and he hid in his room.

    XXIII. Hujjat ordered the 3000 to disperse the enemy when they attacked, though reminding them not to shed unnecessary blood or violate their women and children's security.

    XXIV. Though the governor misrepresented the affair to the Amír-Nizám, he was able to receive Siyyid 'Alí Khán who attacked the fort, leading to mutual casualties and his defeat. Ja'far-Qulí Khán refused to attack siyyids and men of learning of whose tenets he was unfamiliar and Mír Siyyid Husayn Khán refused (and was dismissed for it). Though 'Alíyu'lláhís went to war, their chief forbade them from fighting as the signs of the Manifestation's coming had come true and the officers withdrew. Some soldiers there wavered and did not fully fight in recognition of their devoutness but promised to help them when their religion gained strength. Sadru'd-Dawliy-i-Isfáhání eagerly followed orders to take his 2 regiments on a new change course to Zanján to win the Sháh and people's favor. They were joined by another regiment, increasing their astounding degree of famous chieftains, artillery, guns, mortars, and horsemen.

    XXV. When these forces attacked, though they lost great leaders, the friends were able to hold out 3 days and nights without surrendering. They struggled to keep their cannon propped up as it fell through the earth floor and though they were shot, they were replaced by 100 eager others. Despite the cannon-fire, lack of sleep, hunger & superior forces, they rushed out carried away by their call and scattered the enemy. After 9 months, the Sadru'd-Dawlih was left with only 30 crippled soldiers and conceding defeat, was demoted and reprimanded by the Sháh. Only those forced or newly brought in continued to fight. The reinforcements helped the merchants while Hujjat's forces' supplies were diminished and were only replenished at high prices offered by a few women making excuses to come to the fort. They nevertheless erected 28 barricades of 38 (19 sentinels watching the enemy). To the promises sent via a crier of forgiveness, free return, gifts, and noble rank (conditional on their recanting), they refused in one contemptuous voice.

    XXVI. Zaynab had disguised herself in male military attire to join the men whose trials she wished to share. She cried the call and rushed out fearlessly with her sword causing the enemy's flight. When she began to pursue them, Hujjat who had watched and marveled at her unequaled vital courage, sent his men to have her return. When asked of her motive, she said she was impelled to join the men whose sufferings she pitied and feared being denied the privilege. When asked whether she were the same Zaynab who had volunteered to join the fort, she replied she was, but as only he had recognize her, she adjured him by the Báb not to withhold her desire of being martyred. He titled her Rustam-'Alí, noted it was the Day of Resurrection when all secrets would be searched out, and that as God only judges by beliefs and actions, her actions had surpassed most men's. He warned her about engaging in holy war.

    XXVII. For 5 months, she encouraged the friends, with little food and sleep, resting on her sword and covered by her shield. Unlike the rest, she was allowed free movement between posts and headed each fray, rescuing posts and supporting those in need. The enemy's learning of her gender did not lessen their fear of her approach or voice.

    XXVIII. One day when encompassed, Zaynab begged at Hujjat's feet to die by the sword as she had anticipated for nearing end. Overcome, he did not reply, leading her to leave crying the call, challenging the enemy why they had stained Islám's name and fled if they had been true, routed 3 barricades' guards, and was killed. Her chastity, faith, and character were unquestioned by enemy or friend. Hujjat had the friends obey the Báb's injunction to repeat 19 times 5 invocations, which they shouted together that evening.

    XXIX. Their loud cry awakened the enemy and caused them to flee. Some dropped dead, others saw it as a sign of Judgment Day, while others saw it as a sign of a new attack. When their noisy laughter, blasphemies, and insults were interrupted, they dropped their wine-glasses, knocked over their gambling tables, and rushed out half-dressed into the wilderness or 'ulamás homes, leading the 'ulamás to curse one another for what they had brought on. Hujjat contemplated the terror he could strike in such an enemy if not charged instead to instill virtue in the believers and loyally serve the Sháh and people. Hujjat's camp was occupied with devotion, invoking God, His guidance and mercy, and maintained their vigils and chants despite their exhaustion. The enemy returned humiliated to their posts on discovering there was no attack. The officers had men fire and kill the source of these voices over the nights. The friends, however, continued with even greater fervor.

    XXX. Hujjat petitioned the Sháh to judge justly as he had been by the former Sháh, that he had transferred to Tihrán to abate the fury but had left out of self-defense when the Amír-Nizám was seeking his death, that the governor, 'ulamás, and people had unduly harassed him, and that they only wished the Sháh's best interests, though they were willing to defend their lives. He had his leading supporters draft similar appeals.

    XXXI. The petitions messenger was arrested on the way, brought to the governor, and killed because of his anger. The petitions were destroyed and replaced with insulting letters which were sent to the Sháh, enraging him to send 2 regiments to kill all the companions.

    XXXII. When the Báb's amanuensis' brother brought news of His death, the enemy exulted and taunted them, asking why they would not recant since they would be sacrificing for One dead. They did not falter, however.

    XXXIII. The Amír-Nizám induced the Sháh to send 5 more well-armed regiments. 'Azíz Khán-i-Mukrí met Siyyid 'Alí Khán who told him how Hujjat had expressed his willingness to go into exile with his family if their appeal were entertained though they were willing to defend themselves if not. Though 'Azíz Khán assured Siyyid 'Alí Khán he would induce the authorities to solve the problem quickly, 'Azíz Khán fearfully insulted Hujjat to save his own life.

    XXXIV. When 17 cavalry & infantry regiments (over 3000 men) with 14 guns (including cannons and mortars) joined 5 more from the area, the Amír-Túmán ordered trumpets to herald a new attack. As their cannons boomed, Hujjat ordered the friends to position their 2 constructed guns over the Amír's headquarters, hitting his tent and killing his steed while the enemy was killing many of the friends.

    XXXV. As their superior forces were unable to obtain victory in the coming days and one of the general's brothers was killed, the Amír-Túmán was reprimanded by the Amír-Nizám for his failure in sullying the country's name, demoralizing the army and wasting its officers. He was ordered to enforce strict discipline among all his subordinates and the Zanjání chiefs. The Amír-Nizám threatened to come there personally and massacre all regardless of belief should he fail given the Sháh's humiliation at their defeat.

    XXXVI. Despite the faithful rally to trumpets and drums the letter achieved and the brutal deaths of at least 300 and their' heads being hoisted on spears causing anguish to mothers and sisters, the companions were able to stay their defeat, especially given the shouts of exultation of the women, their donning of male garb and fighting, and the succor they provided. The enemy, on the other hand, with defections and water deprivation, was unable to retreat or win.

    XXXVII. When Muhsin's unparalleled warmth and richness sounding the adhán affected its hearers that they protested the heresy charges brought against the companions. The leading mujtahid tried in vain to dissuade them from their belief, leading him to beseech the Amír-Túmán to kill Muhsin. Though he at first refused, deflecting the matter as for the clergy and not the authorities. However, he hinted at requiring compensation, to which the siyyid responded by sending him 100 túmáns through a messenger on returning home. He then ordered Muhsin to be shot in dawn prayer. Hujjat ordered another to replace him, and though spared then, he was martyred later.

    XXXVIII. Toward the siege's end, Hujjat urged the married to celebrate their nuptials, assigned a spouse to each unmarried youth (200), and sold his wife's jewels for their happiness. Despite the terrors and hardships facing them, the married greeted each other with joy, and all the men hastened to their martyrdoms in spite of their brides bidding them stay longer. The Báb titled this spot Ard-i-A'lá (Exalted Spot). 5 of one man's (newly-wed) sons were killed, including the eldest who burst that no flame could destroy his love when they ordered to kindle a fire on his breast. A newly-wed mother gave birth to Ashraf and survived the battle. When her son grew to a youth and when persecuted, he refused to recant. The enemy sought to alarm the mother into convincing him to recant, but she vowed to disown him if he turned from the truth, and he did not. Without a tear or lament, she amazed his perpetrators, and recalled her vow made at his birth which God had allowed her then to fulfill.

    XXXIX. Despite the adversity, the men and women did everything to pray & guard the fort. Every woman including children enthusiastically joined in, sewing, baking, ministering, repairing, clearing projectiles, and cheering the wavering. As the Carthaginians, they cut their long hair to wrap around guns for support.

    XL. Due to the companions' tenacity and the authorities protests, the Amír-Túmán sought to use the Tabarsí example to save his prestige and the officers' lives despite the broken promises it would require. He sent a peace appeal to Hujjat assuring him of his sincerity. He included a sealed Qur'án for his pledge that they would be under the Sháh's protection if they left. Hujjat reverently received the Qur'án and promised a reply the next day, expressed his misgivings to his chief companions, and indicated that he would respond out of deference to the Qur'án and send a delegation.

    XLI. Ustád Mihr-'Alíy-i-Haddád, then a child, was one of 9 children under 11 who joined the men over 80. They were made to wait on reaching the tent, and their salute was ignored for a half hour. The Amír proudly reprimanded them for shamelessness. The oldest begged to speak and declared their loyalty to the Sháh and people; the twisting of their intentions; the Sháh's and representatives' indifference and the resulting attack on them, plundering of their property, violated women's honor, capture of children; and their rise to self-defense. Though the Amír was at a loss and ready to embrace the Cause were he religious, the lieutenant he asked what to do replied that only the sword would silence their heresy. When Darvísh-Saláh asked whether this were their reward for responding to his sworn appeal, the Amír ordered his beard to be torn out and them to be thrown in a dungeon.

    XLII. The children sought to escape, cried the call, and rushed to the barricades, some were captured and imprisoned, while Ustád Mihr-'Alíy-i-Haddád broke free from one who had grabbed his hem, reached the fort gate, and saw a companion murdered despite the cease-fire, betrayed by his brother claiming to wish to speak with him. When the child reached Hujjat, he was cleaned by him and invited to speak. He noted how the Day of Resurrection would see man and woman abandon their closest kin, acting drunk though not, and shedding their kind's blood.

    XLIII. In the open square, Hujjat summoned his followers, indicated his pleasure at their endeavors, their treatment of their oldest and youngest, the enemy's intent to deceive them and not rest until they were captured, their wives dishonored, and children slain. He advised them to leave at night as his death could allay their bloodthirst. They were moved but refused to leave him or his family, as they did not consider them any less worthy. Only a few succumbed and left the fort.

    XLIV. The Amír desperately assembled all men together commanding 8 regiments to attack every forenoon at his direction with 8 others attacking in the evening, assuring them of reward if successful and punishment if they failed. A month of attacks even into the nighttime with continual reinforcements caused the friends' deaths, misery, and hunger. New reinforcements intensely bombarded the fort, threatening its destruction though it lasted several days.

    XLV. After Hujjat was shot in the right arm during ablutions, he ordered his servant not to tell his wife, though he could not conceal his grief and she ran in distress to find Hujjat calmly praying for God to pardon the attackers for these were mislead. He sought to calm his wife's and relatives' distress at the blood covering him, enjoining them to rejoice at his continued presence, to be resigned to God's will, and to recognize that this suffering was but a drop of that to accompany his death.

    XLVI. His enemies were emboldened as the friends dropped their arms to rush to Hujjat. They redoubled their attack and forced through the gate, burning a stronghold to the strong, another blowing up a hotel, and killing a captain and soldiers.

    XLVII. Though the friends kept the place, 100 women and children were captured and their possessions were plundered. With scant clothing, they were exposed for 15 days and nights to a severely icy cold without food or shelter and exposed to the ridicule of the women of the enemy stating that they had found their god and been thus rewarded. They danced wildly, spat in their faces, and insulted them. The remaining friends were not disheartened but went to houses near Hujjat's with the women and children.

    XLVIII. 5 companies of 361 (19x19) were formed of which 19 of each (95 total) would raise the scatter the enemy, demoralizing them with their losses and desertions. For fear of his life, the Amír sought a remedy from his officers, admitting his failure at instilling the same spirit they had into the men who feared their eternal damnation regardless of the war's results. They decided to dig passages under their camp, blow up their dwellings, and obtain their surrender. They filled the passages with explosives over a month and demolished houses. This allowed a path to Hujjat's residence, on which they fired, killing his wife and causing the baby to fall and soon die. He had just warned her of the possibility of their being taken captive and she was distressing at this when the cannonball struck .

    XLIX. Despite his sorrow, he did not give in, crying how he had foreseen these woes; that as great as they were, he was willing to sacrifice more; and that they could not compare with God's blessings. The friends, however, were indignant & sought to avenge their blood, though he dissuaded them, bidding them to be resigned to God's will. L. As their numbers and space decreased, they suffered more. After 19 days, Hujjat died prostrate in prayer. This shocked and deeply saddened the companions. 2 of them went to hide his body in one of their room's and demolished it that friend nor foe would know its location.

    LI. 500 women survivors gathered there. 200 healthy men remained. They were attacked by an emboldened enemy, seeking their destruction after their leader's death, accompanied by drums, trumpets, and exultation of the populace. They faced this with zeal to the death, raising the call until all were dead or captured.

    LII. Signal was given for a pillage which was only curbed by the Amír-Túmán's orders to spare Hujjat's house, belongings, and kindred pending orders from Tihrán. However, the men and populace could not be restrained, as the sentinels guarding Hujjat's residence were driven away in the plundering and attack of the few survivors.

    LIII. The women captives were gathered into a house awaiting orders from Tihrán. They were huddled as sheep, exposed to the severe cold without roof, furniture, or food. The women were removed to house where they were besought to recant for their freedom by a mujtahid. Meanwhile, the mujtahid had, with his wives', sisters', and daughters' aid, seized their possessions, stripped them of garments and gave them the meanest attire, and took valuables for himself. Those captives were allowed to rejoin their relatives if they would take future responsibility for their behavior, the rest were dispersed to nearby villages (affectionately received) except for Hujjat's family which was detained until further instructions.

    LIV. Though the authorities waited for instructions on the wounded, the cold and cruelties killed them all in a few days. The rest (76) were conducted in a procession with drums and trumpets, where 100 men of different vying regiments placed them in a row for bayoneting with spears and lances. In the midst of this, Hájí Muhammad-Husayn stood to fervidly call the adhán such that the 'Iráqí regiment deserted their posts crying "Yá 'Alí!" at the first words, vowing never to participate, even should they be killed, in the killing of these faithful servants of 'Alí.

    LV. Several captives were blown from guns (tied to the loaded mortar mouth), others were stripped naked, poured on with ice-cold water and lashed severely, others were smeared with treacle (molasses) and left to die in the snow. Despite this, they maintained complete tranquility.

    LVI. Some spectators came to bury a friend's body, others for curiosity, while one came, asked his neighbor if he needed anything, then instead of bringing the water the man expected, he crushed the man's head with a large stone.

    LVII. The high-standing captives were shackled by neck, hands, and feet, and brought to Tihrán (against orders) ahead of the generals' horses, that the enemy could augment their win. The Amír-Nizám wanted to make an example by ordering 3 victims' wrists slashed open. Without emotion, they declared God would exact a greater punishment than normal for persecuting His saints and would cause him to die the same death. The remaining prisoners were left to die there in prison.

    LVIII. In Zanján, they poured boiling oil over a man's head, though he remained silent, to discover the location of Hujjat's body. Upon failing at this, the governor made threats, flattery, and gentle insinuations (lying that he was sad at his parents' afflictions and wanted to atone and give his father a befitting burial, that he had not part in it but rather that it was the mujtahids) to induce Hujjat's son Áqá Husayn to reveal the location, whereupon his men were ordered to drag the body by rope through the streets to drums and trumpets. For 3 days and nights, the body was exposed to injuries and public exposure until horsemen brought the remains toward Qazvín.

    LIX. Hujjat's kin were brought to the Shírází governor. Their remaining possessions were seized and they were forced to live in a ruined and dilapidated house. Hujjat's youngest son, Mihdí, died of this poverty and was buried near the ruins of his shelter.

    LX. 9 years later Nabíl visited the scenes at Zanján, noting the carnage traces on the gates, walls, and what had been barricade stones.

    LXI. Though no accurate number was made of the participants, estimates varied from up to 1000 and above, one totaling 1800.

    Arrangement of Contents Headings for Chapter 24

    Due to the extensiveness of this chapter's contents, this chapter attempted to make a listing of essential contents with headings grouped somewhat according to the degree of similarity. It is hoped these groupings may help limit the memory load since some can be more easily categorized together (for those wishing to memorize the essential sequence of the chapter).

    I. Reference to the Báb's afflictions - 527

    II. Activities of Hujjat prior to his conversion - 529

    III. Hujjat's acceptance of the Báb's Message - 531
    IV. Hujjat accused and summoned to Tihrán - 531

    V. The Báb's message to Hujjat - 533
    VI. Renewed complaints against Hujjat, and his transference to Tihrán - 534
    VII. The Báb's arrival at Zanján and departure for Tabríz - 534

    VIII. Hujjat's incarceration in Tihrán - 537 IX. Hujjat's escape to Zanján - 539

    X. The occasion for the enemy's attack on Hujjat and his companions - 540
    XI. The enemy's preparation for renewed assault - 543
    XII. Hujjat's entry into the fort of 'Alí-Mardán Khán - 545
    XIII. Assault attempted by a siyyid - 546
    XIV. Hujjat's admonitions to his companions - 546
    XV. Sadru'd-Dawlih commissioned by the Amír-Nizám to lay siege to the fort - 547
    XVI. The sufferings, labors, and temptations of the besieged - 548
    XVII. Heroism of Zaynab, a village maiden - 550
    XVIII. Effects of the shouted prayers of the companions - 553

    XIX. Hujjat's petition to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh - 554
    XX. Arrest of bearer of petition, and despatch of reinforcements - 555

    XXI. Effect on the companions of the news of the Báb's martyrdom - 556
    XXII. Despatch of the Amír-Túmán with further reinforcements - 556
    XXIII. Meeting of 'Azíz Khán-i-Mukrí with Hujjat - 556
    XXIV. Storming of the fort - 557
    XXV. The Amír-Nizám's warning to the Amír-Túmán - 558
    XXVI. Repulse of the combined forces of the enemy - 558

    XXVII. Death of Muhsin - 560

    XXVIII. Nuptial celebrations in the fort - 561 XXIX. Death of five sons of Karbilá'í 'Abdu'l-Báqá - 561
    XXX. Umm-i-Ashraf's heroism - 562

    XXXI. Assistance rendered by the women - 563

    XXXII. Amír-Túmán's attempt to deceive the companions - 564
    XXXIII. Hujjat's advice to his companions - 567

    XXXIV. Resumption of the enemy's offensive - 567
    XXXV. Wound sustained by Hujjat - 569
    XXXVI. Capture of the fort, and its effects upon the besieged - 570

    XXXVII. Repulse of further attacks on the companions - 570
    XXXVIII. Consultation of the Amír-Túmán with his staff - 571
    XXXIX. Driving of underground passages - 572

    XL. Death of Hujjat's wife and child - 572

    XLI. Last encounter - 573
    XLII. Treatment of survivors - 574
    XLIII. Indignities inflicted on Hujjat's body, and fate of his kinsmen - 578
    XLIV. Number of martyrs - 580

    XLV. Sources of information - 580

    Cross-References for Chapter 24

    Regarding the Zanján upheaval (DB 527-581), see GPB 17, 37, 44-46, 50, 62, and 63; TN 24-25.

    Regarding Hujjat and the Sháh (DB 531-532), see TN 8-9.

    Regarding the demise of Muhammad Sháh (DB 539, see also 253, 299-300), see GPB 82.

    Overall of Chapter 24 (DB 527-581): GPB 17, 37, 44-46, 50, 62, 63, 82; TN 8-9, 24-25.

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